


Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】













例如:_____________________________________________(她目不转睛地看着窗外),she told us that our friend Tom had died in the air crash.


线部分不是一个句子,而是一个状语成分。由此可知,我们必须使用非谓语结构或独立主格结构。可接受的答案包括:Keeping her eyes fixed out of the window;

Staring out of the win-low;With her eyes fixed out the window;Her eyes

fixed out of the window等。



例如:Since we're here ________________________________(我们不如四处看


解析:首先通读全句,我们发现Since we're here是一个条件状语从句,意思是“既

然我们在这里”,因此划线部分应该是主句,有完整的主谓结构。随后我们开始分析汉语表达,“不如(做……)”的英文表达法是may/ might as well do sth.,与“四处看看”对应的英文短语是look around,而且全句使用的是一般现在时态。因此正确答案是we may as well look around。



例如:By contrast,American parents were more likely

________________________(把孩子的成功归因于)natural talent.

解析:通过分析可知,本题考查be likely to do sth.“很可能做……”和attribute sb./another thing“将……归因于……”的用法,对这两点很熟悉的考生可以不费吹灰之力就做出完美的答案,但正确地写出attribute和success并不是件容易的事。正确答案为to attribute their children’s success to。









(1)无动作者,必须用 be 动词。



(4)and 连接的前后两个动词形式要一致。

to 之后常用动词原形








英文: students in the classroom


at 4 o'clock yesterday






87. The substance does not dissolve in water _______________________ (不管是否加热).

[关键词]加热――heat;不管是否――(no matter) whether… or not


[优化]whether (it is) heated or not. ――注意,it is可省略。

[点评]如果heated or not放在句首,whether也可以省略。

88. Not only ___________________________ (他向我收费过高), but he didn’t do

a good repair jo

b either.

[关键词]收费过高――overcharge, charge too much/high

[连接]句首的Not only决定了倒装连接,下文用了过去时态,因此,这里需在he 之前加did。

[优化](Not only) did he charge me too much/high, / did he overcharge me, …。

[点评]如果未能想出用overcharge/charge too much表示“收费过高”,也可以将其含义“化解”掉,用ask for too much来表达,答案可以是did he ask me for too much。

89. Your losses in trade this year are nothing


[关键词]相比――compare (with), in comparison with;我的――mine, my losses

[连接]compare与其逻辑主语Your losses之间需采用被动连接。

[优化]…in comparison with mine或compared with mine。

[点评]此处最好用介词词组,如果用compared with mine,则放在句首更合适。

90. On average, it is said, visitors spend only ___________________________ (一半的钱) in a day in Leeds as in London.



[优化]… half as much money。

[点评]这里因为前文有spend,这里可以省略money;此处如果先把“一半”的意思撇开,更易“化解”原文,即先译出“一天里在利兹和在伦敦花同样多的钱”,spend as much (money) in a day in Leeds as in London,然后将“(只有)一半”加进去,这样来看(only) half只能放在as much前。

91. By contrast, American mothers were more likely

_______________________________ (把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent.

[关键词]孩子的成功――children’s success / success of the children;把……归因于――attribute… to / owe… to

[连接]上文的were more likely后需接to。

[优化]to attribute their children’s success / success of their

children to…。

[点评]“把……归因于”也可以化解为“相信……的原因是……”,即believe that their children’s success is due to…/ the main factor for their children’s success is。




在中译英题型中,考生应注意恰当词语的选择。首先要尽量避免过于笼统的词语,选用其下义词或更确切的词语。例如:He is a good man.就不如He is a kind-hearted man.确切。而“他养了一条牧羊犬”译为“He raised a dog ",就不如“He raised a shepherd dog.”准确。此外,还要注意近义词之间的选择。例如"He runs very fast.”,和“He gave us a quick answer.”。


有些中文句子结构与含义可以对应英文中的某些句型。若考生可以恰当使用这些句型,可达到事半功倍的效果。这些句子结构通常出现在大学英语课本每一课的课后练习中,如:“只有在海洋中我们才能发现鲸鱼”译为“Only in the ocean can we find whales.”




We have been assured that achieving our heart's desires would be a piece of cake.






译为:Charlie dreams of becoming a detective in the future.(“dream "是动词)



译为:Afraid would be a more accurate description.(" description"是名词)3)名词转化成形容词


译为:It is almost unlikely/impossible for Jim to succeed.(“unlikely"和“impossible"都是形容词)



译为:The intensity of the moment filled his mind with intensity.(" intensity"是名词)

此外,在翻译过程中,还需要注意的就是,中文句子通常比较短小,逗号使用较多,且逗号可连续使用。而英文中则经常出现由并列结构和主从结构所构成的长句,逗号不可以随意使用。这时需要注意所译英文句子不要因中文影响而出现残句或粘连句。例如:“我收到了。”译成“I have received.”就是残句,应为“I have received it.”。将“玛丽五年前住在旧金山,在那儿她写了三本小说。”译成"Mary lived in San Francisco five years ago,there she wrote three novels.”就是粘连句,应该是“Mary lived in San Francisco five years ago,and there

she wrote three novels.”




1)It is+形容词+that

例如:it is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演着一个重要的角色。

2)It is+形容词+to do/ doing

例如:She had said what it was necessary to say.她已经说了一切有必要说的话。3)祈使句/名词+and/ or

例如:Work hard, and you will finally be able to reach your destination.努力工作,你就能实现自己的目标。

4)as+many/ much+名词+as

例如:It is said that visitors spend only half as much money in a day in Leeds as in Lon-don.据说,游客每天在利兹的花销仅为在伦敦的一半。


例如:The reservoir is three times as big as it was ten years ago.这个水库的面积是十年前三倍。

6) 倍数词+ more +名词/形容词十than

例如:Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills seven times more people each year than automobile accidents.吸烟对人体健康的危害极大,每年死于吸烟的人比死于车祸的人多七倍。

7)(not)as/ so... as(和……(不)一样)

例如:The environmental problems are not as serious as they suggested in their report.环境问题没有他们在报告中说得那么严重。

8)no more... than(与……一样不)

例如:She is no more fit to be a manager than a schoolgirl would be.匕个女学生固然不宜当经理,她也同样不宜。

9)Nothing is more... than(没有比……更……的;……是最……的)

例如:Nothing is more important than to receive education.没有比接受教育更重要的事。


例如:They hurriedly escaped into a cave that smelt of terror.他们仓皇地逃人一个充满恐怖气氛的山洞。

11)without/ not so much as(甚至没有)

例如:Disappointed with her husband,Mary left home without so much as looking back at him.出于对丈夫的失望,玛丽离开了家,甚至都没有回头看他一眼。

12)may/ might as well(…as)(与其……还不如……)

例如:One may as well not know a thing at all as know but imperfectly.与其一知半解还不如彻底蒙在鼓里。


例如:It was not too bright of them to settle in an area where earthquakes frequently occur.他们选择在地震多发的地区定居,这可不是个明智的决定。

14)only to find/ see(结果却;没想到会)

例如:He spent almost all his money to buy the hen which was said to be able to lay gold eggs, only to find it could not lay eggs at all.为了买那只据说能下金蛋的母鸡,他几乎倾家荡产,没想到这只鸡根本不会下蛋。

15)It is undoubted that/ There is no doubt that(毫无疑问,……)

例如:There is no doubt that war can be avoided if we get down to peace talk.毫无疑问,如果我们肯认真和谈就能避免战争。

16)rather than(而不是……)

例如:Rather than pursue money to achieve happiness,we should focus on the improvement of ourselves.我们应该集中精力改善自我,而不是追求金钱的享乐。17)not... until(直到……才)

例如:We can't release the film until we have the approval from the

authority concerned.直到获得有关当局的批准我们才能发行那部电影。

18)so/ such(…)that(如此……以至于)

例如:With the rumor spreading fast, their anxiety was such that they could not sleep/they became so anxious that they could not sleep.在谣言迅速散播的


19)(The)chances are that(很可能……)

例如:Chances are that she has already known it, and there is no need for us to keep the secret.她很可能已经知道了,所以我们没有必要再保守这个秘密。

20)It occurred to sb. that(突然想到……)

例如:It had never occurred to Cinderella she would become a princess someday. Cinderella从来没有想到她会成为一位王妃。

21)not... but...(不是……而是……)

例如:To our disappointment, the plan caused not development but destruction.让我们失望的是,这个计划带来的不是进步而是破坏。

22)It is taken for granted that(……被认为是理所当然的)

例如:It has been taken for granted that women should take on all the housework.多年来人们一直认为女性做家务是理所当然的。

23)It is/ was said that(据说)

例如:it is said that man is the least biologically determined species of

all because he possesses features absent in other natural species.据说人类是生物学上最难归类的物种,因为人类拥有其他天然物种所缺乏的特性。

24)When it comes to...(提及,当提到……的时候)

例如:When it comes to physics,I know nothing.谈到物理学,我一无所知。

25)be not much of a. . .(是个不太好的……)

例如:Mike is not much of a teacher for he often skips from one subject to another.麦克不是个好老师,因为他总是从一个话题跳转到另一个话题。

26)As far as sb./sth. is concerned(就……而言,在……看来)

例如:As far as I am concerned, fashion .belongs to women.在我看来,时尚是属于女性的。

27)not only... but also(不但……而且……)

例如:Shakespeare is not only a great playwright but also a brilliant poet.莎士比亚不仅是一位伟大的剧作家而且是一位才华横溢的诗人。

28)(n) either...(n) or...(既不……也不……;或者……或者……)

例如:Liking neither the story nor the background music,he fell asleep in the cinema.他既不喜欢故事情节也不喜欢背景音乐,所以在电影院里睡着了。

29)no sooner than/ hardly when/ scarcely when(刚……就……)

例如:I had hardly opened the door when he rushed in.我刚开门他就冲进来了。30)the more…the more(越……越……)

例如:The faster a country's economy develops,the slower its population grows.一个国家的经济发展越快,它的人口增长就越慢。



虚拟语气强调说话人的主观愿望和假想情况。考生应着重从以下几方面进行复习和训练:一些能引起虚拟语气的某些介词、介词短语和连词,如:lest,in case,without,otherwise等;一部分表示建议、主张、命令、紧要等概念的词语,由于本身隐含说话人的主观愿望,其后的主语从句、宾语或同位语从句往往采用“(should)子动词原形”的虚拟形式,如:suggest, propose, command, order, request, require 等;一些形容词后面的主语从句中往往采用“(should)+动词原形”,如:It is necessary that,It is essential that,It is important that, It is desirable that等;省略了if的虚拟倒装句;在would rather, wish,as if,It is time that 等句型中使用适当的虚拟形式表达主观愿望。

例如:It is necessary that ________________________________.(采取有效措施来防止环境污染)。

答案:effective actions(should)be taken to prevent environmental pollution 2)时态转换



例如:__________________________________(自从她上了高中),she has worked very hard.

答案:Since the time she went to senior high school



例如:________________________________(鲇鱼walking fish不仅可以离开水存活), but they can also travel short distances over land.

答案:Not only can walking fish live out of water(部分倒装)

例如:The peace talk turned out to be a failure. Then ____________________(两国之间开始了一场恶战).

答案:began a bitter war between the two countries(全部倒装)



例如:________________________________(她一动不动地躺在床上),she fixed her eyes on the last leaf hanging against the blank wall.

答案:Lying in bed without any movement


这类考题灵活性大,需要根据实际情况判定谓语动词的单复数形式。一部分具有生命意义的集合名词作主语时谓语动词多采用复数形式,如people,poultry,cattle, militia等;用and连接的成分表单一概念时谓语动词用单数,如bread and butter,knife and fork等。此外还有就近原则,即主语中含有某些连词(如as well as,besides,in addition to等)时,谓语动词的数同第一个主语保持一致。

例如:It seems the cattle on the sides of the dikes ___________________(是那里唯一有生命的物体).

答案:were the only living creatures there


强调句的基本结构是“It is/was... that/who...”,考生务必明确强调的部分可以是句子中除了谓语以外的任何成分,要特别注意强调句与“not until”的连用。

例如:________________________(直到失去健康)that people know the value of health.

答案:It is not until they lose it



例如:______________________________________(有了这些措施),we can change our society into one in which natural resources will be fully cherished.

答案:With these measures










高考中译英常用短语句型汇总 1. 我从未在任何地方看到过Nowhere else have I seen… 2. 英语写作write in English 3. 一事无成achieve nothing 4. 为所欲为do whatever they like 5. 结果证实The work proved that / to be… 6. 尽快as soon as possible 7. 付诸实践put…into practice 8. 被剥夺了业余时间be deprived of one’s spare / free / leisure time 9. 更糟糕的是To make things worse 10. 考试中作弊cheat in the exam 11. 向老师道歉make an apology to the teacher 12. 享用电脑have access to computers 13. 给我们的生活带来了方便bring great convenience to our daily lives 14. 作为学生as a student / being a student 15. 抵制吸烟的诱惑resist the temptation of smoking 16. 认真考虑take into consideration 17. 你提出的意见the proposal you put up 18. 再也忍不住could no long put up with 19. 没有得到晋升not having been promoted 20. 及时的降雨the timely rain 21. 从。。。中获得很多好处benefited a lot from 22. 在一定程度上to a certain degree 23. 客观反映了hospitality reflect 24. 当地人的内在素质quality of the local people 25. 得到晋升get promotion 26. 一无所知know nothing about 27. 毕业于graduate from 28. 合理的解释the reasonable explanation 29. 从未想过never occur to sb. 30. 被派往国外深造be sent abroad for further study 31. 不管你做什么whatever you do 32. 勤能补拙diligence can make up for the lack of intelligence 33. 不可能be unlikely to 34. 使我受益非浅benefits me a lot 35. 显而易见It’s obvious that…/ Obviously, 36. 自信的人people with self-confidence 37. 对社会产生了巨大的影响have made a great impact on society 38. 回顾过去的100年look back at the past 100 years 39. 无论面对何种挑战Whatever challenges we have face 40. 全力以赴try one’s best 41. 使大家印象深刻deeply impress everyone 42. 面带微笑wear a smile


词汇汉译英常用技巧(1)对等译法 对等是翻译的最高境界,但完全的对等几乎是不可能的。所以,可以采取大致对等的手法(所谓大致对等,是指比喻的方式基本一致,但意象,也就是比喻所用的image发生了改变): e.g.1.扪心自问,他不得不承认自己错了。 By searching his heart, he could not but admit that he was in the wrong. 2.你真是福星高照。 You have a lucky star above you. 3.我们必须全力以赴,拿下这场比赛。 We must go all out to win this game. 4.你真不该插手他们的事情。 You really shouldn’t have poked your nose into their business. 5.那种情形之下,他除了忍气吞声又能怎样呢? As things stood, what could he do but swallow the insult? 6.他们个个摩拳擦掌,士气高涨,准备再打一个漂亮仗。 Being in high morale, every one of them rolled up their sleeves, eager to win another brilliant victory.

7.为了救他的母亲,他赴汤蹈火。 He went through fire and flood to save his mother. 8.在纽约市寻找一个失落的小孩,那简直是大海捞针。 Looking for a missing child in New York City. Tha t’s like looking for a needle in a hay stack. 9.对问题视而不见并不能解决问题。 Turning a blind eye to a problem won’t solve the problem. 10.为了迷人眼目,他们把自己打扮成革命者。 To throw dust into the eye of the public, they decked themselves out as revolutionaries. 11.有时候老虎走近些,但对驴子还是敬而远之。 Sometimes the tiger ventured nearer, but still kept a respectable distance from the donkey. Exercise : 1.哀公问于孔子曰,寡人闻之,东益宅不祥,信有之乎?孔子曰,不祥有五,而东益不与焉。夫损人益己,身之不祥也;弃老取幼,家之不祥也;择贤用不肖,国之不祥也;老者不教,幼者不学,俗之不祥也;圣人伏匿,天下之不祥也。兆:presage ;omen 损人益己:to harm others to benefit oneself 贤:solon/sagacious person 不肖:unworthy 俗:custom 圣人:sage/saint 伏匿/匿伏:to stay in concealment


初中英语翻译题解题技巧: 翻译题在初中英语试题中占15分,题型分为两种,一种是汉译英(11分),它分为部分翻译5个和整句翻译3个,另一种是英译汉(4分)。 汉译英谈谈解题技巧: 可以从时态、语态、固定短语、主谓一致、基本句型等许多方面来考查。 汉译英题的解题步骤如下: 1.通读汉语,了解这个句子所要表达的意思 2.阅读英文,找出其中要考查的内容,揣摩出题人的意图,并分析。 3.观察一下要求翻译的汉语,然 后联想一下相关的词汇、句型,并考虑时态、语态、词形变化、主谓一致等问题。 4.翻译出所缺的英文部分。 5.将翻译好的句子再通读一遍,并从时态、语态、词形、数的一致等方面检查一下。 a.上课做笔记是个好习惯。 It’s a good habbit to _____ in class. 观察后发现考查的内容为一个短语,所以经过联想,想到take notes 这个短语,并注意复数形式。 b.几年来,他拍了几部大片。 ____________________________ 这是一个整句翻译,首先想到“几年来”这个短语over the years,它是固定短语,然后想到它所用到的时态为现在完成时,所以这个句子写成:Over the years, he has made some great movies. c.必须经常浇树。 一看到这个题目,有的同学有些发懵,因为这个句子没有主语,那么就要想到被动语态,而且是含有“必须”这个情态动词,这时就可以联想到含有情态动词的被动语态的构成:主语+情态动词 +be +p.p 所以这个句子写成:

Trees must be watered often. 英译汉解题步骤如下: 1.浏览整段文章,清楚大概内容。 2.分析划线部分的句子含义,遇到不会的生词,要从上下文的内容中来猜测。 3.整理好所思考的句子,注意英汉语言方面的差异,所翻译好的句子必须符合汉语逻辑思维,而且语言 要通顺,意思要明确。 eg. Do dogs wear shoes? Some police dogs in western Germany do. People made special shoes for them. Police say that these shoes can protect the dogs from broken glass. 翻译这句话时,必须把“do”翻译出来,否则意思不明确。根据上下文”do”表示穿鞋, 所以整句翻译为:有些德国西部的警犬穿鞋。 那么,想做好这种类型的题,平时必须多下功夫,必须做到: 1.熟练掌握常用的词汇、短语、习惯用语和固定搭配的用法。 2.掌握各种句型结构。 3.掌握各种时态、语态及主谓一致原则。 4.具有用英语思维的习惯。 5.熟读课文,万变不离其宗,无论怎样变化,考试都离不开教材这个大的考纲。 英语翻译技巧: 英汉两种语言在句法、词汇、修辞等方面均存在着很大的差异,因此在进行英汉互译时必然会遇到很多困难,需要有一定的翻译技巧作指导。


一、常用单词组 education 教育 input in education 教育投入 communal participation 社会参与enhance the moral awareness of 提高……的思想品德 professional ethics 职业道德 credit system 学分制 guarantee job assignments 包分配multidisciplinary 多学科的 key university 重点大学 national expenditure on education 国家教育经费 account for…% 占百分比 intercultural communication 国际文化交流 equal stress on integrity and ability 德才兼备 to become educated through independent study 自学成材 compulsory education 普及教育preschool/elementary/secondary/higher / education 学前/初等/中等/高等教育adult education 成人教育 vocational and technical education 职业技术教育 institutions of higher learning 高等学校 inservice training course 在职进修班compulsory/optional course 必修/选修课 record of formal schooling 学历diploma 文凭,学历证明 二、常用句型 1、It作先行主语和先行宾语的一些句型 She had said what it was necessary to say. 2、强调句型 It is not who rules us that is important , but how he rules us. 3、"All+抽象名词"或"抽象名词+itself"(very+形容词) He was all gentleness to her. 4、利用词汇重复表示强调 A crime is a crime a crime. 5、"something(much)of"和"nothing(little)of" "something of"相当于"to some extent",表示程度。在疑问句或条件从句中,则为"anything of ",可译为"有点","略微等。""译为毫无","全无"。"much of"译为"大有","not much of"可译为"算不上","称不上","little of"可译为"几乎无"。something like译为"有点像,略似。" They say that he had no universty education , but he seems to be something of a scholar. 6、同格名词修饰是指of前后的两个名词都指同一个人或物,"of"以及它前面的名词构一个形容词短语,以修饰"of"后面的那个名词。如"her old sharper of a father",可译为:"她那骗子般的父亲"。 Those pigs of girls eat so much. 7、as…as…can(may)be It is as plain as plain can be. 8、"It is in(with)…as in(with)" It is in life as in a journey. 9、"as good as…"相等于,就像,几乎如;实际上,其实,实在。 The merchant as good as promised the orphan boy, that he would adopt him. 10、"many as well…as"和"might as well …as" "many as well…as"可译为"与其……,


汉译英的几种常用技巧(一)常用的翻译技巧1. 增译2. 减译(省译)3. 重复 4. 转译 5. 语序(词序/句序)调整(倒置) 6. 拆句与合并7. 正说反译, 反说正译8. 语态变换 1.增译法:指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达 方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。 这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或“There be…”结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。英语中代词使用频率较高,凡说到人的器官和归某人所有的或与某人有关的事物时,必须在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时需要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又需要根据情况适当地删减。 英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在汉译英时常常需要增补连词。英语句子离不开介词和冠词。另外,汉译英时还要注意增补一些原文中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思完整。 总之,通过增译,一是保证译文语法结构的完整,二是保证译文意思的明确。 1. I am looking forward to the holidays. 我们等待假日的到

2.Much of our morality is customary. 我们大部分的道德观念都有习惯性。 3.Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人精确。 4.Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. 读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩。 5. 没有调查研究就没有发言权。 He who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak. (No investigation, no right to speak.) 6. 虚心使人进步, 骄傲使人落后。 Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 7. 留得青山在, 不怕没柴烧。 So long as green hills remain, there will never be a shortage of firewood. 8. 班门弄斧 Showing off one’s proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter. 9. 三个臭皮匠, 顶个诸葛亮。


新四级汉译英段落翻译技巧 新四级汉译英段落翻译解题技巧 ?题型简介?基本要求?翻译技巧 题型简介 ?自2013年12月考次起,全国大学英语四级考试的翻译部分将由原单句汉译英调整文段落汉译英,翻译内容涉及中国的历史、文化、经济、社会发展等题材。 140~160词 基本要求 要求考生以词、句的翻译为基础,扩大到对整体段落的翻译的把握,段落内容相对完整、结构相对独立。翻译时要把整个段落当作一个有机的语篇,注意各句子之间的衔接和段落间的过渡。 翻译技巧 (一) 词的翻译 (二) 句的翻译 (三) 段落翻译 (一) 词的翻译 1. 词义选择 2. 词类转换 3. 词的增补 4. 词的省略 5. 词的替代 1.词义选择 (1)语境词?汉语有些词语的含义会因语境而发生微妙的变化,称之为“语境词”,应紧密结合上下文译成相应的词,不能按照原词的字面意思来译。?原文:手机刷新了人与人的关系。?译文:Cell phone have altered the relationship among people. ?分析:“刷新”此处实际是指“改变”,而并非是我们平常所指的含义,因此不宜译成refurbish或renovate,翻译为alter或 change更恰当。 (2) 表意模糊的词?原文:这所全国重点大学为社会输送了大批的人才。?译文:The national key university has prepared batches of qualified graduates for the society. ?分析:“输送”在句中是一个模糊笼统的词,具体说来是指“培养出”。“人才”笼统,译为qualified graduates比较确切。 (3) 比喻词汇?汉语有许多比喻词汇,表面意义和喻指含义完全不同,英译时应跳出机械对应的思维定式,动态地译出其潜在含义。?原文:老师答应给这几个学生“吃小灶”。?译文:The teacher has promised to give these students special tuition. ?分析:“吃小灶”在这里指的是“个别辅导”。 2.词类转换 (1)动词?名词?英语动词受到形态变化规则的严格限制,大量本应该由动词表达的概念,常需借助于名词,因为名词不受形态规则的束缚,使用相对灵活、方便。?原文:吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。?译文:You"ll be full of praise while eating the first two main courses. ?分析:英语中有大量抽象名词表示行为或动作意义 advice,agreement,inheritance,knowledge,praise,use等。以上例句借助抽象名词表达了特定的行为动作,译文也显得较为地道。 (2)动词?介词?介词与名词密切相关,英语名词的广泛使用使得介词也频繁出现,而且英语中有些介词本身就是由动词演变来的。汉译英时,有些动词可以用介词来表达。?原文:人们常用剪纸美化环境。?译文:People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. (3)动词?形容词?汉语的一些动词常常用形容词来表达,这些形容词通常是与动词同源的词(如dreamful,doubtful,sympathetic 等),这样的译文有时会更地道、标准。?原文:在明朝和清朝时期特别流行。?译文:It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


翻译中常见的句型 1.否定句型 1)部分否定。其否定意义只局限于整体中的一部分。其形式:“概括词all, every等+not+谓语动词”。常用于该句型词:all, both, everybody, everywhere, always, altogether, entirely, wholly等。 All is not gold that glitters. I do not wholly agree. 2) 完全否定。其形式:no, none 等否定词+肯定式谓语。常用于该句型词:no, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, never, neither, nowhere, nowise, 等。还有一种句型:all等概括词+肯定式谓语+否定意义的词。 No words can describe the scene. 任何言词均不能描绘那景色。 All his plan came to nothing. 3)双重否定 a.主语+cannot+ help/refrain/keep + from + v-ing He could not help showing his pleasure.他不由得喜形于色。 b.主语+cannot+ but/choose but/ help but +do They can not choose but admit that they are wrong. c.(there be) not +主语+but+谓语 (There is )Nobody but has his faults. 人人都有缺点。 2.判断句型 1)强调判断句 a.主语+be+ no/none +other than/but +表语(强调内容) The tall figure that I saw was none other than our commander. b.主语+be+ nothing+(else)but/ else than/ less than+ 表语 Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.天才只不过是劳动加勤奋而已。 c.it is/was +强调部分+that/ who +从句 It is I who am to blame. 2) 正反判断句 a.主语+be +not+表语a, but +表语b What I admire in Columbus is not his discovered a world, but his having gone to search for it on the faith of an opinion. b.(it is) not… that(who) …, but…that (who) Not that we are afraid of them, but that they are afraid of us. 3)比较判断句: a.主语+be less+表语a +than表语b / more+表语b+表语a Experience shows that success is due less to abilities than to zeal. b.主语+be+表语b+ rather than+表语a He is an artist rather than a philosopher. c.主语+be+ not so much +表语a+ as+表语b It is so much advice as approval that he seeks. 他寻求的与其说是忠告,不如说是忠告。3.倍数表示句型: a.主语+be+倍数+that of 被比较对象/ as +形容词+as+被比较对象


英语翻译常考句型详解 1.It is not that…but that… 这不是说…,而是说… 「例文」It is not that the scales in the one case, and the balance in the other, differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working; but that the latter is much finer apparatus and of couse much more accurate in its measurement than the former. 「译文」这并不是说在一种情况下所使用的磅秤和在另一种情况下所使用的天平在构造原理上或工作方式上存在差别,而是说与前者相比,后者是一种更精密得多的装置,因而在计量上必然更加准确。 2.nothing else than 完全是,实在是 「例文」What the man said was nothing else than nonsense. 「译文」那个人讲的话完全是一派胡言。 3.as引导的特殊状语从句,翻译时做定语从句处理。 「例文」We hope the measures to control prices, as they have been taken by the government, will succeed. 「译文」我们希望,政府已经采取的控制物价的措施将取得成功。 4.名词+or+名词结构中,or后的名词是同位语,应译为即…;或者称…. 「例文」Moreover, technology includes techniques , or ways to do things , as well as the manchines that may or may not be necessary to apply them. 「译文」再者,除机器外技术还包括技艺,即制作方法,而运用这些记忆并不一定都需要机器。 5.more…than…结构有三种译法:than连接肯定形式的从句时,该从句译为否定句;在比较的基础上表示选择关系时,可译为与其说…不如说;进行同类比较时,译成比…更. 「例文」The complexity of the human situation and injustice of the social order demand far more fundamental changes in the basic structure of society itself than some politicians are willing to admit in their speeches. 「译文」人类社会形势的复杂性和社会制度的不公正性要求对社会基本结构进行彻底变革,而一些政客口头上是很不愿意承认这一点的。 「分析」这是一个主从复合句,连词than前为主句,than后为从句。虽然本句是进行程度上的比较,但从句意义是否定的, 故译成否定句。 6.no more …than 与not… any more than no more …than 与not… any more than同义,不可简单地看成是more …than的否定形式。具体地说,这一结构可能是带有一定的感情色彩的否定形式,也可能是一种较特殊的类比形式。其翻译方法有二;表示同类否定比较时,可译为不比…更或都…同样不;表示比喻关系时,可译为正如…不,…也不. 「例文」The food on the ship was no better than on any other ship on which Billy had sailed. 「译文」这条船上(供应的)食品并不如比利工作过的其他船上的(食品)好。(括号里的词是可以省略的。) 「分析」这是一个主从复合句、主句是The food …no better , than on any other ship 是省略了比较对象的比较状语从句,从句on which引导的定语从句修饰先行词ship.本句中no more… than用于同类否定的比较,可译为不如…. 7.not so much as与其说…不如说… 「例文」Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools. 「译文」新学派科学家说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼见,不如说源于改进了的技术和工具等等更为普遍的东西。 「分析」这是一个主从复合句。插入语they say是主句,Science moves forward,……and tools是宾语从句。not so much……as 连接的是状语,as引导的状语从句中,由于上下文清楚,主谓语都省略了,即as(sciencemoves forward.)because of……not so much……as也可译为与其说……不如说……,它所表达的逻辑关系和more than有相似之处,也是在比较的基础上进行判断和选择,被比较的事物也同属一个范畴。所不同的是,more……than表示前重后轻的逻辑关系,而not so much… as和less than表示前轻后重的逻辑关系,这两个结构中信息重心落在句尾,因此不必倒过来译,只须按原文的词序顺译即可。


翻译必备七大技巧 泛瑞翻译 汉译英的七大基本技巧: 一、增词 在段落翻译时,为了能充分的表达原文含义,以求达意,翻译时有必要增加词语来使英文的表达更加顺畅。例如:虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 译文为:Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 其中间加上了增连词whereas,以使英语的句子表达更加有逻辑性。 二、减词 考生要明白,英语的表达倾向简洁,汉语比较喜欢重复,重复作为汉语的一种修辞手法,在某种场合下,重复的表达一个意思,是为了强调,加强语气。汉语中为了有更强的节奏感和押韵,也经常会出现排比句。考生在翻译这些句子时,为了符合英文表达的逻辑,就要有所删减或省略。例如:这是革命的春天,这是人民的春天,这是科学的春天!让我们张开双臂,热烈拥抱这个春天吧! 译文为:Let us stretch out our arms to embrace the spring, which is one of the revolution, of the people, and of science. 以上的汉语是比较重复的排比句,汉译英时考生要遵守英语的逻辑表达,加上定语从句来翻译,这样英文句子读起来也朗朗上口。 三、词类转换 英语语言的一个很重要的特点,就是词类变形和词性转换,尤其是名词、动词、形容词之间的转换。例如:她的书给我们的印象很深。 译文为:Her book impressed us deeply. 在此翻译中汉语中的名词印象转化成英语中的动词impress。 四、语态转换 语态分为被动语态和主动语态,汉语中主动语态使用率较高,英语中被动语态的使用率较高。所以考生在翻译时,要注意语态之间的转换。例如:这个小女孩在上学的路上受了伤。 译文为:The little girl was hurt on her way to school. 五、语序变换 为了适应英文的修辞避免歧义,有时需要对原文的语序进行调整。 六、分译与合译 考生在遇到较长的句子或较复杂的句子时,可以考虑分译,以使译文简洁,通俗易懂。同时考生也可以把汉语的两个较简短的句子翻译成一句英文,可以用连接词来链接。 七、正反表达翻译


英语句子翻译技巧 以下浅谈英译汉的几点技巧。 第一,翻译时注意英文的句型,英文的句型一般来说有相应的中文译法。如It的句型的翻译: (1)It is+名词十从句: It is a fact that…事实是…… It is a question that………是个问题 It is good news that………是好消息 it is common knowledge………是常识 (2) It is+过去分词十从句: It is said that…据说…… I t must be pointed out that…必须指出…… It is asserted that…有人主张…… It is supposed that…据推测…… It is believed that…据信…… It must be admitted that…必须承认…… It is reported that…据报道…… It will be seen from ii that…由此可见…… It has been proved that…已证明…… It is general1y considered that…人们普遍认为…… (3)It is+形容词十从句: It is necessary that…有必要…… It is likely that…很可能…… It is clear that…很清楚…… It is important that…重要的是…… (4) It+不及物动词十从句: It follows that…由此可见…… It happens that…碰巧…… It turne d out that…结果是…… 第二,注意英语被动句的翻译。英文的被动句经常用汉语主动句表达,如:You are requested to give a performance 英文的被动句译成汉语的主动句:请你给我们表演一个节目。英文中被动意义也可以用汉语中含有主动意义的句子来表达。常译成“被”、“由”、“受”、


汉译英翻译技巧 一、分清主从(Subordination) 汉语句中各分句关系比较松散,所以在动笔前应认真分析句子要旨所在。句中重点往往在后。英译时,要突出重点或主句,其他部分可分别用介词短语,非谓语动词形式或各种从句表示。 1、没有农业,人们就不能生存,社会生产就不能继续下去。 Without agriculture, people cannot exist, neither can social production proceed. 2、他们一听到“反霸”就火冒三丈,这充分暴露了他们那霸权主义的蛮横嘴脸。 The fact that they fly into a rage at a mere mention of the expression - “ anti hegemony ” is enough to reveal their true colours as a domineering hegemonists. 3、有人以为社会主义就了不起,一点缺点也没有,哪有这个事? Some believe that socialism is just perfect, without a single flaw. How can that be true? 4、但是,象我们常说的那样,道路总是曲折的,前途总是光明的。 But as we have often said, while the road ahead is tortuous, the future is bright. 二、选词用字 ( Diction ) 在汉译英时应特别注意选找与原文中在意义上和风味上尽可能都类似的词语。 1、每个民族都有它的长处,不然它为什么能存在?为什么能发展?Every nation has its own strong points. If not, how can it survive? How can it progress? 2、树雄心,立壮志,向科学技术现代化进军。 Foster lofty ideals, set high goals and march forward for the revolution of modernization of science and technology. 3、我国的社会主义建设,需要一个和平的国际环境,需要一个国内安定团结,天下大治的局面。 For its socialist construction, China needs an international environment of peace and a domestic situation of stability, unity and great order. 4、论技术,她那时还不如我,但思想却比我高得多。 Professionally she was then not yet my equal, but ideologically she was head and shoulders above me. 三、增益 ( Ampification ) 汉译英时的“增益”技巧的运用,有时是为了使英美人理解原文的精确含义,有时是为了遵循英语的行文习惯。 1、交出翻译之前,必须读几遍,看看有没有要修改的地方。这样才能把工作做好。 Before handing in your translation, you have to read it over and over again and see if there anything in it to be corrected or improved. Only then can you do your work well. (英语行文时人称代词,物主代词用得较多) 2、她挑水,生炉子,洗东西,忙个不停。 Fetching water, building the fire, washing --- she had her hands full every minute. ( 增益为了意译) 3、他们一听说有新任务,就坐不往了。


基本句型汉译英练习主谓宾结构(一) 说明: 此结构是由主语+谓语+宾语够成。其中的谓语动词须是及物的动词或及物的动词词组。宾语须是名词或相当于名词的成分。 翻译练习: 昨晚我写了一封信。 今天下午我想同你谈谈。 这本书他读过多次了。 他们成功地完成了计划。 你们必须在两周内看完这些书。 那位先生能流利地说三种语言。 我收到了笔友从澳大利亚寄来的信。 Jim 还不会自己穿衣服。 我们大家都相信Jack 是一个诚实男孩。 他不知道说什麽好。 他每天早晨洗冷水澡。 我开窗户你在意吗? 参考答案: 1.I wrote a letter last night.

2.I want to talk with you this afternoon. 3.He has read this book many times. 4.They have carried out the plan successfully. 5.You must finish reading these books in two weeks. 6.That gentlemen can speak three languages fluently. 7.I received a letter from my pen friend in Australia. 8.Jim cannot dress himself. 9.All of us believe that Jack is an honest boy. 10.He did not know what to say. 11.He takes a cold bath every morning. 12.Do you mind my opening the window? 主谓宾结构(二) 说明: 此结构中的谓语动词常常是动词词组,分两种情况:1.及物动词+副词,2.不及物动词+介词。 1.含有away, out, forward, up 等副词的动词词组是可拆分的。如, They carried out the plan successfully.我们还可以说, They carried the plan out successfully. 但我们只能说 As the plan was practical, they carried it out successfully. 动副词组都可以这样用,如,point out(指出), carry out(执行), put forward(提出), work out(做出,算出), find out(找出), give up(放弃), give away(赠送,分发),pick up(拣起), put up(挂上), 等。 2. 而含有介词at, for, from, into, of, with, to 等的动介词组是不可拆分的。如,look after(照顾), look at(瞧), look for(寻找), belong to(属于), refer to(参考,提及), think of(考虑,评价), send for(派人去请), care for(喜欢),suffer from(受…之苦), deal with(对付,应付), object to(反对), pay for(付…的钱),等。即我们只能说think of it,不能说think it of. in 在动词词组中用作副词,表示“在里面”,“往里进”,“在家”等意思。如,get in(收割),hand in(提交,交进)。 用作介词,表示“在…地点”,“在…范围”,“在…方面”。如,persist in(坚持),succeed


汉译英常用句型和短语 1.It is said / reported / predicated (断定)/ believed / asserted (宣称)/ supposed / well-known / generally considered… that… 据… It must be admitted / pointed out… that… 预计中国打算在近期购买私车的人数将达到三百万。 It is predicted that the car purchasers in China will amount to 3 million in the near future. 到2008年第四季度,国民经济年均增长率预计将达到10%。 The annual average growth rate of national economy is estimated to reach 10% by the last quarter of 2008. 必须指出,这样的错误不能再犯。 It must be pointed out that mistakes of this kind should not be repeated. 看来这两个科学分支是相互依存,相互作用的 It seems that these two branches of science are mutually dependent and interacting. 已经证明,感应电压使电流的方向与产生电流的磁场力方向相反。 It has been proved that induced voltage causes a current
