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表1 话语和世界的关系
言语行为类别 话语和世界关系 关系 责任者
宣告语( 宣告语(declarations) ) 表情语( 表情语(expressives) ) 请求语( 请求语(rogatives) ) 承诺语( 承诺语(commisives) ) 指令语( 指令语(directives) )
话语改变世界 话语适应世界(心理世界) 话语适应世界(心理世界) 话语适应世界 世界将适应话语 世界将适应话语
说话人 说话人 说话人 听话人 说话人 听话人
表信语( 表信语(representatives) 话语适应世界(外部世界) ) 话语适应世界(外部世界)
6、练习5各组例子中的(b)句更像哪一种言语行为? 7、尝试写一些可造成真的或巧妙(felicitous)的指令 语(directives) 8、写两个对于一个请求语(rogatives)而言是关键的 得体条件。 9、一位母亲在她孩子要出门的时候站在门边并对孩子 说:“Did you put your jacket on?”运用指令语和请 求 语的合适条件,解释一下为什么该母亲的话会被理 解为间接指令语。
Tom’s eating grapes. Bill was an accountant. I’m sorry to hear that. This beer is disgusting. Where did he go? Is she leavine? I’ll call you tonight. We’re going to turn you in
5、看下面每组语句。指出(a)句可能属于的的言语行 为类别(见下表1)。然后设想一个语境可以让你将(b) 句也归入该类。然后考虑为什么(a)句比(b)句表达 这个行为更直接。 1(a)Go away. 1(b)My essay is due tomorrow morning. 2(a)Put your jacket on. 2(b)Did you put your jacket on? 3(a)Be quiet. 3(b)I’m very upset that so many of you are talking. 4(a)The Democrats won. 4(b)Have you heard that the Democrats won? 5(a)Have you been fired? 5(b)Someone said you got fired. 6(a)I’ll pay you back. 6(b)Authors always pay their debts.
第7讲 言语行为的进一步探讨
If you do that, I won’t eat my dessert.
(Matteo Peccei,age 3)
1、是什么原因导致以下话语中的“承诺”不适当 (infelicitous)? (a)Ti prometto di pulire la cucina. [“I promise you that I’ll clean up the kitchen ” spoken to someone who the speaker knows does not understand Italian.] (b)I promise that I’ll punch(以拳重击) you in the nose. (c)I promise that the sun will come up tomorrow. (d)I promise that I started the dishwasher. (e)I promise that you’ll make a wonderful dessert. (f)I promise that I’ll jump over the skyscraper if I pass my exam.
2、 考虑以下每组对话的第二个说话人的话语是 表信语(representatives)、承诺语 (commisives)还是指令语(directives)。 (a)Jane: Coco’s sick. Steve: I’ll take her to the vet vet(兽医). . (b)Mike: What’s the weather like in Dallas Annie: It’s raining. (c)Ed: The garage is a mess. Faye: Clean it up.
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
言语行为 类别 宣告语
典型表达 例子 You find the defendant guilty. I resign.
表信语 表情语 请求语 承诺语
以说话人充当的主语 和一个简单现在时的 言为动词构成的陈述 结构 陈述结构 带有指称感情的陈述 结构 疑问结构 说话人充当主语、将 来时表达的陈述结构
4、你会怎样描述下列话语的词语与世 界间的关系?我们前面讨论的何种范 畴具有这种关系? (a)I now pronounce you husband and wife. (b)I name this ship “Buster Brown”. (c)I sentence you to 10 years in prison.
3、以下对话的第二个说话人的话语能容易地 划为表信语、承诺语或指令语吗? (a)Carmen: You’ve thrown away the paper. Dave: I’m sorry. (b)Partrick: I got a new Nintendo game. Virginia: Who from?