英美司法制度criminal lawppt课件
Criminal law法律英语刑法 PPT课件
- Extreme thoughtless of murder极端轻率谋杀罪
- Felony – murder重罪—谋杀罪
- Voluntary manslaughter自 愿性非恶意杀人,故意杀 人 (比如激情犯罪crime of passion)
- involuntary homicide过失 杀人
Step 16 :Sentencing (three different types may be used)
Step 17 :Appeals
American criminal law classification
• 1.Criminal ACTS endangering degree(犯罪行为危害程度): felony(重罪),misdemeanor(轻罪)
Step 1 :The Reported Crime (or “known offense”)
Step 2 :Prearrest Investigation (include three basic groups)
Step 3 :Arrest
Step 4 :Booking Step 5 : Post-Arrest Investigation (will vary with the fact situation)
My lecture topics :
Death penalty sentencing plot
Basic situation
• American criminal law no specific reflect about the death penalty sentencing system, but the scope of the basic limit first-degree murder just executed, considering the consequences of a murder. Other must try to give every opportunity decreases victimised suspects miscalculation.
- Felony – murder重罪—谋杀罪
- Voluntary manslaughter自 愿性非恶意杀人,故意杀 人 (比如激情犯罪crime of passion)
- involuntary homicide过失 杀人
Step 16 :Sentencing (three different types may be used)
Step 17 :Appeals
American criminal law classification
• 1.Criminal ACTS endangering degree(犯罪行为危害程度): felony(重罪),misdemeanor(轻罪)
Step 1 :The Reported Crime (or “known offense”)
Step 2 :Prearrest Investigation (include three basic groups)
Step 3 :Arrest
Step 4 :Booking Step 5 : Post-Arrest Investigation (will vary with the fact situation)
My lecture topics :
Death penalty sentencing plot
Basic situation
• American criminal law no specific reflect about the death penalty sentencing system, but the scope of the basic limit first-degree murder just executed, considering the consequences of a murder. Other must try to give every opportunity decreases victimised suspects miscalculation.
分类 特殊辩护事由,即某一个或某几个具体犯罪中的阻 却理由,这类事由不具有普遍适用于各罪的效力, 只具有个别意义。 一般辩护事由
主要有未成年(infancy) 精神错乱(mental disorder)错误 (mistake)醉态(intoxication)被害人承诺(consent by Victim)上级命令(order by high authorities) 胁迫 (duress)紧急避险(necessity) 正当防卫( justifiable defense) 警察圈套( entrapment )其他一般辩护事由 美国将其分为两类: 辩解(excuse):infancy、insanity、mistake、intoxication 、 duress、 order by high authorities、 consent by Victim 正当理由(justification):necessity、 justifiable defense
Tips: The requirements for being patrial included birth in the United Kingdom, having a CUKC holding parent, married to a patrial male and legal resident in the United Kingdom for more than 5 years. Those with patrial status had a right of abode in the United Kingdom and those who were non-patrial did not. In 1981, the British government enacted the British Nationality Act to reflect the patrial notion. The act was approved by the Parliament in October 1981 and came into effect in January 1983. This law divided CUKC holders into three categories: British Citizens (BC), British Dependent Territory Citizens (BDTC), and British Overseas Citizens (BOC).
1967年新的《刑法法》(Criminal Law Act),废除了重罪和轻罪之分。
纂法典方向发展。英美两国最大的区别是,英 1.与民法法系相比,普通法法系国家的行政法不但出现时间较晚,其完善程度也差。
在20世纪,特别在二战后,对刑法进行了很多重要改革,又制定了不少新的刑事立法。 (2)普通法强调令状、诉讼形式、因而英国部门法的分类已开始就是以中世纪的诉讼形式的划分为基础自发地形成的,而这种诉讼形式
院对行政权力可实行不同程度的控制。 (2)普通法强调令状、诉讼形式、因而英国部门法的分类已开始就是以中世纪的诉讼形式的划分为基础自发地形成的,而这种诉讼形式
的划分本身就缺乏系统性和逻辑性。 (4)在普通法的 发展中,起主要推动作用的是法官和律师,而不是学院派的法学家,他们所关心的主要是具体案件的微观问题,而不是
2.在普通法法系各国学术界,特别在进入20世 纪以来,主要为了理论上、逻辑上的原因,日 益倾向公私法之分。
3.在学术界,对划分公私法的标准,也想民法 法系国家学者一样,存在着不同的见解。
4.一般认为,宪法、行政法和刑法属于公法, 私法是比较分散的,有合同法、家庭法、财产 法、民事侵权行为法、代理法、公司法和合伙 法、流通票据法等。
不1.同英的国条:件不职造成成文了宪能这法种 制的差度别。独立管制机构,迄今已有120多个。
4.与民法法系不同,普通法法系国家的普通法 上英国法是在罗马法之外独立地发展起来的,是在中世纪英国特有的普通法的基础上发展的。
自60年代以来,各州以1962年 法学研究所提出的《模范刑法典》为范本制定了本州的刑法典。
纂法典方向发展。英美两国最大的区别是,英 1.与民法法系相比,普通法法系国家的行政法不但出现时间较晚,其完善程度也差。
在20世纪,特别在二战后,对刑法进行了很多重要改革,又制定了不少新的刑事立法。 (2)普通法强调令状、诉讼形式、因而英国部门法的分类已开始就是以中世纪的诉讼形式的划分为基础自发地形成的,而这种诉讼形式
院对行政权力可实行不同程度的控制。 (2)普通法强调令状、诉讼形式、因而英国部门法的分类已开始就是以中世纪的诉讼形式的划分为基础自发地形成的,而这种诉讼形式
的划分本身就缺乏系统性和逻辑性。 (4)在普通法的 发展中,起主要推动作用的是法官和律师,而不是学院派的法学家,他们所关心的主要是具体案件的微观问题,而不是
2.在普通法法系各国学术界,特别在进入20世 纪以来,主要为了理论上、逻辑上的原因,日 益倾向公私法之分。
3.在学术界,对划分公私法的标准,也想民法 法系国家学者一样,存在着不同的见解。
4.一般认为,宪法、行政法和刑法属于公法, 私法是比较分散的,有合同法、家庭法、财产 法、民事侵权行为法、代理法、公司法和合伙 法、流通票据法等。
不1.同英的国条:件不职造成成文了宪能这法种 制的差度别。独立管制机构,迄今已有120多个。
4.与民法法系不同,普通法法系国家的普通法 上英国法是在罗马法之外独立地发展起来的,是在中世纪英国特有的普通法的基础上发展的。
自60年代以来,各州以1962年 法学研究所提出的《模范刑法典》为范本制定了本州的刑法典。
Elements of criminal composition
Actus Reus
Mens Rea
The physical element of a crime, which refers to the voluntary act or omission that constitutes the criminal behavior.
• Incomplete crime and completed crime: Incomplete crime includes attempted crime, discontinued crime, and joint crime; completed crime refers to a crime that has been completed.
Motive and purpose
The motive refers to the inner reason that prompts the actor to commit the crime; the purpose refers to the actor's hope to achieve the result through the crime.
refer to the actual harm caused by the actor's criminal act to the protected social relationship.
Causal relationship
refers to the causal relationship between the actor's criminal act and the harmful consequences.
[企业管理]criminal procedureppt课件
Why is the burden of proof placed on the state?
It is simply because the state is the initiating party. In an adversary system, someone must bear the burden of persuasion, and it is logical to assign that burden to the person asking the court to take action. 这只是因为国家是诉讼法发起方。在对抗制中, 必须由某人来承担证明责任,而通常都会将这个 责任交给向法庭提起诉讼的一方。
影响。例如,美国宪法的第四、第五、第六等修正 案都直接与刑事诉讼有关。因此,美国一些法学院 教授刑事诉讼法的课程就称为“宪法刑事诉讼”( Constitutional Criminal Procedure)。美国各州都有自 己的刑事诉讼法典。最高法院于1946年颁布的“联 邦刑事诉讼规则”(Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure)对各州的影响要比其民事诉讼规格的影响 小得多。
对抗制证明程序的关键在于由对罪行提出指控的一 方承担证明其指控真实性的责任。
The jurors may not assume, simply because the accuser represents the state, that his allegations are true. The prosecutor, as the accuser, must persuade the jurors, by reference only to evidence produced before them, that the allegations in the charging instrument are accurate.
• 辅助司法审判机关,对司法领域的行政事 务进行管理的国家行政机关。西方国家一 般在行政系统内设立司法行政机关。 • 职权: 1、管理法院的司法行政事务(法院和法庭的 管理、法院的经费预算与执行、法官与司 法人员的培训等; 2、负责司法考试; 3、指导管理法律服务业(司法鉴定、公证机 构、仲裁机关、法律援助等) 4、领导检察机关 5、执行生效的裁决
审判机关:主要指法院,代表国家行使审判权 的机关 检察机关:是代表国家为追究刑事责任和提起 公诉的机关。它的职能是在刑事诉讼过程中 作为当事人一方参加刑事诉讼活动,并有权 进行预先调查和侦察,决定是否羁押被告, 监督审判执行,也有权终止追究刑事责任。 司法行政机关:是对司法行政进行管理的国家 机关。主要职能是负责司法的行政管理工作。 如法院组织的设置、调整、组织装备、管理 监狱、负责人事任免和奖惩。(美国司法部 既是联邦检察机关,又是联邦司法行政机关)
• 主要内容包括,法律面前人人平等,司法 公开以及对司法的监督制度等。 • 司法监督制度包括:陪审制、辩护制、上 诉制以及检察制。 • 要求公民参与司法;对法官选任的参与; 对法院审判活动的参与。 • 最典型的司法民主制度是陪审制度。
• 1066年诺曼底公爵征服不列颠,设立陪审团 • 1164年亨利二世《克拉灵顿诏令》(土地案件、 重大刑事案件,12名陪审员) • 1275年爱德华一世《威斯敏斯特条例》(所有 刑事案件必须实行陪审制) • 1352年爱德华三世将陪审团分为大陪审团(起 诉)和小陪审团(审查) • 19世纪中叶后,陪审制度逐渐走向衰落。 • 英1854年《普通程序法》规定民事案件,只要 双方同意,可以不用陪审团 • 1948年,《刑事司法法》废大陪审团,保留小 陪审团。
英美司法制度criminal lawPPT课件
robbery, arson etc.
▪ Crimes against government: bribery,
perjury, etc.
Classifying Crimes
In the U.S. some new classification schemes have gained popularity
Sources of Criminal Law
• Model Penal Code
• Now over 2/3 of the states have enacted
new criminal codes based, to a greater or lesser extent, on the Model Penal Code (MPC) adopted by the American Law Institute in 1962.
➢ The defining of crimes are changing
As a society advances, its judgments about crime and punishment change. e.g. before the enactment of Suicide Law (1961), Committing a suicide is a crime.
▪ In some states: felonies are crimes that
are served in state prisons and misdemeanors are offenses served in county jail.
▪ Other states: crimes authorizing a
▪ Crimes against government: bribery,
perjury, etc.
Classifying Crimes
In the U.S. some new classification schemes have gained popularity
Sources of Criminal Law
• Model Penal Code
• Now over 2/3 of the states have enacted
new criminal codes based, to a greater or lesser extent, on the Model Penal Code (MPC) adopted by the American Law Institute in 1962.
➢ The defining of crimes are changing
As a society advances, its judgments about crime and punishment change. e.g. before the enactment of Suicide Law (1961), Committing a suicide is a crime.
▪ In some states: felonies are crimes that
are served in state prisons and misdemeanors are offenses served in county jail.
▪ Other states: crimes authorizing a
Civil court
• England &Wales:行使民事司法权的主要是郡 法院county court • Scotland :民事法院包括郡法院sheriff court (主要的地方法院)和巡回法院the court of session(最高中心法院,只服从伦敦的上议 院) • Northern Ireland:郡法院主要是民事法院, 审理案件金额达15000英镑以上的案件
• 成文法-议会法案和经议会授 权制定的补充法规 • 大量的”不成文“法或称习惯法, 源于法院或其他许多判决 • 横平发-对习惯法中没有包括 到的那些案例的一种补充性法 律手段 • 欧洲共体法-英国加入欧盟要 遵守的法律,主要局限于经济 和社会问题
Criminal Proceedings
• It is the law through out the UK that as soon as anyone is arrested , he must be charged and brought before the court with the least possible delay. Unless the case with which an arrested person is charged is very serious, he will usually be granted bail(保释) if he cannot be brought before court within a day.
每当提起英国律师,人们脑海中往往浮现出戴白假发、穿黑法袍的形象。而英 国司法界领袖12日宣布,英国律师和法官将告别这一延续几百年的着装传统, 在非刑事案件中不戴假发出庭。→每年节省 万英镑 每年节省30万英镑 每年节省 巡回审判法官是个例外,他们将继续穿着现有的紫色长袍出庭。他们属于全国 性法院和皇家法院。英国司法界2003年曾展开调查,结果发现超过三分之二的 受访者希望在民事案件中摘掉假发,同时大多数人认为法官在审理刑事案件时 仍应戴假发。处理刑事案件的法官和律师认为,有着悠久历史的假发有利于维 护审判程序的严肃性,并可以防止被告把法庭看成公共场所或者自由市场 法庭戴马鬃制成的卷曲假发套传统始于17世纪。据说,法官、律师穿上黑袍、 戴上假发,就可以掩去其本来面目,去除私心杂念,成为法治的化身,成为真、 善、美的化身。法官和律师在法庭上佩戴假发套是英国法庭最有特色的传统之 一。 对于假发套的退出,有支持也有反对。支持者认为,这一历史悠久的传统已 经过时,假发不卫生、昂贵、律师法官们还饱受着头皮发痒的苦恼;反对者则 声称,假发已成为行业的象征,“一个没有戴假发头套的律师就好像一个没有拿 听诊器的医生一样”。在反对者中居然有很多是年轻的法官和律师,因为他们更 需要这件行头所带来的权威感。 不管怎么说,假发的部分退出已成为现实, 历史翻开了它新的一页。正如英国《泰晤士报》评论说的那样,“假发的退场代 表着英国司法系统现代化的一个尝试”。
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against the public that is punishable by imprisonment or fine (or both).
➢a wrong -- an act that violates the law as
apposed to violating customs, religious standards.
➢ The defining of crimes are changing
As a society advances, its judgments about crime and punishment change. e.g. before the enactment of Suicide Law (1961), Committing a suicide is a crime.
▪ In some states: felonies are crimes that
are served in state prisons and misdemeanors are offenses served in county jail.
▪ Other states: crimes authorizing a
Sources of Criminal Law
• Model Penal Code
• Now over 2/3 of the states have enacted
new criminal codes based, to a greater or lesser extent, on the Model Penal Code (MPC) adopted by the American Law Institute in 1962.
In the U.K. Common law Criminal Law Act (1977)
➢ In the U.S.
Common law statutes
▪ Most states define crimes through statutes e.g.
Illinois Criminal Code
▪ Model Penal Code
robbery, arson etc.
▪ Crimes against government: bribery,
perjury, etc.
Classifying Crimes
In the U.S. some new classification schemes have gained popularity
➢White-collar crime & victimless crimes
▪ White-collar crime: tax evasion, insider
trading, kickbacks etc
▪ Victimless crimes: smoking marijuana, etc.
➢ malum in se v.s. malum prohibitum
Classifying Crimes
▪ Various criteria are applied to classifying
Classifying Crimes
In the U.S.
➢ felonies & misdemeanors
sentence of imprisonment of over one year are felonies, while those authorizing sentences of one year or less are misdemeanors.
Classifying Crimes
In the U.S.
➢against the public– an illegal act against the
interests of the public as a whole as opposed to an illegal act only against the indining Crimes
▪ Murder is the killing of a human being with
▪ Manslaughter is an unlawful killing of another
without malice.
Sources of Criminal Law
5. Inchoate Crimes 6. Defenses 7. Criminal Sanctions
Defining Crimes
According to William Blackstone, an English
judge and author of Commentaries on the Laws of England, a crime is a wrong committed
➢Homicide, murder and manslaughter
▪ homicide is the killing of one human being by
another human being.There are lawful homicide and unlawful homicide.
▪ Any unlawful killing is either murder or
Lecture 6 Criminal Law
The Outline 1. Defining crimes 2. Sources of Criminal Law 3. Categories of Criminal Law 4. Elements of a crime
1) wrongful act ( actus reus) 2) culpable state of mind (mens rea) 3) causation
➢Crimes against persons, crimes against
property and crimes against government
▪ Crimes against persons: rape, kidnapping,
murder etc.
▪ Crimes against property: theft, burglary,
➢a wrong -- an act that violates the law as
apposed to violating customs, religious standards.
➢ The defining of crimes are changing
As a society advances, its judgments about crime and punishment change. e.g. before the enactment of Suicide Law (1961), Committing a suicide is a crime.
▪ In some states: felonies are crimes that
are served in state prisons and misdemeanors are offenses served in county jail.
▪ Other states: crimes authorizing a
Sources of Criminal Law
• Model Penal Code
• Now over 2/3 of the states have enacted
new criminal codes based, to a greater or lesser extent, on the Model Penal Code (MPC) adopted by the American Law Institute in 1962.
In the U.K. Common law Criminal Law Act (1977)
➢ In the U.S.
Common law statutes
▪ Most states define crimes through statutes e.g.
Illinois Criminal Code
▪ Model Penal Code
robbery, arson etc.
▪ Crimes against government: bribery,
perjury, etc.
Classifying Crimes
In the U.S. some new classification schemes have gained popularity
➢White-collar crime & victimless crimes
▪ White-collar crime: tax evasion, insider
trading, kickbacks etc
▪ Victimless crimes: smoking marijuana, etc.
➢ malum in se v.s. malum prohibitum
Classifying Crimes
▪ Various criteria are applied to classifying
Classifying Crimes
In the U.S.
➢ felonies & misdemeanors
sentence of imprisonment of over one year are felonies, while those authorizing sentences of one year or less are misdemeanors.
Classifying Crimes
In the U.S.
➢against the public– an illegal act against the
interests of the public as a whole as opposed to an illegal act only against the indining Crimes
▪ Murder is the killing of a human being with
▪ Manslaughter is an unlawful killing of another
without malice.
Sources of Criminal Law
5. Inchoate Crimes 6. Defenses 7. Criminal Sanctions
Defining Crimes
According to William Blackstone, an English
judge and author of Commentaries on the Laws of England, a crime is a wrong committed
➢Homicide, murder and manslaughter
▪ homicide is the killing of one human being by
another human being.There are lawful homicide and unlawful homicide.
▪ Any unlawful killing is either murder or
Lecture 6 Criminal Law
The Outline 1. Defining crimes 2. Sources of Criminal Law 3. Categories of Criminal Law 4. Elements of a crime
1) wrongful act ( actus reus) 2) culpable state of mind (mens rea) 3) causation
➢Crimes against persons, crimes against
property and crimes against government
▪ Crimes against persons: rape, kidnapping,
murder etc.
▪ Crimes against property: theft, burglary,