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E X H I B I T 2–1 E X H I B I T 2–1 组织行为学研究
Physical Abilities Physical Abilities Physical Abilities
The capacity to do tasks demanding stamina, dexterity, strength, and similar characteristics.
个体行为的基础 Foundations of Individual Behavior
传记特征Biographical Characteristics 传记特征Biographical Characteristics Biographical Characteristics
Personal characteristics—such as age, gender, race and tenure—that are objective and easily obtained from personnel records.
Ability, Intellect, and Intelligence Ability, Intellect, and Intelligence
能力Ability 指个体能够 务的可能性。 工作中各项任
心理能力Intellectual Ability The capacity to do mental activities. 多维智力Multiple Intelligences Intelligence contains four subparts: 认知智力cognitive,社会智力 social, 情绪智 力emotional, and文化智力 cultural.
情绪智力 情绪智力
自我觉知(包括情绪觉知能力、正确的自我评估、自信) 自我管理(包括自控能力、信用度、责任心、适应能 力、成就动机、主动性) 社会觉知(包括移情、对团体情绪的觉知、服务倾向性) 社交技巧(包括帮助他人发展、领导能力、影响力 沟通能力、革新能力、协调能力、凝聚力、协作能 力)。(戈尔曼,1998)
– Withholding reinforcement of a behavior to cause its cessation.
Theories of Learning Theories of Learning 经典条件反射Classical Conditioning
A type of conditioning in which an individual responds to some stimulus that would not ordinarily produce such a response.
Learning Learning ••Involves change Involves change ••Is relatively permanent Is relatively permanent ••Is acquired through experience Is acquired through experience
Theories of Learning (cont’d) Theories of Learning (cont’d) 社会学习理论Social-Learning Theory
People can learn through observation and direct experience. Key Concepts Key Concepts ••注意过程Attentional processes 注意过程Attentional processes ••保持过程Retention processes 保持过程Retention processes ••动力复制过程Motor reproduction processes 动力复制过程Motor reproduction processes ••强化过程Reinforcement processes 强化过程Reinforcement processes
Key Concepts Key Concepts ••非条件刺激Unconditioned stimulus 非条件刺激Unconditioned stimulus ••非条件反应Unconditioned response 非条件反应Unconditioned response ••条件刺激Conditioned stimulus 条件刺激Conditioned stimulus ••条件反应Conditioned response 条件反应Conditioned response
问题 问题
请比较经典条件反射理论、操作性条件反射理论和社 会学习理论
Theories of Learning (cont’d) Theories of Learning (cont’d) 行为塑造Shaping Behavior
Systematically reinforcing each successive step that moves an individual closer to the desired response. Key Concepts Key Concepts ••一些强化可以改变行为Reinforcement is required 一些强化可以改变行为Reinforcement is required to change behavior. to change behavior. ••一些奖励类型比另一些类型的效果更佳Some 一些奖励类型比另一些类型的效果更佳Some rewards are more effective than others. rewards are more effective than others. ••学习发生的速度及其效果的持久性取决于施加强化 学习发生的速度及其效果的持久性取决于施加强化 的时机The timing of reinforcement affects 的时机The timing of reinforcement affects learning speed and permanence. learning speed and permanence.
E X H I B I T 2–2 E X H I B I T 2–2
能力——工作匹配The Ability-Job Fit 能力——工作匹配The Ability-Job Fit
Employee’s Abilities
Ability-Job Fit
Job’s Ability Requirements
讨论: 讨论:
良好的能力与工作的匹配和良好的性格与组织的匹配 情况,你认为哪种情况更可能导致成功?请解释。
问题 问题
为了确保个体具备有效地从事某项具体工作的恰当能 力,应做哪几步工作?
Learning Learning 学习
在经验的作用下发生的相对持久 。 的
7. Body coordination 7. Body coordination 8. Balance 8. Balance 9. Stamina 9. Stamina
Source: Adapted from HRMagazine published by the Society for Human Resource Management, Alexandria, VA.
Flexibility Factors Flexibility Factors
5. Extent flexibility 5. Extent flexibility 6. Dynamic flexibility 6. Dynamic flexibility
Other Factors Other Factors
– Removing an unpleasant consequence when the desired behavior occurs.
– Applying an undesirable condition to eliminate an undesirable behavior.
Key Concepts Key Concepts ••内部反射性行为Reflexive (unlearned) behavior 内部反射性行为Reflexive (unlearned) behavior ••习得行为Conditioned (learned) behavior 习得行为Conditioned (learned) behavior ••强化Reinforcement 强化Reinforcement
9种体质能力 9种体质能力
Strength Factors Strength Factors
1. Dynamic strength 1. Dynamic strength 2. Trunk strength 2. Trunk strength 3. Static strength 3. Static strength 4. Explosive strength 4. Explosive strength
Theories of Learning (cont’d) Theories of Learning (cont’d) 操作性条件反射Operant Conditioning
A type of conditioning in which desired voluntary behavior leads to a reward or prevents a punishment.
哪些传记特征能够最好地预测:生产率、离职 哪些传记特征能够最好地预测:生产率、离职 率、缺勤率、工作满意度? 率、缺勤率、工作满意度?
生产率 任职时间即工作经验与生产率之间存在着正相关 离职率 对离职率的预测最好的是婚姻状况 缺勤率 性别是最好的预测指标 工作满意度 任职时间与工作满意度呈正相关
文化智力 文化智力
是指人们有效地与不同文化背景的人互动的能力。 ( P.Christopher Earley和Soon Ang) 文化智力的内容结构
– 文化智力的认知要素是指智力的认知加工方面,运用自 身的感知能力和分析能力来认识领悟不同文化的能力。 – 动机要素是指个体融入到其他文化中去的愿望和自我效 能感。 – 行为要素是指采取与文化相匹配的有效行为的能力。
强化类型Types of Reinforcement 强化类型Types of Reinforcement
积极强化Positive reinforcement
– Providing a reward for a desired behavior.
消极强化Negative reinforcement
心理能力维度 心理能力维度
Dimensions of Dimensions of Intellectual Ability Intellectual Ability
••算术Number aptitude 算术Number aptitude ••言语理解Verbal comprehension 言语理解Verbal comprehension ••知觉速度Perceptual speed 知觉速度Perceptual speed ••归纳推理Inductive reasoning 归纳推理Inductive reasoning ••演绎推理Deductive reasoning 演绎推理Deductive reasoning ••空间视知觉Spatial visualization 空间视知觉Spatial visualization ••记忆力Memory 记忆力Memory