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1.He has lost the key to the drawer _____ the papers are kept.

A.where B.on which

C.under which D.which


【解析】考查定语从句的用法。句意:他把那个放卷子的抽屉钥匙给弄丢了。这里是一个定语从句,先行词the drawer表示的是地点,所以用where引导的定语从句,它在从句中作地点状语,on which及under which有时也等于where,但是在这里强调的是试卷被锁在了抽屉里,应该是in which故答案选A。

2.It has put me in a position ___________I can’t afford to take the job.

A.when B.which C.where D.that



3.Do you remember those days ____ we had a good time along the seashore?

A.when B.that C.which D.what



4.I still remember the town________ we worked ten years ago.

A.where B.there C.which D.what


【解析】考查定语从句。句意:我还记得十年前我们工作过的那个小镇。本句为定语从句,先行词为the town,指地点,从句中缺少地点状语,故A项正确。5.Some pictures of the river brought the days back to the old people ______ they swam in it.

A.who B.where C.when D.that


【解析】考查分隔定语从句。句意:一些关于这条河的照片使老人们回想起了过去他们在河里游泳的日子。此处days是先行词,指时间,在后面的定语从句中作时间状语,先行词和引导词没有连在一起,属于分隔定语从句。故选C项。6.Sales director is a position _______ communication ability is just as important as sale skills.

A.which B.that C.when D.where


【解析】考查定语从句。句意:销售经理是一个交流能力和销售技巧同样重要的职位。本题定语从句的先行词是 a position,后面的定语从句communication ability is just as important as sales skills句子结构很完整,故使用关系副词来引导。先行词在定语从句中作地点状语,故D正确。

7.Some pre-school children go to a day care center, __________ they learn simple games and songs.

A.then B.there C.while D.where



戏和歌曲。此处考查定语从句,先行词是a day care center,在定语从句中作地点状语,用关系副词where,故选D。

8.In the book, the writer described a beautiful place ________ three rivers joined together.

A.which B.where C.what D.when



9.We are going to spend the Spring festival in Guangzhou, _____ my grandparents and some relatives.

A.which live B.that lives C.where live D.who lives 【答案】C

【解析】考查非限制性定语从句关系副词。分析句子可知,先行词为Guangzhou 为地点,故关系副词使用where。故选C项。

10.If he had a real talent for painting, a painter he should be; if not, he must take to some other craft, ________he would have the chance of making himself a decent livelihood.

A.where B.which C.what D.when





Lang Lang is a world-class young pianist who grew up in Shenyang. He went to a piano school in Beijing when he was just eight. “You need 1 ,”his father said.“But if you don’t work hard, no fortune will come.”

What made him sad was 2 his piano teacher in Beijing didn’t like him. “You have no talent(天赋).You will never be a pianist.” 3 a nine-year-old boy, Lang Lang was badly 4 . He decided that he didn’t want to be a 5 any more.For the nex t two weeks he didn’t touch the piano. 6 , his father didn’t push, but waited.

Luckily, the day came when his teacher asked him to 7 some holiday songs. He didn’t want to,but as he placed his fingers on the piano keys, he 8 that he could show others that he had talent 9 . That day he told his father 10 he had been waiting to hear—that he wanted to study with a new teacher. 11 that point on, everything turned around.

He started 12 competitions(比赛).In the 1994 International Young Pianists Competition, when it was 13 that Lang Lang had won, he was too 14 to hold back his tears. Soon 15 was clear that he couldn’t stay in China forever—he had to play on the world’s big 16 . In 1997
