





《桃花扇》余韵原文、注释及解析〔原文〕余韵《桃花扇》[西江月] (净扮樵子挑担上)放目苍崖万丈,拂头红树千枝;云深猛虎出无时,也避人间弓矢。
今日柴担早歇,专等他来促膝闲话,怎的还不见到? (歇担盹睡介)(丑扮渔翁摇船上)年年垂钓鬓如银,爱此江山胜富春⑨;歌舞丛中征战里,渔翁都是过来人。
(丑拱介)贤弟偏杯呀⑩! (净)柴不曾卖,那得酒来?(丑)愚兄也没卖鱼,都是空囊,怎么处? (净)有了,有了! 你输水,我输柴,大家煮茗清谈罢。
(净、丑拱介)老相公怎得到此? (副末)老夫住在燕子矶边(12),今乃戊子年九月十七日(13),是福德星君降生之辰(14);我同些山中社友,到福德神祠祭赛已毕(15),路过此间。
(净)为何挟着弦子(16),提着酒壶? (副末)见笑见笑! 老夫编了几句神弦歌(17),名曰[问苍天(18)]。
(净、丑)好,好! (同坐饮介)(净)何不把神弦歌领略一回? (副末)使得! 老夫的心事,正要请教二位哩。
(弹弦唱巫腔)(净、丑拍手衬介)[问苍天] 新历数,顺治朝,五年戊子;九月秋,十七日,嘉会良时。

典籍英译要遵循忠实对等原则 ——以《桃花扇》末出《馀韵》英译为例

教学交流 幸福生活指南 31幸福生活指南典籍英译要遵循忠实对等原则——以《桃花扇》末出《馀韵》英译为例马 莹河北师范大学 河北 石家庄 050024摘 要:本文对阿克顿,陈世骧和白之三人《桃花扇》末出《馀韵》英译本进行分析,发现阿陈白三人在翻译典籍过程中遵循忠实对等的翻译原则,力求达到理解,风格,用韵和文化迁移上的对等,以求最大程度上重现原文语言特色。
关键词:典籍英译;忠实对等;《桃花扇》末出《馀韵》引言 《馀韵》是《桃花扇》结局,它既是对全剧的一个总结,同时又是对作者孔尚任的思想感情淋漓尽致的抒发。
最早是由阿克顿、陈世骧与白之合作翻译的《桃花扇》(The Peach Blossom Fan ),于1976年由加利福尼亚大学出版社出版。
1998年,香港大学出版社出版了由杨铁樑(T. L. Yang )简写并进行翻译的《桃花扇》(The Peach Blossom Fan )。
桃花扇 歌词

有明月怕登楼 愁不肯休
谁还会演绎长相厮守 用生命演奏
扇面诗成为她的宇宙 到死不肯放手
今生有谁泪为此流 我要穿越千年不回头
对你笑着挥挥右手 让你等了好久
丢失在前世的行李 是否今生已忘记
那场书院细雨如你呼吸 与何人说起
天长地久今生竟然变成了 片甲不留
有没有勇气远走 带着满身的伤口
王侯将相看透 夜半饮酒消不尽那愁
通往长安的码头 精致用词为谁侯
近花外楼 柳下舟 词一首 花满袖
那 女儿家 心事让 两眉羞
谁又笑涡红透 哦
暮雨入画 将离愁 绘入这 纸深秋
将 那陈词 也唱出 了新愁
桃花扇唯美诗句 我学戏隔世望你
近花外楼 柳下舟 词一首 花满袖
那 女儿家 心事让 两眉羞
谁又笑涡红透 哦
暮雨入画 将离愁 绘入这 纸深秋
将 那陈词 也唱出 了新愁
有明月怕登楼 愁不肯休
只愿梦不醒满城柳絮纷飞 管我是谁
近花外楼 柳下舟 词一首 花满袖
那 女儿家 心事让 两眉羞
谁又笑涡红透 哦
暮雨入画 将离愁 绘入这 纸深秋
将 那陈词 也唱Biblioteka 了新愁 那日你折尽长安的柳
有明月怕登楼 愁不肯休
诗意散落在街头 诗人在城市漂流
虚荣是个杀手 无形引诱只需个借口


时有“南洪北孔”之称。其词气味浓厚,浑 含包孕处蕴藉风流,绝无纤亵轻佻之病。鼎 运方新,元音迭奏,此初唐诗也。 陈栋: 国初人才蔚出,即词曲名家……高莫若东塘, 大莫若稗畦。
作者:孔尚任(1648~1718年) 字聘之、季重,号东塘,别号岸堂,自称云
亭山人。山东曲阜人,孔子六十四代孙,清 初诗人、戏曲作家。 1684年康熙南巡北归,特至曲阜祭孔,三十 七岁的孔尚任在御前讲经,颇得康熙的赏识, 破格授为国子博士,赴京就任。三十九岁, 奉命赴江南治水,历时四载。 康熙三十八年(1699),五十二岁的孔尚任, 终于写成了《桃花扇》。次年三月,孔尚任 被免职 。
《考据》《纲领》等六篇 《桃花扇· 本末》所说:“已卯(1699)秋夕, 内侍索《桃花扇》本甚急,予之缮本莫知流 传何所,乃于张平州中丞家觅得一本,午夜 进之直邸,遂入内府。” 命薄忽遭文字憎,缄口金人受谤诽。
故事背景: 一、明末党争 阉党与东林党、复社争斗。南明政权内讧 马士英、阮大铖 二、抗清斗争
主要人物: 侯方域 李香君 史可法 柳敬亭 苏昆生 杨龙友 马士英 阮大铖 左良玉
老赞礼 97岁 贯穿全剧线索 张道士 总结兴亡
传奇虽小道,凡诗、赋、词、曲、四六、小说家, 无体不备。至于摹写须眉,点染景物,乃兼画苑矣。 其旨趣,实本于《三百篇》。而义则《春秋》,用 笔行文,又左、国、太史公也。于以警世易俗,赞 圣道而辅王化,最近且切。今之乐,犹古之乐,岂 不信哉?《桃花扇》一剧,皆南朝新事,父老犹有 存者。属上歌舞,局外指点,知三百年之基业,隳 于何人?败于何事?消于何年?歇于何地?不独令 观者感慨涕零,亦可惩创人心,为末世一救矣。盖 予未仕时,山居多暇,博采遣闻,入之声律,一句 一字,抉心呕成。今携游长安,借读者虽多,竟无 一句一字着眼看毕之人。每抚胸浩叹,几欲付之一 火。转思天下大矣,后世远矣,特识焦桐者,岂无 中郎乎?予姑俟之。

《1699桃花扇》表现形式探究作者:吕博来源:《美与时代·下》2019年第08期摘; 要:《1699桃花扇》是田沁鑫导演编排的一出新式套昆曲桃花扇,这部作品做到中国传统的戏曲文化和一些西方戏剧的舞台文化、音乐文化的良好结合,其在文本方面、舞台设计、舞台层次感以及唱腔音乐上各有不同程度的革新,其中一些积极的改变形式值得以后的戏曲剧借鉴和学习。

昆曲《1699·桃花扇》唱词中英文对照赏析.cn 2006年03月27日02:58 新浪娱乐1699·桃花扇The Peach Blossom Fan (1699)翻译:石俊山三小生【恋芳春】莫愁湖上酒卖斜阳The sun's slanted rays fall on the lake; the wine stands ready for purchase.学金粉南朝模样We recreate the ancient glory of the Southern Dynasties.莺颠燕狂关甚兴亡The oriole dips, the swallow madly wings. Ah, but birds carenothing for the fate of an empire!侯方域【懒画眉】乍暖风烟满江乡花里行厨携着玉缸The recent warmth lays a thin mist over the riverlands.Among flowers we sip from jade goblets.笛声吹乱客中肠The melancholy flute troubles the heart.莫过乌衣巷是别姓人家新画梁No need to wander where the old families once resided,for their houses have passed to others.众歌姬【秋夜月】深画眉不把红楼闭We beauties paint our eyebrows, leaving the gates open for guests.长板桥头垂杨细丝丝牵惹游人骑Over the bridgehead, the thin and weeping willows lure the visitors onhorseback with their silken catkins.将筝弦紧系把笙囊巧制The strings of our zithers are tightly stretched,and the pipesprepared for playing.侯方域【锦缠道】望平康凤城东千门绿杨The courtesan's quarters, east of the ancient palace, are filled withtrees in bloom.一路紫丝缰引游郎谁家乳燕双双Young men go leisurely riding, while swallows too fly off in pairs.李香君【秋夜月】香梦回才褪红鸳被I awoke from sweet dreams, and slipped out of my downy blankets.重点檀唇胭脂腻匆匆挽个抛家髻Then I applied rouge to my cheeks and paint to my supple lips, beforehurriedly coiling my hair.这春愁怎替那新词且记But what can disperse this vernal sorrow?My maidenly passions find expression only in song.众歌姬【梧桐树】生来粉黛围跳入莺花队We girls were born to the courtesan's charms,一串歌喉是俺金钱地relying for our livelihood on the sweetness of our voices.莫将红豆轻抛弃学就晓风残月坠We cannot abandon ourselves to a suitor; instead we are consecrated to our arts. 缓拍红牙夺了宜春翠门前系住王孙辔Sound the clappers slowly as we dance;no palace beauties can compete with our charms.Young noblemen hang their bridles at our door.侯方域【缑山月】金粉未消亡闻得六朝香As long as you are here, grandeur still lives!How it reminds me of bygone glory!满天涯烟草断人肠And yet as far as the eye can see, this city, once so flourishing,has grown barren.怕催花信紧风风雨雨误了春光Oh, how I fear the winds and rains will bring the flowers to falltoo early, and diminish the radiance of spring.侯方域·李香君【小桃红】匆匆忘却仙模样I can scarcely tear my eyes from your fairy-like beauty.春宵花月休成谎On a spring evening when the moon is bright, one mustn't make false vows.良缘到手难推让准备着身赴高唐Benevolent fate has led us together, and will not lightly let us go.Prepare yourself for the bridal chambers.侯方域【梁州序】齐梁词赋陈隋花柳In the Southern Dynasties, the pleasures of literature and leisurereached their apogee,日日芳情迤逗and scholars cloistered themselves off from the world with their favourites.青衫偎倚今番小杜扬州My beloved's gentle weight on my shoulder brings to mind that glorious era.寻思描黛指点吹箫从此春入手I paint her ebony eyebrows, and teach her to hold the flute.Thus do I let the germ of love mature.秀才渴病急须救Ah, how I have pined for love.偏是斜阳迟下楼刚饮得一杯酒Now, the sun disappears behind the hills, casting shadows on my now-empty cup.李香君【梁州序】楼台花颤帘栊风抖Flowers quiver in the courtesan's quarters, the curtain trembles in the wind:倚着雄姿英秀I lean against my beloved, strong and daring.春情无限金钗肯与梳头Our love knows no bounds; for though I am only a lowly courtesan,I needn't perform a concubine's tasks.闲花添艳野草生香消得夫人做The wildflower displays brighter colours, the untamed herbssmell sweeter. Though of low birth, still I yearn for noble station.今宵灯影纱红透The quilts are blushing in the lamplight.见惯司空也应羞破题儿真难就For, even though this were an everyday matter, I should still be shy,let alone the timidity of the very first time.侯方域·李香君【节节高】春宵一刻天长久人前怎解芙蓉扣In an amorous night, a moment may stretch to eternity. Though we yearned tobe alone during the feast, we dared not retire behind these lotus curtains,盼到灯昏玳筵收宫壶滴尽莲花漏as the water-clock impatiently brimmed over.李香君【川拨棹】不思想把话儿轻易讲Do not speak without careful consideration, or flippantly make promises.要与他消释灾殃也提防旁人短长If you in any way help him to avert the disaster which threatens his life, you will expose yourself to slander.侯方域【川拨棹】平康巷他能将名节讲A courtesan too may cherish virtue.偏是咱学校朝堂混贤奸不问青黄Indeed,it is rather we scholars who have ceased to make moral distinctions.节和名非泛常重和轻须审详Virtue and reputation are no common attributes.Where they are concerned, careful consideration is called for.八靠将【点绛唇】旗卷军牙射潮弩发鲸鲵怕Banners flutter in the first ranks. A wave of ourarrows would strike fear even in the heart of the leviathan.操弓试马鼓角斜阳下We check our bows and ready our horses. The drumbeats linger into evening.左良玉【粉蝶儿】七尺昂藏虎头燕颌如画莽男儿走遍天涯With my great height and military prowess, my mighty arm and my leoninestrength, I have ridden to the ends of the earth.活骑人飞食肉风云叱咤I have no match; even the clouds tremble at my roar.报国恩一腔热血挥洒In order to repay the motherland for her favours, I stand ready to spill my hot blood.左良玉【石榴花】你看中原豺虎乱如麻都窥伺龙楼凤阙帝王家The bandits are roaming the nation, their avaricious eyes fixed on the imperial palace.正腾腾杀气这军粮又早缺乏And just as upheaval seizes the land, I find myself without provisions for my men.左良玉【斗鹌鹑】一阵阵拍手喧哗一阵阵拍手喧哗俺这里望眼巴巴俺这里望眼巴巴候江州军粮飞下The soldiers clamour for food, but despite my best endeavours,I cannot relieve their hunger.待要飞檄金陵就粮东去安营歇马I will dispatch a letter to Nanjing,asking permission to rest my troops there for some time.慰三军没别法许就粮喧声才罢To pacify the troops, I have no choice but to provide food.谁知俺一片葵倾向日花Just as a flower must turn to the sun, my loyalty to the emperor can never be compromised. 侯方域·李香君【八声甘州】相亲风流俊品满座上都是语笑春温You are a well-suited pair: a talented young man, a beautiful girl.The boats are filled with the mildness of laughter.梁愁隋恨凭他燕恼莺嗔榴花照楼如火喷-Let the birds voice the sorrow of the long-departed dynasties,-while the flowers of the pomegranate tremble like flames.暑汗难沾白玉人Despite the sultry weather,no perspiration beads my jade-like skin.众歌姬【排歌】灯未昏佳人重抖玉精神酒沾唇才郎偏会语温存The lamps have not yet dimmed. I rouse myself a little, wet my lipswith wine and listen to the gentle words of my beloved.左良玉【胜如花】高皇帝在九京不管亡家破鼎The founding emperor of our dynasty has long since passed into the spirit world.The fall of the dynasty, the end of his line, concern him no longer.那知他圣子神孙反不如飘蓬也那断梗Though of sacred descent, his fate was no better than that of his humblest subject.十七年忧国如病呼不应天灵祖灵In the seventeen years of his reign, his duties gave him nothing but misery and sorrow. Neither ancestors nor fate rewarded his efforts.调不来亲兵救兵白练无情送君王一命No troops could be mustered to save his life, and his white silk noose made no distinctions. Let us remember the lost lord...伤心煞煤山私幸独殉了社稷苍生-What a sorrowful end.-The dynasty, the people, expire with him.左良玉【胜如花】宫车出庙社倾破碎中原费整Now that the emperor has died, the dynasty must surely follow soon.A country so ruined cannot soon recover.养文臣帷幄无谋豢武夫疆场不猛The state has nurtured mandarins to quibble in the army tents,and generals who turn meek once on the battlefield.到今日山残水剩对大江月明浪明All that remains now are the river, the moon, and the sound of waves.满楼头呼声哭声Echoes of wailing resound from all quarters.侯方域【滴溜子】双亲在双亲在信音未准Though my parents are still alive, I have no way of sending word.烽烟起烽烟起梓桑半损Now the fires of war are burning along the beacon towers,and who knows but that my home has been ravaged already.欲归归途难问How I wish to return, but how perilous the voyage!天涯到处迷将身怎隐歧路穷途天暗地昏Confusion reigns across the lands, and dangers are hard to averton the long and forking roads. The skies dim and dusk falls.李香君【滴溜子】欢娱事欢娱事两心自忖生离苦生离苦While our hearts yet yearn for those moments of joy,we taste of the cruelty of parting.且将恨忍结成眉峰一寸香沾翠被池重重束紧But I shall endure, though my brows may furrowand my fragrant tears pearl on the quilts I prepare for your journey.药裹巾箱都带泪痕These ointments, this linen; all are stained with my tears.李贞丽【麻婆子】下楼下楼三更夜红灯满路辉I descend the tower in the deepest night, red lanternslighting my way.出户出户寒风起看花未必归Outside the gates, the cold wind blows; who knows but that Ishall never return.舍了笙歌队今夜伴阿谁I bid farewell to our house of mirth,knowing tonight I shall sleep by a stranger.李香君【醉桃源】寒风料峭透冰绡香炉懒去烧The freezing wind chills me through my vestments, but I can't summon the effort even to light the incense.血痕一缕在眉梢胭脂红让娇The scar marks my eyebrows, redder than any blush.孤影怯弱魂飘春丝命一条Alone and melancholy, my weak spirit adrift,my fate fragile as a silken thread.满楼霜月夜迢迢天明恨不消The tower stands in the moonlit frost, the hour that ends the nightyet distant. But even the dawn shall bring no respite.孤身只影卧病空楼冷帐寒衾好生凄凉Lonely as a shade, I lie in an empty building,the sheets and linen unwarmed. What misery!李香君【折桂令】叫奴家揉开云髻折损宫腰My hair has long gone uncoiled, my slender waist grows slenderer still. 睡昏昏似妃葬坡平血淋淋似妾堕楼高Will I be forced to end my life by my own hand?Or shall I fall to some death beneath my window?怕旁人呼号舍着俺软丢答的魂灵没人招While others have their companions, only I am leftwithout a kindred spirit.银镜里朱霞残照鸳枕上红泪春潮In the silver mirror, I can see the carmine wounds disfiguring me.On the pillow, blood and tears mingle.恨在心苗愁在眉梢洗了胭脂浣了鲛绡Regret in the heart, sorrow in the soul, I have washed off my blush and rinsed out my handkerchief.李香君【鸳鸯煞】莺喉歇了南北套冰弦住了陈隋调My voice will bring forth no melodies. Let the strings of the ancient instruments rest.唇底罢吹箫笛儿丢笙儿坏板儿掠For my lips will not blow the flute, the reed organ is cracked, I have split the wooden clappers.只愿扇儿寄去的速师父束装得早My only hope is that Su Kunsheng will speed his wayand bring the fan soon to my beloved's hands.三月三刘郎到了携手儿下妆楼桃花粥吃个饱If he returns in April, I will at last descend these stairs,and we will celebrate by supping on peach-blossom ambrosia.李香君【五供养】堂堂列公半边南朝望你峥嵘With all these important officials here, half the imperial court is assembled. The nation looks to you for its salvation.出身希贵宠创业选声容Your positions are high but you seek nothing but wealth and power. You occupyyourself only with the selection of girls to garner favour with the emperor.後庭花又添几种Forgetting the nation’s welfare, you spend your days in comfort and diversion.把俺胡撮弄对寒风雪海冰山苦陪觞咏Can you bear to order me about, considering the hardships that I bear,and ask me to accompany you in your drinking and merriment?李香君【玉交枝】东林伯仲俺青楼皆知敬重When speaking of an honest official, courtesans know very well how todemonstrate respect.干儿义子从新用绝不了魏家种But you are continuing the awful legacy of the eunuch's clique.李香君【懒画眉】想起那拆鸳鸯离魂惨When I recall our separation, my battered spirit fleets.隔云山相思苦会期难Behind the mist-shrouded mountains, he too pines for me;but reunion is only a distant hope.倩人寄扇擦损桃花The fan is dispatched to him, its blossoms dyed with the blood from my wounds.到今日情丝割断芳草天涯We were rent apart; and now my lover errs in the lands of horizon.侯方域【倾杯序】寻遍立东风渐午天Searching, I stand in the spring wind, in the slowapproach of noon.那一去人难见Where, now, can I find her again?看纸破窗棂纱裂帘幔The lattices are broken, the satin sheets torn.裹残罗帕戴过花钿旧笙箫无一件No trace of her; no worn silk handkerchief, no hairpin,nor even the echo of the reed organs that once resounded here.红鸳衾尽卷翠菱花放扁The carmine quilts have been rolled away, and even the mirrors are empty.锁寒烟好花枝不照丽人眠Amid the mist, the flowers find no sleeping maidens to adorn.史可法【二犯江儿水】皇天列圣高高呼不省No matter how I call out to the past emperors, they have made no response.阑珊残局剩俺支撑奈人心俱瓦崩How bitterly it ends; I alone remain to support the empire, now thatall others have proven fickle.协力少良朋同心无弟兄There are none who would join me; no comrades-in-arms.这江山倒像设着筵席请哭声祖宗哭声百姓Now, the land is set out for our ravenous enemies to feast on.Woe to our ancestors, woe to the people!哭的俺一腔血作泪零I shed tears of blood.史可法【锦缠道】望烽烟杀气重The beacon fires flicker, and the smell of slaughter hangs in the air.扬州沸喧生灵尽席卷Yangzhou is at a boil, the populace held hostage to disorder.这屠戮皆因我愚忠不转My stubborn loyalty means a refusal to retreat. It is a strategy sure tobring about a massacre.兵和将力竭气喘As I speak, soldiers and generals both engage in their vain butvalorous struggle.侯方域·李香君【雁过声】萧然美人去远Desolate I wander, distant my only beloved.重门锁云山万千知情只有闲莺燕Daunting the walls between us,these thousand, ten thousand, mountains.Only the faithful oriole knows my heart.尽着狂尽着颠-All is madness-All is folly问着他一双双不会传言-Cannot the oriole bring news of my love?熬煎才待转Sorrow! I return to my lonely abode.嫩花枝靠着疏篱颤What girl is that, who, tender like a bud on the branch, reclines on the fence? 李香君【南鲍老催】想当日猛然舍抛How cruel the day of our parting!银河渺渺谁架桥In old stories, the magpies formed bridges to let lovers meet fortheir trysts,墙高更比天际高书难捎but the walls which divided us were higher than the sky,far too highto be crossed by letters.梦空劳情无了出来路儿越迢遥-Our dreams were vain, and love was quickly fleeting.-Oh, the winding ways we travelled!苏昆生【离亭宴带歇指煞】俺曾见金陵玉殿莺啼晓秦淮水榭花开早At dawn, I have heard the oriole sing by the great houses of Nanjing.I have seen the flowers blossom by the riverside.谁知道容易冰消Who was to know that it might so easily vanish?眼看他起朱楼眼看他宴宾客眼看他楼塌了I saw them build the courtesan's quarters, saw them feast and make merry. But I saw, too, how the building collapsed.这青苔碧瓦堆Now moss covers those piles of broken bricks.俺曾睡风流觉将五十年兴亡看饱I, too, was once taken in by opulence, but, over fifty years, I have atlast seen through this rise and fall.那乌衣巷不姓王莫愁湖鬼夜哭凤凰台栖枭鸟The old families no longer live in those houses; and the ghosts' nocturnal wailing echoes on the lake. The houses of power have become owl roosts. 残山梦最真旧境丢难掉不信这舆图换稿Broken dreams are the most real, and sights once seen are hard to forget. Though it may seem hard to believe, the old dynasty has already fallen. 诌一套哀江南放悲声唱到老I have written these laments for you. Intone them sadly, and grow old.。

昆曲《1699·桃花扇》唱词中英文对照赏析 2006年03月27日02:58 新浪娱乐1699·桃花扇The Peach Blossom Fan (1699)翻译:石俊山三小生【恋芳春】莫愁湖上酒卖斜阳The sun's slanted rays fall on the lake; the wine stands ready for purchase.学金粉南朝模样We recreate the ancient glory of the Southern Dynasties.莺颠燕狂关甚兴亡The oriole dips, the swallow madly wings. Ah, but birds carenothing for the fate of an empire!侯方域【懒画眉】乍暖风烟满江乡花里行厨携着玉缸The recent warmth lays a thin mist over the riverlands.Among flowers we sip from jade goblets.笛声吹乱客中肠The melancholy flute troubles the heart.莫过乌衣巷是别姓人家新画梁No need to wander where the old families once resided,for their houses have passed to others.众歌姬【秋夜月】深画眉不把红楼闭We beauties paint our eyebrows, leaving the gates open for guests.长板桥头垂杨细丝丝牵惹游人骑Over the bridgehead, the thin and weeping willows lure the visitors onhorseback with their silken catkins.将筝弦紧系把笙囊巧制The strings of our zithers are tightly stretched,and the pipesprepared for playing.侯方域【锦缠道】望平康凤城东千门绿杨The courtesan's quarters, east of the ancient palace, are filled withtrees in bloom.一路紫丝缰引游郎谁家乳燕双双Young men go leisurely riding, while swallows too fly off in pairs.李香君【秋夜月】香梦回才褪红鸳被I awoke from sweet dreams, and slipped out of my downy blankets.重点檀唇胭脂腻匆匆挽个抛家髻Then I applied rouge to my cheeks and paint to my supple lips, beforehurriedly coiling my hair.这春愁怎替那新词且记But what can disperse this vernal sorrow?My maidenly passions find expression only in song.众歌姬【梧桐树】生来粉黛围跳入莺花队We girls were born to the courtesan's charms,一串歌喉是俺金钱地relying for our livelihood on the sweetness of our voices.莫将红豆轻抛弃学就晓风残月坠We cannot abandon ourselves to a suitor; instead we are consecrated to our arts. 缓拍红牙夺了宜春翠门前系住王孙辔Sound the clappers slowly as we dance;no palace beauties can compete with our charms.Young noblemen hang their bridles at our door.侯方域【缑山月】金粉未消亡闻得六朝香As long as you are here, grandeur still lives!How it reminds me of bygone glory!满天涯烟草断人肠And yet as far as the eye can see, this city, once so flourishing,has grown barren.怕催花信紧风风雨雨误了春光Oh, how I fear the winds and rains will bring the flowers to falltoo early, and diminish the radiance of spring.侯方域·李香君【小桃红】匆匆忘却仙模样I can scarcely tear my eyes from your fairy-like beauty.春宵花月休成谎On a spring evening when the moon is bright, one mustn't make false vows.良缘到手难推让准备着身赴高唐Benevolent fate has led us together, and will not lightly let us go.Prepare yourself for the bridal chambers.侯方域【梁州序】齐梁词赋陈隋花柳In the Southern Dynasties, the pleasures of literature and leisurereached their apogee,日日芳情迤逗and scholars cloistered themselves off from the world with their favourites.青衫偎倚今番小杜扬州My beloved's gentle weight on my shoulder brings to mind that glorious era.寻思描黛指点吹箫从此春入手I paint her ebony eyebrows, and teach her to hold the flute.Thus do I let the germ of love mature.秀才渴病急须救Ah, how I have pined for love.偏是斜阳迟下楼刚饮得一杯酒Now, the sun disappears behind the hills, casting shadows on my now-empty cup.李香君【梁州序】楼台花颤帘栊风抖Flowers quiver in the courtesan's quarters, the curtain trembles in the wind:倚着雄姿英秀I lean against my beloved, strong and daring.春情无限金钗肯与梳头Our love knows no bounds; for though I am only a lowly courtesan,I needn't perform a concubine's tasks.闲花添艳野草生香消得夫人做The wildflower displays brighter colours, the untamed herbssmell sweeter. Though of low birth, still I yearn for noble station.今宵灯影纱红透The quilts are blushing in the lamplight.见惯司空也应羞破题儿真难就For, even though this were an everyday matter, I should still be shy,let alone the timidity of the very first time.侯方域·李香君【节节高】春宵一刻天长久人前怎解芙蓉扣In an amorous night, a moment may stretch to eternity. Though we yearned tobe alone during the feast, we dared not retire behind these lotus curtains,盼到灯昏玳筵收宫壶滴尽莲花漏as the water-clock impatiently brimmed over.李香君【川拨棹】不思想把话儿轻易讲Do not speak without careful consideration, or flippantly make promises.要与他消释灾殃也提防旁人短长If you in any way help him to avert the disaster which threatens his life, you will expose yourself to slander.侯方域【川拨棹】平康巷他能将名节讲A courtesan too may cherish virtue.偏是咱学校朝堂混贤奸不问青黄Indeed,it is rather we scholars who have ceased to make moral distinctions.节和名非泛常重和轻须审详Virtue and reputation are no common attributes.Where they are concerned, careful consideration is called for.八靠将【点绛唇】旗卷军牙射潮弩发鲸鲵怕Banners flutter in the first ranks. A wave of ourarrows would strike fear even in the heart of the leviathan.操弓试马鼓角斜阳下We check our bows and ready our horses. The drumbeats linger into evening.左良玉【粉蝶儿】七尺昂藏虎头燕颌如画莽男儿走遍天涯With my great height and military prowess, my mighty arm and my leoninestrength, I have ridden to the ends of the earth.活骑人飞食肉风云叱咤I have no match; even the clouds tremble at my roar.报国恩一腔热血挥洒In order to repay the motherland for her favours, I stand ready to spill my hot blood.左良玉【石榴花】你看中原豺虎乱如麻都窥伺龙楼凤阙帝王家The bandits are roaming the nation, their avaricious eyes fixed on the imperial palace.正腾腾杀气这军粮又早缺乏And just as upheaval seizes the land, I find myself without provisions for my men.左良玉【斗鹌鹑】一阵阵拍手喧哗一阵阵拍手喧哗俺这里望眼巴巴俺这里望眼巴巴候江州军粮飞下The soldiers clamour for food, but despite my best endeavours,I cannot relieve their hunger.待要飞檄金陵就粮东去安营歇马I will dispatch a letter to Nanjing,asking permission to rest my troops there for some time.慰三军没别法许就粮喧声才罢To pacify the troops, I have no choice but to provide food.谁知俺一片葵倾向日花Just as a flower must turn to the sun, my loyalty to the emperor can never be compromised. 侯方域·李香君【八声甘州】相亲风流俊品满座上都是语笑春温You are a well-suited pair: a talented young man, a beautiful girl.The boats are filled with the mildness of laughter.梁愁隋恨凭他燕恼莺嗔榴花照楼如火喷-Let the birds voice the sorrow of the long-departed dynasties,-while the flowers of the pomegranate tremble like flames.暑汗难沾白玉人Despite the sultry weather,no perspiration beads my jade-like skin.众歌姬【排歌】灯未昏佳人重抖玉精神酒沾唇才郎偏会语温存The lamps have not yet dimmed. I rouse myself a little, wet my lipswith wine and listen to the gentle words of my beloved.左良玉【胜如花】高皇帝在九京不管亡家破鼎The founding emperor of our dynasty has long since passed into the spirit world.The fall of the dynasty, the end of his line, concern him no longer.那知他圣子神孙反不如飘蓬也那断梗Though of sacred descent, his fate was no better than that of his humblest subject.十七年忧国如病呼不应天灵祖灵In the seventeen years of his reign, his duties gave him nothing but misery and sorrow. Neither ancestors nor fate rewarded his efforts.调不来亲兵救兵白练无情送君王一命No troops could be mustered to save his life, and his white silk noose made no distinctions. Let us remember the lost lord...伤心煞煤山私幸独殉了社稷苍生-What a sorrowful end.-The dynasty, the people, expire with him.左良玉【胜如花】宫车出庙社倾破碎中原费整Now that the emperor has died, the dynasty must surely follow soon.A country so ruined cannot soon recover.养文臣帷幄无谋豢武夫疆场不猛The state has nurtured mandarins to quibble in the army tents,and generals who turn meek once on the battlefield.到今日山残水剩对大江月明浪明All that remains now are the river, the moon, and the sound of waves.满楼头呼声哭声Echoes of wailing resound from all quarters.侯方域【滴溜子】双亲在双亲在信音未准Though my parents are still alive, I have no way of sending word.烽烟起烽烟起梓桑半损Now the fires of war are burning along the beacon towers,and who knows but that my home has been ravaged already.欲归归途难问How I wish to return, but how perilous the voyage!天涯到处迷将身怎隐歧路穷途天暗地昏Confusion reigns across the lands, and dangers are hard to averton the long and forking roads. The skies dim and dusk falls.李香君【滴溜子】欢娱事欢娱事两心自忖生离苦生离苦While our hearts yet yearn for those moments of joy,we taste of the cruelty of parting.且将恨忍结成眉峰一寸香沾翠被池重重束紧But I shall endure, though my brows may furrowand my fragrant tears pearl on the quilts I prepare for your journey.药裹巾箱都带泪痕These ointments, this linen; all are stained with my tears.李贞丽【麻婆子】下楼下楼三更夜红灯满路辉I descend the tower in the deepest night, red lanternslighting my way.出户出户寒风起看花未必归Outside the gates, the cold wind blows; who knows but that Ishall never return.舍了笙歌队今夜伴阿谁I bid farewell to our house of mirth,knowing tonight I shall sleep by a stranger.李香君【醉桃源】寒风料峭透冰绡香炉懒去烧The freezing wind chills me through my vestments, but I can't summon the effort even to light the incense.血痕一缕在眉梢胭脂红让娇The scar marks my eyebrows, redder than any blush.孤影怯弱魂飘春丝命一条Alone and melancholy, my weak spirit adrift,my fate fragile as a silken thread.满楼霜月夜迢迢天明恨不消The tower stands in the moonlit frost, the hour that ends the nightyet distant. But even the dawn shall bring no respite.孤身只影卧病空楼冷帐寒衾好生凄凉Lonely as a shade, I lie in an empty building,the sheets and linen unwarmed. What misery!李香君【折桂令】叫奴家揉开云髻折损宫腰My hair has long gone uncoiled, my slender waist grows slenderer still. 睡昏昏似妃葬坡平血淋淋似妾堕楼高Will I be forced to end my life by my own hand?Or shall I fall to some death beneath my window?怕旁人呼号舍着俺软丢答的魂灵没人招While others have their companions, only I am leftwithout a kindred spirit.银镜里朱霞残照鸳枕上红泪春潮In the silver mirror, I can see the carmine wounds disfiguring me.On the pillow, blood and tears mingle.恨在心苗愁在眉梢洗了胭脂浣了鲛绡Regret in the heart, sorrow in the soul, I have washed off my blush and rinsed out my handkerchief.李香君【鸳鸯煞】莺喉歇了南北套冰弦住了陈隋调My voice will bring forth no melodies. Let the strings of the ancient instruments rest.唇底罢吹箫笛儿丢笙儿坏板儿掠For my lips will not blow the flute, the reed organ is cracked, I have split the wooden clappers.只愿扇儿寄去的速师父束装得早My only hope is that Su Kunsheng will speed his wayand bring the fan soon to my beloved's hands.三月三刘郎到了携手儿下妆楼桃花粥吃个饱If he returns in April, I will at last descend these stairs,and we will celebrate by supping on peach-blossom ambrosia.李香君【五供养】堂堂列公半边南朝望你峥嵘With all these important officials here, half the imperial court is assembled. The nation looks to you for its salvation.出身希贵宠创业选声容Your positions are high but you seek nothing but wealth and power. You occupyyourself only with the selection of girls to garner favour with the emperor.後庭花又添几种Forgetting the nation’s welfare, you spend your days in comfort and diversion.把俺胡撮弄对寒风雪海冰山苦陪觞咏Can you bear to order me about, considering the hardships that I bear,and ask me to accompany you in your drinking and merriment?李香君【玉交枝】东林伯仲俺青楼皆知敬重When speaking of an honest official, courtesans know very well how todemonstrate respect.干儿义子从新用绝不了魏家种But you are continuing the awful legacy of the eunuch's clique.李香君【懒画眉】想起那拆鸳鸯离魂惨When I recall our separation, my battered spirit fleets.隔云山相思苦会期难Behind the mist-shrouded mountains, he too pines for me;but reunion is only a distant hope.倩人寄扇擦损桃花The fan is dispatched to him, its blossoms dyed with the blood from my wounds.到今日情丝割断芳草天涯We were rent apart; and now my lover errs in the lands of horizon.侯方域【倾杯序】寻遍立东风渐午天Searching, I stand in the spring wind, in the slowapproach of noon.那一去人难见Where, now, can I find her again?看纸破窗棂纱裂帘幔The lattices are broken, the satin sheets torn.裹残罗帕戴过花钿旧笙箫无一件No trace of her; no worn silk handkerchief, no hairpin,nor even the echo of the reed organs that once resounded here.红鸳衾尽卷翠菱花放扁The carmine quilts have been rolled away, and even the mirrors are empty.锁寒烟好花枝不照丽人眠Amid the mist, the flowers find no sleeping maidens to adorn.史可法【二犯江儿水】皇天列圣高高呼不省No matter how I call out to the past emperors, they have made no response.阑珊残局剩俺支撑奈人心俱瓦崩How bitterly it ends; I alone remain to support the empire, now thatall others have proven fickle.协力少良朋同心无弟兄There are none who would join me; no comrades-in-arms.这江山倒像设着筵席请哭声祖宗哭声百姓Now, the land is set out for our ravenous enemies to feast on.Woe to our ancestors, woe to the people!哭的俺一腔血作泪零I shed tears of blood.史可法【锦缠道】望烽烟杀气重The beacon fires flicker, and the smell of slaughter hangs in the air.扬州沸喧生灵尽席卷Yangzhou is at a boil, the populace held hostage to disorder.这屠戮皆因我愚忠不转My stubborn loyalty means a refusal to retreat. It is a strategy sure tobring about a massacre.兵和将力竭气喘As I speak, soldiers and generals both engage in their vain butvalorous struggle.侯方域·李香君【雁过声】萧然美人去远Desolate I wander, distant my only beloved.重门锁云山万千知情只有闲莺燕Daunting the walls between us,these thousand, ten thousand, mountains.Only the faithful oriole knows my heart.尽着狂尽着颠-All is madness-All is folly问着他一双双不会传言-Cannot the oriole bring news of my love?熬煎才待转Sorrow! I return to my lonely abode.嫩花枝靠着疏篱颤What girl is that, who, tender like a bud on the branch, reclines on the fence? 李香君【南鲍老催】想当日猛然舍抛How cruel the day of our parting!银河渺渺谁架桥In old stories, the magpies formed bridges to let lovers meet fortheir trysts,墙高更比天际高书难捎but the walls which divided us were higher than the sky,far too highto be crossed by letters.梦空劳情无了出来路儿越迢遥-Our dreams were vain, and love was quickly fleeting.-Oh, the winding ways we travelled!苏昆生【离亭宴带歇指煞】俺曾见金陵玉殿莺啼晓秦淮水榭花开早At dawn, I have heard the oriole sing by the great houses of Nanjing.I have seen the flowers blossom by the riverside.谁知道容易冰消Who was to know that it might so easily vanish?眼看他起朱楼眼看他宴宾客眼看他楼塌了I saw them build the courtesan's quarters, saw them feast and make merry. But I saw, too, how the building collapsed.这青苔碧瓦堆Now moss covers those piles of broken bricks.俺曾睡风流觉将五十年兴亡看饱I, too, was once taken in by opulence, but, over fifty years, I have atlast seen through this rise and fall.那乌衣巷不姓王莫愁湖鬼夜哭凤凰台栖枭鸟The old families no longer live in those houses; and the ghosts' nocturnal wailing echoes on the lake. The houses of power have become owl roosts.残山梦最真旧境丢难掉不信这舆图换稿Broken dreams are the most real, and sights once seen are hard to forget. Though it may seem hard to believe, the old dynasty has already fallen. 诌一套哀江南放悲声唱到老I have written these laments for you. Intone them sadly, and grow old.。

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“全本四十出,……有始有卒,气 足神完,脱去离合悲欢之熟径,谓 之戏文,不亦可乎?”(《桃花扇 凡例》)
“宁不通俗,不肯伤雅,颇得风人 之旨”(《桃花扇凡例》)
“典雅有馀,当行不足;谨严有馀, 生动不足。剧中许多曲词,我们在 书房里低徊吟咏,真觉情文并茂; 而搬到舞台上演唱,不见得入耳就 能消化,这实际上表现了明清之间 文人剧作的共同特征。”(王季思 《桃花扇·前言》)
“王公荐绅,莫不借钞,时有纸贵之誉。”(《桃花扇本 未》)“长安(北京)之演《挑花扇》者,岁无虚日。” 康熙也要去阅读。次年春,《桃花扇》上演,轰动,但孔 不明不白被罢官,“命薄忽遭文字憎,缄口金人受诽谤”。 罢官原因可能与《桃花扇》有关,罢官后,在京留两年多, 于康熙四十一年(1702)怀愤归故,康熙五十七年(1718) 卒于石门山旧居,终年71岁。
1.戏曲揭露了统治阶级的腐朽堕落和为私利而误国的罪 行——这是导致南明覆亡的主要原因。
《桃花扇·拜坛》的眉批云:“私君、私臣、私恩、私仇, 南朝无一非私,焉得不亡!”此即《桃花扇小识》所谓阉 党余孽“进声色,罗货利,结党复仇,隳三百年之帝业者 也。”
2.歌颂爱国将士和下层人民(李香君,柳敬亭、苏昆生 等),表现出强烈的民族意识和爱国思想。
思考练习题: 1、《桃花扇》是如何“借离合之情,写兴亡之感”的? 2、试对“桃花扇”的符号意义作一剖析。
按:①孔氏罢官原因不详。或以为与《桃花扇》的写成有 关,此说不可靠。按作者于《桃花扇本末》中记宫中索剧 本一事,是带炫耀的;又记他解官之后京中大僚犹群聚观 赏此剧,更说明他并非由《桃花扇》得祸。
第二节 剧本出目
《桃花扇小引》说:“《桃花扇》一剧,皆南朝新事,父 老犹有存者,场上歌舞,局外指点,知三百年之基业,隳 于何人,败于何事,消于何年,歇于何地,不独令观者感 慨涕零,亦可惩创人心,为末世之一救矣。”面对满族统 治,许多人产生“国在哪里?家在哪里,君在哪里?父在 哪里”(《桃花扇·八道》)的疑问。

(朝宗):秦淮烟月勘不透几番梦里绕画楼前日堂前看不够今宵啊要将你倩影镂心头(香君):秦淮烟月年年有唯有知音最难求百年恩爱今宵就但愿同心到白头(朝宗):琵琶声声把我的心扉叩如泣如诉添温柔2人前怎解芙蓉扣盼到灯昏喜宴收(香君):春情无限容姿秀容姿越秀越怕缠头今宵破题儿交君手见惯花底心也羞(朝宗):谢卿赠我双红豆 (香君):结成扇坠紧紧系心头(朝宗):你是小红豆 (香君):愿君多采收(朝宗):同结相思扣 (香君):浓情永不休(合): 展开眉头抚平心头天长地久永结鸾俦晨妆抚拢,娇容带露,香君质疑:非亲非故,萍水相逢,杨公何来如此排场援手你我,忽闻一声:杨大人到。
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昆曲《1699·桃花扇》唱词中英文对照赏析.cn 2006年03月27日02:58 新浪娱乐1699·桃花扇The Peach Blossom Fan (1699)翻译:石俊山三小生【恋芳春】莫愁湖上酒卖斜阳The sun's slanted rays fall on the lake; the wine stands ready for purchase.学金粉南朝模样We recreate the ancient glory of the Southern Dynasties.莺颠燕狂关甚兴亡The oriole dips, the swallow madly wings. Ah, but birds carenothing for the fate of an empire!侯方域【懒画眉】乍暖风烟满江乡花里行厨携着玉缸The recent warmth lays a thin mist over the riverlands.Among flowers we sip from jade goblets.笛声吹乱客中肠The melancholy flute troubles the heart.莫过乌衣巷是别姓人家新画梁No need to wander where the old families once resided,for their houses have passed to others.众歌姬【秋夜月】深画眉不把红楼闭We beauties paint our eyebrows, leaving the gates open for guests.长板桥头垂杨细丝丝牵惹游人骑Over the bridgehead, the thin and weeping willows lure the visitors onhorseback with their silken catkins.将筝弦紧系把笙囊巧制The strings of our zithers are tightly stretched,and the pipesprepared for playing.侯方域【锦缠道】望平康凤城东千门绿杨The courtesan's quarters, east of the ancient palace, are filled withtrees in bloom.一路紫丝缰引游郎谁家乳燕双双Young men go leisurely riding, while swallows too fly off in pairs.李香君【秋夜月】香梦回才褪红鸳被I awoke from sweet dreams, and slipped out of my downy blankets.重点檀唇胭脂腻匆匆挽个抛家髻Then I applied rouge to my cheeks and paint to my supple lips, beforehurriedly coiling my hair.这春愁怎替那新词且记But what can disperse this vernal sorrow?My maidenly passions find expression only in song.众歌姬【梧桐树】生来粉黛围跳入莺花队We girls were born to the courtesan's charms,一串歌喉是俺金钱地relying for our livelihood on the sweetness of our voices.莫将红豆轻抛弃学就晓风残月坠We cannot abandon ourselves to a suitor; instead we are consecrated to our arts. 缓拍红牙夺了宜春翠门前系住王孙辔Sound the clappers slowly as we dance;no palace beauties can compete with our charms.Young noblemen hang their bridles at our door.侯方域【缑山月】金粉未消亡闻得六朝香As long as you are here, grandeur still lives!How it reminds me of bygone glory!满天涯烟草断人肠And yet as far as the eye can see, this city, once so flourishing,has grown barren.怕催花信紧风风雨雨误了春光Oh, how I fear the winds and rains will bring the flowers to falltoo early, and diminish the radiance of spring.侯方域·李香君【小桃红】匆匆忘却仙模样I can scarcely tear my eyes from your fairy-like beauty.春宵花月休成谎On a spring evening when the moon is bright, one mustn't make false vows.良缘到手难推让准备着身赴高唐Benevolent fate has led us together, and will not lightly let us go.Prepare yourself for the bridal chambers.侯方域【梁州序】齐梁词赋陈隋花柳In the Southern Dynasties, the pleasures of literature and leisurereached their apogee,日日芳情迤逗and scholars cloistered themselves off from the world with their favourites.青衫偎倚今番小杜扬州My beloved's gentle weight on my shoulder brings to mind that glorious era.寻思描黛指点吹箫从此春入手I paint her ebony eyebrows, and teach her to hold the flute.Thus do I let the germ of love mature.秀才渴病急须救Ah, how I have pined for love.偏是斜阳迟下楼刚饮得一杯酒Now, the sun disappears behind the hills, casting shadows on my now-empty cup.李香君【梁州序】楼台花颤帘栊风抖Flowers quiver in the courtesan's quarters, the curtain trembles in the wind:倚着雄姿英秀I lean against my beloved, strong and daring.春情无限金钗肯与梳头Our love knows no bounds; for though I am only a lowly courtesan,I needn't perform a concubine's tasks.闲花添艳野草生香消得夫人做The wildflower displays brighter colours, the untamed herbssmell sweeter. Though of low birth, still I yearn for noble station.今宵灯影纱红透The quilts are blushing in the lamplight.见惯司空也应羞破题儿真难就For, even though this were an everyday matter, I should still be shy,let alone the timidity of the very first time.侯方域·李香君【节节高】春宵一刻天长久人前怎解芙蓉扣In an amorous night, a moment may stretch to eternity. Though we yearned tobe alone during the feast, we dared not retire behind these lotus curtains,盼到灯昏玳筵收宫壶滴尽莲花漏as the water-clock impatiently brimmed over.李香君【川拨棹】不思想把话儿轻易讲Do not speak without careful consideration, or flippantly make promises.要与他消释灾殃也提防旁人短长If you in any way help him to avert the disaster which threatens his life, you will expose yourself to slander.侯方域【川拨棹】平康巷他能将名节讲A courtesan too may cherish virtue.偏是咱学校朝堂混贤奸不问青黄Indeed,it is rather we scholars who have ceased to make moral distinctions.节和名非泛常重和轻须审详Virtue and reputation are no common attributes.Where they are concerned, careful consideration is called for.八靠将【点绛唇】旗卷军牙射潮弩发鲸鲵怕Banners flutter in the first ranks. A wave of ourarrows would strike fear even in the heart of the leviathan.操弓试马鼓角斜阳下We check our bows and ready our horses. The drumbeats linger into evening.左良玉【粉蝶儿】七尺昂藏虎头燕颌如画莽男儿走遍天涯With my great height and military prowess, my mighty arm and my leoninestrength, I have ridden to the ends of the earth.活骑人飞食肉风云叱咤I have no match; even the clouds tremble at my roar.报国恩一腔热血挥洒In order to repay the motherland for her favours, I stand ready to spill my hot blood.左良玉【石榴花】你看中原豺虎乱如麻都窥伺龙楼凤阙帝王家The bandits are roaming the nation, their avaricious eyes fixed on the imperial palace.正腾腾杀气这军粮又早缺乏And just as upheaval seizes the land, I find myself without provisions for my men.左良玉【斗鹌鹑】一阵阵拍手喧哗一阵阵拍手喧哗俺这里望眼巴巴俺这里望眼巴巴候江州军粮飞下The soldiers clamour for food, but despite my best endeavours,I cannot relieve their hunger.待要飞檄金陵就粮东去安营歇马I will dispatch a letter to Nanjing,asking permission to rest my troops there for some time.慰三军没别法许就粮喧声才罢To pacify the troops, I have no choice but to provide food.谁知俺一片葵倾向日花Just as a flower must turn to the sun, my loyalty to the emperor can never be compromised. 侯方域·李香君【八声甘州】相亲风流俊品满座上都是语笑春温You are a well-suited pair: a talented young man, a beautiful girl.The boats are filled with the mildness of laughter.梁愁隋恨凭他燕恼莺嗔榴花照楼如火喷-Let the birds voice the sorrow of the long-departed dynasties,-while the flowers of the pomegranate tremble like flames.暑汗难沾白玉人Despite the sultry weather,no perspiration beads my jade-like skin.众歌姬【排歌】灯未昏佳人重抖玉精神酒沾唇才郎偏会语温存The lamps have not yet dimmed. I rouse myself a little, wet my lipswith wine and listen to the gentle words of my beloved.左良玉【胜如花】高皇帝在九京不管亡家破鼎The founding emperor of our dynasty has long since passed into the spirit world.The fall of the dynasty, the end of his line, concern him no longer.那知他圣子神孙反不如飘蓬也那断梗Though of sacred descent, his fate was no better than that of his humblest subject.十七年忧国如病呼不应天灵祖灵In the seventeen years of his reign, his duties gave him nothing but misery and sorrow. Neither ancestors nor fate rewarded his efforts.调不来亲兵救兵白练无情送君王一命No troops could be mustered to save his life, and his white silk noose made no distinctions. Let us remember the lost lord...伤心煞煤山私幸独殉了社稷苍生-What a sorrowful end.-The dynasty, the people, expire with him.左良玉【胜如花】宫车出庙社倾破碎中原费整Now that the emperor has died, the dynasty must surely follow soon.A country so ruined cannot soon recover.养文臣帷幄无谋豢武夫疆场不猛The state has nurtured mandarins to quibble in the army tents,and generals who turn meek once on the battlefield.到今日山残水剩对大江月明浪明All that remains now are the river, the moon, and the sound of waves.满楼头呼声哭声Echoes of wailing resound from all quarters.侯方域【滴溜子】双亲在双亲在信音未准Though my parents are still alive, I have no way of sending word.烽烟起烽烟起梓桑半损Now the fires of war are burning along the beacon towers,and who knows but that my home has been ravaged already.欲归归途难问How I wish to return, but how perilous the voyage!天涯到处迷将身怎隐歧路穷途天暗地昏Confusion reigns across the lands, and dangers are hard to averton the long and forking roads. The skies dim and dusk falls.李香君【滴溜子】欢娱事欢娱事两心自忖生离苦生离苦While our hearts yet yearn for those moments of joy,we taste of the cruelty of parting.且将恨忍结成眉峰一寸香沾翠被池重重束紧But I shall endure, though my brows may furrowand my fragrant tears pearl on the quilts I prepare for your journey.药裹巾箱都带泪痕These ointments, this linen; all are stained with my tears.李贞丽【麻婆子】下楼下楼三更夜红灯满路辉I descend the tower in the deepest night, red lanternslighting my way.出户出户寒风起看花未必归Outside the gates, the cold wind blows; who knows but that Ishall never return.舍了笙歌队今夜伴阿谁I bid farewell to our house of mirth,knowing tonight I shall sleep by a stranger.李香君【醉桃源】寒风料峭透冰绡香炉懒去烧The freezing wind chills me through my vestments, but I can't summon the effort even to light the incense.血痕一缕在眉梢胭脂红让娇The scar marks my eyebrows, redder than any blush.孤影怯弱魂飘春丝命一条Alone and melancholy, my weak spirit adrift,my fate fragile as a silken thread.满楼霜月夜迢迢天明恨不消The tower stands in the moonlit frost, the hour that ends the nightyet distant. But even the dawn shall bring no respite.孤身只影卧病空楼冷帐寒衾好生凄凉Lonely as a shade, I lie in an empty building,the sheets and linen unwarmed. What misery!李香君【折桂令】叫奴家揉开云髻折损宫腰My hair has long gone uncoiled, my slender waist grows slenderer still. 睡昏昏似妃葬坡平血淋淋似妾堕楼高Will I be forced to end my life by my own hand?Or shall I fall to some death beneath my window?怕旁人呼号舍着俺软丢答的魂灵没人招While others have their companions, only I am leftwithout a kindred spirit.银镜里朱霞残照鸳枕上红泪春潮In the silver mirror, I can see the carmine wounds disfiguring me.On the pillow, blood and tears mingle.恨在心苗愁在眉梢洗了胭脂浣了鲛绡Regret in the heart, sorrow in the soul, I have washed off my blush and rinsed out my handkerchief.李香君【鸳鸯煞】莺喉歇了南北套冰弦住了陈隋调My voice will bring forth no melodies. Let the strings of the ancient instruments rest.唇底罢吹箫笛儿丢笙儿坏板儿掠For my lips will not blow the flute, the reed organ is cracked, I have split the wooden clappers.只愿扇儿寄去的速师父束装得早My only hope is that Su Kunsheng will speed his wayand bring the fan soon to my beloved's hands.三月三刘郎到了携手儿下妆楼桃花粥吃个饱If he returns in April, I will at last descend these stairs,and we will celebrate by supping on peach-blossom ambrosia.李香君【五供养】堂堂列公半边南朝望你峥嵘With all these important officials here, half the imperial court is assembled. The nation looks to you for its salvation.出身希贵宠创业选声容Your positions are high but you seek nothing but wealth and power. You occupyyourself only with the selection of girls to garner favour with the emperor.後庭花又添几种Forgetting the nation’s welfare, you spend your days in comfort and diversion.把俺胡撮弄对寒风雪海冰山苦陪觞咏Can you bear to order me about, considering the hardships that I bear,and ask me to accompany you in your drinking and merriment?李香君【玉交枝】东林伯仲俺青楼皆知敬重When speaking of an honest official, courtesans know very well how todemonstrate respect.干儿义子从新用绝不了魏家种But you are continuing the awful legacy of the eunuch's clique.李香君【懒画眉】想起那拆鸳鸯离魂惨When I recall our separation, my battered spirit fleets.隔云山相思苦会期难Behind the mist-shrouded mountains, he too pines for me;but reunion is only a distant hope.倩人寄扇擦损桃花The fan is dispatched to him, its blossoms dyed with the blood from my wounds.到今日情丝割断芳草天涯We were rent apart; and now my lover errs in the lands of horizon.侯方域【倾杯序】寻遍立东风渐午天Searching, I stand in the spring wind, in the slowapproach of noon.那一去人难见Where, now, can I find her again?看纸破窗棂纱裂帘幔The lattices are broken, the satin sheets torn.裹残罗帕戴过花钿旧笙箫无一件No trace of her; no worn silk handkerchief, no hairpin,nor even the echo of the reed organs that once resounded here.红鸳衾尽卷翠菱花放扁The carmine quilts have been rolled away, and even the mirrors are empty.锁寒烟好花枝不照丽人眠Amid the mist, the flowers find no sleeping maidens to adorn.史可法【二犯江儿水】皇天列圣高高呼不省No matter how I call out to the past emperors, they have made no response.阑珊残局剩俺支撑奈人心俱瓦崩How bitterly it ends; I alone remain to support the empire, now thatall others have proven fickle.协力少良朋同心无弟兄There are none who would join me; no comrades-in-arms.这江山倒像设着筵席请哭声祖宗哭声百姓Now, the land is set out for our ravenous enemies to feast on.Woe to our ancestors, woe to the people!哭的俺一腔血作泪零I shed tears of blood.史可法【锦缠道】望烽烟杀气重The beacon fires flicker, and the smell of slaughter hangs in the air.扬州沸喧生灵尽席卷Yangzhou is at a boil, the populace held hostage to disorder.这屠戮皆因我愚忠不转My stubborn loyalty means a refusal to retreat. It is a strategy sure tobring about a massacre.兵和将力竭气喘As I speak, soldiers and generals both engage in their vain butvalorous struggle.侯方域·李香君【雁过声】萧然美人去远Desolate I wander, distant my only beloved.重门锁云山万千知情只有闲莺燕Daunting the walls between us,these thousand, ten thousand, mountains.Only the faithful oriole knows my heart.尽着狂尽着颠-All is madness-All is folly问着他一双双不会传言-Cannot the oriole bring news of my love?熬煎才待转Sorrow! I return to my lonely abode.嫩花枝靠着疏篱颤What girl is that, who, tender like a bud on the branch, reclines on the fence? 李香君【南鲍老催】想当日猛然舍抛How cruel the day of our parting!银河渺渺谁架桥In old stories, the magpies formed bridges to let lovers meet fortheir trysts,墙高更比天际高书难捎but the walls which divided us were higher than the sky,far too highto be crossed by letters.梦空劳情无了出来路儿越迢遥-Our dreams were vain, and love was quickly fleeting.-Oh, the winding ways we travelled!苏昆生【离亭宴带歇指煞】俺曾见金陵玉殿莺啼晓秦淮水榭花开早At dawn, I have heard the oriole sing by the great houses of Nanjing.I have seen the flowers blossom by the riverside.谁知道容易冰消Who was to know that it might so easily vanish?眼看他起朱楼眼看他宴宾客眼看他楼塌了I saw them build the courtesan's quarters, saw them feast and make merry. But I saw, too, how the building collapsed.这青苔碧瓦堆Now moss covers those piles of broken bricks.俺曾睡风流觉将五十年兴亡看饱I, too, was once taken in by opulence, but, over fifty years, I have atlast seen through this rise and fall.那乌衣巷不姓王莫愁湖鬼夜哭凤凰台栖枭鸟The old families no longer live in those houses; and the ghosts' nocturnal wailing echoes on the lake. The houses of power have become owl roosts. 残山梦最真旧境丢难掉不信这舆图换稿Broken dreams are the most real, and sights once seen are hard to forget. Though it may seem hard to believe, the old dynasty has already fallen. 诌一套哀江南放悲声唱到老I have written these laments for you. Intone them sadly, and grow old.。