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两个或两个以上意义相关、层次相同、句法 功能也相同、并由并列连词(coordinator)或其 他并列手段连接起来的语法结构序列叫做“并列 结构”(coordinator construction)。
一、并列结构的构成 1、词与词的并列 buy or sell good but expensive
2、词组与词组的并列 a teacher and a student one way or the other with strength but without confidence
3、分句与分句的并列 The teacher’s name is smith , and the student’s name (is) keith . The children can go with us or they can staty at home . This sentence may be correct grammatically , but a native speaker never says it that way.
五、用冒号连接两个并列分句,通常表 示下文是对上文的解释和发展。 A house with an aging furnace costs more than the asking price suggest :ten dollars more a month in fuel means about eighty dollars more a year .
4.由两个或两个以上并列分句构成的句子叫 做并列句(compound sentence). Mary is a nurse , her brother is a doctor , and her parents are botBaidu Nhomakorabea famous writers. 二.并列连词和标点符号 由上述诸例可以看出,由两个以上的项 目构成的并列结构通常只在最后一个项目 之前用并列连词,其他项目之间仅用逗号 连接。 There are five types of dischange from military service(退役): honorable ,general , undesireble, bad conduct ,and dishonoranle .
另外:上述句子中是用的逗号,但也有如下情况: 1、全用连词。两个以上项目全用连词连接起来的并 列结构,在修辞色彩上给人以悠闲缓慢、延续持 久的感觉。 Raising vegetable presents endless opportunities for weeding and thinning and hoeing and watering. 2、全用逗号。在修辞色彩上给人以紧张、急促、明 快、利落的感觉。 Individuals are less troubled bry feelings of guilt when they share responsibility for killings with a group -a street gang , lynch mon(对黑人施私刑的暴民), terrorist organization . 3、其一全用逗号,其一全用连词,这样做是为了达 到上述两种修辞效果。
用。一般来说,用分号连接两个并列分句,通 常表示一种对比关系。 Golf demand the best of time and space;tennis ,the best of personal energy.
accordingly ,furthermore , hence ,hoeever , nevertheless ,therefore 等之前通常要用分 号,而不用逗号,因为这些词项式副词,而不 是连词。 He had worked in the foreign serivce for two years without leave ; hence he was tired almost beyond endurance .