电子商务 外文翻译
B2B e-marketplace:an e-marketing framework for B2B commercePurpose– The purpose of this paper is to provide a clear understanding of the performance of business-to-business (B2B) e-marketplace in conducting e-marketing in the global business environment. The proposed framework is intended to be used as a guide for B2B firms especially small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) who wish to adopt a proactive approach in the use of information and communication technology for business efficiency and competitive advantage, and those who wish to explore the internet technologies for marketing activities.Design/methodology/approach– Literature from the B2B e-marketplaces and operations of e-marketing fields were analysed,and the findings were synthesised to develop a preliminary conceptual model of e-marketing.The conceptual model was tested empirically through an online survey from various industries in China, Malaysia, and Singapore.Findings– With significant online and offline publications from both academia and industry, there is a growing awareness of the contribution of the e-marketing in the global environment.This new marketing paradigm is reported to reshape the business relationships between both consumer marketers and consumers, improving business processes and enhancing the business exposure in the new markets.Research limitations/implications– The major limitation of this paper is associated with the sample selection. Although the literature findings were international,the empirical study was restricted to China,Malaysia,and Singapore.Therefore,the generalizability of the results may not be applicable for other countries.Furthermore, the majority of the respondents participated were SMEs. Hence, the applicability of findings to large-scale organisations may be limited.Practical implications– The framework allows B2B firms to capitalise and understand the e-marketing opportunities provided by B2B e-marketplace.The framework also offers guidance to marketing managers a most appropriate approach to adopt B2B e-marketplace to perform their e-marketing activities.Originality/value–Based on the need for a framework for e-marketing,this study is significance to:SMEs, marketers,information technology practitioners,and all other stakeholders that adopted the internet and other electronic means for marketing purposes.BackgroundThe development of the internet and the world wide web (www) in the 1990s as a tool for the global sharing of information has opened up new opportunities in marketing practices. “The rapid growth of internet users has made the internet an increasingly important and attractive platform for business transactions”According to the Internet World Stats (2007), by March 2008, the internet user population reached 1.40 billions world wide, an increase of 290 percent in the period from 2000 to 2008 (Figure 1). Many academics and practitioners have emphasized that the internet is a major platform for e-marketing to deal with marketing mixes, which include global accessibility (Laudon, 2002), convenience in updating (Sandeep and Singh, 2005), real-time information services (Harridge-March, 2004), interactive communications features (Chaffey, 2004), and unique customisation and personalised capabilities (Teo and Tan, 2002). Additionally,e-marketing also refers to the use of electronic methods or media to build upon and maintain customer relationship through electronic platforms (e.g. business-to-business (B2B) e-marketplaces) that facilitates the exchange of ideas, products, and services to satisfy both buyers and sellers.Strauss and Frost (2001)support the above statement and suggested that,sales,public relations,direct marketing,and advertising are marketing communication that comprises the crucial components of e-marketing strategy.B2B e-marketplace, as one of the major trading platforms brought by the internet technology has made a significant contribution to the e-marketers.The larger organisations are taking advantages from the vast array ofsuppliers/buyers via the B2B e-marketplace (Stockdale and Standing,2004).However,small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are also eager to compete in the electronic environment remain concerns as how theirbusinesses can gain benefits from B2B e-marketplace.With significant online and offline publications from both academia and industry there is a growing awareness of the contribution of the e-marketing in the global environment. Nonetheless, there is limitation on how to explore the opportunities for SMEs in benefiting from the emergent e-marketing practices, derive from the B2B e-marketplace.Review of e-marketing performances in B2B e-marketplaceThe internet is the foundation for B2B commerce that provides the technology and platform to enable this business relationships work effectively.B2B transactions over public and private sectors uses the internet as a delivery vehicle for transactions including;financial transfer,on-line exchanges,auctions,delivery of products, and services (O’Reily and Finnegan, 2007). Many pra ctitioners are predicting B2B commerce is expected to have a massive growth and majority of the organisations will have to give consideration to involve with B2B commerce. Referring to Figure 5, B2B consists of three main elements and the e-marketplace performs the main tasks such as sourcing, automated purchasing, processing to facilitate the sellers and buyers to do business transactions.Laudon and Laudon (2000)stated that B2B e-marketplace refers to the exchange of information,products, services,and payment via the internet between buyers and sellers.B2B e-marketplaces are typically defined as inter-organisational IS through which multiple buyers and sellers interact electronically to identify potential trading partners, select them and execute transactions (Rohmtal.2004). Argued that, B2B e-marketplace is able to remove some of the inefficiency of traditional business functionality and allows partners to streamline their marketing activities by sharing information instantaneously.In recent years,B2B e-marketplace have improved/enhanced the extent of e-marketing activities;providing to all marketers especially to SMEs. Recent studies (Narayanasamy ET al.2008; Pavaloia, 2009) are indicative of the fact that SMEs have started to respond positively to the changes brought about by the internet technologies.While the main concerns of SMEs are related to the generic SMEs characteristics of limited time/resources and expertise,B2B e-marketplace provide a favorable environment for SMEs to;lower operating and marketing cost, better opportunity to promote their products/services,and enrich their overall marketing communications mix. Overall,the benefits of B2B e-marketplace as reported by many academics and practitioners include:reducing search costs by facilitating comparison of price, products, and services(Kandampully, 2003; Bakos, 1998; Kaplan and Sawhney, 2000);.improving production and supply capability (Barua et al. , 1997; Albrecht et al. ,2005);.improving personalization and customization of product offerings (Bakos, 1998);.enhancing customers relationships (Kierzkowski et al. 1996);.reducing marketing costs compare to traditional marketing media (Sculley andWoods, 2001);.reducing numbers of marketing staff (Gloor, 2000).However,the current literatures do not fully explore the issues relating to the performances of B2B e-marketplace from an e-marketing perspective. In addition, much of the research is focused on particular research areas of interest often ignoring the links to others dimensions in particular e-marketing services.Hence,there are concerns that the despite the efforts to promote adoption of B2B e-marketplace from an e-marketing perspective, SMEs are not fully aware of the opportunities and benefits (Stockdale and Standing, 2004). The literature provides insights into the current level of internet-enabler marketing technologies from B2B e-marketplace to the marketers. The online and offline publications from both academics and practitioners indicated that,e-marketing via B2B e-marketplace is a modern marketing practice for buying and selling goods/services,exchange information/ideas via the internet associated with communication and promotional purposes.The frameworks suggested by various authors including Chaffey (2004), Gloor (2000),Kierzkowski et al.(1996) makes a significant contribution to knowledge in the areas of e-marketing that has the potential to create competitive advantage and enhance customer value. However, it appears that there is limited exploitation of such frameworks by industry professional. In order to develop a better understanding of the topic under study,this paper will adapt a multidisciplinary approach by integrating;traditional SMEs marketing,e-marketing,IS/IT,and B2B e-marketplace to develop an e-marketing framework that will offer a greater value for SMEs.B2B 电子商务市场:电子营销的 B2B 电子商务框架背景自上世纪 90 年代互联网作为一种全球共享信息的工具,互联网开辟了一种新的营销模式。
电子商务供应链管理中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)翻译:电子商务对动态供应链管理的影评价摘要最近,互联网及相关信息和通信技术(ICT)使得成本效益的信息能够在供应链的独立各方之间传播.新的供应链战略,如供应商管理库存(VMI业务)协同规划,预测与补货(CPFR),有效消费者反馈(ECR),已开始利用这些新的沟通渠道,特别是在供应链的零售终端.电子商务加强了供应链上的制造商和材料零组件供应商,他们以前不能被很好理解和开发.本文的目的是建立供应链模式的电子商务使信息和通讯技术(ICT)的影响量化,特别是其对动态行为的影响.论文包含简单却充满活力的模型,其对将要实施的供应链动态行为模式下的电子商务提出了相当数量见解.关键词供应链管理动力学;电子商务;EPOS(创新电子支付系统);供应商管理库存;网上购物1. 总述当ICT型的电子商务提出,让供应链中的企业共享市场信息,使得“1-2-1企业”成为可能时,(Peppers&Rogers,1997)几乎没有分析或可量化的证据证明它真正会在配送顾客所需上提高企业的整体绩效.通常的建议是,通过ICT在供应链中的所有企业传递供应链中的信息会提高企业绩效.事实上,最近的研究(Hong-Minh et al.,2000)已经表明,通过供应链的“啤酒游戏”(Ster man,1989年),企业之间简单的传递信息会有一个不利的影响.这是由于伴随着更多的可用信息,调度程序需要知道如何处理它.有很多种方法能使创新的信息流在供应链里得到应用.Kiely(1998)提供了一个良好的起点,他特别强调用需求数据来达到预测的目的.在这篇文章中我们分析4个能够成立的ICT方案的影响,此项分析使通过调查牛鞭效应(Letal,1997a,b)用两种不同的方法把它们传统的供应链加以比较.第一种办法是根据管理飞行模拟器的结果分析啤酒游戏.第二种方法是基于一个量化Z变换分析,其中的应用工具是Disney和To will(2002)高度提倡的.比较和对比这两种方法的目的是评价电子商务在供应链动态质量评估方面的影响.“牛鞭效应”是一项重要措施,因为它是体现出了一个表现不佳的供应链的症状.(琼斯和西蒙,2000年).“牛鞭效应”是一个生产适应成本的代理办法(Stalk and Hout,1990年),并表明持有“以防万一”的库存的意义是为了缓和不明因素.牛鞭效应相当多以实验和观察为依据的证据包括最近的例子显示:供应商两级订单的粮食部门上游的数据是电子销售点(EPOS)的数据的10倍(Jones and Simons,2000).汽车部门收入订单和供应商只有一个单一的梯队供应链的差异比率大概是1:2(Naim et al.,2002).这5个供应链战略是:传统供应链战略——即在供应链上四个"串联"的梯队.网上购物——即分销网络是单道的,信息和物品 在最终消费者和产品供应商之间直接流动.缩减型供应链——即供应链里的一个梯队被移除.供应商管理库存(VMI)——这是模拟通过对供应链里的双方企业制定议定书,给予必要的库存和销售信息,权力和责任给供应商,以便管理客户的库存.电子销售点(EPOS)——市场资讯在供应链中的所有企业之间互传.尽管各种电子商业的情况,可以由四个组四个硕士课程学生根据自己的学识在这两个学术和实践上进行战略的审查或者执行.正是这些大师的学生在实施啤酒游戏.2. 方法论改进个别制造商和供应链的动态行为的研究已是人所共知.最近期的研究方法,可分为下列四类:管理游戏:例如啤酒的游戏对于说明的不同供应链战略的益处来说是有用的.这是麻省理工学院于五十年代末发明的.(sterman,1989)从游戏本身来说,游戏中大致没有什么可以被严格证明.从这个意义上说,游戏是有限制的.但他们确实提供了有价值的证据,并是一个良好的学习手段.其他作者扩展或用计算机处理了啤酒游戏包括van Ackere et al(1993),Kaminsky和Simchi-Levi(1998),Lambrecht和Dejonckheere(1999).实证研究:很多位作者调查了ICT的冲击对供应链的影响.包括Holmstromm(1998),Fransoo和Wouters(2000),Kaipia,Holmström和Tanskanen(2000).然而,此种贡献在已知战略实施以后,量化了改进性能,即不存在预测要素和集,并且研究的焦点就是要找出最佳做法.不幸的是,它并非总是能够比较信息和通信技术的推行策略,其直接原因是由于这些策略在不同性质的环境中实施.统计:这种类型的贡献,通常提供关于需求的特性的影响的统计见解 ,例如标准差和相关性,以及供应链特性,例如首要时间和库存成本中的信息路径和牛鞭效应或需求扩增.统计方法经常被用来量化真实情况的表现.然而,这些方法未能表现出如何减少或消除有害的动态影响,如“牛鞭”,并很少得到从技术上深入探讨影响系统结构性能的原因和结果.这种类型最近的重大贡献包括Lee, So and Tang (2000),Chen, Ryan and Simchi-Levi (2000),Chen,Drezner,Ryan and Simchi-Levi(2000).模拟与系统动力:它是由Forrester(1961)提出,是一种在大型非线性系统内调查动态效果方法,且不诉诸复杂的数学控制理论模型(Edghill和Towill,1989年).仅用模拟方法虽然繁琐,费时,且只提供有限的洞察力(Popplewell和Bonney,1987),但它们确有先发优势,能在模型非线形的同时避免复杂的数学.以前利用模拟所做的工作是非常多产的,其中包括(但绝不仅限于)Forrester(1961),and Coyle(1982),他研究了传统的供应链结构,Cachon andFisher(1997)和Waller,Johnson和Davis (1999)他们研究过VMI.连续控制理论技术:用于生产和库存控制.首先由1978年诺贝尔经济学奖得主赫伯特西蒙(由于他在工作机构动态上的出色研究)第一次提出.西蒙(1952)描述了如何使用线性确定性控制理论来进行生产和库存控制.Axsäter(1985)陈述了一个有用的对于早期工作的评论性论文,总结了这个领域的优势和和劣势.他的结论是,控制理论“说明了非常好的动态效果和反馈”,但不能解决测序和生产批量的问题.瑞典的Linkoping 大学的生产经济学学院的大量研究已被记入文献.他们已经在运用拉普拉斯变换和经济技术,如MRP系统(Grubbstrom,1967)的净现值.连续控制理论受到这样的困扰,即一些调度和订货情况本来就是离散的,而且离散时间的延误的连续表述在数学上是很复杂的.离散控制理论,能够很有效地对抽样数据系统进行调查.例如:调度和订货系统和本质上离散的计算机系统Vassian(1955)从西蒙在连续领域的工作中得到灵感,采用离散控制理论研究了一个生产调度算法.De Winter (1966),在关于新型的供应链结构可能仅有的两个成果的其中之一里,寻找一种用在海军供应链上的集中控制存货.Deziel和Eilon(1967)描述了一个重大的应用.Burns和Burns and Sivazlian(1978)研究一个拥有四个级别的使用的Z变换的传统供应链.Bonney和Popplewell(1988)研究了MRP系统.Dejonck heeretal.(2003a),一直在用Z变换调查共同控制结构中共同预测机制的牛鞭表现.Disney(2001)一直采用离散控制理论来调查供应商管理库存供应链.离散控制理论的缺点在用到数学的时候往往涉及冗长而乏味代数操控.本文中所涉及的方法都是用来分析结果的.例如啤酒游戏的结果,或是在各种情况的ICT下决定牛鞭效应的范围和程度.将这些分析与以前公布的结果进行直接比较,(Hong-Minhetal.,2000)得到了相违背的结果.啤酒游戏的结果包括结构性问题和人类行为方面的问题.后者特征可能包括游戏玩家对游戏理解不够,不确定性决策和错误以及从顾客到供应商订单传送中出错.这时候分析型的Z变换方法被用来比较目标和结果,并用它来推导出供应链牛鞭效应中确定性的反馈系统结构的影响.如果认为ICT 系统将处理供应链中数量庞大的信息交易,并且管理例外的情况时人为干扰影响是有限的.那分析方法就更为重要了.3. 五种供应链的描述这五种供应链研究的设想由下进行总结.下面是对每种供应链的简短说明.3.1 传统供应链传统供应链的特点是由4个“串联”起来梯队组成一个供应链.每个梯队只接收有关当地库存水平和销售的信息.然后每个梯队按照当地供应商的存货水平,销售情况及以前的未取货订单来制定定单(Sterman,1989).3.2 缩减型供应链缩减型供应链是指供应链中的梯队减少了.例如对于的供应链来说,这就代表了零售梯队已经融入于信息和物质流.这是一个用ICT 来缩减梯队的供应链.作为提高供应链的动态性的有效机制,梯队缩减已经被Wikner,Towill和Naim(1991)确认.3.3 网上购物网上购物是指生产商直接从最终消费者那里接到订单(可能像戴尔一样通过互联网),并在生产和分销的第一时间将产品直接邮购给最终消费者.这样的供应链策略与传统的仅一个梯队的供应链具有相同的基本结构.3.4 EPOS可用型供应链EPOS可用型供应链是指最终消费者的销售对于供应链中的所有成员都是可见的.例如,在很多杂货供应链中,通过互联网可以获得EPOS数据.这些数据或是直接从零售商那得到的或是通过第三方得到的.供应链成员可用这些数据对未来的情况进行预测.具体来说,在这种策略中,每个梯队可以用最终消费者的销售作为自己的规划建议,但每梯次仍然需要提供(如果可能的话)他的客户所订的货物.Dejinckheere,Disney,Lambrecht 和Towill(2001)从Mason-Jones(1998)的模拟方法中得到启发,利用Z 变换对这项策略已经进行了全面调查.3.5 供应商管理库存(VMI)VMI具体表述如下:在一个有两个梯队的VMI的关系中供应商(分销商)管理,消费者(零售商)的库存.分销商拥有零售商的销售和库存水平的资料.在此情况下零售商并不给分销商下订单,而是零售商相信分销商供给足够数量的库存来保证零售商有足够的(不是太多)库存.VMI策略的支持者有DisneyHolmstrom,Kaipia和Towill(2001),他们支持供应链中的VMI梯队.在这种情况下,其他的梯队(仓库和工厂)按传统的模式运行.4. ICT对供应链动力学的影响4.1 啤酒游戏的结果Hong-Minh et al.(2000)分析了四个不同的团队采用四种不同的供应链策略的结果,其中的一个团队采用的是前面描述果过的EPO S型供应链.虽然研究结果表明信息共享好处多多,(Mason-Jones and Towill,1997),令人惊讶的是EPOS策略的效果是最差的.当EPOS策略减小了供应链里牛鞭效应的程度是,作为代价的是长时间的存货积压(负的净存货).得出的结论是虽然市场信息及时的在供应链的各个梯队得以分享,供应链里的各方仍有他们自己的订货规则.这就是说,各方没有共同协作.虽然共享市场信息确实是一件好事,但只有把它作为一个商定的整体供应链的决策策略的一部分时,它才会产生收益.(Mason-Jones,1998)为了测试这一假说,EPOS 策略被加上一些特性后重新运行,这些策略包括所有的参与者参与协同规划,预测与补货,也就是CPFR .作为一个涉及16名学生的国际运输方向的硕士课程,啤酒游戏也由目前的作者运行两次.第一次的啤酒游戏按传统模式运行.那就是,啤酒严格按Sterman (1989)所定的规则运行 .第二次的啤酒游戏在学生团结协作下进行.不同的集团重新制定了四个不同的ICT 供应链策略.第一届四阶段时期,需求模式(即所有集团回应)被由一个8面骰子随机抽出,从时间5(两个游戏中指25)需求由一个20片面的骰子产生.为了达到本文的目的,我们对第二组的结果进行了分析.不同的绩效措施被从游戏收集,他们已被总结成方程式1(Chenetal ,2000).2222//CONS ORATE CONS CONS ORATE ORATE i i i i Bullwhip σσμσμσ==这个等式给了衡量牛鞭效应的方法.除了牛鞭措施的衡量,我们还在啤酒游戏中采用了典型性能指标,那就是库存成本.每得到一件货物的库存罚0.5英镑,每少一件库存花费1英镑.股票出招致费用£1.00.库存成本是一个重要的度量因素,因为它最终决定我们能在何种程度上满足顾客以及确定过期库存的危险型.严重的积压成本是有道理的.因为无论我们将供应链的波动程度控制的多么好,如果我们不能满足最终消费者的话,我们最终会被行业所抛弃.游戏的结果汇总在附录中.库存费用作为一个正常能被达到的相对排名从而在在某一特定的供应链策略的实际梯队数量中独立出来.因此,我们将惩罚有较少梯队的供应链.此外,两种EPOS 的结果都会被显示出来.第一个是在研究中做过并在本文中描述过的,它被定义为EPOS-CPFR ,第二个(叫作EPOS-no CPFR )是基于被Hong-minhetal.(2000)记录的有确切结果的EPOS.EPOS-CPFR在最少化方面做的很好,而事实上它就是减少供应链的牛鞭效应.但是,对于EPOS- no CPFR,要支付更多的库存成本,这主要是由于供应链中有长期的存货.除了使存货成本正常化,消除一个梯队或许多梯队的策略仍优于其他的选择.如以前所报告的(例如,见Wikner et al.,1991),消除一个梯队就消除了一个决策点,并减少了总成本.比EPOS-CPFR的结果更令人惊讶的是VMI的情况为既有最差的存货持有成本又有最坏的牛鞭效应.很明显,在游戏中可以看出,尽管提供了详尽的记录议定书的规定,游戏成员在贯彻落实这一构想时存有问题.4.2 Z变换评价我们再一次使用式1以确定牛鞭因素在I级,因为它为提供了一个封闭表达式,使牛鞭能够通过一个Z变换方法而确定下来(Disney Towill, 2002),对牛鞭效应进行量化的学者有(Chenetal, 2000).我们用平方脉冲响应方法来确定每一个供应链策略所产生的牛鞭效应的大小.这种方法是由Disney和Towill(2002)创造的.总的来说,常用的供应链模式可归纳如下:除非对具体战略进行模式化是必要的,生产决策具有有序规则 ,它是基于平均需求的总和,目标商品库存和实际库存中的一小部分的差别,以及目标运输库存与实际运输库存的结构之间的一小部分的区别(John,Naim 和Towill,1994年).这这个结论是适当的.因为Naim和Towill(1995)已表明,这是相等于sterman的(1989)锚定和调整启发式,这个式子能够在玩啤酒游戏中复制人的行为,这是众所周知的.使用Eziel和 Eilon在定序规则里的设置(Disney和Towill,2001年和2002年)可使复杂的数学操控减少.这是正确的,因为Disney和towill(2002)已证明这是一个具有重要的可取的动态特性的一般apiobpcs模式的子集.数学工作也得到了进一步简化,这是通过设置在订货规则里指数预报的平均年龄相等于在两个反馈回路中的逆增益()ti1/减1,并确定了制作/发行的筹备时间相等于两种秩序的时期.这些是为了尽量避免在牛鞭表达式中的极高阶多项式.VMI 的具体情景蓝本是供应商管理其客户的库存水平,并致力确保该存货水平保持在(经共同商定)最低和最高水平之间.尤其是,最低及最高水平不会随时间而改变时.这种情况导致两个梯队的供应链运行起来就像具有一个梯队的供应链,Disney (2001年).我们可以从Disney (2001)那获得对供应商管理库存及其变种的更多信息(尤其是当最低及最高水平随着时间变化).我们的研究结果概述于下.有两个基本牛鞭非公开形式:一为传统,缩减,电子购物和VMI 的供应链模式,另一个为EPOS 供应链模式.我们可以从下得出结论,当订货样式逐渐流向了供应链中的传统供应链,牛鞭将普遍增加.不过我们注意到,通过仔细观察,当接近4i T 时,流向供应链牛鞭效应反而会降低.消除一个梯队,很明显可以除掉牛鞭的根源,因为一套秩序变通是根本无法进行的.有效地消除整个销售网络可使工厂订单率像传统的供应链的第一梯队一样迅速有效.虽然是一个“低科技”的ICT ,移除两梯队的策略在概念上是简单易懂的.由于这些战略不要求调度器的新的行为,所以也许可以解释为何它们在啤酒游戏产生了有利的结果.不过,他们也存在严重的缺点,在实际供应链中消除零售商,分销中心和批发商也就意味着消除了和顾客的近距离接触.所以除非顾客已经准备好接受不呢个近距离接触的弊端,(因为他们可能用书籍或电脑来完成),这个策略就不可能使用.在VMI 的供应链中,我们可以使得两个梯队表现的和一个单一的梯队一样.事实上,我们没有理由不能拥有一个四梯队的VMI 策略,并使得四梯队像一个单一的梯队那样行动. 因此VMI 被用来获得良好的动态订货,并提供与顾客接触的机会.这也许可以解释为何该策略经常被发现用在杂货供应链中.然而EPOS 策略与其他的策略相比,具有一个本质上不同的订货结构,所以我们需要一套新的封闭形式.但是我们可以看到,我们可以从EPOS中得到与VMIJ几乎相同的绩效表现.而且EPOS策略可以与顾客近距离接触,因此将具有更广泛的用途.5. 结论我们依据单一产品或者累计产品类型提出结果.这个结果当评估ICT 对多种产品的影响时一样有效.研究表明,有必要采取适当的分类政策,以便于汇总产品到各类以动态行为为基础的市场(Naimetal.,2002).不同的产品类型可能需要不同的订货政策(Evansetal.,1998)或信息富集策略(Mason-Jones and Towill,1997).我们采取了两种不同的做法来了解ICT对供应链动力学的影响.该Z 变换分析表明有可能创新型的ICT将超越其它策略.但啤酒游戏结果显示ICT增加了人的决策复杂程度,即使清楚所提供的界定协议,也是很难的.因为有太多的信息和和计算需要管理.啤酒游戏还表明,如果对ICT协议管理不善,会增加库存成本.我们的结论是,虽然啤酒是在一个模拟和简化的环境中进行的,但像真实世界一样,人们需要决定哪些结果是不能被立即预知的.Sterman(1989)就表示,在这样的一个环境中,人们并不善于决策.虽然ICT为提高供应链的透明度提供了机会,但同时也创造了一个更复杂的环境使得当人们确实要加以干预使,决策变得更为困难.在传统的打啤酒模式和实施电子商务纲要之间可能有一个供游戏的人通过的学习曲线.电子商务实施纲要显示如果确实存在着学习曲线,那么就表明在简单的情况下学习曲线能够让参与者更快的进步.还有一种可能性是实施者在实施他们的电子商务战略时雄心勃勃.同时,这是不同于真实世界的.公司往往可能在执行新技术时超过了自己的能力和资源以至于太先进的满足了他们的需要,或者是由于在本质上属于资源密集型而无法执行和操作.由于很难保证每个人都受过适当训练,以应对ICT议定书的规定,有必要设计强有力的ICT系统以尽量减少人类干扰.反过来说,在需要人类的互动时,需要用哪些具体信息资源来做出那些特别的决定,这些要求是显而易见的.同时,在现有技术条件下,ICT系统很难处理例外情况,例如旷工或工厂停产.因此需要适当简化程序来使人机交互简单化,以管理例外情况.附录A在不同的供应链中量化牛鞭使用Z变换方法,如表2所示.原文:Assessing the impact of e-business on supplychaindynamicsAbstractThe Internet and related information and communication technologies (ICT) have recently enabled the cost-effective dissemination of information between disparate parties in the supply chain. New supply chain strategies, such as vendor managed inventory (VMI), collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR) and efficient consumer response (ECR), have begun to exploit these new communication channels, principally at the retail end of the supply chain. The impact of the e-business enabled supply chain on manufacturers and materials/component suppliers is,however, less well understood and exploited. This paper is aimed at establishing e-business enabled supply chain models for quantifying the impact of ICT, in particular its effect on dynamic behaviour. The paper concludes that simple, yet robust, models enable considerable quantitative insights into the impact of e-business on supply chain dynamic behaviour prior to their implementation.Keywords Supplychaindynamics;Lommerce;ullwhipZQS;Vendormanage dinventory;Shopping1. IntroductionWhile information and communication technologies (ICT) in the form of e-business is advocated as an enabler to the 1–2–1 enterprise (Peppers andRogers, 1997) by allowing market place information to be shared by all businesses in the supply chain, there is little analytical or quantifiable evidence that it will actually improve the overall performance of the enterprise in delivering customer wants. It is usually proposed that passing information to all businesses in the supply chain via ICT will improve performance. In fact, recent research (Hong-Minh et al., 2000) has shown, via the supply chain ‘‘Beer Game’’ (Sterman, 1989), that simply passing information on to businesses can have a detrimental effect. This is due to the fact that, as well as having more information available, schedulers need to know what to do with it.There are many ways in which innovative information flows could be used within supply chains. Kiely (1998) provides a good starting point, specifically focusing on using demand data for forecasting purposes. In this paper we analyse the impact of four ICT enabled scenarios by investigating the bullwhip effect (Lee et al.,1997a, b) using two different approaches and comparing them to a traditional supply chain. The first approach is based on an analysis of the results of a management flight simulator, the Beer Game. The second approach is based on a quantitative z-transform analysis using the tools highlighted by Disney and Towill (2002). The aim is to compare and contrast the two approaches qualitatively to assess the implications of their evaluations of e-business scenarios on supply chain dynamics.Bullwhip is an important measure, being symptomatic of a poorly performing supply chain (Jones and Simons, 2000). It is a surrogate measure of production adaptation costs (Stalk and Hout, 1990) and implies the inclusion of ‘‘just-in-case’’ stock holding to buffer against uncertainties. There is considerable empirical evidence of bullwhip including recent examples in the: * food sector where the supplier orders two tiers further upstream varied 10 times more than the electronic point of sales (EPOS) data (Jones and Simons, 2000).* automotive sector where the ratio of the variance between incoming orders and order to suppliers at just a single echelon in the supply chain was 1:2 (Naim et al., 2002).The five supply chain strategies considered are:* Traditional—in which there are four ‘‘serially linked’’ echelons in the supply chain.* e-Shopping—where the distribution network is by-passed and information and materials flow directly between the end consumer and the product suppliers.* Reduced—where an echelon in the supply chain had been removed.* Vendor managed inventory (VMI)—that is simulated by developing a protocol positioned between two businesses in the supply chain that gives the necessary inventory and sales information, authority and responsibility to the supplier in order to manage the customer’s inventory.* EPOS—where information from the market place is transmitted to all enterprises in the supply chain.Although various e-business scenarios are available the above were chosen by four groups of four Masters Programme students based on their review of commonly quoted and/or implemented strategies in both the academic and practitioner literature. It was these Masters students who implemented the scenarios in the Beer Game.2. MethodologyResearch on improving the dynamic behaviour of individual manufacturing businesses and supply chains is well known. Most recent research methodologies may be categorised as:* Management games: Tools such as the Beer Game that was developed at MIT at the end of the 1950s (Sterman, 1989), are useful to illustrate the benefitsof different supply chain strategies. Games are limited in the sense that generally nothing can be rigorously proved from the game in itself, but they do provide a valuable source of anecdotal evidence and are a good learning device. Other authors have extended or computerised the Beer Game including van Ackere et al. (1993), Kaminsky and Simchi-Levi (1998), and Lambrecht and Dejonckheere (1999a, b).* Empirical studies: A number of authors have investigated the impact of ICT on the supply chain including Holmstr .om (1998), Fransoo and Wouters (2000), and Kaipia et al. (2000). However, this type of contribution looks at quantifying the improvement performance of a known strategy after its implementation; that is, there is no predictive element and the focus of the research is to identify best practices. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to compare ICT implementation strategies directly due to the varying nature of the environments they have been implemented in.* Statistical: This type of contribution typically provides statistical insights about the impact of demand properties such as standard deviation and correlation, and supply chain properties such as lead-times and information paths on inventory costs and the bullwhip effect orTdemand amplification. Statistical methods are often used to quantify the performance of real situations. These methods however, fail to show how to reduce or eliminate the detrimental dynamic effects, such as ‘‘bullwhip’’, and insights into the causes and effects of system structure on performance are rarely obtained in depth from the technique. Recent significant contributions of this type include Lee et al. (2000) and Chen et al., (2000).* Simulation and system dynamics: This approach was advocated by Forrester (1961) as a method of investigating the dynamical effects in large non-linear systems without resorting to complicated mathematical control theory based models (Edghill and Towill, 1989). Simulation approaches alone suffer。
外文翻译原文Dominant factors impacting the development of business-to-business (B2B)e-commerce in agricultureMaterial Source:International Food and AgriBusiness Management Review2001(4)Author:Nicole Leroux,Max S. Wortman Jr,Eric D. MathiasThere is still much optimism about the potential success of e-commerce in agriculture. Three dominant factors have impacted this development: (1) industry structure; (2) product complexity; and(3) the high-touch nature of transactions. In turn, these factors have led to several different potential types of strategic options. From a mix of these strategic options, potential scenarios have been analyzed and selected. These potential scenarios are the future of business-to-business (B2B) commerce in agriculture.Keywords: e-commerce, agriculture, dominant factors, strategic optionsThe first factor preventing commerce in agriculture to develop fully is the current change in industry structure. In the last decade, consolidations at all levels of the value chain have changed the traditional relationships between players. Consolidation in agribusiness may impact e-commerce implementation in three ways: (1) reduction of the need to electronically coordinate fragmented marketplaces;(2) creation of barriers to the development of transparent electronic market places;(3) development of internal barriers to adoption.The second factor slowing down e-commerce adoption is the increasing complexity of products being sold in agricultural markets. This complexity arises from two sources: traditional and end user-driven.Traditional product complexityThe first source of traditional product complexity has been the development of common price references for commodity products. Central marketplaces such as the Chicago Board of Trade or the Chicago Mercantile Exchange have provided these common price references. However, differences in location, time of delivery and actual shipping quality lead to complex individual transactions.End user-driven complexityThe second source of the complexity of products is end-user driven products. This type of complexity has evolved over the last few decade due to: (1) focus on consumer demands for healthier, convenient, and more flavorful foods; and (2) development of trait-specific products valuable to processors along the value chain.The third factor creating barriers to e-commerce adoption in agribusiness is the high-touch nature of transactions. Even though farms have become increasingly more business-like in their structure and farmers operate in a B2B environment, individual farms still receive a great deal of personalised individual attention. Buying inputs, selling grain or livestock, purchasing machinery, obtaining financing, and arranging transportation are all transactions traditionally conducted on a one-to-one basis.As stated earlier, these barriers slow down e-commerce adoption in agriculture. Nonetheless, despite these obstacles, there is room for creative solutions potentially leading to successful adoption. Those potential strategies touch on:(1) structure of the industry;Current industry consolidation still leaves room for firms to develop winning strategies. Such strategies involve either creating third party marketplaces, forming strategic alliances,becoming niche players, or evolving into virtual supply channels. Each strategy will fit a unique situation.(2) market and product expertise;Given the increasing product complexity found in agriculture, market and product expertise become critical element of a winning strategy. Three elements are discussed:①market knowledge: This is the most critical element of a successful e-commerce strategy;②product expertise:In a globalized economy, product transactions will become more complex and the list of specifications to be met will become longer; and③risk profile:Drawing from developments in the financial industries, Wise and Morrison concluded that deep market knowledge is required to be able to transition successfully into the world of B2B.(3) organisational development.If we accept the idea that the Internet and e-commerce will fundamentally change the way transactions take place in agriculture, at least three implications emerge for organisations: ①the need for learning and training; Today's high-tech transactions mean that e-commerce players have to lead individual users toward a new way of conducting business. The nature of adoption of innovation will create opportunities for those who cater to individuals' need for learning and training (Judson &Kelly, 1999). To make the transition from high-touch to high-tech, successful businesses in e-commerce must have strong sales, customer service and marketing orientation. An early myth in B2B e-commerce was that "if you build it, `they' will come". This perception downplayed the influence of existing behavior and the security of the familiar.②the ongoing presence of human touch in transactions; Successful companies will the ones who understand their customers and provide with human interaction. Pioneer Hi-Bred International's dealership network is a good example of how high-touch companies achieved success under "old economy" rules. In addition, extending e-commerce to the sales force may free employees from paperwork and filing duties and allow them to focus on more value-added activities such as client recommendations, leading to greater customer satisfaction (Porter, 2001).and ③the acquisition of knowledge.Internet-based e-commerce is a veryrecent phenomenon. Given the wide array of solutions possible and because of organisational inertia or delays in deciding on the "best solution", some companies may find themselves at a competitive disadvantage in the future. Early industry adopters and "pure play" e-commerce companies will have acquired knowledge and know-how that late adopters will lack.This knowledge and experience advantage will make early adopters and "pure play"companies a prime target for acquisition or mergers.Evaluating, choosing and implementing an e-commerce solution will involve a thorough understanding of a firm's industry, market, and organisation. Clearly, the dominant factors will lead to strategic options which will in turn lead to one or more possible scenarios . As suggested above, each firm will evaluate the impact of the dominant factors in a given industry setting. Based upon the individual factor or combination of factors, one or more strategic options can be used. Not all strategic options would be used in all potential scenarios for success in an e-business. Each company would have to decide on its strategy based upon its individual situation. Fig.1 illustrates how these factors may interact to form such potential solution. Letters and numbers in parenthesis refer to the figure.For instance, in a first three-step scenario (see Scenario 1,Fig. 1), a firm could choose a strategic option path from the following: if the firm is operating in a consolidated industry and if it possesses excellent market knowledge of traditionally complex products, this may lead to the firm to decide to enter into a virtual supply channel arrangement and to develop sophisticated database systems that adequately capture the complexity of the product with which they operate.Another potential scenario (see Scenario 2, Fig.1) could call for a firm showing unequaled product expertise in a high-touch industry to become a niche player in its industry and to invest in customer service to maintain its human touch approach.A scenario (see Scenario 3, Fig. 1) for a pure play third party e-commerce firm operating in a concentrated marketplace would call for the firm to develop strategic alliances with either dominant or smaller players. In addition, if the firm possesses excellent grasp of its industry, it will be well positioned to take advantage of thisexpertise to facilitate commerce between players in the supply chain.Finally, an existing firm operating in a high-touch environment but lacking the knowledge to successfully develop an e-commerce strategy (see Scenario 4, Fig. 1) end-user complexity is present, it will also have to consider its risk profile and assess the future of its industry.Fig.1.Development of business-to-business e-commerce models in agriculture.Given the above challenges facing in agribusiness, it becomes readily apparent that not only the value, but also the mere existence and profitability of third-party, "pure-play" ventures are marginal at best. This conclusion is based on the premise that consolidation alters the competitive dynamic at both ends of the value chains (farm inputs and food retailers). As a result, we are faced with a new and evolving paradigm in the agri-food sector.Therefore, the true value of the Internet, and hence the market capitalisation of pure play ventures is ultimately going to be determined by their ability to introduce efficiencies into antiquated and inefficient business practices and systems. Competition in most marketplaces is shifting away from direct competition between competing firms, and toward competition between supply networks. Such a shift can be illustrated by examining the competitive dynamics characteristic of modern grain production. Not much competition exists between neighboring farmers as compared to the intense competition between the recently formed seed-chemical conglomerates Therefore, the theoretical "killer application" involves combining supply chain management, electronic data interchanges, and physical exchanges.It is questionable whether third party "pure plays" are capable of providing much value to the Cargill's and ConAgra's of the world because there is little "surplus value" for one to extract. However, value does exist in providing non-vertically aligned producers and processors with information systems, thereby allowing trade and coordination among themselves as though they were vertically integrated(virtual integration). In the not too distant future, venture capital funds and producers alike will realise that the true Internet play is one based on coordination and not the pure exchange play.Regardless of the specific strategy or market sector that a given third party "pure play" intends to operate, it becomes imperative to be physically involved with a significant amount of the selected commodity. Having gained physical control of a commodity, work then can begin on developing an electronic transaction system where the competitive advantage is based on making the supply network more efficient vis-a-vis "old-economy" (non-Internet-based) supply networks. Furthermore, physically possessing a commodity, via contract production or similar means should partly negate concerns of being reduced to an application provider. In other words, a pure play operating in grain trading would be at less risk of obsolescence if it were trading, hedging, or developing delivery and logistics system for grain it physically possessed. This recommendation is of particular relevance when considering pure electronic cash exchange ventures that need to attain critical mass for liquidity purposes.The theory driving the development of Internet-based exchanges is the reduction of market fragmentation. In other words, market fragmentation would be reduced and efficiencies gained if a single commodity-specific exchange should exist. However, the multiplication of Internet-based exchanges has resulted in actually increasing the same type of market fragmentation that such exchanges were originally designed to eliminate.The future success of B2B e-commerce in agribusiness is undeniable. Factors specific to agriculture will create additional challenges which must be overcome before success may be attained. The ability of each player to work though these challenges will determine the speed of adoption of B2B in agriculture.译文影响B2B电子商务在农业方面发展的主导因素资料来源:国际食品和农业企业管理评论2001(4)作者:Nicole Leroux,Max S. Wortman Jr, Eric D. Mathias农业电子商务的潜在成功还是非常乐观的。
电子商务信用中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)英文:Towards Enhancing Trust on Chinese E-Commerce Abstract:E-Commerce has been much more popular in western countries where the development of E-Commerce systems has been relatively matured. While the technology and social credit environment are well developed, E-Commerce is relatively new and receives fewer acceptances within commercial industries in China. Building trust has been identified as one of the major concerns in E-Commerce.In this paper, we will develop an computational model, which may be used to improve the trust-building relationship among consumers, retailers and authorities. This model considers a number of factors including direct experiences, customer recommendations, and authority certification, while parties involved in the E-Commerce activities can confidently establish and reliably enhance the trustworthiness.We also conduct a case study on how to improve consumer-retailer trust relationship in an E-Commerce application by the use of the trust model, which is one of functional electronic storefronts with the consideration of trustworthiness in China. In addition, the findings from this research will also be helpful for national policy maker on legislation of Chinese E-Commerce activities.Key Words: Trust, E-Commerce, Trust-building, Computational model, Chinese E-Commerce.I. Introduction“With the rapid development of Internet technology, the landscape of exchanging information and doing business has been com pletely changed”. As a new way of doing business, E-Commerce is increasingly affecting, changing and even replacing the traditional commerce approach. People are increasingly accepting and using E-Commerce than ever before. Without any doubt, many network applications, based on initial Door to Door to B2B, B2C, and C2C models, have a profound influence on the global economy. However most of the development of E-Commerce is primarily achieved within a handful of countries, particularly in countries like US, Japan and some of European countries. Since the advent of the Internet in the late 1990’s in China, various applications can be seen in the following years, which stirred thousands of ambitious young Chinese people to establish their own business on-line with a dream of getting wealthy overnight. Over the past few years, almost 70% of the growth in Internet users from all over the world occurred only in China. However, in terms of E-Commerce development, there is still a gap between China and the developed countries. With the increased popularity of the Internet and the continuous improvement of Internet technologies, the development of E-Commerce has just made an impressive start. What hinder the development of Chinese E-Commerce can be attributed to various problems and barriers. Some of these problems such as payment method, distribution problem, and security issues have been partially alleviated. Unfortunately the consumers’ lack of trust towards E-Retailers has been identified as the biggest barrier that needs to be overcome in long-term.In the paper, we will identify the challenges in developing Chinese E-Commerce and propose a model to cooperate with current E-Commerce system as a mean of enhancing trustworthiness. The paper is organized into 6 sections. Section 2 introduces the current standing of E-Commerce, and then Section 3 briefly reviews the challenges in developing E-Commerce, and examines the “Trust problem”, which is identified as the major obstacle that hinders the spreading of E-Commerce in China. In Section 4, we propose a computational model that can be used to address the trust problem. Section 5 specifically discusses how to apply the model to improve trustworthiness, and gives a case study in Section 6. Section 7 concludes the paper by discussing further directions for improving trust between E-Commerce users.II. Current Chinese E-Commerce Standing(I) Issues in E-CommerceTrust has always been the main concern among most of Chinese E-Commerce companies. On one hand, people are impressed by doing business on-line, but on the other hand they are still worried about using E-Commerce widely. Consequently, a gap appeared between on-line retailers’interest in attracting shoppers to their electronic storefronts and many consumers’ trust in those activities. Nevertheless, researches have shown that the trust problem is not only technical problem, but more of a social problem caused by various reasons. First and foremost, for historical reasons, people may lack of confiden ce with others, therefore it’s quite difficult to puttrust in someone else in the beginning. Secondly, the commercial law and regulation for E-Commerce cannot fully protect the interests of consumers and merchants. Therefore E-Commerce users lack the confidence to take the risk when communicating with an unfamiliar party. Thirdly, the social credit system and payment system in China are still not strong enough when carrying complex E-Commerce transactions, so that on-line business frauds may happen, and harm consumers. Last but not least Internet security and cryptography techniques, which can increase consumers’confidence in on-line activity, are still under development. Due to all these issues, E-Commerce specialists commonly regard that the bottleneck of Chinese E-Commerce is as a trust problem than anything else.(II) Opportunities of Chinese E-CommerceIn 2005, Chinese E-Commerce has been experiencing the upsurge of B2C markets. With the recognition of trust problem, many retailers are experimenting with various trust building strategies to establish trustworthiness towards E-Retailers. Establishing trust between E-Commerce users is a long term process. Apart from more education or training in the long term, we can resort to technology to enhance consumer trust in an unfamiliar E-retailer. One effective method is to participate in third-party assurance programs, which assist consumers in an accessible level of trust they should place in an E-Commerce transaction. In that way, merchants who agree to meet a third party assures standards can either use the assure certified technology, or agree to be bound in some way by the assure procedures or oversight are registered by the assure and permitted to display an identifying logo or assurance seal on their website. Consumers can reveal specific validation of the merchants good-standing with the assure or additional disclosures related to the merchants’ business practices or history. Some theories suggest that trust in an E-retailer can be speci fically defined as consumers’ willingness to accept vulnerability in an on-line transaction based on their positive expectations regarding an E-Retailers future behavior. By evaluating a party’s post behavior and tracking its activities, the party’s futu re behavior can be expected and trust level can be considered so that consumers can make purchasing decision according to the trust level of E-Retailer. In this paper, a third party assurance program that can be cooperated with the current E-Commerce system is proposed. Through tracking E-Retailer ’s activity records, collecting consumer experiences, and recommendations, the computation model is capable of considering the level that consumer can trust an unfamiliar E-Retailer. More detail about the model is described in Section 4.III. Challenges in Developing Chinese E-CommerceChinese E-Markets is undeniably of great potential. E-Markets are not only beneficial for national economy, but also for the global economy, especially since China has entered the World Trade Organization (WTO). However, in terms of developing E-Commerce, there is a gap between China and other developed countries. The primary cause is that the advent of information age has a great impact on the economy of industrialized countrie s, while the social environment and China hasn’t become used to its coming. These can be noticed from various aspects including information infrastructure, barriers of social environment, degree of technologyinnovation, level of awareness, and trustworthiness and so on. Technically, the improvement is obvious, but it’s difficult to catch up in short term for some social problems.(I) Informationization GapCurrent social environment in China is yet to match the rapid informationization. The understanding of the relation and interaction between industrialization and informationization is inadequate. In addition, the importance and urgency of informationization in social and economic development haven’t been fully appreciated. Apart from that, for a long term progress, the awareness and acceptance to informationization are still underway both theoretically and practically.Furthermore, the global information infrastructure are building up, China is not a exception. However, the popularity of informational and electronic facilities in China is still behind the USA, even though 70% of the growth in Internet users occurred in China. That is mainly due to the huge population of China and the imbalanced development of different regions.In terms of the innovation of information technology, China is catching up to the developed countries progressively, although the exploring and utilization of information resources and services are not yet adequate.(II) Social Barriers in E-CommerceIn China, E-Commerce activities are impeded by some social barriers as well. For instance, the law and regulation are not flawless. E-commerce gives a full impetus to social and economic development; in the meantime, it raises some new problems. So we need to address the inadequacy of traditional policy and laws in the new circumstance, and recommend new and effective law and regulation system. E-commerce may cause multi-facet problems, such as legitimacy and authentication of E-currency, E-contract, and E-bill. Taxation is another problem. It includes how to collect business tax and custom; whether new tax and collecting methods are needed for some intangible products (e.g. software, electrical audio and video); how to secure market and prevent monopoly, especially telecommunication monopoly; how to protect privacy and Intellectual Property(IP); how to manage and control export and import of intangible products, and so on.There is a lack of E-Commerce standard. Standardization and legislation is a difficult but important task in developing E-Commerce. For instance, before the E-Signature Standard was invented in China, there was no particular standard to normalize the behaviors on Internet, therefore, it could not setup a standard business environment compatible with international standards, which has a huge impact on integration of individual country and global economy.Another problem associated with E-Commerce is the social credit system and payment system. The present E-Commerce can only be regarded as quasi-E-Commerce. Since the credit system lacks of trust, effective monitoring and payment mechanism. The Internet commodity transaction centers only fulfilled parts of E-Commerce processes, but by no mean to be full processes from pre-purchase to post-purchase. The current distribution system for Chinese E-Commerce is still not satisfied enough. For instance, the delivery of products has yet to be separated frommanufacturing and commercial enterprisers. The incomplete distribution system still responds passively to production and sales departments, where different processing links such as warehousing, transporting and loading functions as independent entities so that the distribution problem has not been solved well at present.In summary, these informationization gaps and social barriers indeed hinder the development of Chinese E-Commerce, but many people consider lack of consumers trust in E-Commerce merchants, technology, social, financial and legal infrastructures of E-Commerce environment as the most concerned issues that affect the development in an individual country, since most traditional cues for assessing trust in physical world are not available on-line.(III)Trust IssueTrust is a catalyst for human cooperation, and it has received considerable attention in the business and social science literature. Lack of trust can result in a waste of time and resources on protecting ourselves against possible harm and thereby clogs up the economy. Consumer’s trust in an E-Retailer can be defined as consumers’willingness to accept vulnerability in an on-line transaction based on their positive expectations in regard with an E-Retailers future behavior. Factors that affect trust in E-Commerce for consumers include security risks, privacy risks, and lack of reliability in E-Commerce processes in general. As pointed by Nielsen, real trust builds through a company’s actual behavior towards its customers over time, and it is seen to be difficult to build and easy to lose. Theoretically, there are three trust-building processes summarized in:1. Knowledge-based trust is described as a form of trust that develops over time as one party learns about intentions, capabilities, and activity experiences. Example can be recommendation, evaluations, and reputations.2. Institutional-based trust relied on the creation of a “trust infrastructure”, of socially recognized third-party intermediaries that certify the trustworthiness of parties in a commercial exchange or actually enforce trustworthy behaviors on the part of one or both partners. Such example is certificate, membership of association.3. Trust transfer happens when one party ascribes trustworthiness to an unfamiliar exchange partner based on that partner’s association with a trusted party.In the ext section, we will describe a computational model, which can be used to facilitate the trust- building process in E-Commerce, particularly for Chinese E-Commerce market.In this paper, we surveyed the E-Commerce activities currently under going in China. We have closely analyzed the gap between the informationization and barriers of Chinese E-Commerce systems. Among the topics of facilitating development of a positive, effective and satisfied E-Commerce system, “trust” is a major issue, which has not received adequate attention in past decades. We have proposed a computational trust model (ERC2G), which can foster a trust relationship between consumers and merchants, and illustrate how to apply the model in a Chinese E-Commerce system. From the case study of EI Computer, we briefly talked about the implementation of E-Commerce systems with the consideration of enhancing trust. However, establishing trust must be a complex process, which involves moreinformation sources, so continuous improving and enhancing the trustworthiness will be the main objective we need to achieve in future work.翻译:提升中国电子商务信用度摘要电子商务在西方国家已经非常流行,并且电子商务系统在这些国家的发展也相对成熟。
电子商务对国际贸易的影响中英文对照外文翻译文献原文:The Impact of Electronic Commerce on International Trade E-Commerce is doing business through electronic media or the practice of buying and selling products and services over the Internet,utilizing technologies such as the Web,Electronic Data Interchange(EDI),Email,electronic fund transfers and smart cards,without face-to-face meeting between two parties of the transactions.In brief,E-Commerce is the online exchange or sale and purchase of goods and services.The BackgroundWith the extension of internet in application area, from academies, enterprises tothe government departments, the network reaches variable aspects of our society. From knowledge learning, message obtaining to e-commerce, the digital network is all proved a strong pushing strength. With network, the difference of time and space are eliminated, the exchange and communication among people, the resources sharing are becoming much more easier, based on that, more and more applications are developed, and one of which is the network university and remote learning which will be a great revolution to the traditional teaching and learning way. People can study online, exchange thoughts interactively with teachers and schoolmates through network rather than special classrooms in the campus, this will provide a chance to learn knowledge all the life for those who are in work or can’t go into colleges, perhaps the network university will be the most important model to study in a not long future.Abstract:The 21st century is the century of the network, with the growing popularity of the network, making e-commerce has become the most important international trade as a means of convenient e-commerce has brought the entire international trade an in-depth change, a great impact the development of international trade.In this paper, the impact of electronic commerce on international trade research, first on the meaning and mode of e-commerce and international trade, a simple introduction to basic concepts,followed by analysis to identify the impact of electronic commerce on international trade, and found that not only e-commerce promote the rapid development of international trade transactions, but also changed the way of making small and medium enterprises to become more involved in international trade to; and making the international market truly be realized, but also the international trade business management major changes.Key Words:Electronic commerce; international trade; InternetIntroductionIn recent year, e-commerce has emerged as the fastest growing sector of the world marketplace. Despite the contraction in the high-tech industry during the recent recession, firms have continued to enter and expand their presence in e-commerce, and consumers have increased the number of purchases made online. E-commerce currently represents a very small share of overall commerce, but it is expected to continue to expand rapidly in coming years. As e-commerce grows, so will its impact on the overall economy.1.The Overview of E-commerce1.1 The Meaning of E-commerceE-commerce usually refers to the use of computer technology, network technology and telecommunication technology to achieve the entire business process become computerization, digitization and networking.E-commerce is a new business model making that both buyers and sellers do not have to meet each other in various business activities in a wide range of business around the world trade. It also contributes to the consumer's online shopping, online transactions between merchants and online electronic payment in different business activities, trading activities, financial activities and activities related to integrated services in the Internet, an open network environment which based on WEB / server applications ways.E-commerce permeates every stage of trade activities, including information exchange, pre-sales service, sales, electronic payments, transportation, the formation of virtual enterprise and sharing resources. The participants of E-commerce include consumers, vendors, suppliers, financial institutions, enterprises, government and other institutions or individuals, whose purpose is to achieve a business and the whole society efficiency and low-cost trade.1. 2 The E-commerce PatternThe E-commerce pattern is refers to the basic mode which the enterprises obtain the business income using the Internet development management, it is based on a certain technology based commercial operation way and the profit pattern in the network environment. The research and the analysis of the E-commerce pattern’s classified system is helpful in unearths the new E-commerce pattern, provides the way for the E-commerce pattern innovation and be helpful in the enterprise formulates the specific E-commerce strategy and the implementation step. The E-commerce pattern can establish different classification framework from different angles. From the traditional viewpoint, E-commerce pattern is summed up as B2C(Business to Consumer), B2B(Business to Business), C2B(Consumer to Business), C2C(Consumer to Consumer), B2G(Business to Government), BMC(Business Medium Consumer)..1.2.1 The Emergence of E-commerceDuring the 1940s’ and 1950s’, the fiber optic communication technologies and computer technology based on microelectronics has detonated the information technology revolution which still has not ceased until now. Whether it is data processing or information transmission, the human beings have entered an unprecedented era of efficient. In the 1970s, the production of EDI technology (Electronic Data Interchange, Electronic Data Interchange) causes the people began to try to exchange business data automatically between different computers, which is the primary form of e-commerce.E-commerce originated in the 1960s’ and development in the 1990s’, and the important conditions of its emergence and development are mainly:● Government's support and impetusAfter the European Union issued Europe Electronic Commerce Agreement in 1997 and the US issued the “Framework for Global Electronic Commerce”, the electron ic commerce has been valued by the governments all over the world.● Widespread use of computerIn the recent 30 years, the faster speed of computer's processing, the stronger handling ability, the lower price and the broader application area provided the solid foundation for use ofE-commerce.● Popularity and maturity of the networkUp to December 31, 2008, the Chinese net citizen achieves at 298, 000, 000 people, and the popularizing rate achieves 22.6%, which surpasses the global average level.● Impeccable network serviceAccording to the statistics, there are more than 4000 influential websites in the world, and almost every website can provide the electronic commerce information and the service. And theOn-line payment technology and the electronic currency payment technology are reliable and popular used all over the world.A recent study of the marketplace by Nielsen//Net Ratings found more than 200 million Americans (or 75%) are using the Internet. Those who shopped online in 2003 spent $17.2 billion online in just the fourth quarter alone. Research firms anticipate that, in 2004, the number of online shoppers will increase by 14 percent, representing 30 percent of the U.S. population. In four more years, half the country’s population will be purcha sing online.1.2.2 The Meaning of International TradeThe international trade refers the exchange between commodity and service in different countries (and/or area), the business of buying and selling commodities beyond national borders. It is the international shift of commodity and service which is also called the world trade and composed of two parts, imports and exports.International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. This type of trade gives rise to a world economy, in which prices, or supply and demand, affect and are affected by global events. Political change in Asia, for example, could result in an increase in the cost of labor, thereby increasing the manufacturing costs for an American sneaker company based in Malaysia, which would then result in an increase in the price that you have to pay to buy the tennis shoes at your local mall. A decrease in the cost of labor, on the other hand, would result in you having to pay less for your new shoes.Trading globally gives consumers and countries the opportunity to be exposed to goods and services not available in their own countries. Almost every kind of product can be found on the international market: food, clothes, spare parts, oil, jewelry, wine, stocks, currencies and water. Services are also traded: tourism, banking, consulting and transportation. A product that is sold to the global market is an export, and a product that is bought from the global market is an import. Imports and exports are accounted for in a country's current account in the balance of payments.2 The Impact of Electronic Commerce on International Trade2.1 Promote the Rapid Development of International TradeThe electronic transaction can replace other trading method to a certain extent. In this case, the rise in e-commerce trade will offset the decline in trade in other ways. For example, the increase of international commercial volume through the Internet means the decrease of the volume through the mail or services across the border. However, electronic commerce improve the transaction efficiency and creates the extra commercial opportunity unceasingly by reducing the transaction cost and the price, which on one hand from the superiority that the electronic commerce can reduce the price and increases the international demand; On the other hand it can create the new trade partner and develop the new business partner, making these overtop cost or implementation difficulties transaction becomes feasible.Moreover, electronic commerce can be supplement of the traditional transaction method to complete the transaction together with the transportation of tangible goods. For example, electronic commerce can be the supplementary means of trade through advertisement, marketing, purchase and electronic payment. In short, electronic commerce makes the cross-border transfer of information and resource sharing truly meet the requirements as breaking the space and time limit, thus promoted the international trade development.websites through the provision of goods price and seeking the lowest prices all over the world and use the online auction bidding and other forms of collective bargaining to buy goods at lower prices. This can reduce the prices of imported goods in the country and be conducive to the development of the country's import trade and growth, and form the expansion effects of trade to a certain extent. 2.2 Changed the Trade ModeThe traditional marketing model is the first with the product to look for customers, and sellers are basically telephone communication, mailing product catalogs, all kinds of exhibitions, and so the traditional way to exchange views and suggestions. The changes arising from electronic eommerce marketing, the promotion of international trade, marketing, generate new forms of marketing - e-marketing (e-marketing). E-marketing, there are two meanings: one refers to the use of electronic means of marketing; the other one refers to the Internet as the core e-marketing. However, the latter is developing as a modern international trade, an important way of marketing.The emergence of e-commerce makes a significant change in the trade transactions of the international market, and contributes to the appearance of the virtual trading market without cashtransaction. Electronic commerce developed a brand-new opening, multi-dimensional, the three-dimensional market environment through the exchange of on-line “virtual” information, which broke through the premise condition in which traditional market must take certain time and area. the whole world are connected into a unified "big market" by the information network, promoting to form a world economics marketability. Meanwhile, it drove the development of our country’s social economy in great extent and urged deepen the reform of our country’s enterprise in industrial structure and the trading mode.The existing network has achieved the real-time transmission and exchange of the standard format among the business users document such as contracts, bills of lading, invoices and so on). Both buyers and sellers can handle the order, the negotiations, signing, the declaration, the inspection, the chartering, the taxes payment and other trade service procedure directly online, which reduced the trading hours greatly and made the transaction more fast and convenient and promote the working efficiency of the finance, the customs, the transportation and the insurance. The capital, the commodity and the technology brought by the fast flowing information accelerate the global flows of production elements and promote network economy to the computer network technology as the platform and electronic commerce for the pattern in the rapidly developing economy world. The economic and trade and the connection among countries can strengthen greatly under this kind of network trade's environment and bring the new energy and spirit to the development of world’s economic.2.3 Making SMEs More Involved in International TradeThe rapid development of e-commerce in the world makes the position where the large enterprises plays a leader role in the international trade in traditional trade pattern decrease day by day and ushered a brand-new development opportunities and a broader international market. The emergence of electronic commerce makes the Small and medium-sized enterprises have more opportunities to show their good brand image and product on the international stage, which is mainly manifested in two aspects:On the one hand, e-commerce is helpful for the small and medium-sized enterprise displays its unique superiority of products and greatly develops the brand products. in environmental impact of the traditional mass production and marketing, people often tend to buy the most satisfying products in the lowest price, which often has the relative advantage of the advantage in large scale of economies, mass production capabilities by large enterprises, the formation of cost, so that to bea dominant position in the small and medium-sized enterprise competition. However, electronic commerce provided customers an effective way that they can talk face to face with manufacturers of products and ordered services personalized, by which customers can massively visit enterprise's related website, describe their products and business needs and different requirements in the web sides, and make a transform from large scale production's pattern into the personalized product ordering pattern。
文献信息:文献标题:ELECTRONIC COMMERCE(电子商务)国外作者:Đerić Slavko文献出处:《Economics》,2017,4字数统计:英文2060单词,11447字符;中文3455汉字外文文献:ELECTRONIC COMMERCESUMMARY Electronic commerce can be defined in different ways. Any definition helps to understand and explain that concept as better as possible. Electronic commerce is a set of procedures and technologies that automate the tasks of financial transactions using electronic means. Also, according to some authors, electronic commerce is defined as a new concept, which is being developed and which includes process of buying and selling or exchanging products, services or information via computer networks, including the Internet. Electronic commerce is not limited just to buying and selling, but it also includes all pre-sales and after-sales ongoing activities along the supply chain. Introducing electronic commerce, using the Internet and Web services in business, realizes the way to a completely new type of economy—internet economy.Keywords:electronic commerce, development, purchase, sale, economy, InternetINTRODUCTIONToday, development of modern means of communication, especially electronic, which radically change the existing power relations and the power on the global market, have a significant role in more evident process of globalization. The magnitude of impact of the development of communication and information resources on the world economy may be implied by the fact that it goes into traditional laborintensive activities, where before there were not opportunities for the application of modern information technology.Managers of large companies, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, need to understand first of all the importance, as well as many advantages that use of modern digital technology enables them in the creation of new business ideas and their realization. In the new digital era the benefits and opportunities of e-business represent a significant potential that should be used in the best and the most efficient way. Thanks to the internet there are some changes in the way of business, geographical boundaries are disappearing, language barriers and currency restrictions are being bowed down.ELECTRONIC COMMERCEToday’s way of doing business is completely changed, mostly thanks to the Internet. E-commerce has a great role in the process of globalization and in the development of modern means of communication, especially electronic, by radically changing the existing power relations and the power on the global market. In modern business there is a transition from mechanical to electronic phase of business. Besides the technological aspect it is necessary to emphasize the economic aspect and define e-commerce as a new market that offers new types of goods and services, such as digital products through digital processes. Sellers of physical goods are also being included in digital processes, such as on-line ordering, market research and payment, which are the parts of the new market.Electronic commerce is the exchange of business information, maintaining business relationships, and conducting business transactions between different organizations via telecommunication networks and is more than a set of Internet technologies.E-commerce can be viewed from the narrower and wider point of view. In the narrow sense electronic commerce involves buying and selling through the Internet, and in a broader sense it includes the exchange of business information, maintaining business relationships, and conducting business transactions by means oftelecommunications networks. In fulfilling tasks it uses electronic communication media such as the Internet, extranets, e-mail, database and mobile telephony. Electronic commerce includes several activities such as electronic sales and purchases of goods and services, online delivery of digital content, electronic funds transfer, public procurement, direct consumer marketing and other after-sales services. The basis of e-business is often called a fully digital business and it contains three components: product, process and participants, which have two components, physical and digital. Everything that can be sent and received via the Internet is considered to be a digital product.Electronic commerce creates new markets and economic activities, which are characterized by rapid information processes and market dynamics. Electronic networks provide the infrastructure for collecting and disseminating information. They also serve as a new channel for the sales, promotion of products and services delivery. Moreover, network integrate information for managing business activities at all levels of the company and provide new electronic connections with customers and partners in the supply chain. An increasing number of activities that add value to the economy take place in cyberspace through globally connected electronic networks. The Internet has expanded the premises to which companies reach. Managers can detect a greater number of business opportunities due to obtaining many additional business information from the Internet.ELECTRONIC MARKETMilicevic (2002) states that the Internetand new information technologies are leading to restructuring of markets on a global level and some industrial and service sectors. As well as on traditional (physical) market, also in electronic market, customers and sellers exchange goods and services for money or other goods or services, but only electronically. Electronic market uses electronic transactions leading to a new way of distribution of products and services to ultimate consumers. Electronic market means a place where electronic commerce is conducted, that is to say a network of interactions and communication where the information, products,services and payments are exchanged. In recent years, electronic market is gaining importance in the modern way of doing business. When it comes to e-business, business center is a network based on the locations where there are customers, sellers and other participants and they all find each other electronically and do business so.MODELS OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCEThere are many models of electronic commerce that vary according to the relations which exist between participants in trade (companies, customers, employees, government). Some of the models are: B2B, B2C, B2E, C2C, C2B, but lately there are also more complex forms that are created as a combination and updating of existing models such as B2B2C and C2B2C.B2B (Business to Business) is the automated exchange of information between different organizations;B2C (Business to Consumer) means the sale of goods and services to end consumers;B2E (Business to Employee) is a model which is also known as Intranet, or the Web site that gives products or information to employees;C2B (Consumer to Business) is a model where the consumer requests a product or service from the seller;C2C (Consumer to Consumer) is a model in which customers sell to each other;B2B2C (Business to Business to Consumer) is a model that is realized using B2B model that supports the company’s operations on the model of B2C;C2B2C (Consumer to Business to Consumer) is a model that connects consumers using on-line company as an intermediary.LEGAL ISSUES SPECIFIC TO ELECTRONIC COMMERCEThe most important legal issues specific to e-commerce are: assigning domain names, tax collection from incomes generated electronically and intellectual property protection. When assigning Internet addresses or domain names, problems arise when several companies that have similar names compete around the domain. The problemis solved in court or before an international arbitration system. Federal, state and local authorities are trying in every way to calculate how to get a share of revenue generated electronically. The problems are particularly prominent in international trade, when the question is where you need to pay a tax for a business license, income tax, value-added tax, the annual income tax and the like, as well as who controls the charge. Protection of software and other intangible creations is difficult to be implemented over the Web, which is why the issues of copyright and protection of intellectual property are subjects of frequent discussions. One solution might be a tax that is unique to the Internet, the so-called “bit tax”. The idea of this tax is based on the fact that each bit that travels through the network represents a subject to taxation at a rate that is unique. It could be collected in telephone exchanges or at the service provider and to be submitted to the competent tax authorities. However, such a tax would not take account of the nature of the information or goods that are purchased. The largest amount of bits on the Internet belongs to the children’s video games which are in most countries, wheree-business is developed, tax-exempt or taxed at the lowest rate. It is also unclear which government would take over the tax that is a result of cross-border data flow. Besides safety problems, the problem of unclear model of taxation of commercial transactions on the Internet certainly inflicts great torments to fiscal experts worldwide.ADV ANTAGES AND DISADV ANTAGES OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE The main characteristic of e-commerce is a profound and very rapid change in the way trade is conducted. Today, e-commerce has many advantages over traditional conducting commercial transactions. Extensive use of e-commerce leads to new advantages. A set of interactive, content-rich and personalized messages can be delivered tospecifically selected consumers to increase sales. Today companies have a lot more information than before, which allows them to take advantage of this information as efficiently as possible, to segment the market and to adapt their products or services to potential customers or service users as well as possible.The impact of e-commerce is especially expressed in industries engaged in theproduction of computers, software and computer equipment and other elements necessary for realization of e-commerce. E-commerce has enabled companies to choose suppliers all over the world regardless of their geographical location, and to sell and market their products or services anywhere in the global market.Compared to traditional commerce the advantages of Internet commerce are numerous because properties are not necessary, as well as window dressing, sales staff is reduced to a minimum, there is a possibility of selling around the world, instant communication, presentation of interactive multimedia catalog that can provide the information that the customer wants (there is no classic catalog and postal shipping), promotion is much cheaper, it is easier to achieve publicity on the internet, there are more opportunities to adapt to customer needs, and with allthat the customer is enabled easier purchases carried out from an armchair, with no time limit (nonstop) ,without affecting the sales staff in the decision-making and various other benefits. Due to the complexity of the system of electronic trade problems in the sale or purchase over the Internet may occur. Problems refer to the fact that many potential customers still do not have Internet access or do not use it, some do not have fast Internet connection, online purchase involves a lot of confidence, privacy is compromised and there is a problem of the actual existence of stores on the Internet. Internet is a public network that is accessible to everyone, and because of that there is a possibility that someone monitors comunication without authorization and to abuse it later. Because of these reasons, it is necessary to find mechanisms that will ensure the protection of information, information integrity, and their authenticity. Cryptography is the science that deals with methods of maintenance of the confidentiality of information and which has its own features such as encryption, decryption and key. Defining and verifying the identity of the sender is achieved by using digital signatures and certificates. The purpose of the digital signature is authentication of the message content, as well as provision of guarantee of identity of the sender of the message.CONCLUSIONWith the advent of the Internet a lot has changed in terms of business and trade. Once the operating was based on the principle of face-toface, but now with the advent of the Internet participants in trade do not need to know, nor meet and see each other. With the advent of e-commerce there are no more geographical borders, nor language barriers and currency constraints. In modern business there is a transition from mechanical to electronic phase of business, which leads to more rapid penetration of technical progress in trade. It comes to development of electronic stores, which have significant benefits for end consumers, but there are new problems related to payments and the security of transactions carried out in this way. E-commerce and e-business are becoming inevitable everyday. Paper, pencil, stamp and other equipmentare replaced by computer and the Internet, thanks to which it is much easier and better to conduct an increasing number of business transactions. Online purchase and e-commerce are developing very fast, thus opening up new business opportunities, which affects an increase in productivity, reduction of costs and faster capital turnover. E-commerce creates employment opportunities, stimulates economic growth, investment in innovations, new technologies and knowledge, which contributes to the emergence of new operators in the market.中文译文:电子商务摘要电子商务可以用不同的方式进行定义。
1. 文献一:《电子商务的定义和发展趋势》
2. 文献二:《电子商务平台的优势与特点》
3. 文献三:《电子商务对传统零售业的影响》
4. 文献四:《电子商务的安全性和隐私问题》
5. 文献五:《电子商务的法律和政策环境》
电子商务外文文献Title: E-commerce: A Review of the Literature and Perspectives for Future ResearchE-commerce, or electronic commerce, has become a fundamental aspect of business and economic activity in the globalized digital age. The交易研究领域的一个重要组成部分。
The literature on e-commerce has been extensive, covering a range of topics from online retailing to global supply chain management. The Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO) and Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (JECR) are two of the leading journals in the field, publishing high-quality research on various aspects ofe-commerce. Additionally, several books and conference proceedings provide valuable insights into the development and evolution of e-commerce.E-commerce research has examined the impact of technology on business processes, explored innovative business models, andanalyzed the role of e-commerce in global trade and development. The literature has addressed a range of important issues, including security and privacy, electronic payment systems, and the impact of social media on e-commerce.Despite the significant progress made in e-commerce research, several areas for future exploration remn. These include the development of new e-commerce technologies, such as blockchn and artificial intelligence, and their potential impact on global trade and supply chns. Additionally, research on the role of e-commerce in sustnable development, particularly in terms of environmental sustnability and social inclusivity, represents an important area for future investigation.In conclusion, e-commerce has become a fundamental aspect of business and economic activity in the digital age. The literature on e-commerce has provided valuable insights into its development and evolution, but there remn several areas for future exploration. Future research should address these unexplored areas and contribute to the development ofe-commerce as a transformative force in global trade and development.商学院电子商务外文文献Title: E-commerce in Business Schools: A Critical Analysis of Curriculum, Teaching Methods, and Future TrendsThe rise of e-commerce in recent years has revolutionized business education, with business schools across the globe scrambling to keep up with the latest trends and prepare students for the digital economy. This article delves into the world of e-commerce education in business schools, exploring curriculum, teaching methods, and predicting future trends. E-commerce has become an integral part of modern business, and business schools are responding to this trend by incorporating e-commerce courses into their curriculum. The primary objective of these courses is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the e-commerce industry, including the latest trends, tools, and techniques. In addition to fundamental topics such as online marketing and web design, today's e-commerce courses also cover more specialized topics such as cloud computing, big data analysis, and social media marketing.Business schools are adopting a variety of teaching methods to impart knowledge on e-commerce, ranging from traditional classroom lectures to more innovative hands-onbs and simulations. These experiential learning opportunities allow students to gain practical experience in real-world settings, providing them with a deeper understanding of the dynamics and challenges of the e-commerce industry.With the continuous evolution of the internet and e-commerce landscape, it is essential to track and predict future trends in this field. Business schools are playing a crucial role in this regard by staying abreast of industry developments and incorporating relevant content into their courses. The trend towards more personalized and interactive learning experiences is likely to continue, with business schools tloring their teaching methods to suit the needs of individual students. Additionally, the integration of technology into every aspect of business will continue to drive changes in e-commerce education, with an increasing focus on areas such as cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.In conclusion, business schools have responded to the rise of e-commerce with a comprehensive approach that includes updating curriculum, adopting innovative teaching methods, and predicting future trends. However, there are still challengesahead, such as keeping up with the rapidly changing landscape and providing all students with equal opportunities to access e-commerce education. By continuing to adapt and innovate, business schools can help shape a brighter future fore-commerce and prepare students to thrive in the digital economy.电子商务外文翻译文献电子商务的发展及其影响:外文翻译文献随着全球互联网的迅速普及,电子商务在全球范围内得到了前所未有的发展。
文献信息:文献标题:E-Business in the Agricultural Input Industries(电子商务对农业投入产业的影响)国外作者:Jay T. Akridge文献出处:《Review of Agricultural Economics》, 2003, 25(1):3-13 字数统计:英文1764单词,10292字符;中文2952汉字外文文献:E-Business in the Agricultural Input IndustriesA variety of factors are creating pressure for increased use of information technologies and e-business concepts in the agricultural input industries. Understanding where information technology and e-business concepts will add value to the distribution channels for agricultural inputs requires an understanding of the needs of the two primary agents in the channel: agricultural producers and manufacturers. In this paper, a framework for understanding the changes information technology and e-business may bring to the distribution channel is developed. In addition, some of the attitudes of managers toward e-business and the impacts of information technologies for the agricultural inputs industries are considered.The focus of this paper is the impact of e-business on the agricultural input industries. Three objectives are pursued. First, the key drivers setting the stage for e-business in agricultural input markets are highlighted. There are important changes taking place in these markets that make them receptive to developments in e-business and e-commerce. Second, this paper presents a framework for understanding how the changes taking place in the input sector as a result of information technology will impact the distribution of agricultural inputs. Finally, some implications of expanding use of information technologies and e-business concepts for the agricultural input distribution channels are developed.Forces of Change in Agricultural Input MarketsThere are several forces bringing about change in the agricultural input markets. Because the customer base of agricultural input markets is very fragmented, increasingly there is a wide range of agricultural producer requirements with respect to products, services, and information across the different input markets. These requirements are related to the size of the farm operation, the intensity of use of management tools and processes, and the value structure of individual farm operators. This fragmentation has forced input suppliers to consider a broad range of alternatives for distributing products to producers, and has led to providing tailored value bundles individualized sets of products, services, and information to fit the needs of individual producers or segments of producers.Escalating customer expectations have increased performance standards that input suppliers have to meet. Part of the increase in expectations is related to the size of farming operations?larger farming operations typically demand higher levels of performance. The more intense use of management tools and processes by farm business managers plays an important role in higher performance standards. Many producers face intense profit pressure in the marketplace, forcing them to reconsider and reevaluate every part of their business operation, including the value bundles that input suppliers provide.The demand for convenience in the supplier?producer relationship is an example of increasing performance standards. In 1998, the Center for Food and Agricultural Business at Purdue University conducted a survey of 1,700 commercial farm operators. The survey asked farmers to evaluate their use of time spent on purchasing farm inputs. The results suggest that purchasing farming inputs is becoming more time-consuming, particularly for farm operators with more than $500,000 in annual gross farm income. From the input supplier’s perspective, therefore, there is a real opportunity to bring farmers business solutions that help simplify their external business relationships. The goal would be to reduce farmers’ time comm itted to input purchasing activities while meeting an escalating standard of performance.The development and introduction of new information management technologies is another force changing input industries. Information technologies, such as the Interne t, have expanded managers’ capabilities and are fundamentally changing management practices, taking products, services, and, most importantly, information directly to producers. New ways of acquiring data are readily available. New ways of communicating with suppliers and other producers offer the potential to change existing market relationships and create new ones.The final factor driving change in agricultural input markets considered here is the intense competitive rivalry that exists in these markets. Input suppliers are engaged in a battle for market share in generally slow-growing markets. Competition with other firms for the volume larger producers’ offer has forced industry firms to reevaluate all phases of their business strategy in order to maintain market share. In addition, pressure for acceptable rates of return from investors has prompted most agricultural suppliers to look for ways to be more efficient and more effective. All these factors have contributed to the interest in new distribution options.A Model of Distribution DecisionsHow can e-business concepts and information technology affect the future configuration of the distribution channels for agricultural inputs? And how can products, services, and information flow through these new and/or modified channels? To answer these questions, it is important to understand the fundamental economics of the channel. The impact of getting caught up in the euphoria that characterized e-business for several years has become painfully apparent. There is a tendency to frame the input marketplace through the lens of highly visible e-businesses, such as Amazon. While e-retail is a business model that may find a place in the agricultural input markets, it is only one such model.The complexity of the marketplace both from an agricultural producer and manufacturer’s standpoint implies that a similarly complex set of distribution arrangements will unfold. These arrangements will be driven by the producer’s need for farm business solutions, and by the input manufacturer’s need for representation inthe marketplace. The channel must deliver some bundle of product, services, and information that fulfills a particular set of producers’ requirements. Currently, the elements of this product?service?information bundle are undergoing evaluation by producers with respect to what best serves their individual needs.Agricultural ProducersThe agricultural producer’s needs for a product?service?information solution will shape channel decisions. Product characteristics will be one element of this solution. It is difficult to plan for “acute” products that may be needed urgently and under duress, whereas the use of “maintenance” products can be planned in advance. Hence, different distribution relationships are likely to result depending on product characteristics.Traditionally, agricultural input services have been bundled with the product provided. But this could change for a variety of reasons. Some agricultural producers can perform their own services on the farm. Others may have a traditional dealer perform the service or secure the services through a third-party provider. Likewise, information can be sourced from inside the farm business made possible by high-speed Internet access, be provided by a traditional supplier perhaps using nontraditional means, or be outsourced to an independent consultant. Hence, distribution solutions will vary depending on what specific producers require from the distribution channel and how they choose to assemble input bundles to meet their individual business needs.ManufacturersManufacturers have very specific demands of the distribution channel, most of which can be encompassed under the general theme of representation. First, manufacturers want access to the right customers and to get their products and services in front of their target markets. Second, having invested considerable resources in the design, development, testing, and manufacture of their products, manufacturers want to exert influence over transactions to maximize revenues. In many traditional distribution channel arrangements, manufacturers’ influence ishanded off to a third-party distributor who plays a pivotal role in influencing the ultimate purchase decision. Obviously, the manufacturer requires that certain services, such as prepurchase information, post purchase service, troubleshooting, and complaint handling, be provided to purchasers. Each distribution system must execute these particular functions to be successful.DistributionThe solution requirements of the agricultural producer and the specific representation requirements of the manufacturer will have a major impact on what distribution systems emerge. Traditionally, some distribution arrangements involving dealers, distributors, and direct sales by the manufacturers have been complex. E-business and information technologies also have evolved, multiplying the number of options and ways to perform different distribution functions.Which agents can perform these functions most efficiently and effectively? Fundamental economics will determine the answer to this question. While new options using the Internet will emerge, market forces will determine where and when these alternative methods of distribution will pay. Experience has shown that it is relatively simple to write a business plan for an e-business company that effectively eliminates the “middlemen,” and far more challenging to execute such a plan successfully. In these business plans, the e-retailer provides information services and makes online buying available to communities of producers. However, who will handle the inventory management, complaints, and storage and delivery in these business models? There is a real opportunity if an e-retailer can provide these and other distribution functions more efficiently than the traditional distribution channel. It is still an open question whether this will be realized through e-retail. However, while e-retail businesses have failed to garner significant sales volumes to date, e-business more broadly defined is already acting as a catalyst for change across the various distribution channels for agricultural inputs.Observations on the FutureIn 1999, the Center for Food and Agricultural Business at Purdue University conducted a survey of about 700 agribusinesses from across the United States. Questions related to the application and use of e-commerce in their businesses. One of the statements evaluated was “E-commerce will fundamentally change the way we do business in our industry in the next three years.” Resp onses were measured on a five-point Likert scale where 1 was strongly agree and 5 was strongly disagree. At the time of the study, there was overwhelming agreement that e-commerce would fundamentally change the way business is conducted. The result was marginally stronger among larger organizations.A follow-up question addressed the future role of dealers in the agricultural inputs industries. The statement posed was “The emergence of e-commerce will greatly reduce the role for local dealers in our industr y in the next three years,” with the same possible responses, the respondent’s position in the channel?manufacturer, distributor, or dealer. A priori one would expect dealers to be less enthusiastic and tend to disagree with this statement more strongly than manufacturers. This expected result did hold, though perhaps not to the degree expected?20% of the dealers agreed with the statement, while 29% of the manufacturers and 34% of the distributors believed e-commerce would greatly reduce the role of the dealer.The dealers’ response is interesting because it could simply reflect dealers wanting to protect their position in the channel. At the same time, input dealers are closest to agricultural producers and may best understand the value provided at the dealer level. As a result, dealers may be more familiar, and tend to be more realistic, about the ability or lack thereof of other players and technologies to move them out of their current position.中文译文:电子商务对农业投入产业的影响越来越多的因素在不断地表明,电子商务要素以及信息技术在农业生产中所起到的重要作用,以及认识和理解信息技术和电子商务是如何在农业投入的分销渠道中两个最重要的因素:农产品生产者和制造商中提高产品的附加值的。
The Strategic Challenges of E-commerceIntroduction11th Century Europe saw the emergence of credit-based banking systems and financial instruments such as bills of exchange. These concepts remain with us, in their modified form, to this day (Chown, 1994). They underpin all modern forms of commerce. The arrival of information technology (computers and telecommunications) has raised the prospect of radical change to this traditional model.The rise of the Internet (electronic commerce), since the advent of the World Wide Web, has provided an easy to use communication channelfor businesses to contact current and potential customers. The emergence of the Internet as a general communication channel has also given rise to the possibility of widespread electronic commerce. Even though there is still much debate relating to electronic payment for commercial activities, this is clearly an area of growth.It is difficult to say how large the Internet is. Hoffman & Novak (1996) quote a number of surveys (O'Reilly, FIND/SVP, Times Mirror and CommerceNet) which suggest that there are at least 10 million Internet users in the United States alone. The number of computers (hosts) connected to the Internet topped 9.47 million (Network Wizards, 1996) as of January 1996. Note that a single host supports anywhere from a single user to, in some cases, thousands of users.As of March 21, 1996, 24,347 firms were listed in Open Market's (1996) directory of "Commercial Services on the Net," and there were 54,800 entries in the "Companies" directory of the Yahoo Guide to WWW(Yahoo, 1996), with the total number of Web sites doubling approximately every two months. Jim Clarke, the chairman of Netscape, estimated the Internet has 40 million users in 1995 with growth at 8% per month (Clarke, 1995).The Internet is only one aspect of technology. Businesses require information and supporting systems (processes) to handle the data - over time these systems have become computerised (IT). Modern information technology can both support the processes and help capture useful information for the enterprise. These technologies include:1. Organizational support systems, such as workflow and groupware - making businesses more efficient.2. Customer contact databases - helping capture information about customers and facilitate new methods of marketing.3. Electronic payment systems for goods and services - these are emerging, although the majority of payments are still based onrelatively expensive traditional cheque clearance.Collectively and individually, these areas will contribute to major changes in the way a company conducts its business. Enix have coined the term Workware to describe the combination of these technologies.Figure 1 - The emergence of Electronic Commerce will be underpinned by three key componentsHowever, there is still widespread misunderstanding on the value of organisational support technology. A recent survey of 437 large enterprises by research company Xephon (1996) indicated that an astonishing proportion (44%) had no immediate intention of introducing modern information handling systems (Groupware was defined by Xephon as Lotus Notes, Microsoft Exchange and Novell GroupWise). Of these, 65% said they were unsure what these technologies could deliver. From these statistics, it is clear many organisations are still sceptical about the benefits of technology.The efficient collection, utilisation, handling, storage and dissemination of information is a vital component of corporate success in the modern business world. However, the gathering and use of information must take into account issues of privacy and security. A recent feature in the Financial Times (1996) noted that " … in order to thrive in the 1990s, financial services organisations are as much in the business of managing and manipulating information as managing and making money." Furthermore, the interest shown in topics such as TQM and BPR has demonstrated the importance of processes as a fundamental building block.Inevitably a few savvy organizations in each sector will utiliseall three components to change their market or develop new markets. Those who do not adapt quickly to the new ways of working are likely to be disadvantaged as their strategies become redundant. All businessesshould investigate the implications of these technologies for them and the markets within which they operate.MarketingChampy, Buday and Nohria (1996) argue that the rise of electronic commerce and the changing consumer processes brought about through electronic communities are likely to lead to a new wave of reengineering, mergers and acquisitions. Moreover, organizations may expand into new business areas, taking on roles unforeseen prior to the rise of the Web. For example: a magazine publisher, Cond Naste, has moved into the travel business; Bill Gates is now an electronic real estate agent; and a recruitment advertising agency, Bernard Hodes, has now become an electronic recruitment company.The emergence of electronic commerce will significantly impact what we curr ently call ‘marketing’. Clearly, the appearance of electronic communities (Armstrong and Hagel, 1996) implies that marketing professionals must expand their horizons as the advent of thistechnology will threaten existing channels of business. Those involvedin marketing need to understand the full range of products and services required by the electronic community. They must learn to take advantage of the technology that allows customers to move seamlessly from information gathering to completion of a transaction, interacting with the various providers of products and services as necessary. A number of interesting questions are implied:1. What kind of information is available for collection? Is it appropriate to gather this information and for what should it be used?2. Are information systems equipped to capture customer information and transactions, making it available for later analysis?3. When dealing with electronic communities, do marketing professionals comprehend the differences? One needs to engage the customer as part of the transaction rather than blindly mailing targets.This idea of community has been at the heart of the Internet since its origins as a defence and academic computer network although most communities are still not particularly oriented toward commerce. However, the World Wide Web has changed and broadened the nature of the Internet and the way in which commercial transactions are conducted. The CEO of Kodak is alleged to have remarked that he couldn’t tell if the Kodak Website was a money maker. But he knew it was important because it was the most personal way of selling since door to door salesmen, only now the customers were knocking on Kodak’s door.Armstrong and Hagel propose four types of non-exclusive electronic communities, those: interested in transactions; sharing common interests; indulging in fantasy games; and with a shared life experience. The business opportunity is for those who support and interact with these communities, building customer loyalty on an ongoing basis. Bysatisfying the requirements of relational marketing and transactions, companies may gain important insights into their customers’ nature and needs. For example, a baby products company could entice customers to order items from an associated on-line catalogue by providing bulletin boards for new parents.The desire to establish long-term customer relationships with increasingly sophisticated demands has led companies to seek new ways ofacquiring, managing and utilising customer information (Peters and Fletcher, 1995).Furthermore, advances in information technology have fundamentally altered the channels through which companies and customers maintaintheir relationships. The capacity to obtain and apply customer information within processes has become a key strategic issue. This often places the company in the position of requiring sensitive personal information from customers.Gummesson (1987, 1994, 1995) views marketing as a set of relationships, networks and interactions and lists 30Rs (relationships) in contrast to McCarthy’s (1981) 4Ps (Product, Price, Place & Promotion). Gummesson highlights the fact that the electronic relationship is not discussed in the marketing literature even though it is practised widely by many businesses. He links relationship marketing to the imaginary (similar to a virtual or network) organisation. He argues that by increasingly applying IT, more relationships are established. They create a new type of bond to customers and between employees.The electronic relationship extends beyond the bounds of the organisation into the market as seen in the example of airline, hotel and car rental reservation systems. The communities established have a re-enforcing effect. These insights force us to re-examine traditional theories of economics, systems, organisations, marketing, competition and transaction cost analysis. As the boundaries between firms and markets dissolve, a characteristic of relationship marketing and network organisations, a new image of interaction and business is needed.The importance of information exchange in relationship marketing (particularly using an electronic channel) requires a clear understanding and recognition of the potential problems. Privacy is also an issue - what is private changes from one person to another as well as between different cultures. Those who use the Internet are likely to be better educated and less willing to give information, unless they trust the recipient. Companies need to realise that the only reason they hold information on a customer is because they have a relationship with that customer - something which is not transferable. Those using electronic channels to reach customers are likely to target better educated and more affluent customers. They need, therefore, to ensure that their customer information systems are appropriate.An understanding of the trust building process is also required. Firms need to make a feature of their trustworthiness (a unique selling point!). Trust is best developed through processes. Processes tend to be customer facing - within each customer interaction trust is built-up or eroded. Companies must be absolutely clear about the value and intended use of information. Collecting information because it is technically possible (and one day might be useful) is likely to weaken trust development.Hoffman and Novak (1996) assert that the Web heralds an evolutionin marketing concepts. In order for marketing efforts to succeed in this new medium, a new business paradigm is required in which the marketing function is reconstructed to facilitate electronic commerce in the emerging electronic society underlying the Web.The "many or any" communication model of the Web (in fact many instances of many-to-one) turns traditional principles of mass media advertising inside out (a one-to-many model) (Hoffman and Novak, 1994). The application of advertising approaches which assume a passive, captive consumer are redundant on the Web.Surprisingly, as it is currently evolving, there is little activity aimed at including the consumer in the development of emerging media (Dennis & Pease, 1994). In order to adopt a market orientation, firms must understand their customers and engage in consumer research. Potential customers are most effectively engaged through new conversational marketing approaches.Anecdotal evidence suggests there are two types of customers -‘convenience shoppers’ and ‘explorers’ (those street-smart consumers who are happy to surf the Web looking for the best deal or most appropriate product combination). Furthermore, the sheer size of the Web (trillions of documents and growing exponentially) means finding relevant information is becoming more and more difficult - despite the best efforts of search engines such as Yahoo. Our research suggests that the large proportion of Web users would rather rely on an intermediary (community operator) to sift and select information on their behalf. Web sites not endorsed will require knowledge of the address (URL) and are unlikely to be accessed when similar information, products or services are readily available inside the community.Contributing to the rise of intermediaries are associated issues of privacy, trust and security (Schell, 1996). Whilst there is much discussion on the issues of Internet privacy and security, in thecontext of normal business activities, many millions of people trust others with their personal financial information. Examples include ordering over the telephone, passing a credit card to an unknown waiter, even signing direct debit mandates. If an error occurs in these types of transactions we trust the service provider to correct the error. So whyis it that we expect the Internet to support a level of trust andsecurity which we do not observe in everyday life?There is no reason why similar trust relationships cannot be established in electronically mediated discussions. If anything, it becomes easier for an individual (or group of individuals) to seek retribution on those that break the rules within an electronic community. Evidence of this can be found in the tendency to attack those that tryto advertise on academic discussion groups (mail bombs) and community policing against pornographers in the Netherlands.Marketeers must reconstruct their advertising models for the interactive, consumer controlled medium. The traditional customerloyalty ladder (Suspect, Prospect, Customer, Client, Partner, Advocate)is still applicable, but now operates in a different fashion. The first three stages are often instantaneous in electronic commerce. The transition from customer to advocate relies on loyalty earned through trust. The instantaneous nature of the Internet makes this moredifficult.Communicating Across The Value ChainIt should be recognized that processes are not confined within one organization - they cross the value chain as demonstrated by thefollowing example. Steinfield, et al (1995) describe a large,multinational, electrical appliance and consumer electronics manufacturer that used France Telecom’s Telnet sy stem to support EDI-like connections to approximately 10,000 separate retailers and independent service engineers throughout France (accessed throughMinitel terminals). The ubiquitous Telnet service and the commercial applications which emerged to exploit it, provide insights into the development of commerce on a world-wide Internet.The after-sales service subsidiary of this manufacturer provided replacement parts and training to its widely dispersed customer base. The Telnet system permitted electronic transactions, even with the smallest trading partners. Through the use of on-line ordering, coupled with courier service for rapid delivery, the firm was able to eliminate regional parts warehouses and reduce the average repair time from two weeks to two days. In the past, service engineers waited until they had a sufficient need for parts before driving to a regional warehouse. Once the system was implemented, they used the Telnet based "just-in-time" stocking practice for replacement parts.Moving to a centralised warehouse reduced the need for replicated inventories and extra personnel around the country, creating substantial savings. Moreover, service engineers were further bound-in following the introduction of a revenue producing, expert system-based, training application. Technicians connected to the expert system which asked a series of questions designed to diagnose the fault and indicate the repairs needed.。
由于电子商务的“无纸化”和“无址化”, 对参加交易的各方提出了更高的信用要求.处于转型期的中国社会,传统的“义理社会”价值体系的约束作用正在日趋削弱,而基于法制基础之上的“契约社会”还远未形成.信用的概念在不少人的眼中甚是淡薄,因此也给与电子商务密切配套的支付手段带来了很大的不利影响.目前国内所进行的电子商务交易,其支付手段可以说是土洋结合。
其中,网络营销(Internet marketing)作为电子商务的重要组成部分,亦受到广泛关注。
二、外文翻译文献1、E-commerce and Internet Marketing: A Practical Guide这篇文献是由知名作者团队编写的一本实用指南,主要介绍了电子商务和网络营销的基本概念、策略和方法。
2、The State of E-commerce and Internet Marketing in 2023这篇文献是基于对2023年全球电子商务和网络营销的深入研究和趋势分析。
中文4270字第一部英文部位题目:中药材市场电子商务平台构建研究Construction of Chinese herbal medicine markete-commerce platformTraditional Chinese herbal medicines need REVIEW paper market reforms. The Necessity of medicines to build e-commerce platform. Construction of Chinese herbal medicine market e-commerce platform.Paper Keywords: Chinese herbal medicine market, e-commerce platform to build researchFirst, the Chinese herbal medicine analysis of e-commerce platform for building a necessity, present situation of the market analysis of traditional Chinese medicine is an important cultural treasure trove splendid part of widespread application of traditional Chinese medicine health care, medical. Abroad, people increasingly recognized the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine and interests. The majority of the public demand for Chinese medicine, Chinese herbal medicine to promote the planting, processing, storage, sale,use. Among them, Chinese herbal intensive dealings created a large market of Chinese medicinal herbs. Information age, people look forward to an urgent inquiry understanding of medical knowledge through the network, Chinese medicinal herbs market, Chinese suppliers, Chinese consumers very much like to use the Internet search market information to grasp medicines, to negotiate the sale through online trading. Developers to build large-scale, full-featured network information in Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine trading platform is the need of industrial development.2, the need of traditional Chinese herbal medicine market reform has invested heavily in the construction of Yulin Chinese herbal medicine market, an area of 175 acres, with a total construction area of 230,000 square meters, a total of 3980 paved. Southwest China's largest distribution center for Chinese herbal medicines. Yulin Chinese herbal medicine market, although large-scale infrastructure is good, but the market trading still remain in the traditional, single counterparty trading stalls, low efficiency, high cost, poor information, is not conducive to business expansion of e-commerce merchants papers, is not conducive to marketstandardized management. In the information age, various domestic and international markets tend to be under electronic network business background, Yulin Chinese herbal medicine market is not to build electronic information services, internet business, not work with domestic and international market, market development will be greatly restricted, Over time, the market advantage will disappear. Yulin Chinese herbal medicines market is an urgent need to build web applications and e-commerce trading platform information.Currently, foreign, mainly Western website to publish new drug information and advertising-based, there is no medicine websites and related platforms. China, specializing in Chinese herbal medicines have not yet found a large network of information and transaction services platform for comprehensive multi-drug website, medicines information is part of the site, individual and professional website herbs and small in scale, less functional. Build powerful feature set of market information dissemination and query, online negotiations and transactions, quality inspection, shop credit rating, price analysis and forecast market demand, industry training, retail sites, market management, data mining, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese medicine informationsearch, drug trade negotiations features such as information service platform is the development trend.Second, the prospect of an e-commerce platform to build traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese herbal medicine to build a network of e-commerce platform, entity transactions with retail shops trading network simultaneously, with the domestic and international market, creating a large number of modern drug dealers, format upgrade, bigger and stronger markets.Yulin Chinese herbal medicines market to build a network of e-commerce platform, the implementation of network operations, to embark on 'Format enhance functional expansion, management upgrade, industry promotion,' the path of reform. Change the traditional, single counterparty trading stalls, the implementation of a network of shops + market + business operators business model. Chinese herbal medicine market gradually make distribution, pricing, information feedback, industry driven network as one of the modern market. Achieve long-term scientific and standardized management, improve the degree of organization of markets, equity markets, to enhancethe integrity, market efficiency, energy market competitiveness enhanced Chinese Journal Full-text database.Chinese herbal medicines network e-commerce platform to market traditional business processes digital, electronic, network, and break through the limitations of time and space, greatly improving the efficiency of business operations; e-commerce to bring modern medicine papers, broaden their horizons, in a rapidly changing market control always in active and advantages.Medicines network e-commerce platform which enables remote real-time business meetings, trading, expand the national rate for low-cost suppliers, Southeast Asia, the international market paved a low-cost gold Commercial Road, Yulin Chinese herbal medicine market is very beneficial to the country, the world, and thus the market bigger and stronger.2, e-commerce platform to build a network of Chinese herbal medicines, to improve business efficiency, reduce distribution costs, provides a wealth of business information quickly, create more business opportunities and avoid business risks, and enhance the competitiveness of commercial enterprises.Medicines network e-commerce platform for business processes into a network of electron flow, information flow, without the constraints of time, greatly improving the efficiency of business operations. TCM network information application and transaction platform enables remote real-time business meetings, trading, simplified circulation between merchants, minimize distribution costs, can effectively improve medicines abroad in modern business competitiveness.Internet e-commerce platform for Chinese herbal medicines market provides an Internet-based business activities, with openness, sharing, global characteristics, can provide a wealth of business information resource for businesses, individuals, and create more business opportunities, while helps merchants avoid commercial risks.Internet e-commerce platform for Chinese herbal medicines are frequent business dealings very favorable effective corporate business activities of scientific and standardized management.Chinese herbal medicine has a network of e-commerce platform for SMEs and large enterprises the same distribution channels and information resources, which would also enableSMEs and large enterprises to conduct online transactions the same cost, high speed and efficiency to expand their business, greatly improving the competitiveness of SMEs force.3, medicines network e-commerce platform to provide timely, accurate, reliable and comprehensive information on market supply and demand, production and marketing linkage, avoid blind planting herbs to protect Yaonong income, promote the development of Chinese medicine planting.Yulin Chinese herbal medicine market development, led the surrounding areas, as well as a number of provinces in the southwest of planting, planting area has expanded each year, and gradually become a way of increasing farmers' income. But farmers planting herbs intuitive decision-making information comes mainly from marketing personnel, due to lack of information authenticity, comprehensiveness, leading to blindness planted ecommerce paper, the impact of medicinal plant gains and enthusiasm, have a negative impact on the medicinal plant industry.Medicines network e-commerce platform to provide timely, accurate, reliable and comprehensive information on market supply and demand, and provides expert market analysis,forecasting, timely adjustment effectively help Yaonong plant varieties, production and marketing closely to ensure the maximization of profit medicine planting, there conducive to the healthy development of Chinese medicine planting.4, medicines network-related e-commerce platform to promote the development of Chinese herbal medicine industry, create more business opportunities, expand employment, promote economic development.Numerous advantages medicines network e-commerce platform, will promote the rapid development of Yulin Chinese herbal medicine market, a substantial increase in turnover, market expansion doubled radiation effects, and thus promote the medicines related industries, such as: processing, logistics, tourism, communications, etc. Second and tertiary industries to flourish and create more business opportunities, increase employment opportunities and promote economic development.Third, the structure and layout of a Chinese herbal network e-commerce platform, network e-commerce platform for Chinese herbal medicines market planning function involves herbs cultivation, processing, quality control, trade,warehousing, logistics, technical services and other sectors, broad business areas complex process, with distinctive characteristics of the industry. Internet e-commerce platform medicines train services should be based on the functional purpose of planning, from a technical point of view is a comprehensive solution. Medicines network e-commerce platform needs to have the following features:(1) providing the market with a wealth of business information resources and create more business opportunities. (2) online negotiations and transactions between merchants to simplify the circulation and improve business operational efficiency, minimize distribution costs, effectively improve business competitiveness medicines merchants. (3) Effective for merchants, corporate business activities, scientific, standardized management, improve the degree of organization of the market and enhance the competitiveness of the market.(4) Chinese herbal medicine market and gradually form distribution, pricing, information feedback, industry driven network as one of the modern market.2, set the e-commerce platform medicines network subsystem based on functional planning medicines networke-commerce platform, consider setting nine subsystems: market information dissemination and query system, market demand analysis and forecasting system price, online negotiation and trading systems, market management systems, quality management systems, shop web systems, retail credit rating system, medicines data mining system, industry training system, such as the nine functional systems. At the same time, the platform also establish escrow guarantee mechanisms and data security mechanisms.3, medicines network e-commerce platform set the corresponding function modules medicines network e-commerce platform for planning nine subsystems setting function modules.(1) market information dissemination and query system herbs News: Industry News, local newsletters, origin information, medicine show, investment cooperation, import and export of medicinal herbs.Medical supply information: Latest Supply, Supply Information, Offers comprehensive inquiry, supply feedback statistics.Buying herbs: Latest Buying Leads All Buying, Buying integrated query, Buying feedback statistics.Medicine pricing information: The latest price changes, all prices, price trends, analysis and forecasting.Herbs Rankings: Top money supply, the supply quantity rankings, Buying amount rankings, ranking number Buying turnover rankings, ranking number of transactions, price inquiries heat ranking, information inquiry heat ranking, query the total heat ranking.Medicine shops: shops basic information, supply and demand information shops, shops other information, a comprehensive ranking of shops, shops inquiry recommended shops.(2) market demand price analysis and forecasting systems: supply and demand analysis, supply and demand forecasts, price analysis, price forecasting.(3) online negotiation and transaction systems: membership management, online discussions, online trading, online payment, shipping and receiving management, payment dialed back.(4) Market Management System: Announcement, file transfer, lease management, contract management, management fees.(5) Quality management systems: quality sampling inspection, sampling commodity identification, certificate and record checks, purchase ledger checks under the counter delisting cargo inspection, checking false propaganda, tort check on the composite score, ranking processing.(6) Store Website System: Store Website registration, website templates retail management, retail site information is uploaded, shops Website Ranking, shops Website management.(7) retail credit rating system: retail credit scoring, credit ranking shops, shops credit monitoring.(8) Chinese herbal data mining system: data mining model management, data mining, data mining results storage, data mining results show that the statistical characteristics of mining.(9) Industry Training System: planting technical training, training in Chinese herbal medicine processing technology, Chinese herbal medicine to identify the training, knowledgeand training to store medicines, herbs medical training, other knowledge training.Fourth, building technology and social foundations feasibility medicines network e-commerce platform network e-commerce platform: a modern society, the rapid development of network information technology, widely used e-business papers, technical maturity. There are many successful examples of network information service platform for learning, e-commerce platform to build a network of Chinese herbal medicines have a good technical foundation Chinese Journal Full-text database. With the computer network in all walks of life, are widely used in various sectors, the computer network is the people's work and life are inseparable tool that society has formed a widespread application of computer network of good behavior, to build a network of e-commerce platform medicines have a broad social base.Fifth, the key technology and innovation and general information sites, network information service platforms, Chinese herbal medicine Chinese herbal medicine market involves planting, processing, quality control, trade, warehousing, logistics, technical services and other sectors,wide business scope, complex process, industry obvious characteristics. Therefore, large-scale e-commerce platform medicines network, integrating nine functional system, set seventy-six modules need to address a number of key technologies. Such as: (1) online transactions, different companies, different technical standards to achieve real-time data transmission, reception. (2) systems use different development tools into a single platform and achieve seamless data exchange. (3) complex and diverse business data exchange standards developed. Design concurrent processing mechanism (4) huge amounts of data. (5) multi-server distributed processing response. (6) trading platform data security technologies. (7) Chinese herbal data mining technology. (8) multimedia training courseware design and integration, and so on.Innovative applications of network information models: (1) create a modern network of Chinese herbal medicines market.(2) Chinese herbal medicines online transactions. (3) createa network of shops medicines. (4) Chinese herbal medicine market information platform data mining technology. (5) Chinese herbal medicine trade information services. (6) planting information services. (7) the network managementmarket. (8) network multimedia integrated traditional Chinese medicine knowledge and training. Build a network of Chinese herbal medicines in the actual development process of e-commerce platform, these technologies critical to a lot of analysis, research to solve individually.Yu Wen literature design and implementation of the reference group, the city public information service platform [J] Ningbo University of Technology, 2006, (2): 34-37 Author: Wang Daguang, director of the Educational Technology Center, Yulin Normal University, Guangxi, scientific research and technology development projects, 'Yulin Chinese herbal medicine market application of network information and trading platform' responsible person.第二部位中文翻译中药材市场电子商务平台构建研究论文导读::传统中药材市场改革的需要。
本科毕业生外文文献翻译学生姓名:史衍彬指导教师:荣丽红所在学院:信息技术学院专业:农业电气化与自动化中国·大庆2010年 4 月SCM profileIntroduction of Programmable controllersFrom a simple heritage, these remarkable systems have evolved to not only replace electromechanical devices, but to solve an ever-increasing array of control problems in both process and nonprocess industries。
By all indications, these microprocessor powered giants will continue to break new ground in the automated factory into the 1990s。
HISTORYIn the 1960s, electromechanical devices were the order of the day ass far as control was concerned。
These devices, commonly known as relays, were being used by the thousands to control many sequential—type manufacturing processes and stand-along machines。
Many of these relays were in use in the transportation industry,more specifically,the automotive industry。
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关键词:农业产业化的定义,概念模型,市场为中心,市场体系1 绪论农业产业化在1955年开始作为一个独特的研究领域,当时约翰.戴维斯将它定义为:农业产业化是以农场生产为中心,然后商品化。
2 农业产业化的发展2.1货车司机的分界线几个因素推动了农业产业化的界限的划分,从主要农产品为本,努力生产更多的顾客和市场为中心的商品。
3 农业产业化竞争策略与商机3.1 低成本,反季,和新的竞争领域许多发展经济体的农业企业能够在竞争中脱颖而出主要依赖在价格上有更低的成本。
3.6 传统分销和零售较大的零售商,为了有日益增长的影响力,不得不在影响供应链管理、价格、生产、品牌、营销传播方面主动变革。
3.9 不断成长的医药、纤维、农产品等新产品概念传统上所产生的天然和人造物质产品的概念正悄然发生变化。