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socialist country. (祈使句) • II. Let’s fight for the construction of a great modernized socialist country.

(1) 一星期没有洗澡,一身臭汗。 I . without taking a bath during a whole week, You/I really stink of sweat .(分离) II. You are smelling of one-week-old sweat.(融合) (2) 给了他两天时间做准备,应该够了。 I. He is supposed to have been given enough time to get prepared in two days. .(融合) II. Two days are allowed him for making preparations. That is enough. .(分离)
(二) 说理(谚语)
• (2) 不经一事,不长一智。(虚数的翻译)
I. One cannot gain wisdom without experiencing something.( unless he experiences something.) II. No wisdom is gained without actual experience. III. Wit bought is better than wit taught. (不用 否定而用比较句,体现出对逻辑关系的灵活应用)
Shanghai. • V. Shanghai often sees much rain.
• (1)写作不可华而不实。 • I. Writing should not be flowery. • II. Flowery writing style should be avoided. • III. In writing, one should not indulge
• 转学分
• • • •
转让技术 移情别恋 传染/遗传疾病 转存数据
• 让乘客转乘 • 使球员转会到另一俱乐部 • 把小说改编成电影
二 、 无主句
汉语中叙事或说理的无主句译成英语大都要补充主语(一 般为人格主语)、形式主语it/there或在其他句子成分中提 炼主语(如宾语,用被动态)。 另外要注意无主句不一定是单句,往往有两个分句,如何 在翻译中体现这两个分句的联结也很关键。
behaves stealthily
三) 避免谓语(动词)的机械对应
(1)汉语的字与英语单词的对应(注意平时归 纳)
转到另一学院 转向太阳 调转船头 晴转多云 研究重点转到如何预防方面
• transfer to another college • Turn to the sun • Round a boat off • Change from fine to cloudy • Emphasis of research shifted to the prevention.
II 实质改变
转移社会风气/移风易俗 不以人的意志为转移
Change prevalent social customs • be independent from man’s will
(3)英语单词与汉语合成词的对应 I
• Transfer • 不及物 • Transfer to Hollywood • Transfer to my bank account • 人格主语 • Transfer to another hospital • Transfer to this school • Transfer to another department
himself in flashy techniques. • IV. Writing should not be packed with falderal(华而不实的东西,胡说八道).
(2) 他这个人贼头贼脑的。
• I. He is furtive. • II. He behaves like a thief. • III. He is a bit like a thief. • IV. He looks sly and furtive. • V. He is a stealthy guy. • VI. This guy
(1) 南京近几年发生了巨大的变化。
• III. These years have seen/ witnessed
great changes in Nanjing. • IV. Nanjing has been crackling with dynamics of changes these years. • Crackle : 劈啪作响;声音回荡 ;充满(具 有一种张力)、充斥
•转 • 迁到好莱坞 • 转帐
• 转院 • 转学 • 转任
(3)英语单词与汉语合成词的对应 II
• • • • • • • • •
单宾语 Transfer credits transfer technology transfer affection transfer disease transfer data 双宾语 transfer passengers to transfer the footballer to another club • transfer novels to movies
(2) 上海这个地方多雨。
• !Shanghai has a lot of rain. • I. There is much rain here in Shanghai. • II. It rains a lot here in Shanghai. • III. It is often raining/rainy in Shanghai. • IV. People have much rain here in
(一) 惯用(简单句)
• (1) 前面看不见有人。 • I. There was not a person in sight. • II. No one was spotted in front of us. • (2)为建设一个社会主义现代化强国而奋斗。 • I. Strive to build a great modernized
一) 避免汉英主语的机械对应
1. 以地点为主语的汉语句子可以与多种形式的英语 主语相对应。
• (1) 南京近几年发生了巨大的变化。 • !Nanjing has taken place /happened a lot
of changes in recent years • I. There have been great changes in Nanjing these years. • II. Great changes have taken place in Nanjing in recent years.
• 转移
I 位置改变
• • • •
转移视线 转移战场 战略转移 转移情感
I. divert, shift, transfer
• • • • II •
Divert sb’s attention Move to another battlefield Make a strategic shift Transfer affection to
(三ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 说理(复合句)
• (1)学习先进才有可能赶超先进。
I. One must learn from the advanced before he can catch up and surpass them. II. It is impossible to surpass the advanced unless one learns from them.(语序变化) III. Only when a person learns from the advanced, can he catch up and surpass them. (语序不变但形式倒装)