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Unit 6 Whose dress is this? 导学练习(一)

Story time



1.看看我的新短裙。真漂亮!Look at my . How !


What colour ?It’s .

3.这是谁的帽子?是杨玲的。is this?Yang Ling’s.

4.我的T恤在哪里?在床上。Where are ?on the bed. 【新知链接】

一、预习Story time,根据中文填写单词。

1.This is my father’s (外套).

2.Whose (连衣裙) is this?It’s Su Hai’s.

3.Look at Su Yang’s (手套).

4.Your (裤子) are very nice.

5.This is my new (毛衣). That’s Liu Tao’s (衬衫).

6.The (牛仔裤) are too long. Try these (短裤) on.

二、预习Story time,选择。

( ) 1. Su Hai’s dress is . A. too short B. too small

( ) 2. Su Yang’s trousers are . A. too short B. too long

( ) 3. The twins go to the . A. park B. Party

( ) 4. Su Yang’s gloves are . A. so big B. so beautiful

( ) 5. Su Yang’s gloves are . A. her father’s B. her mother’s ( ) 6. Helen’s dress is . A. so big B. so beautiful

( ) 7. Helen’s dress is . A. her sister’s B. her cousin’s



Helen my father Su Hai

his cousin the twins Miss Li


1.The dress (be) (to) short.

2.(who’s) gloves are they? They (be) my (mother).

3. Your sweater (be) too small. Try (this).

4. Your trousers (be) too long. Try (this).

Unit 6 Whose dress is this? 导学练习(二)

Song time & Checkout time


一、再读Story time,完成句子填空。

Su Yang and Su hai want to the Fancy Dress Party. They are trying on the clothes. Look at dress. It’s too . And Su Yang’s are too .

Now, they go to the party. Look, Su Yang’s are . The gloves are her . Helen’s dress is . dress is this? It’s .


( )1.你想知道这是谁的牛仔裤: A. Whose shorts are they?

( )2.告诉朋友那是迈克的新衬衫:B. The dress is Yang Ling’s.

( )3.询问这是不是刘涛的毛衣: C. That new shirt is Mike’s.

( )4.告诉朋友这是杨玲的连衣裙:D. Whose jeans are they?

( )5.询问这是谁的短裤: E. Is this Liu Tao’s sweater?


一、同学们,预习Checkout timeP43,把句子写完整,并说一说。

二、请同学们听磁带,有节奏地朗读小诗《whose cake is this?》。



A. They’re my father’s.

B. Whose dress is this, Helen?

C. Hello, Su Hai.

D. Look at my gloves, Helen.

E. They’re so big. Whose gloves are they?

F. Hello, Helen.

G. Your dress is so beautiful.

H. Thank you.

G. It’s my cousin’s.


Unit 6 Whose dress is this? 导学练习(三)

Cartoon time & Sound time



( )1. gloves are they? They’re .

A. Whose, Helen

B. Whose, Helen’s

C. Who’s, Helen’s ( )2. Your trousers too long. Try .

A. are, these

B. is, this

C. is, it

( )3. The sweater nice. Yang Ling’s.

A. is, It

B. are, it’s

C. is, It’s

( )4. This pair of gloves my mother’s.

A. is

B. are

C. am








一、预习Cartoon time,判断下面的句子是否正确。

( )1. This is a ball.

( )2. Sam’s hand hurts.

( )3. It can’t move.

( )4. Bobby and Sam meet a new friend, hedgehog(刺猬)。

二、预习Sound time,完成下面练习。

(1)体会字母i在这些单词中的发音:English, fish, music, pig, it, picnic

(2)试着把以下单词读一读:ill, live, kick, tick, list, kill, pick

(3)准确而有节奏地朗读句子:Before eating fish, let’s listen to some English. 【课后反馈】


1.trousers, too, are, your, short(.)

2.at, my, coat, sister’s look(.)

3.sweater, this, whose, is(?)

4.dress, so, is, nice, her, cousin’s

5.are, your, gloves, those, brother’s(?)
