
With direction, you’l never be lost; With confidence, you’l never be beatenWith courage, you’l never be conquered; With this book, you’l ever be in greatsuccess.作者序-我把英语当成女朋友我是一个学语言出身的人,1997年大学毕业,在美国做了4年的国际导游,在“MTV学英语”做过嘉宾VJ。
有一次我在美国朋友家,一个美国人问我:“Hello,buddy,where are you from?”我说:“I am from China.”他回答:“Geez,your English is damn good!”听了他的赞赏后,我更加有成就感,也更有信心去学,最终成为一个“美语秀”。
2002年回国后,我在北京一些知名英语培训机构任教,包括新东方、MODERN ENGLISH、DELL。

失败有关的英文作文带翻译Title: Embracing Failure: A Pathway to Success。
Failure is an inevitable part of life. Whether it's a setback in our personal endeavors or a stumble in our professional journey, encountering failure is not only common but often necessary for growth and development. In this essay, we will explore the significance of failure and how it can serve as a catalyst for future success.First and foremost, failure provides invaluable learning opportunities. When we fail, we are forced to reevaluate our approach, identify our shortcomings, and learn from our mistakes. As the famous inventor Thomas Edison once said, "I have not failed. I've just found10,000 ways that won't work." Each failure brings us one step closer to finding the right solution or achieving our goals. In essence, failure is not the end of the road but rather a detour on the path to success.Moreover, failure builds resilience and perseverance.It teaches us to dust ourselves off and keep moving forward despite setbacks. Those who have experienced failure firsthand often develop a greater sense of determination and grit, which are essential qualities for overcoming obstacles and achieving long-term success. In fact, many successful individuals attribute their achievements to the lessons they learned from their failures.Furthermore, failure fosters innovation and creativity. When our initial attempts fall short, we are forced tothink outside the box and explore alternative strategies. Some of the greatest inventions and breakthroughs inhistory have been the result of failed experiments or ideas that initially seemed impractical. Failure encourages us to push the boundaries of what is possible and embrace a mindset of experimentation and risk-taking.It is also important to recognize that failure is subjective. What may seem like a failure in the moment could ultimately lead to unforeseen opportunities and growth. The key is to adopt a growth mindset and viewfailure as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block. As the saying goes, "The only real failure is the failure to learn from our mistakes."In conclusion, failure is not something to be feared or avoided but rather embraced as an essential part of the journey toward success. By learning from our failures, building resilience, and fostering innovation, we can turn setbacks into stepping stones and ultimately achieve our goals. As Winston Churchill once said, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."标题,拥抱失败,通往成功的道路。

最容易犯的英语翻译错误:逻辑性错误1、The man is the black sheep of the family.【解析】误:这个人象家里的黑羊一样。
题外话:在Westlife的 Seasons in the sun 中,就有一句I wasthe black sheep of the family…你听出来了吗??2、When you are down,you are not necessarily out.【解析】误:当你倒的时候,你不一定在外面。
3、He tugged heavy hand baggage down endless airport corridors.【解析】误:他拖住沉重的随身行李,走过无止境的机场走廊。
析:一般的国际机场,从候机室通向各跑道的走廊呈环状,两头相连,所以是“endless”,因此此句中应该译为“环状的.第四节逻辑性错误1、Individualism is the core of social values in the UnitedStates.【解析】误:个人主义是美国社会文化准则的核心。
2、No one is so foolish as to believe that anything happensby chance.误:谁也不会笨到相信世界上有什么偶然发生的事。

电脑开机出错英文提示翻译解释bat command or file name 错误语法,命令错误。
data error 数据错误磁盘上有坏的区deacre asing available memory 可以存贮器容量小,内存条安装不正确,内存坏,病毒。
diskette read failvre 软盘读取错误,软盘软驱没有接好hard disk config wration error 硬盘配置不对,coms有错重新修改,硬盘数据线没有连好。
inavlid fconfig uratian information 无效的配置信息,coms中记录有系统信息不对。
no bat device available 无引导设备no boot sectoron harddisk error 硬盘上无引导系统,引导扇区,病毒,参数不对nonsystem diskor disk error 非系统盘或者硬盘错误,引导的磁盘不是系统盘或者磁盘有问题。
invalid disk drive 无效的磁盘驱动器,分区表坏,引导扇区坏,系统不正硬no fised disk resent 硬盘不存在keybard keypressed please hit <F1>bxpass有无效有键请按F1跳过comas parameters invalid coms芯片有中错误missing operation system操做系统丢失commandcom.sys 解决:用一个启动盘引导系统,用sys c:\ 传导或者copy到c:\bad or mission command interdre ter 命令解释程序错误或丢失16.error llading oerating system 装入操作系统出错coms bateery failed coms电池失效coms eheck sun error-----dofavlts loaded coms检验错误19.press esc to skiiip rnemory test 按ESC健跳过内存自检20.hard disk lnstall railure 硬盘安装失败不正确,coms不正确21.seeondary slave hard fail 检查从盘失败,把IDE接口设为自动22.floppy disk fail或floppy disk (s)fail80或floppy disk(s)fail40 无法驱动软驱,重新在COMS中把它弄没有了,F1跳过23.memory test fail 内存检测失败可能有病毒24.override enadle------dofavles loaded 当前coms设置无法启动系统(生设)25.presi F1 to comtinve del to enter se tap 检查出错跳过,DEL键重新设置COMS26.disk boot rallure insere system disk and dress ente 磁盘启动错误,插入系统盘确认,修改COMS参数把IDE接口关闭硬盘中的一些错误信息:hdd controller failure 硬盘驱动器控制失败硬盘坏了hdc controller fail 硬盘控制器控制失败可能是控制器损坏或电缆没有接好,另外硬盘参数不正确也会出现错误no rom baslc system halt 没有固化BASLC系统,系统停机,这个错误出现在486及以前的一些早期的电脑中出现问题Non-system disk or disk error replace and press any key when ready 非系统盘或磁盘错误,重新换盘后按任意键,可能是BPB表坏了,即用软盘启动后硬盘不能正确的读写,可以用NDD修复,如果BPB表完好,只需要SYS C:传送系统就可引导了lnvalid partition table 无效的分区表,如果一个硬盘出现用第三方分区软件作了几个激活分区的话就很容易出现DRLVE NOT READY ERROR lnsert Boot Diskette in a: Press any key when ready 设备未准备好,插入引导盘到A驱,准备好后按任意健,第一硬盘读电路故障,使读操作失败,属于硬件故障;第二0面0道磁道格式和扇驱ID逻辑或物理损坏,找不到指定的扇区;第三读盘没有出错,但读出的MBR尾标不为55AA,系统认为MBR不正确,这是软故障c:drive failure RUN SETUP UTILITY Pressto Resume 硬盘C驱动失败,运行设置功能,按键重新开始,硬盘参数不对,格式化时所用的对数不对。

翻译易错的50个例子1. cabinet photograph例句:Is the cabinet photograph well taken?误译:这张全体内阁成员的合影拍得好吗?原意:这张六英寸照片拍得好吗?说明:cabinet photograph (合成名词) 是"六英寸照片"之意。
2. cakes and ale例句:She fully enjoyed cakes and ale。
说明:cakes and ale 意为"人生乐趣(事)". (此语出自莎士比亚著作Twelfth Night<<第十二夜>>)。
3. call例句:He has no call to flare up。
说明:本例的call (名词),意为"必要","理由". 作此解时一般用于否定句和疑问句。
4. call one names例句:My grandpa told me not to call him names。
说明:call one names 意为"辱骂某人",用于口语. 值得注意的是,one一定要用宾格,而不是所有格,即不是one's."names" 一定是复数"names", 否则就不是此意. 如上例,若该成Mygrandpa told me notto callhis name. 则是"我爷爷叫我不要叫他的名字". call one's name中的name根据情况,可用单数和复数。
5. can例句:Buy up all the pineapples! We can can them。

SLP_S4# 南桥发出,为高电平时,退出S4休眠状态,进入S3或者S0状态。
SLP_S5# 南桥发出,为高电平时,退出S5关机状态,进入S4/S3/S0状态。
PSON# ATX电源接口中的绿色线,低电平时候电源开启,开始工作。
VDDP 下管驱动信号供电
HWPG 广达机器中,各电压相与产生的PG信号
DATA 数据线,简写D
VIN 供电输入;同时也是广达的公共点名称
VOUT 稳压器中,VOUT是电压输出;PWM中,VOUT是电压检测输入
VCNTL 工作电压,控制电压
英文 解释
MB 主板。Mother Board/Main Board
NB 笔记本Note Book,North Brige 北桥。
CPU 中央处理,Central Processing Unit。分两大牌子AMD、INTEL。
PCI 外部设备互联标准Peripheral Component InterConnect
DVI 数字显示器接口
HDMI 高清接口,数字化视频/音频接口
PIO、LPT 打印口,并口。
SPI、FLASH、FWH BIOS,基本输入输出系统。集成在主板的CMOS中。BIOS是软件,CMOS是硬件,二者不要混淆了。
MOUSE、M/S 鼠标,或者鼠标接口标志

形容词+名词+ed 形容词+形容词
形容词+现在分词 副词+形容词
副词+现在分词 副词+过去分词
副词+名词 介词+名词
absent-minded light-blue
good-looking ever-green hard-working well-known fast-food downhill
February 3.容易多或少一个字母的单 词 develop habit , proud ,modern , until , souvenir ,similar ninth
Forty , healthier
拼写训练:1. 第四 2. 第五 3. 第八 4.第九 5.第十二 6. 第十 三 7. 第十五 8. 第十九 9. 第二十 10. 第三十 11. 第四十 12. 第 五十 13. 第九十 14. 第一百
答案:1.fourth 2. fifth 3. eighth 4. ninth 5.twelfth 6. thirteenth 7.fifteenth 8. nineteenth 9. twentieth 10. thirtieth 11. fortieth 12. fiftieth 13. ninetieth 14. one hundredth
-er(……的人) farm — farmer make — maker prison—prisoner design—designer cook — cooker post — poster
• face n.—— face v. • book n.—— book v. • park n.—— park v.

标书中英文翻译样本及常用词汇1. 投标书Tender1.1 投标人应完整地填写招标文件中提供的商务投标书、技术投标书、投标一览表和投标报价表(包括投标报价汇总表和分项报价表)。
Among the tender documents, tenderers shall fill out completely the Business Tender, Technical Tender, Tender List and Tender Quotation. The Quotation (all items in the Quotation shall be filled out except for the prices) and three copies (one Original and two Duplicates) of the Instructions to Quotations as well as the letter of guarantee from the bank of tenderers must be sealed separately, and be submitted together with the tender documents.1.2 在投标文件澄清后提交的附件6价格表部分正、副本应用信封单独密封,封面上注明项目名称、招标编号、投标人名址、“正本”“副本”字样及“分项价格”和“保密”字样。
The Attachment 6 to be submitted after the tender documents have been clarified the Original and Duplicate copies of the Quotation must be sealed separately in different envelops, on which the item names, tender codes, tenderer addresses, words of ‘Original’, ‘Duplicate’ and ‘Item Price’ and ‘Confidential’ must be written. An e-version of the Quotation (in WORD format) that is separately sealed must be furnished at the same time.2. 投标报价Tender Offers2.1 投标人应在投标报价汇总表和投标分项报价表上标明本合同拟提供货物的单价(如适用)和总价。

英汉翻译常见错误例析(9)1、None is so deaf as those who won't hear.2、Those apples are good and ripe.3、He was strong in his time.答案及解析如下1、误:没有比聋子更听不见的人了。
析:won't =will not,表示不愿,不想要,含义个人的意志在内。
析:good and 作为副词讲,意思为 very 非常,thoroughly 完全地,同类的表达还有niceand (nicely),rare and(rarely),如:The car was going nice and fast. 汽车跑得相当之快。
析:in one's time/days 意思为 when he was young/at his best,相反的说法为 at one's age (年老时)英汉翻译常见错误例析(10)1、He measured his length on the floor as soon as heentered the room.2、We searched him to no purpose.3、She succeeded to a large property.答案及解析如下1、误:他一进门就在地板上测量了他的长度。
析:寻找某人的踪迹,是 search for sb, search sb 意为搜查某人身上,看其是否有违禁品之类。
to no purpose=with no result.3、误:她事业有成,获得了一大笔财产。

一、否定句型中的直译误区英语中有一些不同的否定句型,其中有一些句型不能完全采用直译法进行翻译,否则,就会造成误译,甚至与原意背道而驰,下列几种否定句型值得注意:1. 部分否定句型,这种句型不同于汉语的思维形式。
I do not know all of them.误:对他们我都不认识。
All the answers are not right.误:所有答案都不对。
Every body wouldn't like it.误:每个人都不会喜欢它。
2. 单一否定中的部分句型It is a long lane that had no turning.误:那是一条没有弯的长巷。
It is a wise man that never makes mistakes.误:聪明人从不犯错误。
We cannot estimate the value of modern science too much.误:我们不能过高地估计现代科学的价值。
It was not until years afterwards that he heard of Semmelweis.误:没过几年他就听到了Semmelweis的消息。
正:直到数年之后他才听到Semmelweis 的消息。
1. 根据句子内在的逻辑关系和汉语的表达习惯进行翻译。
例如:The chances are that the dwellers of the new caves would see more greenery, under ecologically healthier conditions, than dwellers of surface cities do today. 这个句子并不复杂,但不好译。

37.I am as old again as you.
38.Tom asked after you.
3.A bull of Bashan woke the sleeping child with his noise.
4.He was a cat in the pan.
16.He is very glad that his wife's going to get a visit from the stork.
35.The child is as good as gold.
36.Mr. Norman will help you, as likely as not.
31.Jim is discussing anything under the sun with Paula.
32.Why is Merry like April weather?
33.The bank is open around the clock.

How could I be so thoughtless? 我怎么会那么粗心大意呢?Will you ever forgive me? 你会原谅我吗?Sorry, I’m really/so/terribly sorry 对不起。
It’s all my fault 全是我的错。
How can I make it up to you? 我要怎样才能补偿你?I’ll never forgive myself 我永远不能原谅自己。
I sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding! 对造成的误解我真诚道歉!I feel really bad about……我对某件事感到非常抱歉。
I didn’t mean it 我不是故意的。
I apologize for the late asking but we want to make sure the correctnessof our implementation ASAP 很抱歉现在才进行询问,但是我们需要尽快核实执行信息。
Apologize/Please accept my apology 我道歉。
Apologize./Please accept my apology.我道歉。
I feel really bad about...我对某件事感到非常抱歉。
I didn't mean it.我不是故意的。
It's all my fault.全是我的错。
How can I make it up to you?我要怎样才能补偿你?I'll never forgive myself.我永远不能原谅自己。

频率范围 frequency range灵敏度 sensitivity线路输入 line input电压输出 line output信噪比 S/N signal/noise (ratio)谐波失真 harmonic distortion指向特性 directivity额定功率 rated power监听耳机 monitor earphone供电电源 power supply输入阻抗 input impedance录音输出 record output最大声压级 SPL ( supreme pressure level) 接收距离 receive distance测量话筒 measure microphone无线话筒 wireless microphone驻极话筒 electret microphone立体声话筒 stereo microphone传声器 microphone调音台 audio mixing control均衡器 EQ equalizer效果器 effector反馈抑制器 feedback control压限器 compress control (压缩器) limitr(限幅器)等效噪声级 equivalent noise level消声室 dead room数字技术 digital technic智能技术 Intelligence technic白噪声 white noise粉红噪声 pink noise计权网络 weighting network输出电平 output level幻像供电 phantom power极座标图 polar pattern防风罩 windscreen话筒底座 microphone table stand减振架 absorber话筒夹架 microphone clamp话筒线缆 microphone cable动圈话筒 dynamic microphone抗噪话筒 anti-noise microphone净重量 net weight外形尺寸 dimension电压放大器 voltage amplifier小膜片电容传声器 small diaphragm microphone 大膜片电容传声器 large diaphragm microphone 长枪式电容传声器 long shotgun microphone短枪式电容传声器 short shotgun电子管电容传声器 vacuum tube condenser microphone 调整率 adjustable radio恒定电压 constant voltage低音用扩音单元 woofer unit覆盖角度(水平×垂直)高音用扩声单元 tweeter unit体积 volume尺寸 dimension重量 weight串音衰减 attenuation阻尼系数 damping总谐波失真 harmonic distortion遥控功能 remote control调音台面版常用词汇英汉对照:out/in 输出/输入Line 线路Mic 传声器输入GAIN 增益调节TREBLE 高音调节MID 中音调节BASS 低音调节MONITOR 监听音量调节EFFECT 效果信号调节PAN 声象调节PEAK 峰值指示EFFECT SEND 效果送出EFFECT RTN 效果返回LEFT 左声道RIGHT 右声道SUM 混合OUT LEVEL 输出电平MUSIC 音乐STEREO 立体声CLIP 削波RECORD 录音BRIDGED是单声道桥接,BAL:左右声道RPT:话筒回声的重复次数。

中文对照 :switch表达式不是整型的
分析 :switch表达式必须是整型(或字符型),例如“switch ("a")”中表达式为字符串,这是非法的
error C2051: case expression not constant
中文对照 :case表达式不是常量
error C2051: case expression not constant
中文对照 :两个指针量不能相加
分析 :例如“int *pa,*pb,*a; a = pa + pb;”中两个指针变量不能进行“+”运算
error C2117: 'xxx' : array bounds overflow
中文对照 :数组 xxx边界溢出
分析 :一般是字符数组初始化时字符串长度大于字符数组长度,例如“char str[4] = "abcd";” error C2118: negative subscript or subscript is too large 中文对照 :下标为负或下标太大
分析 :头文件不存在、或者头文件拼写错误、或者文件为只读
fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
中文对照 :无法从之前的错误中恢复,停止编译
分析 :引起错误的原因很多,建议先修改之前的错误
error C2015: too many characters in constant 的一个转义字符
中文对照 :常量中包含多个字符
error C2017: illegal escape sequence
c 语言中的英文错误翻译

c 语言中的英文错误翻译PART (1)1."c" not an argument in function sum 该标识符不是函数的参数2.array bounds missing ] in function main 缺少数组界限符"]"3.Array size too large in function main 数组规模太大4.bad file name format in include directive 在包含指令中的文件名格式不正确.5.Call of non-function in function main 调用未经过定义的函数.6.cannot modify a const object in function main 对常量不能进行修改.7.character constant too long in function main 字符常量太大8.constant expression required in funtion main 数组定义的时候,数组大小要求是常数pound statment missing } in function main 复合语句漏掉符号"{"10.declaration syntax error in function main 宣告语法错误11.expression syntax in function main 表达式语法错误12. extra parameter in call to sum in function 调用函数时使用了过多的参数13.illegal use of floating point in function main 浮点数的不合法使用14.illegal pionter subtraction in function main 不合法的指针相减15.invalid pointer addition in function main 无效的指针相加16.out of memory in function main 内存不足17.statement missing ; in function main 语句后面漏掉分号.PART (2)1."k" is assigned a value which is never used 定义了一个变量,但程序从来没用过2.possibiy incorrect assignment in function main 这样的赋值可能不正确3. suspicious pointer conversion in function main 可疑的指针转换4.code has no effect in funtion main 代码对程序没效果Ambiguous operators need parentheses:不明确的运算需要用括号括起Ambiguous symbol 'xxx' :不明确的符号Argument list syntax error:参数表语法错误Array bounds missing :丢失数组界限符Array size toolarge :数组尺寸太大Bad character in paramenters :参数中有不适当的字符Bad file name format in include directive :包含命令中文件名格式不正确Bad ifdef directive synatax :编译预处理ifdef有语法错Bad undef directive syntax :编译预处理undef有语法错Bit field too large :位字段太长Call of non-function :调用未定义的函数Call to function with no prototype :调用函数时没有函数的说明Cannot modify a const object :不允许修改常量对象Case outside of switch :漏掉了case 语句Case syntax error :Case 语法错误Code has no effect :代码不可述不可能执行到Compound statement missing{ :分程序漏掉"{"Conflicting type modifiers :不明确的类型说明符Constant expression required :要求常量表达式Constant out of range in comparison :在比较中常量超出范围Conversion may lose significant digits :转换时会丢失意义的数字Conversion of near pointer not allowed :不允许转换近指针Could not find file 'xxx' :找不到XXX文件Declaration missing ; :说明缺少";"Declaration syntax error :说明中出现语法错误Default outside of switch :Default 出现在switch语句之外Define directive needs an identifier :定义编译预处理需要标识符Division by zero :用零作除数Do statement must have while :Do-while语句中缺少while部分Enum syntax error :枚举类型语法错误Enumeration constant syntax error :枚举常数语法错误Error directive :xxx :错误的编译预处理命令Error writing output file :写输出文件错误Expression syntax error :表达式语法错误Extra parameter in call :调用时出现多余错误File name too long :文件名太长Function call missing ) :函数调用缺少右括号Fuction definition out of place :函数定义位置错误Fuction should return a value :函数必需返回一个值Goto statement missing label :Goto语句没有标号Hexadecimal or octal constant too large :16进制或8进制常数太大Illegal character 'x' :非法字符xIllegal initialization :非法的初始化Illegal octal digit :非法的8进制数字Illegal pointer subtraction :非法的指针相减Illegal structure operation :非法的结构体操作Illegal use of floating point :非法的浮点运算Illegal use of pointer :指针使用非法Improper use of a typedefsymbol :类型定义符号使用不恰当In-line assembly not allowed :不允许使用行间汇编Incompatible storage class :存储类别不相容Incompatible type conversion :不相容的类型转换Incorrect number format :错误的数据格式Incorrect use of defaultDefault使用不当Invalid indirection 无效的间接运算Invalid pointer addition 指针相加无效Irreducible expression tree 无法执行的表达式运算Lvalue required 需要逻辑值0或非0值Macro argument syntax error 宏参数语法错误Macro expansion too long 宏的扩展以后太长Mismatched number of parameters in definition 定义中参数个数不匹配Misplaced break 此处不应出现break语句Misplaced continue 此处不应出现continue语句Misplaced decimal point 此处不应出现小数点Misplaced elif directive 不应编译预处理elifMisplaced else 此处不应出现elseMisplaced else directive 此处不应出现编译预处理elseMisplaced endif directive 此处不应出现编译预处理endifMust be addressable 必须是可以编址的Must take address of memory location 必须存储定位的地址No declaration for function 'xxx' 没有函数xxx的说明No stack 缺少堆栈No type information 没有类型信息Non-portable pointer assignment 不可移动的指针(地址常数)赋值Non-portable pointer comparison 不可移动的指针(地址常数)比较Non-portable pointer conversion 不可移动的指针(地址常数)转换Not a valid expression format type 不合法的表达式格式Not an allowed type 不允许使用的类型Numeric constant too large 数值常太大Out of memory 内存不够用Parameter 'xxx' is never used 能数xxx没有用到Pointer required on left side of -> 符号->的左边必须是指针Possible use of 'xxx' before definition 在定义之前就使用了xxx(警告)Possibly incorrect assignment 赋值可能不正确Redeclaration of 'xxx' 重复定义了xxxRedefinition of 'xxx' is not identical xx的两次定义不一致Register allocation failure 寄存器定址失败Repeat count needs an lvalue 重复计数需要逻辑值Size of structure or array not known 结构体或数给大小不确定Statement missing ; 语句后缺少";"Structure or union syntax error X构体或联合体语法错误Structure size too large 结构体尺寸太大Sub scripting missing ] 下标缺少右方括号Superfluous & with function or array 函数或数组中有多余的"&" Suspicious pointer conversion 可疑的指针转换Symbol limit exceeded 符号超限Too few parameters in call 函数调用时的实参少于函数的参数不Too many default cases Default太多(switch语句中一个)Too many error or warning messages 错误或警告信息太多Too many type in declaration 说明中类型太多Too much auto memory in function 函数用到的局部存储太多Too much global data defined in file 文件中全局数据太多Two consecutive dots 两个连续的句点Type mismatch in parameter xxx 数xxx类型不匹配Type mismatch in redeclaration of 'xxx' xx重定义的类型不匹配Unable to create output file 'xxx' 无法建立输出文件xxxUnable to open include file 'xxx' 无法打开被包含的文件xxxUnable to open input file 'xxx' 无法打开输入文件xxxUndefined label 'xxx' 没有定义的标号xxxUndefined structure 'xxx' 没有定义的结构xxxUndefined symbol 'xxx' 没有定义的符号xxxUnexpected end of file in comment started on line xxx 从xxx行开始的注解尚未结束文件不能结束Unexpected end of file in conditional started on line xxx 从xxx 开始的条件语句尚未结束文件不能结束Unknown assemble instruction 未知的汇编结构Unknown option 未知的操作Unknown preprocessor directive: 'xxx' 不认识的预处理命令xxxUnreachable code 无路可达的代码Unterminated string or character constant 字符串缺少引号User break 用户强行中断了程序Void functions may not return a value Void类型的函数不应有返回值Wrong number of arguments 调用函数的参数数目错'xxx' not an argument xxx不是参数'xxx' not part of structure xxx不是结构体的一部分xxx statement missing ( xx语句缺少左括号xxx statement missing ) xxx语句缺少右括号xxx statement missing ; xxx缺少分号xxx' declared but never used 说明了xxx但没有使用xxx' is assigned a value which is never used 给xxx赋了值但未用过Zero length structure 结构体的长度为零。

失败翻译作文英文英文:I have to admit that I have had my fair share of failed translations. It can be frustrating when you think you have translated something accurately, only to find out laterthat it was completely wrong. One example of this happened when I was trying to translate a menu at a Chinese restaurant. I thought I had translated the dish "ma po tofu" correctly, but when it arrived at the table, it was not what I was expecting at all. 。
Another time, I was translating a conversation between two friends who were speaking in Spanish. I thought I had a good grasp of the language, but I ended up completely misinterpreting what they were saying. It was embarrassing to have to admit that I had misunderstood the entire conversation.Despite these failures, I have learned that translationis not an exact science. There are nuances and cultural differences that can make it difficult to accurately convey meaning. It is important to take the time to fully understand the context and cultural references before attempting to translate.中文:我必须承认我曾经有过不少翻译失败的经历。
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mistake常见用法n.错误,过失,误解; 差错,口误,笔误; 失策,失误;
vt.& vi.弄错,误解;
vt.认不出; 误会; 看错;
vi.弄错; 误解;
1. The president beat his breast and called that deal a mistake.
2. This was a genuine mistake, but it did cause me some worry.
3. Could you have given them the wrong drug by mistake?
4. I may have made a mistake in that regard.
5. What women mistake as thoughtlessness is often just diffidence.
6. No one should mistake how serious the issue is.
7. I think it's a serious mistake to confuse books with life.
8. Beth was struck by how Naomi took the mistake in her stride.
9. That was a mistake. We'll never do it again.
10. Why should I pay the penalty for somebody else's mistake?
error 造句1. The plane was shot down in error by a NATO missile.
2. The hospital blamed the mix-up on a clerical error.
3. You have to allow for a certain amount of error.
4. Every error is captured, every decision picked to pieces.
5. The government has said it was an inadvertent error.
6. He had made a humiliating tactical error and he had to go.
7. It was a diabolical error, a schoolboy error.
8. Many drugs were found by trial and error.
9. NASA discovered a mathematical error in its calculations.
10. No payments were made last week because of a computer error.