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Lesson 774-21-2014 New words and expressions

mummy n木乃伊

Egyptian adj埃及的

temple n庙

mark n斑点

plate n(照片)底片

disease n疾病

last v持续

prove v显示出

resin n树脂

skin n皮,皮肤

section n切片

figure n(人的)体形,人像

normally adv通常地

survive v幸免于

mummy1n(儿语)妈妈(英语)mummies(复数)mommy (美) 2n木乃伊

Egyptian adj埃及的

Egypt n埃及(国名)


Egyptian n埃及人

temple n1庙,寺院

the Shaolin temple少林寺


a Greek temple希腊神殿


the temple of art艺术的殿堂



eg He wet feet left marks on the floor. T他湿淋淋的脚在地板上留下印迹。


make a mark做记号

make marks on the wall with a chalk 用粉笔在墙上做记号

punctuation marks标点符号


school marks学校的成绩

get good marks in English英语的成绩很高

gain high marks in maths数学考试取得好成绩

eg On your marks! Get set! Go ! (跑步时的口令)各就各位,预备!起(跑)!

4v做记号于…, 留下痕迹于…, 弄脏

eg She marked the improtant words with a red pencil. 她用红笔把重要的词汇做了标记。

a face marked with worries面带愁容

eg She marked her initials on her handkerchief. 她把姓名的首字母做记号在手帕上。


eg This floor marks very easily. 这个地板很容易留下脏痕。

eg The teacher marked more than 80 eaxm papers. 老师改了80分以上的试卷。



dish n通常指金属制或陶瓷器的大盘子

bowl n碗

saucer n茶托;茶杯碟


a plate of meat一盘肉

eg The dinner cost 50 dollars a plate. 这顿饭每人花费50美元。

have a person … on a plate = give a person … on a plate 轻而易举地给(某人)

have a lot on one`s plate = have too much on one`s plate (口)有很多(太多)该做的事情

disease n病,疾病

eg He is suffering from heart disease. 他患有心脏病。

cure a disease 治疗疾病

stomach disease 胃病

这个单词的构成: dis(否定的前缀)+ease(安乐)= 没有安乐

last v 1延续,持续

eg Our vacation lasts 20 days. 我们的假期延续了20天。

eg The rainy season lasts until July. 雨季一直延续到7月份。


eg This coat has lasted well. 这件外衣经久耐用。

eg He lasted for five days underground. 他在地底下撑了5天。


eg The patient isn`t expected to last the night. 没人认为那位病人会熬的过晚上。

eg The food will last us three days. 这些食物够我们用三天。

eg The money will last us three days. 这些钱够我们用三天。

last out…足够维持到…(期间),支撑

eg The gasoline won`t last out till we get to New York. 汽油不能够维持到我们到纽约了。

lasting adj 持久的,连续性的

a lasting peace 持久的和平

prove 1v 证明(to give proof of, show to be true)

eg He has proved his courage in battle. 他在战役中证明了他的勇气。

eg 2实验(to tast )

eg 3显示出

eg proof 1n 证明

eg I believe what you say: I don`t want any proof. 我相信你说的话,不需要任何证明。

2adj 防….的,耐…的

eg This tent material is proof against water. 这个帐篷的材料是防水的。

n+proof = 防…的,耐…的

waterproof adj 防水的

bulletproof adj 防弹的

soundproof adj 隔音的

resin n 树脂,人造树脂

raisin n 葡萄干

skin 1n (动物或人体的)皮,皮肤

a skin disease 皮肤病

eg Women like to have soft skin. 妇女们都想有细嫩的皮肤。

2n (从动物体上剥取的)兽皮,毛皮

many skins needed to make a fur cast 做一件裘皮大衣需要很多毛皮

a coat made of sheepskin 羊皮大衣


banana skins 香蕉片

onion skins 洋葱皮

save one`s skin 逃命,免受损害

get under someone`s skin 使(某人)恼怒,惹怒(某人)

skin and bone(s)很瘦,皮包骨

eg under the skin 在内心里,在肚子里

sextion n 12区域,部门,阶层,段落,章节

the business section of a city 城市的商业区

all sections of a country 全国各界

` I wasn`t in London on May 3rd.` ` Can you prove that to the court?` “五月三日我不在伦敦。”“你能在法庭上证


In order to prove the servant`s honesty, she left a bag containing money on the rable. 为了试探仆人是否诚实,


You`re all skin and bones, son: don`t thay feed you well at school.孩子,你瘦成皮包骨头了,难道学校里伙食不


切片(a very thin flat piece cut from skin, plant growth,,ect, to be looked at under a


On the long journey, he proved himself to be an amusing companion. 在漫长的旅途中间,他显示出自己是一个

