查莉的成长日记 第一季04
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You were that big sheep thing? 那不是绵羊 是只公羊 Not a sheep. A ram. 威米震震羊 Rammy the Wammy. 开始了 Here it is-我闻名遐迩的威米震震舞 My famous wammy wiggle. 听听那些观众们的反响 他们可喜欢我了 Listen to the crowd. They love me. 是啊 肯定的 Well, sure. 人人都爱会跳舞的绵羊 Everybody loves a dancing sheep. 再说一次 Again, 那是只公羊 它长着角呢 It's a ram. It has horns. 看起来确实很有意思 妈妈 It sure looks like a lot of fun, Mom. 你真的这么想吗 You really think so? 当然了 Yeah yeah. 难道你觉得我只是为了让你高兴 Do you think I'd say something like that 而故意这么说的吗 Just to humor you? 我真高兴你这么说 I'm so happy to hear that 因为这周就要举行吉祥物选拔赛了 Because they're holding mascot tryouts this week. 可是 妈妈 你都扮过威米了 But, mom, you've already been wammy. 干嘛还要再去参加选拔呢 Why would you try out again? 我说是让你去啊 I'm talking about you. 拜托告诉我“你”指的是Ivy Please tell me "You" Is Ivy. 想一想吧 Teddy Think about it, Teddy. 你会成为史上第一只威米二世 You would be the first ever second-generation wammy. 自打你刚生下来我就梦想着这一刻了 I've been dreaming about this since you were born. 根据网上的资料 绵羊也是可以长角的 According to the internet, sheep can have horns. 听着 我不想给你施加任何压力 Look, I don't want to put any pressure on you. 你自己做主 你不用为了我这么做 It's your decision. You do not have to do this for me. - 我不用吗 - 不用
Well, for one thing he's a stud at peek-a-boo. 拜托 Charlie闭着眼睛都能玩躲猫猫 Come on, Charlie can play peek-a-boo with her eyes closed. 躲猫猫本来就得闭着眼睛 That's how you play peek-a-boo. 他还会什么 What else you got? 还有 Mason爬行快得不可思议 Well, Mason's an incredibly fast crawler. 没有Charlie快 她快得像只猫 Not as fast as Charlie. She's like a cat. Mason晚上和一只兔子一起睡觉 Mason sleeps at night with a rabbit-不是毛绒兔 而是只他抓到的真兔子 Not a stuffed one, one that he caught. 那么你认为Mason更快 So you think mason's faster. 我认为Charlie更快 I think charlie's faster. 只有一个办法来一判高下 There's only one way to settle this. 你敢不敢参加宝宝赛跑 We challenge you to a baby race. 噢 我接受你的挑战 Oh, it is on. 你会后悔的 And you're gonna be sorry 因为Mason和“比赛”这个词都能押上韵 Because mason rhymes with racin'. 我们愿意赌上一把 We'll take our chances. 与此同时 你也许想好好看看这个 In the meantime, you might want to take a good look at this, 因为这就是你和Mason将会看到的 Because that's all you and mason are gonna be seeing. 我不敢相信你会来参加威米羊的选拔 I can't believe you're trying out for wammy. 我们友谊的指导思想 The whole idea behind this friendship 就是你得让我变得更受欢迎 was for you to make me more popular, 而不是更不受欢迎 Not less popular. 拜托 别紧张 我说过我必须得参加选拔 Okay, relax. I said I had to try out. 我可没说我一定要好好表现啊 I didn't say I had to do well. 好了 各位 威米选拔赛开始了 All right, people. Time for wammy tryouts. - 首先出场的是Teddy Duncan - 我就是Teddy - First up, Teddy Duncan. - I'm Teddy. Amy Duncan的女儿 Daughter of Amy Duncan, Amy可是这所学校史上第二出色的威米羊
- I don't? - No. 你是为了我们这么做的 You'll do it for us. - 嘿 - 你在干什么呢 - Hey. - What are you doing? 和Teddy一起看我以前的威米录像 Watching all my old wammy videos with Teddy. Teddy呢 Teddy? 你要错过精彩的部分了 You're missing all the good parts. 我胡说什么呢 整个录像都是精彩部分 What am I saying? They're all good parts. 除了这一段 Except for this one. 还记得这段吗 Bob Remember this, Bob? 噢 我怎么可能忘呢 Oh, how can I forget? 那天晚上北城高中的野蛮人把放倒你了 The night the north high barbarian took you down. 噢 Oh! 我讨厌那家伙 I hated that guy. 即使对于一个野蛮人来说 他都称得上混蛋 Even for a barbarian, he was a jerk. 你还记得那群北城高中的流氓们 You remember the time those goons from north high 抓着你去兜风吗 grabbed you, took you on a little joyride? 那是每只威米羊最恐怖的噩梦啊 Every wammy's worst nightmare. 知道吗 我看不下去了 You know what? I can't even watch it. 就算现在看还是太痛苦了 It's too painful even now. 噢 等等 这段不错 Oh, wait, this is a good part. 过来 孩子们 你们会喜欢这段的 Come here, kids. You're gonna love this. 认出那个人了吗 Recognize that guy? 那是PJ吗 Is that PJ? 不是 是我 Nope, that's me. 你是说那个一头金发的瘦子是你 You mean that thin guy with a full head of hair is you? 没错 Yep. 那也就是说 So that means 我上了年纪后就会像你这样
4 嗨 Charlie 我是Teddy Hi, Charlie. Teddy here. 还有Ivy And Ivy. 现在你已经十一个月大啦 So you're 11 months old now 一件意义重大的事情即将发生 and something really big is about to happen to you. 你就要迈出你人生的第一步了 You're about to take your very first steps. 这将是自你第一次会拉出成型的便便后 This is your biggest milestone 又一个最重要的里程碑 since your first solid poop. 好了 放松点 我又没把那段录下来 Okay, relax. I didn't get it on video. 好吧 你又是我最好的朋友了 Okay, you're my best friend again. 总之 我希望能把你走第一步路的样子给录下来 Anyways, I wanted to capture your first steps on tape 可是每次当我把镜头对准你的时候 but every time I put the camera on you, 我只看到了这个 all I see is this. 等啊 Wait. 等啊 Wait. 等啊 Wait. 什么也没发生 And nothing. 拍你拉便便的时候也是这样的 Same thing happened with the poop. 孩子们 孩子们 快过来 快来看 Girls, girls, come here. Check it out. 看看我以前的录像带 It's an old video of me. 你们家录像带可真多 Lots of videotaping in this family. 你们真够自恋的啊 You guys sure do like yourselves. 这是我曾经在南城高中的光辉岁月 It's from my old glory days back at south high. 不是吧 Dwk.baidu.com太 你在我们学校念过书 No way, Mrs. D. You went to our school? 不是 是你们在我的学校念书 No, you're going to my school. 哇 哇 我出场了 Whoa whoa, there I am-我扮的学校吉祥物 The school mascot. 那只大绵羊就是你吗
I'm gonna look like you when I get old. 噢 我从25岁之后就不再像录像中那样青春了 Oh, I stopped looking like that when I was 25. 那我岂不是只有八年的时间了 But that's only eight years from now. 趁你还年轻时好好享受一下吧 Enjoy it while you got it. 如果我是你 我会尽早结婚的 If I were you, I'd marry young. 你在这里干什么 What are you doing in here? 逃离客厅 她现在在看什么 Not being out there. What tape is she up to? 第三盘 “面具背后的威米” Volume three, "Wammy behind the mask." 爸爸 她想让我参加选拔 Dad, she wants me to try out. 噢 老天 我就知道会有这么一天 Oh, boy. I knew this day was coming. 但是我不想去扮吉祥物 But I don't want to be a mascot. 否则我会成为学校最大的笑柄 你得帮我摆脱这个厄运 I'll be the biggest dork in school. You gotta help me out here. - 你想要我怎么做 - 你就不能和她谈谈吗 - What do you want me to do? - Can't you talk to her? 好啊 没问题 Yeah, okay. 我会和她谈的 亲爱的 等到我有胆量告诉她 I'll do that, honey, right after I mention 她穿她最喜欢的裤子看起来很胖之后 that her favorite pants make her look fat. - 谁看起来很胖 - 我妈 - Who looks fat? - My mother. 嘿 我们几乎是同时结束的 Hey, we almost ended at the same time. 那是因为我掉了一只鼓槌 Only because I dropped one of my sticks. 你注意看Charlie了吗 Did you see Charlie? 她简直是在尽情摇滚啊 She was totally rocking out. - 她很了不起吧 - 她还好啦 - Is she amazing or what? - She's okay. 还好 你什么意思 Okay? What is that supposed to mean? 你们总是没完没了地说 You guys are always going on and on Charlie是个超级宝宝 about what a super baby charlie is. 伙计 你得看看我的侄子Mason 他才算超级宝宝 Man, I got a nephew mason. Now that's a baby. Mason有什么了不起的 What's so great about Mason? 随便举个例子 他是个玩躲猫猫的绝顶高手