
考研英语中常用的 120 个"高大上"升级版写作词汇


以下是我为大家整理的 120 组高大上的词汇替换表,希望能对大家有所关怀! 一起来学习一下吧~

1. Important=crucial a. 至关紧要的(extremely important), significant (amount or effect large enough to be important)

2. Common=universal a. 普遍的, ubiquitous adj. 普遍存在的(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere)

3. Abundant=ample (enough and usually extra), plentiful (enough for peoples needs and wants)

4. Stick=adhere a. 粘附, cling (hold on something tightly)

5. Neglect v.忽视=ignore. (Difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.)

6. Near=adjacent (two things next to each other), adjoin (the same as adjacent)

7. Pursue=woo (man woos woman, old -fashioned), seek (if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL)

8. Accurate=precise (precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact (correct in every detail)

9. Vague a.含糊的=obscure (unknown or known by only a few people)

10. Top=peak, summit

11. Competitor=rival, opponent (especially in sports and politics)

12. Blame n. /vt. 责备,过失 =condemn (if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable)

13. Opinon=perspective, standpoint (means looking at an event or situation in a particular way)

14. Fame=prestige (describe those who are admired), reputation

15. Build=erect (you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL), establish

16. Insult n. /vt. 羞辱,凌辱=humiliate (do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid)

17. Complain=grumble (complain something in a bad -tempered way)

18. Primary=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental

19. Relieve=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe)

20. Force=coerce sb into (coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to), compel

21. Enlarge=magnify (magnify means make something larger than it really is)

22. Complex=intricate (if something is intricate, it often has many small parts and details)

23. Lonely=solitary a. 孤独的 (if someone is solitary, there is no one near


24. Small=minuscule (very small), minute

25. Praise=extol (stronger than praise), compliment (polite and political)

26. hard-working=assiduous (someone who is assiduous works hard or does

things very thoroughly)

27. Difficult=arduous (if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts)

28. Poor (soil) =barren n. 荒地, infertile (used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it)

29. Fragile=brittle a. 易碎的,脆弱的, vulnerable (someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically)

30. Show=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means to make it clear to people.)

31. Big=massive (large in size, quantity, or extent), colossal (use this word, you emphasize something is large), tremendous (INFORMAL)

32. avoid=shun(if someone shuns something, s/he deliberately a. 有意的 avoid that something or keep away from it.)

33. Fair=impartial (someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something.)

34. Attack=assault (physically attack someone), assail (attack violently)

35. Dislike=abhor (abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons), loathe (dislike very much)

36. ruin v.使破产,使毁灭 n.毁灭=devastate(it means damage something very badly, or utterly a.完全的,彻底的 destroy it.)

37. Disaster=catastrophe (a catastrophe is an unexpected event that cause great suffering and damages)

38. finally=eventually(especially after a lot of delays), ultimately adv. 最终,最终(after complicated series of events)

39. Always=invariably (the same as always, but better than always)

40. Forever=perpetual (a perpetual state never changes), immutable (something immutable will never change or be changed)

41. Surprise=startle (it means surprise you slightly), astound (surprise you to a large degree), astonish (the same as astound)

42. Enthusiasm n. 狂热,热心=zeal(a great enthusiasm), fervency(sincere a. 真诚,真诚 and enthusiasm)

43. Quiet=tranquil (calm and peaceful), serene (calm and quiet)

44. Expensive=exorbitant (it means too expensive that it should be)

45.luxurious=lavish adj. 浪费的 vt.浪费,慷慨给与(impressive and very expensive), sumptuous(grand and very expensive)

46. Boring=tedious (if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating)

47. Respect=esteem (if you esteem someone, you respect and admire v. 赞美him/her. FORMAL)

48. Worry=fret (if you fret about something, you worry about it)

49. Cold=chilly a. 寒冷的(unpleasantly cold), icy (extremely cold)

50. Hot=boiling (very hot)

51. Dangerous=perilous (very dangerous), hazardous (dangerous, especially to

peoples safety and health)

52. Nowadays=currently

53. Only=unique (the only one of its kind), distinctive a. 别出心裁的

54. Stop=cease (if something ceases, it stops happening or existing)

55. Part=component (the components of something are the parts that it is made of)

56. Result=consequence (the results or effects of something)

57. Obvious=apparent, manifest a. 明显的 58. Based on=derived from 得自, 由来, 衍生

58.Awful=nauseous (if something makes you nauseous, you want to vomit)

59. Remarkable=conspicuous (if something is conspicuous a. 显著的, people can see or notice them very easily)

60. Quite=fairly

61. Pathetic=lamentable (very uncomfortable and disappointing)

62. Field=domain (a particular field of thought, activities or interest)

63. Appear=emerge (come into existence)

64. Whole=entire (the whole of something)

65. Wet=moist (slightly wet), damp (slightly wet), humid (very damp and hot) 66. Difficult=formidable

66.Happy=jovial (if someone is jovial, s/he is happy and behaves in a cheerful way)

67. Sad=inconsolable (extremely sad and cannot be comforted)

68. Change=convert (change into another form)

69. Typical=quintessential (this word means represent a typical example of something)

70. Careful=cautious (very careful in order to avoid danger), prudent (careful and sensible)

71. Ability=capacity, capability (the same as ability)

72. Strange=eccentric (if some one is eccentric, s/he behaves in a strange way, or his/her opinion is different from most people)

73. Rich=affluent (if you are affluent, you have a lot of money)

74. Use=utilize (the same as use)

75. Dubious=skeptical (if you are skeptical about something, you have doubts on it.)

76. Satisfy=gratify (if you are gratified by something, it gives you pleasure and satisfaction)

77. Short=fleeting, ephemeral (if something is ephemeral, it lasts a short time)

78. Scholarship=fellowship

79. Angry=enraged (extremely angry)

80. Smelly=malodorous (used to describe an unpleasant smell)

81. Ugly=hideous (if something is hideous, it is very ugly or unattractive)

82. Attractive=appealing (pleasing and attractive), absorbing (something absorbing can attract you a great deal)

83. Diverse=miscellaneous (a miscellaneous groups consists of many different kinds of things)

84. Disorder n. 杂乱,混乱 v.扰乱=disarray v. 混乱, chaos n.混乱,混沌

85. Crazily=frantically (used to describe someone who behaves in a wild and uncontrolled way)

86. Rapid=meteoric (ATTENTION: meteoric is only used to describe someone achieves success quickly)

87. Ordinary=mundane (very ordinary and not at interesting or unusual)

88. Despite prep. 尽管=notwithstanding (FORMAL)

89. Best=optimal (used to describe the best level something can achieve)

90. Sharp=acute (severe adj. 严峻的,剧烈的 and intense)

91. Unbelievable=inconceivable (if you deem something inconceivable, you think it very unlike to happen)

92. Puzzle=perplex (something perplex someone means it confuses and worries him/her because he/she does not understand it)

93. Method=avenue (a way of getting something done)

94. Famous=distinguished (used to describe people who are successful in their career)

95. Ancient=archaic (extremely old and extremely old -fashioned)

96. Decorate=embellish (embellish means make something look more attractive via decorating it with something else)

97. Possible=feasible (if something is feasible, it can be done, made or achieved)

98. So=consequently, accordingly

99. Rare=infrequent (does not happen often)

100. Greedy=rapacious (greedy and selfish) 短语101. In my opinion=from my perspective

102. Very much=a great deal

103. For example=to give a demonstration

104. However=as a matter of fact, it is the other way around

105. Agree with=uphold (support and maintain v. 维持,主见)

106. be full of=be saturated with (be filled with sth completely)

107. By=via

108. According to=in the light of

109. When it comes to=in terms of

110. From a XXX perspective=in XXX sense

111. Find a job=land a job 112. Latest=up to date

112.Think over=contemplate (think carefully), ruminate on (think carefully) 113. Achieve a goal=attain an accomplishment

114. At the same time=simultaneously

115. At the start of=on the threshold of 在的开头,在的前夕

116. Certainly=to a certain extent

117. Without doubt=indubitably adv. 无疑地

118. In XXX means=via XXX avenue

119. Disagree with=be the last one to uphold

120. As fast as=apace with 单词



以下是 120 组高大上的词汇替换表,希望能对大家有所关怀 !

1. Important=crucial a. 至关紧要的(extremely important), significant (amount or

effect large enough to be important)

2. Common=universal a. 普遍的, ubiquitous adj. 普遍存在的(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere)

3. Abundant=ample (enough and usually extra), plentiful (enough for peoples needs and wants)

4. Stick=adhere a. 粘附, cling (hold on something tightly)

5. Neglect v.忽视=ignore. (Difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.)

6. Near=adjacent (two things next to each other), adjoin (the same as adjacent)

7. Pursue=woo (man woos woman, old -fashioned), seek (if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL)

8. Accurate=precise (precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact (correct in every detail)

9. Vague a.含糊的=obscure (unknown or known by only a few people)

10. Top=peak, summit

11. Competitor=rival, opponent (especially in sports and politics)

12. Blame n. /vt. 责备,过失 =condemn (if you condemn something, you say it is

very bad and unacceptable)

13. Opinon=perspective, standpoint (means looking at an event or situation in a particular way)

14. Fame=prestige (describe those who are admired), reputation

15. Build=erect (you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL), establish

16. Insult n. /vt. 羞辱,凌辱=humiliate (do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid)

17. Complain=grumble (complain something in a bad -tempered way)

18. Primary=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental

19. Relieve=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe)

20. Force=coerce sb into (coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to), compel

21. Enlarge=magnify (magnify means make something larger than it really is)

22. Complex=intricate (if something is intricate, it often has many small parts and details)

23. Lonely=solitary a. 孤独的 (if someone is solitary, there is no one near him/her)

24. Small=minuscule (very small), minute

25. Praise=extol (stronger than praise), compliment (polite and political)

26. hard-working=assiduous (someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly)

27. Difficult=arduous (if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts)

28. Poor (soil) =barren n. 荒地, infertile (used to describe the soil is so poor that

plants cannot be planted on it)

29. Fragile=brittle a. 易碎的,脆弱的, vulnerable (someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically)

30. Show=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means to make it clear to people.)

31. Big=massive (large in size, quantity, or extent), colossal (use this word, you emphasize something is large), tremendous (INFORMAL)

32. avoid=shun(if someone shuns something, s/he deliberately a. 有意的 avoid that something or keep away from it.)

33. Fair=impartial (someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something.)

34. Attack=assault (physically attack someone), assail (attack violently)

35. Dislike=abhor (abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons), loathe (dislike very much)

36. ruin v.使破产,使毁灭 n.毁灭=devastate(it means damage something very badly, or utterly a.完全的,彻底的 destroy it.)

37. Disaster=catastrophe (a catastrophe is an unexpected event that cause great suffering and damages)

38. finally=eventually(especially after a lot of delays), ultimately adv. 最终,最终(after complicated series of events)

39. Always=invariably (the same as always, but better than always)

40. Forever=perpetual (a perpetual state never changes), immutable (something immutable will never change or be changed)

41. Surprise=startle (it means surprise you slightly), astound (surprise you to a large degree), astonish (the same as astound)

42. Enthusiasm n. 狂热,热心=zeal(a great enthusiasm), fervency(sincere a. 真诚,真诚 and enthusiasm)

43. Quiet=tranquil (calm and peaceful), serene (calm and quiet)

44. Expensive=exorbitant (it means too expensive that it should be)

45.luxurious=lavish adj. 浪费的 vt.浪费,慷慨给与(impressive and very expensive), sumptuous(grand and very expensive)

46. Boring=tedious (if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating)

47. Respect=esteem (if you esteem someone, you respect and admire v. 赞美him/her. FORMAL)

48. Worry=fret (if you fret about something, you worry about it)

49. Cold=chilly a. 寒冷的(unpleasantly cold), icy (extremely cold)

50. Hot=boiling (very hot)

51. Dangerous=perilous (very dangerous), hazardous (dangerous, especially to peoples safety and health)

52. Nowadays=currently

53. Only=unique (the only one of its kind), distinctive a. 别出心裁的

54. Stop=cease (if something ceases, it stops happening or existing)

55. Part=component (the components of something are the parts that it is made of)

56. Result=consequence (the results or effects of something)

57. Obvious=apparent, manifest a. 明显的 58. Based on=derived from 得自, 由

来, 衍生

58.Awful=nauseous (if something makes you nauseous, you want to vomit)

59. Remarkable=conspicuous (if something is conspicuous a. 显著的, people can see or notice them very easily)

60. Quite=fairly

61. Pathetic=lamentable (very uncomfortable and disappointing)

62. Field=domain (a particular field of thought, activities or interest)

63. Appear=emerge (come into existence)

64. Whole=entire (the whole of something)

65. Wet=moist (slightly wet), damp (slightly wet), humid (very damp and hot) 66. Difficult=formidable

66.Happy=jovial (if someone is jovial, s/he is happy and behaves in a cheerful way)

67. Sad=inconsolable (extremely sad and cannot be comforted)

68. Change=convert (change into another form)

69. Typical=quintessential (this word means represent a typical example of something)

70. Careful=cautious (very careful in order to avoid danger), prudent (careful and


71. Ability=capacity, capability (the same as ability)

72. Strange=eccentric (if some one is eccentric, s/he behaves in a strange way, or

his/her opinion is different from most people)

73. Rich=affluent (if you are affluent, you have a lot of money)

74. Use=utilize (the same as use)

75. Dubious=skeptical (if you are skeptical about something, you have doubts on it.)

76. Satisfy=gratify (if you are gratified by something, it gives you pleasure and satisfaction)

77. Short=fleeting, ephemeral (if something is ephemeral, it lasts a short time)

78. Scholarship=fellowship

79. Angry=enraged (extremely angry)

80. Smelly=malodorous (used to describe an unpleasant smell)

81. Ugly=hideous (if something is hideous, it is very ugly or unattractive)

82. Attractive=appealing (pleasing and attractive), absorbing (something absorbing can attract you a great deal)

83. Diverse=miscellaneous (a miscellaneous groups consists of many different kinds of things)

84. Disorder n. 杂乱,混乱 v.扰乱=disarray v. 混乱, chaos n.混乱,混沌

85. Crazily=frantically (used to describe someone who behaves in a wild and

uncontrolled way)

86. Rapid=meteoric (ATTENTION: meteoric is only used to describe someone achieves success quickly)

87. Ordinary=mundane (very ordinary and not at interesting or unusual)

88. Despite prep. 尽管=notwithstanding (FORMAL)

89. Best=optimal (used to describe the best level something can achieve)

90. Sharp=acute (severe adj. 严峻的,剧烈的 and intense)

91. Unbelievable=inconceivable (if you deem something inconceivable, you think it very unlike to happen)

92. Puzzle=perplex (something perplex someone means it confuses and worries him/her because he/she does not understand it)

93. Method=avenue (a way of getting something done)

94. Famous=distinguished (used to describe people who are successful in their career)

95. Ancient=archaic (extremely old and extremely old -fashioned)

96. Decorate=embellish (embellish means make something look more attractive via decorating it with something else)

97. Possible=feasible (if something is feasible, it can be done, made or achieved)

98. So=consequently, accordingly

99. Rare=infrequent (does not happen often)

100. Greedy=rapacious (greedy and selfish) 短语

101. In my opinion=from my perspective

102. Very much=a great deal

103. For example=to give a demonstration

104. However=as a matter of fact, it is the other way around 105. Agree with=uphold (support and maintain v. 维持,主见)

106. be full of=be saturated with (be filled with sth completely)

107. By=via

108. According to=in the light of

109. When it comes to=in terms of

110. From a XXX perspective=in XXX sense

111. Find a job=land a job 112. Latest=up to date

112.Think over=contemplate (think carefully), ruminate on (think carefully) 113. Achieve a goal=attain an accomplishment

114. At the same time=simultaneously

115. At the start of=on the threshold of 在的开头,在的前夕

116. Certainly=to a certain extent

117. Without doubt=indubitably adv. 无疑地

118. In XXX means=via XXX avenue

119. Disagree with=be the last one to uphold

120. As fast as=apace with 单词


考研英语作文:用上这些衔接词,考研作文至少+15分! 考研英语作文复习中大家一定不能忽视的一部分就是衔接词了,衔接词可以使你的文章看上去更有条理,逻辑性更强,方便读到文章的阅卷老师更好地理解我们所想要表达的观点和内容。 通常在考研英语作文中有9类常用的衔接词,这里简单罗列一下,帮助大家记忆,如果还想了解更多,大家可以自己学习,或者可以参考张国静的《写作160篇》,这些写作的必备词汇都罗列得很详细,还有优化词句段篇的方法,基础薄弱的同学用效果特别好。英语二用《写作宝中宝》。 1.文章段落衔接词 用在提出第一个建议、观点、意见之前,引起阅卷人的注意。 2.文章段落结尾衔接词 结尾段落一般是总结上述内容,再次强调自己的观点的,因此,一定要使用一个短语或单词放在段落开头,吸引阅卷人的注意力,告诉对方你要开始作总结了。

3.表先后次序衔接词 表示先后词性的衔接词,大家很熟悉,在过去的各种英语考试中也比较常用,所以这里就不展开讲了,简单罗列几个,注意考试的时候不要犯拼写错误这种低级错误就可以了。 例: 【例】 Finally ,the country must not again go through the war. 最终,这个国家必须避免再次遭受战争。

4.表因果关系衔接词 一般用在说明一个现象所造成的结果之前,可以用来说明某个行为或现象所造成的严重后果。 【例】It rained, for this reason, the game was cancelled. 由于下雨,游戏取消。 5. 表比较和对比衔接词 建议用在两个相似或相反的观点之间,或者用在两个事例之间也可以。强调自己的观点,或者形成鲜明的对比证明自己的观点。 【例】 Different from Jane, Mary is interested in Math. 和简不同,玛丽对数学比较感兴趣。


考研英语核心词汇大全 考研英语大纲词汇量为5500左右,其中有1500左右的考察频率高的,在理解句子中起主要作用的词汇,叫核心词汇。下面是小编整理的考研英语核心词汇大全,欢迎大家阅读分享借鉴。 考研英语核心词汇 harbor n. 海港,避难所 vt. 庇护,心怀,窝藏 vi. 进入避祸所,生存 connection n. 联系,关系,连接,亲戚 seal n. 印章, 封条, 海豹 v. 盖印, 封闭, 猎海豹 millionaire n. 百万富翁 concise adj. 简明的, 简要的 convey vt. 传达,运输,转移 [计算机] 输送 manifest n. 载货单,运货单,旅客名单 adj. 显然的,明白的 vt. 显示, 证实, 出示 accountant n. 会计人员 genuine adj. 真正的,真实的,诚恳的 cell n. 细胞, 电池, 小组, 小房间, 单人牢房, (蜂房的)巢室, 手机 substantial n. 重要部份, 本质 adj. 大量的, 实质上的, 有内容的 prudent adj. 谨慎的, 有远见的, 精打细算的 compile v. 编译,编辑,编纂 [计算机] 编译 indeed adv. 的确, 真正地, 事实上 between adv. 在中间 prep. 在...之间 argue vt. 争论,辩论,争吵,劝说,表明 vi. 提出理由,争论,辩论 stagger n. 蹒跚,踌躇,摇摆不定 vi. 蹒跚,犹豫,动摇 vt. 使摇晃,使吃惊,使犹豫 vt. 使交错,错开时间 acid adj. 酸的 n. 酸, 酸味物质 copyright adj. 版权(的) n. 版权,著作权 company n. 同伴,客人,一群,连队,公司 vt. 陪伴 vi. 联合 revolution n. 革命, 旋转, 转数 diameter n. 直径


高频词汇 1. a host of = a lot of 大量 2. abandon = give up 放弃 3. absence 没有,不存在 4. abide by = obey; comply with, conform to遵守 5. abnormalities 不正常 6. absolute cf: relative; comparative 绝对的 7. absorption 吸收,理解 8. abstract cf: concrete 抽象的;摘要 9. abundance—abundantly =rich充足;大量 10. abuse 滥用 11. accelerate—acceleration =speed up 加速 12. access to—accessible 接近;获得 13. accommodate—accommodation 提供食宿;以适应 14. accomplishment =achievement 成就,完成 15. account for 解释;占据百分比 16. accountant 会计 17. accumulation 积累 18. accuracy—accurate 精确性 19. acknowledge 公认、承认 20. acquaintance 熟人;熟悉(with) 21. acquire—acquisition—acquisitive 获得;学会;习得;合并 22. act on 对…起作用 23. actively 积极地;主动地 24. adapt to 适应 25. addict 上瘾 26. address 称呼;强调 27. adjoin 毗邻 28. adjust 调节 29. admiration 景仰;崇拜 30. admission 录取;允许进入;门票 31. adopt 领养;采纳 32. adventurous 冒险的;历险的 33. advisability—advisable —advisor—advisory 可取性—值得建议的—建议者—指导性的 34. advocate 支持;拥护(者) 35. affiliate 附属 36. affinity 关系;酷爱 37. afford 买得起;承受得起代价 38. agenda 议事日程 39. agent 代理人;主体 40. aggravate =worsen 恶化 41. aggressive 挑衅的,好斗的;积极进取的 42. aging 衰老的 43. agony (身心的)极大痛苦 44. aid = help 45. aim 目标 46. alien to 不相容的;与…相反的 47. align with 与…一致 48. all but =almost 49. allegation陈述;声称 50. allocation 分配,拨给(款项) 51. allow for把…考虑在内 52. alone仅就…而言 53. along one track顺着某一做事方式 54. alphabet—alphabetically 字母表—按字母表顺序的 55. alter 改变(衣服大小和容貌) 56. alternative—alternatively 选择;可供选择的—可供选择地 57. amateur 业余的 58. amazed—amazing惊异的—令人惊异的 59. ambiguous 容易引起歧义的;模棱两可的 60. ambition 雄心;野心 61. amid =in the middle of 62. amount to =reach 达到;到达 63. ample 大的;充足的 64. analogous 类似物,近似物 65. analysis—analyst 分析 66. ancestor 祖先 67. anchor 抛锚;停泊 68. angle 角度 69. announce 宣告 70. anonymous 匿名的 71. anticipate =expect 72. anxiety 焦虑 73. anything but =not at all 一点也不 74. apart from =besides 除…以外还有 75. apparatus 设备;装置 76. apparent—apparently 明显地 77. appeal to =attract 吸引 78. appliance—applicable—application 用具;器具—申请;应用 79. appreciate 欣赏;理解;感激 80. apprehensive忧虑的 81. approach 途径;接近 82. appropriate 合适的;恰当的 83. arbiter 权威人士;仲裁员 84. arbitrary武断的;刚愎自用的 85. arrival 到达 86. articulate 明确而有力地表达 87. artistic 艺术的 88. aspired 有灵感的 89. assault=attack 袭击 90. assemble =get together 集合;组装


英语作文常用的180个高级写作词汇 PART 1 高级写作形容词 常用形容词的高级替换: sad 伤心的 1. She felt lonely and depressed. 郁闷的 2. She was really upset about the way her father treated her. be upset about …难过的;生气的 happy 高兴的 3. She was feeling more cheerful than before. 1) 情绪好的;2) 令人感到愉快的 4. Sandy will be delighted to see you. 高兴的;乐意的 5. I’m absolutely thrilled that you are coming. 非常高兴的;兴奋的 bad 坏的 6. Smoking in public is an annoying habit. 恼人的;令人讨厌的 7. The weather was awful. 可怕的;令人讨厌的 8. I found his manner extremely unpleasant. 令人不愉快的;不合意的;讨厌的 9. The food looked horrible, but it tasted OK. 可怕的;极严重的;极讨厌的famous 著名的 10. He was admitted to a highly prestigious university. 受尊敬的;有声望的 11. She is a distinguished novelist and philosopher. 卓越的;受人尊敬的;尊贵的 distinguished guests 贵宾distinguished service 杰出的服务;杰出的贡献12. His approach had won him a reputation as a tough manager. win sb. a reputation 使某人获得荣誉;使某人出名 enjoy a high reputation 享有盛名 important 重要的 13. education is of much importance. be of +抽象名词= be + 形容词be of 具有 be of great/much importance = be very important 非常重要 be of great significance = be very significant 意义深远;具有重大意义14. The work he does is absolutely vital. 至关重要的;生死攸关的


考研英语必备词汇 考研英语必备词汇 考研英语必备词汇1 考研英语必备词汇1 productivity n.生产率profession n.职业,专业,表白,宣布professional a.职业的,专门的n.自由职业者,专业人员professor n.教授proficiency n.(in)熟练,精通profile n.侧面(像);轮廓,外形;人物简介profit n.利润,收益v.(by,from)得利,获益;有利于profitable a.有利可图的,有益的profound a.深刻的,意义深远的;渊博的,造诣深的programme n.(program)节目,计划,规划,程序v.编程序progress v./n.进步,进展;前进progressive a.进步的,先进的;前进的prohibit v.禁止,不准;阻止project n.方案,工程,项目v.投射,放映;设计,规划projector n.放映机,幻灯机,投影仪prolong v.拉长,延长,拖延prominent a.突起的,凸出的;突出的,杰出的promise v.允许,答应;有可能n.承诺;希望,出息promising a.有希望的,有前途的promote v.促进,发扬;提升,提拔;增进,助长prompt a.敏捷的,迅速的,即刻的v.激起,促进,推动 考研英语必备词汇2 备受考生关注的《全国硕士研究生招生考试英语考试大纲》(以下简称大纲)于20xx年8月26日新鲜出炉,从整体上看,今年的大纲与去年相比,没有任何变化,因此,各位考生大可按照既定的复

习思路继续备考。那么相对于试卷上客观存在的5类题型,很多考生在备考过程中容易忽略掉一个最最基础的内容词汇。本文将结合最新的考纲及真题,为各位考生总结归纳9月份以后词汇备考策略。 到了9月份以后,考生们开始专注于各个题型的解题技巧的学习或真题的演练。而做过真题的同学必然会发现,通过解题技巧定位出题目答案所在的范围后,面临的最大的问题就是锁定的那句话读不明白,原因很简单:单词不认识。因此,词汇的学习与复习应始终贯穿始终并且有计划性。从基础阶段的夯实基础,到强化阶段的解题技巧的学习,再到提高阶段真题的演练以至于冲刺阶段的查缺补漏,唯一不能停止学习的就是单词,只是在不同阶段,各位考生对单词记忆的侧重点可以稍微有所调整。备考之初,很多同学整天抱着很厚的一本单词书啃,但过了基础阶段,就将其抛到九霄云外。确实,9月份之后没有像前期大把的时间着眼于单词,但也不能完全不理会它,正如大纲所言:阅读上要求考生能够读懂一篇生词量不超过3%的学术性议论文,也就意味着1篇500词左右的文章最多有15个左右单词是不认识的。那么这些生词该如何破解?①猜测;②结合语境。那么又该如何猜测呢?大纲在词汇上明确要求我们要掌握116组前后缀,这就是在提醒同学们在初期备考时就要按照词根词缀法记忆单词,首先可以识记词汇,其次可以帮助我们猜测生词。因此,9月份以后单词的学习应围绕真题,复习真题中出现的高频、核心单词,从真题中强化基础,这也就要求各位考生在日常的练习中能够有规律性的进行整理跟归纳:①对于那些已经彻底记住的单词,直接略过,当然要注意一点,


(完整word版)考研英语核心词汇(精心整理版) 考研英语词汇 displacement n。移置,转移, 取代,置换, 位移,排水量 dramatic adj。戏剧性的, 生动的 eventually adv.最后,终于 exhibit vt.展出, 陈列n.展览品, 陈列品, 展品v.展示 exploitation n。开发, 开采, 剥削, 自私的利用,宣传,广告 fluctuations n。波动,起伏 highlighted adj。突出的 implicit adj。暗示的, 盲从的, 含蓄的, 固有的, 不怀疑的,绝对的 induced vt。劝诱, 促使,导致,引起,感应inevitably adv.不可避免 infrastructure n.下部构造, 基础下部组织inspection n。检查, 视察 intensity n.强烈,剧烈, 强度,亮度manipulation n.处理, 操作,操纵 offset n.抵销, 弥补, 分支, vt。弥补, 抵销, 用平版印刷vi。偏移, 形成分支 paragraph n.(文章)段,节, 段落 plus prep。加上adj.正的, 加的 practitioners n。从业者,开业者predominantly adv.卓越的, 支配的,主要的,突出的,有影响的 prospect n。景色,前景,前途,期望vi。寻找,勘探 radical adj。根本的, 基本的, 激进的n.激进分子random n.随意,任意adj。任意的, 随便的, 胡乱的adv。胡乱地 reinforce vt。加强, 增援,补充, 增加.。。的数量,修补,加固 n.加固物 restore vt.恢复, 使回复,归还,交还, 修复, 重建 revision n。修订,修改,修正, 修订本schedule n.时间表, 进度表v。确定时间 tension n。紧张(状态), 不安, 拉紧,压力,张力, vt。拉紧, 使紧张 termination n。终止 thereby adv.因此,从而,在那方面,在那附近uniform adj。统一的,相同的, 一致的,;n。制服vt。使成一样,使穿制服 vehicle n。交通工具,车辆,媒介物, 传达手段via prep.经, 通过, 经由 virtually adv。事实上,实质上widespread adj。分布广泛的, 普遍的 visual adj。看的,视觉的,形象的, 栩栩如生的 accommodation n.住处, 膳宿, (车, 船, 飞机等的)预定铺位, (眼睛等的)适应性调节analogous adj。类似的,相似的,可比拟的anticipate vt。预期, 期望,过早使用, 先人一着,占先v.预订,预见,可以预料 assurance n.确信,断言, 保证,担保 attain vt.达到, 获得v。达到 behalf n。为,利益 bulk n.大小, 体积, 大批, 大多数,散装vt。显得大,显得重要 ceases v。停止, 终了,n。停止 coherence n.一致 coincide vi.一致,符合 commence v。开始,着手 concurrent n同时发生的事件adj.并发的,协作的,一致的 confined adj。被限制的,狭窄的,分娩的controversy n。论战,争论,辩论 conversely adv。倒的,逆的 device n.装置,设计,图案,策略,发明物,设备;【计】安装设备驱动程序 devote v.投身于,献身于 diminish v.(使)减少,(使)变小 distorted adj.扭曲的,受到曲解的 duration n。持续时间,为期 erosion n。腐蚀,浸蚀 ethical adj.与伦理有关的,民族的,民族特有的founded v.建立,创立 inherent adj。固有的,内在的,与生俱来的insight n。洞察力,见识 integral adj。完整的,整体的,【数学】积分的mature adj。成熟的,到期的,充分考虑的,(票据等)到期的 vt。使成熟 vi.成熟,到期 mediation n。仲裁,调解,调停 advocate n。提倡者, 鼓吹者vt。提倡, 鼓吹channel n。海峡, 水道,沟,路线vt。引导, 开导,形成河道;信道,频道 classical adj。古典的,正统派的,古典文学的comprehensive adj.全面的,广泛的, 能充分理解的,包容的 comprise v.包含, 由。。.组成 confirmed adj.证实的,惯常的, 慢性的 contrary adj.相反的, 逆的, decades n.十年,十 definite adj。明确的,一定的


考研英语100个高频词组 考研英语备考中,要想提高自己的英语水平,首先要扩充自己的词汇量。为此,本文整理了100个考研英语需要记住的高频词组,希望对大家有所帮助。 1.做出共同努カmake joint efforts 2.綜合素质comprehensive quality 3.责任感/成就感sense of responsibility achievement 4.著名景点the famous scenic spots 5.主要理由列举如下The main/ leading reasons are listed as follows 6 重视attach great importance to. . 7.致力于/投身于be committed I devoted to. 8.旨在做某事aim to do sth 9.正如谚语所说As the proverb goes: 10.长远利益long-term interest 11.获取有用信息的捷径shortcut to helpful information 12.増进相互了解enhance/promote mutual understanding 13.资源节约和坏境友好型resource saving and environment-friendly 14.在一定程度上to some extent 15.在人类生活的方方面面in all aspects of human life 16.与...比校compared with.../ in comparison with 17.有直接/间接关系be directly / indirectly related to... 18.有争议性的向題a controversial issue


500个考过二十次以上的考研英语词汇 above / beyond: 介词,后面接抽象而不是具体名词时表示“无法做到”,例如:“above comprehension”的意思是“无法理解”。 in the absence of something: “缺少,没有”,用于替代“in short of”或者“be lacking in”。 be absorbed in something: “专心从事”。 abuse: 用在物品词后面表示“过量使用”,用在有生命的事物后面则表示“虐待”。 have access to something: 这个短语最常用的意思是“to have something that you can use”,就是“能够用到”,当然,要根据它后面接的单词来判断其中文含义,比如“have access to town”表示“有道路通往市区”,“have access to the teacher”则是“有条件向老师请教”,而“have access to the Internet”则表示“有上网条件”。 accessible / available: 形容词,中文的含义同上。 by accident: 介词词组,属于副词用法,修饰动作,意思是“偶然”。 accommodate: 英文解释为“to accept someone's opinions and try to do what they want, especially when their opinions or needs are different from yours”或者“to get used to a new situation or to make yourself do this”,因此中文的意思是“接受;适应”。 account: 名词,“解释,解说,叙述”。 account for: 本身是“解释说明”的含义,但在使用时可以翻译成“是…的原因”。此外,在数字概念上表示“占…份额,比重”。 acknowledge: 这个词有两个常用含义,“向某个人表示感谢”或“承认”。 acquire: 这个词的中文非常灵活,通常由后面跟随的名词决定,如“acquire bad habits”就是“养成坏习惯”的含义。在商业用语中,该词则表示“吞并”。其名词形式acquisition也有这个含义。 action: 在军事用语中可以表示“战斗”。 in action: 表示“正在起作用”。


2023考研英语作文常用词汇及搭配 2023考研英语作文常用词汇及搭配 导语:虽然,考研英语作文一直得分率不高,但作文其实是英语中最容易提分的局部了。对于作文的复习,除了背诵一定的范文模板之外,还学要掌握一些常用的分类、词汇和句型,这样才可以保证再考场上,更灵敏应用模板,而防止生搬硬套的现象。下面,为大家总结8类写作中经常会涉及到的常用高频词汇以及一些短语。希望可以帮助大家能在英语写作工程中有更好的发挥。 精彩链接: 暑期英语阅读“破冰”之战提速突击 考研复习:学会“英式考虑” 打破英语高分 2023考研英语复习进度面面观 2023考研英语:单词之路如何躲避风险 第一篇:词汇篇 1、经济: economic globalization〔经济全球化〕, sustainable development〔可持续开展〕,unfair petition〔不正当竞争〕,crack down on fake modities 〔打假〕, boom〔繁

荣〕, fierce petition〔剧烈竞争〕, credit crisis〔信誉危机〕, stabilize prices 〔稳定物价〕考研教育\网 2、文化: 3、环保: 4、科技: science and technology〔科学技术〕,web-addiction 〔沉迷网络〕, puter crime〔电脑犯罪〕, e-merce〔电子商务〕, virtual life 〔虚拟生活〕,information era 〔信息时代〕,cyber romance〔网恋〕,surf the Inter 〔网上冲浪〕 5、就业: 6、大学生活/教育: cultivate〔培养〕,further one‘s study 〔深造〕,quality education〔素质教育〕,foster abilities 〔培养才能〕,relieve the burden on students〔减轻学生负担〕,be occupied with so much schoolwork〔忙于功课〕place emphasis on〔以…为重心〕,prehensive〔全面的,广泛的〕,practical capability〔实际才能〕,duck-stuffing〔填鸭式〕 7、社会现象:


abnormal不正常的absurd荒谬的abundant丰富的 accessible易接近的; 可理解的; 易相处的 acute敏锐的,锋利的,急性的 accurate 精确的,准确的adequate 足够的,恰当的,合适的 adjacent(to)毗连的,接近的admission 承认; 准许进入 adverse不利的,相反的 aerial空中的,航空的aesthetic审美的,有审美能力的 agreeable宜人的,同意的aggressive侵略的好斗的,进取的 alien外国的,不同性质的ambiguous模棱两可的模糊的 ambitious有雄心的有抱负的ample充足的,足够的,广大的 analytical 分析的anonymous 匿名的appreciate 欣赏; 感激appeal 上诉; 呼吁要求; 有吸引力 applicable 适用的,合适的apprehensive 不安的,担心的

appropriate合适的,恰当的apt敏捷的;适当的;倾向,易于 arrogant 傲慢的,自大的authentic可靠的可信的 authoritative 有权威的,可信的autonomous 自治的,自主的 average 一般的普通的awesome 令人畏惧的 aware 意识到的,知道的awkward 尴尬的 bald秃头的,不毛的,单调的barren贫瘠的不毛的 bizarre 古怪的,奇异的bleak阴冷的,寒冷的;荒凉的;暗淡的 blunt 不尖的,钝的;直率的,直言的botanical 植物学的 bound 一定的brisk 活跃的,活泼的brutal 野蛮的,残忍的cardinal主要的,最基本的 carefree无忧无虑的casual 随意的,随便的 catholic 广泛的,普遍的cautious 谨慎的,


考研英语写作常用词汇 考研英语写作常用词汇 引言:词汇是语句的基本组成元素,好的词汇使文章内容更为丰富,甚至可起到画龙点睛的作用。接下来店铺要给大家介绍一些考研英语作文中常用到的词语,如果能在创作中应用是不是显得高大上许多呢? 1. accident n. 意外事件,事故 2. achievement n. 成就,功绩 3. activity n. 活跃,活动性,行动,行为 4. adopt vt. 采用,收养 5. advantage n. 优势,有利条件,利益 6. afford vt. [常与can,could,be able to连用]担负得起费用(损失,后果等),花费得起,经受得住;抽得出(时间) 7. ambition n. 野心,雄心 8. approach n. 接近,逼近,走进,方法,步骤,途径,通路 ①vt. 接近,动手处理②vi. 靠近 9. attract vt. 吸引 vi. 有吸引力,引起注意 10. bribe n. 贿赂 vt. 贿赂 11. chance n. 机会,可能性,运气 12. cheat n. 欺骗,骗子 v. 欺骗,骗取 13. client n. [计]顾客,客户,委托人 14. communication n. 传达,信息,交通,通讯 15. compare v. 比较,相比,比喻 n. 比较 16. compete vi. 比赛,竞争 17. concentrate v. 集中,浓缩 18. consequently adv. 从而,因此 19. contribution n. 捐献,贡献,投稿 20. convenient adj. 便利的,方便的 21. decline vi. 下倾,下降,下垂 v. 拒绝,衰落


考研英语中常用的120个"高大上"升级版写作词汇 我们都知道,在写作考试中,用词是很重要的一部分,学会使用不同的替换词是提高写作的一个小技巧。 以下是小编为大家整理的120组高大上的词汇替换表,希望能对大家有所帮助!一起来学习一下吧~ 1. Important=crucial a.至关紧要的(extremely important), significant (amount or effect large enough to be important) 2. Common=universal a.普遍的, ubiquitous adj.普遍存在的(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) 3. Abundant=ample (enough and usually extra), plentiful (enough for people’s needs and wants) 4. Stick=adhere a.粘附, cling (hold on something tightly) 5. Neglect v.忽视=ignore. (Difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.) 6. Near=adjacent (two things next to each other), adjoin (the same as adjacent) 7. Pursue=woo (man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek (if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL) 8. Accurate=precise (precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact (correct in every detail) 9. Vague a.含糊的=obscure (unknown or known by only a few people) 10. Top=peak, summit 11. Competitor=rival, opponent (especially in sports and politics) 12. Blame n. /vt.责备,过失=condemn (if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable) 13. Opinon=perspective, standpoint (means looking at an


考研英语词汇大全 引言:对于许多即将参加考研的同学们来说,英语词汇的掌握程度是关系到英语成绩的关键因素。为了帮助大家更好地备战考研,本文将为大家介绍一些考研英语词汇大全,包括常见的单词、短语以及语法知识,帮助大家扩充英语词汇量,提高英语阅读、听力和写作水平。主题一:考研英语常见词汇 1、Accumulate: 积累,堆积 2、Commodity: 商品,货物 3、Compensate: 补偿,赔偿 4、Concept: 概念,观念 5、Curriculum: 课程,大纲 6、Diversity: 多样性 7、Efficiency: 效率,效能 8、Existence: 存在,实在 9、Globalization: 全球化 10、Heritage: 遗产,传统文化

主题二:考研英语短语和习语 1、In my humble opinion: 在我看来 2、Take into account: 考虑到,顾及 3、At the end of the day: 说到底 4、For your reference: 供你参考 5、In my humble opinion: 在我看来 6、Play a vital role: 起重要作用 7、Turn out: 证明,结果是 8、In terms of: 就……而言,按照 9、For instance: 例如 10、Have an impact on: 对……产生影响 主题三:考研英语语法知识 1、句子结构:考研英语中常见的句子结构包括主语+谓语+宾语、主语+谓语+宾语+宾补等。 2、动词时态:英语中常用的时态有一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时等。


考研英语常用词组大全4249个(详细版). 英语常用词组4249个 (详细版) A 1.a fraction of 一部分 2.a matter of concern 焦点 3.a series of 一系列, 一连串 4.abandon sb to sth (不顾责任、义务等)抛弃,离弃 5.abandon sth to sb 不得已而放弃 辨析 abandon:迫于不得已而停止(支持,帮助);放弃义务,信念,责任 stop:停止某行为 give up doing:放弃做某种行为 6.ability to do sth(注:不加of doing)有能力做某事 7.to the best of one’s ability 尽其所能 辨析 ability:具备做某事的能力(用法:ability to do sth(注:不加of doing)) capability:具备做某事所需的能力或素质(用法:capability to do sth/也可加of doing)) 8.be able to do sth 能够 辨析 able:强调通过努力而获得的能力(用法:be able to do sth) can:表示本身具有的一般能力 capable:(用法:capable of doing) 9.be about to do …when…打算 10.abound with/in 富于、充满… 11.above all 近义词:especially 尤其是, 最重要 的

12.be absent from 缺席 13.absence of mind 近义词:being absent-minded 心不在焉 14.absent oneself from sth 不在 15.absolve sb from 赦免某人… 16.be absorbed in 全神贯注于… 近义词:be engrossed in;be lost in;be rapt in;be concentrated on ; be focused on;be centered on 17.abstain from 避开(免)… 18.be abundant in 富于,富有 近义词:be rich in;be well supplied with 19.abundant in 富于 20.accept sth 同意某事 21.accept sb into sth/ accept sb as sth 接纳某人 22.accept that…相信/认为… 23.access to (不可数名词) 能接近,进入 辨析 accept:表示主观意愿 receive:表示客观事实(用法:receive sth from sb/sth) 24.by accident 偶然 辨析 accident 通常指“不幸的”意外事故,如车祸,摔伤,砸伤等,多指无意或偶然造成的。 incident 通常指大事件中较小的事件,小插曲或人生中所碰到的虽小但留下较深印象的平 凡事件。它还用来指政治上具有一定影响的事态,如战争,叛乱 25.without accident 安全地 26.accommodate sb with 向某人提供… 27.accommodate oneself to 适应… 28.of one’s own accord自愿地 29.in accord with 与…一致 .


考研英语写作最常用的95个词汇 2.achievement n.成就,功绩 3.activity n.活跃,活动性,行动,行为, 4.adopt vt.采用,收养 5.advantage n.优势,有利条件,利益 6.afford vt.[常与can,could,be able to 连用]担负得起费用(损失. 后果等),花费得起,经受得 住;抽得出(时间) 7.ambition n.野心,雄心 8.approach n.接近,逼近,走进,方法, 步骤,途径,通路 ①vt.接近,动手处理 ②vi.靠近 9.attract ③vt.吸引 ④vi.有吸引力,引起注意 10.bribe ①n.贿赂 ②vt.贿赂,向...行贿 11.chance n.机会,可能性,运气 12.cheat n.欺骗,骗子

v.欺骗,骗取 13.client n.[计]顾客,客户,委托人 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6419023180.html,munication n.传达,信息,交通,通讯 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6419023180.html,pare v.比较,相比,比喻 n.比较 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6419023180.html,pete vi.比赛,竞争 17.concentrate v.集中,浓缩 18.consequently adv.从而,因此 19.contribution n.捐献,贡献,投稿 20.convenient adj.便利的,方便的 21.decline vi.下倾,下降,下垂 v.拒绝,衰落 22.decrease n.减少,减少之量 v.减少 23.demand n.要求,需求(量),需要 v.要求,需要,要求知道,查询 24.depict vt.描述,描写 25.duality n.二元性 26.economy n.经济,节约,节约措施,经 济实惠,系统,机体,经济 制度的状况 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6419023180.html,cation n.教育,训导,训练,培养,教育学


1、经济贸易类25.基础设施 infrastructure facilities 1.改革产业结构 reform the structure of26.豆腐渣工程 jerry-built projects industries27.投资热点 investment hot spot 2.损失企业 loss-making enterprises28.外向型经济 export-oriented economy 3.搞活企业 enliven enterprises29.按劳分配 distribute according to the 4.加快现代化步伐 quicken the work performance modernization drive30.打破平均主义 break / abandon 5.跨国企业 transnational corporation /equalitarian multinational corporation31.沿海开放城市 open coastal cities 6.乡镇企业 township enterprises32.保税区 bonded zone/ area 7.国有企业 state-owned enterprises33.金融改革 banking system 8.合资企业 joint ventures34.公民生产总值 Gross National Product 9.解放生产力 emancipate/ liberate35.扶贫项目 anti-poverty project productivity36.下海经商 plunge into the private 10.中兴国家经济 invigorate our state business economy37.协调发展 coordinate the development 11.实行股份制 introduce the shareholding38.住所改革 housing reform system39.社会保障系统 social security system 12.全面深入改革 deepen reform all round40.数字时代 digital times 13.提高经济效益 improve economic results41.信息高速公路 the information 14.增进效益 increase economic returns superhighway 15.宏观经济调控 macro-economic control42.虚假社区 virtual communities and management43.菜“蓝子”工程 the “shopping-basket ” 16.经济实力 economic strength project ( the non-staple food project) 17.经济转轨 economic transformation44.拳头产品 knock-out products/ 18.经营体系 operative mechanism competitive products 19.整顿经济序次 rectify economic order45.市场冷清 slack market 20.引进竞争体系 introduce a competitive46.中国质量万里行 China’s Long March mechanism to Quality campaign 21.建立技术密集型企业 set up47.冒牌产品 fake brand-name products technologically-intensive enterprises48.假冒伪劣商品 fake and poor quality 22.招商引资 canvass business and commodities introduce investment49.牟取暴力 reap colossal profits 23.房地产 real estate50.提出索赔 lodge a claim 24.经济特区 special economic zone51.投诉 lodge complaint
