科技英语构词法 20131120

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构成 合成 词 合成 n./adj./adv. + v. 动词
baby-sit, proof-read, ill-treat, massproduce, overtake, uplift underline, overthrow, overeat, undergo
• 8) For the reaction that takes place in the form of a chain to continue at a steady rate, the number of neutrons which carry on the reaction must be controlled. • the chain reaction
3) Utility companies are finding it cheaper and more environmentally sound to finance the appliances which can make use of energy efficiently rather than build new power plants. energy-efficient appliances
合 成 名 词
1. n.+ n.
bedroom, sportsman, lifeboat, spaceship, network, weekday
2. n. + v.-ing handwriting, sightseeing, sunbathing, weightlifting 3.adj.+ n. hardware, first-aid, midnight, nobleman, highway, blackboard
7) When plant cover and surface litter are removed from the land by agriculture or grazing, wind lifts loose soil particles and sweep them away; the dust which is borne by wind is sometimes transported from one continent to another. wind-borne dust
4) It is estimated that one-third to one-half of the world’s current croplands are losing the soil which forms the top layer of ground faster than it is being replaced. topsoil
2) The radio valves which contained a gas at very low pressure were replaced later by the devices made of semiconductor in solid state (called transistors) which were much smaller and had a longer life than gas valves. solid state semiconductor devices
1. heat2.band 3.stream 4.bed 5.power6.space 7.water8.liquid9. fire10. net
A. walk B. rock C. work D. state E. width F. retarded G. hungry H. resistant I. cooled J. lined
Use compound expressions to replace the italic part of the sentences. 1) When population densities get very high, organisms often exhibit symptoms of what is called shock caused by stress or diseases related to stress. stress shock; stress-related diseases
9) The shortages of the wood that is used as fuel cause local people to cut down the forests that stabilize mountain soils.
fuel wood shortages
• 10) This kind of plastic can be used to impregnate laminated paper sheets from which the surfaces resistant to heat and scratch are made. • heat- and scratch- resistant surfaces
5) After the collapse of the Roman Empire, there was little progress in communications until the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the invention of the engine which is powered by steam and the realization of the potentialities in the use of iron. steam engine
6) Without the organisms living in soil, the earth would be covered with sterile mineral particles far different from the rich, living soil ecosystems on which we depend for most of our food. soil organisms
newcomer, fisherman, editor-in-chief, sister-in-law, take-off
1)合成名词数量最多,其中大多数由名词+名词构成: air conditioner 空调机 air raid 空袭 alarm clock 闹钟 arms race 军备竞赛 assembly line 装配线 baby-sitter 看孩子的人 bank account 银行账户 birth control 节制生育 blood donor 献血者 blood pressure 血压 book case 书柜 bookmark 书签 brain drain 人才流失 burglar alarm 防盗警报器 bus stop 公共汽车站 can opener 开罐器 car park 停车场 contact lens 隐形眼镜 corporal punishment 体罚 cotton wool 药棉 credit card 信用卡 death penalty 死刑 estate agent 地产经纪人 fancy dress (ball) 化装舞会 generation gap 代沟 greenhouse effect 温室效应 health center 医疗中心 heart attack 心脏病发作 heart failure 心力衰竭 hire purchase 分期付款 income tax 所得税 labor force 劳动力 labor market 劳动市场 letter-box 信箱 mail order 邮购定单 mineral water 矿泉水 mother-tongue 母语 nail varnish 指甲油 news bulletin 新闻公报 package holiday 一揽子度假计划
4. v.-ing + n. living-room, writing-paper, swimming-pool, hiding-place 5. v. + n. breakfast, crybaby, watchdog, pickpocket, birthcontrol
6. n. +v.+-er book-seller, film-maker, story-teller, peace-lover, housekeeper 7.prep./adv. +n. underground, upside, overcoat, afternoon, income, byproduct
3)有些合成词由动词的-ing形式和另一词构成,如: a. dining room 餐厅 drawing pin 图钉 driving license 驾驶执照 frying pan 煎锅 sleeping bag 睡袋 parking meter 停车计时器 swimming pool 游泳池 washing machine 洗衣机 washing powder 洗衣粉 writing paper 信纸 b. air-conditioning 空调 central heating 集中供暖 data processing 数据处理 family planning 计划生育 food poisoning 食物中毒 sighting-seeing 观光 weightlifting 举重 window-shopping 逛商店 wind surfing 风帆冲浪 zebra crossing 斑马线(人行横 道)
by-product 副产品 comrade-in-arms 战友 cover-up 掩盖事实 fork-lift truck 叉车 looker-on 旁观者 open-parent-family 单亲家庭 air-traffic control 空中交通管理 do-it-yourself 自己动手(手册) women’s movement 妇女运动 turnover 营业额 hocus-pocus 愚弄手法 jibbery-pockery 骗局 show-off 爱卖弄的人 passer-by 路旁经过的人 bird of prey 猛禽 bride-to-be 准新郎 bring-and-buy sale 慈善性义卖 merry-go-round 旋转木马 pickpocket 扒手 break-water 防波堤 take-off 起飞 go-between 中间人 breakthrough 突破 get-together 联欢会 downfall 垮台 outbreak 爆发 well-being 福利 back-seat driver 指手画脚瞎指挥者 good-for-nothing 不中用的人 touch-me-not 凤仙花 commander-in-chief 总司令 editor-in-chief 总编
2)也有不少合成名词由形容词+名词组成: central bank 中央银行 civil rights 公民权力 compact disc 激光唱盘 current affairs 时事 dry cleaning 干洗 fast food 快餐 first-aid 急救 French fries 炸薯条 general knowledge 人所共知的事 general public 公众 higher education 高等教育 high heels 高跟(鞋) high jump 跳高 high school 中学 human being 人 human rights 人权 industrial relations 劳资关系 modern languages 现代语言 musical instrument 乐器 natural history 自然历史 natural resources 自然资源 nervous breakdown 神经失常 old age 老年 old hand 老手 open air 露天 open letter 公开信 personal computer 个人电脑 polar bear 白熊,北极熊 public sector 公营部门 remote control 遥控 social security 社会保险 social services 社会服务(事业) social studies 社会研究 social work(er) 社会工作(