小学英语课外拓展性阅读I have a better brain 公开课课件
第七届全国小学英语优质课课件:Baby Becky

What does her mother say?
Baby Becky
My name is Baby Becky. I can talk, but I can‟t say words. I say goo. I say blub. I say waaaaa!
I want some ice cream! I say, “Blub!”
My mother says, “Yes, yes. I like a hot, sunny day, too.”
What does her mother say?
Read Page 2 and Answer the Question
Goo!! Blub!!
What does her mother say?
I want some ice cream! I say, “Goo!!! Blub!!!” My mother says, “Yes, yes. He is tall.”
I see a woman. She has some ice cream. I want some ice cream! I say, “BLUB! BLUB!”
My mother says, “Yes, yes. She has a nice hat.”
I see a boy and a girl. They have some ice cream.
I want some ice cream! I say, “BLUB!! BLUB!! BLUB!!”
My mother says, “Yes, yes. They are having fun!”
Unit 21 Lesson 2 Brain Power 课件2-优质公开课-北师大版高中选修7精品

2. It is our brain that interprets these signals and buildsutside world.
[信息提取] [例句仿写] angry. It is...that...为强调句型。 正是他的所做所为让他的父亲很生气。
It was a matter of life and death for them.
(3)v. 要紧,重要(多用于否定,疑问句中) It doesn't matter to me what you do.你做什么我无所谓。 As long as you're happy,that's all that matters. 只要你幸福,这就是最重要的事情。 【搭配】 a matter of principle原则问题 a matter of opinion仁者见仁,智者见智
Unit 21 Human Biology Period Two Lesson 2 Brain Power 课件
Ⅰ.单词识记 1.________adj.having a special advantage or a chance to
do something
2.________vt.to supply what is needed 3.________n.an act of coming in or going in
really________much is what their parents say and do.
A.matters B.cares 答案 ①D ②A C.considers D.minds
2.privileged adj.荣幸的 We are privileged to welcome you as our speaker this evening.我们荣幸地欢迎您今晚来讲演。
人教版英语八上:Unit 7 Will people have robots阅读课说课课件课件

Go for it (新目标)
教材分析 1
第一部分 教材分析
教材地位 及作用
❖ 教材的地位和作用
本节课是一节阅读课。本科话题是机器人。通 过设置读前预热、读中理解、读后检测和拓展 等活动,让学生了解机器人的由来、发展过程、 对人类生活产生重大影响等,并把所读信息转 化成对话信息,关注语言的使用。引导学生关 注生活,展望和相信未来,崇尚科学,探索和 创造未来,从而对学生进行适当的情感教育的 态度。帮助学生树立远大的理想,增强科学探 索精神。
小组 讨论法
教法 主要通过 任务驱动 的方法开展教学
第三部分 教法学法分析
利用小组活动的机会,积 极用英语和其他同学交流
利用看、听、说和讨论等 有效手段获取信息
1)预测(predicting) 2)关键词(key words) 3)思维导图(mind-map)
第四部分 教学过程分析
Step 5: Discussion and writing
1.Discussion If I have a robot, I hope that it will be like…,
it will be able to…
Sample: I think some future robots might look like spiders. They will be able to help us clean the windows, sweep the snow
人教版新目标八年级英语上册Unit2SectionB2a 2e教学课件共49张

电视节目;电视机 n.
虽然;尽管;即使 conj.
以;凭借;穿过 prep.
头脑;心智 n.
身体 n.
这样的;那样的;类似的 adj. & pron. such
例如;像 …..这样
such as
在一起;共同 adv.
消失;灭亡;死亡 v.
The writer thinks exercise is the best way to relax because it's healthy for the mind and body, and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together.
Most of them use it for fun.
Read Para. 4 and answer the question below.
How often do most students watch TV? What do they usually watch?
Most students watch TV every day. They usually watch sports and game shows.
6.be bad for
7.be good at
8.be good with
9. 多少小时
9. how many hours
1.To keep healthy,I decide _______(exercise) half an hour every day. 2.Look! Your pet dog is _______ (die). 3.Exercise is_______ (health) for the mind and the body. 4. Your sweater is beautiful. I want _______ (buy) one, too. 5. How about_____(go) shopping on Sundays ? 6. He usually study English by _______ (read) it in the morning.

一年级上册英语公开课课件- Unit 2 About me北师大版
一年级上册英语公开课课件- Unit 2 About me北师大版 一年级上册英语公开课课件- Unit 2 About me北师大版
一年级上册英语公开课课件 Unit About me北师大版
本栏目将各地电视台选送的歌 舞曲艺 、风情 民俗、 文化娱 乐和体 育活动 等方面 的节目 加以重新编排、组合和润色 进行的再创作。 随着社会的不断进步 科技知识的价值日益显现 人类已进入知识产权的归属和利益的分 成 并已开始向科技工作者身上倾斜。 用积极心态看待新常态下 的经济 增速变 化 采取积极行动适应经济发展新常态 推动中国经济始终沿着增速合理、结 构优化 的轨道 。 像中国这样一个发展中的大国 在城镇化、工业化快速推进的过程中 能够在生态文明建设领域取得目前 的成就 在世界上是少有的。 一些政府部门急功近利 在推动科普创作时只注重成果的短期效 果而忽 视需要 下大力 气攻关 的科普 创作理 论研究 难以获 得支持 。 当代文艺作品一定具有文化自觉和 文化自 信的底 蕴 具有当今时代独特的文化气质又是当今 时代的 文化精 神的高 度浓缩 。 当下文艺创作存在缺失文化自 觉和文 化自信 等一系 列问题 其中包括抱着历史虚无主义观点而 否定历 史 否定传统文化。 不把自己当成文化的传承者 缺乏主动承担文化发展的责任意识 是部分文艺工作者对中国传统文化 精神不 够敬重 的表现 。 人工智能全面超越人类存 在着一 定的可 能性 但人类也可以在发展中限定人工智能 的智能 程度。 10.科学技术研究有禁区 因而人工智能安全问题的出现也是必 然的 解决这一问题需要多方努力。
Politeness costs nothing and gains everything.
【公开课课件】北师版英语选修七Unit 21 Lesson 2 Brain Power

Look at the following words for about two minutes and then write down as many as you can remember. Try to find out their relationship. (It helps you to remember better.)
Tell your partner: How can you manage to remember new words?
(5) _C_o_u__ld_ you give us some advice? (6) _I_f_I__w_e_r_e_y_o_u_, I’d get some exercise. You (7) _o_u_g_h_t_t_oget some fresh air. You (8) _s_h_o_u_l_d_n_’_t drink lots of coffee. You (9) _n_e_e_d_t_o_ give yourself rewards. I’d (10) _a_d_v_i_se_ you to treat yourself.
find that
You (1) _m__u_s_t_ eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep. (2) _W__h_a_t_t_ip_s_ have you got for me and our listeners? I think (3) _it_’s__im__p_o_r_t_a_n_t_t_o_ plan your revision. I think you (4) _s_h_o_u_ld_ make a list of all the things you’ve got to study.
牛津译林版七年级上Unit6 Reading1公开课课件(共30张PPT)

A saying: An apple a day, keeps a doctor away!
want to be 想成为
1.Kitty 想成为一个优秀的学生
Language Points
Kitty wants to be a top student.
牛津译林版七年级上Unit6 Reading1公开课课件(共 30张PPT)
Unit 6 Food and lifestyle
Keeping fit
水果 fruit
bananas An orange
A healthy lifestyle
the way we live
What we eat and how we live
listening: Who has a healthy diet, Kitty or Daniel?
Watch and answer:
1. How long does Kitty dance every day?
Between meals
Part One
1. How long does Kitty dance every day? She dances for half an hour every day. 2. Does she eat a lot of sweets between meals? No, She doesn’t. 3. Why doesn’t she eat too much sugar? Because it’s bad for her teeth

What are her/his hobbies? She/He likes … and …. Her/His hobbies are … and ….
I like making robots.
I like dancing!
I like reading books.
Different people have Adinffdersehnatrhinogbbhioebsb! ies make us happier!
play ----plays
jump ---j-u_m__p_s___ sing ----s_i_n_g_s___ help ----h__el_p_s___
go ----_g_o_e_s___ do ----_d_o_e_s___ teach ---t-e_a_c_h_e_s__ study ----s_tu_d__ie_s__
Jack has a cat. The cat loves to sleep. Every afternoon Jane studies Chinese and does her homework. After that, Jane teaches her sister to draw. The cat just sleeps.
I like playing football!
I want to share my hobby with you!
Go to the Notice Board!
I will put a notice on the boIanrede. d a partner.
We have a football club I(ho俱p乐e s部om)e.one will join(加入)

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Unit 8 Playtime
Pick up的用法
捡起 pick up sticks pick up the doll
用车接人 pick me up pick up me ×
Unit 8 Playtime
Let's talk [lets] [tɔ:k]
在英语口语中,常用have got 代替have ,作“有”解。这两个词的 意思是相同的,但是用法有区别。例如: I have a book.= I have got a book.
I don’t have a bike. (√) I haven’t got a bike.(√) I don’t have got a bike.(×)
Unit 8 Playtime
Let's learn [lets] [lɜ:n]
Unit 8 Playtime
Let's learn [lets] [lɜ:n]
Unit 8 Playtime
Let's learn [lets] [lɜ:n]
Unit 8 Playtime
Unit 8 Playtime
我 I have 我们 we have 你 you have 你们 you have

Left brain, meet right brain. Go forth and prosper. That could be the new formula for a successful career.大脑“左右开弓”,职场平步青云。
Here's why. The human brain, that extraordinary computer, is divided into two hemispheres, each responsible for different skill sets. The left brain is popularly associated with logic and analytic thought; the right, with intuition and creativity. But many of the good jobs of the future, according to some employment experts, will require being good at using both sides of the brain.原因何在?作为超级电脑的人脑分为左右两个部分,各自掌管不同的技能组合。
To some extent, that future is already here. Jobs that tap both technical and creative thinking include mobile-app developers and bioinformaticians, and represent some of the fastest-growing and highest-paying occupations, according to a new report from Burning GlassTechnologies, a labor-market analytics firm in Boston.在某种意义上,这个未来已经来临。
英语课件 外研版选择性必修第一册 同步教学unit1教案

Ⅱ.词汇拓展 1.mood→(adj.) moody 2.amusement→(v.) amuse →(adj.令人快乐的) amusing →(adj.感到快乐的)amused 3.entertain→(n.) entertainment 4.examine→(n.) examination
1.As I approach the hospital wearing my white coat,I look just like any other doctor. 2.While there might be more hospital visits ahead for Lara and others,I hope that clown doctors help make it a friendlier place to visit.
Unit 1 Laugh out loud!
The benefits of smiling and laughing
1.Neurotransmitters(神经递质)called endorphins (内啡肽)are released when you smile.
makes us feel happy.Finding things to smile and laugh about...
Section A Starting out & Understanding ideas
1. mood
2. circus

Vocabulary : Phrasal Verbs
Match the words and expressions below with the verbs in the text .
Last month , I had an important English exam .
I decided not to (1) put off studying (as I
normally do !)
and got up early every morning to (2) get down
to work straight away .
I am a “morning person” and I got a lot out of my revision sessions . I always began by (3) going over a practice test I had done – looking at in detail checking my answers and (4) finding out what
Brain Power
Look at the following numbers for about one minute and then write down as many as you can remember .
meeting, student, Test your memory
school, homework, study, playground, match , teacher , basketball , exam , mark , sports, film , hand in ,holiday , watch , game
Unit 4 I have a pen pal 公开课一等奖课件

I like riding a bike.
He likBiblioteka s riding a bike.动词第三人称单数形式
下面这些句子有什么规律? 1.I like collecting stamps. 2.He likes collecting stamps. 3.Chen Dongshen likes collecting stamps. 4.My pen pal likes collecting stamps.
附赠 中高考状元学习方法
前 言 高考状元是一个特殊的群体,在许
多人的眼中,他们就如浩瀚宇宙里璀璨夺 目的星星那样遥不可及。但实际上他们和 我们每一个同学都一样平凡而普通,但他 们有是不平凡不普通的,他们的不平凡之 处就是在学习方面有一些独到的个性,又 有着一些共性,而这些对在校的同学尤其 是将参加高考的同学都有一定的借鉴意义。
Clap your hands!
Let's check
Listen and tick.
Listen again and fill in the blanks. playing _______. football 1.Andy likes _______
goes ____ to _______ school by bike. 2.Mike ____
Unit 4 I have a pen pal
Part A Let’s learn Do a survey Let’s try Let’s talk Part B 目 Let’s learn Listen,match and say Let’s try Let’s talk 录 Read and write Tips for pronunciation Let’s check Let’s wrap it up 重点词汇 单元小结 重点句型 欢乐记单词 轻松学语法 小练习

How Can You Become a Successful Learner?
Everyone is born with the ability to learn. But whether or not you can do this well depends on
Is the habit good or bad? Why?
asking the teacher for help
New words
n.能力;才能 brain /brein/ n. 大脑 active /ktiv/ adj. 活跃的;积极的 attention n. 注意;关注 pay attention to 注意;关注 connect v.(使)连接;与⋯.有联系 review /rivju:/ v. & n. 回顾;复习 knowledge n.知识;学问 wisely /waizli/ adv. 明智地;聪明地 overnight adv. 一夜之间;在夜间
Because if you are interested in something, your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.
3. What do the sayings “use it or lose it” and “practice makes perfect” mean? Do you agree with them? 1.Even if you learn something well, you will forget it unless you use it. 2.We should keep practicing what we have learned so that we can be good at it. 3.Yes, I do.
公开课获奖《Unit7 Abilities Reading 2》课件(公开课) (2)

4. hear/see sb. doing sth. 听到/看到某人正在做某事
e.g. 他听到有人在隔壁唱歌。 He heard someone singing next door.
hear/see sb. do sth. 听到/看到某人经常做某事 e.g. 他经常看到一个男孩在操场上打篮球。 He often sees a boy play basketball on the playground.
feel was not _a_fr_a_i_d_.
Mrs could not _g_e_t_o_u_t__ because Sun she _h_u_r_t_ her leg.
Where What happened
The fire _b_u_r_n_t_ Lin Tao’s neck, arms and face. In hospital Hew__a_s _in__h_o_s_p_i_ta_l_ for two weeks. Many people _b_r_o_u_g_h_t_h_i_m__f_lo_w__er_s_ _a_n_d__p_r_e_se_n_t_s___. “_H_o_w__b_r_a_v_e__h_e_i_s_!” they said. Liu Tao also said ‘fire _is_v_e_r_y__d_a_n_g_e_r_o_u_s_____.’ It is important _to__b_e_c_a_r_e_f_u_l_w_i_t_h_ fire.
( Copenhagen,Denmark )
Hong kong Disneyland theme park
Theme Park
Main Street USA
人教版七年级英语上册课件:unit8 第六课时 阅读能力拓展(共18张PPT)

( D )3.A.old C.busy
( A )4.A.fun C.term
B.easy D.happy B.day D.thing
•9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做;要学生学的知识,教职员躬亲共学;要学生守的规则,教职员躬亲共守。2021/9/72021/9/7Tuesday, September 07, 2021 •10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2021/9/72021/9/72021/9/79/7/2021 8:38:24 PM •11、只有让学生不把全部时间都用在学习上,而留下许多自由支配的时间,他才能顺利地学习……(这)是教育过程的逻辑。2021/9/72021/9/72021/9/7Sep-217-Sep-21 •12、要记住,你不仅是教课的教师,也是学生的教育者,生活的导师和道德的引路人。2021/9/72021/9/72021/9/7Tuesday, September 07, 2021

3. Research shows that successful learners have some good habits in common. 4. Studies show that if you are interested in something, your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.
Unit 1 How can we become good learners
(Section B 2a-2d)
Free talk How can we learn English well? By taking part in activities in English.
By working with friends.
4. Studies show that if you are interested in
something, your brain is more active and it is also
easier for you to pay attention to it for a long
more active English songs.
and …
Best ways to learn
2 Taking part in relevant activities in English
practice oral English
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Let’s learn
a spongy bone
Share and report
Mice can smell ___m_i_n_e_s____.
They have
large____o_lf_a_c_to_r_y___ bulbs( 嗅
球) in their brains.
Share and report
Let’s learn Which is the topic sentence?(中心句)
Animals are having a competition(比赛).
A cheTetipa:h is faster than a horse. A turtTloepiicssfeantsetnecre tishaansenatesnnceaiwlh. ich
Pigeons can use their_b__ra__in_s__to find
their way.
They have __c_e_ll_s__ in their brains. The cells can sense ___g_e_o_m_a_g__n_e_ti_c____fields(地磁场). They have their own___G_P__S_____.
Do a quiz
• Which is bigger?
A. a blue whale(蓝鲸)
B. an elephant
A/An__b_lu_e__w_h_a_le__is bigger.
Do a quiz
• Which is heavier?
A. a panda
B. a polar bear
A___po_l_a_r _be_a_r__is faster.
Magic World the section 版面
Where is the text from?
A. A newspaper(报纸). B. A magazine(杂志). C. A book.
question time
What do you want to know about brains?
Read subtitles(小标题)
Tips:小组合作,读小标题,快速 寻找信息!
Some animals’ brains are different from ours and can do some special things.
What can they do?
How different are they?
Let’s try
• 983183940198 • 589387191039
Let’s try
Share and report
Sperm whales have the
__l_a_rg_e_s_t_ brains on the
planet. A sperm whale’s
brain is about ___7____kg.
Read in groups
They cWanhadtocsapnetchieayl tdhoin?gs. How different are their brains?
小组合作:1组1动物,细读内容,填写 关键词,成为小组专家、分享报告(形式 自选哦:朗读、表演、问答)
Share and report
gives the main idea or point of the
A girawfhfoeleipsatraaglrlaeprh tohrapnassaagzee.bIrt’as .usually A gorailtlatheisbebgiingnginegrorththaenenadmofoint.key.
Young chimpanzees can
remember ___n_u_m__b_e_rs__very
q u i c k l y. They can do it faster than
_ _h_u_m_ _a_n_s_ _ .
Let’s try
• 983183940198
Let’s try
• 589387191039
Fast reading
What's the text talking about?
这篇文章主要ic sentences(找中心句)!
Read pictures
What animals take part in the competition?
A blu落e 和w文ha章l的e 开is头b或ig结g尾e处r 。than an elephant.
A polar bear is heavier than a panda.
Let’s learn
the title of the passage
the name of the newspaper报刊名称
Do a quiz
• Which is taller?
A.a giraffe
B. a zebra
A____g_ir_a_ffe____is taller.
Do a quiz
• Which is bigger?
A. a gorilla(大猩猩)
B. a monkey
A____go_r_il_la____is bigger.
GPS= Global Position System 全球定位系统
Share and report
Woodpeckers can stay__s_a_fe_____. They can ___p_e_c_k___ their heads
against trees about
____1_2_0_0_0___times a day. They have a __s_p_o_n__g_y__ bone.
Happy reading
Do a quiz
• Which is faster?
A. a horse
B. a cheetah
A____c_h_ee_t_a_h__is faster.
Do a quiz
• Which is faster?
A.a turtle
B. a snail
A_____tu_r_tle____is faster.