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1. invoice in octuplicate certigying merchandise are of China orgin duly signed by the beneficiary. 受益人签字发票一式八份,证明货物是中国原产

2. draft in duplicate drawn on us at sight marke d drawn under L/C NO…..Dated ….

以开证行为付款人的即期汇票两份。注明drawn under L/C NO … Dated …(按….的L/C NO 出票)3. full set of original clean “Shipped on Board” Ocean bills of lading drawn or endorsed to the order of …showing “preight prepaid” and marked notify openers and us giving full name and address

全套正本已装船海运提单,收货人to the order of … bank . 或者背书给to the o rder of the … bank .显示运费预付,并且通知开证申请人和开证行,并给出全名和地址


01. The words”… L/C NO…Dated …,HS code …,TIN NO ….,VAT NO….shall appear on all documents.

…..字样L/C NO…. Dated …,HS code …,TIN NO 313-100-5454,VAT NO.28”要显示在所有单据上02. documents m ust accompany beneficiary’s certificate to the effect that goods shipped ar e strictly as per credit terms. 受益人证明(证实货物严格按照信用证条款发运)要随单据提交

03. packing list required in six copies. 装箱单六份

04. packing should be sea-worthy export standard. 包装应该达到出口海运标准

05. third party,short form,blank backed clause and charter party bill of lading not acceptable.


06. certificate of origin issued by chamber of commerce or any simliar kind of institute of the exporting country required in 2 copies. 由出口国商会或者类似机构签发的原产地证2份

07. cuntry of origin clearly mention on each packages& a certificate to this dffect must accompany with original shipping documents.


08. drafts must be drawn for exact quantity of goods shipped (but not exceeding this L/C value) 汇票(金额)必须按真实得发货数量(金额)出具。(但不超过信用证金额)

09. documents may be negotiated subject to submission of documents in compliance with credit terms. 可以对所提交的符合信用证条款的单据议付

10.shipped on board notation on B/L is required duly validated.

提单上要求有shipped on board 的有效签注

11. prior to pressentation of shipping documents to negotiating bank,beneficiary shall send an Advance Telex/Fax intimation to …rming the expected dae of such persentation.This intimation must be sent at least 3(three) days in advance,copy of that Telex/Fax shall be an integral part of shipping documents.


12. one set of Non-negotiable shipping documents(photocopy not allowed) must be sent direct to Applicant’s and us by DHL or Fedex Courier within 05(five) days from the date of shipment and that courier receipt must accompany the original documents.

一套不可议付的运输单据(不允许复印件)必须通过DHL or Fedex Courier 在发运后5天内,寄给开证申请人和开证行,快递的收据随正本单据提交

13. shipment must be effected by bangladesh flag vessel or any regular liner vessel only. A certificate from the shipping agents in this regard must accompany the original shipping documents.
