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• Principles of Phonology 1939 • phonetics belonged to parole whereas phonology belonged to langue. • the notion of ―phoneme‖
The functional approach ( the Prague School)
– New info: to be transmitted to the reader or hearer. – Sally stands on the table. Theme Rheme – On the table stands Sally.
Theme Rheme
Three levels of a sentence
Saussure’s contribution
• The concept of arbitrariness • Language is a system of signs that uses sounds to express or exchange ideas. The sign is the union of a form and an idea--the signifier and the signified. • The sign is the central fact of language, and therefore the study of language must be started from the nature of the sigh itself.
Functional Sentence Perspective (FSP) 句子功能前景 • It is a theory of linguistic analysis which refers to an analysis of utterances in terms of the information they contain. • It describes how information is distributed in sentences/ the effect of the distribution of known (given) information and new information in discourse.
– Movement from theme to rheme reveals the movement of the mind itself.
• Therefore, the functional sentence perspective (FSP) aims to describe how information is distributed in sentences. • It deals particularly with the effect of the distribution of known (given) info and new info in discourse.
• A sentence contains a point of departure and a goal of discourse. The point of departure, called the theme, is the ground on which the speaker and the hearer meet. • The goal of discourse, called the rheme, presents the very information that is to be imparted to the hearer.
Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913)
• “father of modern linguistics‖ • ―a master of a discipline which he made modern‖ (Culler, 1976: 7) • Course in General Linguistics(1916), a collection of his lecture notes, marked the beginning of modern linguistics.
– All three stressed the importance of context of situation and the system aspect of L.
Malinowski’s theories
• Language ―is to be regarded as a mode of action, rather than as a counterpart of thought‖. • The meaning of an utterance comes from its relation to the situational context in which it occurs.
Some important concepts in FSP
• Theme (主位)– the point of departure (出发点), which is equally present to the speaker and hearer; • Rheme (述位) -- the goal of discourse (话语目标) which presents the very information that is to be imparted to the hearer;
• • • • Grammatical Sentence Pattern (GSP) Semantic Sentence Pattern (SSP) Communicative Sentence Pattern (CSP) John has written a novel. Subject Verb Object (GSP) Agent Action Goal (SSP) Theme Transition Rheme (CSP)
Systemic-functional grammar
• M A K Halliday (1925- ). • Two components and inseparable parts: – systemic grammar: internal relations in L as a system network, meaning potential. – functional grammar: L as a means of social interaction, uses or functions of language form.
The London School
• B. Malinowski (1884-1942), professor of anthropology (1927). • J. R. Firth (1890-1960), the first professor of linguistics in the UK (1944). • M. A. K. Halliday (1925- ), student of Firth.
Firth’s theories
• Regarded L as a social process, a means of social life. • L is both inborn and acquired. • The object of linguistic study is L in use. • The goal of linguistic inquiry is to analyze meaningful elements of L in order to establish corresponding relations between linguistic and non-linguistic elements.
Halliday’s Systemic-Functional Grammar
• Halliday’s Systemic-Functional Grammar has two inseparable components: Systemic Grammar and Functional Grammar. • There are six major characteristics of Systemic Grammar. • And the Functional Grammar puts forwards three metafunctions.
• A sentence may be analyzed from the functional side as well as the grammatical side. • Apart from the analysis of a sentence in terms of subject and predicate, there may also be a functional analysis in terms of theme and rheme.
Saussure’s contribution
• Saussure identifies several groups of important concepts: • The distinction of and SIGNIFIER and SIGNIFIED • The distinction of LANGUE and PAROLE • The distinction of SYNCHRONIC and DIACHRONIC linguistics • And thus pushes researches to the nature of language and thus clarifies the subjects of linguistics as a science.
• Meaning should be studied in terms of context. • Situational context & Linguistic context • A representative of this approach was J.R. Firth, the leading British linguist.
The Prague School
• The Prague School is best known and remembered for its contribution to phonology and the distinction between phonetics and phonology.
Firth’s theories
• Meaning is use, thus defining meaning as the relationship between an element at any level and its context on that level.
The contextualism (Firth)
The Prague School
Three most important points of its ideas: • the synchronic study of language • an emphasis on 来自百度文库he systemic character of language. • Language as functional , as a tool performing a number of essential functions or tasks for the community using it.