刘毅词汇3000英语单词Lesson1attend v.上学;参加n.attendance七岁以上的小孩都得上学。
All children over seven must attend school.blame n.责难反:complimentI have done my best, neither praise nor blame can affect me now.我已尽最大的努力,赞扬或责难现在都影响不了我。
bubble n.气泡Children like to make bubble with soap and water. 孩子喜欢用肥皂水做泡泡。
cemetery n.墓地同:graveyardThere are many tombs in the cemetery. 墓地里有许多墓碑。
commendation n.赞扬同:praise 反:blameHe was given a commendation for bravery after he saved the little children from the fire.他从火灾中救出孩子们后,因为他的勇气可嘉而受到赞扬。
conflict n.冲突;争斗同:fight 反:reconciliationSome people think that there is a great deal of conflict between religions (宗教)and science. There was nobody to direct the workman. 没有人监督工人。
Which is the most direct way to London?去伦敦最直接的路是哪一条?draw v.拉同:drag, haulDraw your chair nearer to the table. 把你的椅子往桌子拉近一点。
empire n.帝国同:realmThe United States was once a part of the British Empire.美国一度曾经是大英帝国的一部分。
the speaker to the audience. 【LABOR】The majority of the men earn
their living by manual labor. 【LID】Do not open the lid of the stove.
【SOUND】They heard the sound of the train whistle.
【SPY】The spy reported the development of a new weapon.
【SPY】His job was to spy on the enemy.
【STORAGE】A cold storage is used to keep eggs and meat from spoiling.
【RAGE】He flew into a rage when he found they had gone without him.
【RELIEVE】The medicine will soon relieve your headache.
【RELIEVE】We were relieved to hear that
House of Representatives. 【CORRECTION】Teachers usually make
corrections in red ink. 【DAMP】If you sleep between damp sheets, you will probably catch cold. 【DEMAND】This sort of work demands
the stream. 【SURRENDER】We advised the bandits to
surrender themselves to the police.
【TASTY】All of us had a very tasty meal yesterday.
【EXTEND】An imperialistic country extends its power and influence into neighboring countries. 【FAITHFUL】Dogs are always faithful to their masters. 【FLAVOR】Chocolate and vanilla have different flavors.
【SACRIFICE】A mother will sacrifice her life for her children.
【SACRIFICE】Success is not worth the
【SCREW】Turn the screw to the right to tighten it.
【SCREW】The carpenter screwed a lock on the door. Part 5
【WRECK】The building was wrecked
【FRUSTRATE】His indifference frustrated the teacher's effort.
【HASTE】Make haste or you will miss the train again. Part 3
从最基本的Vocabulary Fundamental,到足以应付留学考试之需的Vocabulary 22000,循序渐进,为您扎实地打好词汇基础,无论您正在校求学或己步入社会,都会发现本来列书籍就是您苦寻已久,增强英文实力的最佳利器。
Vocabulary Fundamental1.本书所列单词共计1,300个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约3, 000词,均为平时最常用、最容易接触到的单词。
Test 11. Judge Hooper is regarded in the legal community as a man of candor.2. After moving to the countryside, Mr. Jones developed an ardor for bird watching.3. The farmers had an ample supply of grain to last them through the winter.4. The invention of TV started a new epoch in mass communications.5. He gave his wife a solid brooch for her birthday.6. The earthy peasants knew nothing about the fine arts.7. Forsaking his filial duty, he squandered his inheritance on fast women.8. Mankind should be more humane to wild animals.9. She felt degraded when it became known that her husband was a murderer.10. The ghastly sight was shown on the evening news.11. The snobbish woman would often belittle her servants.12. Plato said that all things are really just illusions.V ocabulary:candor/ardor/ample/epoch/brooch/earthy/filial/humane/degraded/ghastly/belittle/ illusionTest 21. The regal splendor of the palace impressed all who were allowed inside.2. He polished the metal until it had a fine luster.3. She had an innate ability to predict people's actions.4. He paints mostly rustic scenes; he especially enjoys depicting farmers working in the fields.5. what is the motif of her latest artwork?6. The politician's speech savored of fanaticism.7. The nomads made a politic journey across the mountain pass to the valley.8. The citizens of that town are known for their martial spirit.9. That ruthless man has long treated everyone with impiety, but he will soon get his just reward.10. The author was attracted to the quietude of the Alps.11. I enjoyed the orduous atmosphere of the flower shop.12. The beggars on the street of Calcutta really make for a pathetic sight.V ocabulary:regal/luster/innate/rustic/motif/savor/politic/martial/impiety/quiettude/orduous/patheticTest 31. The fitful breeze didn't make for good sailing.2. The lake shimmered in the tropical heat.3. Spoiled from birth, the touchy monarch wasn't liked by the masses.4. The candle began to wane but the girl continued to read her Bible.5. His dark visage had been carved on his tomb.6. Some say the universe is chaotic, others say that it is well-ordered.7. Fatalism will get you nowhere, so it is better to try and be an optimist.8. His witless remarks disappointed all of us.9. The air in the garden was refreshing and aromatic.10. Professor Lin quotes at least one maxim every lecture.11. His collection of sensuous paintings was auctioned off last week.V ocabulary:fitful/shimmer/touchy/wane/visage/chaotic/fatalism/witless/aromatic/maxim/sensuousTest 41. Weather in mountainous areas is quite mutable.2. It is always gusty here on our prarie farm.3. Many great classical composers completed their symphonies with grand finales.4. It isn't fair to ascribe their poverty to laziness.5. He thought he saw an oasis but it was only a mirage.6. I wondered what kind of artist would have created something so atypical.7. She suffered from continual bouts of moodiness after recovering from her long illness.8. She often dreamt about owning a graceful home in some pastoral setting.9. The defendant remained impassive when the guilty verdict was announced.10. Some cynical people believe in total negation.11. Being personable in front of the cameras helped her in public life.12. That officious waiter runied our date.V ocabulary:mutable/gusty/finale/ascribe/mirage/atypical/moodiness/pastoral/impassive/negation/ personable/officiousTest 51. The entrance to the cave was through a large cleft in the rock.2. His guile earned him the comtempt of other villages.3. The shirt gaped open to reveal his chest.4. His instructions were concise and to the point.5. Pay equity means equal pay for equal work.6. The attorney decided to amplify the story by talking to a reporter.7. The cold air whetted his appetite.8. He vented his frustration by banging on the desk.9. Just when her plans appeared to have reached fruition, she died of a heart attack.10. In the guise of Buddhist monk, he cheated many of the faithful.11. A short nose is a generic attribute of Oriental people.12. He gave himself to visionary plan which were never carried out.V ocabulary:cleft/guile/gape/concise/equity/amplify/whet/vent/fruition/guise/generic/visionaryText 61. The viper was ensnared and put in a cage.2. Her heart was as frigid as the weather outside.3. The ferry to France will leave from quay 6 at 4:35 p.m.4. Causing much discontent, his regime didn't remain in power for long.5. He continued to hew at the gigantic tree with his axe.6. We should all try to be humble and be wary of excessive pride.7. Many of the Rome emperors had control of both secular and religious powers.8. Yesterday's earthquake caused violent tremors in the southern region of Japan.9. Some factories dump toxic waste into the sea and air or bury them illegally.10. Some of Dali's paintings are strange and unearthly.11. Stellar activity can be seen with a powerful telescope.12. The company's rapid growth was due to its dynamic leadership.V ocabulary:viper/frigid/quay/regime/hew/wary/secular/tremor/toxic/unearthly/stellar/dynamicTest 71. The hunters tried to cleave a path through the jungle.2. The workers in the construction site were sweltering in the heat.3. His political career was blighted by the scandal.4. Her affected mannerisms made us all sick.5. The bleak countryside attracted only the hardiest of settlers.6. Psychologist study the complexities of the human psyche.7. Her maternal love helped hime through that difficult time.8. Small mischances often ruin great plans.9. The children's faces were very animated when they came home from the circus.10. He had made a very subjective judgement on her performance.11. Playing guitar was only her avocation at first, but later it became her sole occupation.12. In his voice she could detect a certain tinge of irony.V ocabulary:cleave/swelter/blight/affected/bleak/psyche/maternal/mischance/animated/subjective/ avocation/ironyTest 81. After winning a gold medal, the athlete was feted in his hometown.2. The saying "time is money" has become a cliche.3. The impious eccentric hadn't been to church for years.4. An eminent physician was called to diagnose his illness.5. On arrival, each tourist was given a circlet of flowers.6. Today many couples are experiencing marital problems.7. A good chess player knows how to exploit an opponent's infirmities.8. She loathed the noise of the central district and finally moved to the suburbs.9. Her appearance gave people the illusive impression that she was haughty.10. He had to wait several days for a definitive answer.11. Tourist offices usually have many colorful brochures.12. The food energized the starving men and they were able to continue on their journey.V ocabulary:fete/cliche/impious/eminent/circlet/marital/infirmity/loathe/illusive/definitive/brochure/ energizeTest 91. To muse over past success won't do you any good now.2. Her offer to render assistance was met with indifference.3. Mammals are vertebrate animals which drink their mother's milk.4. She had much experience in controlling restive pupils.5. In chemistry, it is important to know which substances will cohere.6. The ways of the Occident often differ from those of the Orient.7. An old person's opinions, once formed, are often nearly immutable.8. The provincial officials paid a visit to the capital.9. The monument was built to memorialize the late President.10. His invention was ingenious, but not very practical.V ocabulary:muse/render/mammal/restive/cohere/Occident/immutable/provincial/ memorialize/practicalTest 101. Unruly crowds often cannot be controlled by the police.2. He told the kids about the legend of the titanic giants.3. His attempt to save the drowning child was a sublime deed.4. Archaeologists unearth evidence of ancient peoples.5. The two theories diverged drastically from one another.6. The ruthless dictator attempted to stamp out all dissent.7. There are many diverse opinions on the subject of religion.8. An umpire must remain dispassionate and ignore the fans.9. It will take a strong detergent to get those clothes clean.10. She was too timorous to face a house full of strangers.11. The skeptic demanded to see the evidence for himself.12. The sporting event is being brought to you live via satellite.V oculary:unruly/titanic/sublime/unearth/diverge/ruthless/diverse/dispassionate/detergent/ timorous/skeptic/satelliteTest 111. We hope she will find solace in the thought that we are standing by her all the time.2. It is useless to try and educe sympathy from a man like him.3. His interest in cosmic things increased after he was given a telescope.4. Doctors could do nothing about his chronic asthma.5. The idea of a utopia has always fascianted all human beings.6. The Chairman of the Board decided to convoke a meeting when he heard that profits had decreased.7. The 1960s was a time of social turbulence in America.8. These stories are told in colloquial language.9. Zoos often hance a great diversity of animals.10. She abhors any form of cruelty.11. An airplane accelerates during take-off.12. Chinese calligraphy requires a steady hand.V ocabulary:solace/educe/cosmic/chronic/utopia/convoke/turbulence/colloquial/diversity/abhor/ accelerate/calligraphyTest 121. His rapid promotion attested his ability.2. Violent minority faction usually cause great social disturbances.3. The guileless hillbilly had difficulty adjusting to life in the big city.4. She decided to remain aloof from the power struggle going on in the office.5. The church is a hallowed institution in Italy.6. The mother became frantic with grief when she heard that her son had drowned.7. Many people think some foreign accents are exotic.8. The newspaper had taken his comments out of context.9. The more he drank the more disjointed his speech became.10. She was faced with serious dilemma.11. In the precedent chapters, we have discussed the problems of contemporary society.12. She refused to acknowledge her previous tryst with the amorous young man.V ocabulary:attest/faction/guileless/aloof/hallowed/frantic/exotic/context/disjointed/dilemma/ precedent/acknowledgeTest 131. The tedium of their work was interrupted by an argument between two junior managers.2. It generated much excitement and frenetic activity.3. His severe upbringing had made him too inhibited to laugh freely.4. Visitors brought flowers to condole with patient.5. Much was written about the temporal reign of King Arthur.6. She was so engrossed in the novel that she completely forgot about the time.7. He ignored the precepts of the church and lived just as he pleased.8. They managed to reach an equitable settlement.9. He loves to enjoy the inherent beauty of the Alps.10. The wizardry of the famous magician can now be seen on television.11. He tried to find a vantage point from which to operate.12. His witty comments won him a lot of prestige.V ocabulary:tedium/frenetic/inhibited/condole/temporal/engross/precept/equitable/inherent/ wizardry/vantage/prestigeTest 141. Foreign investments helped foster a stronger economy in that country.2. The president was dissuaded from military action by his advisors.3. Her aptitude for math was one of the reasons for her becoming a scientist.4. The enormity of his debt shocked his creditior.5. He spared no expense lavishing endearments on his girl-friend.6. His defection to another company shocked all of us.7. He was the beneficiary of a large fortune.8. The design featured an unusual symmetry.9. The reporter was fired because of his frequent distortion of the facts.10. The police found a correlation between the two murders.11. The aboriginal inhabitants of Taiwan tend to live in mountainous areas.12. New products usually come with some kind of warranty.V ocabulary:foster/dissuade/aptitude/enormity/endearment/defection/beneficiary/symmetry/ distortion/correlation/aboriginal/warrantyTest 151. Her fidelity to her religion is unquestionable.2. The climactic ending of the performance had the audience on their feet.3. The impotent government failed to appease its people.4. The controversial tax proposal ade the once staid parliament discordant.5. The luxuriant countryside attracted a large number of settler.6. The thick smog of the city makes it difficult to see celestial bodies at night.7. It is much easier to photograph inanimate objects.8. His electric shaver came with many accessories.9. What criteria does Professor Smith have for grading students?10. The luminous moon was a welcome sight that cold night.11. His benevolent behavior sets a good example to us all.12. The boisterous crowd was so noisy that the players had difficulty concentrating on the game.V ocabulary:fidelity/climactic/impotent/discordant/luxuriant/celestial/inanimate/accessory/criteria/ luminous/benevolent/boisterousTest 161. Without effective government a society will degenerate into a state of anarchy.2. Tired of intrusive reporters, he decided to live a prosaic life in the countryside.3. The stockholders imputed the reduced earnings to ineffective management.4. The truth is scarcely less fantastic than the fable.5. The new highway will disrupt the serenity of the neighborhood.6. Propriety is an essential quality of a diplomat.7. The pampered boy was punished for his unseemly behavior.8. His recurrent illness depressed the entire family.9. Can such a blatant impropriety be excused?10. He nodded to indicate his affirmation.11. They found him guilty of collaborating with the Nazis during World War Two.12. Feeling vulnerable, the troops withdrew to a safer position.V ocabulary:anarchy/prosaic/impute/fantastic/serenity/propriety/unseemly/recurrent/impropriety/ affirmation/collaborate/vulnerableTest 171. They are often admonished for their habitual tardiness.2. A commanding officer can't condone a guard sleeping on post.3. Education of the young is of great import to a society.4. The monsoon rains began to erode the deforested hillside.5. The play ends with an epilogue in the form of a poem.6. Senator Jones advocates more spending on education.7. Though nothing was said, the two women came to an implicit agreement.8. The profits a company can make are illimitable.9. She refused to believe the bogus claims of the dishonest salesman.10. News of the matricide provoked demands to reintroduce the death penalty.11. They celebrated the momentous occasion with champagne.12. The scarf was a nice complement to her jacket.V ocabulary:admonish/condone/import/erode/epilogue/advocate/implicit/illimitable/bogus/matricid e/momentous/complement。
刘毅词汇3000Lesson 3预备测验选出最适当的答案:1. My feet were damp from waling home in theA.sunB. rain2. When he learned that he had the test, he felt relieved.A. passedB. failed3. He could not resist eh attraction of a(an) girl.A. prettyB. dugly4. The woman showed mercy to the hungry beggar and give himA. no foodB. some food5. are tame animals.A. Cows and hensB. Tigers and lions解答:1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. APart 11. academic adj.学校的同:scholasticThe academic year begins when school opens in September.学年是从学校九月开学时开始。
2. ahead adv.超过,在前地Tom was a quick walker, so he soon got ahead of the others.汤姆走路很快,所以不久他就走在别人前面了。
3. attraction n. 诱惑v. attractHe cannot resist the attraction of the sea in hot weather.在炎热的天气中,他无法抵抗海的诱惑。
4. blaze n.火焰同:flameI put some wood on the fire and it soon burst into a blaze.我放一些木柴在火中,很快就发出炽焰。
※burst into:闯入,开出,突然出现5. challenge v.邀请比赛I challenged him to a game of tennis. 我邀请他作网球比赛。
和我一起背单词(刘毅3000)(第十六课第二节)第16课第2节单词1 devote v.致力He devoted his efforts to the improvement of the parks in the city.他致力于市区公园的改进.n.devotion2 divorce v.离婚He has been divorced for a year.他已离婚一年.同.sparaten.离婚His wife asked him for a divorce,他太太要求离婚.3 elegant adj.高雅的The furnishings of the palace were elegant.这座皇宫的装饰很高雅.4 equator n.赤道The United States is north of the equator.美国在赤道的北边.5 exist v.生存We cannot exist without air, food, and water.没有空气,食物和水,我们就不能生存.6 federal adj.联邦制的The United States has a federal government.美国有一个联邦政府.7 forbid v.禁止Smoking is forbidden in the crowded bus.在拥挤的公共汽车上禁止吸烟.同.prohibit 反.permit;allow8 gallery n.画廊Many pictures were hung on the walls of the gallery.画廊的墙上挂着许多画.9 grind v.磨That mill grinds corn into meal and wheat into flour.那家磨坊将玉米磨成玉米分,小麦磨成面粉.10 improve v.改进She improved her handwriting by constant practice.她通过不断的练习来改进她的书法.n.improvement从以上单词中选出最适当的一个单词,填入空格内.1 The mother ( ) herself to caring for her sick child last week.2 A(n) ( ) is an imaginary circle around the middle of the earth at an equal distancefrom the North and South poles.3 What happens to the soul when it is ( ) from the body?4 In the United States foreign policy is decided by the ( ) government.5 If her father had known it, he would have ( ) the marriage.答案:1 The mother (devoted) herself to caring for her sick child last week.2 A(n) (equator) is an imaginary circle around the middle of the earth at an equal distance from the North and South poles.3 What happens to the soul when it is (divorced) from the body?4 In the United States foreign policy is decided by the (federal) government.5 If her father had known it, he would have (forbidden) the marriage.【。
commendationn.赞扬同:praise反:blameHewasgivenacommendationforbraveryafterhesavedthelit tlechildrenfromthefire.他从火灾中救出孩子们后,因为他的勇气可嘉而受到赞扬。
conflictn.冲突;争斗同:fight反:reconciliationSomepeoplethinkthatthereisagreatdealofconflictbetwe enreligions(宗教)andscience.Therewasnobodytodirecttheworkman.没有人监督工人。
和我一起背单词<刘毅3000>(第九课第五节)(1)9课第5节单词1spear n.矛;鱼叉 In Africa spears are still used in hunting or fishing. 在非洲,矛和鱼叉仍然被用来打猎或捕鱼.2staken.木桩Stakes mark the boundary of his ranch.木桩用来标出他农场的范围.n.利害关系As a partner, he has a stake in that business.身为一个股东,他和那个公司有利害关系.v.赌He staked all his money on the black horse.他将所有的钱赌在那匹黑马上.同.bet3stretchv.伸出The begger stretched out his hand for the money.那乞丐伸出手要钱.同.extend4surroundv.包围The field is surrounded by a high fence.那块田被高篱所围.n.surrounding5tavernn.酒店,旅店They met at the tavern for a drink.他们为喝酒在酒店里见面.6timbern.森林,木材The fire destroyed thousands of acres of timber.大火烧毁了数千英亩的森林.同.lumber7trickn.戏法The tricks of the magician delighted the children. 魔术师的戏法使孩子们高兴.v.欺骗We were tricked into buying a poor car.我们被骗买了一部破车.同.cheat8veinn.静脉Blood poured from the cut vein.血从割开的静脉中流出.反.artery9weakenv.使弱The illness weakened her heart.她的病使得她的心脏衰弱.adj.weak10wringv.扭绞I'll wring your neck if you don't behave well.如果你表现不好,我会扭断你的脖子.同.twist【。
刘毅词汇3000,英语单词刘毅词汇3000详解Lesson 1abroad 在国外地;overseaHe lived abroad for many years;he knows several foreign languages.他在国外住了许多年,知道几种外国语言。
abroad / ??br??d; ?ˋbr?d/ advin or to a foreign country or countries; away from one's own country 在国外; 到国外; 出guo: be, go, live, travel abroad 在外国[出guo/旅居外国/到外国] * visitors (who have e) from abroad, ie from another country 外国(来的)游客. being circulated widely 广泛流传: There's a rumour abroad that..., ie People are saying that.... 谣言盛传, 说是.... (arch or rhet 古或修辞) out of doors 户外; 室外: Have you ventured abroad yet today? 你今天敢出门了吗?affect 影响The small amount of rain last year affected the growth of crops.去年雨水量少,影响谷物生长。
affect 1 / ??fekt; ?ˋf?kt/ v [Tn]have an influence on (sb/sth); produce an effect on 影响: The tax increases have affected us all. 加税已经影响了我们大家. * The change in climate may affect your health, ie bebad for you. 气候的变化可能影响你的安康. * Their opinionwill not affect my decision. 他们的意见不会影响我的决定.(of disease) attack (sb/sth); infect (指疾病)侵袭(某人[某物]); 感染: Cancer had affected his lungs. 癌已侵及他的肺脏.cause (sb) to have feelings of sadness or sympathy; touch使(某人)有悲伤或同情的感觉; 感动: We were deeply affected by the news of her death. 她死亡的噩耗使我们深为感伤. affecting moving or touching 动人的; 感人的: an affecting appeal for help 感人的求助. affectingly adv.NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Affect is a verb meaning `have an influence on' *affect是动词, 意为‘影响’: Alcohol affects drivers' concentration. 酒精能影响司机的注意力. Effect is a noun meaning `result or influence'*effect是名词, 意为‘效果’或‘影响’: Alcohol has a very bad effect on drivers.酒精对司机的影响很大. It is also a (formal) verb meaning`aomplish' *effect这个词还是个(文雅的)动词, 意为‘完成’: They effected their escape in the middle of the night. 他们半夜逃脱了.affect 2 / ??fekt; ?ˋf?kt/ v[Tn] (often derog 常作贬义) make an obvious show of using, wearing or liking (sth) 炫耀(所使用﹑穿戴或爱好的事物): affect bright colours, bow ties 炫耀鲜艳的颜色﹑蝶形领结 * He affects a pretentious use of language, ie tries to impress people by using obscure words, etc. 他爱卖弄词藻.(a) [Tn, Tt] pretend to have or feel (sth) 装作; 假装:affect not to know sth/affect ignorance of sth 装作不知道某事[装作对某事物一无所知] * She affected a foreign aent. 她装出外国腔调. (b) [Ln] (fml 文) pretend to be (sth); poseas 装成; 扮成: She affects the helpless female. 她装成柔弱女性.affected / ??fekt?d; ?ˋf?kt?d/ adj not natural or genuine; pretended; artificial 不自然的; 不真实的; 装扮的; 做作的:an affected politeness, cheerfulness, etc 虚伪的礼貌﹑强作欢颜 * a highly affected style of writing 极为矫揉造作的写作风格 * Do try not to be so affected. 千万别这麽装模作样的. attend v.上学;参加n.attendanceAll children over seven must attend school. 七岁以上的小孩都得上学。
The teacher pronounced each word slowly.
The doctor pronounced that the man was dead.
blame n.责难 反:compliment
I have done my best,neither praise nor blame can affect me now.
bubble n.气泡
Children like to make bubble with soap and water.
blank adj.空白的 同:empty
Please write your name in the blank space at the top of the page.
bulk n.堆,容量 同:volume
A vast bulk of coal(煤)is still stored in the basement(地下室).
attend v.上学;参加
All children over seven must attend school.
He was frank to admit(承认)that he hadn't studied the lesson.
最新-刘毅词汇3000,英语单词1 精品
1. peacock n.孔雀A peacock can fly only a short distance.孔雀只能飞很短的距离.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. pioneer n.先驱者同.forerunnerJohn Glenn was a pioneer in space travel.约翰·葛伦是太空施⾏的先驱者.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. pray v.祈祷I will pray to God for your safe return.我会向上帝祈祷你的平安归来.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. pronounce v.读......的⾳n.pronunciationThe teacher pronounced each word slowly.⽼师把每⼀个字的⾳都读得很慢.v.宣告n.pronouncementThe doctor pronounced that the man was dead.医⽣宣告那个男⼈死了.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. race n.种族There are mainly three kinds of races in the world; the white race, the black race and the yellow race.世界上有三个主要的种族:⽩种⼈,⿊种⼈和黄种⼈.n.⽐赛Please tell me which horse won the race.请告诉我哪⼀匹马赢得了⽐赛.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. relative n.亲戚He has many relatives in the United States.他在美国有很多亲戚。
Lesson Part【ABROAD】He lived abroad for many years, he knows several foreign languages.他在国外住了许多年,知道几种外国语言。
【AFFECT】The small amount of rain last year affected the growth of crops.去年雨水少,影响谷物的生长。
【A TTEND】All children over seven must attend school.七岁以上的小孩都得上学。
【BLAME】I have done my best, neither praise nor blame can affect me now.我已尽最大的努力,赞扬或责难现在都影响不了我。
★do one's best:尽全力【BUBBLE】Children like to make bubbles with soap and water.孩子喜欢用肥皂水做泡泡。
【CEMETERY】There are many tombs in the cemetery.墓地里有许多墓碑。
【COMMENDA TION】He was given a commendation for bravery after he saved the little children from the fire.他从火灾中救出孩子们后,因为他的勇气可嘉而受到赞扬。
【CONFLICT】Some people think that there is a great deal of conflict between religion and science.有人认为宗教与科学间有很大的冲突。
【COOPERATE】The children cooperated with their teachers in keeping their classroom clean.孩子们与老师合作保持教室清洁。
responsibility. 【RUDE】It is rude to stare at people or to
【SCORN】We feel scorn for a traitor. 【SHALLOW】The lake is too shallow for
【TRANSPORT】Wheat is transported from the farms to the mills.
【UTTER】He was gone before she could utter a word.
【UTTER】She is an utter stranger to me. 【VOYAGE】The voyage from England to
to share their meal with their poor neighbors.
Part 3 【HORRIBLE】I have never seen such a
horrible car accident. 【INDUSTRIOUS】An industrious student
usually has good grades. 【INTIMATE】Although my brother knew many people, he had few intimate friends. 【KNOWLEDGE】A baby has no knowledge
【BLANK】Please write your name in the blank space at the top of the page.
【BULK】A vast bulk of coal is still stored in the basement.
abroad/??br??d;?ˋbr?d/adv inortoaforeigncountryorcountries;awayfromone'sowncountry在国外;到国外;出国:be,go,live,travelabroad在外国[出国/旅居外国/到外国]*visitors(whohavecome)fromabroad,iefromanothercountry外国(来的)游客.beingcirculatedwidely广泛流传:There'sarumourabroadthat...,iepeoplearesayingthat....谣言盛传,说是....(archorrhet古或修辞)outofdoors户外;室外:haveyouventuredabroadyettoday?你今天敢出门了吗?affect影响Thesmallamountofrainlastyearaffectedthegrowthofcrops.去年雨水量少,影响谷物生长。
affect1/??fekt;?ˋf?kt/v[Tn]haveaninfluenceon(sb/sth);produceaneffecton影响:Thetaxincreaseshaveaffectedusall.加税已经影响了我们大家.*Thechangeinclimatemayaffectyourhealth,iebebadforyou.气候的变化可能影响你的健康.*Theiropinionwillnotaffectmydecision.他们的意见不会影响我的决定.(ofdisease)attack(sb/sth);infect(指疾病)侵袭(某人[某物]);感染:cancerhadaffectedhislungs.癌已侵及他的肺脏.cause(sb)tohavefeelingsofsadnessorsympathy;touch使(某人)有悲伤或同情的感觉;感动:weweredeeplyaffectedbythenewsofherdeath.她死亡的噩耗使我们深为感伤.affectingmovingortouching动人的;感人的:anaffectingappealforhelp感人的求助.affectinglyadv.noTeonusAge用法:Affectisaverbmeaning`haveaninfluenceon'*affect是动词,意为‘影响’:Alcoholaffectsdrivers'concentration.酒精能影响司机的注意力.effectisanounmeaning`resultorinfluence'*effect是名词,意为‘效果’或‘影响’:Alcoholhasaverybadeffectondrivers.酒精对司机的影响很大.Itisalsoa(formal)verbmeaning`accomplish'*effect这个词还是个(文雅的)动词,意为‘完成’:Theyeffectedtheirescapeinthemiddleofthenight.他们半夜逃脱了. affect2/??fekt;?ˋf?kt/v[Tn](oftenderog常作贬义)makeanobviousshowofusing,wearingorliking(sth)炫耀(所使用﹑穿戴或爱好的事物):affectbrightcolours,bowties炫耀鲜艳的颜色﹑蝶形领结*heaffectsapretentioususeoflanguage,ietriestoimpresspeoplebyusingobscu rewords,etc.他爱卖弄词藻.(a)[Tn,Tt]pretendtohaveorfeel(sth)装作;假装:affectnottoknowsth/affectignoranceofsth装作不知道某事[装作对某事物一无所知]*sheaffectedaforeignaccent.她装出外国腔调.(b)[Ln](fml 文)pretendtobe(sth);poseas装成;扮成:sheaffectsthehelplessfemale.她装成柔弱女性.affected/??fekt?d;?ˋf?kt?d/adjnotnaturalorgenuine;pretended;artificial不自然的;不真实的;装扮的;做作的:anaffectedpoliteness,cheerfulness,etc 虚伪的礼貌﹑强作欢颜*ahighlyaffectedstyleofwriting极为矫揉造作的写作风格*Dotrynottobesoaffected.千万别这麽装模作样的.attendv.上学;参加n.attendanceAllchildrenoversevenmustattendschool.七岁以上的小孩都得上学。
《刘毅基础词汇3000》本版教程为刘毅所著,目的是在十天内提高单词量到3000 学习要求是脱口背诵,每天学习6小时LESSON 1【预备测验】O选出最适当的答案:1. When water______,it is full of bubbles.(A) boils (B) freezes2. Many people resort to the beaches in______weather.(A) cold (B) hot3. Let's all cooperate to get the work done______.(A) quickly (B) slowly4. He was______because his name was omitted from the list.(A) invited (B) not invited5. They put the blame for the______on the driver of the car.(A) success (B) accident[解答] 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B《第一部分》1. abroad.[ə’brɔ:d] adv.在国外同overseasHe lived abroad for many years;he knows several foreign languages.他在国外住了许多年,懂好几种外语。
2. affect [ə’fekt] v.影响The small amount of rain last year affected the growth of crops.去年雨量少,影响了作物的生长。
3. attend [ə’tend] v. 上(学);参加 n.attendanceAll children over seven must attend school.七岁以上的小孩都得上学。
4. blame [bleim] n.责难反complimentI have done my best,neither praise nor blame can affect me now.我已尽了最大的努力,赞扬或责难现在都影响不了我。
和我一起背单词(刘毅3000)(第十五课第三节)(1)第15课第3节单词1 impression n.印象His speech made a strong impression on the audience.他的演说给听众留下了深刻的印象.v.impress2 instruct v.教导We have one teacher who instructs us in geography, English, and history. 我们有一位老师教我们地理,英文还有历史.n.instruction3 journey n.旅行Life is a long journey from birth to death.人生是个从出生至死亡的漫长旅程.4 lawn n.草地I spent the whole afternoon mowing the lawn in the back yard.我花了整个下午在后院中除草.5 lovely adj.可爱的She was wearing a very lovely dress at the party.她在宴会上穿了一件非常可爱的衣服.6 material n.材料When building materials costs more, the price of houses increases.建筑材料涨价,房屋价格也随之提高.同.substance7 mislead v.欺骗Her appearance misled him, he thought she was young, but she wasn't.她的容貌骗了他,他以为她很年轻,其实不然.同.misguide8 navy n.海军The navy defends the country's shores and seas.海军保卫国家的海岸和海域.9 occasion n.场合I wish to express my sorrow on this occasion.我希望能在此场合表达我的哀伤.10 overcome v.克服In order to succeed, you must overcome any hardships.为了成功,你必须克服任何困难.同.conquer;vanquish【。