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International Economic Law Merchandise theory 重商主义学说

Absolute advantage theory 绝对优势理论学说

Comparative advantage theory 比较优势理论学说

International economic law 国际经济法

World bank (group) = WBG世界银行(集团)

World trade organization = WTO 世界贸易组织

International monetary fund = IMF 国际货币基金组织

Treaty on European union 欧盟条约

Law of conflict of laws 国际私法/法律冲突法

Natural person 自然人

Legal person 法人

Transnational corporations 跨国公司

Quasi-international agreement 准国际协议

General agreement on tariffs and trade = GATT 《关税与贸易总协定》

UNCTAD 联合国贸易与发展会议/联合国贸发会议

EU 欧盟

ASEAN 东南亚联盟

CCM 加勒比共同市场NAFTA 北美自由贸易区

Organization of petroleum exporting countries = OPEC 石油输出国组织

UNCITRAL 联合国国际贸易法委员会

WIPO 世界知识产权组织


United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods = CISG 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》/《销售合同公约》

Contract for the international

sale of goods(国际货物买卖合同)Negotiation 洽商

Terms of transaction 交易条件

Inquiry 询盘

Buying offer = Bid 买方发盘/递盘

Selling offer 卖方发盘

To sign a contract 签订合同

Offer 要约

Offeror 要约人

Offeree 受要约人

Invitation for offer 要约邀请

Quotation 报价单

Price list 价目表

Catalogues 商品目录

Specific person 特定的人

Sufficiently definite 十分确定

Cross offer 碰头要约

Withdrawal (要约的)撤回Revocation (要约的)撤销Irrevocable 不可撤销

Reasonable time 合理的时间Public offer 公开发盘Acceptance 承诺


Late acceptance 逾期承诺

Official holidays 正式假日

Non-business days 非营业日

Mirror-image rule 镜子反射规则Additions 添加

Modifications 更改

Limitations 限制

Material alteration 实质上的变更

Received of the letter of acceptance rule 到达生效原则

Corporation 公司

Firm 商行

Partnership 合伙

Insurance to be effected by the buyer 保险由买方负责

Inspection clause 检验条款

Claim clause 索赔条款Confirmation of sales 销售确认书Contract of sales 买卖合同Concurrent condition 对流条件Delivery 交货Take delivery 受领

Shipping documents 装运单据Counter-offer 反要约/还盘

Right 权利

Claim 要求

Breach of contract 违约

Fundamental breach of contract 根本违反合同

Anticipatory breach of contract 预期违反合同

Adequate assurance of his performance 提供充分保证

Damages 损害赔偿

Specific performance 实际履行Repair 修理

Declare the contract avoided 宣告合同无效


Warsaw-Oxford Rules 《华沙——牛津规则》

International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms = Incoterms 《国际贸易术语解释通则》

ICC 国际商会

Electronic Data Interchange = EDI 电子数据交换

Departure 启运(E组术语)

Main carriage unpaid 主运费未付(F 组术语)

Main carriage paid 主运费已付(C 组术语)

Arrival 到达(D组术语)

1.EXW = EX Works……(named place)
