
关键词:广告;文体特点;翻译Abstract :There are similarities and differences between advertisement in English and that in Chinese concerning their language and rhetorical devices. Therefore ,in t ranslating advertisement ,we have to choose anappropriate approach to make the t ranslation suitable for the target language readership and promote theselling of product .Key words :advertisement ;stylistic features ;t ranslation随着我国经济的蓬勃发展和进出口贸易的日益兴盛,中英文广告的翻译显得越来越重要。
广告翻译不仅同产品信誉、销售规模和经济效益息息相关,而且在一定程度上反映出一个国家和民族的文化素质[1 ] (P26) 本文拟从广告的文体特点着手,从文化的角度探讨如何在广告翻译中实现在功能对等的基础上的等效。
英语广告用词多具有通俗语体色彩,且词语多含有积极意义,行文构句多使用单音节词(monosyllables) 和合成词, [2 ] (P41) 如have , see , buy , come , get , make ,give ,keep ,great ,rich ,f resh ,new ,crisp ,top - quality ,economy - size ,brand - new ,home - made ,f resh- tasting ,first - class , record - breaking 等。
3. 广告翻译

• 新奇与创意
• We Know Eggsactly How to Tell Eggs.
• Drink a Pinta Milka Day.
• Welcome to the World Wide Wow. (AOL) • Not all cars are created equal. (Mitsubishi Motors)
• 一册在手,纵观全球 (《环球》杂志) • The Globe brings the world to you in a single copy. • With a copy of The Globe in your hand, the world unfolds before you so grand.
• On women and children’s wear as well as on men’s shirts, our label says—quietly but persuasively—all there is to say about our good quality and your good taste.
• 1. 用词特点
• 2. 句法特点 • 3. 修辞特点
• 简明、通俗、易记 • My goodness! My Guinness! (Guinness啤酒)
• 把握天时地利,开拓源源商机。 • 参展良机就在眼前,请即报名参加 • 创新科技及设计博览!
• Business success often means being in the right place at the right time. • Be at the center of opportunities. Register as an exhibitor at • INNOVATION & DESIGN EXPO!
第13讲 广告文体的翻译

Translation of Advertisements
Functions and Classifications of Advertisement
E.g. It’s a moment you Planned for. Reached for. Struggled for. A long-awaited moment of success. Omega, for this and all your significant moment. 这是您计划的时刻,期望的时刻,争取的时刻, 长久等待的时刻。欧米茄,记下此刻,和所有重 要时刻。 分析:提供的信息是欧米茄手表,采用语言简 练的省略句展示其功能,诱导消费者购买欲望, 广告采用并列结构,令人印象深刻。
• • Haier Inc. is a leading household electrical appliance manufacturer in China. Its products enjoy a good reputation in its home market. But 20 years ago, this company didn’t even exist. Zhang Ruimin, its current CEO, was asked to rescue a refrigerator plant that was on the brink of bankruptcy in Qingdao. He succeeded. Today, Haier has 30,000 employees (more than 10% of them in research and development, and 13 foreign factories, including one in the United States, managed by Americans).Its export business is thriving.

Motorola 摩托罗拉 Shangrila 香格里拉 Casio 卡西欧 Audi 奥迪
音译法简单易行,既 可保留原文的音韵之 美,又可以表明商品 的异国情调,起到吸 引消费者注意的作用。
飘柔(洗发液) Rejoice
雅戈尔(服装) Younger
Mercedes-Benz ?默 塞得斯-本茨
奔驰(汽车) Crest 佳洁士(牙膏)
音义兼译,补偿式翻 译手法,把与原文相 近的谐音变成有意义 的译名,用译语的多 义信息来补偿翻译过 程中的语义损失,激 发读者作出有益的联 想,收到理想的翻译 效果。
乌龙 Black Dragon 白熊 Polar Bear 山羊 Goat 蜜蜂 Bees
Vitamin Sonar Paracetamol Atarax Coca-cola Shampoo Dacron Turbine
维他命 声纳 扑热息痛 安泰乐 可口可乐 香波 的确凉 透平
Coca-cola 可口可乐 Marlboro 万宝路 Ador 雅黛 Kiwi 奇伟 Spirit 雪碧 Pentium 奔腾 Citizen 西铁城 Ford 福特
登喜路 百乐 宝马 舒肤佳 美能达 丽确/理光 丰添
雄鸡 Cock 乌龙 Black Dragon 白熊 Polar Bear 山羊 Goat Maxipuke (maxi 特大的 puke 呕吐) 糊涂 Hutu (Hoodoo 厄运,不祥之物) 幽蝶 Youdie (You die.)

妈咪依赖果乐,就像 宝宝依赖妈咪一样。
1. 多用简单句,目的是为了醒目、易懂、易记
Example 6: Fresh Up with sevenUp
请饮七喜,倍添精 神。(饮七喜,添精 神)
Example 7: Coca-cola is it.
还是可口可乐好! (可口可乐,我的选 择)
两人共度一个阳光灿烂 的假日,一切费用均包 括在单人价格之内。
3. 使用缩略词和复合词(以节省广告篇幅)
Example 4: Where to leave your troubles when you fly JAL.
坐日航班机,一路无 烦恼。
4. 雅俗兼具
Example 5: Moms depend on Kool-Aid like kids depend on moms.
向您推荐《健康》杂 志:说健康,说锻炼, 说形象,说精力,说 展望。
3.省略句多,语言凝练。 Example 9:
You’ll enjoy relaxed sunny days. Warm, crystal clear lagoons. Cool, green foliage. Waterfalls. Flowers. Exotic scents. Bright blue skies. Secluded beaches. Graceful palms. Breathtaking sunsets. Soft evening breezes. And food that simply outstanding.
*作业: 到校园里收集标语性广 告,将其译成英语。
翻译的审美客体(aesthetic object):原文, 审美价值
(aesthetic values), 审美构成(aesthetic constitution)

(2) 证言体 这类广告像一分证明书,提供“权威 人士”或“著名人士”对商品的鉴定、 赞扬、使用和见证,读来亲切可信。 翻译时应采用相同的方法,有实有据, 保证原文的说服力。例如:
以前我的头发干枯,粗糙,难以梳理, 自从用了潘婷营养洗发露,头发变得健康, 亮泽。因为潘婷营养洗发露含有独特的维他 命原B5,能由发根渗透到发尖,其全新改 良配方,能加倍保护头发,免受损害,令头 发分外健康,加倍亮泽。 My hair was dry, coarse and unmanageable. But from the time I began to use Pantene Pro-V Treatment Shampoo, it has become healthy and shiny. This is because Pantene Pro-V treatment Shampoo contains unique Pro VB5,which deeply penetrates your hair from root to tip. Its new improved formula gives your hair extra protection against damage, leaving it healthier and shiner.
玩弄辞藻 使用警策句,以发人思考,从而注 意广告中的商品 言简意赅,简洁易懂 使用大众化口语体
堆砌形容词和形容词最高级 finest food, most attractive surroundings and a friendly disposition (餐馆广告) Incredible sale: beautiful, beautiful, beautiful lynx and mink, top quality, latest styles fur garments (服装广告) 夸大其辞, 以耸听闻 Our Sunday Brunch Buffet Is A Legend In Its Time (餐馆 广告) 运用押韵法 BETA Builds it Better (家具广告) Spend a dime, Save you time(电器广告) Never Late, on Father’s Day (礼品广告)

Pepsi-Cola 百事可乐 “pep”是“活力”的意思,翻译时不取其 义而取其英,译文音义俱佳 Marlboro 万宝路 若直译音译为“马尔波罗”,虽可能让人 联想到旧时的马可波罗和丝绸之路,但决 不及“万宝路”这般通俗。
Arrow(衬衣) 鸦路 似日语的“八格鸦路 ”之脏话。还是译成 “雅乐”或是“爱乐”为好。 Watson’s 译成 “屈臣氏”,让人联想到 “屈服的臣子”,恐怕喝了也不舒服,倒 不如直译为“华生”
2)结合商品特征,反映商品信息 译名必须符合商品本身的性质,体现原文 的定位概念。商标翻译要瞄准其消费群体, 译名的发音和用字尽可能与商品的市场定 位与其所面对的消费群体结合
AVON 雅芳、 Italina 伊泰莲娜 Vicky薇姿、 Maybelline 美宝莲 针对女性及其爱美心理,选用 “芳”“莲”“娜”“姿”等女性喜爱的字眼
3)语言朴实规范,节奏简练明快 Head & Shoulder 原译“海伦仙度丝”,现译“海飞丝” Hewlett Packard 原译“休利特-帕卡德”,现译“惠普” McDinald’s 原译“麦克唐纳”,现译“麦当劳” Rolls Royce 原译“罗尔斯-罗依斯”,现译“劳斯莱斯”
音译法 Motorola 摩托罗拉 Shangrila 香格里拉 Casio 卡西欧 Audi 奥迪 音译法简单易行,既 可保留原文的音韵之 美,又可以表明商品 的异国情调,起到吸 引消费者注意的作用。

与其他文体相比,英语广告文体的语言 在词汇、句法结构和修辞方式等方面都 有许多独特之处。
(一)词汇特征 在文字使用上,广告用语简洁、生动 、形象,富有感情色彩和感染力。有时 ,为了突出产品的新、奇、特的个性特 征,广告的设计者往往借助于文字的功 能和魅力来吸引顾客,例如故意使用错 别字、杜撰新词或者错乱搭配等方式来 增强广告的魅力,以引起顾客的关注。
一则成功的商务广告应当能够实现以下 几种基本功能:传播信息功能、劝说功 能、美感功能、刺激消费功能。或者理 解为ACCA要求,即:
认知(Awareness) 、 理解(Comprehension)、 说服(Conviction)、 行动(Action) 其中最主要的是劝说功能,起到最大的 诱导说服作用,来影响更大的消费群体 ,其他功能起辅助作用。
• 把世界变小了。
• (2) Diet cares more than the doctor.
• 药补不如食补。
• (3) Compact and Impact.
• 体积虽小,颇具功效。
• (4)Let the rainbow in the sky,
• (11)没有最好,只有更好 。
• Good better best, never let it rest.(海尔)
• (12)衣食住行, 有龙则灵。
广告英语文体与翻译 unit6

You’ll enjoy relaxed sunny days. Warm, crystal clear lagoons. Cool, green foliage. Waterfalls. Flowers. Exotic scents. Bright blue skies. Secluded beaches. Graceful palms. Breathtaking sunsets. Soft evening breezes. And food that simply outstanding. 您会享受这阳光明媚 的轻松日子。温暖、 清澄的环礁湖,清凉、 碧绿的树叶,瀑布, 花丛,一样的芬芳, 明亮的蓝天,幽静的 海滩,优美的棕榈, 壮丽的日落,轻柔的 晚风。还有那绝妙的 食物。
So come into McDonald’s and enjoy Big Sandwich For more of America, look to us.
走进买当劳。享用 三明治。
想更多了解美国, 来找我们。
We would never say the new Audi 100 is the best in its class, we don't have to. If you can’t relax here, you can’t relax.
a)宝玑表,二百年制表历史的见证。 b)宝玑表,二百年经典缔造。
Gimmick (噱头) From Time,May 1 ,2006 Dirk Ravensteiner, Accepting impossible mission Daily. -DHL
a)DHL演绎不可能任务。 b)DHL,日日都接受不可能任务。 只有你想不到,没有我们做不到. 助你完成不可能的任务.

Goodbye Winter! 100%Cotton Knitwear $49.95 这则广告利用双关辞格达到了引人注目的宣传效果 Goodbye Winter!从字面看是指价廉物美的一桩 好买卖(goodbuy);而从发音上看,goodbuy 又与goodbye谐音——Goodbye Winter!巧妙 地点出冬天即将过去,换季拍卖、机不可失。汉译 这则广告时,如果把这一双关语的含义分别表述出 来,译文则显得冗长、累赘,达不到原有的广告效 果。因此可以采用化简法,抓住广告原文的主要信 息,译为:
——以理服人 软卖型soft-sell ——以情动人
误拼和新词的使用 DRINKA PINTA MILK A DAY。 这是一则劝人每天喝一瓶牛奶的广告,全文应 是:Drink a pint of milk a day。这则广告利用发 音把广告的文字巧妙地组合,创意新颖。 Give a Timex to all, to all a good Time。 拥有一块天美时表,拥有一段美好时光。这是 “天美时”表的广告。Timex = Time + Excellent , 由此对该表的计时准确等特点给予了充分强 调
(八)对偶(antithesis) 对偶(antithesis)
Budget 出租车:Big thrills. Small bills. 大刺激,小花费
套译法(Parody) 套译法(Parody)
A Mars a day keeps you work,Байду номын сангаасrest and play. (Mars chocolate) 一天一块玛斯巧克力,让您工作像工作,娱乐像娱乐 (这条广告让人联想起两条非常熟悉的成语:An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 和 All work and no play keeps Jack a dull boy.) Where there is a way for car, there is a Toyota. 车到山前必有路,有路就有丰田车。 这一广告借用的就是人们非常熟悉的谚语Where there is a will, there is a way(有志者事竟成 ),能够很容易地吸引消费者的目光,让人们轻松地 记住该广告。

现代广告多采用家喻户晓的俗语,口语,读来亲切感人。翻译 时,应注意选用切适的英语口语词,力求使疑问在语气上与原 文保持一致。例如:
”航空牌“人造皮革箱 用料上乘,做工精细,款式新颖,价格合 理,规格齐全,欢迎选购。
“Aviation” Artificial Leather Suitcase Selected materials, fine workmanship, modern designs, reasonable price, various specifications. Order welcome.
“雪莲”牌羊绒衫 北京生产的”雪莲”牌羊绒衫,系选用优质的山羊绒 作原料制成.本品具有色泽鲜艳,手感柔滑,穿着舒适,轻, 软,暖等特点,由于该产品品质优良,做工精细,花型,款式 新颖,尺码齐全,受到过外消费者的热烈欢迎.
“Snow Lotus” Cashmere Sweaters “Snow Lotus” Cashmere Sweaters from Beijing are made from superior Chinese Cashmere fibre. They are lustrous in colour, supple, light, warm and comfortable to wear. Owing to their fp, novel designs and styles, and complete size range, they have gained popularity from consumers abroad.
Welcome to Qingdao
Here you will see beautiful scenes, breathtaking wonders, First-class facilities and efficient services. You can bask, indulge, and luxuriate on the beautiful beaches, and in the golden sunshine.
广告英语文体与翻译unit 3

Context: everyone wants to keep flexible and strong, we
all want to be able to do the things we love for as long as possible, like sports, working out at the gym, strolling in the park, shopping or even dancing. Flexicare is a food supplement created for this purpose. Cod Liver Oil enriched, Flexicare contains marine nutrients essential for the body. All it takes is one capsule a day to exercise your rights to a healthy and fun-packed life.
3. Choose choice, and live a delicious life. (Reader’s Digest, Mar,2005) Note: Ads for cakes Figure of speech: Paregmenon (同源修辞格) or alliteration 选择巧乐滋,生活美滋滋!
Paregmenon (同源修辞格) 是英语相对于汉语特有 的一种修辞格。它是指“两个或两个以上的来源 相同的或相似的单词(即同源词)在同一个句子 中重复使用的修辞手法” 例如:He is the smartest of the smart set. Smartest -smart 形容词原级和最高级之间的同源并列。 使用同源修辞格可以使语言产生“视觉上的建筑 美,听觉上的音乐美和语义上的意境美的效果。 (黎昌抱,2001) 英语广告中的同源修辞格发挥了增强语言表达效 果、吸引消费者注意力的作用,达到了促销的目 的。

Outdoor and Transport Advertising 露天广告和交通广告
Window and Point-of-Sale Display 橱窗和销售 点陈列广告
Exhibition and Trade Fairs 展览会和商品交易 会
Direct Mail Advertising 直接邮件广告 Cinema Advertising电影广告
1. 多用简单句,目的是为了醒目、易懂、 易记
Fresh Up with Seven-Up 请饮七喜,倍添精神。(饮七喜,添精神)
Coca-cola is it. 还是可口可乐好!(可口可乐,我的选择)
No business is too small, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。
ADs Translation
1. 广告的定义
“广告是将各种高度精炼的信息,采用艺术手 法,通过各种媒介传播给大众,以加强或改 变人们的观念,最终导致人们行为的事物和 活动。 ”
2. 广告手段 (Advertising Media)
Press Advertising 报刊广告 Television and radio Advertising 电视和无线电
Welcome to Qingdao
Here you will see beautiful scenes, breathtaking wonders, First-class facilities and efficient services. You can bask, indulge, and luxuriate on the beautiful beaches, and in the golden sunshine.

➢ You name it we’ve got it. 凡是你所提到的或想买的,我们都有。(超市广告)
Exceltek Electronics (HK) Ltd Confidential
5.设问(Rhetorical Question) 英语中设问是指作者自己提出问题,然
Exceltek Electronics (HK) Ltd Confidential
4.夸张( Hyperbole) 夸张是指为强调或突出某事物,把被
描述的事物适当地加以艺术性的渲染 和夸大,这种手法在英语广告中是常见 的,目的就是通过虚张的声势给读者 留下深刻印象。
Exceltek Electronics (HK) Ltd Confidential
Exceltek Electronics (HK) Ltd Confidential
➢ A newspaper is only a interesting as its readers(The Times of India) 报纸如同读者一样有趣(印度时报)
➢ Like a good neighbors, StateFarm is there.(StateFarm) 想个好邻居,StateFarm在您身边(StateFarm公司 )
➢ We’ve hidden a garden full of vegetab1e where you’d never expect in a pie. 在您意想不到的一个地力,我们珍藏了满园的蔬菜,那是在 一个馅饼里
➢ Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)
Exceltek Electronics (HK) Ltd Confidential

11.典雅大方:elegant and graceful2.香浓可口:aromatic character and agreeable3.畅销全球:sell well all over the world4.轻柔松软:soft and light5.甜而不腻: agreeable sweetness6.软硬适中:neither too hard nor too soft7.老少良伴:good companies for children as well as adults款式新颖attractive fashion规格齐全a complete range of specifications信誉可靠have a reliable reputation制作精巧perfect in workmanship携带方便convenient to carry香味浓郁fragrant/aromatic flavor服务周到courteous service瑰丽多彩pretty and colorful造型美观beautiful/handsome appearance色调雅致elegant colorOur sandalwood soap not only possesses all the merits sandalwood soap may have, but also does no harm whatever to your skin. Just try it, and you will see our sincere recommendation is rather convincing.我厂生产的檀香皂不仅具有檀香皂的独特优点,而且对皮肤无害。
Wanna a house of your own? Buy one with our loan. (Construction Bank)没有最好,只有更好。

目的论把翻译行为所要达到的目的概括为三种:“译者的目的(如追求利润)、译文的交际目的(如传递信息)以及某种翻译方法或策略所要达到的目的(如直译以显示源语的语言结构特点), 然而,在翻译过程中起主要作用的是译文在译语文化中所要起的交际作用。
接受美学(Aesthetics of Reception)又称接受理论。
其代表人物姚斯认为:任何一个读者在阅读任何一部具体的作品之前,都已处在具备一种先在理解结构和先在知识框架的状态,这种先在理解就是“期待视野”(horizon of expectation)。
汉译英 广告翻译

两人共度一个阳光灿烂的假 日,一切费用均包括在单人 价格之内。
3. 使用缩略词和复合词(以节省广告篇幅)
Example 4:
Where to leave your troubles when you fly JAL.
坐日航班机,一路无烦 恼。
4. 雅俗兼具
Example 5:
“雪莲”牌羊绒衫 北京生产的”雪莲”牌羊绒衫,系选用优质的山羊绒作原料 制成.本品具有色泽鲜艳,手感柔滑,穿着舒适,轻,软,暖等特点, 由于该产品品质优良,做工精细,花型,款式新颖,尺码齐全,受到 过外消费者的热烈欢迎.
“Snow Lotus” Cashmere Sweaters “Snow Lotus” Cashmere Sweaters from Beijing are made from superior Chinese Cashmere fibre. They are lustrous in colour, supple, light, warm and comfortable to wear. Owing to their fine quality, excellent workmanship, novel designs and styles, and complete size range, they have gained popularity from consumers abroad.
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• • •
• 2. Syntax features
• • • • • • • • 1) Simple Sentences 多用短句、简单句、不完整句和省略句 For next generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐) Every time a good time. 分分秒秒聚欢笑。(麦当劳) 不打不相识。(打字机公司广告) Typing is knowing.
5. Go well, use Shell.
• 6)对比(Antithesis)
• 它的特点在于结构工整,对比鲜明,突 出重点,给人以深刻的印象。 • 1. The choice is yours. The honor is ours. • 2. He made the world listen, we let the world speak. (Siemens移动电话)
4. Around the corner, around the world, we’re around to help.
• • • •
5)押韵 (Rhyme)
广告中的押韵常用的是头韵(alliteration)和尾韵 (rhyme)。
1. Wonder where the yellow went. 2. Choose Three. A Fourth is Free. 3. Ford Trucks. The Best Never Rest. 4. Feel good. Fast food.
• 3. Rhetorical features
• • • • • • • 大量事实证明,合理使用广告修辞手法,会给产 品带来意想不到的收益。 1)Pun 1. Ask for More. (摩尔香烟) 2. A trust will take care of a family. (家庭需要信 任) 这是一个信托公司的广告。Trust既表示“信任”, 也表示“信托行业”。“家庭需要信任,我们 (信托公司)照顾你的家。” 3. Have a nice trip, buy-buy. (Heathrow机场免税 商品的广告) 4.百衣百顺。(蒸汽熨斗广告)
• 1. Lexical features
• 1) 广告语言一般遵循KISS原则: • Keep it short and sweet. • 中英文广告语在用词上均趋于简单,注重美感。 • 晶晶亮,透心凉。(可口可乐公司雪碧饮料广告) • Clear and cool. • 蚊虫杀杀杀。 • Mosquito Bye Bye Bye.ilky、fragrant等形容词, 中文往往使用“柔滑”、“丝般感受”、“芬芳”等。 • 英文食品广告常使用delicious、juicy、tender、crisp、good、 fresh等,中文常使用“好吃”、“美”、“香脆”等。
据《九华山志》载:公元718年(唐开元6年)新罗国国王近族 金乔觉东渡入唐,访名山辗转至江南,卓锡九华山,携来茶籽, 植于神光岭下,取其清芳以解坐禅之苦空……(节选自“九华佛 茶”产品包装) According to the records of “Annals of Jiuhuanshan”, A. D. 718 (Kiayuan6th in the Tang Dynasty) Xinluo Jin Qiaojue Crossed over to Tang, Visited famous mountains to Jiuhuashan, brought teaseeds to plantat at the foot of the Shenguang Mountain, took its delicate fragrance for sitting in meditation.
• 2)Imperative Sentences
• 广告词使用祈使句能引导消费者走近产品, 起到引导、劝说、敦促消费者采取行动的 作用,真正发挥广告词的祈使功能。 • Just do it. (耐克广告)
• 止咳妙药,快服川贝精。
• Take Chuanbeijing to stop the cough • Begin your own tradition. (百达翠丽表)
Jiuhua Buddhist Tea has been planted in China for as long as 1300 years. In 718 A.D., a royal monk from Korea brought the tea seeds and planted them at Jiuhua Mountain where he practiced his Buddhist meditation because the refreshing aroma of tea helped relieve his sense of desolation.
• 喝孔府酒,做天下文章。(孔府家酒)
• Drink Kongfu Spirit and write No.1 article. • Confucian Spirit provokes your mind. • Confucian Classics
• 即购即食,食用方便。(小米锅巴)
• Opening and eating immediately. • (always)ready to serve.
• 九华佛茶,润世清心! Jiuhua Buddhist Tea, moistens the world and clears the heart! • Jiuhua Buddhist Tea benefits the world and refreshes the mind. • “XX”牌酸菜鱼佐料是我公司经不断探索,改进,反 复研制而成的产品。
• Not all cars are created equal. • We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. • 古有千里马,今有三菱车
• Where there is a way, there is a Toyota. • 丰田汽车,风行天下。 • • • • • Not all cars are created equal. ----Mitsubishi Not all that glitters is gold. All men are created equal. 不是所有的牛奶都叫特仑苏。
• 1. Literal translation • 直译指的是基本不改变原文的结构,而且传达原 文表面的意义。在翻译广告时,直译主要用来处 理一些原文意义较明确、句法结构较简单的广告。 • Challenge the Limits.(三星) • 挑战极限。 • Winning the hearts of the world. (法国航空公司) • 赢取天下心。 • Hand in Hand,Future in Your Hand. (太平人寿) • 伴你同行· 齐握未来。 • We're Siemens,we can do that. • 我们是西门子,我们能办到。 •
• • • •
2)明喻和暗喻(Simile and Metaphor) 1. Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud. 2. As soft as Mother’s hands. 3. A room for 5 toes.
• 3)拟人(Personification)
• • • • • 明确的主题(idea) 深刻的印象(immediate impact) 生动的趣味(interest) 完满的信息(information) 强烈的推动力(impulsion)
• 标题 headline • 正文 body text • 口号 slogan
1. Asia Garden Hotel A Home Away From Home! 2. It says what it does. It does what it says. (Listerine gargle 品牌广告)
3. 金星牌电视机,精心设计,精心生产,精心挑选,精 心测试,金星精心,电视机的一颗明星。
• 3) Interrogative sentence
• • • • • • • • • • 今天你喝了吗? Have you drunk it today? Are you going gray too early? 您的头发是不是白得为时过早? 4) Active voice 由于主动语态更能表达一种主观感觉或感受,所 以英语广告语中一般使用主动语态,让人感觉真 实,贴近自己。 We do chicken right. 我们是炸鸡专家。 I'm lovin' it! 我就喜欢它 !
• 美如玉”“还您玉颜”
• sweet as a jade • Jade: (old use) a woman, especially a rude or