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1、Bicycle Inverted


Lie on back with straight legs and hands under hips, palms up.仰卧腿伸直,手放于髋部,掌心向上。

Lift legs until hips are at 90 degrees.抬起腿部直到髋关节呈90度。

Lift hips up and support with arms as shown.抬起髋关节用手臂进行支撑,像图示的那样。Inhale and split legs, bend knee of rear leg and move rear leg forward while moving front leg to rear, then straighten front leg.吸气同时分开双腿,后侧腿屈膝同时向前移动,前侧腿向后移动,然后伸直前侧腿。

Exhale and alternate legs, continuing sequence.呼气同时双腿轮流继续顺序。

2、Boomerang Part1


Sit tall, legs straight, right ankle crossed over left, hands at sides.坐直,腿伸直,右踝交叉于左踝之上,手放于身体两侧。

Inhale and roll back onto mid back and bring straight legs over head, keeping arms on floor for support.吸气同时向后滚动至中背部将伸直的腿抬起过头,保持手臂在地面上支撑。Maintain position, exhale and uncross ankles and re-cross ankles with left over right.


Inhale, roll forward to V sit position and bring arms forward pointing toward toes.


3、Boomerang Part2


Balance in V sit position, move arms behind back and grasp hands together as shown.


Exhale and rock forward until legs are on floor and bend forward so head is at knees, keeping arm behind back.呼气同时摇动向前直到腿部在地面上,接着向前弯曲身体使头部于双膝之间,保持手臂在背后。

Inhale keeping arms lifted, unclasp and circle arms around and to reach to toes or ankles.吸气保持手臂抬起的,双手松开同时双臂环抱触摸脚尖和脚踝。

Exhale and return to original starting position.呼气同时还原至起原来的起始位置。Repeat.重复。

4、Bottom Top


Lie on right side with neck supported with arm as shown. Legs should be slightly forward with toes pointed.右侧卧,手臂支撑颈部,腿稍稍放于身体前方脚尖绷紧。

Inhale and lift right leg and hold.吸气同时抬起右腿并且保持住。

Exhale and lift left leg up to right leg, lower legs separately.呼气抬起左腿靠近右腿,分开下放双腿。


Repeat series lying on left side.左侧卧重复组。



Stand with knees bent slightly, feet at hip distance apart, toes forward. Knees should be directly over toes. Bend forward so upper body is parallel to floor.站姿膝关节微屈,双脚打开与髋同宽,脚尖向前,膝关节位于脚尖正上方,俯身向前使上身与地面平行。

Hold weights in hands, palms together, elbows bent and next to sides.手持重物,手掌并拢,肘关节弯贴近身体两侧。

Inhale and extend right arm in front, palm down while extending left arm back, palm up.吸气同时向前伸展右臂,手掌向下。同时向后伸展左臂,手掌向上。

Exhale and return to start position.呼气同时回到起始位置。

Inhale and continue same motion moving right arm back and left arm forward.吸气继续相同的动作右手向后,左手向前。




Lie on back with hips at 90 degrees, legs straight, heels together and toes slightly pointed outward.仰卧髋关节屈成90度,双腿伸直,踝关节并拢脚尖稍稍指向上。

Place hands at sides on floor, slightly under buttocks.手放于身体两侧,稍稍位于臀下的位置。Inhale and move legs to left, then exhale and circle with legs back to starting position.吸气同时向左移动双腿,然后呼气同时腿部划圈回到起始位置。

Inhale and move legs to right, then exhale and circle with legs back to starting position. Repeat.吸气同时向右移动双腿,然后呼气同时腿部划圈回到起始位置。


Keep low back stable and avoid arching. Try circling both clockwise and counter-clockwise.保持下背部稳定及避免拱起,试着顺时针及逆时针两个方向划圈。

7、Double Bicycle
