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Project Procurement Concept
Definition Project procurement and operation
procurement Project procurement categories Types of contract Basic procedure of project
Professional services or labors
Project Procurement Concept
Basic procedure of project procurement
Define the project scope: produce or procure Draft of project procurement plan Source selection and solicitation Proposal evaluation and negotiation Supplier selection Mutual agreement or signing of contract Contract administration Close out of the contract
Usually under the format of contract or mutual agreement
Sometimes form stable relationships, such as alliance or partnering
The process needs to be monitored, managed, and finally audited
Lump sum contract
Customized product or complicated system
Unit price contract
Commodities or standard services without predefined quantity
Cost + fee contract
Mostly bulk quantity purchase
Usually customized product or service
Minimized nonstandard
Project Procurement Concept
Project procurement categories
Project Procurement Concept
Project procurement
Continuous on-going production environment
Non-repetitive, progressive environment
Materials or products Equipment or tools Labors Professional services Entirely engineered system
Project Procurement Concept
Types of contract
Project Procurement Concept
Project management tasks to deal with part of the project's scope of work which will be bought from another organization, sometimes the result of company teaming arrangements, but most typically resulting from contracting or subcontracting project scope.
Temporarily established organization
Mature organization
Short-term cooperation
with stabilized position Mostly low-volume quantity
Long-term cooperation
Project Management
Project Procurement &
Contract Administration
Jiwei Ma
Project procurement concept Planning of project procurement Source selection and solicitation Bid evaluation methods Contract administration Construction project procurement
Project Procurement Concept
Project procurement and operation procurement
Both purchase products and services from another organization
Usually through solicitation and competition bid or negotiation
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Planning of Project Procurement
Basic rules
Clearly defined scope is the basis of procurement Different categories of procurement need different
types of procedures and methods Procurement itself costs time and money Items on critical path and long-lead items are critical