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Define the flowchart to disposal customer complaint rapidly and effectively and make customer satisfied.



It used for all customer complaint on quality or delivery.


客户投诉: 客户关于产品不符合规定的反馈,包括产品质量、包装、交期和运输方面的。

Customer complaint: Customer complaint on nonconformity product including: quality, package, delivery date and transportation.

客户特殊通知: 由于质量,交付或其他原因造成客户生产中断,停线时的客户通知。

Customer Special Notification: the customer notice for customer break down or line stop which is due to quality, delivery or other reasons.




Quality Engineer: customer complaint information investigation and validation; customer complaint analysis and release quality alert; provide corrective and preventive action; set up a team to resolve problem; reply customer 8D report, take corrective action and follow up finish status; update data on time.

4.2项目工程师: 协助问题分析,提出改进措施;产品过程变更时工程文件(如PFMEA)的变更

Project Engineer: assist to analyze problem and provide improving action; modify engineer document if product changing e.g. PFMEA

4.3项目经理: 收集客户信息,协助与客户的沟通;传达客户要求,参与客诉的处理

Project Manager: Collect customer information and assist to communicate with customer; transmit customer requirement and take part into the disposal on customer complaint.

4.4质量经理: 确保客诉处理进度;8D审核及关闭确认;主导客户特殊通知发生时的处理

Quality Manager: Make sure dispose customer complaint on schedule; review 8D report and the closed items; dispose customer special notification.

4.5生产部门: 协助分析,执行相关措施

Production Department: assistant to analyze the issue and carry out

corrective and preventive action.

4.6物流部: 库存确认处理;客户退货或换货或补货处理;生产调配

Logistic Department: confirm and review storage product; dispose customer reject, replacement or changing; take charge of product arrangement.

4.7总经理: 管理层确保所有投诉均被重视并给予足够资源;参与客户特殊通知发生时的处理

General Manager: Management should make sure all complaints to be taken much attention; get involved into customer special notification.


5.1 客户投诉信息的收集 Collect customer complaint

5.1.1质量工程师作为荣鑫与客户之间的主要质量问题联系窗口,将快速接获客户投诉信息, 并及时确认和调查客户投诉的完整资讯。

Quality Engineer is the main person who takes in charge of quality of NKL and customer; QE should receive customer complaint and review the integrity of customer complaint information.

5.1.2 无论厂内任何部门或工程师接获客户质量投诉信息, 都须将信息统一转给文控中心(DCC) 。DCC收到信息后登记在客户质量问题追踪表, 并发给质量经理,质量经理安排人员进行快速处理。

Any engineer or any department once receives customer quality complaint should report the information to DCC. DCC record the information into Customer quality problem track back form and release it to Quality
