1、"We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disag reement can cause stress and inhibit learning." 1.我们通常从和我们意见统一的人那里学到的东西比从和我们意见相悖的人那里学到的东西多的多;意见分歧阻碍了学习。
Although we can learn knowledge from people whose views we share, the knowledge is limited, since the sphere of knowledge of the people who share the same opinion are confined to same level of cognition with us.It will be quite different if we communicate with people whose views contradict to ours.Admitted that, it is little harder or even bitter to accept opposite views for us due to our self-assertion is impaired caused by other‟s challenge.2、"Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society." 2.竞争对社会的好处大于坏处。
Through competing, the one who is most eligible is put on the right place, and then will produce much more values than those who are not competent as he or she.While, on the other hand, if a competition is fraught with adulteration and illegality, it will bring deterioration to the society rather than progress. A case in point is related to market economics.3."It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations." 3.我们应该把更多的钱用在当前的问题上,而不是用在可能有助于我们后代的长期的研究项目上。
智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料新GRE写作issue题库之教育篇【翻译+提纲】(一)-智课教育旗下智课教育下文中小编为同学们分享了新GRE写作issue题库之教育篇【翻译+提纲】,供同学们参考学习,之前小编也为大家分享了很多新GRE写作i ssue方面的内容,同学们可以总结在一起学习。
如下就是小编为同学们分享的学习篇的新GRE写作issue题库,同学们平日里可以多多阅读,加以积累,形成自己的写作思路,时间长了G RE写作水平一定会有所提高。
6 A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college. (老题库5)在进行大学教育以前,国家应该要求所有的学生学习统一的国家课程。
14 A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.在进行大学教育以前,国家应该要求所有的学生学习统一的国家课程。
96 A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.在进行大学教育以前,国家应该要求所有的学生学习统一的国家课程。
116 A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.在进行大学教育以前,国家应该要求所有的学生学习统一的国家课程。
反对1. On the one hand, a national curriculum contributes to preserving a unified national culture and national cohesion.2. Furthermore, a general curriculum decided by authority rather than by local schools avoids limiting students to a narrow scope of knowledge too early.3. On the other hand, in a multi-cultural society, different ethnic communities should be given the opportunity to preserve and promote their traditional cultures.4. It’s beneficial to grant local schools the freedom to offer students some elective courses, which can help the school to build its unique culture charisma.1. 为培养一个人生存所必备的能力,使学生获得起码的知识水平与思想,国家需要制定统一的必修课。
A. 无可否认的,智力因素在各个领域都很重要,无论是自然科学还是社会科学。
(论据1)Undoubtedly, intelligence plays an important role in many realms, including the natural science and the social sciences.B.要想成功光靠智力是远远不够的,还有很多的因素如勤奋、勇敢等。
(论据2)Intelligence by itself is not enough for one to sueed; many other factors such as diligence and courage must be taken into consideration.C.应该在此二者之间寻求平衡,即将两者结合起来。
We should strive for a balance between intelligence and emotion, that is, bine them with each other.Position: Intelligence is sufficient in some cases but not in any case.1、In scientific studies regarding the physical world, we should depend only on intelligence for discovering and testing truths.2、However, in the realm of human affairs, we have to use both our intelligence and our hearts for solving problems.3、Sometimes our intuition can give us valuable assistance in making a judgment.。
issue课堂讲义更新时间: 2008-8-20 来源:点击数: 3481Analysis of an issueIssue题目的分类方法:▪按题材▪按题目表述的抽象程度▪按核心思想▪按文章的论证结构Issue preparing steps1,找题目主题词确定主题分类;找主题限定词启发论证思路2,Free writing / Brain storming(列每类主题大提纲);3,针对具体题目提炼细节提纲Example : Category C(+) Benefits of technology improvement:▪makes our lives more efficient;▪improves our living standard;▪frees people from repetitive and boring works;(--) Harmful effects of technology improvement:▪Traffic jam, pollution, accidents;▪impairs personal privacy;▪adversely affects quality of living;As Roger Waters put it, “ I’ve got thirteen channels of shit on the TV to choose from.”----- Pink Floyd, The Wall“Nobody Home”▪unstable and unsafe▪unemploymentBasic structure of a whole essay:▪开头段introductory paragraph; 2-3句▪正文段body paragraphs; 2-4段,每段4-10句▪结尾段conclusion; 2-3句Basic structure of an outline:▪Intro: Core statement;▪Body: Topic sentences;Reasoning/ExplanationExample▪Conclusion: Conclusion sentence抽象类题目和具体类题目:▪抽象类题目的应对策略:以偏概全,举典型情况How to write the introductory paragraph▪Basic requirement: Brevity▪全文核心:Core statement (position)▪Core statement的位置:End focus不好的开头写法:▪以问句结束开头;▪空洞,模糊的开头;常用开头写法:⏹B+P: Background + Position, 背景+立场⏹C+P;Controversy + Position, 矛盾+立场Examples: 11, 25, 26, 31,41, 99, 103, 112, 131, 164, 190⏹Q+A+P;Question + Answer + Position, 问题+回答+立场Examples: 36, 49, 114, 121, 127, 183,184⏹E+P;Example + Position, 例子+立场118. "Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress."Paul Ehrlich, a chemist, discovered a drug to treat thoseafflicted with syphilis. It was named “ Formula 606”, because the first 605 tests were mistakes. The lesson we can drawfrom this story is clear and simple: discovery or progress isoften born in mistakes.⏹P+E;Position + Explanation, 立场+概述理由(提纲型开头)Examples: 17, 136, 196⏹O+P;Old – saying + Position, 格言+立场开头常用词汇:⏹表示正评价,同意作者观点动词:share in common, justify, vindicate名词:agreement with, compatibility with, harmony with形容词:appropriate, proper, apt, suitable, justifiable, reasonable副词:略⏹表示负评价,不同意作者观点形容词:inappropriate, improper, unapt, unsuitable, unjustifiable, unreasonable 动词:contradict, oppose, argue against, disapprove名词:contradiction, discord, disharmony, friction⏹表示争论,悬而未决让步:concede, admit, grant尚未有定论:at stake, in question, at risk, at issue⏹表示某人有某观点in sb’s viewpoint/ point of view/ standpoint/ position from sb’s view/ angleto sb’s mind, for sb’s part,as far as sb is concerned▪引述他人描述according to▪他人观点:idea, concept, issue正文结构类型▪直线型(完全赞成/完全反对)▪有倾向观点▪平衡结构没有本质区别,就在于正面与负面论证所占比例Basic structure of a body paragraph:▪Topic Sentence 主题句▪Explanation / Reasoning (why)▪Example 举具体例证▪反证句▪反证句的原因分析▪反证句例证▪Paragraphic Conclusion 段落总结句How to use an example▪To give an example and its definition▪Illustrations主题句的语言问题▪位置:正文段第一句;▪尽量使用后置修饰语;▪One reason in one paragraph;▪Coherence with the core statement引导主题句的标志语言▪并列:On the one hand / on the other (hand);For one thing / for another (thing);In one sense / in another (sense);In the first place / in the second place▪递进:Further / furthermore;Moreover, besides, what is more,In addition, additionally, also, stillNot only…but (also)▪转折:It is true, it is correct, of course;No doubt, undoubtedly;Do, may, seem, appear, sound;Admittedly, grantedly, granted that;Concede, admit, acknowledge+ however, but, yet, nonetheless, nevertheless, on thecontrary, on the other hand反证句的写法Unless A, B;If not A, then B (negative effect)cannot, do not, fail to do, misconsider, misinterpret, misevaluateoverestimate, overemphasize, overstateunderestimate, oversimplifyneglect, overlook, ignoreunnecessarily, unfairly结尾段的语言In conclusion, to sum up,in summary;all in all, on the whole,simply put ( in one word)obviously, understandably, accordinglyBasic structure of a conclusion paragraph:▪Reprise of the core statement▪Explanation▪反证针对不同题目类型的论证结构▪比较型Comparison;▪推理型Reasoning;▪问题解决型Solution;▪观点型Claim比较型论证Comparison题目标志语言:More than, less than, better than, worse than;A rather thanB (A>B);Instead of B, A (A>B);Prefer A to B (A>B)审题要点:▪通过主题词确定A、B双方;▪看清题目倾向基本论证思路:分别分析A和B的正负优劣做出自己的比较判断Example : A, 227▪A: existing social problems▪(+) Why: immediate: The solving of some existing problems is urgent and critical for the survival of a society.▪(--) Why: Overemphasis of some existing problems could cause harmful effects.▪B: long term research▪(+) Why: help future generation:The investment for long –term research is of great importance for the development of a society in the long run.▪(--) Why: controversial, unclear: The consequences of some research are unclear.推理型论证Reasoning题目标志语言:Because (of), since, for, :, ; Thus, hence, therefore; Conclude, conclusion, conclusive; Consequent (ly), consequence; Result in (from), lead to, lie in;审题要点:▪分清论据和结论;▪看清推理关系基本论证思路:▪(+) 分析A→ B的合理之处;▪(--)▪釜底抽薪,直接质疑论据(A不成立);▪拆桥,质疑推理关系;▪指出如果过分夸大B的不良后果▪Example : A, 101, 222(+) Why:⏹The extinction of some species has nothing to do with human activities.⏹The protection of some species is beyond human capability.⏹Some urgent problems of human society may have higher priority than to save endangeredspecies, and need greater cost in money and jobs.(--)▪釜底抽薪,直接质疑论据(A不成立);Some extinctions are caused by human activities, directly or indirectly.▪Human activities → pollution → ecological balance → climate → survival of human and other species▪拆桥,质疑推理关系;Although some species became naturally extinct, human society still has the responsibility to save those species.▪Genesis 1:28, And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over thebirds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.▪指出如果过分夸大B的不良后果Some species possess great value to human race, some of whichare not realized by human yet.问题解决型论证Solution题目标志语言:The way to …, should, through, by审题要点:▪找出题目要解决的问题;▪找出topic solution基本论证思路:▪(+) 分析topic solution的合理之处;(--)▪指出topic solution的局限性、不合理之处;▪给出other solutionsExample : B, 230(+) Why:⏹Youth make up a great proportion in the general population.⏹Fashion culture is best represented by the trends of youth.(--) Other solutions⏹Mainstream culture: adults, seniors: Adults and seniors are the primary producer of fortune,and are also the primary consumer of mainstream culture.Example 2 : B, 234, 52Characteristics of American society:⏹Business society: The business of American is to do business⏹Racial diversificationWASP: White Anglo- Saxon Person (Puritan);Afro – American;Hispanic;Asian – American⏹American history观点型论证Claim题目标志:⏹仅一句话,且为判断句⏹没有出现前三种题目的标志词汇基本论证思路:(+)⏹分析题目观点的合理之处;⏹分析作者得出此观点的理由,欲擒故纵(--) 分析题目观点本身不合理之处,有条件时当作推理型题目论证:▪釜底抽薪,直接质疑理由;▪拆桥,质疑推理关系;▪指出题目观点在某些场合的不良后果Example : B, 232(+) Why (or under what circumstances) would public expect political leaders to withhold information?▪Benefits: Authority▪Necessity: To avoid unnecessary disturbance or panic(--)▪指出如果过分夸大B的不良后果Extreme information → extreme power → corruption, autarchyExample : B, 40(+) Reason: Why would media and society expect an individual to speak for a particular group?▪Benefits: political and economical▪Necessity: cost(--)▪指出观点本身的缺陷:Since every one could have more than one identification, it is unreasonable to expect any individual to speak for any single particular group.▪Also, individual opinion usually could not represent the view of an entire group.B, 69(+) Special social and historical circumstance and demands are fundamental condition for the creation of a great leader.(--) Other solutionsFor a leader to be successful, many other essential characteristics are needed.▪Knowledge: → broad vision → great target▪Justice▪courage, broad-mindedness, organization skillsB, 73, 136, 142, 116Choice is an illusion created between those with power and those without.---- The Matrix Reloaded ▪Individual responsibility:▪Material▪Spiritual▪IntellectualC, 68▪Family patterns:▪Extended family▪Nuclear family▪Single family / divorced family▪DINK(--) Some aspects of social customs and ethics are not changed along with technology improvements.C, 129(+) Benefits of eco-tourism:▪To raise the fund for environmental protection▪Publication(--) Drawbacks of topic solution:Large scale development of tourism could cause harmful effects.▪Constructions▪Pollution(--) Other solutions▪Government funding▪Social institutions写作语言问题Basic requirement: Variety词汇▪避免重复,同义词近义词替换原则;Significant, radical, critical, essential, fundamental, cardinal;Of great (sovereign) importance▪尽量使用具体词汇专用词汇原则,避免使用抽象通用词汇;▪注意词汇的搭配句式结构:常用句式变化▪双重否定句;▪同位语;▪后置修饰语用于正文段主题句用于修改文章▪插入语;表示论证的前提条件:if (it occurs) at all; if (there is) any; if (sth is indeed) necessary; if ever The government should make, if any, restrictions on the arts.表示递进推理:if so表示取非:if not▪被动句;▪三大重点句型:让步语气;倒装句;强调句语言注意事项▪尽量使用非人称主语原则;形式主语:it is widely claimed that…There be: there is a controversy over …第三人称泛指Unless one person undertakes more than he possibly can do, he will never do all he can do.▪词义替换原则;▪避免使用极端词汇原则;最高级词汇:频率最高级:always, never, no, all the time, forever顺序最高级:first, paramount, supreme唯一性词汇:only, unique, exclusive, sole (ly)感情色彩词汇:过分肯定词汇:perfect, outstanding, extreme, absolute, total, complete, thorough过分贬低词汇:reproach, condemn, curseironically, surprisingly▪长短句结合原则;You have no idea what I’m talking about, I’m sure.You will someday.---- The American BeautyErnest Hemingway once wrote: “ The world is a fine place, and worth fighting for.”I agree with the second part.---- Se7en ▪体会练习句型演变D题库:理性与感性Rational:▪Objective, reason, logic, rational, plan, discover, invent Emotional:▪Subjective, Passion, Emotion, Inclination: bias, prejudice, desire, hope, Intuition, Hunch, CreationRational and emotional:▪Natural science▪Business▪JurisprudenceD, 196(--) Some important discoveries are based on laborious works, not accidental.▪Absolutely, Edison knew thousands more ways of making a bulb that would not light than you and me know.F, 48(+) Benefits: A shortcut to become famous quickly: to upset old authority▪Necessity:▪Some theories will become out of date;▪Some theories have inherent drawbacks(--)▪指出如果过分夸大题目观点的不良后果▪The primary goal: Development and Progress;▪Avoid vicious challengeF,241(+) Why:⏹Disobedience of law is a sublime virtue under certain circumstances;(--) Problems of topic solution⏹How to define just and unjust?People may have different criterion in their judgment.▪may result in social disturbance and chaos(--) Other solutions▪Legislation Amendment▪Mass mediaIssue preparing strategies1,复习课上所讲内容,把握文章结构,论证过程,论证语言,整理文章基本结构语言;2,熟读题目;3,列提纲:分类题库大提纲和具体题目细节提纲;4,全文练习;5,修改文章:self – correction, peer – correction6,模考;7,考前2-3天:把提纲、模板全部过一遍;改最后一遍文章8,广泛阅读。
The purpose of many advertisements is to make consumers want to buy a product so that they will be like the person in the ad. This practice is effective because it not only sells products but also helps people feel better about themselves.
Marketing departments have long known that using attractive models and celebrity endorsers can help to persuade consumers to buy a product. Some customers may actually believe that buying and using the product will make them be like the people featured in the ad. For other consumers, there is probably at least some subconscious reaction that causes them to believe that they will in fact assume some of the characteristics of the person depicted in the advertisement. Consumers with a lower sense of self-esteem are more likely to buy a product based on the motivation that they will become like someone else.
学习类1(1). "We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning."通常,我们从与我们意见相同的人身上学到的要比从那些与我们意见相悖的人身上学的东西要多得多;(因为)意见不统一会带来压力并且阻碍学习。
2)相反,我们能从与我们观点相悖的人身上获取新视野,从而找到解决问题的方法eg 与此同时,我们能从与我们观点相悖的人身上发现自身的不足eg3)历史告诉我们,无论是对个人还是社会,主要是通过不同意见的争论来获取进步,向前发展的。
.2(4). "No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study."在任何一个研究领域当中,除非有该领域之外的人引进他们的知识和经验,否则该领域就很难获得巨大的发展。
Outsider: a person does not belong to a particular group闭门造车,旁观者清Topic:同意,知识领域的重大进展依赖于各学科的知识和经验,甚至能创造出一个新的学科。
Issue 范文分析笔记-----根据issue范文大全注解:Issue分析:重点句子后加详解Issue分析:好的常用表达Issue分析:生词Issue分析:会引用的句子或者例子----素材Issue分析:Issue分析:一、P4---issue3Issue 3"A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer."关键词:1)情态词:should require;2)绝对用语:all;same;3)表对立观点:rather than;The speaker would prefer a national curriculum for all children up until college instead of allowing schools in different regions the freedom to decide on their own curricula.(对issue观点的同意改写)I agree insofar(在。
情况下)as some common core curriculum would serve useful purposes for any nation. At the same time, however, individual states and communities should have some freedom to augment any such curriculum as they see fit; otherwise, a nation's educational system might defeat its own purposes in the long term.第一段:给出同义转述issue话题,然后摆出观点:Partly agreement。
ISSUE 官方范文解析
官方范文Issue部分SAMPLE 1"Both the development of technological tools and the uses to which humanity has put them have created modern civilizations in which loneliness is ever increasing."题目分析:1,关键词: technological tools, uses, loneliness2,限定词: both, development, modern civilizations, ever increasing 3,逻辑类型: is 型关键词:告诉你这篇文章让你写些什么,抓住了,你的文章大的思路就正确了。
逻辑类型:这个是最最重要,也是最最容易被大家搞不清楚的,而不幸的是,如果这里没有把握准确,文章则会全盘皆输,成功进入答非所问的境界,rater边看边说,wow,what are you talking about? 这样就有些尴尬了。
Ok ,关于这三点具体在本文的体现,我会在文后详细说明,不在这里说,是为了不影响大家的思路,大家看文章的时候先自己体会。
Technology, broadly defined as the use of tools, has a long history. Ever since Erg the caveman first conked an animal with a rock, people have been using technology. For thousands of years, the use of tools allowed people to move ever closer together. Because fields could be cultivated and the technology to store food existed, people would live in cities rather than in small nomadic tribes. Only very lately have Erg's descendants come to question the benefits of technology. The Industrial Revolution introduced and spread technologies that mechanized many tasks. As a result of the drive toward more efficient production and distribution (so the ever larger cities would be supported), people began to act as cogs in the technological machine. Clothing was no longer produced by groups of women sewing and gossiping together, but by down-trodden automation's operating machinery in grim factories.我标出的这些并不是什么好词好句,当然我不否认写的很精彩,但是我标出来的在于强调他们题目中关键词和限定词的完美回应。
新GRE ISSUE重题翻译+提纲+例文
ISSUE新题库翻译&重题合并&范文GRE Analytical Writing ISSUE Essay T opic - 003 / 035 / 037Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.教育机构有责任劝阻学生不要从事不太可能成功的科学研究。
General statement:教育机构对学生的未来负有责任,应该尽可能的去帮助学生取得成功。
Thesis statement:帮助学生取得成功是教育机构的责任。
Development: 教育机构对学生的未来富有责任。
Giving a few second on interesting matter is better the spending an hours for boring issue”. It’s human’s tendency to work attentively and alertly on the issue which is of his interest and keeping him self away from annoying topic, even if it has been suggested and advised by many people. Interest and likeness of person matters a lot in his life.Every one likes to work in the field of interest and if we talk about students then they prefer the subject and faculty of their interest. In case of some students, they get confused in deciding that what is of their interest and what they choose for they expertisment. Availability of many option leads to this short of situation.After completing the secondary school education, it become very tough for students to select their main subject as a career option. As in their previous study there may be more then one subjects in which they are interested. So in this stage many influences effects on their thinking. What their colleagues are selecting as their field of further study, advices from parents and other relatives etc. take them to divert from their field of interest and catch up in any regardless field.This is where the Educational institution can come in picture and helps out the future of the country. Teachers and professors in education institutes has better vision to understand the interest of the students and guide them in proper way. And it has been reviewed that students consider their teachers advices more compare to other.Every one knows that “youth is the power of country”. To guide them in proper way is essential requirement for each country. If one intelligent student enters in the filed in which he should not be then he can not bring out from that situation and put him in proper place. In that case he works, but not with heartand interest. And this mistake become mater of repentance for him for whole life. And no gain in the development of the country become possible from him.So it is crucial for Educational institutes to help out student to lead them in appropriate future. There must be separate department in each institute to handle this stuff of guiding the students with highly qualified teachers. They should arrange Vocational guidance session to let the student to understand the filed of their interest and get information about there likeness. They must set arrangement to keep the students from being away from influences and listening words off heart towards their likeness. It also requires to give training to the teachers for this purpose.Without Acquiring the youth of country in proper manner, progress of the country is not possible And Educational institutes are the main source to lead the student in the field of their interest and likeness. So they have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.GRE Analytical Writing ISSUE Essay T opic - 006 / 014 / 096 / 116A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.在进行大学教育以前,国家应该要求所有的学生学习统一的国家课程。
Issue写作范文详细解析Issue"The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished."观点陈述型作文/[题目]"被置于媒体审视下的任何人,其名誉终将受毁损。
"Sample EssayThe intensity of todays media coverage has been greatly magnified by the sheer number and types of media outlets that are available today. Intense competition for the most revealing photographs and the latest information on a subject has turned even minor media events into so-called "media frenzies". Reporters are forced by the nature of the competition to pry ever deeper foran angle on a story that no one else has been able to uncover. With this type of media coverage, it does become more and more likely that anyone who is subjected to it will have his or her reputation tarnished, as no individual is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. The advances in technology have made much information easily and instantaneously available. Technology has also made it easier to dig further than ever before into a persons past, increasing the possibility that the subjects reputation may be harmed.[范文正文]当今媒体报道的力度,由于当今时代所能获得的媒体渠道那前所未有的数量和种类,从而被极大地增强。
因果类题目因果类(10)•4;26;45;56;58;62;64;74;108;110Reason & Claim类(19)•5;8;22;40;44;49;70;79;87;88;89;105;113;120;131;134;139;142新GRE题库64题•"The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds."ISSUE写作开头段—罗列要点式•题目分析+表明立场题目分析:对题目主要概念进行解析,指出题干中明显的和隐含的论断•题目分析•事实上,这种说法包括一系列三个互相关联的主张:(1) 机器是人类智力的工具;(2)人类的智力总是优于机器;以及(3)正因为机器是人类智力的工具,人类的智力总是优于机器的。
•包括,由…组成•Consist of Be composed of Be made up of•Comprise Include•This statement actually consists of a series of three related claims:(1)machines are tools of human minds;(2) human minds will always besuperior to machines; and (3) it is because machines are human tools that human minds will always be superior to machines•表明立场•我仅能勉强认同第一个主张,而我是否认同另外两个主张部分取决于人们怎样对“优势”进行定义,部分取决于人们承认未知情况将优于自身的意愿程度。
•勉强认同:concede,avow, grant•认同:acknowledge,admit•While I concede the first claim, whether I agree with the other two claims (主语从句)depends partly on how one defines “superiority”, and partly on how willing one is to humble oneself to the unknown future scenarios. •题目•All nations should help support the development of global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world’s most persistent social problems.•所有国家应该伸出援助之手,来推动建立一所世界大学,从而使学生置身于解决世界上最积重难返的社会问题的进程。
issue 题目与范文
issue 题目与范文Issue题目:Some people believe that success in any field depends primarily on ambition; others believe that success results from hard work. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.范文:In the debate surrounding the keys to success, two primary viewpoints emerge: one holds that ambition is the driving force behind any noteworthy achievement, while the other maintains that hard work alone leads to success. Both perspectives, though distinct, contain elements of truth, yet a comprehensive understanding of success requires a blend of both ambition and hard work.The first argument, which emphasizes ambition as the primary factor in success, has its merits. Ambition, defined as a strong desire to achieve something, is indeed a powerful motivator. It propels individuals to set lofty goals and pursue them with determination. Without ambition, one might lack the drive to excel or even to start a journey towards success. Ambitious people are often willing to take risks, work long hours, and overcome obstacles to reach their goals.However, the second argument, which underscores the significance of hard work, is also compelling. Hard work involves consistent effort, dedication, and perseverance. It is the diligent practice and refinement of skills that lead to mastery in any field. Success often requires more than just a flash of inspiration or a single stroke of genius; it demands sustained effort and a willingness to learn from failure. Hard work is what transforms raw talent into exceptional performance.Yet, the truth lies somewhere between these two extremes. While ambition provides the initial spark and direction, hard work is what sustains the flame and brings it to fruition. Success is not merely the product of either ambition or hard work alone; it is the synergy of both. Ambition without hard work may lead to empty dreams, while hard work without ambition may result in meaningless labor. It is when ambition and hard work are combined that true success can be achieved.In conclusion, success is a multifaceted concept that requires both ambition and hard work. Ambition sets the goals and provides the motivation, while hard work ensures that these goals are met with consistency and dedication. Therefore, to aspire to success in any field, one must cultivate both a strong sense of ambition and a willingness to work hard.。
Issue题库分类及写作提纲GRE写作Issue问题题库分析与提纲第一类社会2. \detrimental to society.\归根结底,竞争对于社会是利多弊少。
Generally speaking, competition contributes to progress in society.Generally speaking, competition contributes to progressin society.In democratic countries, when parties and candidatescompete for power, the public benefits.Admittedly, when competition gets out of the control ofmores and laws, society will suffer. 竞争对于社会的优点和缺点 ------------------------------3. \existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations.\与其花钱进行可能有助于后代的长期性研究,还不如把钱花在迫在眉睫,已经存在的社会问题上。
Humanity should take into account both long-terminterests and short-term interests when making budgets. Naturally, each generation is most concerned aboutsolving problems that immediately confront them. However, what differentiates human beings from otheranimals is that humans have a sense of future and are morally responsible for the well-being of their descendents.Therefore, as beneficiaries of previous generations, eachgeneration should make its own contribution for the well-being of future generations.当务之急和百年大计的关系 ------------------------------9. \recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use.\近些年来,学科已经细化到了相当的程度以至于学者们的理念只影响小范围的人群。
7."The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records."Our life has gone through great changes since the video camera came into being, which provides a totally new and different way of recording life to the traditional written methods. Compared with written records, video documentation is much less influenced by the one who took record and the one who interprete it.Another conspicuous advantage of video records is its integrity.Yet it’s rash to say that video camera has already won over traditional written documents and become the new domination of documentation field since video record is limited in several aspects. We cannot say whether video camera or the written document is more important than the other in that each one has its irreplaceable merits and values. Video camera offers the accurate and convincing method of recording which can revive life in before, while traditional written document can provide a more detailed and rational record in lower cost.8."It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public."Firstly, political leaders, in a democracy regime, will harm the proper right of people as they withhold information from the public.Secondly, withholding information from the public will result in corruption in the government, and therefore bring detriment to society.Admittedly, sometimes it is necessary for political leaders to keep the public from know something, such as country’s top secrete, which is indispensable and helpful for a country in defending aggression and keeping safety.10"Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated."It is always true that big cities of a country boom not only in economy but also in culture. Actually, not all the major cities of a country are bound to the responsibility of preserving a nation’s culture traditions.Indeed, in some major cities, where have less culture traditions, it creates a better environment for development than in those cities where long culture traditions are preserved. Nevertheless, admitted that, there are also some major cities that are characterized by their long culture traditions,Similarly, either small cities, or villages and towns, in spite of not being major cities, are the places where culture traditions generated and handed down be generations.11"All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."Though each social problem appears to be different in different nations, as theft in affluent nations may be conducted more for psychological reasons rather than for the value of the issue with regard to its counterpart in poor nations, there is always a radical key lying beneath. On the other hand, though nearly all the social problems are persisting in every nation, some may be disasters in one nation while slight flaw in another. Such a global university asks for the support from all nations of the world.17"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibilityto obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."Laws and regulations are set up along with the entrenchment of a government serving as a means to control the country.Since laws are built up under the power of government, which represents the public interest whereas run by a few individuals, it is quite possible that laws are constituted in the name of representing the majority while on the contrary in a few individuals favor.Facing unjust laws, every individual has the very responsibility to resist them.No matter that whether every individual could reach an agreement on unjust or not, one point is important that we should put forward our opinions toward unjust laws.26"Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of any society's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served."i. Historic buildings are irrecoverable resources we should preserve not only for ourselves but for our decendantsii. Historic buildings are valuable records of a society’s past, and they serve more as travel attractions, city emblems.iii. Some old buildings which are of less value and in bad state can be removed for contemporary needs for ground. But modern planners should avoid destroying historic buildings for modern purposes. Better approachments should be work out for the dilemma.30"The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time."First of all, as we have witnessed, achievement in technology has immensely improved people’s efficiency, such as assembly-line, robots. Computer, etc.Besides, when people enjoy relative more leisure time brought by improved efficiency, on the same time, society has encountered other problems, such as the problem of employment.As a matter of fact, increasing efficiency is merely a byproduct of the advance of technology.36"The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries."The greatness of individuals cannot be appreciated by their contemporaries in large part is due to their outstanding talent and their transcendental intelligence which surpass the common cognition of general public and their peers.Besides, to test the validity of theories, works and ideas of the great individuals need a long time even centuries.In a democratic society, individuals have full free to express their ideas and show their unique talents and characters.38"In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books."Though each has its advantages, television and books are not capable to win over each other. Reading books is an active process, where we can make choice of what, when and to which extent we want to learn.With regard to the appealing traits and easygoing nature, television can help a lot in study.39"The intellectual benefits of attending a university or college are vastly overrated: most people could learn more by studying and reading on their own for four years than by pursuing a university or college degree."Bill Gates, who quitted from university and did not complete his degree while establish his business of Microsoft which ranks in the top of Fortune, may serve as a good example that people could learn more by studying and reading on their own rather than pursuing a university or college degree.As for people who have strong ability of self-management and definite purpose of learning, they may obtain more knowledge from self-studying than attending university or college.While, many people still would like to learning by attending university or college, because the formal education system not only provide students a perfect studying atmosphere but also instruct students study more efficiently and effectively.In addition, studying in university or college other than studying on their own, conduce to shape a sound personality41"Such non-mainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."We may find out that, people who resort to fortune-telling, astrology and such non-mainstream area of inquiry unusually are ill educated and underclass of the society.Indeed, the main reason that why non-mainstream area of inquiry is favored by a few people is that it comforts people who worry about their destiny.Besides, non-mainstream area of inquiry also plays an important role to satisfy peoples’ curiosity about the unknown world.46"While some leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas attribute their success to a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation."Through competition, one makes himself/herself become eminent, so do the leaders entrench their successful position.The sense of competition is indispensable for a leader no matter what areas he/her belongs to. More specifically, cooperation is a kind of responsibility bestowed to one who wants to be a leader.47"Society does not place enough emphasis on the intellect-that is, on reasoning and other cognitive skills”.In a sense, intellectual skills and non-intellectual skills are somewhat like skeleton and flesh of a body.A society cannot advance without cognitive skills, yet it cannot keep well-being without non-cognitive ones.Both crucial to individual and society, intellectual and non-intellectural skills, however, receive unfair attention at present..48"The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."In most historical documents, those significant figures were described as the only decision makers. It is natural, however, for historians to do so, or from another aspect, they have to.Lacking of sufficient materials is another problem.50"In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."1. to faculty members of some academic area, working outside the academic world will do little help to their academic ability while distracting them from the research and instruction work they should concentrate on2. compulsory working in professions outside academic world may cause the college and university to lose their outstanding faculty member3. to some academic area such as engineering, faculty members should be encouraged to work outside for some time in order to better orient instruction to students for future career 51"Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."1. the efficiency of education lies in its generalization ( teacher, student )2. over-specified education will narrow down students’ ken and capability of acclimation to future career3. in order to cater individual needs and to enhance interests of students, schools can offer some specifically designed programs to students54"History teaches us only one thing: knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today."History is a part of our development, and provides relevant information of present problems. History also serves as a source of precedent and predication, which guide us to avoid or less making false decisions when in face of hard task in present.Admittedly, there are entirely new problems that we have to cope with on our own without any precedents in history to refer to, but this does not prevent us from making right choices, since learning history has taught us to perceive and analyse the problems with historic perspective. 56"Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than tryingto solve the anticipated problems of the future."Undoubtedly, immediate problems that agonize and afflict people mostly, such as crimes, wars, drag abuse, unemployment and so on, actually need to be addressed by government as soon as possible since their existence extremely danger the normal living of public.However, it is misconception that governments can ignore the anticipated problems of the futurein favor of the immediate ones, even though the latter may be more urgent.Furthermore, narrowly concentrating on solving the immediate problems rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future, is an expression of irresponsible for the future generations.59"Too much emphasis is placed on role models. Instead of copying others, people should learn to think and act independently and thus make the choices that are best for them."We have been brought up with the tales and legends of kinds of heroes and heroines, no matter whether these characters are real persons or fictional ones, these stories serve as our primary enlightened materials that instill us virtues and values the society cherishes commonly in which we are living.Merely imitating role models may result in laziness and dependence since one does not suffer himself/herself of thinking and analyzing.Learning to think and act independently does not naturally conflict with learning form role models. 61"High-profile awards such as the Nobel Prize are actually damaging to society because they suggest that only a few people deserve such recognition."Most of these children farewell these dreams when they grow up for their capability, personal interests and other factors. The remained few, however, by persistently pursuing their original aim, attain it in the end.Admittedly not every one has the opportunity to get any high-profile award. There are many realistical limitations such as capability, intellecture, aggression and, of course, opportunity. Actually any adult is well aware that those few deserve the great awards they win since they have done great contribution in their area, which are often relatively not well profitable.64"Many people know how to attain success, but few know how to make the best use of it."许多人知道如何获得成功,但很少人懂得充分利用成功;it指“success" 强调成功后如何利用1. The conception of "success", relatively, is one of narrow sense, not wide-sense.2. Limited personal ability result in failing to make best use of the success furtherly.3. Further success is related to how to make the use of other concerning resource.许多人知道如何获得成功,但很少人懂得充分利用“如何获得成功”it指how to attain success(成功过程方法)1.Many people know how to attain success; But those who are successfuly should have learned to make the best use of all kinds of factors. Main factor result in success are listed as followed:2. The ability of personal, first: intelligence,special knowlege in the concerning field; Second, emotion and other socail ability,how to make all the factors into a system group.3. Dificiency of resource.74"The most effective way to communicate an idea or value to large groups of people is through the use of images, not language."1. it is much easier for people to understand an idea by vision than by abstract language ( deep impression, straight presentation, etc. )2. when large groups of people are addressed, language cannot achieve relatively even effect to all, while images can be effective to average, or even those not quick at understanding3. when it comes to some abstract ideological ideas or values, or to the necessity to attain further understanding, language is indispensible80"All students should be required to take courses in the sciences, even if they have no interest in science."1.Science as an important comment of modern education, all the student should be required to study it at some suitable level.2. The skill of science would be a stepping-stone to other subject.3. The interest of science need to be raised and inspired, different way would be encouraged to be used in the education.83"Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people."1)to the environment's sake, it is necessary to do so . leaving some pristine not polluted surrounding to the posterity, and remain the last resident to the prosecuted and protected animals.(2)for the economics’ sake, reserving the wildness can conserve some of the race that it may perhaps porfitive in the use beyond nowadays our research's ability for the future.(3)in order to preserve the wilderness not to dig out to be a place of interest, there is no need to be convenient to access. On the other hand, the more remote and inaccessible it is, the more significance effect it can attain.(4)so the government should keep an eye on the protection on the wildness85"Government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts."1.artists, producers of the arts, are mundane beings who can only use objective things as brushes, canvas and museums to foster and propaganda their products. All of those things need money.2.the integrity of the arts requires the populace’s understanding of them, without propaganda the proclaimed integrity merely a hollow husk. It also need money to achieve the aim.3.another fundamental essence of the integrity of arts is its sustenance. If had deprived of a series of successive artists, how could, not only the integrity of the arts, but the existence of it, be possible?87."In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important discoveries."A. Beginners have intense curiosity about the unknown and great courage to try new things, while experienced experts tend to be more conservative.B. Furthermore, beginners are highly motivated and enthusiastic people who are eager to establish their career and fame.88"Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics."A. Technologies have radically changed the way we spend holidays.B. The new way of communication brought about by electronic technology have transformed the way we associate with each other in our daily lives.C. However, we should not let technology to determine our ethics.93. "The concept of 'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies must hold individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making."A. Organizational management rests on the basic resumption that individuals should and can take their respective responsibility in accordance with their specific roles in the organizational structure.B. Many political, social as well as family problems result from the lack of a sense of individual responsibility.C. Admittedly, the fact that individuals, as social animals, are molded by the social environment in which they grow up, should draw our attention to the government’s responsibility in construction and maintaining a social environment contributive to the healthy growing of individuals.99. "In any realm of life-whether academic, social, business, or political-the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options."A. From a philosophical point of view, living is experiencing, which is an everlasting interaction between man? and reality.B. Any human undertaking irrespective of the hard facts and laws of reality is destined to failure.C. However, ideals give us hope and enthusiasm, lifting us to new heights and helping us to overcome self-imposed limitations.103."The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives." First of all, to study history is to look at a road map of human behavior that has led us to where we are today in the world. For example, the lessons learned during all of the past wars can make for more effective wartime leadership by avoiding mistakes made by past commanders. From the ancient Chinese author Sun Tzu's book "The Art of War", today's military commanders and even business leaders gather valuable information that allows them to operate more efficiently and effectively.Another example is that by studying history, parents can help to improve the lives of their children in the future.Additionally, the study of medical advances made throughout history can be the foundation to build upon to make the medical advances of today and tomorrow to make people live longer and healthier lives.A further example of the value of the study of history beyond its effect on daily life is the treatment of the environment and the earth as a whole108."In many countries it is now possible to turn on the television and view government at work. Watching these proceedings can help people understand the issues that affect their lives. The more kinds of government proceedings - trials, debates, meetings, etc. - that are televised, the more society will benefit."One example of the possible negative effects of televising all governmental proceedings was the trial in the United States of accused murderer and former National Football League superstar O.J. Simpson.On the other hand, television of the day-to-day workings of government in action provides direct insight into how a government actually works.One of the problems with stating that the more governmental proceedings that are televised, the better of a society is, is that people might come to believe that they are seeing everything when in fact, a television camera can only see part of what is happening no matter how many cameras there are.Another problem with the statement that the more televised governmental proceedings, the better, is that it assumes that people actually watch the proceedings when they are broadcast. 110."When we concern ourselves with the study of history, we become storytellers. Because we can never know the past directly but must construct it by interpreting evidence, exploring history is more of a creative enterprise than it is an objective pursuit. All historians are storytellers." From the perspective of the historian, most historians do not have the benefit of having lived through the period of history that they are writing about.Historians that are documenting events as they happen today have much less of an opportunity to fall into the "storyteller" category as they are present as witnesses to these events as they are happening.Another example showcasing the idea that all historians are storytellers is that of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.Particularly when it concerns ancient history, all historians must be storytellers to a certain degree. "Connecting the dots" of surviving evidence from the time period or event being examined requires a certain amount of personal intuition and supposition.120."So much is new and complex today that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present."A. Understanding the pag,t can show us inspirational examples of success.B. Studying history can also help us avoid repeating mistakesC. The study of past is important because the relevant historical antecedents can help us fully appreciate our present challenges.127."Facts are stubborn things. They cannot be altered by our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions."A. On an individual level, we all engage in futile attempts to alter facts-by pretending that certain things are not the way they are because they are inconsistent with our wishes or personal interests.B. Nor can we alter facts by virtue of our inclinations or passions when it comes to history.C. Similarly, when it comes to science our wishes and desires ultimately yield to the stubbornness of facts-by which I mean empirical scientific evidence and the laws and principles of the physical world.130."How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society."A. Consider first the speaker's assertion that society's destiny depends on how children are socialized. Socialization is only one factor influencing the extent to which an individual will ultimately contribute to a better society. And it is not the most important one.B. Consider next the speaker's claim that we have not yet learned how to raise children who can better society.131."The arts (painting, music, literature, etc.) reveal me otherwise hidden ideas and impulses of a society."A. The art aim at depicting the feelings and attitudes of individuals in a society.B. Paintings and music mist vividly embody the spirits and character of a society.C. By reading literature, we get to know not only the experience of a society, but also the hidden ideas and impulses of the society.136."The absence of choice is a circumstance that is very, very rare."A. Our life experience is that we make choices and decisions every day -on a continual basis. Common sense tells us that humans have free will, and therefore the true absence of choice is very rare. The only possible exceptions -solitary imprisonment or a severe mental or physical deficiency.B. Besides, the reverse claim-that we do not have free choice-serves to undermine the notions of moral accountability and human equality, which prerequisite the survival of any democratic society.C. People often claim that life's circumstances leave them with "no choice." One might feel trapped in a job or marriage. However, in reality they may have a lot of choices, it is just because they are only considering those choices that are not viable or attractive.D. People may take the unappealing, even self-defeating as no choice.138"Only through mistakes can there be discovery or progress."A. Mistakes help us find out what is unworkable and hence we can approach the right solution.B. Fearing making mistakes prevents us from trying new things and taking risks.C. The right attitude toward mistakes is not to avoid them, but to learn from them.144."It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value." a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.A. critics can help us understand and interpret art; a critic who is familiar with a particular artist and his or her works might have certain insights about those works that the layperson would not.B. A critic's evaluation of an artwork serves as a filter, which helps us determine which art is worth our time and attention.C. A critic can provide feedback for artists; and constructive criticism, if taken to heart, can result in better work.147."Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them."A. Tradition refers to the beliefs, values, customs, way of life, crafts, etc., that are handed down from generation to generation in a society.B. Modernization refers to the process of urbanization, industrialization and democratization, or in a large sense, westernization.C. Many traditional wisdoms are still relevant and can inspire us to search for solutions to present problems.D. The correct way to modernize a culture is to transform or reform its tradition rather than to uproot its tradition.150."Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited. As a result, tourism will soon become obsolete.。
传统文化与现代化之间存在着复杂的互动关系。现代化进程必然 会对传统文化产生影响,但同时也需要保留和传承传统文化的精 髓。如何平衡传统文化与现代化的关系,既能促进社会发展,又 能保持文化传承,是当代社会面临的重要课题。
在探讨传统文化与现代化的关系时,需要关注文化的多样性与包 容性。现代化并非要完全摒弃传统,而是要在传承中创新,在借 鉴中发展。
环境保护与经济发展并非相互矛盾,两者 可以相互促进。
保护自然环境是可持续经济发展的基石, 我们要重视生态保护的长期效益。
发展绿色科技,可以有效减少环境污染, 促进经济绿色转型。
ISSUE高频话题:平等机会与 社会公正
平等机会和社会公正一直是人类社会关注的重要议题。GRE写作中经常出现探 讨这两者的关系。本节将探讨平等机会与社会公正的内涵,分析两者之间的 关系,并举例说明如何运用相关论证进行写作。
社会稳定是改革成功的基础,为改革创造 良好的外部环境。
在改革过程中,要注重改革的力度和节奏 ,确保社会稳定,避免剧烈动荡。
解释逻辑 3
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Issue的优秀作文解析•相关推荐关于Issue的优秀作文解析题目:If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it are justifiable. 只要值得,不择手段达到目的'是合理的。
正文:The speaker claim that if a goal if worthwhile, then any means taken to achieve this goal is justifiable. Although the assertion makes sense when we consider the underlying of this implication is that whatever the conditions, the natures of the endings deserve our effort wholehearted. But if we examine the broad meaning that this claim carries, we find this threshold statement suffer deficiencies from many aspects of consideration.First let define the worthiness of a goal. How worthwhile and valuable a goal is lies not only in the subjective meditation and evaluation of an individual, we must consider the interactive influence exerted by this goal on others.For example, a country may consider the goal of achieving economic success and well being of its citizens to be worthwhile, but if we know they exploit cheap labor forces in third-world country,utilize scarce natural resources that being exported from poor countries, or dump low-cost goods in these countries, our morals reveal us the dark side of the goal and make it less worthwhile than it seems to be to its home people. On a personal level, a persons food might be the otherspoison, so did the goal.Consider the ambition of Napoleon, his ambitious goal is to conquer the whole European Continent, which considered by himself and many of his follows to be the most glorious plan they have ever made. But by resorting to wars, killings, and bloodshedding, their sweet dream turn out to be the nightmare of people habituating in this continent. In a word, since no goal is set from a pure disinterested, impartial perspective, it is necessary to bear the interwoven relationship in mind before targeting at a certain goal.Even if a goal is worthwhile agreed by majority of people, we should consider cost-and-benefit side of things in an effort to obtaining an nonbiased, all-around point of view. Most people today agree that the exploration of outer space is a worthy goal considering the valuable research materials we would get from for our physics and medial experiment and weather forecast.What is more, due to the limit longevity of earth and the ever increasing of populations, we see high calls to find another habitat for our future generations. Even if all the advantages and benefits involved justify the worthiness of this goal, not all means taken would be considered as sensible and judicial. Since most pressing social problem such as AIDS prevention, poverty,environmental problems still in need of immediate attention and observation, we need to allocate most of our resources to tackle these problems.As a result, even if one way of achieving the breakthrough in out space exploration would be to devote all research staff and available resource to this project, we have to struggle a balance between the worthiness of a goal and the proper way to obtain this goal.。
Issue写作范文详细解析整理Issue写作范文详细解析IssueThe following is from an editorial in the Midvale Observer, a local newspaper.“Ever since the 1950's, when television sets began to appear in the average home, the rate of crimes committed by teenagers in the country of Alta has steadily increased. This increase in teenage crime parallels the increase in violence shown on television. According to several national studies, even very young children who watch a great number of television shows featuring violent scenes display more violent behavior within their home environment than do children who do not watch violent shows. Furthermore, in a survey conducted by the Observer, over 90 percent of the respondents were parents who indicated that prime-time television——programs that are shown between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.——should show less violence. Therefore, in order to lower the rate of teenage crime in Alta, television viewers should demand that television programmers reduce the amount of violence shown during prime time."The author of this editorial states that the rate of teenage crime in the country of Alta has increased along with the increase in violence shown ontelevision, beginning with the 1950's when television was introduced in the average home. In addition, the author states that several national surveys have shown that young children watching violent television programs are more prone to violence than children who do not. The write also says that a survey indicated that ninety percent of parents responding said that prime-time programs should show less violence. Finally, the author comes to the conclusion that to lower the rate of teenage crime in Alta, television watchers should demand a reduction in violence shown during prime time. This argument suffers from several critical fallacies.Firstly, the writer equates the rate of increase in teenage crime in Alta to the increase in violence shown on television but gives no causal linkage other than the similar time periods. The author makes no distinction between types of crimes - whether they are violent or nonviolent crimes by teenagers. Furthermore, there are several possible alternative causes for the increase in teen crimes. For example, perhaps all types of crimes have increased for all ages, or maybe the police are now doing a better job of catching teenage criminals than they were before. Perhaps the reason for the increase is simply an increase in the overall population and that as a percentage of the population, teen crime is even less than it was before. Without ruling out these and other causes, the argument fails to convince by showing no causal linkage between television violence and teenage crime.Secondly, the author mentions national studies that show that young children that watch violent programs show more violent behavior at home than children who do not watch such programs. This argument fails on two levels - one by assuming that children and teenagers are equally affected by television programs; and two by again assuming that there is some type of cause and effect relationship between television violence and teenage crime. Young children and teenagers are not the same and it should not be assumed that more violent behavior within the home leads to crimes outside as these children grow into teenagers.Thirdly, the author offers a survey showing that ninety percent of the respondents were parents who indicated that prime time television programs should show less violence. The survey methods are not discussed - it is possible that the sample was improperly chosen or somehow predisposed to include parents that are very much opposed to television violence. Additionally, it is possible that such parents are far more vocal in their opinions than those who care little or not at all about prime time television violence, again skewing the results of the survey. Even assuming the veracity of the sample population surveyed, it is not logical to associate television violence with teen crime solely on that basis.Finally, the author makes the gratuitous assumption that simply having television viewers demand that television programmers reduce the amount of violence during prime time will lower the rate of teenage crimein Alta. Regardless of the flawed arguments previously discussed, simply demanding a change will have no effect whatsoever on teen crime. To strengthen his or her argument, the author needs to show some direct causal linkage between television violence and teen crime rather than making vague and unsupported comparisons purporting to show a link. There is no proof given either that television violence of any kind causes teenage crime or that a reduction in prime time violence will keep teenagers from breaking the law.(602 words)[题目]下述文字。
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能写太长或太短的句子、多用主动语态以及在用词上要有变化,比如用同义词或者其他的指 代词。 Organization and Development Finally, the writing analysis tools provide feedback about discourse elements present or absent in the essay (Burstein, Marcu, and Knight, 2003). The discourse analysis approach is based on a linear representation of the text. It assumes the essay can be segmented into sequences of discourse elements, which include introductory material (to provide the context or set the stage), a thesis statement (to state the writer’s position in rela- tion to the prompt), main ideas (to assert the author’s main message), supporting ideas (to provide evidence and support the claims in the main ideas, thesis, or conclusion), and a conclusion (to summarize the essay’s entire argument). In order to identify the various discourse elements, the system was trained on a large corpus of human annotated essays (Burstein, Marcu, and Knight, 2003). Figure 1 (next page) presents an example of an annotated essay. e-rater 采用一种话语分析的进路,假设文章可以分作一些话语元素的序列。然后根据已经做 好标注的文章作为数据,系统通过机器学习,学会辨认哪些句子属于主旨句、主题句、支持 句、结论句以及无关的句子。具体的算法还要再看其他的文献进一步研究。 The overall organization score (referred to in what follows as organiza- tion) was designed for these genres of writing. It assumes a writing strategy that includes an introductory paragraph, at least a three-paragraph body with each paragraph in the body consisting of a pair of main point and supporting idea elements, and a concluding paragraph. The organization score measures the difference between this minimum five-paragraph essay and the actual discourse elements found in the essay. Missing elements could include supporting ideas for up to the three expected main points or a missing introduction, conclusion, or main point. On the other hand, identification of main points beyond the minimum three would not contribute to the score. This score is only one possible use of the identified discourse elements, but was adopted for this study. 这里说明我们至少要写 5 段,包括开头、结尾和三个中间段。基本上和我提出的 1+3 模型是 吻合的。 当然,我的模型对 coherence 有更高的要求(见本帖 54 楼)。 The second feature derived from Criterion’s organization and devel- opment module measures the amount of development in the discourse elements of the essay and is based on their average length (referred to as development). 这个有点坑,好像是看中间段的长度来打分。但是仅仅字数多是不够的,因为与主题无关的 句子会被标为 irrelevant。 Lexical Complexity (2 features) Two features in e-rater V.2 are related specifically to word-based characteristics. The first is a measure of vocabulary level (referred to as vocabulary) based on Breland, Jones, and Jenkins’ (1994) Standardized Frequency Index across the words of the essay. The second feature is based on the average word length in characters across the words in the essay (referred to as word length). 这里主要是看词汇的深度和长度。也就是说用的词比较少见以及单词比较长就好些。 /resources/text-statistics.php 这个在线工具可以分析你的文章的难词比例 Prompt-Specific Vocabulary Usage (2 features) E-rater evaluates the lexical content of an essay by comparing the words it contains to the words found in a sample of essays from each score category (usually six categories). It is expected that
而针对 argument,主要的动作包括:1)提出某方面的假设、问题或论据;2)指出其他的 可能性;3)结合假设、问题和论据解释这种可能性对原论证的影响 第 3 关:中间段的干货 第 2 关关注的是有没有完成规定动作,第三关就要看这些动作里的干货是否到位。动作如同 武功招式,而干货就是内力。木有内力,招式就只是花架子而已。 issue 的干货,首要的当然是合适的例子。例子好,这文章写起来就很顺有木有。有了好例 子,理由自然充分,反过来就会理亏。另一个重要的干货就是原题没有提到的概念,这一点 以后会有例子具体解释。这种概念达到某个境界就可上升为理论,比如经济学上的 incentive theory。 比如 Paine 对政府性质的看法。
例子的积累不是要你去背历史事件或人物传记,而是要学习如何从自己熟悉的生活中找到 切合题目的例子,并且学习从例子中提炼观点,构建自己的论证。
等提纲列的差不多了,还有写全文,又会被我各种打击。这时会对自己的英语彻底失去信 心,怀疑自己这么多年的英语是不是白学的,怎么提笔写的句子都不对。绝望之后,开始看 我写的文章,发现我用的词都不难、句子结构也容易懂,于是问自己为什么就想不到这么写。 很简单,这需要积累。
Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, and Style Measures The writing analysis tools identify five main types of grammar, usage, and mechanics errors – agreement errors, verb formation errors, wrong word use, missing punctuation, and typographical errors. The approach to detecting violations of general English grammar is corpus based and statistical, and can be explained as follows. The system is trained on a large corpus of edited text, from which it extracts and counts sequences of adjacent word and part-of-speech pairs called bigrams. The system then searches student essays for bigrams that occur much less often than would be expected based on the corpus frequencies (Chodorow & Leacock, 2000). 其中包括五种主要的语法、用法和风格上的错误 - 主谓一致错误 - 动词形式错误 - 错误的用词 - 标点符号缺失 - 拼写错误 The writing analysis tools also highlight aspects of style that the writer may wish to revise, such as the use of passive sentences, as well as very long or very short sentences within the essay. Another feature of undesirable style that the system detects is the presence of overly repetitious words, a property of the essay that might affect its rating of overall quality (Burstein & Wolska, 2003). 其中在辨别用词错误时,e-rater 用的是语料库方法,查看文章中相邻两个词在语料库中出现 的频率。因此,我在 61 楼介绍的语料库对修改用词方面的错误会很有帮助。而风格方面, e-rater 会找出太长或太短的句子、被动语态以及反复使用的词语。这就要求我们在写作时不