The Star City Changsha 星城长沙
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The Star City ---Changsha
Mount Yuelu
covers a total area of 8 square kilometers with its highest peak 297 meters above sea level.
Yuelu Academy as is known to all that Yuelu Academy is one of the four most prestigious academies over the last 1000 years in China.It has been a famous institution of higher learning as well as a centre of academic activities and cultures since it was formally set up in the ninth year of the Kai Bao Reign of the Northern Song Dynasty (976). Yuelu Academy, surviving the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, was converted into Hunan Institute of Higher Learning in 1903, and Hunan Normal College, Hunan Public Polytechnic School in succession, and was finally named Hunan University in 1926. The Academy has witnessed a history of more than one thousand years without a break, so it is called a “one-thousand-year-old academy”.Well,you may see the couplet hanging on the two sides of the doorway .It reads “The Kingdom of Chu, the unique home of talents; the Academy of Yuelu, the very cradle of all”(惟楚有材,于斯为盛), a quotation which acknowledges the greatness of Yuelu Academy, and points to the historical fact that Yuelu Academy has been considered by many the cradle of the great people of Hunan province.
Yuelu Academy
temple is locatde on the side of the was built in A.D.268 and later destroyed and rebuilt several times.It was last rebuilt in the 1980s.
长沙市隶属湖南省,湖南省省会,简称长,地处湖南省东部偏北,湘江下游和湘浏盆地 西缘,是全国两型社会建设综合配套改革试验区核心城市,国家十二五规划确定的重点 开发区域,湖南省的政治、经济、文化、科教和商贸中心。长沙是楚文明和湘楚文化的 发源地,有3000年悠久的历史文化,约有2400年建城史,在春秋战国时期始建城,属楚 国。因屈原和贾谊的影响而被称为“屈贾之乡”。长沙又称“楚汉名城”,马王堆汉墓 和走马楼简牍等重要文物的出土反映其深厚的楚文化以及湖湘文化底蕴,位于岳麓山下 的岳麓书院为湖南文化教育的象征。历史上涌现众多名人,留下众多的历史文化遗迹, 成为首批国家历史文化名城。
The Star City ---Changsha
Situated in the river valley along the lower part of Xiang River, Changsha is the capital city of Hunan province. The recorded history of Changsha can be traced back 3000 years.
verse is "Stop the car and watch the maple
leaves until late, the leaves covered by frost are more red than the flowers in February."(停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月 花)
Hunan Provincial Museum
Located on Dongfeng Road, the Hunan Provincial Museum, is one of China’s better museums. The complex has three main buildings, one of which covers revolutionary history and two that are devoted to the Western Han (206 BC-24 AD) tombs that were discovered at Mawangdui, 4km northeast of Changsha. The tomb exhibits are predictably better than the revolutionary one. The tombs, discovered in 1972 and containing over 3,000 antiques, were the burial ground for the Marquis of Dai, Li Cang, and his family. Li Cang was Prime Minister to the King of Changsha between 193 and 186 BC. The bodies, considering their age, remain in very good condition, especially the Marquis’s wife, Xin Zui, who died in 186 BC. The reason for her preservation was the body, that was wrapped in over 20 layers of silk and linen, a triple layered wooden sarcophagus, that was sealed with charcoal and white peat, and a tomb, that was lined with clay and charcoal. The Marquess can now be viewed in the basement, partially unwrapped and preserved in a liquidfilled Perspex tank. Her organs are in separate jars, and from laboratory tests, scientists were able to establish that the Marquess suffered from a variety of illnesses, from tuberculosis and the bilharzia worm to arthritis.湖南省博物馆位于长沙市开福区,与烈士公园毗邻,占地面积5.1万平方米, 公用建筑面积2.9万平方米,筹建于1951年,1956年正式对外开放,是湖南省最大的历史艺术博物馆, 也是首批国家一级博物馆、中央地方共建国家级重点博物馆、全国优秀爱国主义教育示范基地和湖南 省AAAA级旅游景点。 湖南省博物馆藏品达18万余件,尤以马王堆汉墓文物、商周青铜器、楚文物、历代陶瓷、书画和近现 代文物等最具特色,并以此打造了6个展示人类优秀文化遗珍的基本陈列。
I ask, on this boundless land, who rules over man’s destiny? (问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮?)
Orange Islet is lying on Xiang-Jiang River in Changsha. The length of this islet form north to south is about 5 kilometers and the width is aroud 100 meters. It looks a colorized ribbon with a unique charming appearance. It has been famous for the high-class oranges from Tang Dynasty, more than 1000 years ago. When Mao Zedong studied in the Hunan First Pedagogic institute in his youth, he often went to the Orange Islet for swimming and dissussing national aftairs with his schoolfellows. In 1925, Mao Zedong wrote “Qing-yuan Spring•Changsha”, which won universal praise, to express his lofty emotion of liberating our whole country. Orange Islet Park was built on this islet in 1961.
Palace, located on the summit of Yuelu Mountain, is the most famous Taoist official temple in Changsha as well as the 23nd place where immortals live.(道家第二十 三洞虚福地)
New year's day, New year's Eve and Lantern Festival three major holidays)
The best place:Du Fu pavilion
音乐节整个园区分为表演区、候场区、观众区、 美食区、帐篷区、集市区、涂鸦区、摄影区、 办公区、客户展示区等10大区域。锐舞派对、 街拍、快闪、交友区留言交友等等各种互动, 以及一些随心所欲、自由创意的活动,每一位 观众都可以随意发挥。内陆城市难得一见的沙 滩、湘江之畔天然的水上休闲区,既给盛夏的 音乐节增添了几分浪漫气息,还可以开展沙滩 足球等趣味活动,为音乐节赋予了更加丰富的 内容,增添音乐节的参与性和观赏性。
橘子洲位于长沙市区中湘江江心,是湘江下游众多冲积沙洲之一。 橘子洲,西望岳麓山,东临长沙城,四面环水,绵延数十里,狭处 横约40米,宽处横约140米,形状是一个长岛,是长沙的重要名胜之 一,也是国家级重点风景名胜区。凝望着滔滔北去的湘水,青年毛 泽东在长沙橘子洲头挥笔写就脍炙人口的《沁园春〃长沙》,抒发 了心忧天下、济世救民的壮志豪情。洲以人传,诗壮名城。[1] 橘子 洲介名山城市间,凌袅袅碧波上,被誉为“中国第一洲”。
沁园春 长沙
The Youth Mao Zedong Statue
Length Height Breadth 83m 32m 41m
寓意:毛主席高寿83,在32岁风华正茂的年纪 写下《沁园春 长沙》,当中国革命领导者41年。
TIME:May 1st - October 31th every Saturday night, 20:30-20:50 (including
Aiwan Pavilion lies in Qingfeng Gorge and
was built in A.D.1792. Its original name Red
Leaf Pavilion and later according to the poem written by Du Mu, it was changed to Aiwan Pavilion.Many of us are very familiar with the poem ,of which the most famous
Qingfeng Gorge lies in the low area between Yuelu Academy and Lushan Temple.It holds Aiwan Pavilion, one of four famous pavilion in ancient China, the Sheli Tower, and the tombs of Huang Xing .