unit12 短语 句子

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The first thing is to greet the teacher.
6沿着街道走时,吃喝是不礼貌的· 。
It’s rude to eat or drink while walking down the street.
They go out of their way to make me feel at home.
• • • • • • • • • •
relaxed rules 12.宽松的规则 ___________________ the first thing is to greet/greeting the teache 13.第一件事是向老师打_________________ talk at (the ) table 14.吃饭时/在餐桌旁讲话 ___________ pick up your bowl to eat 15.端起碗吃饭 ______________________ wipe sth with napkins 16.用纸巾擦 _________________ every time you take (have) a drink 17.你每次吃东西时 _____________ make (a) noise while (when) eating noodles 18.吃面条时____________________ 19.把筷子插到你的食物里 stick your chopsticks into tour food _____________ 20.用筷子指点某人point at someone (anyone) with your chopsticks ______________________ it’s not polite 21.在街上走路时吃喝是不礼貌的 __________ to eat or drink While walking down the street
• 34.习惯于(做)某事 be/get used to sth/ dong sth _______________________________
• 35.发现某人/某事……(怎样) find sb/ sth difficult (adj) ___________________________ • 36.用法语告诉我关于你的生活 tell me about your life in French (tell _______________________ sb about sth) • 37.希望你过愉快的一学年 hope (that) you are having a good school year ______________________________ make/offer tea • 38.沏茶/上茶 __________________ speak to sb (older • 39.对……讲话 _____________people) • 40.在餐桌上敬酒 make a toast at dinner _____________________________ table manners • 41.餐桌礼仪 ___________ on Chinese New • 42.在中国的新年 ___________ Year start to do =start • 43.开始做……____________ doing after all • 44毕竟 _______________
I’m very comfortable speaking French now.
You wouldn’t believe how quickly my French has improved!
My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table
Questions crowded my mind.
I’m gradually getting used to things
Where I’m from, we’re pretty relaxed about time
4与家人朋友一起消魔时光是很重要的。 5第一件事情是问候老师。
Spending time with family and friends is very important.
11另一件事情是说你饱了是不礼貌的· 。
Another thing is that it is very rude to say you’re full.
I find it difficult to remember everything
13我渐渐习惯于那些事情。 14问题充满了我的脑海。。
• Unit12 1你第一次遇见人时,你应该做什么?
What are supposed to do when you meet somebody for the first time?
Iguess you should have asked what you were supposed to wear
• 22.谢谢你给捎口信 thanks for your message ________________________ • 23.在我的交换活动中 _______________ on my (the) exchange program
• • • • • • • • •
there is / was no reason to be 24.没有理由紧张 ____________________ nervous go out of one’s way to 25.不怕麻烦做某事 _______________ do 26.是某人感到宾至如归 ______________ make sb feel (do) at home 27.我的法语提高的多快啊! how quickly my french has improved ___________________________ be comfortable speaking (doing) 28.说……很流畅 ______________________ learn ______________________ 29.学会怎样在餐桌上表现how to behave at the dinner table 30.把你的面包放到盘子里 put your bread on your plate ______________________________ cut it up with a knife 31.用小刀把它切碎 __________________________ 32.把你的手一直放在餐桌上 keep your bands on the table _____________________________
九年 Unit Baidu Nhomakorabea2
be supposed to do = 1.被期望/应该做某事_________________ should do arrive in (at)/ get to / reach sp at 7:00 2.7点到达某地 ___________________ shake hands 3.握手 _____________ 4.对时间很宽松 be relaxed about time _____________ drop by sb /sw 5.顺便拜访某人/某地 ______________ make plans to do sth = 6.计划做某事__________________ plan to do 7.准时是很重要的 it’s important to be on time __________________ the land of watches 8.手表王国 __________________ 9.最好4点到那 have to be /get there at 4:00 _______________ 10.晚15分钟 fifteen minutes late __________________ what kinds of rules 11.什么种类的规则 _______________