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Unit 3 Listening to Lectures
5 Memorizing the points by taking notes
• Making yourself take notes will not only force you to listen attentively but also help you to memorize the major points of the lecture for the future review. Your notes are the payoff for the time you invest. But note-taking does not mean writing down everything You hear. You should concentrate on the "meat" of the lecture and skip the trimmings. Usually the speaker will give some clues to what is important. For example, the essential points are: • 1) the key words he or she writes on the slides of PPT or the blackboard or repeated in different places; • 2) the points he or she emphasizes by tone of voice, gestures, facial expression and thai amount of time spent on them;
Unit 3 Listening to Lectures
2 Paying attention to the introduction
To understand a lecture, focusing your attention on the introduction part is very important because it helps you to predict the content or the main ideas. Slightly different from an academic essay, a lecture often begins in two ways, telling an interesting story or an anecdote, or introducing the points to be covered in the talk directly. In listening to the story, you should think of its theme, guess the topic and the attitude of the speaker toward it. Similarly, being informed of the outline of the lecture, you may pay attention to the following patterns the speaker tends to use to introduce their ideas:
Unit 3 Listening to Lectures
2 Paying attention to the introduction
Patterns the speaker tends to use to introduce their ideas:
1) To start with, I’ll talk about… Then I’ll discuss… After that, we’ll look at… I’ll finish by giving a summary of… 2) In the first part I’ll explain/talk… Then in the second part, I will present/examine/analyze…
Unit 3 Listening to Lectures
4 Following a lecture through signal words
a. similarly, likewise b. to conclude, in brief
Transitional language
1 illustration 2 cause 3 effect 4 comparison 5 condition 6 contrast 7 listing 8 classification 9 summary
1 Signalling topic Today I’m going to take up the subject of ... 2 Signalling structure Now let us consider ... 3 Signalling a shift Now, let’s move on to ... 4 Signalling explanation What I mean is ... That is to say ...
c. if, unless, assuming that d. as a result, so e. for instance, in particular f. one feature is g. due to, owing h. additionally, furthermore i. however, nevertheless
Unit 3 Listening to Lectures
4 Following a lecture through signal words
Unit 3 Listening to Lectures
4 Following a lecture through signal words
Signpost language
may use.
Unit 3 Listening to Lectures
1 Preparing for listening to a lecture
Tips before listening to a lecture:
5) Check the meanings and pronunciations of the terms and words. 6) Bring loose leaf paper or spiral bound notebooks. Or bring a laptop if you prefer to take notes on it and if the room is set up with ample power outlets and space.
Unit 3 Listening to Lectures
Unit Contents
1 Preparing for listening to a lecture 2 Paying attention to the introduction
3 Understanding the ideas through examples
4 Following a lecture through signal words
5 Memorizing the points by taking notes
Unit 3 Listening to Lectures
1 Preparing for listening
to a lecture
• Lectures are not only a major part of college learning, but another major source of your research article. You will get information no less than from reading essays and articles. To listen to an academic lecture effectively, however, you may do some homework beforehand. The following are some tips:
2) Research the topic by reading the related sources or the assigned readings.
3) Familiarize yourself with the subject and list out questions if possible. 4) Sort out subject-specific words and terms the lecture
Unit 3 Listening to Lectures
2 Paying attention to the introduction
A lecture often begins in two ways:
Telling an interesting story or an anecdote
Introducing the points to be covered in the talk directly
Unit 3 Listening to Lectures
3 Understanding the ideas through examples
Signal words that you should pay attention to:
for example
for instance the following example (story/ incident) illustrates/ demonstrates… such as as in the case of a good case in point
Unit 3 Listening to Lectures
1 Preparing for listening to a lecture
Tips before listening to a lecture:
1) Find out the topic of the lecture to be deliveቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱed.
Unit 3 Listening to Lectures
3 Understanding the ideas through examples
• Unlike an academic essay, a speaker tends to fill their lectures with examples, personal experience and anecdotes, the purpose of which is to illustrate a difficult idea or an abstract theory and to make his talk more vivid, attractive and easy to follow. Hence it is important to take an example or anecdote seriously and ask what's the point of the example when you hear it. You may especially pay attention to the signal words like for example, for instance, the followin,,g example (story/incident) illustrates/demonstrates such as, as in the case of, a good case in point, because before or after telling a story or an example, there is always a key sentence which