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a bit----a little on time---in time

quiz----exam at table----at the table

point at---point to----point out reach----get to----arrive at/in

except----besides with----in----by

finally----at last----in the end type----kind

habit----custom particular----special----especial

used to----be used to greet sb---say hello to sb

rude----inpolite at times----sometimes

at first----first of all beside—near---next to


1. be supposed to do =should应该\被期望做某事

2. shake hands (with)sb握手shake 本意是“摇动、震动”

3. should have done sth. “情态动词+现在完成时”表示过去本应该做某事,事实上没有做

4. be relaxed about sth.对某事随意、不严格

5. make plans to do

plan to do. 打算做某事

plan on doing

6. fancy dress 聚会时所穿的奇装异服

7. a fancy dress ball 化妆舞会

8. drop by 访问看望拜访串门

drop in on sb 顺便走访某人

visit sb 拜访

come over to

9. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事

Sb be invited to do sth.某人被邀请做某事。

10.chopsticks 筷子是由chop(砍)+stick(棒)合成,

11. go out of one’s way to do 特意,专门做某事

12. make mistakes 犯错误(复数)make a mistake 犯错误(一个)

13. be different from 与…不同

14. can’t stop doing 忍不住做某事

15. learn…by oneself 自学

learn sth. by oneself 自学

teach oneself

teach +sb.+ 学科教sb某学科

16. point to / at sb. “指”物时,只能用to,而“指”人时,to或at都可以用

17. be important to sb. 对某人来说非常重要。

18. exchange program 文化交流项目

19. drop by one's home 拜访

=drop in at+地点

20.after all 毕竟

first of all 首先

21.pick sth. up 捡起、拾起

22. make noise 发出令人不愉快的声音、制造噪音

23. table manners 餐桌礼仪

24. be\get used to sth/doing 习惯于sth/doing be\get used to doing习惯于…

be used to do 被用于做…

be used for doing被用于做…

used to do 过去常常做…

25. greet sb (in a right /wrong way ) 问侯

26. different customs 不同的风俗

27. kiss sb (on the face/cheek/forehead)


28. feel/be relaxed/nervous 觉得轻松,紧张

29.have relaxed/strict rules 有松/紧的规则

30. the land of sth /watches …王国

31. wipe one's mouth with the napkin用纸巾插嘴

32. mind one's (table ) manners 注意…礼仪

(1)eat with hands 用手抓着吃

(2)talk at the table 在餐桌上讲话

(3)pick up one's bowl of rice 端起饭碗

(4)start eating first 先开始吃

(5)wipe one’s mouth with the napkin 用餐巾纸檫嘴

(6)make noise while eating 吃时发出声音

33.(7)stick chopsticks into the food 用筷子插进食物里

(8)point at sb with the chopsticks用筷子指向某人

(9)eat or drank while walking down the street


(10)put the hands in/on one's lap把手放在大腿上

(11)say you're full 说吃饱了

(12) sit down from the left side 从右手边坐下

(13) eat sth with a fork/knife/spoon/chopsticks

用(餐具)吃feel/be full/hungry/empty 感觉很饱/饿

34. be full of sth

be filled with sth 充满/装满…

sth. occur (in sth) 某事发生35.happen to sb 某人发生sth. take place in 某处发生36.give sb compliments 称赞sb 37.toast sb=make a toast to sb 向sb敬酒38.be unfamiliar to sb/sth 熟悉39.Questions crowded my mind . 我脑袋里充满问题
