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food safety considerations include the origins of food including the practices relating to food labeling, food hygiene, food additives and pesticide residues(农药残留), as well as policies on biotechnology and food and guidelines for the management of governmental import and export inspection and certification systems for foods.
What is food safety?
Definition:a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent foodborne illness(食品源性疾病).
5.Dyeing steamed bread(染色馒头)
In April 2011, many supermarkets in shanghai produced staining steamed bread by overdoing the steamed bread to the recovery processing,
Tonyred is a type of pigment(色素) and a kind of man-made chemicals, commonly used in industry, such as dyeing solvent(溶剂), oil, wax (蜡)and polish products. scientists have found through experiments that tonyred will lead to cancer , Most countries in the world have banned its use in food production.
Causes behind food problems
Enterprises’ pursuit of profits and their loss of morality Inadequate relevant regulations ,rules, and inspection and security system of commodity Consumers‘ Weak awareness of consumer rights ,and lack of common knowledge of food
Do you know the leather shoe style (皮鞋体)in China? it became popular after the event of poison capsule (毒胶
早晨起床,掀开黑心绵作的被子,用致癌牙膏 刷完牙,喝杯过了期的碘超标还掺了三聚氰胺的牛 奶,吃根柴油炸的洗衣粉油条,外加一个苏丹红咸 蛋,在票贩子手里买张车票,准时赶到地下烟厂上 班,九点三十分偷偷用山寨手机看股票从6124.04点 跌到1240.46点,中午在餐馆点一盘用地沟油炒的避 孕药喂的黄膳,再加一碟敌敌畏喷过的白菜,盛两 碗杯陈化粮煮的毒米饭;晚上蒸一盘病的瘦肉精养 大的死猪肉做的腊肉,沾上点毛发勾兑的毒酱油, 夹两片大粪水浸泡的臭豆腐,还有用福尔马林泡过 的凉拌海蜇皮,抓两个添加了漂viper和吊白块的大 馒头,还喝上两杯富含甲醇的白酒。唉……这日子 过的真是那个爽!!!
cornmeal and black rice and flour bun are made by white steamed bread and additives .This kind of steamed bread eating too much can cause harm to human body.
Food safety
What happened to the things we eat?
Why does it become prevalent in China?
How to solve food safety problems?
1)The current situation of China’s food safety
4.lean meat powder (瘦肉精)
On the March 15th,2011 International Consumer Rights Day Shuanghui lean meat powder scandal exposed by cctv, It can help increase the growth rate of pigs and increase lean meat ,but produce serious impact on our health
3.Melamine (三聚氰胺)
Melamine is a chemical used in making plastics and fertilizer. which is high in nitrogen, mimics the presence of protein in some lab tests. Many milk manufacturers add too much melamine to increase milk protein content falsely.
Following is a song of food safety, which reflects the true feelings of Chinese people about food safety issues
2)Major accidents of food safety
ISO 22000 is a standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization dealing with food safety. It specifies the requirements for a food safety management system that involves interactive communication, system management, prerequisite programs, healthy principles.
“想吃果冻了,舔下皮鞋,想喝老酸 奶了,舔下皮鞋,感冒要吃药了,还是 舔下皮鞋。” “上得了厅堂,下得了厨房,爬得了 高山,涉得了水塘,制得成酸奶,压得 成胶囊,2012,皮鞋很忙。” “从前有两只皮鞋彼此相爱。可是有 一天它们失散了。一个变成了酸奶,一 个变成了胶囊,它们以为再也不能在一 起了,但它们在胃里重逢了……”在毒胶 囊事件后,“皮鞋很忙”体突然在网络 上开始流行,网友借此讽刺食品安全问 题层出不穷。
2.Swill-cooked dirty oil (地沟油)
It’s from sewer(下水道) being extracted from the catering(餐饮业) industry waste, and sometimes called hogwash oil because it is inedible and unsanitary (不卫生)
Factors threaten the security of food
Pollution from the microorganism(微生物) : the infectious bacteria in food have done great harm to people’s health chemical pollution: Extensive use of fertilizers, pesticides (农药)and growth regulators(生长剂) and other agricultural chemicals; Rivers, lakes and inshore seaside have been polluted; pollution from Biological toxin(生物 毒素) Pollution in the process of production: the abuse of food addictives; Plant genetic engineering of food (植物基因 工程食品)may be harmful to human health; illegal production
Let’s see it from the following ironic jokes, which were made by normal Chinese citizens to express their worries about food and desperation about the severe situation
Imperfect food security guarantee system
The negative influences of food safety issues Pose a serious threat to the safety and health of consumers, spark a crisis of people’s trust in food safety. Cause great economic loss , a heavy blow to the development of the production industry Reduce the export volume, deteriorate the foreign trade conditions, damage our country’s international image Intensify the social conflicts, increase dissatisfaction among the people
sudan red in eggs (苏丹红) Swill-cooked dirty oil (地沟油) Melamine (三聚氰胺) lean meat powder (瘦肉精)
Dyeing steamed bread(染色馒头)
1.Tonyred in eggs (苏丹红)
Useful signs and Official certification systems
What can we do to solve the problem?
Government’s responsibilities: Strengthen the supervision of the food quality, improve the standards of the security of food Improve the legal system and strengthen law enforcement and punishment for defective food production Spread about food and nutrition health knowledge
What is food safety?
Definition:a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent foodborne illness(食品源性疾病).
5.Dyeing steamed bread(染色馒头)
In April 2011, many supermarkets in shanghai produced staining steamed bread by overdoing the steamed bread to the recovery processing,
Tonyred is a type of pigment(色素) and a kind of man-made chemicals, commonly used in industry, such as dyeing solvent(溶剂), oil, wax (蜡)and polish products. scientists have found through experiments that tonyred will lead to cancer , Most countries in the world have banned its use in food production.
Causes behind food problems
Enterprises’ pursuit of profits and their loss of morality Inadequate relevant regulations ,rules, and inspection and security system of commodity Consumers‘ Weak awareness of consumer rights ,and lack of common knowledge of food
Do you know the leather shoe style (皮鞋体)in China? it became popular after the event of poison capsule (毒胶
早晨起床,掀开黑心绵作的被子,用致癌牙膏 刷完牙,喝杯过了期的碘超标还掺了三聚氰胺的牛 奶,吃根柴油炸的洗衣粉油条,外加一个苏丹红咸 蛋,在票贩子手里买张车票,准时赶到地下烟厂上 班,九点三十分偷偷用山寨手机看股票从6124.04点 跌到1240.46点,中午在餐馆点一盘用地沟油炒的避 孕药喂的黄膳,再加一碟敌敌畏喷过的白菜,盛两 碗杯陈化粮煮的毒米饭;晚上蒸一盘病的瘦肉精养 大的死猪肉做的腊肉,沾上点毛发勾兑的毒酱油, 夹两片大粪水浸泡的臭豆腐,还有用福尔马林泡过 的凉拌海蜇皮,抓两个添加了漂viper和吊白块的大 馒头,还喝上两杯富含甲醇的白酒。唉……这日子 过的真是那个爽!!!
cornmeal and black rice and flour bun are made by white steamed bread and additives .This kind of steamed bread eating too much can cause harm to human body.
Food safety
What happened to the things we eat?
Why does it become prevalent in China?
How to solve food safety problems?
1)The current situation of China’s food safety
4.lean meat powder (瘦肉精)
On the March 15th,2011 International Consumer Rights Day Shuanghui lean meat powder scandal exposed by cctv, It can help increase the growth rate of pigs and increase lean meat ,but produce serious impact on our health
3.Melamine (三聚氰胺)
Melamine is a chemical used in making plastics and fertilizer. which is high in nitrogen, mimics the presence of protein in some lab tests. Many milk manufacturers add too much melamine to increase milk protein content falsely.
Following is a song of food safety, which reflects the true feelings of Chinese people about food safety issues
2)Major accidents of food safety
ISO 22000 is a standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization dealing with food safety. It specifies the requirements for a food safety management system that involves interactive communication, system management, prerequisite programs, healthy principles.
“想吃果冻了,舔下皮鞋,想喝老酸 奶了,舔下皮鞋,感冒要吃药了,还是 舔下皮鞋。” “上得了厅堂,下得了厨房,爬得了 高山,涉得了水塘,制得成酸奶,压得 成胶囊,2012,皮鞋很忙。” “从前有两只皮鞋彼此相爱。可是有 一天它们失散了。一个变成了酸奶,一 个变成了胶囊,它们以为再也不能在一 起了,但它们在胃里重逢了……”在毒胶 囊事件后,“皮鞋很忙”体突然在网络 上开始流行,网友借此讽刺食品安全问 题层出不穷。
2.Swill-cooked dirty oil (地沟油)
It’s from sewer(下水道) being extracted from the catering(餐饮业) industry waste, and sometimes called hogwash oil because it is inedible and unsanitary (不卫生)
Factors threaten the security of food
Pollution from the microorganism(微生物) : the infectious bacteria in food have done great harm to people’s health chemical pollution: Extensive use of fertilizers, pesticides (农药)and growth regulators(生长剂) and other agricultural chemicals; Rivers, lakes and inshore seaside have been polluted; pollution from Biological toxin(生物 毒素) Pollution in the process of production: the abuse of food addictives; Plant genetic engineering of food (植物基因 工程食品)may be harmful to human health; illegal production
Let’s see it from the following ironic jokes, which were made by normal Chinese citizens to express their worries about food and desperation about the severe situation
Imperfect food security guarantee system
The negative influences of food safety issues Pose a serious threat to the safety and health of consumers, spark a crisis of people’s trust in food safety. Cause great economic loss , a heavy blow to the development of the production industry Reduce the export volume, deteriorate the foreign trade conditions, damage our country’s international image Intensify the social conflicts, increase dissatisfaction among the people
sudan red in eggs (苏丹红) Swill-cooked dirty oil (地沟油) Melamine (三聚氰胺) lean meat powder (瘦肉精)
Dyeing steamed bread(染色馒头)
1.Tonyred in eggs (苏丹红)
Useful signs and Official certification systems
What can we do to solve the problem?
Government’s responsibilities: Strengthen the supervision of the food quality, improve the standards of the security of food Improve the legal system and strengthen law enforcement and punishment for defective food production Spread about food and nutrition health knowledge