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026:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)

87.___________________ (很多人所没有意识到的)is that Simon is a lover of sports,and football in particular.

88.Children are very eager___________________________ in the film (成为像电影中英雄那样强壮勇敢的人).

89.The essence of the scientific attitude is ______________________________. (人类一定能将宇宙探究清楚).

90.It is _____________________________ that keeps freedom alive (是冲突而不是绝对的一致).

91.With full determination, we are ___________________________________ (有能力最终解决这个棘手的问题).

027:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)

87.A radio transmitter ___________________________(最好设在离城市比较近的地方).

88._____________________(Mary停止与Henry联系) after the death of her mother.

89.The rough surface of the basketball ________________________(有助于球员控球).

90._______________________(再迟到一次), and you’re fired.

91.Bring the flowers into a warm room, _______________________(不久就会开放).

028:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)

87.Please sit down for a moment, _______________________(我去告诉经理你来了).

88.She is determined not to give in __________________________(直到他们给她涨工资).

89.I got to the theater ___________________________(却发现票忘在家里了).

90.________________________(他们花了很长时间商谈增长工资), only to get fired.

91.Why argue with him any more?_______________________(他已经下定决心不办这项任务). 029:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)

87.The cost of electricity is likely to ___________________________(受到汽油价格上升的严重


88.They had run out of water_______________________(当他们到达营地的时候).

89.The father______________________(不知道这个男孩的秘密).

90.During his stay in the countryside, ______________________(他学会了吸烟).

91.I passed him a large glass of whisky, ____________________(他立刻就喝了).

030:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)

87.The plane crashed into the mountainside, ___________________(机上无人生还).

88.He exploded: “___________________________(为什么不早点告诉我)?”

89.Every morning, the policeman on duty__________________________(会看见成千上万辆车驶过).

90.The fireman _________________________(从窗户跳进房间).

91.Application papers______________________(可以通过电子邮件发送).


026:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)

87.What many people don’t realize

88.to become as strong and brave as heroes

89.at the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe

90.not unquestioning agreement but conflict

91.capable of finding a final solution to this thorny matter

027:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)

87.is best located at an isolated place far from cities

88.Mary stopped corresponding with Henry

89.helps players grip the ball

90.Arrive late once more

91.and they’ll soon open

028:Part VI Translation: (5 minutes)

87.and I’ll tell the manager you’re here

88.until they give her a pay rise

89.only to find that I had left the ticket at home

90.They spent a lot of time negotiating for a pay increase
