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3. It was Friday *and soon they'd go out and get drunk. 星期五发薪日到了,他们马上就要上街去喝得酩酊
大醉。 *星期五[Friday]为英国的发薪日。如不解释,译
入语读者就不会明白英国人为什么要在这一天上街去大 吃大喝。
• 1)(准确)理解(语言现象、逻辑关系、原文所指涉 的事物),要求译者进入细致地进行语法分析、语 义分析、语体分析和语篇分析。
4. Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market. 5.When John was talking about the affairs, we smelled
a rat..6.He bent solely upon profit.7. If we want your cents, we’ll ask for it.
C。 从翻译的手段来看,可分为口译、笔译和机器 翻译;
D。从翻译题材看,可分为专业性翻译、文学翻译、 一般性翻译;
• 1)扎实的语言基本功 • This large body of men had met on the previous
night,despite the elements which were opposed to them, a heavy rain falling the whole night and drenching them to the skin. • 2)丰富的文化知识 • The Army and Navy needed all their energies to acquire conventional weapons ;they had no time for Buck Rogers games. • 3)熟悉翻译理论和常用技巧. • They were sons of the men who left their homes and taken to the mountains with their broad swords by their side. • 4)熟悉各种工具书
Translation implies the rendering from one language to another of something written or spoken.
Eugene A. Nida: Translating means translating meaning.
总的来说,翻译是一门综合性的学科,因为它集语 言学、文学、社会学、教育学、人类学、信息理 论等学科特点与一身形成了自己独立的体系。
A.从译出语(source language)和译入语(target
language)的角度来看,翻译可分为本族语译为 外语,外语译为本族语。
B。从涉及的语言符号来看,可分为语内翻译、语 际翻译和符际翻译;
学系主任)at the university.
• 2)(充分)表达:译者把自己所理解的内容用译入语准确而又自
• These developing countries cover vast territories,encompass a large population and abound in natural resources.
表达方式:直译、意译、直译加意译;能直译就尽量直译,不能直 译就意译。)
Whether we should use literal translation or free translation depends on the interrelation between the source language and the target language.
10.This means killing two birds with one stone.
• 1.Definition of Translation
• Translation is getting more and more important,
which is known to all. and what is translation?
• 根据《牛津大词典》,英语的translate一词,应该 来自拉丁文translatus一词,而后者则是transferre的 一种过去分词,其中trans-的意思是across ,意为 “从此边/岸到彼边/岸””,与中文的“翻”有异曲 同工之妙;而-ferre的意思则是to bear, carry,bring “translate”一词字面含义是“把某物从此处搬到彼 处”,除了“翻译”以外还有“解释”、“转变”、 “转移”、“调换[宗教]”、“移葬[宗教]”等多种含义。
9. The oppressed people in the world would rather go through fire and water to fight against imperialists and colonialists than be turned round their little fingers.
1.That’s all Greeks to me.
2.If you see any green in his eye, you are wrong.
3.Today I welcomed the opportunity of exchanging views with the leaders of Chinese Government about the world scene.
2.I read this letter with both surprise and excitement, surprise because he is still around, excitement because he didn’t ever forget me.
3.When they find who killed that kid and its mother, they will throw the book , and never mind who it was.
漏译的词、句、段落;误译的内容;逻辑不通,行文不顺;翻译 腔;误用标点符号。)
• 1)忠实(原作的内容、风格) • 2)通顺(通顺易懂,符合规范) • 详细看课本第7页。
1.Partly as a result of the recently increasing demand, whole-sale tea prices have doubled.
பைடு நூலகம்
2) 翻译是一种跨时空的语言活动(尽管人类处理 主观和客观世界的具体方式因受不同的文化价值 观的影响而不完全相同,但各民族在许多方面存 在着广泛的一致,人类的 语言生成和转换能力 也毫无二致,所以一种语言所表达的东西用另一 语言重新表达是可能的。),是一门科学 (science)、艺术(art)、技能(skill)、鉴 赏(taste)。
• 根据《美国传统词典[双解]的解释》,这个词有很多意思:
• (1)to render in another language.翻译;翻译成
• (2)to put in simpler words; explain or interprete ;
• (3)to express in different words; paraphrase • (5)To change from one form, function, or state to another;
• 这些发展中国家,土地辽阔,人口众多,资源丰富。 • 防止两种倾向: • 1.Overtranslation(over-representation,即不顾原文本意如何,
• 2.Undertranslation(under-representation.即任意删减 或是忽略 原作者的感情态度或不计语言风格。)
6.He walked at the head of the funeral procession and every now and then wiped his crocodile tears with a big handkerchief.
7.Every dog has its day.
8.Do you see any green in my eye?
1.It is good for him to do that; 2.He bought a chair (椅子)at the furniture store; 3.He was condemned to the electric chair(电椅); 4.Please address the chair(会议主席); 5.He will chair (主持)the meeting; 6.He was appointed to the chair of philosophy(哲
4.He was regarded by good wives far and wide as a hero.
5. There is no pot so ugly it can’t find a lid. 直译:锅子再癞,也不愁找个盖。 意译:姑娘再丑,也不愁配偶。
2. While it may seem to be painting the lily, I should like to add somewhat to Mr.Alistair Cooke‘s excellent article. 我想给阿利斯太尔•库克先生的杰作稍加几笔,尽 管这也许是为百合花上色,费力不讨好。 *在西方人眼里,百合花是高贵、贞洁、美丽的象 征,故为百合花上色自然是做徒劳无益之事。
英汉翻译绪论 1.翻译的定义、性质、分类及其对译者的要求
1)定义:反映是用一种语言把已经表达出来的东西用另一种语言准 确而完整地重新表达出来。
Translation is an activity of reproducing in one language the ideas which have been expressed in another language. Nida: Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language , first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.
convert or transform 使转变;从一种形式、职能或状态转到另 一种形式、职能或状态;转变或变形; • 如:translate an ideal into reality//translate sth into action • (6)to transfer from one place or condition to another 转到; 使…… 从个地方或状态转到另一个地方或状态. • 如:The emblem has been translated into a fact, or rather into a miracle.//be translated into the countryside. • 前三个是主要用法;(1)的意思就是”翻译”;(5)(6)的意 思,基本上都是讲事物从一种状态转变为另一种状态,侧重的 是形式和状态的转变而基本没涉及到内容上的传递。具体说, 其意义恰好在于translate的trans-上,是在across上,而没有在 意carry,bear, bring什么内容.
1. Even before they were acquainted, he had admired Osborn in secret. Now he was his valet, his dog, his man Friday. 他没有认识奥斯本之前,已经暗暗佩服他。如今便成了他的听 差,他的狗,他的忠仆星期五*。 *星期五(Friday)是《鲁滨逊漂流记》故事中Robinson Crusoe 的忠实奴仆。