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多用陈述句,避免使用疑问句、感叹句等。例: Please be informed that, on account of the fluctuation of foreign exchanges the quotation is subject to change without previous notice. 兹告知贵方,由于外汇的波动,报价随时可能 改编,不另行通知。

同义词的翻译:商务合同中常把几个同义词并 列使用。常见的有: Terms and conditions 条款 Make and sign 签订 Force and effect 效力 All and any 所有 Each and every 每一个 By and between 与 Fulfill and perform 履行 Save and except 除了 Final and conclusive 最终 Null and void 无效 Terms, provisions, conditions, stipulations 条款及规 定
正文(body) 合同的中心内容。一般包括: a. 定义条款(definition clause):对合同相 关的重要词汇、专有名词和术语加以解释和说 明。 b. 基本条款(basic conditions) c. 特殊条款(special conditions) 4. 结尾条款(witness clause) a. 结尾语 b. 签名(signature) c. 盖印(seal)

本厂所产的升华牌电热水壶(electric kettle)是 最新流行快速煮沸开水及饮料的家用电器产品。 具有热效率高、耗电量少、性能可靠、安全卫 生等优点。 The Shenghua electric kettle is the most up-todate household appliance to boil water and make hot drink fast. It is of excellent design, perfect workmanship, high thermal efficiency, low power consumption and has reliable performance.


商务合同的结构 1. 合同名称title:即合同标题,如销售合同(sales contract) 2. 前文preamble:前文即总则,包括: a. 订约日期和地点(signing date and place) b. 合同当事人及其国籍、主营业场所或住所 (signing parities and their nationalities, principal places of business or residence addresses). c. 当事人合法依据(each party’s authority) d. 订约缘由/说明条款(recitals/whereas clause)
It possess unique style and flavor and is an extremely enjoyable drink. Turn off your computer and unplug its power cable. Turn on your computer and monitor. If the monitor displays an image, installation is completed. 本厂所产的电热水壶(electric kettle)是最新流 行快速煮沸开水及饮料的家用电器产品。具有 热效率高、耗电量少、性能可靠、安全卫生等 优点。

主动语态表示 在谈及当事人义务时,为了突出责任人,合同中的 被动语态使用频率较低。例: Party A shall bear all expense for advertising and publicity. 甲方应承担所有广告和发布支出。 The Employer may ask bidders individually for clarification of t heir tenders (标书), including breakdowns of unit prices. 业主可要求投标者就其 标书作出解释,包括单位价格细目表。 The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer four copies of all Drawings, specification and other documents. 承包商应向工程师提供的所有图纸、规 格和其他文件一式四份。
多用条件句 商务合同通常是规约当事人的权利、义务和责 任,具有一定法律效力,因此合同条款中必须 考虑到各种可能发生的情况,即条件。因此条 件句的大量使用是商务合同的一大特点。条件 句多由以下这些连词引导: If, should, in case (of), in the event of/that, provided (that), except, with the exception of, in the absence of, unless, whereas, in consideration, subject to 等等。
法律合同中副词的翻译:商务合同中常使用 一套惯用的古体英语副词,结构严谨,逻辑 严密,这类词为数不多而且构词简单,请大 家务必记住以下常用副词及其翻译: Hereafter从此以后,thereafter从那以后, thereon/thereupon在其上,thereunder在其下, hereto对于这个,hereinabove/hereinbefore在上 文中,thereinafter在下文中,therein其中/在那 里,等等。 ——通常是用here, there, where等词加上after, by, in, on, to, under, upon, with等

It possess unique style and flavor and is an extremely enjoyable drink. 该饮品风味独特, 回味悠长。 Turn off your computer and unplug its power cable.关闭您的电脑,并将电源线拔掉。 Turn on your computer and monitor. If the monitor displays an image, installation is completed.开启您的电脑与显示器,若显示器 显示影像,则安装已完成。
b. 情态动词的翻译需要注意约定俗成的译法: ① 情态动词may, shall, must, may not (shall not) May:旨在约定当事人的权利(可以做什么) Shall:约定当事人的义务(应当做什么) Must:用于强制性义务(必须做什么) May not/shall not:用于禁止性义务(不得做什 么)。例如: The parties shall first of all settle any dispute by friendly negotiation. 双方应首先通过友好协商解决 争议。 Should such negotiations fail, such dispute may be referred to the People’s Court having jurisdiction on such dispute for settlement. 如协商未果,可将争议 提交有管辖权的人民法院解决。

The termination of this contract shall not in any way affect the outstanding claims and liabilities existing between the Parties hereto upon the expiration of the validity of the Contract and the debtor shall continue to be kept liable for paying the outstanding debts to the creditor. Hereto 至此、在此上 本合同期满时,双方之间发生的未了债务不受 合同期满的影响,债务人应向债权人继续支付 未了的债务。
专业术语的翻译: a. 商务合同中涉及数字、时间、交货条件、地点、 信用证明等方面的专业术语、词汇必须做到准确无 误。 常见的合同术语有固定翻译,重复使用率也比较高, 只要用心积累,不难掌握。例如: force majeure不可抗力,defect瑕疵,remedy救济/ 补救,jurisdiction管辖,damage损毁,loss灭失, draft at sight即期汇票,letter of 信用证,bill of lading提单,documents against acceptance承兑交 单,bill of exchange汇票,firm offer实盘, technology transfer技术转让;等等。

例如: 1. Should the letter of credit fail to reach the Sellers before the stipulated date, the Contract shall be considered as null and void unless extension is approved by the Sellers.如果卖方在规定日期内 未收到信用证,本合同即宣告无效,除非卖方 同意延期。 请注意:在合同中的条件句里,通常不用虚拟语 气。例: 2. In case a third party brings a charge of infringement, licensor shall be responsible for dealing with the third party and bear full legal and financial responsibilities which may arise. 若第三 方起诉侵权,出让方应负责处理第三方事务, 并承担全部相应的法律和经济责任。

多用现在时 虽然合同涉及的内容中将来的事情远多于现在, 但对于此类事务的讲述一律使用现在时,不用 将来时。例: Licensor guarantees that licensor is the legitimate owner of the technology supplied by licensor to licensee in accordance with the stipulations of the contract, and that licensor is lawfully in a position to transfer the technology to licensee. 出让人保证出让人合法拥有按合同规 定向受让人转让的该项技术,且出让人是该项 技术的合法所有者。

The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price of such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract. Hereby: 特此 业主特此立约保证在合同规定的期限内,按合同规 定的方式向承包人支付合同价,或合同规定的其他 应支付的款项,以作为本工程施工、竣工及修补工 程中缺陷的报酬。