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A .winter

B .summer

C .spring

4.(4)There are ________ birthdays in March.

A .three

B .two

C .four

5.(5)They can ________ in March.

A .play in the snow

B .fly kites and go swimming

C .fly kites and plant trees


9. We are doing ______ homework.

A .our

B .us

C .we

10. beautiful, that,of,Beijing,picture,is (.)


11. The boy is in the library, so he should ______ quietly!(讲话)

12. Year's,is,January,Day,New,in(.)


13. What will you ______ (do/be) on your mother's birthday next week?

14. The boy points _________the sign _________the wall.

A .at, in

B .at, on

C .on, on

15. They are vegetables. They are brown and hard. They

are______ .

A .tomatoes

B .potatoes

C .apples


16. A:______season do you like best ?

B:I like summer .

17. —How does come to school?

—She comes school by car.

A .Mr Green;to

B .Miss Li;to

C .Miss Li;/

18. 你想告诉别人你的英语学得好,但数学学得不好,可以这样


A .I am good at Maths, but I am weak in English.

B .I

am good at English, but I am weak in Maths. C .I am good at Maths, and I am good at English.

19. picking up leaves

A .

2 / 3

B .

20. 选出合适的句子完成对话,将其字母编号填写在横线上

A. Thank you.

B. What will you do there?

C. Where are you going to go?

D. How do you get there?

E. Yes, I will.

F. How are you?

A: Hello, Jill. Summer holiday is coming. ______

B: I am going to Sydney.

A: ______

B: By plane.

A: How long will you stay in Sydney?

B: I'll stay there for ten days.


B: I will visit a lot of places.

A: Will you visit Sydney Opera House?

B: ______

A: Have a nice trip.

B: ______

21. 从方框中选出合适的单词补全下列句子,每词限用—次。hot skate seasons fly like

1.(1)Let's______kites on the farm.

2.(2)There are four______in a year.

3.(3)I like winter because I can______.

4.(4)What would you______ to do on the weekend?

5.(5)Winter is cold but summer is______.

22. 我家的餐厅又大又新。

My______ ______is big and new.

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