2018届二轮复习 书面表达 基本句型四:主语+谓语+双宾语(直接宾语+间接宾语)课件(27张)

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4. were→ was 主语papercutting为不可数名词, 故用was。 5. kind→ kinds 此处指有三种剪纸,故kind用 复数kinds。 6. or→ and 此处是三种剪纸的并列,故用and。 7. wide→ widely 修饰谓语动词用副词。 8. it→ them 此处指代上文提到的 “papercutting products”,故用them。 9. 去掉the 因佛山是地名,无需在前加the。 10. farther→ far 此处是as + adj./adv.(原级)+ as“与……一样”,故改成far。
7.我们应警告孩子网络的危险。 We should warn children of the dangers on line. 8.谢谢您写信给我。 Thanks for writing me the letter.
9.医生治好了他的病。 9. The doctor has cured him of his disease. 10.Tom使Mary相信了他的诚实。 10. Tom convinced Mary of his honesty.
Nowadays, papercutting products are often chosen as presents and foreigners are always
fond of it. There are more than 30 shops for them paper cuts in the Foshan, and papercutting
There are three kind of paper cuts: paper cuts for decoration, for religious purposes
or for design. And among them those for
and kinds
decoration are the most wide used.
直接宾语前加介词of的动词有: cure, convince (使信服), inform, rob, rid(摆脱, 赶走, 清除), warn。
即时练习: 1.我想为父亲挑选一份合适的礼物。 I want to choose a suitable present for my father. 2.母爱给我们鼓励和力量。 Mother’s love gives us encouragement and power.
3.我决定自学英语。 I decided to teach myself English.
4.那个老人给我们指路。 The old man showed us the way.
5.请在本周末把所借的书都还给图书。 5. Please return all the books to the library by this weekend. 6.为了孩子,母亲愿意做一切事情。 6. A mother will do everything for her children.
2018届二轮复习 书面表达专题
基本句型之四:主语+谓语+双宾 语(直接宾语+间接宾语)
基本句型四: 主语+及物动词+间宾+直宾 该句型中的谓语动词必须跟有两个宾 语才能表达完整的意思。一个是表示人的 间接宾语;一个是表示物的直接宾语。间 接宾语一般在前面, 直接宾语在后面。如: Tom left Mary a message.汤姆给玛丽留下 了口信。
短文改错 Foshan papercutting is a traditional folk art
with a long history, which dated back more than dates to 1,000 years ago. On Qing Dynasty, papercutting In became popular in Foshan and were an was important part of people’s daily life.
Mother made a nice dress for the little girl. 妈妈给小女孩做了条美丽的 裙子。
间接宾语前加介词for的动词有: buy, choose, get, make, order, sing, do, play,save等。
3.主+及物动词+人(间宾)+of+物(直宾)。 如: They robbed the old man of his money. 他们抢了老人的钱。 He’s warned me of the danger.他警告我 注意危险。
注意 1.词数100左右。 2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。 3.结语已为你写好。 We hope we can have more activities of this kind!
Last Tuesday, our class invited an old craftsman to teach us how to make dough figurines. When the craftsman came into the classroom, we gave him a warm welcome and two boys helped him with the tool box. First, he showed us the basic steps and skills of making dough figurines.
高考真题 (2017海定区模拟)假设你是红星中学高三学生李 华, 请给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件, 介绍你 班在“传统文化进校园”活动中, 邀请面人艺术 家(craftsman)教你们如何捏面人(dough figurine) 的过程。要点如下: 1.交待时间、地点、事由。 2.具体过程(进入教室、讲技巧、动手画、拍照)。 3.感受感想。
products sell as farther as in Southeast Asia. far
本文介绍了中国传统工艺佛山剪纸的历史、分 类以及现状。 1. dated→ dates 此处是定语从句中的谓语, 主句谓语是一般现在时,时态需一致,且date back to(追溯)多用于一般现在时,故为dates。 2. 在dates back后加上to 比较:date back to + 过去的一个时间点,意为“迫溯到”;date back from +过去的一个时间点,意为“从…… 开始就已存在/有”;date back +时间段,表示 “已存在多长一段时间了”。本题若去掉ago, 就不必加介词了。 3. On→ In 此处指在清朝,故介词用in。
Only by learning step by step can we achieve something.只有通过循序渐进地 学习, 我们才能有所成就。
I benefit a lot from this experience and realized that … 这次经历让我受益匪浅, 并且让我意识到……
This will save you much time.这将 为您节约大量的时间。 有时直接宾语和间接宾语可 以对调, 这时, 间接宾语前应加上介 词to, for或of。
1.主+及物动词+物(直宾)+to+人 (间宾)。如: He offered a job to her.他向她提 供了一份工作。
a lot
心得启示就是这次经历给你的体会、领悟或启 示。如: Experiencing such a severe snowstorm, I firmly believe that united, we are strong; divided, we are weak. 经历这样一个严重的暴风雪, 我坚信: 如果团结, 我们就会强大;如果分裂, 我们就会 软弱。 From this experience, I realize that it’s not easy but meaningful to be a journalist.通过这次经历, 我意识到做记者是不容易的但又是很有意义的。
I owe my success to you. 我的成功要归功于您。
间接宾语前要用to的常用动词有: give, tell, lend, sell, teach, send, write, show, return, bring, pass, leave, offer, hand等。
2.主+及物动词+ 物(直宾)+for+人(间 宾)。如: He ordered some food for the two of them. 他为他们俩点了一些食物。
We stood around him and watched attentively. Then we started to have a try ourselves. The old man walked around and helped us patiently. Finally, we put the figurines we made on the table and took pictures with the old craftsman. Looking at the figurines, we were all very excited. We hope we can have more activities of this kind!
如何写感受感想 若是参加了某项活动, 一定会有感受感想、 心得体会或启示。 表示感受常用happy, excited来表达。如: Although I was tired, I felt very happy.尽管我很 累, 但我感到非常高兴。 Looking at the figurines, we were all very excited. 望着这些雕像,我们都非常兴奋。 We hope we can have more activities of this kind! 我们希望我们能有更多这样的活动。