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上 海 对 外 贸 易 学 院 2013年 攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试




一、Phrases translation: (60 points)

1. a seasoned general manager

2. Saint Laurent, Chanel, Gucci, Amarni and other brands in the emerging market

3. Double-digit growth in sales and operating profit

4. Exceptional poised, articulate, and effective

5. P&L experience

6. Outstanding executive presence and communication skills

7. To leverage customer relationships

8. To quantify the financial impact of marketing and business decision 9. State-of-the art policy

10. R uled out a few additional niche acquisitions

11. T o increase pretax margins by 20%

12. T o beg off 13. D rag one’s feet

新浪 @ 鬼谷一喵 姚洋老师授课丗1312-6505-007电联

14. E nough’s enough 15. F iduciary responsibility

1. 行业知识丰富

2. 极具合作精神,在跨部门项目中表现出色

3. 获得极为正面的客户反馈

4. 提升品牌质量和现场销售管理质量

5. 自有品牌产品

6. 负责3亿美元的产品业务

7. 负责多个职能部门

8. 组织一次全国销售会议

9. 远见和个人魅力 10. 在风险重重的十字路口 11. 有创造力,出色的市场意识 12. 设定高绩效的标准

13. 有号召力,能领导复杂项目

14. 有机增长

15. 担任更多的职务,增加业界间知名度

二、Paragraphs translation: (90 points)

1. Translate the following passage into Chinese :

《Give respect and get performance 》

新浪 @ 鬼谷一喵 姚洋老师授课丗1312-6505-007电联

It sounds clichéd, but to get the best from your people, you have to show

respect for them. This can result in surprising decisions. There was a time when some people regarded workers in England as lazy and careless, but I recognized that England has a very strong appreciation of craftsmanship and tradition, so we

purchased a high-end footwear company, Church’s shoes. People in Italy thought this was crazy.

Our first challenge was to decide what to do with the factories. Church’s

owned a plant in the middle of Northampton that employed 600 people, and the smart move appeared to be to relocate it out of town, which would give us more space at less cost. But when I visited the factory, I saw that peopl e’s lives were organized

around its location. Most employees lived nearby and would go home for lunch. If we moved them out of town, we’d be robbing them of an hour at home and forcing them to bring sandwiches to work. Their quality of life would be compromised, and they wouldn’t be getting anything in return. So we kept the factory in town.

That decision has paid dividends. We retained nearly all the company’s very

hardworking and talented people, who have rewarded us with increased productivity. And we’ve proved a larger point: English workers are both cheaper and more industrious than Continental workers.

You could say that work is about duties. People have a duty to work hard

for me, but I have a duty to respect them as individuals. Another duty I have is to help them learn. That’s a duty I owe to the company as well as to my employees, because a company whose managers take seriously the obligation to help their people improve will be a lot more competitive. Prada is rather good at developing talented employees. Many of our senior managers joined us as young people, and many of the people who have left us have gone on to launch successful businesses of their own.

2. Translate the following passage into English :






新浪 @ 鬼谷一喵 姚洋老师授课丗1312-6505-007电联
