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I am a sixteen-year-old German student.


1)在be, have, will, shall, can, need, must, may, should, would, could 后直接加not

e.g Lily and Liz are twins. Lily and Liz aren’t twins.

2) 在助动词do, does 或did 后加not, 再把它们放在行为动词前面,而行为动词原形

e.g .She finished her homework yesterday She didn’t finish her homework yesterday

3) 否定句可有其他形式表示.如句中出现no, nobody, few, little, neither, hardly, nor, never 等

There is little time left.

Neither of my parents is a teacher.

4) think, believe, suppose, feel 以及expect等动词构成的宾语从句在主句否定

I don’t think he is a great man, is he?

5) 肯定句变否定句或者疑问句时

some, something, somebody要改成any, anything, anybody;

and改成or; already改成yet; too改成either

3) 倒装

1. 肯定句

So + be/情态动词/助动词+主语

So am I. So do I. So can I

2. 否定句

Neither/Nor + be/情态动词/助动词+主语

Neither do I.

3. 确实是

So +主语+ be/情态动词/助动词

Linda studies hard.

So she does, and so do I

3. there be

There is an apple and some bananas.

4 here, there

Here comes the bus. Here is your bag.




Is he here?

Has he finished the homework yet?

2. 用yes或者no回来,也可以用certainly, of course, of course not等回答

3. 否定疑问句的回答与事实相符合

Isn’t he a student? 难道他不是学生吗?

Y es, he is. 不,他是学生。

No, he isn’t. 是的,他不是学生。

2. 特殊疑问句由特殊疑问句词加一般疑问句构成.它不能用Y es 或No 回答常见的特殊疑问词有what, who, whom, when, what time, where, why, which, whose, how old, how many+可数名词复数,how much+不可数名词, how long, how far, how fast, how soon

1). 疑问词who, what 作主语或主语的一部分时,用陈述语序

Which picture is the best?

What happened to him just now?

Who has lunch fastest at school in our class?

2).疑问词when, where, why, how 等加一般疑问句.

When will you go to the airport to meet your uncle?

Where is Li Ping?

Why didn’t she go to the cinema last night?

How long have you lived here?

3 选择疑问句在疑问句中, 用or 连接两个或两个以上等同成分的单词或词组,让别人进行选择,不能用Y es 或No 来回答,而只能是选择其中之一,或全选,或全不选来回答.它可以有以下两种形式

A 由一般疑问句开头

eg. Is there any coffee or water in the cup? ----There is coffee.

B 由特殊疑问句开头

eg. Who gets up earlier, your father or your mother? –My father.

4.反意疑问句,回答时用Y es 或No.:

1) 前肯后否,前否后肯,反义部分主语用代词; this, that改成it, these, those改成they,there不变

He is a student, isn’t he?

This is a pen, isn’t it?

There won’t be a meeting, will there?

2) 表否定的词,no, never, hardly, seldom, few, little, nothing, nobody等

He has little money, does he?

3) has/have表示有或者不得不时用助动词does, do, 当has/have表示完成时, 还是用has, have

He has money, doesn’t he?

We have to leave now, do we?
