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第二,三章Alfred the Great(阿尔弗雷德大王)(p102) Augustine of Hippo(p97)
Bible (p52) influence (p86)
Charlemagne( p101)
Carolingian Renaissance(加洛林复兴)( p101) code of chivalry骑士制度(p94)
Deuteronomy (p52)
Exodus (p52)
Experimental science(p103)
Genesis (Adam and Eve)(Noah’s Ark) (p52) Geoffrey Chaucer乔叟(P123)
The Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》))(P123)Gosepels four part of the New Testament(p77) Gothic(哥特式建筑)
Hebrews (p51)
Jesus (p73)
Leviticus (p52)
Lyric Poety(p13)
Monasticism (修道院制度)(p97)
National Epics民族史诗(p105)
Numbers (p52)
Peter and Paul (P74)
Pentateuch (p52)
Pindar(ode on athletic game) (p13)
Roger Bacon培根(103)占星术炼金术Romansque(p126)
Sappho (p13)Lyric Poetry
Song of Roland (《罗兰之歌》)(P111)
St. Jerome(p97)
St. Benedict(p97)
St. Thomas Aquinas(p102)
Ten Commandments (Peuteronomys) (p60)
The Catholic Church(天主教)(the power and influence)(p98) The church in middle ages(p95)
The Crucifixion(p83)
The Crusades(十字军东征)(p99)
the Middle ages
The Sermon on tjhe Mount(p79)
Albrecht Durer[p168]\\
Amerigo V espucci[p180]
Andreas V esalius(1514-1564)[p181]
Aldus Manutius[p181]
Bartholomeu dias[p180]
Christopher Columbus哥伦布[p180]
Council of Trent特伦托会议(p149)
Don Quixote 《堂吉诃德》(p162)
El Greco埃尔。
Francesco Petrarch(p134) i(p137)
Filippo Brunellesch(architect)
François Rabelais (p154)
Hans Holbein[p169]
Humanism (人文主义)(p131)
ignatius . 伊格内修斯(p150)
Giannozzo Manetti (
Giovanni Boccaccio(p133)
Giorgio V osari[p183]
John Wycliffe约翰•威克里夫(p144)he translate bible into English
Jan Hus扬·胡斯(p144)
John Calvin(约翰•加尔文)(p147) Switzerland. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)[p181]
Leonardo da Vinci列奥纳多·达·芬奇(p138) Michelangelo Buonarroti米开兰基罗(p139)
Martin Luther(马丁•路德)(p145)
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547 — 1616 )(p162)) Michel Eyques de Montaigne (1533 — 1592) (P156)Niccolo Machiavelli[p182]
Nicolaus Copernicus哥白尼(1473 — 1543)[p181] [p188] protestantism新教(p151)
Pierre de Ronsard (1524 — 1585) (P156)
Pieter Breughel the Elder 勃鲁盖尔(c. 1525 — 1569 [p167] Renaissance(文艺复兴)(p129)
Thomas More (1472 — 1535)[p170]
The Jesuits耶稣会士(p150)
The rise of capitalism资本主义(制度) (p151)
The Burial of Count Orgaz伯爵的葬礼(p165)
Vasco da Gama[p180]
William Shakespeare(莎士比亚)[p176]
What a piece of work is man, how noble in reason……(p131)
A good painter has two chief objects---to paint man and the intention of his soul….(p139)
Feature of Renaissance Arts(p135)
“The individual” Luther believed, is as alone….(p146)
As to me, my business is with literature. I confine myself to it as far as I can’……(p166)
“I observe as strict neutrality as possible, in order to advance scholarship…by my modesty rather than by passion or violance.”----PPT文艺复兴
In Bruegl’s Icarus, for instance…..[p167]
No more unto the breach, dear friends…..[p176]
The people resemble a wild beast, which, naturally fierce and accustomed to live in the woods…..[p183]
It was the greatest progressive revolution that mankind had so far experienced…..[p183]
The man who founded the modern rule of the bourgeoisie had anything but bourgeois limitain.[p184]
Copernicus哥白尼[p187] sun is the centre of universe Francis Bacon培根(1561-1626) see【page 196】
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)伽利略·伽利雷see 【P190】Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz戈特弗里德·威廉·莱布尼茨[p194] John Locke约翰·洛克(1632-1704) see [page 204]
John Milton约翰·弥尔顿[p211]
Inductive method(归纳法)[p198]
Kepler 开普勒(1571-1630)【P189】
Materialist views[p200]
Sir Issac Newton 牛顿(1642—1727), see [P193]
Social Contract(社会契约论)[p203]
Thomas Hobbes托马斯·霍布斯(1588-1679) see 【page200】Social Contract(洛克的社会契约论)[p203]
The Bill of Rights(权利法案)【P210】
The English Revolution英国革命[p208]
The law of inertia惯性【P191】
The law of falling body[p192]
The law of nature[p202]
the laws of gravitation(万有引力定律)[P193]
The Natural State of W ar[p201]
In the middle of all sits the Sun enthroned in. In the most beautiful temple…..[p188]
The revolutionary act by which natural science declared its independent…..[p188]
“the silence of these vast spaces terrifies me”-----ppt
“That which will excite the greatest astonishment by far…..”------[p190]
“Nature and nature’s laws lay hid in night,
God said, Let Newton be, and all was light”
---Alexander Pope-----ppt Man, being the servant and interpreter of Nature-----[p197]
Nature to be commanded must be obeyed------[p197]
“”our only hope therefore lies in a true induction’----[p198]
”the passions that most of all cause the difference of wit”===[p201] “Every man is enemy for every man”【P202]
By covenant of every man with every man----[p203]
“let us then suppose the mind to be…”---[p205
“All the man are naturally free and equal in the state of nature”===p206
“en living together according to reason….” ===p206
“The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it…”—p206
”The people shall be judge”----p207
“The revolution of 1646 and 1789….”---p210
the attack on religion 见ppt 第11张
Alexander Pope p248
Montesquieu (1689-1755) see P235-236
Baroque Period to Classcial Period (See 272-280)
Candide (1785) p240
Diderot (1713-1784), see P243-248
Encyclopaedia(1751) p243
Frederick the Great (r.1780-1790)
Gulliver’s Travels (1726),
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804),see 268-270
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) see P241-242
Jethro Tull’s. (1674-1741) invention in 1733 of a manchine to plant seeds at regular intervals.
Persian Letters (1721), p235
Peter the Great (r.1689-1725)
Robinson Crusoe(1719), Daniel Defoe p250
Rococo art p270
Spirit of the law p235
Seizure of the Bastille (1789–1799 )巴士底狱见ppt第五张
The Social Contract (1762) p242
Lettres Anglaise ( The Philosophical Letters on the English ) ( 1739)P240
V oltaire (1694-1778),see P239
Adam Smith (1723-1790): Wealth of Nations (1776),。