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口诀 不定式有标记, to 与动原连一起。 动词特点它具备。 唯独作谓不可以。 否认结构要牢记。 构成短语有意义。 准确判断有依据,

to do sth not to do what / how/ when/ where... to do 2、巧记接不定式做宾语的动词

我和我的爸爸妈妈 W H W D E P P M M A 三个希望两容许〔 hope, wish,

want, agree, promise 〕

一个要求莫拒绝〔 demand, refuse 〕

设法学会做决定〔 manage, learn, decide 〕 不要假装在选择〔 pretend,

choose 〕

3、巧记接疑问词加 to do 做宾语的常见动词 学会忘记是有难处〔 learn,

forget 〕 想知道就别来劝阻〔 wonder, know, advise 〕 展开讨论教人对付

〔 show, discuss, teach 〕 弄清楚才决定告诉〔 find out, decide, tell)

4、巧记既可以跟动名词也可以跟不定式的动词 一旦开场莫懊悔〔 begin, start, regret 〕 爱憎清楚要切记〔 like, love, hate, remember, forget 〕

继续努力有打算〔 continue, try, mean 〕 三个需要由你选〔 need, want,

require, prefer 〕

5、巧记后接省略 to 的不定式 五看〔 see, watch, look at, notice 〕

二听〔 listen to, hear 〕

一感〔 feel 〕

三让〔 let, make, have 〕

一个 help 两均可

6、巧记少数后面只能用动名词做宾语的动词 喜欢考虑不可免〔 enjoy,

consider, escape, avoid 〕

停止放弃太冒险〔 stop, give up, risk 〕

介意想象莫推延〔 mind, imagine, delay, put off 〕

要求完成是期望〔 require, finish, look forward to 〕 建议继续勤练习

〔 suggest, go on, practise 〕 不禁原谅要坚持〔 can't help, excuse, insist on 〕 继续注意使成功〔 keep on, mind, succeed in 〕

没有人称数变化, 主宾定补表状语, not 加上不定式, 疑问词与不定式,



1. I don't allow __ in my drawing room. I don't allow my family ___ at all.

A. smoking ;to smoke

B. to smoke ; smoking

C. to smoke ; to smoke

D. smoking ; smoking

2. Your clothes need __ .

A. washed

B. to be washed

C. to wash

D. being washing

3. This bike is not worthy __ .

A. to be repaired

B. of repairing

C. to repair

D. repairing

4. ___ provides us with essential nutrients, while ____ provides us with oxygen.

A. To eat ; breathing

B. Eating ; to breathe

C. Eating ; breathing

D. Eaten ; breathed

5. Rebecca was unhappy for __ the first chance to go abroad.

A. not having been given

B. not having given

C. not giving

D. having been given

6. ___ is better to love than ___ .

9. -What do you think about English? -It's a difficult language .

A. speaking

B. to be spoken

C. to speak

D. spoken 10. He would rather stay at home than __ out with you.

A. go

B. to go

C. going

D. goes 11. I'm considering your offer.

A. to have accepted

B. being accepted

C. accepting

D. to accept 12. -What's made Ruth so upset?

- ____ three tickets to the folk music concert.

A. Lost

B. Losing

C. Because of losing

D. Since she lost

13. Before ___ to the college, he had to go through an examination.

A. admitting

B. to admit

C. being admitted

D. having been admitting

14. She pretended ___ me when I passed by.

A. not to see

B. not seeing

C. to not see

D. having not seen 15. The story was so funny that we .

A. That ; to be loved

B. That ; be love

C. It ; be loved 7. I've got the loaf A. cutting it by

C. to cut it with

D. It ; to be loved

now I'm looking for a bread knife ____

B. cutting it with D. to cut it by 8. I'm glad __ by him yesterday.

A. not be seen

B. to not have been seen

C. not to have been seen

D. not to have seen
