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1. 省略主语

(1)在祈使句中省略主语,如:(You) Come here.


(It) Sounds like a good idea.

(I) Have no idea.

2. 省略谓语或谓语的一部分


He repaired the computer and I (repaired) the loudspeaker.

Mary learns French and John (learns) German.

(2) 当并列句或从句中有助动词时,可以省略相同的动词,如:

She might sing, but I don’t think she will (sing).

(3) 在there be句型中省略there be,如:

(Is there) Anything I can do for you?

3. 省略宾语


He wrote down the new words and I wrote down (the new words), too.

—Is our teacher in the office?

—Sorry, I don’t know (whether he is or not ).

4. 主语和谓语一起省略

(You come) This way please.

—What do you want to eat?

—(I want) Some rice and vegetables.

5. 不定式符号to后面的动词可以省略

(1) 在回答话语中,如:

—Would you like to come to the party?

—I’d love to (come to the party).

(2) 在状语从句中,如:

You can go with us to the concert if you want to.



1. 主语的省略

Beg your pardon. (我)请你原谅。(Beg前省略了主语I)

Come on! 得了吧(你)!(Come前省略了主语You)

2. 谓语的省略

John is a lawyer,his wife (is) a cleaner.

Some of us study Japanese,others (study) English.

3. 表语的省略

She was a lover of sports as she had been in her youth..(had been后面省略了a lover of sports)

4. 宾语的省略

Let’s do the cases. I’ll read and you’ll type.(read和type后面省略了宾语cases)

5. 定语的省略

I spent part of the money, and the rest I gave.(the rest后面省略了定语of the money)

6. 状语的省略

She wasn’t cry. Strange! (Strange前面省略了状语how)

7. 词的省略


I like red wine better than white (wine).

The lightning flashed and (the) thunder crashed.

Please take good care of these flowers and (these) plants.

We lived in Beijing and (in) Shanghai for some time.


We are young boys and (young) girls.

There were middle-aged (women) and elderly women to attend the meeting;

8. 英语中一些固定特殊的省略结构

1)在回答一般疑问句的简略答语中,或回答用陈述句,祈使句表示要求、命令的简略回答中,常用Yes /No+主语+助动词,而省略主动词或其它成份,但助动词应和原句的助动词和时间概念须保持相应的一致。

—Could I borrow your dictionary?

—Yes, of course you can. (句中could表示委婉语气,并不是过去式,因此答语用can,其后省略borrow my dictionary.)

—Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.

—I won't. (祈使句原含有未来的意味,再加上有tomorrow的限制,因此答语用won't,其后省略forget to go you’re your birthday party tomorrow.)

2) 同时省掉句子几个部分有时好几个句子成分都被省掉,除了对疑问句的简略回答外,也出现在反意疑问句中。如:You are a superman,aren’t you (a superman) ?

3)在以know, forget, remember等动词结尾的简答句后的子句通常也可省略,以避免重复。—Who won the football match last night?

—Sorry, I don’t know (who won the football match last night.)

4)在以if, when,though,as,as if 等连词引导的从句中,如从句中主要动词是be,可将主语和动词be省掉。

He is very good at dancing, though (he is) very old.

The boy looked as if ( he were ) afraid of nothing.

5)so,nor/neither 用来表示“……也一样”时的省略结构
