关键词:泊松方程;五点差分格式;有限差分法中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2017)13-0233-031概述物理过程,都可用椭圆型方程来描述。
基于matlaB 编程的有限元法一、待求问题:泛定方程:2=x ϕ-∇边界条件:以(0,-1),(0,1),(1,0)为顶点的三角形区域边界上=0ϕ二、编程思路及方法1、给节点和三角形单元编号,并设定节点坐标画出以(0,-1),(0,1),(1,0)为顶点的三角形区域figure1由于积分区域规则,故采用特殊剖分单元,将区域沿水平竖直方向分等份,此时所有单元都是等腰直角三角形,剖分单元个数由自己输入,但竖直方向份数(用Jmax 表示)必须是水平方向份数(Imax )的两倍,所以用户只需输入水平方向的份数Imax 。
然后利用循环从区域内部(非边界)的节点开始编号,格式为NN(i,j)=n1,i ,j 分别表示节点所在列数与行数,并将节点坐标存入相应矩阵X(n1),Y(n1)。
4、将结果输出为文本文件输出节点编号,坐标,电位值三、计算结果1、积分区域:2、f=1,x 方向75份,y 方向150份时,解函数平面图和曲面图20406080100120140102030405060700.0050.010.0150.020.0250.0320.0050.010.0150.020.0250.03对比:当f=1时,界函数平面图20406080100120140102030405060700.、输出文本文件由于节点多较大,列在本文最末四、结果简析由于三角形区域分布的是正电荷,因此必定电位最高点在区域中部,且沿x 轴对称,三角形边界电位最低等于零。
(x,y) e 9 0 ,
— ax ay
e i 2(/3), 为 i?2 中的
有界凸区域,区 域 / 3 = { ( * ,;K) U2 + y2 < l }.
1 二 维 P oisson方程的有限元法
l .i 有限元方法的基本原理和步骤 有限元法是基于变分原理和剖分技术的一种数
摘 要 :文 章 讨 论 了 圆 形 区 域 上 的 三 角 形 单 元 剖 分 、有 限 元 空 间 ,通 过 变 分 形 式 离 散 得 到 有 限 元 方 程 .用 M A T L A B 编程求得数值解,并进行了误差分析. 关 键 词 :Poisson方 程 ;有限元方法;M A T L A B 编 程 ;三角形单元剖分
U e l f +2( n , R m).
定理[7]1 (有 限 元 近 似 解 的 炉 模 估 计 )假设 满足引理的条件,则 对 V f/ E 妒+1(/3,i T ) ,存在与 A 无 关 的常数C , 使得
W u - u . w, ^ chk \ u \ M
定理[7]2 (有 限 元 近 似 解 的 i 2 模 估 计 )假设
細 !1[8]:
560ຫໍສະໝຸດ 中 图 分 类 号 :0241.8
文 献 标 识 码 :A
文章编号:1009 - 4 9 7 0 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 0 5 - 0015 - 04
0 引言
热 学 、流 体 力 学 、电 磁 学 、声 学 等 学 科 中 的 相
关 过 程 ,都 可 以 用 椭 圆 型 方 程 来 描 述 .最 为 典 型 的
解为:X(x) = e^(αx)[C1cos(βx) + C2sin(βx)]同理,根据y方程,我们可以得到类似的解。
以求解 大型 线性 方程 组 。 关 键词 :半 导体 ; 泊松方 程 ;有 限差分 法 ;MA L T AB
中图分 类号 :T 0 N3 1 文献标 识码 :A 文章编 号 : 10 —8 12 1)40 1 —4 0 18 9 (0 00 —2 30
Di e tSo uto fTwo di e i na is n Eq to r c l ino - m nso l Po s o ua i n
1 二 维 泊 松 方 程 在 正 方 形 网 格 节 点 上 的 有 限 差 分
Abs r c :Ba e n fn t if r n ep n i l s a e o ut e i n i i i e n o a s reso ic ee n de ta t s d o ied fe e c r c p e , f rs l i r g o sd v d d i t e i fd s r t o s i i t on
p o r m mi g. rga n
Ke r : s mi on u t r Po s o qu ton, fn t i e e c t od, M ATLAB y wo ds e c d co , i s n e ai i ied f r n eme h
半 导 体 器 件 模 拟 中 的静 电场 问题 可 归 结 为 在 给 定 电荷 分布 和边 界条 件 下求 解泊 松 方程…。和 薛定 谔
泊松方程 neumann 边界 matlab
以下是一个简单的示例:假设我们有一个二维的泊松方程:Δu = f并且我们有一个Neumann边界条件:grad(u) · n = g这里,n是边界的外法线向量,g是已知的Neumann边界条件。
以下是一个示例代码:matlab复制代码% 定义区域和网格大小[x, y] = meshgrid(0:0.01:1, 0:0.01:1);[X, Y] = ndgrid(0:0.01:1, 0:0.01:1);[Xf,Yf] = mesh2patch(X(:),Y(:));N = length(Xf);x = reshape(Xf, size(x));y = reshape(Yf, size(y));% 定义函数f和gf = -6*pi*pi*sin(pi*x).*sin(pi*y);g = -pi*cos(pi*x).*sin(pi*y);g = g(:); % flatten the vector% 定义初值条件和边界条件u = zeros(size(x)); % 初始条件,全为0Du = zeros(size(x)); % 对u的偏导数,全为0bc = []; % 边界条件,空向量表示所有边界都是Dirichlet边界bcs = {'u','Du'}; % 边界条件的标识符,'u'表示u在边界上的值,'Du'表示u的偏导数在边界上的值% 求解泊松方程options = optimset('Display','off'); % 不显示求解过程[U,Fval] = pdepe(bcs,x,y,u,Du,f,bc,options);注意,这只是一个简单的示例。
Topic 2: Elliptic Partial Differential EquationsLecture 2-4: Poisson’s Equation: Multigrid MethodsWednesday, February 3, 2010Contents1 Multigrid Methods2 Multigrid method for Poisson’s equation in 2-D3 Simple V −cycle algorithm4 Restricting the Residual to a Coarser Lattice 2 35 71 MULTIGRID METHODS5 Prolongation of the Correction to the Finer Lattice6 Cell-centered and Vertex-centered Grids and Coarsenings7 Boundary points8 Restriction and Prolongation Operators9 Improvements and More Complicated Multigrid Algorithms8 8 11 11 151 Multigrid MethodsThe multigrid method provides algorithms which can be used to accelerate the rate of convergence of iterative methods, such as Jacobi or Gauss-Seidel, for solving elliptic partial differential equations.Iterative methods start with an approximate guess for the solution to the differential equation. In each iteration, the difference between the approximate solution and the exact solution is made smaller.One can analyze this difference or error into components of different wavelengths, for example by using Fourier analysis. In general the error will have components of many different wavelengths: there will beshort wavelength error components and long wavelength error components.Algorithms like Jacobi or Gauss-Seidel are local because the new value for the solution at any lattice site depends only on the value of the previous iterate at neighboring points. Such local algorithms are generally more efficient in reducing short wavelength error components.The basic idea behind multigrid methods is to reduce long wavelength error components by updating blocks of grid points. This strategy is similar to that employed by cluster algorithms in Monte Carlo simulations of the Ising model close to the phase transtion temperature where long range correlations are important. In fact, multigrid algorithms can also be combined with Monte Carlo simulations.2 Multigrid method for Poisson’s equation in 2-DWith a small change in notation, Poisson’s equation in 2-D can be written:∂ 2u ∂x2 +∂ 2u∂y2= −f (x, y) ,where the unknown solution u(x, y) is determined by the given source term f (x, y) in a closed region. Let’s consider a square domain 0 ≤ x, y ≤ 1 with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions u = 0 on the perimeter of the square. The equation is discretized on a grid with L + 2 lattice points, i.e., L interior points and 2 boundary points, in the x and y directions. At any interior point, the exact solution obeysu i,j = 14u i+1,j + u i−1,j + u i,j+1 + u i,j−1 + h2f i,j .The algorithm uses a succession of lattices or grids. The number of different grids is called the number of multigrid levels . The number of interior lattice points in the x and y directions is then taken to be 2 , so that L = 2 + 2, and the lattice spacing h = 1/(L − 1). L is chosen in this manner so that the downward multigrid iteration can construct a sequence of coarser lattices with2−1→ 2−2→ . . . → 20 = 1interior points in the x and y directions.Suppose that u(x, y) is the approximate solution at any stage in the calculation, and u exact(x, y) is the exact solution which we are trying to find. The multigrid algorithm uses the following definitions:· The correctionv = u exact− uis the function which must be added to the approximate solution to give the exact solution. · The residual or defect is defined asr = 2 u + f .Notice that the correction and the residual are related by the equation2 v = 2 u exact+ f − 2 u + f = −r .This equation has exactly the same form as Poisson’s equation with v playing the role of unknown function and r playing the role of known source function!3 SIMPLE V −CYCLE ALGORITHM3 Simple V −cycle algorithmThe simplest multigrid algorithm is based on a two-grid improvement scheme. Consider two grids:· a fine grid with L = 2 + 2 points in each direction, and· a coarse grid with L = 2−1 + 2 points.We need to be able to move from one grid to another, i.e., given any function on the lattice, we need to able to· restrict the function from fine → coarse, and· prolongate or interpolate the function from coarse → fine.Given these definitions, the multigrid V −cycle can be defined recursively as follows:· If = 0 there is only one interior point, so solve exactly foru1,1 = (u0,1 + u2,1 + u1,0 + u1,2 + h2f1,1)/4 .· Otherwise, calculate the current L = 2 + 2.3 SIMPLE V −CYCLE ALGORITHM· Perform a few pre-smoothing iterations using a local algorithm such as Gauss-Seidel. The idea is to damp or reduce the short wavelength errors in the solution.· Estimate the correction v = u exact− u as follows:– Compute the residualr i,j = 1h2 [u i+1,j + u i−1,j + u i,j+1 + u i,j−1− 4u i,j] + f i,j .–Restrict the residual r → R to the coarser grid.– Set the coarser grid correction V = 0 and improve it recursively.–Prolongate the correction V → v onto the finer grid.· Correct u → u + v.· Perform a few post-smoothing Gauss-Seidel interations and return this improved u. How does this recursive algorithm scale with L? The pre-smoothing and post-smoothing Jacobi or Gauss- Seidel iterations are the most time consuming parts of the calculation. Recall that a single Jacobi or Gauss-Seidel iteration scales like O(L2). The operations must be carried out on the sequence of grids with2 → 2−1→ 2−2→ . . . → 20 = 1interior lattice points in each direction. The total number of operations is of orderL2n=0122n≤ L211 .1 − 44 RESTRICTING THE RESIDUAL TO A COARSER LATTICEThus the multigrid V −cycle scales like O(L 2), i.e., linearly with the number of lattice points N!4Restricting the Residual to a Coarser LatticeThe coarser lattice with spacing H = 2h is constructed as shown. A simple algorithm for restricting the residual to the coarser lattice is to set its value to the average of the values on the four surrounding lattice points (cell-centered coarsening):6 CELL-CENTERED AND VERTEX-CENTERED GRIDS AND COARSENINGSR I,J = 14[r i,j + r i+1,j + r i,j+1 + r i+1,j+1] , i = 2I − 1 , j = 2J − 1 .5 Prolongation of the Correction to the Finer LatticeHaving restricted the residual to the coarser lattice with spacing H = 2h, we need to solve the equation2 V = −R(x, y) ,with the initial guess V (x, y) = 0. This is done by two-grid iterationV = twoGrid(H, V, R) .The output must now be i nterpolated or prolongated to the finer lattice. The simplest procedure is to copy the value of V I,J on the coarse lattice to the 4 neighboring cell points on the finer lattice: v i,j = v i+1,j = v i,j+1 = v i+1,j+1 = V I,J , i = 2I − 1, j = 2J − 1 .6 Cell-centered and Vertex-centered Grids and CoarseningsIn the cell-centered prescription, the spatial domain is partitioned into discrete cells. Lattice points are defined at the center of each cell as shown in the figure:The coarsening operation is defined by doubling the size of a cell in each spatial dimension and placing a coarse lattice point at the center of the doubled cell.Note that the number of lattice points or cells in each dimension must be a power of 2 if the coarsening operation is to terminate with a single cell. In the figure, the finest lattice has 23 = 8 cells in each dimension, and 3 coarsening operations reduce the number of cells in each dimension23= 8 → 22= 4 → 21= 2 → 20 = 1 .Note also that with the cell-centered prescription, the spatial location of lattice sites changes with each coarsening: coarse lattice sites are spatially displaced from fine lattice sites.A vertex-centered prescription is defined by partitioning the spatial domain into discrete cells and locating the discrete lattice points at the vertices of the cel ls as shown in the figure:The coarsening operation is implemented simply by dropping every other lattice site in each spatial dimension. Note that the number of lattice points in each dimension must be one greater than a power of 2 if the coarsening operation is to reduce the number of cells to a single coarsest cell. In the example in the figure the finest lattice has 23 + 1 = 9 lattice sites in each dimension, and 2 coarsening operations reduce the number of vertices in each dimension23+ 1 = 9 → 22+ 1 = 5 → 21 + 1 = 3 .The vertex-centered prescription has the property that the spatial locations of the discretization points are not changed by the coarsening operation.8 RESTRICTION AND PROLONGATION OPERATORS7 Boundary pointsLet’s assume that the outermost perimeter points are taken to be the boundary points. The behavior of these boundary points is different in the two prescriptions:· Cell-centered Prescription: The boundary points move in space towards the center of the region at each coarsening. This implies that one has to be careful in defining the “boundary values” of the solution.· Vertex-centered Prescription: The boundary points do not move when the lattice is coarsened.This make i t easier in principle to define the boundary values.These two different behaviors of the boundary points make the vertex-centered prescription a little more convenient to use in multigrid applications. However, there is no reason why the cell-centered prescription should not work as well.8 Restriction and Prolongation OperatorsIn the multigrid method it is necessary to move functions from a fine grid to the next coarser grid (Restric- tion), and from a coarse grid to the next finer grid (Prolongation). Many prescriptions for restricting andprolongating functions have been studied. Let’s consider two of the simplest prescriptions appropriate for cell- and vertex-centered coarsening:· Cell-centered Coarsening: In this prescription, a coarse lattice point is naturally associated with 2d neighboring fine lattice points in d-dimensions.· Suppose that f (x) is a function on the fine lattice at spatial position x, and F (X ) is the corresponding function on the coarse lattice, then this diagram suggests a simple prescription for restriction and prolongation.–Restriction: Average the function values at the 4 neighboring fine lattice sites x i:F (X ) = 144i=1f (x i) .– Prolongation: Inject the value of the function at the coarse lattice site to the 4 neighboring fine lattice sites:f (x i) = F (X ) , i = 1 . . . 4· Vertex-centered Coarsening: Consider a coarse lattice point and the 9 neighboring fine lattice points shown in the figure:2 2 · In this prescription, a coarse lattice point can naturally associated (in 2-D) with · the corresponding fine lattice point, or· the four nearest neighbor fine lattice points, left, right, up, and down, or · with the four diagonally nearest fine lattice points, etc.· It is a little more complicated here to define transfer operators. The problem is that the fine lattice points are associated with more than one coarse lattice point, unlike the cell-centered case: – The single red fine lattice point in the center coincides with an unique coarse lattice point. – Each of the 4 black fine lattice points however is equidistant from two coarse lattic e points. – Each of the 4 red fine lattice points is equidistant from four coarse lattice points. · This sharing of lattice points suggests the following prescriptions:· Prolongation: use bilinear interpolation in which the value of F at a coarse grid point is copied to 9 neighboring fine -grid points with the following weights:1 1 14 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1.4 24This matrix is called the stencil for the prolongation.8 8 9 IMPROVEMENTS AND MORE COMPLICATED MULTIGRID ALGORITHMS· Restriction: The restriction operator is taken to be the adjoint of the prolongation operator:1 1 116 1 1 16 8 1 4 1 8 161 1 16.This choice of restriction operator is called full weighting.9Improvements and More Complicated Multigrid AlgorithmsThe algorithm implemented above is the simplest multigrid scheme with a single V-cycle. Section 19.6 of Numerical Recipes discusses various ways of improving this algorithm:· One can repeat the two-grid iteration more than once. If it is repeated twice in each multigrid level one obtains a W-cycle type of algorithm.· The Full Multigrid Algorithm starts with the coarsest grid on which the equation can be solved exactly. It then proceeds to finer grids, performing one or more V -cycles at each level along the way. Numerical Recipes gives a program mglin(u,n,ncycle) which accepts the source function −f in the first argument and implements the full multigrid algorithm with = log 2(n − 1) levels, performing ncycle V-cycles at each level, and returning the solution in the array parameter u. Note that this program assumes that the number of lattice points in each dimension L is odd, which leads to vertex centered coarsening:REFERENCESREFERENCESReferences[Recipes-C19-5] W.H. Press, S.A. Teukolsky, W. Vetterling, and B.P. Flannery, “Numerical Recipes in C”,Chapter 19 §6: Multigrid Methods for Boundary Value Problems, /a/bookcpdf/c19-6.pdf.。
二阶偏微分方程的 Matlab有限元法求解摘要:本文基于偏微分方程有限元法求解原理,运用Matlab中的偏微分方程工具箱(PDE Toolbox)对三类典型的二阶偏微分方程:椭圆型方程、双曲线型方程和抛物线型方程算例进行求解,为求解偏微分方程的提供参考。
本文首先简述了偏微分方程有限元法原理,然后,对Matlab中的偏微分方程工具箱(Partial Differential Equations Toolbox)的功能和求解思路进行了阐述[5-6],最后,给出了用PDE Toolbox求解椭圆方程、、双曲线方程和抛物线方程的计算实例。
1. 泊松方程的基本形式泊松方程是描述标量场的拉普拉斯方程,其基本形式如下:∇^2φ= f (1)其中,φ代表标量场,∇^2代表拉普拉斯算子,f代表源项。
在二维情况下,泊松方程可以表示为:∂^2φ/∂x^2+∂^2φ/∂y^2= f (2)2. 有限差分法的基本思想有限差分法是一种常用的数值求解方法,它将泊松方程中的微分算子用离散化的差分算子代替,将微分方程转化为代数方程组。
在二维情况下,可以将泊松方程进行离散化,得到如下的代数方程组:(φi+1,j-2φi,j+φi-1,j)/Δx^2+(φi,j+1-2φi,j+φi,j-1)/Δy^2= fi,j (3)其中,i和j分别代表x和y方向上的网格索引,Δx和Δy分别代表网格间距,fi,j代表源项在网格(i,j)的取值。
3. matlab实现在matlab中,可以利用矩阵运算和循环结构,快速地实现泊松方程的有限差分法求解。
下面给出一个简单的matlab代码实例:```matlab定义参数nx = 100; x方向网格数ny = 100; y方向网格数Lx = 1.0; 区域长度Ly = 1.0; 区域宽度dx = Lx / (nx - 1); x方向网格间距dy = Ly / (ny - 1); y方向网格间距初始化网格x = linspace(0, Lx, nx);y = linspace(0, Ly, ny);[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);设置边界条件phi = zeros(ny, nx);phi(:, 1) = 1; 左边界phi(:, end) = 1; 右边界phi(1, :) = 0; 下边界phi(end, :) = 0; 上边界设置源项f = zeros(ny, nx);f(ny/4:nx*3/4, ny/4:nx*3/4) = 1;迭代求解max_iter = 1000; 最大迭代次数tol = 1e-6; 收敛条件for iter = 1:max_iterphi_old = phi;for i = 2:nx-1for j = 2:ny-1phi(i, j) = (phi_old(i+1, j) + phi_old(i-1, j)) / dx^2 + (phi_old(i, j+1) + phi_old(i, j-1)) / dy^2 - f(i, j) * dx^2 * dy^2; endendif max(max(abs(phi - phi_old))) < tolbreak;endend绘制结果figure;surf(X, Y, phi);xlabel('x');ylabel('y');zlabel('phi');```通过上面的代码,可以在matlab中实现泊松方程的有限差分法求解,并绘制出结果。
令λ=-k^2,我们可以将上述两个方程的解分别表示为:X(x) = A*cos(kx) + B*sin(kx)Y(y) = C*sin(ky) + D*cos(ky)其中,A、B、C和D是常数,k是一个正的常数。
接下来,我们可以将X(x)和Y(y)的解代回到二维泊松方程中:X''(x)Y(y)+X(x)Y''(y)=f(x,y)将求得的X(x)和Y(y)代入:(-k^2)(A*cos(kx) + B*sin(kx))(C*sin(ky) + D*cos(ky)) +(A*cos(kx) + B*sin(kx))(D*cos(ky)-C*sin(ky)) = f(x,y)化简后可得:AC*k^2*sin(kx)sin(ky) + BD*k^2*cos(kx)cos(ky) + (AD-BC)*k^2*sin(kx)cos(ky) - (AD-BC)*k^2*sin(kx)cos(ky) + (A*D''(y) + D(k^2)*Y(y) + B''(x)X(x) + B(k^2)*X(x) = f(x,y)由于X(x)和Y(y)满足的是两个独立的常微分方程,所以上述等式对于所有的x和y都成立。
目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 有限元的应用及本文的意义 (1)1.2 有限元方法的背景知识 (1)1.2.1 有限元方法概述 (1)1.2.2 应用有限元方法求解实际问题的步骤 (2)1.3 本文的主要工作 (3)1.4 本文的组织结构 (4)第二章对物理模型应用有限元方法 (5)2.1 物理模型 (5)2.1.1虚拟功 (5)2.1.2最小势能 (6)2.2 Ritz方法和Galerkin方法 (7)2.2.1 Ritz方法 (8)2.2.2 Galerkin方法 (9)2.3边界条件 (10)2.3.1通过构造限定绝对边界条件 (10)2.3.2在得出结果后限定绝对边界条件 (11)2.4对模型问题应用有限元方法 (12)第三章MATLAB软件工具的使用 (15)3.1 MATLAB概述 (15)3.1.1 Matlab的发展和特点 (15)3.1.2 Matlab的强大功能 (16)3.2 MATLAB系统简介 (19)3.2.1 MATLAB系统组成 (19)3.2.2 MATLAB的语言特点 (20)3.2.3 MATLAB的安装及用户界面 (21)第四章数学问题的提出和求解 (23)4.1 简单的一维常微分方程的有限元方法求解 (23)4.1.1 问题的提出 (23)4.1.2 求解过程 (23)4.2 二维微分方程的有限元求解 (25)4.2.1 问题的提出 (25)4.2.2求解过程 (26)第五章算法的实现、应用及结果 (36)5.1 一维问题的实现及结果 (36)5.1.1 对一维微分方程的实现 (36)5.1.2结果及分析 (36)5.2 二维问题的实现、应用及结果 (38)5.2.1 对二维Poisson方程的实现以及系统结构 (38)5.2.2 对给定函数k和f的应用和结果 (40)5.2.3 对一个具体物理问题的应用及结果 (49)第六章总结与展望 (52)参考文献 (53)摘要 (1)Abstract (2)致谢 (3)第一章绪论1.1 有限元的应用及本文的意义有限元分析技术是最重要的工程分析技术之一。
### 1. 问题概述让我们从问题的概述开始。
### 2. 相关理论在进入Matlab编程求解之前,我们需要对相关的理论知识进行深入的理解和学习。
### 3. Matlab编程求解在这一部分,我们将详细讨论如何使用Matlab编程来求解2维泊松叶流动的速度分布。
### 4. 结果分析在这一部分,我们将对Matlab编程求解的结果进行深入的分析和讨论。
### 5. 个人观点与总结在文章的结尾部分,我将共享我对这一问题的个人观点和理解。
多项式定理matlab,泊松定理卡⽅分布及多项式拟合的MATLAB实现.PDF泊松定理卡⽅分布及多项式拟合的MATLAB实现泊松定理、卡⽅分布及多项式拟合的MATLAB 实现电⽓0708 刘⾥鹏 U2007123321、泊松分布(Poisson distribution)原理:泊松分布与正态分布的关系:当泊松分布的 10 时,该泊松分布⼗分接近正态分布 2 。
N ( , ( ) )演⽰:(1)泊松分布概率函数和相应正态分布概率密度函数的计算Lambda=20;x=0:50;yd_p=poisspdf(x,Lambda);yd_n=normpdf(x,Lambda,sqrt(Lambda));(2 )两种概率函数的图形⽐较plot(x,yd_n,'b-',x,yd_p,'r+')text(30,0.07,'\fontsize{12} {\mu} = {\lambda} = 20') %MATLAB 新指令图 1 20 的泊松分布和 20 正态分布的关系2、正态分布(Normal distribution )- 1 -原理及说明:正态分布标准差意义的图⽰。
mu=3;sigma=0.5; %正态分布参数设定x=mu+sigma*[-3:-1,1:3];yf=normcdf(x,mu,sigma);P=[yf(4)-yf(3),yf(5)-yf(2),yf(6)-yf(1)];%计算 P( k x k )xd=1:0.1:5;yd=normpdf(xd,mu,sigma); %计算概率密度函数,供图⽰。
%为各区域填⾊⽽进⾏的计算for k=1:3xx{k}=x(4-k):sigma/10:x(3+k); %⽤元胞数组存放采样数不同的数据yy{k}=normpdf(xx{k},mu,sigma); %⽤元胞数组存放采样数不同的数据endsubplot(1,3,1),plot(xd,yd,'b');hold onfill([x(3),xx{1},x(4)],[0,yy{1},0],'g')text(mu-0.5*sigma,0.3,num2str(P(1))),hold offsubplot(1,3,2),plot(xd,yd,'b');hold onfill([x(2),xx{2},x(5)],[0,yy{2},0],'g')text(mu-0.5*sigma,0.3,num2str(P(2))),hold offsubplot(1,3,3),plot(xd,yd,'b');hold onfill([x(1),xx{3},x(6)],[0,yy{3},0],'g')text(mu-0.5*sigma,0.3,num2str(P(3))),hold off图 2 均值两侧⼀、⼆、三倍标准差之间的概率- 2 -23、 分布(Chi-square distribution )演⽰:逆累计分布函数的应⽤。
求解泊松方程的function Finite_element_tri(Imax)% 用有限元法求解三角形形区域上的Possion方程Jmax=2*Imax;% 其中Imax Jmax分别表示x轴和y轴方向的网格数,其中Jmax等于Imax的两倍% 定义一些全局变量global ndm nel na% ndm 总节点数% nel 基元数% na 表示活动节点数V=0; J=0;X0=1/Imax;Y0=X0;%V=0为边界条件domain_tri % 调用函数画求解区域[X,Y,NN,NE]=setelm_tri(Imax,Jmax); % 给节点和三角形元素编号,并设定节点坐标% 以下求解有限元方程的求系数矩阵T=zeros(ndm,ndm);for n=1:neln1=NE(1,n); n2=NE(2,n); n3=NE(3,n);%整体编号s=abs((X(n2)-X(n1))*(Y(n3)-Y(n1))-(X(n3)-X(n1))*(Y(n2)-Y(n1)))/2;%三角形面积for k=1:3if n1<=na|n2<=naT(n1,n2)=T(n1,n2)+((Y(n2)-Y(n3))*(Y(n3)-Y(n1))+(X(n3)-X(n2))*(X(n1)-X(n3)))/(4*s);T(n2,n1)=T(n1,n2);T(n1,n1)=T(n1,n1)+((Y(n2)-Y(n3))^2+(X(n3)-X(n2))^2)/(4*s);%V=0则边界积分为零,非零时积分编程类似,再加边界积分。
endk=n1;n1=n2;n2=n3;n3=k; % 轮换坐标将值赋入3阶主子矩阵中endendM=T(1:na,1:na);% 求有限元方程的右端项f=X;%场源函数G=zeros(na,1);for n=1:neln1=NE(1,n); n2=NE(2,n); n3=NE(3,n);s=abs((X(n2)-X(n1))*(Y(n3)-Y(n1))-(X(n3)-X(n1))*(Y(n2)-Y(n1)))/2;for k=1:3if n1<=naG(n1)=G(n1)+(2*f(n1)+f(n2)+f(n3))*s/12;%f在单元上为线性差值时场域单元的积分公式endn4=n1; n1=n2; n2=n3; n3=n4; % 轮换坐标标endendF=M\G; % 求解方程得结果NNV=zeros(Imax+1,Jmax+1);fi=zeros(ndm,1);fi(1:na)=F(1:na);fi(na+1:ndm)=V;for j=0:Jmaxfor i=0:Imaxn=NN(i+1,j+1);if n<=0n=na+1;endNNV(i+1,j+1)=fi(n);endendfigure(2)imagesc(NNV);%画解函数的平面图X1=zeros(1,Imax+1);Y1=zeros(1,Jmax+1);for i=1:Imax+1X1(i)=(i-1)*X0;endfor i=1:Jmax+1Y1(i)=(i-1)*Y0;endfigure(3)surf(X1,Y1,NNV');% 画解函数的曲面图% 以下是结果的输出fid=fopen('Finite_element_tri.txt','w');fprintf(fid,'\n *********有限元法求解三角形区域上Possion方程的结果********** \n \n'); L=[1:ndm]';fprintf(fid,'\n\n 节点编号坐标分量x 坐标分量y u(x,y)的值\n\n');for i=1:ndmfprintf(fid,'%8d%14.5f%14.5f%14.5f\n',L(i),X(i),Y(i),fi(i));endfclose(fid);function domain_tri% 画求解区域xy=[0 1;0 -1;1 0];A=zeros(3,3);A(1,1)=2; A(1,2)=-1;A(1,3)=-1;A(2,2)=2; A(2,1)=-1;A(2,3)=-1;A(3,3)=2; A(3,2)=-1;A(3,1)=-1;A=sparse(A);figure(1);gplot(A,xy);function [X,Y,NN,NE]=setelm_tri(Imax,Jmax)% 给节点和三角形单元编号,并设定节点坐标% 定义一些全局变量global ndm nel na% I1 I2 J1 J2 Imax Jmax分别描述网线纵向和横向数目的变量% X Y表示节点坐标% NN描述节点编号% NE 描述各单元局部节点编号与总体编号对应的矩阵% ndm 总节点数% nel 单元数% na 表示不含边界的节点数nlm=Imax*Jmax;dx=1/Imax;dy=1/Jmax;X=nlm:1;Y=nlm:1;NN=zeros(Imax+1,Jmax+1);n1=0;for j=3:Jmax/2for i=2:j-1n1=n1+1;NN(i,j)=n1; %X=i列,Y=j行处节点X(n1)=(i-1)*dx;Y(n1)=-1+(j-1)*dy;endendk=Jmax/2+1;for j=Jmax/2+1:Jmax-1 %三角形区域上下两部分节点坐标分别求k=k-1;for i=2:kn1=n1+1;NN(i,j)=n1;X(n1)=(i-1)*dx;Y(n1)=1+(j-Jmax-1)*dy;endendna=n1;%不含边界节点数for j=Jmax+1:-1:Jmax/2+1 %降序n1=n1+1;NN(1,j)=n1;X(n1)=0;Y(n1)=1+(j-Jmax-1)*dy;endfor j=Jmax/2:-1:1n1=n1+1;NN(1,j)=n1;X(n1)=0;Y(n1)=-1+(j-1)*dy;end %for i=2:Imax+1n1=n1+1;NN(i,i)=n1;X(n1)=(i-1)*dx;Y(n1)=-1+(i-1)*dy;endK=0;for i=Imax:-1:2K=K+2;n1=n1+1;NN(i,i+K)=n1;X(n1)=(i-1)*dx;Y(n1)=1+(i+K-Jmax-1)*dy;end% 以上四个循环为对边界节点进行编号ndm=n1;NE=zeros(3,2*ndm); n1=0;for j=3:Jmax/2for i=2:j-1n1=n1+1;NE(1,n1)=NN(i,j);NE(2,n1)=NN(i-1,j+1);NE(3,n1)=NN(i-1,j);n1=n1+1;NE(1,n1)=NN(i,j);NE(2,n1)=NN(i,j+1);NE(3,n1)=NN(i-1,j+1);endendk=Jmax/2+1;for j=Jmax/2+1:Jmax-1k=k-1;for i=2:kn1=n1+1;NE(1,n1)=NN(i,j);NE(2,n1)=NN(i-1,j+1);NE(3,n1)=NN(i-1,j);n1=n1+1;NE(1,n1)=NN(i,j);NE(2,n1)=NN(i,j+1);NE(3,n1)=NN(i-1,j+1);endend %内部节点对应左上角正方形的两个三角形单元,上左,左上for i=2:Imaxn1=n1+1;NE(1,n1)=NN(i,i);NE(2,n1)=NN(i-1,i);NE(3,n1)=NN(i-1,i-1);n1=n1+1;NE(1,n1)=NN(i,i);NE(2,n1)=NN(i-1,i+1);NE(3,n1)=NN(i-1,i);n1=n1+1;NE(1,n1)=NN(i,i);NE(2,n1)=NN(i,i+1);NE(3,n1)=NN(i-1,i+1);end %下斜边界节点要对应三个单元,上左,左上,左下n1=n1+1;NE(1,n1)=NN(Imax+1,Imax+1);NE(2,n1)=NN(Imax,Imax+1);NE(3,n1)=NN(Imax,Imax);%右顶点的左下n1=n1+1;NE(1,n1)=NN(Imax+1,Imax+1);NE(2,n1)=NN(Imax,Imax+2);NE(3,n1)=NN(Imax,Imax+1);%右顶点的左上K=0;for i=Imax:-1:2K=K+2;n1=n1+1;NE(1,n1)=NN(i,i+K);NE(2,n1)=NN(i-1,i+K+1);NE(3,n1)=NN(i-1,i+K);end %右上边界的左上nel=n1;%此时n1值为总的单元个数求解偏微分方程function [c,f,s]=pdefun (x,t,u,du)c=[1;1];f=[0.024*du(1);0.17*du(2)];temp=u(1)-u(2);s=[-1;1].*(exp(5.73*temp)-exp(-11.46*temp));function u0=pdeic(x)function[pa,qa,pb,qb]=pdebc(xa,ua,xb,ub,t)%a表示左边界,b表示右边界pa=[0;ua(2)];qa=[1;0];pb=[ub(1)-1;0];qb=[0;1];clx=0:0.05:1;t=0:0.05:2;m=0;sol=pdepe(m,@pdefun,@pdeic,@pdebc,x,t);figure('numberite'off 'name';'PDE Demo--by Matlabsky')%创建个窗口,窗口名字是name后边的名字'NumberTitle'off'是关掉默认显示名字title('The Solution ofu_ 1')xlabel('X')ylabel('T)subplot(212)st+f:+,..;,)title('The Solutionofu_ 2")xlabel(X')ylabel('T)zlabel("U')。
二、常微分方程(ODE)的求解1. 一阶常微分方程的求解dsolve函数可以用来求解形如dy/dx=f(x,y)的一阶常微分方程。
考虑以下一阶常微分方程:dy/dx = x^2 + y^2。
为了求解这个微分方程,我们可以使用以下代码:```syms x y;eqn = diff(y,x) == x^2 + y^2;sol = dsolve(eqn);```在上述代码中,首先定义了符号变量x和y,并使用diff函数定义了待求导数dy/dx。
然后将该表达式与等式右侧的函数x^2 + y^2进行比较,并将结果赋给eqn变量。
2. 高阶常微分方程的求解除了一阶常微分方程,dsolve函数还可以用于求解高阶常微分方程。
考虑以下二阶常微分方程:d^2y/dx^2 + 2*dy/dx + y = 0。
为了求解这个微分方程,可以使用以下代码:```syms x y;eqn = diff(y,x,2) + 2*diff(y,x) + y == 0;sol = dsolve(eqn);```在上述代码中,首先定义了符号变量x和y,并使用diff函数定义了待求导数d^2y/dx^2和dy/dx。
二、泊松方程的基本概念泊松方程是指具有以下形式的偏微分方程:∇^2φ = f其中∇^2为拉普拉斯算子,φ为待求解的标量场,f为给定的源项。
四、Matlab代码实现在Matlab中,可以利用蒙特卡洛方法来求解泊松方程,下面是一个简单的示例代码:```matlabfunction monte_carlo_poisson(N)N为蒙特卡洛采样点数假设求解的泊松方程为∇^2φ = f,其中f为已知的源项x = rand(N, 1); 在区域内随机生成N个点的x坐标y = rand(N, 1); 在区域内随机生成N个点的y坐标计算每个采样点的函数值f = zeros(N, 1);for i = 1:Nf(i) =pute_f(x(i), y(i)); 根据具体问题计算每个点的源项值 end计算泊松方程的近似解phi = sum(f) / N;输出结果disp(['蒙特卡洛求解的泊松方程近似解为:', num2str(phi)]); endfunction f =pute_f(x, y)根据具体问题计算每个点的源项值这里给出一个简单的示例,假设源项与点的位置有关f = x^2 + y^2;end```五、实验结果与分析通过上述的Matlab代码,可以对泊松方程进行蒙特卡洛求解。
matlab 求解泊松方程边值问题
在二维空间中,泊松方程的一般形式可以写作:∇^2φ = -f其中φ是势函数,∇^2是Laplace算子,f是已知的函数。
在边界条件已知的情况下,泊松方程的边值问题可以描述为:∇^2φ = -f, in Ωφ = g, on ∂Ω其中Ω是定义域,∂Ω是Ω的边界,g是给定的边界条件。
三、求解泊松方程边值问题的数值方法1. 有限差分方法有限差分方法是求解偏微分方程的常见数值方法之一。
2. 有限元方法有限元方法是另一种常用的求解偏微分方程的数值方法。
3. 使用MATLAB进行数值求解MATLAB是一个强大的科学计算软件,具有丰富的数值计算工具和库。
二、泊松方程的数学描述泊松方程是描述标量场\( u(\mathbf{x})\)对应点源(或“蒙古支数”)的引力,在三维笛卡尔坐标系下可表示为:\[ \nabla^2 u = -f(\mathbf{x}) \]其中\( \nabla^2 \)是拉普拉斯算子,\( f(\mathbf{x}) \)表示引力的分布。
对于给定的边界条件和引力分布,求解泊松方程即可得到标量场\( u(\mathbf{x})\)的解析表达式。
四、matlab实现蒙特卡洛方法求解泊松方程的步骤1. 生成随机采样点在matlab中生成满足特定分布的随机采样点。
2. 计算引力分布根据生成的随机采样点,计算每个点源对应的引力分布。
3. 统计估计解利用生成的随机采样点和对应的引力分布,通过统计分析来估计标量场的解。
五、示例代码```matlab生成随机采样点N = 1000; 采样点数x = rand(1, N); 生成均匀分布的随机样本计算引力分布f = zeros(size(x)); 初始化引力分布for i = 1:N计算第i个点源对应的引力分布...end统计估计解u = sum(f) / N; 估计标量场的解```六、优缺点分析蒙特卡洛方法求解泊松方程的优点在于能够处理复杂的引力分布,适用于高维空间和非线性问题。