小学语文课堂强化训练I (31)
写词语:abb:________________ ________________ _________________
根据意思写成语:真心诚意地从内心深处表示佩服。( )
小学三年级语文基础强化训练II (31)
直:①不弯曲。②使直,把弯曲的伸开。③一个劲儿地。④爽快,坦率。我直起腰,擦了擦头上的汗。( )这条公路笔直地伸向远方。( )境一()平安()音掌()全()一()响雷
填写合适的词:( )的钻石()的水晶璀璨无比的()()地说
小升初数学计算专题强化训练 30套
小升初数学计算专题强化训练套题(一)一 直接写出得数(2×10)31×76= 32÷158= 83×0.8= 0.75+14 = 21÷81= 1÷25%= 0÷54= 0.52= 31÷41= 5÷51=二、解方程或解比例(10×2)21x -41x =10 0.6∶x =31∶2三、递等式计算(8×5)30-1.6÷154 31+32÷6 151×(31+121)(61+21)÷76 (0.75-163)×(92+31)四、用简便方法计算(10×2)863×87 73×151+74÷15一、直接写出得数(2×10)31×76= 32÷158= 118÷4= 0.5÷14= 0.32= 7-0.35= 12÷7= 21÷81= 1÷25= 118÷54=二、解方程或解比例(10×2)43x +31x =39 x ∶2.4=31∶52三、递等式计算(5×8)53×61÷75 98÷74÷3134 ÷(13 +112 )1.08×0.8÷0.27 9.07—22.78÷3.4四、用简便方法计算(10×2)3.2×81+6.8×81 41÷(3-138-135)一、直接写出得数(2×10)3∏=31÷76= 32×158= 83÷81 9×0.8= 3×45%= 1.52= 31-14 = 83÷54= 21÷81= 4×1.25= (31-41)×24=二、解方程或解比例(10×2)X +54x =18 112∶x =32∶2三、递等式计算(8×5)32×41×3 1-75÷2125 21+45×5444.28÷0.9÷4.1 2.05÷0.82+33.6四、用简便方法计算(10×2)15 ÷3+45 ×13 89 +67 ×23 +37一、直接写出得数(2×10)7π=31×76= 1+45%= 0.92= 54+21= 83×94= 21÷81= 1÷025= 0÷54= 43×12= 二、解方程或解比例(10×2)3x -3.6=2.145.22=x6三、递等式计算(8×5)0.83+3.42×1.5 61×(5—32) 85÷(21+41)0.75×18÷0.15 (54-32)÷(21+32)四、用简便方法计算(10×2)51+94×83+65 (98+274)×27一、直接写出得数(2×10)5π=31÷156= 83×9= 1-45%= 102= 0.75×4= 83÷53= 81÷81= 1÷0.01= 0×58=二、解方程或解比例(10×2)32x ÷41=12 x12=65三、递等式计算(8×5)5—3×97 425 ×34 -501(65-43 )÷(32+94)7.28+3.2÷2.5 18.34÷7×0.5四、用简便方法计算(10×2)4-52÷158-4175.4×16-75.4×6一、直接写出得数20%21÷32= 31+61= 83÷41= 73÷3= 31-61= 7.69+3.31= 133×32= 92÷21= 9÷92= 73÷73+73= 62= 10-61= 二、解方程或解比例20%2.5×8+2x =25.421∶32=x ∶8三、递等式计算40%(51+41)÷ 43 43+61-83 54×(43-52)÷157(7.9-3.06÷0.68)×1.5 21.36×18-12.9四、用简便方法计算20%3.7×99 2-136÷269-32一、直接写出得数20%0.25+2.5=31+41= 6.3÷0.7= 4.9+2.1= 21×0.8= 202= 0.8-54= 154÷4= 4.6+1.5= 4÷14 = 0.26×3= 54+51=二、解方程或解比例20%X ÷54=2815 10∶x =32∶54三、递等式计算40%0.75×(4.8÷0.12) 85÷1615×94 151×(31+121)1.08×0.8÷0.272.05÷0.82+33.6四、用简便方法计算20% (75+151)×7+158 51÷3+54×31一、直接写出得数20%10∏= 1.25×4=53+57= 4-32= 2.4× 0.8= 52×65= 0.6-53= 4-3.2-0.8= 0.42= 83×9= 132+31= 9÷32=二、解方程或解比例20%χ×31=7÷18721∶32=x ∶8三、递等式计算40%74÷98+145 30-1.6÷154 98÷74÷3144.28÷0.9÷4.1 1.2×(2.15+1.95÷6.5)四、用简便方法计算20%8.2×99+8.2 1715÷8+172×81一、直接写出得数20%31+41= 87×76= 2.7 -0.6 = 32×9= 4-83= 39×133= 6÷0.01= 0.62= 125×36= 0.75-14 = 914÷21= 6×15%=二、解方程或解比例20%41χ÷51=53 21∶32=53∶x三、递等式计算40%4÷83 -0.6 92×0.375÷76 14÷(31+41)(16 +12 )÷67 (12.18-2.4×5)÷0.15四、用简便方法计算20%10.25+5.89+0.75+4.11 223÷5+51×223一、直接写出得数20%7∏=54-21= 3.7+7.3= 1.3÷0.01= 19×83= 51÷5=8×1.3= 72÷71= 2.2+1.88= 10×10%= 0.12= 1.5×31=二、解方程或解比例20%χ÷61=125 3∶x =65∶92三、递等式计算40%(1-72)×1514 145÷214×256 30-58÷1549.07-22.78÷3.4 2.5×(3.52÷2.2-0.02)四、用简便方法计算20%25×3.2×125 43×94+0.75×95一、直接写出得数20%6÷43= 32÷31= 43-21= 32÷158= 83×0= 127×43=31÷6= 16×83= 1-94= 2013÷39= 0÷253= 1÷1%= 二、解方程或解比例20%χ÷356=4526÷2513 3∶x =65∶92三、递等式计算40%(54-41)÷1511 21÷1.4-0.15 (65-43)÷(32+94)92×0.375÷76 (97+31)÷158×103四、用简便方法计算20%1311×35-1311÷35132.6×33-32.6×235一、直接写出得数20%1+1%= 4÷31= 32÷158= 102 = 52÷10= 9×0.8=10+54= 65×103= 72×72= 0.75+41= 6÷21= 54+51=二、解方程或解比例20%98χ=61×51162(x -3)=5.8 1.25∶0.25=x ∶1.6三、递等式计算40%7.28+3.2÷2.5 44.28÷0.9÷4.1 (2-0.6)÷157(61+21)÷76(12.18-2.4×5)÷0.15四、用简便方法计算20%65+3.9+ 61+6.1 223÷5+51×223一 直接写出得数:20%12 +13 = 18×23 = 910 ×23 = 1×78 = 34 -25 = 57 ×21= 512 ×45 = 213 ×6=310 ×56 29 ×9= 58 ×25 = 2-79= 二 解方程或解比例20%(1-34 )X =13 23 ÷X =16 5.6:0.35 56 :76三 递等式计算40%44.28÷0.9÷4.165-43)÷(32+94) 151×(31+121)四 用简便方法计算20%545 ÷14÷710 12 ×47 +12 ×47 89 ×34 ÷815一 直接写出得数20%27 ×2 = 35 ×1 = 34 ×13 = 12×34 = (23)3=1÷49 = 715 ÷215 = 79 ÷1= 0÷813 ×57 = 二 解方程或比例20%(1-34 )X =13 23 ÷X =16 X - 23 X = 29三 递等式计算40%32.6×33-32.6×23 43-43÷3+259254×101—254 52×41+21÷85四 简便运算20%98×165÷15 1211-91+125一,直接写出得数20%27 ×2 = 35 ×1 = 34 ×13 = 12×34 = (23)3= 528 ×7= 45 ×47 = 5-37 = 724 ×314 = 16 +56 ×15= 二 解方程或比例40%X+37 X=18 X ×( 16 + 38 )=1312 X 2 =0.751.255∶8 = 20∶X 43:X = 91:2 17-120%X=5三 递等式计算20%94+72+185÷21 127×【41÷(31-41)】 25×3.2×125四 简便运算20% (61-31+41)×24 1514÷【(54+32)×1110】 18÷(21-31)一直接写出得数20%7 ×314=37÷ 6 =45÷54= 1.6 ÷ 0.7 = 1÷3×13=5 14÷514=18÷52=13× 0.15 =37÷78=12×13÷13×12=二解方程或比例30%3 4:X =56X -23X =294÷23X =25三递等式计算20%16 5× 3 ÷45259÷54÷45(59-12×13)÷56四简便运算30%5 6 +38)× 48 1214÷ 255978÷177817÷23+123×917一 直接写出得数20%34 ×815 = 57 ÷57 = 813 ÷4= 512 ÷5= 12 -25 =1÷49 = 28÷78 = 715 ÷215 = 9÷19 = 12÷15 = 79 ÷1=二 解方程或比例30%58 x =30 58 ÷x =30 30÷x =58 x ÷30=58三 递等式计算20%34 ×45 ×58 215 ×15÷215 32 ÷34 ÷45 ×58 27 ÷710 ÷20四 简便运算30%8-74÷32×61 (2-83×4)÷61 (31+54÷2)×11641×(6-76)÷ +6×21 4-85÷57332一 直接写出得数10%1、25分=( )时 83吨=( )千克 2、43=( ):( )=)(21=( )÷12=( ) 填小数 二 解方程或比例30%X ×53=20×41 x ×41×32=10 X ×32=4 8÷x=52三 递等式计算30% 30÷65 2225×1011215×71×1514×732÷30÷5132×30÷4132÷30×65四 简便运算30%8-74÷32×61 (2-83×4)÷61 (31+54÷2)×11641×(6-76)÷ +6×21 4-85÷57332一 直接写出得数16%7.9÷0.01= 0.01÷0.1= 65.4+45.6= 2-0.35= 544+456= 52×3= 121×8= 165×0= 二 解方程或比例32%X ×53=20×41 x ×41×32=10 X ×32=4 8÷x=52三 递等式计算18%(1)43× 27+ 57÷ 34(2) 12-425÷25+14(3)41÷(85+83×58)四 简便运算34%[(4+23)÷52]×125311 ÷[25 +(1-1011 )] (45 +14 )÷73 +71010 - 719 - 1219 + 119 88×(38 + 144 ) 14-710 ÷73 -710一 直接写出得数16%65÷13= 6×1211= 5395⨯= ⨯7512=7+0.15= 16×87= 65×4= 98×76=二 解方程或比例36% X ×74=218 54X=40 X ÷32=65X -43X=81 X +72X=18 2512X=15×53三 递等式计算36%97÷÷ (61+21)÷76 2-136÷269-3298÷74÷31 (0.75-163)×(92+31) 4÷38-0.6四 简便运算12%[(4+23)÷52]×125311 ÷[25 +(1-1011 )]31914一 直接写出得数16%48÷1.6= 95+54= 95×54=1211-83=8+21= 1211×83= 98÷4= 73÷3=二 解方程或比例24%58 x = 15 x÷ 29 =67 34 x÷16 =18三 递等式计算32%125)8143(÷- 7113813671⨯+⨯ 319865÷÷ 135717138⨯+÷879720÷- 54851÷⨯ χ-32χ=9234 χ÷16 =18四 简便运算28%88×(38 + 144 ) 14-710 ÷73 -71057 ×114 +534 ×57 30×( 45 -12 +16)一 直接写出得数8%911-97= 2-0.35= 54-1.3= 3.7+0.23= 5395 = 78-0.8= 36×0.25= 2×1.15= 二 解方程28%2x+8=16 2x/5=10 x+7x=8 9x -3x=6 6x -8=4三 递等式计算32%21-32÷8+41 252×15+54×21 32+16×83÷72(21-32×41)÷5 16×(1-21-41) 2÷(51+31)×154四 简便运算32%51÷3+54×31 94+72+185÷21 72×(21-31+41)一 直接写出得数16%2143⨯= 4.4÷2.2= 5221-= 94-31=94163⨯= 220-22= 2.6-1.7= 357-65-35= 二 解方程或比例36%18x-16x+18×1+50=70 14×(60-x )×2=20x5x+4.5(103-x )=486 4x+9(x+2)=200三 递等式计算24%2-32÷54-61 83+54×65+31 71×116+115÷7四 简便运算24%2-32÷54-61 83+54×65+31 71×116+115÷7一 直接写出得数16%1-72+73= 87×56=559×5= 56×185= 41+41-21= 10÷4×2.5= 5×16.5÷5= 8-1.3-1.7= 二 解方程或比例24%12x=11x -79 13x -12(x+2)=0 (x-1)-(3x+2)=-(x-1)三 递等式计算30% 4-158÷32-51 98×(9+43)-32 91-125×54÷3四 简便运算30%51÷3+54×31 94+72+185÷21 72×(21-31+41)一 直接写出得数10%1258= 21÷21= 10×54= 10+54= 154×4= 10-54= 10÷54= 43×21= 二 解方程或比例48%24x+12=132 56=12x+8 2x+4=30 13x -12(x+2)=012x=11x -79 14、67-12x=7 (x-1)-(3x+2)= - (x-1)三 递等式计算21%12÷(1-73) (21+52)×94 10÷52-43×92四 简便运算21% (81+43)÷(1-101) 98+76×32+73 1-92×3一 直接写出得数10%94163 = 220-22= 2.6-1.7= 357-65-35= 1-72+73= 87×56= 559×5= 56×185=二 解方程或比例48%6x-17=13 9-10x=10-9x 2(x -1)=4. 13x-26=1375-5x=70 2(6x-2)=8 25x (12-6)=300三 递等式计算21%88×(38 + 144 ) 14-710 ÷73 -710 57 ×114 +534 ×57四 简便运算21%(21-32×41)÷5 16×(1-21-41) 2÷(51+31)×154一 直接写出得数10%1-5%= 31+41=125×203= 3÷53= 6×32=109×65= 85+41= 1001÷101= 43÷12= 21-72=二 解方程或比例48%X ×53=20×41 25% + 10X = 54 X - 15%X = 68X +83X =121 5X -3×215=75 32X ÷41=12三 递等式计算21%47 ÷32 +47 ÷3 (1-21-41)÷81(1÷14 + 14 ÷1)×8四 简便运算21%85×43+41×85 (125+167)×48 3-127-125一 直接写出得数10%34 ×16 = 45 ×54 = 1617 ÷8 = 23 ÷23 ×23 = 17 ÷114 = 139 ÷1= 1÷97 = 512 +16 ×12= 二 解方程或比例48% X ÷72=167 X +87X=43 4X -6×32=2125 ÷X=310 53 X = 7225 98 X = 61×5116三 递等式计算21%12÷(1+31-65) 52×4÷52×4 1×1001÷20001×101四 简便运算21%43×52+43×0.6 257×118+257÷311 257×101-257一 直接写出得数10%5×73= 5÷35= 1-27.5%=9×3.14==⨯12553 =⨯5425 =-5141 =⨯22711 二 解方程或比例48% X +83X =121 5X -3×215=75 32X ÷41=126X +5 =13.4 834143=+X 3X=83三 递等式计算21%43-43÷3+53 31÷21-45×52 53+41÷(32-23×31)四 简便运算21%28×(41+71-143) 503×51 90×491一 直接写出得数10%=⨯12553 =⨯5425 =-5141 =⨯22711 =⨯4261 =÷137107 6÷=83 =÷294二 解方程或比例48%X - 27 X=432X + 25 = 35 70%X + 20%X = 3.6X ×53=20×41 25% + 10X = 54 X - 15%X = 68三 递等式计算21%52×(43+51)÷1019 136÷[117×(1-73)] 5-23×2110-72四 简便运算21%2543×4 (39×72+72×4)÷72 127-(41-125)。
2023年公共营养师-公共营养师(四级)考试历年真题甄选易错、难点强化训练卷3套【试题附带答案】全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!住在富人区的她卷I一.全考点押密题库(共100题)1.(判断题)(每题 1.00 分) 营养性贫血多发生于4岁以下的儿童。
()正确答案:B,2.(判断题)(每题 1.00 分) 青少年时期是生长发育的高峰期,因此脂肪的摄入不用限制。
()正确答案:B,3.(判断题)(每题 0.50 分) 碳水化合物在营养学上分为糖、单糖和多糖三类。
()正确答案:B,4.(单项选择题)(每题 1.00 分) 酸渍保藏食品使用的醋酸浓度应达到()以上。
A. 1.9%B. 1.8%C. 1.7%D. 1.6%正确答案:C,5.(多项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) 设计调查表时,要注意的方面包括()。
A. 调查表中的问题一般将敏感的问题放在最后,封闭式的问题列在开放式的问题之后B. 调查表要与调查主题密切相关,重点突出,避免可有可无的问题C. 调查表中的问题应条理清楚,符合逻辑顺序D. 调查表中的问题要容易让被调查者接受E. 尽量使用简单、直接、无偏见的词汇,保证被调查者在较短的时间内完成调查表正确答案:B,C,D,E,6.(单项选择题)(每题 1.00 分) 下列关于24h回顾法的叙述,错误的是()。
A. 24h一般是指被调查者从最后一餐吃东西开始向前推24hB. 24h回顾调查法可用于小型的课题研究,但不适用于大型的全国膳食调查C. 具体询问获得信息的方式有很多种,其中最典型的方法是使用开放式调查表进行面对面的询问D. 在实际工作中一般选用3天连续调查方法正确答案:B,7.(判断题)(每题 0.50 分) 豆类是蛋白质含量较高的食品。
()正确答案:A,8.(单项选择题)(每题 0.50 分) 矿物质在人体内含量较多,每日膳食需要量都在()m9以上者,称为常量元素。
A. 10B. 50C. 100D. 800正确答案:C,9.(多项选择题)(每题 2.00 分) 针对社区老年居民的糖尿病健康教育宜采用哪些形式?()A. 上门宣传B. 组织讲座C. 网络咨询D. 发放资料正确答案:A,B,D,10.(判断题)(每题 0.50 分) 食物中长期缺乏维生素B1易引起脚气病。
小学四年级语文强化训练II (31)
“离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。”这首诗的作者是:( ) A、郑燮B、孟郊C、朱熹D、白居易
人教版一年级数学下册解决问题专项强化训练31. 移动下面一根火柴棒,算式就成立了,你来试一试。
2. 按要求做题。
蓝子里可能有多少个梨?(画“√”)3. 下面哪幅图是淘气和笑笑看到的,写一写。
4. 一年级有14人参加了美术小组,8人参加了合唱小组,参加美术小组的比参加合唱小组的多几人?5. 从5,7,9,14四个数中选出三个,写出四道算式。
36. 小刚有14元钱,买文具盒用了5元,买练习本用了3元,小刚的钱比原来少了______元。
7. 跳绳比赛。
(1)丽丽比明明多跳了多少下?(2)红红和明明一共跳了多少下?8. 用0、1、2、3这四个数字,能组成多少个不同的两位数,写下来。
9. 还剩下多少个乒乓球?10. 一个加数是40,另一个加数是30,和是多少。
11. 根据图提问题,并解答。
12. 观察直尺,图上最左边的数是几?说说它表示什么?13. 一本故事书共46页,从前往后数第20页是智力闯关游戏,如果倒过来数,这个游戏在第几页?14. 买这两种玩具,50元够吗?515. 解决问题。
(1)今年参加佳合社区“陕乐大家庭”广播操比赛的家庭有36个,比去年多了13个,去年有多少个家庭参加?(2)肖明打了多少个字?孙浩呢?16. 看图解决问题。
还剩多少个?17. 从5,7,9,14四个数中选出三个,写出四道算式。
18. 爷爷今年66岁,小明今年13岁,爷爷比小明大多少岁?19. 一年级三班有男生20人,女生33人,一共多少人?20. 小灰有多少个松果?21. 东东、明明和小方进行跳绳比赛。
(1)东东第二次跳了多少下?(2)明明两次共跳了多少下?(3)小方第二次至少要跳多少下,才能获得第二名(51下)呢?22. 这一队一共有多少人?(仿练教材第70页第7题)23. 小鸟应该回哪个家,用线连一连。
24. 1~5各数怎样写呢?25. 小明家养16只26. 把差是5的两个数连上线。
代词专项练习一、人称代词1. Miss Green will teach ______English next term.A. theyB. themC. theirD. themselves2. —What’s the date today?—______ is June 19, 2003.A. ThisB. It’sC. ThatD. It3. Yesterday morning there were only three boys in our room, ______.A. you, he and IB. I, you and heC. he, I and youD. you, I and he4. I often help ______.A. he and sheB. his and herC. him and herD. his and hers5. ______ was snowing when we reached the cinema.A. The skyB. ItC. The dayD. The weather二、物主代词6. Our room is on the first floor and ______ is on the second.A. themB. theirC. theirsD. themselves7. —Excuse me! Is this ______ watch?—No, it’s not ______. It’s Jim’s.A. your; myselfB. your; myC. yours; mineD. your; mine8. Li Ping met an old friend of ______ on a train yesterday.A. heB. himC. hisD. her9. He told me about ______ school yesterday.A. theyB. themC. theirD. theirs10. A friend of ______came to see ______yesterday.A. me; meB. my; meC. me; ID. mine; me三、反身代词11. We enjoyed ______ in the park yesterday.A. yourselvesB. myselfC. themselvesD. ourselves12. Look at ______ in the mirror, children. How dirty ______ faces are!A. yourself; yourB. you; yourC. your; yourD. yourselves; your13. Mary and Jane always think more of others than of ______.A. himselfB. themselvesC. herselfD. them14.—She speaks English very well. Who taught her?—Nobody! She taught ______.A. herB. hersC. sheD. herself15. Jane’s grandpa lives in Ashland by ______.A. herselfB. himselfC. themselvesD. him四、指示代词16. There’s some milk in these glasses. But what’s in ______ glasses.A. theseB. thatC. thoseD. this17. ______.A. These are the third lessonB. This is the Lesson twoC. This is a lesson, tooD. This is third lesson18. ______.A. Is your friend that pretty girlB. Is that friend you’re pretty girlC. Is that girl pretty your friendD. Is that pretty girl your friend19. ______.A. Is this your hat thereB. Are those your hats thereC. Are those your hats hereD. Is this your hats here五、疑问代词20. ______ those books do you want?A. What areB. Which ofC. Which areD. What21. ______.A. Of what cups are madeB. Of what cupsC. What cups are made ofD. What are cups made of22. What’s that man? ______.A. He’s my brotherB. It’s an old manC. Yes, it’s that manD. He’s a teacher23. Whose hats are those? They are ______ hats.A. he’sB. Mr Black’sC. Mrs’ Black’sD. She’s24. ______ the woman over there? Sorry, I don’t know.A. WhoseB. Who’sC. Where’sD. Whoes25. Here are three books, ______ like best?A. Which book do youB. Which book youC. What book do youD. What book you六、不定代词26. ______ of the flowers are planted out of the garden.A. OneB. SomeC. LittleD. Much27. Tom is not going to have ______ lessons this afternoon.A. anyB. someC. muchD. /28. I want to drink, please give me ______ water.A. anyB. someC. aD. many29. There aren’t ______ cows around.A. someB. muchC. anyD. none30. I listened but heard ______.A. nothingB. anythingC. somethingD. everything31. There wasn’t ______ in the garden.A. some peopleB. anybodyC. any peopleD. no persons32. Are my pencils on your desk? No, there ______ on my desk.A. aren’t somethingB. isn’t somethingC. aren’t anythingD. isn’t anything33. ______ is wrong with my watch. It has stopped ______.A. Something; workingB. Something; to workC. Anything; workingD. Anything; to work34. Stop talking, please. Our teacher has ______ important to tell you.A. somethingB. nothingC. anythingD. everything35. He knew ______ about it because ______ had told him before.A. something; none of usB. nothing; some of usC. nothing; all of usD. nothing; none of us36. They have just had a through cleaning, ______ will be found in their classroom.A. no rubbishB. not rubbishC. none rubbishD. rubbish none37. You said the books were on the desk but ______ there.A. there was no oneB. there were noneC. there were no onesD. was none38. The clinic(医务室) is closed on Sundays, ______ will be there.A. none doctorsB. not doctorsC. doctors notD. no doctors39. ______ of the two boys studies history.A. BothB. NeitherC. AllD. None40. There are two books on the desk, you may take ______.A. either oneB. either twoC. neither twoD. both one41.—Which of the two movies do you like better?—I like ______, because they are not interesting.A. allB. neitherC. noneD. both42.—When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow evening?—I don’t mind. ______time is OK.A. SomeB. NeitherC. EitherD. Both43. There are forty students in our class. Fifteen of them are girls. ______ are boys.A. OthersB. OtherC. The otherD. The others44. ______ old lady is walking across the street.A. An otherB. Which otherC. AnotherD. The other45. He returned to his desk and put the text books on one side and the notebooks on ______.A. one otherB. the otherC. anotherD. that other46. Children should be taught how to get on well with ______.A. anotherB. othersC. otherD. any others47. I have two pencils. One is red, ______ is black.A. the oneB. otherC. the otherD. another48. Joan’s parents are ______ doctors.A. allB. eachC. bothD. either49. There are many trees on ______ sides of the street.A. bothB. allC. eitherD. each50. ______ of them went shopping, but neither bought anything.A. AllB. EitherC. BothD. None51. He invited some classmates to his party, but ______ came.A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few52. Be quick! There is ______ time to go.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few53.—Would you like some milk?—Yes, just ______.A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few54.There are ______ sheep on the hills.A. littleB. a littleC. muchD. a lot55. I can’t work out this math problem. I know ______ about math.A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little代词专项强化训练1. —Whose calculator is it?—It’s ______.A. myB. IC. meD. mine2. ______ went to the station at six yesterday.A. I and heB. I and himC. He and meD. He and I3. She went out without saying ______.A. anythingB. nothingC. somethingD. everything4. I don’t know whose book is newer, Tom’s or ______.A. hisB. meC. ourD. her5. I had heard ______ about it until you told me.A. everythingB. nothingC. anythingD. something6. Though the math problem was quite difficult, ______ hard working students worked it out.A. fewB. littleC. a fewD. a little7. The twins are ______ tall ______ strong.A. all; andB. neither; orC. either; norD. both; and8. —May I drink ______ of your orange juice?—Sorry, I’ve got ______.A. many; a littleB. some; littleC. some; muchD. any; few9. There are ten computers in the computer room. Three are made in Japan and ______ are made in China.A. the othersB. the otherC. othersD. other10. There are trees on ______ side of the street.A. bothB. eitherC. anyD. all11. I haven’t got many apples, but you can take ______ if you want to.A. littleB. a fewC. fewD. a little12. ______ of the twins like drawing.A. AllB. BothC. NoneD. Either13. ______ information will be stored in the computer.A. A large number ofB. A great dealC. A lotD. Plenty of14. What’s that girl? ______.A. It’s a studentB. She’s a studentC. She’s studentD. She’s a student girl15. This is not ______ picture, ______ is in the bag.A. my; myB. your; yourC. her; herD. his; his16. There’s ______ ink in my pen. Could you give me some?.A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little17. There are two foreign friends in the park. One is from Japan, ______ is from America.A. otherB. othersC. the otherD. the others18. Mary hasn’t ______ paper with her.A. someB. anyC. noD. many19. Whose are those? ______.A. It’s of the teacherB. It’s theirsC. They’re Jill’s brother’sD. They’re our20. Who will teach ______ biology this term?A. usB. ourC. weD. ours21. This is your present. ______ are over there.A. WeB. UsC. OurD. Ours22. A lot of girls have tried, but ______ have passed the exam.A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little23. You know ______ French words, don’t you?A. a littleB. a fewC. littleD. a little24. We planted trees on ______ sides of the street.A. everyB. eachC. allD. both25. The trousers are too big for me to wear. Please buy me a smaller ______.A. setB. oneC. copyD. pair26. The little girl can dress ______ now.A. herB. her ownC. herselfD. her clothe27. There isn’t ______ at the bus stop.A. anybodyB. peopleC. any personsD. somebody28. There are four windows in the hall. They ______ face south.A. allB. bothC. everyD. each29. Everyone should be careful with ______ grammar.A. theirB. ourC. onesD. his30. There isn’t ______ in the playground.A. anyoneB. any peopleC. no personsD. persons。
Since the beginning of time, exploring the Universe has been a dream of humankind. Human ____1____ (curious) has fuelled interest in exploring and discovering new worlds, pushing the boundaries of ____2____ known, and expanding scientific and technical knowledge.States and space agencies ____3____ (work) on space exploration since the first space launch. The first space launch led to the first human space flight, ____4____ led to the first moonwalk. Nowadays focus has shifted to joint human and robotic missions, near - Earth asteroids (小行星), Mars and destinations beyond our own solar system.Space exploration and the innovation ____5____ (involve) in it are essential drivers for opening up new areas in space science and technology. That produces new partnerships ____6____ develops capabilities that create new opportunities for ____7____ (address) global challenges. Space exploration also motivates young people ____8____ (pursue) education and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (the STEM disciplines).Though the precise nature of future benefits from space exploration is not easily predefined (预先确定), current trends suggest that significant advantage may ____9____ (find) in areas such as new materials, health and medicine, transportation and computer technology. As the benefits of space exploration and innovation become____10____ (well) known, increasingly more countries and non - governmental entities are interested in engaging in exploration and innovation.(2022·江苏苏州·模拟预测)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
小学数学课堂强化训练 (31)
语法专题名词备考精练1. (2019江西改编)My daughter helps me cook, but she isn’t old enough to be left alone in the________.A. bedroomB. classroomC. kitchen2. (2019安徽改编)You can see the________ in our faces when we talk about the great achievements in the past.A. doubtB. prideC. regret3. (2019河北改编)I like this song. It’s by one of my favorite________.A. singersB. dancersC. painters4. (2019重庆A卷改编)One________ of the book is missing, so I can’t learn the whole story.A. copyB. pageC. writer5. (2019青岛改编)—Lucy, how about going to the________?—Sounds great! Reading books can give us much pleasure.A. libraryB. cinemaC. museum6. (2019连云港改编)On April 24, Xie Wenjun raced to gold in the________ 110-meter hurdles at the Asian Athletics Championships in Qatar.A. manB. menC. men’s7. (2019东营改编)It’s not a good________ for students to go online just for answers to homework.A. skillB. hobbyC. habit8. (2019长沙雅礼中学模拟)—Uncle, how far is your company from your home?—It’s about ________ walk.A. ten-minuteB. ten minutesC. ten minutes’9. (2020原创)—What’s the ________ of your excellent driving skill?—Practice makes perfect.A. speedB. giftC. secret10. (2020原创) Every coin has two________. Becoming a famous player is cool but it needs a great amount of hard work.A. roomsB. pointsC. sides11. (2020原创)The old man takes good ________ of his dog and regards it as his friend.A. careB. prideC. life12. (2020原创)Tina’s father is on________ in Shanghai recently and Tina misses him very much.A. interestB. businessC. fun13. (2020原创)Here we would like to invite you to join us and share your ________ and photos with us.A. storyB. storiesC. storys14. (2020原创)I want to buy ________ for my son. He really likes it.A. two bottle of milkB. two bottle of milksC. two bottles of milk15. (2020原创)In order to make our school life more colorful, more activities and ________ will be held in our school.A. experienceB. competitionC. competitions16. (2020原创)________ Day is coming and I’m wondering what to get for my father.A. Father’sB. Fathers’C. Father17. (2020原创)Though the little boy is young, he can dress himself without his ________ help.A. mother’sB. mothersC. mother18. (2020原创)This is ________ English teacher. She is kind and patient.A. Lily’s and Lucy’sB. Lily and Lucy’sC. Lily’s and Lucy挑战题19. 陷阱题The mobile phone sells for 5,000 yuan, and it is much more than its real ________.A. costB. valueC. money20. 陷阱题—Are you going out with Jade tonight?—That’s my________. Mind your own!A. offerB. businessC. question21. 陷阱题The three ________ upstairs are too small to have enough ________ for a double bed.A. room, roomB. room, roomsC. rooms, room冠词1. (2019广东改编)________ Great Wall is one of the seven wonders around the world.A. TheB. AC. /2. (2019甘肃省卷改编)Lily practices playing __________ violin after school every day.A. aB. anC. the3. (2019天水改编)—You’ve dropped ________“s” in the word “necessary”.—Oh, the letter “s” is doubled.A. aB. anC. the4. (2019淮安改编)To save time, many students have ________ lunch at school every day.A. aB. anC. /5. (2019咸宁改编)—Do you know 2019 is the year of the Pig?—Sure. The pig is________ twelfth sign in the Chinese zodiac cycle(生肖).A. aB. anC. the6. (2018湘潭) I have ________ eight-month-old sister and she is very lovely.A. aB. anC. the7. (2017岳阳)—Ben, is physics your favorite subject?—Yes, and it is ________ important one.A. aB. theC. an8. (2019长沙四模)Hurry up! The concert will begin in ________ minute.A. aB. /C. the9. (2019长沙三模)—The task is too difficult for me to finish.—Don’t worry.I’ll give you________ hand.A. aB. theC. /10. (2020原创)—Gina, it’s going to r ain. Take ________ umbrella to school with you.—OK, Mom.A. aB. anC. the11. (2020原创)Paper-cutting is a traditional art of China. Many foreigners have ________interest in it.A. aB. anC. /12. (2019原创)This street is ________ one-way street. Many people hope it will be changed into two-way traffic.A. aB. anC. /13. (2019原创)—Tony,can you make ________ sentence with “have nothing against”?—No problem. It’s a piece of cake.A. /B. aC. an14. (2020原创)The bridge between the two islands is ________ longest one in this area.A. aB. anC. the15. (2020原创)The new study shows that going to ________ bed late is harmful to our health.A. /B. anC. the用冠词a/an/the填空1. (2019广东改编)We all know that ________ Great Wall is one of the seven wonders around the world.2. (2019兰州改编)Hide-and-seek is________ interesting game for children.3. (2019滨州改编)Song of Youth is such________ fantastic film that I have seen it twice.4. (2019青岛改编)Qingdao is a beautiful city that lies in ________ east of China.5. (2019凉山州改编)Laura is an 11-year-old girl. She is good at playing ________ guitar.6. (2019天水改编)You’ve dropped ________ “s” in the word “necessary”. How careless you are!7. (2019怀化改编)They often have three meals ________ day. They have dinner at 6:30 pm every day.8. (2020原创)Compared to writing by hand, using ________ computer can correct mistakes more easily.9. (2020原创)We are talking about ________ boy we met at the restaurant last night.10. (2020原创)Longman Dictionary is ________ useful tool for English learners.11. (2020原创)He likes watching the fifth channel. ________ channel is about sports.12. (2020原创)I usually have a piece of bread and ________ egg for breakfast.13. (2020原创)There is ________ knife and fork on this table. Please bring a set.14. (2020原创)Our family lives next door to ________ Simpsons. I have known their son for a long time.15. (2020原创)I meet my foreign friend twice________ week in a coffee shop to practice my English.16. (2020原创)Read through ________ article on Page 25 and fill in the chart below.17. (2020原创)This park would be a good place for our class to have ________ picnic.18. (2020原创)It is not ________ good idea to drive for four hours without a break.19. (2020原创)I usually take ________ shower before going to school in the morning.形容词和副词备考精练1. (2019菏泽)Be more________ next time, and you won’t make the same mistake again.A. carelessB. carefulC. nervous2. (2019北京改编)Julie takes good care of the family dog. She is ________ than her brother.A. patientB. more patientC. most patient3. (2019广东改编)Fishing is one of ________ activities among the middle-aged people.A. popularB. more popularC. the most popular4. (2019天津改编)—Diana, I forget new words quickly. How can I remember them?—Don’t worry. It’s ________ to forget new words! I suggest you reading the words and trying to use them.A. naturalB. excitingC. perfect5. (2019重庆A卷改编)Nobody worked the math problem out. It was________ one of all.A. difficultB. more difficultC. the most difficult6. (2019重庆B卷改编)Lisa made so many mistakes in her homework, because she didn’t do it ________ enough.A. carefullyB. busilyC. quickly7. (2019南京改编)Seeing the new changes in her hometown, Nanjing, Sandy could________ believe her eyes.A. hardlyB. highlyC. nearly8. (2019甘肃省卷改编)Sam is 11 years old. Peter is 16 years old. Peter is 5 years________ than Sam.A. olderB. shorterC. newer9. (2019青岛改编)To make rivers________ than before, everybody is supposed to protect them.A. cleanerB. cleanestC. the cleaner10. (2019盐城改编)________ say that English is too difficult for us to learn. We can learn it well with efforts.A. SometimesB. SeldomC. Never11. (2019鄂州改编)—Paul, do you prefer weekdays or weekends?—Weekdays, of course. I’m ________ on weeken ds.A. busyB. much busierC. more busier12. (2019扬州改编)—Tan Dun does not use any musical instruments in his music Water.—That’s really ________!He is so creative.A. boringB. amazedC. amazing13. (2019襄阳改编)Tom runs________ in our class. None of us can catch him in the race.A. fastB. fasterC. the fastest14. (2019长沙三模)—What do you think of your English teacher?—She is great.No one teaches ________ in our school.A. wellB. betterC. best15. (2019长沙雅礼中学模拟)Health is on the top of my list. Nothing is ________.A. importantB. more importantC. the most important16. (2019长沙黑白卷)—I can hardly see the words on the screen.—Well, let’s go and take the front seats so that we may see them________.A. clearlyB. more clearlyC. most clearly17. (2020原创)It’s ________ for us to offer helping hands to people who are in trouble.A. necessaryB. uselessC. terrible18. (2020原创)You’d better keep the window ________. It’s raining heavily outside.A. openB. closedC. free19. (2020原创)Our teacher is ________ with us in class but kind after school.A. strictB. hardC. rude20. (2020原创)The population of China is much ________ than that of Russia.A. smallerB. largerC. fewer21. (2020原创) If you’re really ________,you need to tak e a rest and relax yourself, and don’t keep studying all the time.A. worriedB. hungryC. tired22. (2020原创)When a problem appears, we should look for a ________ way to solve it instead of asking others for help at once.A. differentB. correctC. wrong23. (2020原创) Letting others feel ________ to talk with you is the basic secret to communicating with them well.A. comfortableB. upsetC. sure24. (2020原创)It’s a ________ day today. Let’s fly a kite in the park.A. sunnyB. snowyC. rainy25. (2020原创)—He hardly had friends because he used to be mean.—But now he has changed a lot. He treats others ________ and becomes popular.A. nicelyB. rudelyC. heavily26. (2020原创)Though Tom isn’t so ________ as John, he works hard to catch up with him.A. cleverB. more cleverC. most clever27. (2020原创)My father thinks the fried food is not good for health, so he ________ eats it.A. alwaysB. seldomC. often28. (2020原创)—I have trouble reading such a long passage.—You can read ________ t o get the main idea first. Don’t read word by word. Just read for the key points.A. recentlyB. mainlyC. quickly29. (2020原创)They picked as ________ apples as the farmers did and this surprised me.A. manyB. moreC. most30. (2020原创)The________ you start, the sooner you’ll be back.A. earlyB. earlierC. earliest31. (2020原创)Friends mean a lot to me. I always feel much ________ after I tell my problems to my close friends.A. goodB. better D. best32. (2020原创)—We may move to another planet in the future with the population increasing.—I think so. We will have no other choices if it gets a lot ________.A. largeB. largerC. largest33. (2020原创)It’s hard to hold back the tears. This is ________ thing I’ve ever heard.A. sadB. sadderC. the saddest34. (2020原创)—The scarves are all beautiful. I can’t decide which one to buy.—Oh, look at this red one. I think it’s ________.A. beautifulB. more beautifulC. the most beautiful35. (2020原创)Lucy is ________ student in our class. She often answers the teachers’ questions in class.A. activeB. more activeC. the most active36. (2020原创)—Is the boy’s house ten miles away from the school?—Yes. He lives________ in his class.A. farB. fartherC. farthest37. (2020原创)The seats in the middle of the cinema are the ________ of all. We can have a good view there.A. goodB. betterC. best38. (2020原创)You should do your homework as ________ as possible, so that you can make fewer mistakes.A. carefullyB. more carefullyC. most carefully39. (2020原创)Jenny speaks English as ________ as Tom and they often practice spoken English together.A. wellB. betterC. best40. (2020原创)He solved the problem ________ of the three men.A. the most directlyB. directlyC. more directly挑战题41. 陷阱题(2019江西改编)—What do you think of the band’s performance?—It could be ________. I think they’re feeling very nervous.A. goodB. betterC. worse42. 陷阱题Aunt Jane is now ________ over seventy, but she is still a great cinema-goer.A. veryB. wellC. quite43. 陷阱题—Jimmy, where are my glasses? I have looked for it everywhere.—Oh, Granny. They are ________ on your nose.A. evenB. wellC. right44. 陷阱题Bob is growing fast. He is________ taller than his mother.A. farB. quiteC. very代词备考精练1. (2019哈尔滨)Learning is a lifelong journey because we can learn ________ every day.A. nothing newB. new somethingC. something new2. (2019北京改编)Mr.Wang is coming to our school. I can’t wait to see ________.A. herB. himC. it3. (2019河北改编)—My ruler is broken. Can I borrow ________?—Of course. Here it is.A. hisB. hersC. yours4. (2019安徽改编)Could you stay a little longer? I have________ more to tell you about the plan for tomorrow.A. somethingB. everythingC. anything5. (2019甘肃省卷改编)Sunny’s uncle is a teacher. ________ enjoys staying with kids.A. HeB. SheC. I6. (2019云南改编)—________ sport will you take part in, Peter?—The boys’ 800meter race.A. WhereB. WhenC. Which7. (2019遂宁改编)The baby is too young. Don’t leave her at home by________.A. sheB. herC. herself8. (2019淮安改编)Some people are too shy to say a word in public. However,________ aren’t.A. othersB. the otherC. the others9. (2019常州改编)—When would you like to go swimming with me, this Friday or this Saturday?—________. I am free only this Sunday.A. NoneB. EitherC. Neither10. (2019长沙师大附中模拟)—Excuse me, John, but which is for me?—You can take ________ half. They are exactly the same.A. neitherB. anyC. either11. (2019长沙雅礼中学模拟)Johnson was asked a lot of questions, but he didn’t answer ________ of them.A. otherB. anyC. some12. (2019长沙长郡中学模拟)I’m growing up, but I find ________ more and more difficult to make my own decisions.A. thisB. itC. that13. (2019长沙黑白卷)—I’m sorry I took your English book by mistake. But where is ________?—Don’t worry. I will help you find it.A. meB. myC. mine14. (2020原创)Everyone makes mistakes in his or her life. The important thing is not to repeat ________.A. itB. themC. him15. (2020原创)If we just think about ________,the boat of friendship will be overturned anytime.A. myselfB. himselfC. ourselves16. (2020原创)Finally, they reached an agreement on their business which made ________ parties pleased.A. bothB. noneC. most17. (2020原创)To get the main idea of this passage, you can read the first sentence of ________ paragraph.A. eitherB. everyC. each18. (2020原创)—________ can I do to make progress in English listening?—Listen to some English songs and watch English movies.A. WhereB. WhoseC. What19. (2020原创)Many people in Canada speak French but their French is very different from ________ of France.A. oneB. itC. that20. (2020原创)________ is important for us to have a balanced diet and enough sleep.A. ItB. ThatC. This挑战题21. 陷阱题(2019无锡改编)If something is wrong, fix it if you can. Do not worry. Worry never fixes ________.A. somethingB. everythingC. anything22. 陷阱题—How many apples can I have?—You can have two.________ are for Jim.A. The othersB. OthersC. The other23. 陷阱题He didn’t make ________ clear when and where the meeting would be held.A. thisB. thatC. it数词1. (2019湘西)—How many books are there on the shelf?—Well. I think there are ________ books.A. two hundred and forty-sixB. two hundreds and fortyC. two hundred fourteen2. (2019广东改编)We are proud of our country. The year 2019 is her ________ birthday.A. seventyB. the seventyC. seventieth3. (2019甘肃省卷)September is the ________ month of a year.A. seventhB. eighthC. ninth4. (2019苏州改编)He seems to have a ________ sense for knowing that his brother will win.A. oneB. the firstC. sixth5. (2016怀化)During the May Day holiday, ________ visitors came to Zhijiang to visit the Memorial Hall of Flying Tigers.A. thousand ofB. thousandsC. thousands of6. (2019长沙三模)—Can you finish the work on time?—Hard to say.I think we need another ________ men.A. thirdB. the thirdC. three7. (2020原创)About ________ fans are waiting here. They want to see the great singer.A. two thousandsB. two thousandC. two thousands of参考答案名词1.C2. B3. A4. B5. A6. C7. C8. C9. C10. C11. A12. B13. B14. C15. C16. A17. A18. B19. B20. B21. C冠词1. A2. C3. B4. C5. C6. B7. C8. A9. A10. B11. B12. A13. B14. C15. A1. the2. an3. a4. the5. the6. an7. a8. a9. the10. a11. The12. an13. a14. the 15. a 16. the17. a18. a19. a形容词和副词1.B2. B3. C4. A5. C6. A7. A8. A9. A10. C11.B12. C13. C14. B15. B16. B17. A18. B19. A20. B21.C22. B23. A24. A25. A26. A27. B28. C29. A30. B31.B32. B33. C34. C35. C36. C37. C38. A39. A40. A41. B42. B43. C44. A代词1.C2. B3. C4. A5. A6. C7. C8. A9. C10. C11.B12. B13. C14. B15. C 16. A17. C18. C19. C20. A21. C22. A23. C数词1. A2. C3. C4. C5. C6. C7. B。
六年级小升初数学计算专题强化训练套题(一)直接写出得数(2x10)0.6 : x =三、递等式计算(8x 5)-士 6— x (3 15 四、用简便方法计算(10X2)3314—X87 - X — + — 士 158671571 6-2口 8 — —/\ 一 — — • - -37 315 …4 1 士 25%=0 士 —=53x 0.8 =80.52=0.75+4 =10X 2)4 130 - 1.6 士 ——+ 15 3112一、直接写出得数(2x 10)1 X 6 =2 . 8 -- - — . -- — 8 士 4 = 0.5 士 14 = 0.32=373 15 117-0.35 =12 士 7= 1 . 1—十_ =1 士 25=—-4- -——2 8 115二、解方程或解比例 (10X 2)3x+1 x=39x : 1 2 2.4= 1 : 24 335三、递等式计算(5X 8)3^1-58-4」3/1 J 、—X —= -------- 十―十一』十(R +亿)5 6 7 9 7 3 4 3 129.07— 22.78 士 3.4四、用简便方法计算(10X2)3.2X 1+6.8 X 11 士 (3-———)88 413131.08 X 0.8 士 0.27、直接写出得数(2x 10)3H = 1.52=1 - 6 =3 71 —1— 3 3 4 - 8解方程或解比例X+ 5x = 18 2x34旦=15110X2)9X 0.8 =4 X1.25=3 X 45 % =1、---)X 24=4三、递等式计算(8x 5)252144.28士0.9士4.1四、用简便方法计算(10X 2)6+72.05士0.82+33.6一、直接写出得数(2x 10)7兀=-X — =1+45% =3 73 X4 —1」8 9 2 8二、解方程或解比例(10X2)3x— 3.6 = 2.1 0.92 = -1 =5 20-4—=53 X 12 =422.54x=6= 1 士025=三、递等式计算(8x 5)- 一 1 ’ _2、0.83+3.42 15 —X(5——)6 30.75X 18士0.154 2 1 2 (4 --W (1 + -)5 3 2 3四、用简便方法计算(10X2)1 + 5 (-+ —) X9 272712 6 7 = 5三、递等式计算(8x 5)…7 435—3X 一云 X、9 2545018.34士 7X 0.5四、用简便方法计算(10X2) 2 8 14- 2 士 8 — 175.4X 16- 75.4X 65 154氏1 • 65兀=一十一 315=3 8x 9= 1-45% =102=0.75X 4=3 二 3 L 一 1 1,— =1,0.018 588一、直接写出得数(2x 10)0X 8 =5二、解方程或解比例(10X2)7.28+3.2 士 2.5、直接写出得数20%12 1 13 1 3 ,3=1 1=_ =—+ —=-4— —— --- ———— =2 3 3 6 8 4 7363_ 、, 2 2」_ 八 233 3-2s 1X -=———— 9 士 -——--+-= =6 = 10--—1339297 7 76、解方程或解比例20%2.5X 8+2x= 25.41: - = x : 823三、 递等式计算40%/ 11、 3 3 1 3 4、, / 32、7(- + —) — — — + — — — — X (—--)-5 4 4 46 8 5 4 515四、用简便方法计算20%(7.9— 3.06士 0.68) X 1.521.36X 18- 12.93.7 992- Q139 26一、直接写出得数20%1 1 0.25 + 2.5= —+ 一=6.3士0.7= 4.9+2.1 1=1 x 0.8 = 202=3 4c / 14.6+1.5= 4 士4 = 2一 4 4 ,0.8 ---- = —— 4 = 0.26X 3= 4+25 15 5 5二、解方程或解比例20%v 4 15 2 .4 X 士一=——10 : x =—:一5 28 3 5三、递等式计算40%5 15 4 1 1 1 、0.75 X (4.8 士0.12) 5 士—X ——X (―+ 一)8 16 9 15 3 122.05士0.82 + 33.6四、用简便方法计算20%5 1 8 1 4 1(5 + —) X 7+ - 1 -3+ 4 X 17 15 15 5 5 31.08X0.8 士0.27一、直接写出得数20%四、用简便方法计算20%15 一 21 8.2X 99+ 8.2— ― 8+ — X —1717810H= 1.25 X 4= - + - = 5 50.6- 3=4-3.2-0.8=52_ …254- 2 = 2.4X 0.8=2X | = 0.42=3X 9= 1 -+1 =9士-=83 33二、解方程或解比例20%…1_ 7 1 2 -X —= 7+ --------- -- —= x - 8318 23三、递等式计算40%85 4 8 4-+ —30- 1.6 士 ——士一9141544.28士 0.9士 4.11.2X (2.15+ 1.95士6.5)、直接写出得数20%1+1= 7 x M 2.7 — 0.6 2=-x 9= 4-3 = 一 339 X _!=3 4 8 7 3 8 136 士0.0 1 = 0.62 = —X 36= 0.75-1 =14 睥一士6 X 15%=12 4 9、解方程或解比例20%…1 = 31 : 2 = 3 : x4 5 5 2 3 5三、递等式计算40%4 士8— 0.6 - X0.375士 - 14士 ( - + 1 )39 7 3 4(12.18— 2.4X 5) 士0.15四、用简便方法计算20%3 _ 1 310.25+ 5.89+ 0.75+ 4.11——士5+ — X ——22 5 22一、直接写出得数20%— 4 1 7日= 4 — 1 = 3.7+7.3= 1.3 士 0.01 = 5 2 8X 1.3= - 士 1= 2.2+1.88= 10X 10%= 7 7 一 319X -=82 0.12=1 .砂 ——5=511.5X 1 =3二、解方程或解比例20%1=5 6 12 3 : x=—6三、递等式计算40% (1— 2)x 兰旦十A 715 1421X — 30254159.07-22.78 士 3.4 2.5 X (3.52士 2.2-0.02)四、用简便方法计算20%25X 3.2X 1253 X - + 0.75 X -499一、 直接写出得数 20%3 2 1 3 12 83、/ c7 36- —=———=—一一=— + —= -X 0 =—X —4334 23 15 812 41 二6= 16 X 3 =1 - 4 =13工 39= 0 士 —=1 士 1%=3892025、解方程或解比例20%626」疽— ________ —----- ----35二——-4525三、递等式计算40%四、用简便方法计算20%11 一 11 1 —X 35——士——32.6X 33-32.6X 2351313 353 : 5.2 x =-69(4 - 1 5 411 1521 士 1.4 — 0.155- -3)-24-(-+ - 64 39-X 0.375士 -9 7"Ax31510一、直接写出得数20%三、递等式计算40%7.28 + 3.2士2.544.28士0.9士4.1(2-0.6) 士 —15(12.18— 2.4X 5) 士 0.15四、用简便方法计算20%5 + 3.9+ 1+6.1 直十 5 + 1 X 邑6 6 22 5 221+1% = 410+—=5 4- 1 =3 5 3 —乂一=610 芝=15 .2 102 = 二、解方程或解比例 8 X-1 X 169 6 5132 X — — 7 70.75+420%2 (x — 3) =5.8 2 --10— 9 X 0.8 =54+〕1.25 : 0.25= x :1.6一直接写出得数:20%二解方程或解比例20%三递等式计算40%四用简便方法计算20%54 7 14 15 T 4+ 而 2 X 7 + 2 X 79-7-8X-7-9-2- =2一3 4-5X X9W 512-2-5X5-8218X^ =3 7 X 21 =X 9=1 1 ——-2 3x6 9310 5 .3 O• •6516 -X2一313 -X 44.28士 0.9 士 4.124 1 (-+ - ) — X39 151 1(-+ -)3122 3 3 1 、,3 -X 2 = —X 1 = _ X 二=12 X—= 7 5 4 3 4/ 4 7 .2 7 / 8 51 +二=——=二+ 1 0 士――x 19 15 15 9 | 13 7直接写出得数20%解方程或比例20%2 3(3)3 1 2 (1—4)乂=33 + X 1 =6三递等式计算40%32.6 X 33- 32.6 X 2334兰X 101-£2 X 1 +1 + 5 25 25 25 5 4 2 8简便运算20%旦+ 15宜-116 12 9 12,直接写出得数20%235X 1 = 3 1123x 4= 2 3 (o) 3 7X2 = 4 X 3= 54 437_ 、,315 128 X 7 =—X-= 5 —= 24 X —= - +X-= 57714 一6 5二解方程或比例40%三递等式计算20%简便运算20%【(4 + 2)X 匹】18+ (1 - 1)53112 34 + 2 + -5 + 1L 97 18 2 12一【)】25 X 3.2 X 12543X+7XE8X( 1 -+ 6 3 13X 0.75 8)122 1.255 : 8 = 20 : X - : X417 —120%X=514二—.一直接写出得数20%二解方程或比例30%3 - X = 5 X - 2 X = 24 +2 X = 24 6 3 9 3 5三递等式计算20%16 入4 25入5入45 X3十5 9十4十5四简便运算30%| + | )X 48 12 : + 25 6 8 4 5978 77 17*23+ 2314 314144 5 15 4 1.6 士0.7 = :1 士3X- 35 11(---X—)*9 2 3 ,1-X 0.15 =337781111—X—-:— X—=2 3 3 2直接写出得数20%3 8 = 5 T 5 = 85 L1 2 —X ~rz13 + 4 = —Z -H 5 = - 一二= 4 157 7122 5 4 7 7 2C 1 1 71十9 =28 士 8 = 15 - ‘15 = 9十9 =12七=59 --1 =二解方程或比例30%5x =305-x =3030-x =5 x-30=58888三递等式计算20%3 x4 x5 2 ”2 3 / 圣4 X5 X 8 15 X 15- 15 2 - 4 - 5四简便运算30%8- 4 + 2 1 2X - (2— 3 X 4) + 1(1 + - + 2)x A7 3 68635111x(6— 6)皇 J 6X 14一5 + 5477 3285 27_ _一 8 710士 20套题(十八)一直接写出得数10%31、 25分=( )时—吨=()千克 82、 3=():()=史=()士 12=()填小数4二解方程或比例30%XX 3=20x 1xx 54X - =48+ x=-35-X30+ -34四简便运算30%O 4 入 2 乂 18一 — • — A —736三递等式计算30% 30+ 5625 乂 11 22 1015 X 1 X 里 X 72 7 15(1 + 4 + 2) X &35117.9 + 0.01= 0.01 + 0.1 = 65.4+45.6= 2-0.35=544+456= 2 X 3=5 —X 8=12—X 0=16二解方程或比例32%XX 3=20X 15 4 xx 1 x 2=104X 2=438+ x=-5三递等式计算18%4 251+4(3)四简便运算34%[(4 + 3) 士2] X12 11/10、(1一有)4 、(5 +4)7 7 +— +3 1010 - 719 12~ +191447 14 14103 1065+13= 6 X 旦=12 7+0.15= 16 X 7 =8 二解方程或比例36% X x 4 = A 4X=407 21 53 Y- 1—X=—4 8递等式计算36%[(41(0.753简便运算12%+ 3) 士2] x 耳2 5 12 115 3 --=9 5-X 4=6二2_5------3 6X + 2X=18710-12=78 X勺9 713 26 3三递等式计算32% /3 1 5 1 6 8 1 5 8 1 8 1 5 (4 8) 12 7 13 13 7 6 9 3 137 13四简便运算28%51 3 5“ 4 1 1— x 1~ + 5了 x - 30 x --+ - 7 4 4 752 6 一直接写出得数16% 48+1.6= 5+54=5X 54=H- 9 912 8+1=11X 3= 8+ 4=八 212 897二解方程或比例24%5 26 3 1 8 x = 15 x -9 =7 4 x -6 = 183 =8 3=204 -2 =235 3 94=1888 x3 18 +44714一7 10 3 10一直接写出得数8%2x+8=16 2x/5=10x+7x=8 9x-3x=6 6x-8=4 三递等式计算32%1- -2+8+1 _2_ x 15+ - x W + 16X 3 + 22 3 4 25 5 2 3 8 7([-2 x 1)+ 5 16 X (1- -1- -1) 2 + (1 + 】)x32 3 4 2 4 5 3 15 四简便运算32%1+3+4x14+25 5 3 9 7 +立+ 118 272号-瑚= 2-0.35= -3= 78-0.8= 9 5二解方程28%54-1.3= 3.7+0.23=36 X 0.25= 2 X1.15=解方程或比例36%18x-16x+18 X 1+50=7014 X三递等式计算24%2- 2 + 4 -登 + 4 x 5 + H x & + A + 7356856371111四简便运算24%2- 2 + 4 -蔓 + 4 x 5 + H x & + A + 73 5 68 5 637 11113 4 3 161 -:2 4 94.4 + 2.2=220-22=2.6-1.7=357-65-35=5x+4.5 (103-x) =4864x+9(x+2)=200(60-x ) X 2=20x一直接写出得数16%1-2+3= 7X56= 2 X5=7 7 8 55!+!-!= 10 + 4X 2.5= 5 X 16.5 + 5=4 4 2二解方程或比例24%5-WX6-58-1.3-1.7=12x=11x — 79 13x —12 (x+2 ) =0 (x-1 ) — (3x+2 ) =- (x-1 )4-旦+ 2 - -1 8x (9+ 3) -2 1——- X - + 315 3 5 9 4 3 9 12 5 三递等式计算30%四简便运算30%1 + 3+ 4 x 14 +2 +3 + 15 5 3 9 7 18 27212x=11x — 79 14 、67 — 12x=7三递等式计算21% 12+ (1— 3)(1 + 2) x e10 + 2 — 3 X 272595 4 9四简便运算21%(1 + 3) + (1一 ±) 8 + 6 x J 。
高二英语阅读理解强化训练附解析Day 31
高二英语阅读理解强化训练附解析Day 31Passage 1Imagine turning on the GPS and seeing an image of your car from above. As the car drives, the map follows along in real time, informing you of any traffic, pedestrians, animals or other things nearby. Routes and names of road appear over the live stream. It's like the map has come to life.This type of map isn't available yet. But it could be very soon. In 2014, the WorldView-3 satellite was sent into space. Even though it orbits Earth at more than 370 miles (600km) away, it can take images of objects on Earth that are just 10 inches (25cm) across. Looking all the way from outer space, it can make out a smart phone held in your hand. It can tell what types of cars are travelling down a road. But it can't identify your face or read the cars' license plate numbers.According to some reports, this satellite and other US satellites have the technology to take even sharper images, with a resolution of up to around 4 inches (10cm). But US law forbids making these super-sharp pictures public. But the idea that anybody might be able to spy on the entire Earth in such detail may seem scary. Live, high-detail satellite mapping could be used to keep tabs on anybody at any time, without the person's knowledge. Ray Purdy of University College London told CNN that he couldn't imagine what this could mean for privacy. "Most satellites arecommercially owned, so if you have money, you can have that imagery. It means anyone can spy on anyone." he said.At the same time, live, detailed maps of the Earth's surface could aid humanity in amazing ways. Satellite images can help experts track storms as they form and chart their paths. At high detail, live maps of a disaster area could quickly reveal people in need of rescue as well as the safest routes in or out. Satellites images are already helping the police catch illegal fishing operations. Higher detail may make it possible to catch other criminals in the act. The images could also make it easier for farmers to watch over their crops or for scientists to find minerals. Also, these images play a very important role in monitoring the health of forests and other landscapes.What do you think? Would you like to see everyone accessing high-detail live maps of the Earth's surface? Please share your idea with us on the website.1. How does the author introduce the topic of the passage?A. By telling a story.B. By supposing a situation.C. By making a comparison.D. By using a research finding.2. What can the WorldView-3 satellite do?A. Tell how a person looks.B. Identify what a pedestrian is holding.C. Help farmers sow seeds for their crops.D. Read a running car's license plate number.3. What kind of feeling was expressed in Ray Purdy's words?A. Regret.B. Excitement.C. Concern.D. Sympathy.4. What's the best title of the passage?A. Anyone can spy on anyoneB. Criminals have nowhere to hideC. More satellites into space: good or bad?D. A live map of everywhere on Earth:scary or cool?Passage 2A ten-year-old boy from Howell, Michigan is being praised as a hero thanks to his persistence (坚持) that led to saving the life of an elderly neighbor. The event happened late in an evening when Danny DiPietro was being driven home from hockey practice by his mom.That’s when the young boy noticed an open garage (车库) and a figure that he believed was a dog outside an apartment building near his house. Given the freezing weather, the young boy got a feeling that something wasnot right. But instead of dismissing it like most kids at his age, he insisted that his mother, Dawn, find out what was going on. Dawn tried to make Danny believe that no one would leave a dog out in such cold weather, but he refused to take no for an answer.Dawn finally gave in and decided to drive to the area with the family dog and see if there was any truth in Danny’ s hunch (直觉). Sure enough, as she got closer to the apartment building she noticed a garage that was wide open and someone waving madly for help. Upon getting there, she realized that it was not a dog the young boy had seen, but Kathleen St. Onge. The 80-year-old woman had fallen down on some ice in front of her garage and had been lying there for two hours, unable to get up.Dawn rushed home to get her husband to help and called 911. The two then returned with some blankets to cover Ms. St. Onge, while they were waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Though still in hospital, the elderly woman is recovering well and forever grateful to Danny for following his hunch!1. When seeing a figure in front of an open garage, Danny ________.A. recognized it was an old womanB. thought it was a homeless dogC. realized something was wrongD. believed it was nothing important2. When Dawn got closer to the garage, she ________.A. noticed the dog had gone awayB. knew Danny’s hunch was wrongC. found an old lady waving for helpD. felt something must have been stolen3. Which of the following can best describe Danny?A. Brave and patient.B. Friendly and honest.C. Considerate and positive.D. Persistent and warm-hearted.4. What could be the best title for the passage?A. Always Follow Your HunchB. Be Ready to Help Save the ElderlyC. An unknown Hero Brings Love and HopeD. A 10-year-old Boy Saved His Elderly Neighbor’s LifePassage 3The baby is just one day old and has not yet left hospital. She is quiet but alert (警觉的). Twenty centimeters from her face researchers have placed a white card with two black spots on it. She stares at it carefully. A researcher removes the card and replaces it by another, this time with the spots differently spaced. As the cards change from one to the other, her gaze(凝视) starts to lose its focus—until a third, with three black spots, ispresented. Her gaze returns: she looks at it for twice as long as she did at the previous card. Can she tell that the number two is different from three, just 24 hours after coming into the world?Or do newborns simply prefer more to fewer? The same experiment, but with three spots shown before two, shows the same return of interest when the number of spots changes. Perhaps it is just the newness? When slightly older babies were shown cards with pictures of objects (a comb, a key, an orange and so on), changing the number of objects had an effect separate from changing the objects themselves. Could it be the pattern that two things make, as opposed to three? No again. Babies paid more attention to squares moving randomly(随意地)on a screen when their number changed from two to three, or three to two. The effect even crosses between senses. Babies who were repeatedly shown two spots became more excited when they then heard three drumbeats than when they heard just two; likewise(同样地) when the researchers started with drumbeats and moved to spots.1. The experiment described in Paragraph 1 is related to the baby's ________ .A. sense of hearingB. sense of sightC. sense of touchD. sense of smell2. Babies are sensitive to the change in ________ .A. the size of cardsB. the colour of picturesC. the shape of patternsD. the number of objects3. Why did the researchers test the babies with drumbeats?________A. To reduce the difficulty of the experiment.B. To see how babies recognize sounds.C. To carry their experiment further.D. To keep the babies' interest.4. Where does this text probably come from?________A. Science fiction.B. Children's literature.C. An advertisement.D. A science report.Passage 4I got invited to go with some friends to a game at another school. A senior will be driving us and I think she's a good driver, but it's someone my parents don't know. I want to tell my parents where I'm going, but what if I ask and they say "no"? I'll end up wishing I never mentioned it and just went ahead and did it anyway.If you want permission, it's best to build a track record of honesty and trust. Letting a parent know where you're going is always a good idea.You may worry that telling your parents puts you at risk of getting "no" for an answer. But there's a good chance your parents might be OK with you going. If you go but don't tell them, you risk losing something more important—your parents' trust.Parents who find out their kids did something behind their backs may be less likely to give permission to do things in the future. When trust is broken like this, parents wonder if teens are trying to hide something — and what they imagine can be far worse than the reality.Before you talk to your parents about the game, think about which approach will help them feel most comfortable with giving you more freedom. Maybe they'd like to meet the person driving or talk to friends who have driven with her in the past. If your parents have questions or hesitate about letting you go, find out what their worries are and then do your best to answer them.1. From Paragraph 1 we know that the writer ________ .A. appears nervousB. looks worriedC. feels confusedD. seems discouraged2. What is the best way to get parents' permission according to the passage?________A. To get more attention from them.B. To risk gaining their permission.C. To keep off the track of reality.D. To be honest and win their trust.3. What does the writer really want to tell us?________A. How to win over parents.B. How to deal with strict parents.C. Which effective approach to use.D. How to get freedom from parents.4. Who do you think the passage is intended for?________A. Parents.B. Friends.C. Drivers.D. Teenagers.Passage 5Do you enjoy reading? Do you read newspapers or magazines? Chances are, if you do any of these activities, your pre-school child is on his way to becoming a reader.The process of learning to read is complex, and one of the most important things to know is that parents can help their children learn to read. As children have conversations with adults, they hear both new and familiar words and their vocabulary grows.There are many opportunities for adults and children to talk together, such as when riding in the car or in a bus, doing housework like fixing dinner, or bathing and getting ready for bed. A major part of conversation is listening. When children talk, adults listen and respond. Then childrenlisten and respond, and so the flow of conversation happens.Have you watched your pre-school child pretend to read to his younger sisters or brothers? Have you read his favorite story over and over? These experiences tell children that reading is fun. And when things are fun and they are repeated, your child will see letters. He begins to connect them to familiar words, especially the letters that make up his name. A natural next step for him to take is to write the letters.When children see parents make a grocery list, they want to use a pencil and paper to make their own list. To encourage these beginning writing activities, have pencils, markers, crayons and scrap paper within your children's reach.The more children get connected with talking, listening, reading and writing, the easier it is for them to become active readers. While you as a parent have a big influence on these early behaviors, it is important to remember that opportunities for literacy experiences happen when you and your child share in the basic routines(日常生活) of everyday life.1. The third paragraph tells us that parents can talk with their children ________ .A. during daily routinesB. only in quiet placesC. in their spare timeD. when they are eager to walk2. During the process of learning to read, children may________ .A. copy the action of the adults.B. prefer to talk with those of their own age.C. show no interest in reading at all.D. waste a lot of paper and other materials.3. When do children want to learn to write?________A. When their parents ask them to do so.B. When they believe they can write well.C. When they know what they want to know.D. When they can connect letters with familiar words.4. The passage is written to________ .A. talk about parents' influence on their children's behaviorB. encourage parents to set a good example to their childrenC. advise parents to make reading a part of their children's daily lifeD. make parents believe in the importance of early reading参考答案Passage 11. B推理判断题。
人教版高中语文一轮复习专项对点练31 强化整体意识精解思路分析题+Word版含解析
专项对点练(三十一) 强化整体意识,精解思路分析题一、阅读下面的文字,完成1~4题。
课堂强化训练 (31)
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小学四年级语文强化训练I (31)
四年级语文题Biblioteka 名:评分:组词语:峪()瞭()魄()崇()
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小学四年级数学强化训练I (31)
强化训练31 专题9 动词的时态和语态
Ⅰ.单项选择1.(2022·江西)Don't leave your toys on the table, or I them away.A.threw B.will throwC.have thrown D.was throwingB【解析】句意:不要把你的玩具放在桌子上,否则我就把它们扔掉。
句子用“祈使句,or+陈述句”结构,根据语境可知,此处用一般将来时,其结构为will do。
2.(2021·辽宁阜新)We will play football if it this Saturday.A.doesn't snow B.won't snowC.isn't snowing D.didn't snowA【解析】句意:如果这个星期六不下雪,我们就踢足球。
3.(2020·云南昆明)Since 1989, Project Hope millions of young people from poor families achieve their dreams of going to school.A.will help B.helpsC.has helped D.is helpingC【解析】根据关键词since 1989可判断,该句子用现在完成时态,have/has +动词的过去分词。
4.(2020·辽宁营口)—Be quick, Sara! The taxi is waiting for us outside.—A moment, please.I some visitors our products.A.showed B.am showingC.was showing D.showB【解析】句意:——Sara,快点!出租车正在外面等我们。
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1.(2020·湖南长沙联考)在直角坐标系xOy 中,直线C 1:x =-2,圆C 2:(x -1)2+(y -2)2=1,以坐标原点为极点,x 轴的非负半轴为极轴建立极坐标系.
(1)求C 1,C 2的极坐标方程.
(2)若直线C 3的极坐标方程为θ=π4(ρ∈R ),设C 2与C 3的交点分别
为M ,N ,求△C 2MN 的面积.
[解] (1)∵x =ρcos θ,y =ρsin θ,
∴C 1:x =-2的极坐标方程为ρcos θ=-2,
C 2:(x -1)2+(y -2)2=1的极坐标方程为(ρcos θ-1)2+(ρsin θ-2)2=1,化简,得ρ2-(2ρcos θ+4ρsin θ)+4=0.
(2)把直线C 3的极坐标方程θ=π4(ρ∈R )代入
圆C 2:ρ2-(2ρcos θ+4ρsin θ)+4=0,
得ρ2-32ρ+4=0,解得ρ1=22,ρ2= 2.
∴|MN |=|ρ1-ρ2|= 2.
∵圆C 2的半径为1,∴|C 2M |2+|C 2N |2=|MN |2,
∴C 2M ⊥C 2N .
∴△C 2MN 的面积为12·|C 2M |·|C 2N |=12×1×1=12.
2.(2020·唐山二模)在直角坐标系xOy 中,曲线C :(x -1)2+y 2=1,直线l :y =-x .以坐标原点O 为极点,x 轴的正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系.
(1)求曲线C 与直线l 的极坐标方程;
(2)已知P 为曲线C 上一点,PH ⊥l 于H ,求S △POH 的最大值.
[解] (1)由x =ρcos α,y =ρsin α,ρ2=x 2+y 2得
曲线C :ρ2-2ρcos α=0,即ρ=2cos α;
直线l :θ=3π4(ρ∈R ).
(2)依题意,设P (ρ,α),-π2<α<π2,则|OP |=2cos α,所以|OH |=
|OP |·⎪⎪⎪⎪
⎪⎪cos ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫α+π4 =2cos α·⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪cos ⎝
⎛⎭⎪⎫α+π4, |PH |=|OP |·⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪sin ⎝
⎛⎭⎪⎫α+π4 =2cos α·⎪⎪⎪⎪
⎪⎪sin ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫α+π4, 因此S △POH =12·|OH |·|PH |
=2cos 2
α·⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪cos ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫α+π4·sin ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫α+π4 =cos 2α|cos 2α-sin 2
α|=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪2⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫cos 2α-142-18. 所以当cos 2α=1,即α=0时,S △POH 取得最大值1.
3.(2020·全国卷Ⅲ)在直角坐标系xOy 中,曲线C 的参数方程为
x =2-t -t 2,y =2-3t +t 2,(t 为参数且t ≠1),C 与坐标轴交于A ,B 两点. (1)求|AB |;
(2)以坐标原点为极点,x 轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,求直线AB 的极坐标方程.
[解] (1)因为t ≠1,由2-t -t 2=0得t =-2,所以C 与y 轴的交点为(0,12);由2-3t +t 2=0得t =2,所以C 与x 轴的交点为(-4,0).故|AB |=410.
(2)由(1)可知,直线AB 的直角坐标方程为x -4
+y 12=1,将x =ρcos θ,y =ρsin θ代入,得直线AB 的极坐标方程为3ρcos θ-ρsin θ+12=0.
4.(2020·湖北八校联考)在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知直线l :⎩⎨⎧ x =-12t ,y =1+32t ,(t 为参数),以坐标原点O 为极点,x 轴的正半轴为
极轴建立极坐标系,曲线C 的极坐标方程为ρ=4cos ⎝
⎛⎭⎪⎫θ-π6. (1)求曲线C 的直角坐标方程;
(2)设点M 的极坐标为⎝ ⎛⎭
⎪⎫1,π2,直线l 与曲线C 的交点为A ,B ,求|MA |+|MB |的值.
[解] (1)把ρ=4cos ⎝ ⎛⎭
⎪⎫θ-π6展开得ρ=2sin θ+23cos θ, 两边同乘ρ,得ρ2=2ρsin θ+23ρcos θ,①
将ρ2=x 2+y 2,ρcos θ=x ,ρsin θ=y 代入①,
即得曲线C 的直角坐标方程为x 2+y 2-23x -2y =0.
x =-12t ,y =1+32t ,
(t 为参数)代入曲线C 的直角坐标方程,得
t 2+3t -1=0, 设点A ,B 对应的参数分别为t 1,t 2,则t 1+t 2=-3,t 1t 2=-1. 又因为点M 的直角坐标为(0,1),满足l 的方程,∴点M 在直线l 上.
则由参数t 的几何意义得|MA |=|t 1|,|MB |=|t 2|,且t 1t 2<0,所以|MA |+|MB |=|t 1|+|t 2|=|t 1-t 2|=(t 1+t 2)2-4t 1t 2=3+4=7.
5.(2020·全国卷Ⅰ)在直角坐标系xOy 中,曲线C 1的参数方程为⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧
x =cos k t ,y =sin k t ,(t 为参数).以坐标原点为极点,x 轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,曲线C 2的极坐标方程为4ρcos θ-16ρsin θ+3=0.
(1)当k =1时,C 1是什么曲线?
(2)当k =4时,求C 1与C 2的公共点的直角坐标.
[解] (1)当k =1时,C 1:⎩⎨⎧ x =cos t ,y =sin t ,消去参数t 得x 2+y 2=1,故曲线C 1是圆心为坐标原点,半径为1的圆.
(2)当k =4时,C 1:⎩⎨⎧ x =cos 4t ,y =sin 4t ,消去参数t 得C 1的普通方程为x +y =1.C 2的直角坐标方程为4x -16y +3=0.
由⎩⎨⎧ x +y =1,4x -16y +3=0解得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ x =14,y =14.
故C 1与C 2的公共点的直角坐标为⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫14,14. 6.(2020·云南曲靖模拟)在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,直线l 的参数方程为⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧
x =t cos α,y =-2+t sin α,(其中t 为参数).以O 为极点,x 轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,圆O 的极坐标方程为ρ=1.直线l 与圆O 交于A ,B 两个不同的点.
(1)求直线l 倾斜角α的取值范围;
(2)求线段AB 中点P 的轨迹的参数方程.
[解] (1)圆O :ρ=1的直角坐标方程为x 2+y 2=1.
当α=π2时,直线l (即y 轴)与圆O 有两个交点,符合题意.
当α≠π2时,记k =t a n α,将直线l 的参数方程⎩
⎨⎧ x =t cos α,y =-2+t sin α,(其中t 为参数)化为普通方程得kx -y -2=0.
圆心O 到直线l 的距离d =
2k 2+1,若直线l 与圆O 交于不同的两点,则d =2k 2
+1<1,即k <-1或k >1.当k <-1时,直线l 倾斜角α的取值范围是⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫π2,3π4;当k >1时,直线l 倾斜角α的取值范围是⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫π4,π2. 综上,直线l 倾斜角α的取值范围是⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫π4,3π4. (2)将⎩⎨⎧ x =t cos α,y =-2+t sin α,(其中t 为参数)代入x 2+y 2=1中得到关于t 的方程t 2-22sin α·t +1=0.(*)
设直线l 与圆O 的交点A ,B 对应的参数分别为t A ,t B ,线段AB
中点对应的参数为t P ,则t A ,t B 恰好是方程(*)的两个实数根,t P =t A +t B 2
=2sin α.所以点P 的坐标(x ,y )满足
⎩⎨⎧ x =t P ·cos α=2sin αcos α=22sin2α,y =-2+t P ·sin α=-2+2sin 2α=-22-22cos2α.
所以线段AB 中点P 的轨迹的参数方程是