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the Digestive Process” (1803); 提出胃酸( phosphoric acid )
William Prout: Early 19th Century Physician-Chemist
June 1811
the University of Edinburgh, MD.
December 1812
Digestion, in the early 18th. century?
Mechanism vs. Vitalism
① Heat and trituration?
gastric digestion is not attributable to
acidity as such, because neither
The exclusionary properties of the gastric and intestinal mucosa are referred to as the "gastrointestinal barrier".
This gastric acid---
Old ideas, however, die hard
人类从18世纪早期就开始探索消化的秘密,直到 十九世纪中期才真正认识胃酸
① Hydrochloric acid ② Phosphoric acid ③ Acetic acid ④ Lactic acid ⑤ butyric acids
In 1850, Henry Bence Jones : "This gastric juice, then, is a highly acid fluid secreted by the stomach ......
1829 Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
威廉.普劳特:从动物胃液中分离出游离的盐酸 认为系来自血液中的盐电解生成
William Prout
威廉.朴劳特 Clinical Chemistry 的奠基人
Prout had also favored phosphoric acid as responsible for the acidity of
Digestio(拉);消化 蒸煮
French physicist, Renéde Réaumur (1683–
1757), swallow open-ended tubes containing
food. His experiment in 1752 demonstrated the
(一)消化系统的结构与功能 一段历史:胃酸与胃黏膜屏障研究的历史沿革 (二)消化系统疾病的表现与诊断 一个哲理:“粪便是肠道的一面镜子” (三)消化系统疾病的治疗与进展 ①肠道微生态与消化道疾病 ②消化内镜诊治新篇章:视频观赏 ③消化内科临床特色与科研方向
different temperatures and concluded that the
basic factor in digestion is the solvent property
of the “gastric juice”
John Richardson Young (1782–1804) in his MD thesis : “An Experimental Inquiry Into the Principles of Nutrition and
dissolving action of gastric fluid on the
regurgitated foods.
Italian phwenku.baidu.comsiologist Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729– 1799), In 1782 he studied the solvent action of gastric fluid on foodstuffs outside the body at
vinegar nor lemon juice will digest
②Fermentation or agitation 发酵与搅拌?
a chemical substance in the stomach
capable of converting solid food, notably meat, into a fluid would also dissolve the fleshy wall of the stomach
it was derived from the common salt of the blood by the force of galvanism (electri威ci廉t.y普).劳特:从动物胃液中分离出游离的盐酸
The Gastrointestinal Barrier
“屏Tluh障mee”GnIa内ml eu涵ncvo:irsoa胃nfmo肠remn黏ts 膜a b这ar种rie排r b异etw的e、en选the择b性od通y a过nd的a特质
The challenge
有效的营养吸收 有力排斥毒物/微生物
His report, read before the Royal Society of London on December 11, 1823, was published early in the following year.
Prout identified free muriatic acid (hydrochloric acid) in the gastric juice of various animals and humans after a meal and suggested that
licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians
identified free muriatic acid in the gastric juice of various animals and humans
William Prout 威廉.朴劳特 Clinical Chemistry 的奠基人