语言学 第9章9.4-9.6

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(1) He thanked her many times, and said that the old dame who usually did such offices for him had gone to nurse the little scholar whom he had told her of. (2) The child asked how he was,and hoped he was better. (3) “No,” rejoined the schoolmaster, shaking his head sorrowfully, “No better. (4) They even say he is worse.”

1 常有引号引出思考的内容 2 有意识的思考 3 语言形式与戏剧中独白的语言形式相同 4 常常用来表达人物与自己或他人的、想象中的对话
DT has the same linguistic form as the soliloquy in drama, which id notoriously ambiguous as to whether the character involved is thinking aloud or talking to the audience. In the novel there is no audience to talk to , and so thought presentation must be the sole purpose of DT. However ,DT is quite often used to represent imaginary conversation which characters have with themselves or others , which is presumably why it so often has the flavour of conscious thinking.

In some Mediterranean cultures it was not so much the world of nature that was feared, but the world of men. Men were dirty, prying, vile, and dangerous.
Chapter 9 Language and Literature(p208-225)
9.4.1 Fictional Prose and Point of View小说与视角 According to Mick Short(1996), we need at least three levels of discourse to account for the language of fictional prose (i.e. a novel or short story) Addresser 1-Message-Addressee 1 (Novelist) (Reader) Addresser 2-Message- Addressee 2 (Narrator) (Narratee) Addresser 3-Message- Addressee 3 (Character A) (Character B)
5)Free indirect speech (FIS)-自由间接引语
(2) The child asked how he was,and hoped he was better.
FIS通常以一种形式出现,这种形式第一眼看起来好像是IS,但又有 DS的特征。在这个段落里,FIS的最清晰的例子就是(2)句的后 半句:"...and hoped he was better."。虽然它肯定不是DS, 但它确实有那个孩子所使用的言辞的味道。这种情况产生的原因 是:虽然在句子的前半部分它与IS是并列的(这致使我们认为它 将有相同的情形),但省略了插入的从句,而这个从句很容易就 能从内容中推导出来。更清楚的句子是"and said that she hoped he was better。" said that she 间接引语 hope he was better 直接引语
He thought she was on the way home. (IT) “He is right,” ,she thought. (DT ) She thought he was right. (IT)
Stream of consciousness writing 意识流写作

The term Stream of consciousness writing was originally coined by the philosopher William James in his Principle of Psychology to describe the free association of ideas and impressions in the mind. “意识流”一词最早是由哲学家William James 创造的。 他在《心理学原理》一书中用该词描述思维中观念与印象 的自由联系。后来该词被一些作家用于小说实验,展现思 维的自由流动。
Deixis 指称

Because DEIXIS is speaker-related it can easily be used to indicate particular, and changing, viewpoint. Mr. Verloc heard the creaky plank in the floor and was content. He waited. Mrs. Verloc was coming.
9.4 The Language in Fiction
Extensive Viewpoint
I-narrators (first-person narrator)-the person who tells the story is a character in the fictional world, relating the story after the event, pronoun I is used always. Ex. James Baldwin’s Sonny’s Blues I read about it in the paper, in the subway, on my way to work. I read it, and I couldn’t believe it, and I read it again. Then perhaps I just started at it, ……
Given vs New information 已知信息与新信息
Leabharlann Baidu

At the beginning of a story,we should thus be able to predict that narrative reference to everything in the fiction expect items generally assumed by everyone in our culture (e.g. the sun) must be new, and hence should display indefinite reference. One evening of late summer, before the nineteenth century had reached one third of its span, a young man and woman, the latter carrying a child, were approaching the large village of Weydon-Priors, in Upper Wessex, on foot.
引号中校长(schoolmaster)的话可以 作为DS的例子。典型的IS可以在(2) 句中看到:“The child asked how he was...”它提供给我们关于孩子所 说的话的意思,而不是她在说这些内 容时所用的言词。
在句子"He thanked her many times..." 中,在(1)句的开头,我们甚至不 知道校长的话是什么,更不用说校长 致谢时所使用的话语。我们所知道的 只是他重复使用了感谢(thanking) 的言语行为。Mick Short称这种极小 类型的表达为NRSA。
(2)Thought presentation-思维的表达
1)Direct thought-直接思维 2)Free indirect thought-自由间接思维 3)Stream of consciousness writing-意识流
1)Direct thought-直接思维
The feature of DT(直接思维的特征)
使用第一人称 优点:给人更真实的感受,易于让读者融入剧情。有时 感觉就像发生在自己身上一样。 局限性:不能随意兼顾其他任务的心理变化,缺乏客观 性,因为有时他们会通过保留信息或说谎欺骗读者。
Third-person narrators-the narrator is not the character in the fictional world. 第三人称常用he, she, it或they。使用第三人称,好处是可以随意掌控人物 的发展,且能照顾好每个人物的心理,视野很开阔,作者的身份不凸 显,观点也可以随意出现在文中。所以,第三人称也是文学的主流趋 势。 Schema-oriented language 图式语言 Ex.9-25 She opened the door of her grimy, branch-line carriage, and began to get down her bags. The porter was nowhere, of course, but there was Harry…There, on the sordid little station under the furnaces… This passage is from D.H Lawrence’s Fanny and Annie.
The feature of IT 间接思维的特征

1.不会引用引号引出思考的内容 2. 某种程度上是一种转述,一般有两种人称或 以上
直接思维与间接思维的联系 the relationship between DT&IT
“She is on the way home.” ,he thought. (DT)
9.4.2 Speech and Thought Presentation
(1)Speech presentation (Short)-言语的表达 1)Direct Speech (DS)-直接引语 e.g. He said, “I’m not free.” 2)Indirect Speech (IS)-间接引语 e.g. He said that he wasn’t free. 3)Narrator’s Representation of Speech Acts (NRSA)-叙述者对言语行为 的表达 含义:言语行为是指在传播过程中人们运用语言来表情达意的活动。叙 述者对言语行为的表达可以看做是对很长的一段话语的总结。 E.g.: regret后悔 demand 要求 thank 感谢 4)Narrator’s Representation of Speech (NRS)-叙述者对言语的表达 含义:句子只告诉我们言语发生了,但没有指出所发生的言语行为,只 是泛泛而谈。 E.g.:We talked for hours。
With the Direct Speech (DS) we have what the character said in its fullest form, and as we move from 1) to 4) the speech contribution of the character becomes more and more muted. 我们从直接言语(DS)中能得到人物所说的最 全面的形式, 从DS---IS---FIS---NRSA---NRS 的过程中,人物的言语贡献变得越来越弱。