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1.This kind of plant ______ grass in appearance , so it’s difficult for the students to tell them. A.reflects B.instructs

C.resembles D.shapes




考查动词辨析。句意:这种植物的外表很像草,所以学生们很难区分它们。A. reflects反射;B. instructs命令;C. resembles类似;D. shapes使…成形,根据题意,故选C。

2.It’s obvious that getting these historic sites recognized by the world is helpful for preserving and repairing them,as it________ their extreme importance and value.

A.associates B.symbolizes

C.stresses D.abolishes





3.The main issue at the APEC meeting was a climate-change plan _____ by Australia’s Howard and backed by Bush.

A.put out B.put off

C.put away D.put forward




4.Restaurants in every corner of Mianyang not only provide job opportunities but ____lots of taxes as well.

A.bring in B.bring about

C.result in D.result from



短语辨析。A.引进,增加 B. 引起,导致 C. 导致,结果是 D. 起因于。句意:在绵阳每个角


5.As most parents know by now, we should _________ our kids’ screen time or they will become couch potatoes who tend to be lazy.

A.assess B.limit

C.arrange D.apply




考查动词词义辨析。句意:就像很多家长知道的那样,我们应该限制孩子看电视的时间,不然他们会变成很懒的电视迷。A. assess评估;B. limit限制;C. arrange安排;D. apply应用。根据句意可知,是限制看电视的时间,故选B项。

6.—Do you know why the teacher asks for me?

—He wants you to ________ your absence last night.

A.account for B.call for

C.send for D.reach for



答句句意:他想让你解释一下昨晚缺席的原因。account for表示“解释;说明”,符合语意。后三项分别表示“要求”、“派人去请”、“伸手去拿”,都不符合语意。

7.It may take a few weeks for your application to be ____.

A.possessed B.processed

C.produced D.persuaded




考查动词词义辨析。句意:你的申请可能需要几个星期才能被处理。A. possessed拥有 B. processed处理,加工 C. produced 生产 D. persuaded说服。根据句意可知,选B。

8.Despite the heavy snow outside yesterday, everybody in the company ________ their daily tasks as usual.

A.brought about B.worried about C.cared about D.went about




考查动词词组。A. brought about 带来; B. worried about 担忧; C. cared about关心; D. went about四处走动。句意:尽管昨天外面下了一场大雪,公司里的每个人还是照常工


9.Whenever I ______an interesting article online, I will share it with friends on WeChat. A.figure out B.put forward

C.get across D.come across





A. figure out找出;

B. put forward提出;

C. get across跨越;

D. come across偶然遇到。分享文章通常是先遇到好文章再分享,没必要特意找好文来分享,所以A错,B、C选项明显和句意不搭,故选D。

10.—Mike has played a lot of computer games recently.

—Yes, that might ___ his failure in the mid-term examinations.

A.Account for B.answer for

C.ask for D.stand for




11.Having a brother or sister protects adolescents against negative feelings such as loneliness and guilt, but they also have to learn to ___________and to control their emotions. A.compete B.compensate

C.comprehend D.compromise




考查动词词义辨析。句意:有兄弟姐妹可以保护青少年免受孤独和内疚等负面情绪的伤害,但他们也必须学会妥协和控制自己的情绪。pete竞争,比得上;B. compensate 补偿,报酬;C. comprehend理解,领会;D. compromise妥协。根据and to control their emotions可知,此处指“学会妥协”。故选D。

12.Being an experienced lecturer, Mr. Black____ his speech to suit a younger audience. A.simplified B.addressed

C.exchanged D.delivered

