Fitzgerald,菲茨杰拉德,The Great Gatsby《了不起的盖茨比》

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F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940)
Spokesman of the Jazz Age
Born in St. Paul, Minnesota
[ˌmini's əutə]明尼苏达(州名) on September 24, 1896.
Had an expensive education in private
In order to marry with
Zelda, Fitzgerald went to NY City and worked hard. Later when he published his first novel This Side of Paradise, Zelda married him.
When he was a poor army lieutenant.陆军
中尉 , Gatsby had fallen in love with Daisy, Nick's beautiful cousin, but later Daisy married Tom Buchanan, who is wealthy but unintelligent and brutal.
is a young Midwesterner美国中西部人 who sells bonds in New York. He lives at West Egg 西卵镇 , Long Island长岛(美国纽 约州东南岛屿) , which is separated from the city by an ash-dump灰堆 .
Gatsby manages to meet Daisy again
with the help of Nick and tries to win her back with his extravagant devotion.
Meanwhile Daisy's husband takes
another woman, Myrtle Wilson, as his mistress.
Zelda had suffered from some serious mental
breakdowns which confined her in a sanitarium [ˌsæni't ɛəriəm] 疗养院 for the rest of her life.
Alcoholism, loneliness and despair combined
She is a beautiful southern girl, from a wealthy family. She loved social activities very much and told Fitzgerald that she loved him but she was too expensive for him.
Nick's neighbor is Jay Gatsby, who is a
mysterious man, whose mansion and fabulous entertainments are financed by bootlegging ['bu:tleg] 非法制造、运送、 销售(酒类), 走私and other criminal activities.
His second novel. It
The couple in the novel
were undoubtedly after Fitzgerald himself and Zelda.
The Great Gatsby 《了不起的盖茨比/ 长岛春梦: His masterpiece. It made him one of the greatest American novelists.
Gatsby tries to protect Daisy, and Tom, to
whom Daisy has become reconciled, tells Mr. Wilson out of an hatred of his rival that it was Gatsby who killed his wife.
The Last Tycoon《最后的大亨》:
His last novel. It remains unfinished.
Major works: short stories
Tales of the Jazz Age (1922) All the Sad Young Man (1926) 《一代悲哀的年轻人》 Babylon Revisited: it depicts an American‟s return
Flappers and Philosophers (1921)《时髦女和哲学家》
Taps at Reveille ['revəli] 起床号, (1935) 《早晨的起床号》
to Paris in the 1930s and his regretful realization that the past is beyond his reach, since he can neither alter it nor make any amends. 《重访巴比伦》
The 20‟s are also referred to as “The Jazz Age,”
a term coined by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1922.
The Jazz Age began with the end of WWI, at a
time when, for the first time, the U.S. had emerged as a world power.
The 1930s brought relentless decline for
Fitzgerald with a series of misfortunes: his reputation declined, his wealth fell, his health failed.
The Jazz Age is brought vividly to life in The
Great Gatsby.
schools at Princeton 普林斯顿.
Due to illness and neglect of academic
study, he left the university in 1917 without graduation.
He joined the army.
In his army days, he met Zelda Sayre.
Tender is the Night 《夜色温柔》 (1934), in which he traces the decline of a young American psychiatrist [saiˈkai trist] ə 精神科医生, whose marriage to a beautiful and wealthy patient drains his personal energies and corrodes腐蚀 his professional career.
The Jazz Age
It is a time marked by frivolity [friˌv ɔliti] (轻
松快活), carelessness, hedonism[ˌhi:d ənizəm] (享乐主义) and excitement in the life of the flaming youth.
The distinctive feature about this ash-
dump is an oculist„s [ˌ ɔkjulist] 眼科医生 faded billboard with a pair of great staring eyes behind yellow spectacles, symbolic of an obscenely[əb‟si:n] 淫秽的 futile world.
"The Jazz Age"
His novels and short stories recorded
changing social attitudes during the 1920s, a period dubbed [dʌb] 把…称 为; "The Jazz Age".
The Jazz Age
Zelda: the prototype原型 of a series of rich,
beautiful women who figure prominently in his fiction. The young couple frequently went abroad and lived extravagantly a luxurious [lʌgˈzju əriəs] life. To keep earning enough money, Fitzgerald wrote short stories and novels at a rapid speed.
to ruin Fitzgerald. He died in 1940 of a heart attack.
The apartment where F. Scott died in 1940.
Major works
Major works: his novels
This Side of Paradise《天堂的另一面》:
Wilson shoots Gatsby and then himself. At
the end of the story, Nick broods over Gatsby's dream and decides to go back home to the West.
The Jazz Age
When Mr. Wilson, the garageman, becomes
jealous and imprisons her in her room, Myrtle escapes, runs out on the highway, and is accidentally hit by Daisy, who drives the car at that moment.
His first novel. It won for him wealth and fame.
The Beautiful and
Damned 《美丽的和可 诅咒的》/《漂亮的冤 家》:
portrays the emotional and spiritual collapse of a wealthy young man during an unstable marriage.
Flappers and Philosophers (1921) 《时髦女和哲学家》
Flappers: (20世纪 20年代的) 不拘传统的 时髦少女
Tales of the Jazz Age (1922)
The Great Gatsby: the plot
Nick Carraway, the narrator of the story,
"I've fallen in love with a whirlwind 旋风 ,” declared the young lieutenant Fitzgerald, having met Zelda Sayre at a country club. It was in the summer of 1918 in Montgomery, Alabama. "She dances like a flame火焰 ."