规 范 电 极 电势 standard electrode potentialBET 公 式 BET f ormula D LV O 理 论 D LV O t h eo r yHLB 法 hydrophil e-lipophile balance method pVT 性 质 pV T propertyZ 电势 zeta potenti al阿 伏 加 德 罗 常 数 Av o g a d r o 'n u m b e r 阿 伏 加 德 罗 定 律Av o g a d r o l a w阿 累 尼 乌 斯 电 离 理 论 Arrhenius ionization theory 阿 累 尼 乌 斯 方 程 Arrhenius equation阿 累 尼 乌 斯 活 化 能 Arrhenius activation energy 阿 马 格 定 律 A magat law 艾 林 方 程 Eryi ng equation 爱 因 斯 坦 光化 当 量 定 律 Einstein 's law of photochemical equivalence爱 因 斯 坦 - 斯 托 克 斯 方 程 Einstein-Stokes equation安 托 万 常 数 Antoine constant 安 托 万 方 程 Antoine equation盎 萨 格 电 导 理 论 Onsager 's theory of conductance半 电 池 hal f cel l 半 衰 期 hal f ti me peri od 饱 和 液 体 saturated liquids爆 炸 界 限 explosion limits 比 表 面 功 specifi c surface work specific surface Gibbs function比 浓 粘 度 reduced viscosi ty规 范 电 动 势 standard electromotive force饱和蒸气 saturated vapor 饱和吸附量saturated extent of adsorption饱和蒸气压 saturated vapor pressure 比表面吉布斯函数规 范 摩 尔 生 成 焓 standard molar formation enthal py规 范 摩 尔 生成 吉 布 斯 函 数 standard molar formation Gibbs function规 范 平 衡 常 数 standard equilibri um constant 规 范 氢 电 极 stand ar d hy dr o gen electr ode 规 范 态 st andard st ate规 范 熵 standard en tr op y 规 范 压 力 standar d pr essure 规 范 状 况 standard condi tion表 观 活 化 能 apparent acti vation energy 表 观 摩 尔 质 量 apparent molecular wei ght 表 观 迁 移 数 apparent transf erence number 表 面 surf acessur f act ant ssur face ex cess 表 面 张 力 surf ace tension表 面 质 量 作 用 定 律 surface mass acti on law 波义尔定律 波义尔温度 Boyl e law Boyle temper ature波 义 尔 点 Boyl e poi nt 玻尔兹曼常数 玻尔兹曼分布 玻尔兹曼公式Bol tzmann constantBol tzmann distributi on Boltzmann for mula玻 尔 兹 曼 熵 定 理 Bol tzmann entropy theorem 玻 色 - 爱 因 斯 坦 统 计 Bose-Einstein statist ics泊 Po ise不 可 逆 过 程 irreversi ble process不 可 逆 过 程 热 力 学 thermodynamics of irreversi ble processes 不 可 逆 相 变 化 i rrev ersible phase change 布 朗 运 动 brow ni an mov ement 查 理 定 律 Char le 's law 产 率 yiel d敞 开 系 统 op en syst em规范摩尔反应吉布斯函数 standard Gibbs f unctionof molar r eaction规范摩尔反应熵 规范摩尔焓函数 规范摩尔吉布斯 规范摩尔燃烧焓st an d ar d st an d ar d由能函数 st an d ar d 规范摩尔熵 mol ar reaction entropy molar enthalpy f unction st andar d molar Gibbs m o lar com bustio n enthalstandar d molar ent ropyfr ee energy functionpy表面过程控制 surface process contr ol 表面活性剂表面吸附量超电势over potenti al沉降sedi mentation沉降电势sedi mentation potential 沉降平衡sedi mentation equilibrium触 变 thixotr opy粗 分 散 系 统 thick disperse sy stem 催 化 剂 c at al y s t单 分 子 层 吸 附 理 论 mono molecule l ayer adsorpti on 单 分 子 反 应 un i mol ecu lar react io n单 链 反 应straight chai n reactions弹 式 量 热 计 bomb calorimet er 道 尔 顿 分 压 定 律 Dalton parti al pressure law德 拜 和 法 尔 肯 哈 根 效 应 D ebye and Falkenhagen eff ect 德 拜 立 方 公 式 D ebye cubi c formul a德 拜 - 休 克 尔 极 限 公 式 Debye-Huckel 's limiting equation 等 焓 过 程i senth alpic p ro cess 等 焓 线 isenthal pic line等几率定理 等温等容位 等温等压位 theor em of equal probability H el m hol tz f r ee ener gy Gibbs fr ee en er gyequati on at constant temperature eutecti c point低 共 熔 混 合 物 eutecti c mixturel ow er consol ute point cryohydri c perpetual machi ne of perpetual machi ne of associ at ion chemi cal cell c onst ant电 池 电 动 势 electromotive force of cell s电 池 反 应 cell react io n电 导 co nd u c tanc e 电 导 率conducti vit y电 动 势 的 温 度 系 数 temperature coeffi cient of electromoti ve force 电 动 电 势 zeta p o tent ial 电 功 el ectr ic wo r k 电化学electrochemi stry电 化 学 极 化 electrochemical polar ization 电极电势 electr ode potential 电极反应 reacti ons on the electrode 电极种类 t ype o f electrod es 电解池 electrolyt ic cell 电量计 coulometer 电流效率 current eff iciency 电迁移 electro mi grati on电迁移率 electromobility道尔顿定律 D al ton l aw等温方程低共熔点 低会溶点低熔冰盐合晶 第二类永动机 第三定律熵 第一类永动机 缔合化学吸附 电池常数 third-l aw entropyt h e seco n d ki ndthe fir st kind adsorpti on电 渗 electroosmosi s电 渗 析 electrodialy sis电 泳 el ectrophoresi s丁达尔效应 D yndall eff ect定容摩尔热容 molar heat capaci ty under constant v olume定容温度计 Constant v oI ume t hermometer 定压摩尔热容 molar heat capaci ty under con stant pr essu r e定压温度计 constant pressure ther mom eter 定域子系统 localized particle sy stem动力学方程 kinet ic equat ions动力学控制 ki net ics con tr ol独立子系统 independent particle syst em对比摩尔体积 reduced mole v olume对 比 体 积 reduced vol ume对 比 温 度 r educed t emp eratur e 对 比 压 力r educed p r essur e对 称 数 symmetr y number 对 行 反 应 reversi bl e reactions对 应 状 态 原 理 pri ncipl e of corresponding state 多 方 过 程 poly tropic process多 分 子 层 吸 附 理 论 adsorption theory of mul ti-molecular layers 二 级 反 应 second order reaction二 级 相 变 seco nd order p h ase change 法 拉 第 常 数 farad ay constant 法 拉 第 定 律Far aday 's law反 电 动 势 b a c k E. M. F. 反 渗 透 rever se osmosis mol ecul arity reacti on orders ex tent of reaction反 应 热 heat of react i o n反 应 速 率 r at e o f r eact i o n非 依 时 计 量 学 反 应 time independent stoichiometric reacti ons 菲 克 扩 散 第 一 定 律Fick 's f irst law of diffusion反应分子数 反应级数 反应进度反应速率常数 constan t o f r eacti on r ate范德华常数van der Wa als constant 范德华方程 van der Wa alsequat ion范德华力 v a n d e r Wa al s f or c e范德华气体van der Wa als gases 范特霍夫方程van 't H of f equat ion 范特霍夫规则 v an 't H of f ru le范 特 霍 夫 渗 透 压 公 式 van 't Hoff equation of osmot ic pressure非 基 元 反 应 non-elementary reacti ons非体积功 non-vol ume work沸 点 boili ng point沸 点 升 高 elev ati on of boiling point 费 M - 狄 拉 克 统 计 Fermi-Dirac statistics 分 布 di st ri bution分 布 数 distribut ion numbers 分 解 电 压 decomposition volt age 分 配 定 律 distributi on law 分 散 系 统 disperse sy stem 分 散 相 disper sion phase 分 体 积 par ti al volume 分 体 积 定 律 partial vol ume law 分 压parti al pressure分 压 定 律 parti al pressure law分 子 反 应 力 学 mechanics of molecular reactions 分 子 间 力i nterm olecul ar f or ce分 子 蒸 馏 molecular di stil lati on 封 闭 系 统clo sed syst em附 加 压 力 excess pressu re弗 罗 因 德 利 希 吸 附 经 验 式 Freundlich empi rical formula of adsorption 负 极 negative pol e 负 吸 附 negati ve adsorption 复 合 反 应 composite reacti on 盖 •吕萨克定律 Gay-Lussac law H ess l aw calomel electrodely otropic seri es lever rule格 罗 塞 斯 -德 雷 珀 定 律 Grotthus-Draoer 's law隔 离 系 统 i sol ated syst em根 均 方 速 率 root-mean-square speed 功wor k功 函 wo r k content共 轭 溶 液 conjugate solution共 沸 温 度 azeotropic temperature 构 型 熵 configurational entropy 孤 立 系 统 i sol ated syst em 固 溶 胶 sol id so l固 态 混 合 物 sol i d sol u ti on 固 相 线 sol id phase l i ne 光 反 应 photoreacti on光 化 学 第 二定 律 the second law of actinochemistry 光 化 学 第 一 定 律 the first law of actinochemistry光 敏 反 应 photosensi tized reactions 光 谱 熵 spect ru m entr opy 广 度 性 质ex tensiv e propert y盖斯定律 甘汞电极 感胶离子序 杠杆规则 高分子溶液 macromolecular solution 高会溶点 u pper con sol u te p oint 隔离法 the isolation method广延量extensive quanti ty广延性质ex tensiv e propert y规定熵stip ulated entrop y过饱和溶液oversaturated sol ution过饱和蒸气ov ersaturated v apor过程pr ocess过渡状态理论t ransi ti on state theory过冷水super-cooled w ater过冷液体overcooled l iquid过热液体overheated l iquid亥姆霍兹函数Helmholt z funct ion亥姆霍兹函数判据Helmholtz function criteri on亥姆霍兹自由能H el m hol tz f r ee energ y亥氏函数Hel mholt z funct ion焓 e nt h al py亨利常数H enry constant亨利定律Henry l aw恒沸混合物const ant boi li ng mi x ture恒容摩尔热容molar heat capacity at constant v olume恒容热heat at constant v olume恒外压constant external pr essur e恒压摩尔热容molar heat capaci ty at constant pressure恒压热heat at con stant p ressur e化学动力学chemical ki netics化学反应计量式stoichiometr ic equation of chemical reaction化学反应计量系数stoichiometric coeffici ent of chemi cal reacti on 化学反应进度extent of chemical react ion化学亲合势chemical aff inity化学热力学chemical thermodynami cs化学势chemical potenti al化学势判据chemical potential cri teri on化学吸附chemi sorptions环境envi ro n ment环境熵变entropy change in envi ronment挥发度vol atil ity混合熵ent ropy of mix ing混合物mi x ture活度acti vity活化控制acti vation control活化络合物理论activated compl ex theory活化能activati on energy霍根-华森图Hougen-Wa tson Chart基态能级energy level at gr ound state基希霍夫公式K i rchhoff f ormula基元反应elementary reacti ons积分溶解热integrati on heat of dissolution吉布斯-杜亥姆方程Gi bbs-Duhem equation吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程Gibbs-Hel mhotz equation吉布斯函数Gibbs funct ion吉布斯函数判据Gibbs function cr iter ion吉布斯吸附公式Gibbs adsorption for mula吉布斯自由能Gibbs free energy 敞开系统open system 超电势over potenti al 沉降sedi mentation沉降电势sedi mentation potential沉降平衡sedi mentation equilibrium触变thixotr opy粗分散系统thick disperse system 催化剂catal yst单分子层吸附理论mono molecule l ayer adsorpti on单分子反应un i mol ecu lar react io n单链反应弹式量热计straight chai n reacti ons bombcalorimet er道尔顿定律 D al ton l aw道尔顿分压定律Dalton parti al pressure law德拜和法尔肯哈根效应 D ebye and Falkenhagen eff ect德拜立方公式 D ebye cubi c formul a德拜-休克尔极限公式Deby e-Huckel's limit ing equation 等焓过程i senthal pic process等焓线isenthal pic line等几率定理等温等容位等温等压位等温方程低共熔点theor em of equal probabilityH el m hol tz f r ee ener gyGibbs fr ee en er gyequati on at constant temperature eutecti c point低共熔混合物eutecti c mixture低会溶点l ow er consol ute point低熔冰盐合晶cryohydri c第二类永动机perpetual machine of the second ki nd 第三定律熵third-l aw entropy第一类永动机perpetual machine of the fir st kind缔合化学吸附association chemical adsorpti on电池常数电池电动势电池反应cell c on st antelectromotive force of cell s cell react io n电 导 co nd u c tanc e 电 导 率 conducti vit y电 动 势 的 温 度 系 数 temperature coeffi cient of electromoti ve force 电 动 电 势 zeta p o tent ial 电 功 el ectr ic wo r k 电 化 学 electrochemi stry electrochemi cal polarizat ion电 极 电 势 electr ode potential 电 极 反 应 reacti ons on the electrode对 比 温 度 r educed t emp eratur e对 比 压 力 r educed p r essur e对 称 数 symmetr y number 对 行 反 应 reversi bl e reactions对 应 状 态 原 理 pri ncipl e of correspondi ng state 多 方 过 程 poly tropic process 多 分 子 层 吸 附 理 论 adsorption theory of mul ti-molecular layers反 应 分 子 数 mol ecul arity反 应 级 数 reacti on orders二级反应 seco nd orderreaction二级相变 seco nd orderp h as e c h a n ge法拉第常数 farad ay constant 法拉第定律 Far aday ' s l a w反电动势b ac k E. M. F.电化学极化电极种类 t ype o f electrod es 电 解 池 electrolyt ic cell 电 量 计coulom eter电 流 效 率 current eff iciency 电 迁 移 electro mi grati on 电 迁 移 率electromobil ity丁达尔效应 D yndall eff ect定容摩尔热容molar heat capaci ty under constant v olume定容温度计 定压摩尔热容 Constant v oI ume t hermometer molar heat capaci ty under constant pressure定域子系统 localized particle sy stem 动力学方程 动力学控制 kinet ic equat ions ki netics con tr ol独立子系统 independent particle syst em 对比摩尔体积 reduced mole v olume对比体积 reduced vol ume 电 渗 electroosmosi s 电 渗 析electrodialy sis 电 泳 el ectrophoresi s定压温度计 constant pressure ther mom eter高分子溶液 macromolecular sol uti on 高会溶点upper consol ute point反 应 进 度 ex tent of reacti on 反 应 热heat of react i o n反 应 速 率 r at e o f r eact i o n 反应速率常数 范德华常数 范德华方程 constant of reacti on rate van der Wa als constant van der Waals equat ion范德华力 v a n d e r Wa al s f or c e范德华气体 范特霍夫方程 范特霍夫规则van der Wa als gases van 't H of f equat ion v an 't H of f ru le范特霍夫渗透压公式 van 't Hoff equation of osmot ic pressure 非基元反应 non-elementary reacti ons 非 体 积 功 non-vol ume work 非 依 时 计 量 学 反 应 time independent stoichiometric reacti ons 菲 克 扩 散 第 一 定 律 Fick 's f irst law of diffusion沸 点boili ng point沸 点 升 高 elevation of boil ing point 费 M - 狄 拉 克 统 计 Fermi -Di rac stati sti cs 分 布 di st ri bution分 布 数 distribut ion numbers 分 解 电 压 decomposition volt age 分 配 定 律 distributi on law 分 散 系 统 disperse sy stem 分 散 相 disper sion phase 分 体 积 par ti al volume 分 体 积 定 律 partial vol ume law 分 压parti al pressure分 压 定 律 parti al pressure law分 子 反 应 力 学 mechani cs of molecular reactions分子间力 分子蒸馏 封闭 系统 i nt ermolecular f orce molecular di stil lati on clo sed syst em附加 弗罗 负极负吸 力 德利希吸附经验式excess pressu re Freundlich empi rical formula of adsorption附 复合反应 盖•吕萨克 盖斯定律 甘汞电极 感胶离子序 杠杆规则negative pol enegati ve adsorption compositereacti on 定 律 Gay-L ussac law He ss l a wcalomel el ectrodely otropic series l ever rul e隔离法the i solat ion method格罗塞斯-德雷珀定律Grotthus-D raoer's law隔离系统i sol ated syst em根均方速率r o o t - m e a n - sq u ar e s p ee d功wor k功函wo r k content共轭溶液conj ugate sol uti on共沸温度azeotropi c temperature构型熵conf i gurational entropy孤立系统i sol ated syst em固溶胶sol id so l固态混合物soli d sol uti on固相线sol id phase l i n e光反应photoreacti on光化学第二定律the second law of acti nochemi stry 光化学第一定律the first law of actinochemistry光敏反应photosensi tized reactions光谱熵spect ru m entr opy广度性质ex tensiv e propert y广延量ext ensi ve quanti ty广延性质ex tensiv e propert y规定熵stip ulated entrop y过饱和溶液oversaturated sol ution过饱和蒸气ov ersaturated v apor过程pr ocess过渡状态理论t ransi ti on state theory过冷水s uper-cooled w ater过冷液体overcooled l iquid过热八液体overheated l iquid亥姆霍兹函数Helmholt z funct ion亥姆霍兹函数判据Hel mhol tz f unc tion criteri on 亥姆霍兹自由能H el m hol tz f r ee en ergy亥氏函数Hel mholt z funct ion焓ent h al py亨利常数H enry constant亨利定律Henry l aw恒沸混合物const ant boi li ng mi x tu re恒容摩尔热八容molar heat capaci ty at constant v olume恒容热heat at constant v olume恒外压constant external pr essur e恒压摩尔热容molar heat capaci ty at constant pressure恒压热heat at con stant p ressur e化学动力学chemical ki netics化学反应计量式stoichiometr ic equation of chemical reaction化 学 反 应 计 量 系 数 stoichiometric coeffici ent of chemi cal reaction 化 学 反 应 进 度 extent of chemical react ion化 学 亲 合 势 chemical aff inity化 学 热 力 学 chemical thermodynami cs化 学 势 chemical potenti al化 学 势 判 据 chemical potential cri teri on化 学 吸 附chemi sorptions 环 境 envi ro n ment环 境 熵 变 entropy change in envi ronment挥 发 度 vol atil ity混 合 熵 ent ropy of mix ing混 合 物 mi x ture活 度 acti vity活 化 控 制 acti vation control活 化 络 合 物 理 论 activated compl ex theory活 化 能 activati on energy霍 根 -华 森 图 Hougen-Wa tson Chart基 态 能 级 energy level at gr ound state基 希 霍 夫 公 式 K i rchhoff f ormula基 元 反 应 elementary reacti ons积 分 溶 解 热 integrati on heat of dissolution吉 布 斯 - 杜 亥 姆 方 程 Gi bbs-Duhem equation吉 布 斯 - 亥 姆 霍 兹 方 程 Gibbs-Helmhotz equation 吉 布 斯 函 数 Gibbs f uncti on 吉 布 斯 函 数 判 据 Gibbs function cr iter ionGibbs adsorption for mula吉 氏 函 数 Gibbs functi on极 化 电 极 电 势 polari zation potential of electrode 极 化 曲 线 polarizat ion curves 极 化 作 用 polarizat ion极 限 摩 尔 电 导 率limi ti ng molar conductivity 几 率 因 子 steric f actor计 量 式 stoichiometri c equation计 量 系 数 stoi chiometric coeffici ent价 数 规 则r ul e of val ence 简 并 度degener acy 键 焓 bond en thalpy胶 冻broth jel ly 胶 核 coll oi dal nucleus 胶 凝 作 用 demul sifi cation 胶 束 m i c e l l e胶 体 coll oi d胶 体 分 散 系 统 dispersi on system of col loid吉布斯吸附公式 吉布斯自由能 Gi bbs free energy胶 体 化 学 collochemi stry胶 体 粒 子 coll oi dal particl es胶 团 micel le焦 耳 定 律 Joul e's law接 触 电 势 cont act potential接 触 角 contact ang le节 流 过 程 throttli ng process 节 流 膨 胀 throttling expansi on 节 流 膨 胀 系 数 coeffici ent of throttling expansion 结 线 t ie l ine 结 晶 热 heat of crystallizati on解 离 化 学 吸 附 dissociation chemical adsor ption 界 面 i nterf aces 界 面 张 力 surf ace tension浸 湿 i mmersion wetti ng浸 湿 功 immersi on w etti ng work精 馏 rect if y聚 ( 合 ) 电 解 质 pol yelectrol yte聚 沉 coagulati on聚 沉 值 coagul ati on v alue绝 对 反 应 速 率 理 论 absolute reacti on rate theory Kohlrausch 's L aw of Independent M igration of 可 能 的 电 解 质 potential electrol yte可 逆 电 池 reversibl e cell可 逆 过 程 rever sible process可 逆 过 程 方 程 reversibl e process equat ion 可 逆 体 积 功 rever sible volume work 可 逆 相 变 reversibl e phase change克 拉 佩 龙 方 程 Clapey ron equation克 劳 修 斯 不 等 式 Cl ausius i nequali ty 克 劳 修 斯 - 克 拉 佩 龙 方 程 Clausius- Clapeyron equation 控 制 步 骤 control step焦 耳 Jo u l e焦 耳 -汤姆 生实 验焦 耳 -汤姆 生系 数Joule-T homson Joule-T homson ex per im ent coeffi cient 焦 耳 -汤姆 生效 应 Joule-T homson effect 绝对熵 abso lu te entr op y绝对温标absolute temperature scal e 绝热过程 绝热量热计 adiabati c process adi abati c calori meter绝 热 指 数 adiabatic i ndex卡诺定理卡诺循环 开尔文公式 Car not theo r em Carnot cy cleK el vi n f or m u la柯诺瓦洛夫-吉布斯定律 K onovalov -Gibbs law科尔劳施离子独立运动定律库仑计coulometer扩散控制diffusion controll ed拉普拉斯方程L apl ace's equati on拉乌尔定律Raoul t law兰格缪尔-欣谢尔伍德机理Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism兰格缪尔吸附等温式Langmuir adsorption i sotherm formul a雷利公式Rayleigh equati on冷冻系数coefficient of refri geration冷却曲线cooling cur ve离解热heat of di ssoci ation离解压力dissociat ion pressure离域子系统non-locali zed particle systems离子的规范摩尔生成焓standard molar f ormation of ion离子的电迁移率mobilit y of i ons离子的迁移数t ransport number of i ons离子独立运动定律law of the independent migr ation of ions离子氛ionic atmosphere离子强度ioni c strength理想混合物per fect mi xture理想气体i deal gas理想气体的绝热指数adi abat ic i ndex of i deal gases理想气体的微观模型mi cro-model of ideal gas理想气体反应的等温方程isothermal equation of ideal gaseous reactions 理想气体绝热可逆过程方程adiabatic reversible process equation of i deal gase s理想气体状态方程state equation of i deal gas理想稀溶液ideal dil ute sol ution理想液态混合物perfect liquid mi xture粒子parti cles粒子的配分函数partition f uncti on of particles连串反应consecut iv e react ions链的传递物chain carr ier链反应chai n reacti ons量热熵cal or imetr ic entropy量子统计quant um statistics量子效率quantum yiel d临界参数cri ti cal paramet er临界常数crit ical constant临界点crit ical poi nt临界胶束浓度cri ti cal micell e concentration临界温度cri ti cal tem peratu re临界压力cri ti cal pr essu re临界状态 c ri ti cal state零级反应zero o r der reactio n流动电势streami ng potenti al流动功fl ow work笼罩效应 c age eff ect路易斯-兰德尔逸度规则Lewis-Randall rul e of fugacity 露点dew poi nt露点线dew point l in e麦克斯韦关系式M axw ell rel at ions麦克斯韦速率分布M axwel l distributi on of speeds麦克斯韦能量分布MaxwelIdi stri bution of energy毛细管凝结condensation in capi llary毛细现象capi llary phenomena临界摩尔体积cri tical molar vol umeM 凯利斯常数M i chael is constant摩尔电导率摩尔反应焓mol ar conductivi ty mol ar reacti on enthalpy摩尔混合熵摩尔气体常数mol e ent ropy of mix ing m o lar g as constan t摩尔热容摩尔溶解焓摩尔稀释焓molar heat capaci tymol e di ssoluti on enthal py mol e dilution enthal py内扩散控制internal diff usions control 内能i nternal en er gy内压力inter nal pressu re能级energy level s能级分布energy level di stri bution能量均分原理能斯特方程能斯特热定理principle of the equipartiti on of energy N ernst equati onN e r n st he at t h eo r em凝固点freezing poi nt。
thermodynamics n. 热力学 system n. 体系 thermodynamic state 热力学状态 dimension 量纲 SI= International System of Units 国际单位制 强度(热力学)变量 广度(热力学)变量celsius scale 摄氏刻度 → fahrenheit scale 华氏刻度 kelvin scale 开尔文刻度 → Rankine scale dead-weight gauge 静压、压力表 mano meter (流体)压力计 product 乘积 kinetic energy 动能 221muE k =potential energy 势能mgzE P =conservation守恒* Terms in chapter 2sublimation curve 升华线 fusion curve 熔融线vaporization curve (蒸发)汽化线single-phase region 单相区 triple point 三相点univariant 单变量 divariant 多变量critical point 临界点 critical pressure 临界压力critical temperature 临界温度dome-shaped curve 圆拱形曲线saturated vapors at their condensation temperatures 露点的饱和蒸汽 saturated liquids at their vaporization(boiling) temperatures 泡点的饱和液体vapor pressure 蒸汽压subcooled-liquid region 过冷液体区 superheated-vapor region 过热蒸汽区partial derivative 偏导数differentiate v . 求微分,求导 differentiation n. derivate n. 求导数 derivation 求导数,求解incompressible fluid 不可压缩流体 ideal-gas理想气体simple fluid简单流体 (argon 、krypton 、xenon )virial expansion维里展开式 virial coefficients 维里系数 virial equation维里方程equation of state状态方程compressibility factor 压缩因子 RTPV Z =volume expansivity体积膨胀系数PT V V ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂=1βisothermal compressibility 等温压缩系数 TP V V ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂=1κacentric factor偏心因子isothermal process等温过程isobaric process 等压过程 isochoric process 等容过程 adiabatic process 绝热过程 polytropic process多变过程throttling process节流过程 0=∆Htruncate equation to two terms 截断方程前二项 cubic equation of state 立方型状态方程reduced pressure 对比压力 reduced temperature 对比温度 reduced density对比密度corresponding-state parameters 对应态参数 generalized correlations 普遍化关联nonpolar非极性的 slightly polar 弱极性的 highly polar高极性的volumetric properties 容积性质 realistic 现实主义的,逼真的dashed line虚线dotted line 点线 straight line 实线Terms in chapter 3internal energy 内能 transport across kinetic energy 动能 221muE t =potential energy 势能 m g z E p = conservation 守恒operator 算符,运算符 (such as “Δ”) system 体系 surroundings 环境 closed system 封闭体系 open system 开放体系finite change 有限的变化 infinitesimal change 无限的变化 differential change 微分(小)的变化 intensive property 强度性质 extensive property 广度性质specific or molar property 单位(比)性质或摩尔性质 property — variable — functionthermodynamics state of the system 体系热力学状态 thermodynamics properties 热力学性质 state function(s) 状态函数equilibrium 平衡 (the) phase rule 相率reversible process 可逆过程irreversible process 不可逆过程mechanically reversible 机械可逆thermostate 恒温箱constant—temperature bath 恒温浴efficiency 效率,(有效)系数enthalpy 焓heat capacity 热容constant—volume heat capacity 恒容热容constant—pressure heat capacity 恒压热容vector quantity 矢量scalar magnitude 数量,纯量continuity equation 连续方程steady state (flow process) 移去(流动过程)datum level 基准面shaft work 体积功stirring work 搅拌功work associated with moving the flow streams 流动功expansion work 膨胀功surface work 表面功electricity work 电功calorimeter 量热计(测定焓)intensive property 强度性质extensive property 广度性质shaft work 轴功enthalpy 焓entropy 熵heat-capacity 热容Gibbs energy (G) 吉布斯自由能Helmholtz energy (A) 亥姆霍茨自由能internal energy 内能system 系统,体系close system 封闭体系equilibrium state 平衡态total differential of F F的全微分exact differential expression 全微分表达式Maxwell equations 麦克斯威尔方程homogeneous fluid 均相流体residual property 剩余性质real gas 真实气体actual gasideal gas 理想气体explicit function 显函数volume explicit 体积显函数pressure explicit 压力显函数isentropic process 等熵过程reversible adiabatic process 绝热可逆过程pseudocritical parameter 虚拟临界参数path variables 过程变量state variables 状态变量等压热容constant pressure heat capacity Cconstant volume heat capacity C V 等容热容residual property 剩余性质reference state 参比态reference conditionpartial derivative 偏导数total derivative 全导数β volume expansivity 体积膨胀系数κ isothermal compressibility 等温压缩系数quality 干度fugacity 逸度fugacity coefficient 逸度系数*Terms in Chapter 4chemical potential 化学势,化学位partial property 偏性质partial molar property 偏摩尔性质ideal solution 理想溶液real solution 真实溶液excess property 超额/过量性质excess Gibbs energy 超额/过量自由焓partial excess property 偏摩尔超额/过量性质activity 活度activity coefficient 活度系数standard state 标准态property change of mixing 混合性质regular solution 正规溶液atherpical solution 无热溶液local-composition 局部组成local molar fraction 局部摩尔分数*Terms in Chapter 5First Law of thermodynamics(energy conservation law)热力学第一定律steady-state flow processes 稳定状态流动过程control volume 控制体heat Engines 热机Carnot engine 卡诺热机thermal efficiency 热效率thermodynamic efficiency 热力学效率isentropic efficiency 等熵效率ideal work and lost work 理想功和损耗功exergy 火用available Energy, availability, utilizable Energy 有效能*Terms in Chapter 6steam Power cycle 蒸汽动力循环Carnot-engine cycle 卡诺循环cycle with feed water heaters 抽气回热循环heat-power cycle 热电循环exhaust steam 乏气heat reservoir 热源working substance of the engine 工质specific steam consumption 汽耗率SSCrefrigeration Cycle 制冷循环vapor-compression cycle 蒸汽压缩(制冷)循环absorption refrigeration 吸收式制冷Carnot refrigeration 卡诺冷机reversed heat-engine cycle 逆热机循环multi-stage compression refrigeration多级压缩制冷heat pump 热泵throttling expansion process 节流膨胀过程reversible adiabatic expansion process 可逆绝热膨胀过程inversion curve and inversion point 转变曲线和转变点condenser 冷凝器expander 膨胀机compressor 压缩机evaporator 蒸发器supheater 过热器turbine 透平机boiler 锅炉pump 泵*Statements of the second lawstatement1: No apparatus can operate in such a way that its only effect (in system and surrounings) is to convert heat absorbed by a system completely into work done by the system。
一、化学品类1. 分子量(Molecular weight) - The weight of a molecule ofa substance, expressed in atomic mass units (amu).2. 合成树脂(Synthetic resin) - A thermosetting or thermoplastic material formed by the polymerization of a resin and a hardener or catalyst.3. 聚合物(Polymer) - A large molecule consisting of many repeating subunits, each of which is a monomer.4. 酸(Acid) - A substance that donates hydrogen ions (H+) to a solution. Acids have a pH of less than 7.5. 酸性物质(Acidic substance) - A substance with a pH of less than 7, indicating the presence of hydrogen ions.6. 碱(Base) - A substance that accepts hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution. Bases have a pH of greater than7.7. 中性物质(Neutral substance) - A substance with a pH of 7, indicating that it is neither acidic nor basic.8. 溶剂(Solvent) - A substance capable of dissolving another substance to form a homogeneous mixture.9. 溶解度(Solubility) - The amount of a substance that can dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a specific temperature and pressure.10. 醇(Alcohol) - A compound containing a hydroxyl (-OH) group attached to a carbon atom.11. 酮(Ketone) - A compound containing a carbonyl (C=O) group attached to two carbon atoms.12. 酯(Ester) - A compound formed by the reaction of an alcohol and a carboxylic acid.二、化学反应1. 氧化(Oxidation) - A chemical reaction in which a substance loses electrons and/or gains oxygen.2. 还原(Reduction) - A chemical reaction in which a substance gains electrons and/or loses oxygen.3. 聚合(Polymerization) - The process of forming a polymer by joining together many monomers.4. 缩聚(Condensation) - A chemical reaction in which two or more molecules combine, usually with the elimination of a small molecule such as water, to form a larger molecule.5. 加成(Addition) - A chemical reaction in which a molecule is added to a double or triple bond, resulting in the formation of a new single bond.6. 消除(Elimination) - A chemical reaction in which a molecule is removed from an organic compound, often resulting in the formation of a double or triple bond.7. 反应速率(Reaction rate) - The rate at which a chemical reaction occurs, usually measured as the change in concentration of a reactant or product over time.8. 活化能(Activation energy) - The minimum amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to occur.9. 热力学能量(Thermodynamic energy) - The energy associated with the heat and work exchanged during a chemical reaction.三、化工设备与工艺1. 反应釜(Reactor) - A vessel used for carrying out chemical reactions.2. 搅拌器(Agitator) - A device used to mix or stir a substance.3. 蒸馏塔(Distillation column) - A tower used in the process of distillation to separate components of a mixture based on their boiling points.4. 加热器(Heater) - A device used to heat a substance.5. 冷却器(Cooler) - A device used to cool a substance.6. 过滤器(Filter) - A device used to remove impurities froma substance.7. 压力容器(Pressure vessel) - A container designed to hold substances at high pressure.8. 计量泵(Metering pump) - A device used to accurately measure and deliver a liquid or gas.9. 真空泵(Vacuum pump) - A device used to create a vacuum by removing air or gas from a system.10. 管道系统(Piping system) - A network of pipes used to transport liquids or gases from one location to another.四、安全与环境保护1. 安全数据表(Safety data sheet) - A document that provides information about the hazards, handling, storage, and disposal of a chemical substance.2. 废物处理(Waste disposal) - The process of safely disposing of hazardous or non-hazardous waste.3. 危险品标识(Hazardous material labeling) - A system of labeling and identification used to indicate the potential hazards of a substance.4. 化学品存储(Chemical storage) - The safe and proper storage of chemicals to prevent accidents and ensure the integrity of the substances.5. 环境影响评价(Environmental impact assessment) - The process of evaluating the potential environmental impacts of a proposed project or operation.6. 水污染防治(Water pollution prevention and control) - The prevention and control of the discharge of pollutants into water sources.7. 大气污染控制(Air pollution control) - The prevention and control of the emission of pollutants into the air.总之,了解化工词汇中的中英对照是学习和掌握化工行业的基础,特别是在国际化交流中。
化工专业词汇中英文对照1 管道组成件Piping component1.1 管子Pipe管子(按照配管标准规格制造的)pipe管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管)tube钢管steel pipe铸铁管cast iron pipe衬里管lined pipe复合管clad pipe碳钢管carbon steel pipe合金钢管alloy steel pipe不锈钢stainless steel pipe奥氏体不锈钢管austenitic stainless steel pipe铁合金钢管ferritic alloy steel pipe轧制钢管wrought-steel pipe锻铁管wrought-iron pipe无缝钢管seamless(SMLS)steel pipe焊接钢管welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管electric-resistance welded steel pipe电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管electric-fusion(arc)-welded steel-plate pipe螺旋焊接钢管spiral welded steel pipe镀锌钢管galvanized steel pipe热轧无缝钢管hot-rolling seamless pipe冷拔无缝钢管cold-drawing seamless pipe水煤气钢管water-gas steel pipe塑料管plastic pipe玻璃管glass tube橡胶管rubber tube直管run pipe;straight pipe1.2 管件Fitting弯头elbow异径弯头reducing elbow带支座弯头base elbowk半径弯头long radius elbow短半径弯头short radius elbow长半径180°弯头long radius return短半径180°弯头short radius return带侧向口的弯头(右向或左向)side outlet elbow(right hand or left hand)双支管弯头(形)double branch elbow三通tee异径三通reducing tee等径三通straight tee带侧向口的三通(右向或左向)side outlet tee(right hand or 1eft hand)异径三通(分支口为异径)reducing tee(reducing on outlet)异径三通(一个直通口为异径)reducing tee(reducing on one run)带支座三通base tee异径三通(一个直通口及分支口为异径)reducing tee(reducing on one run and outlet)异径三通(两个直通口为异径,双头式)reducing tee(reducing on both runs,bull head)45°斜三通45°lateral45°斜三通(支管为异径)45°lateral(reducing on branch)45°斜三通(一个直通口为异径)45°lateral(reducing on one run) 45°斜三通(一个直通口及支管为异径) 45° lateral(reducing on one run and branch)Y型三通(俗称裤衩)true“Y”四通cross等径四通straight cross异径四通reducing cross异径四通(一个分支口为异径)reducing cross(reducing on one outlet)异径四通(一个直通口及分支口为异径)reducing cross(reducing on one run and outlet)异径四通(两个分支口为异径)reducing cross(reducing on both outlet)异径四通(一个直通口及两个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one run and both outlet)异径管reducer 同心异径管concentric reducer偏心异径管eccentric reducer锻制异径管reducing swage螺纹支管台threadolet焊接支管台weldolet承插支管台sockolet弯头支管台elbolet斜接支管台latrolet镶入式支管嘴sweepolet短管支管台nipolet支管台. 插入式支管台boss管接头coupling,full coupling半管接头half coupling异径管接头reducing coupling活接头union内外螺纹缩接(俗称补芯)bushing管帽cap(C)堵头plug短节nipple异径短节reducing nipple;swage nipple1.3 弯管Bend预制弯管fabricated pipe bend跨越弯管(^ 形)cross-over bend偏置弯管(~ 形)offset bend90°弯管quarter bend环形弯管cirele bend单侧偏置90°弯管(? 形)single offset quarter bendS形弯管“S”bend单侧偏置U形膨胀弯管(| ?形)single offset“U” bendU形弯管“U”bend双偏置U膨胀弯管double offset expansion“U”bend斜接弯管mitre bend三节斜接弯管3-piece mitre bend折皱弯管corrugated bend圆度roundness1.4 法兰Flange (FLG)整体管法兰integral pipe flange钢管法兰steel pipe flange螺纹法兰threaded flange滑套法兰(包括平焊法兰)slip-on flange(SO);slip-on welding flange 承插焊法兰socket welding flange松套法兰lap joint flange(LJF)对焊法兰welding neckflange(WNF)法兰盖blind flange,blind孔板法兰orifice flange异径法兰reducing flange盘座式法兰pad type flange松套带颈法兰loose hubbed flange焊接板式法兰welding plate flange对焊环welding neck collar (与stub end相似)平焊环welding-on collar突缘短节stub end,lap翻边端lapped pipe end松套板式法兰loose plate flange压力级pressure rating,pressure rating class压力—温度等级pressure-temperature rating法兰密封面,法兰面flange facing突面raised face(RF)凸面male face(MF)凹面female face(FMF)榫面tongue face槽面groove face环连接面ring joint face全平面. 满平面flat face;full face(FF)光滑突面smooth raised face(SRF)法兰面加工facing finish粗糙度roughness光滑的smooth齿形serrated均方根root mean square(RMS)算术平均粗糙高度arithmetical average roughness height(AARH)配对法兰companion-flange螺栓圆bolt circle(B.C.)1.5 垫片Gasket (GSKT)垫片的型式type of gasket平垫片flat gasket环形平垫片flat ring gasket平金属垫片flat metal gasket夹棉织物的橡胶elastomer with cotton fabric insertion夹石棉织物的橡胶elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion夹石棉织物及金属丝加强的橡胶elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion and with wire reinforcement 无石墨压缩白石棉垫片non graphited compressed white asbestos gasket天然白橡胶垫片natural white rubber gasket压缩石棉垫片compressed asbestos class gasket浸聚四氟乙烯的石棉垫片PTFE impregnated asbestos gasket 夹石棉的缠绕金属垫片spiral-wound metal gasket with asbestos filler内环inner ring外环,外定位环outer ring波纹金属垫片corrugated metal gasket波纹金属包嵌石棉垫片corrugated metal gasket with asbestos inserted双夹套波纹金属包石棉垫片corrugated metal double jacketed asbestos filled gasket双夹套垫片double jacketed gasket金属包石棉平垫片flat metal jacketed asbestos filled gasket整体金属齿形垫片solid metal serrated gasket槽形金属垫片grooved metal gasket环形连接金属垫片ring joint metal gasket八角环形垫片octagonal ring gasket椭圆环形垫片oval ring gasket透镜式垫片lens gasket非金属垫片non-metallic gasket1.6 阀门Valve1.6.1 阀门结构、零件阀轭yoke外螺纹阀杆及阀轭outside screw and yoke (OS &Y)阀杆stem内螺纹inside screw(IS)阀轭套yoke sleeve阀杆环stem ring阀座valve seat(body seat)阀座环、密封圈seat ring整体(阀)座integral seat堆焊(阀)座deposited seat阀芯(包括密封圈、杆等内件)trim阀盘disc阀盘密封圈disc seat阀体body阀盖bonnet阀盖衬套bonnet bush螺纹阀帽screw cap螺纹阀盖screw bonnet螺栓连接的阀盖bolted bonnet(BB)活接阀盖(帽)union bonnet(cap)螺栓连接的阀帽bolted cap(BC)焊接阀盖welded bonnet(WB)本体阀杆密封body stem seal石棉安全密封asbestos emenen seal 倒密封back seal压力密封的阀盖pressure-tight bonnet 动力操纵器powered operator电动操纵器electric motor operator 气动操纵器pneumatic operator液压操纵器hydraulic operator快速操纵器quick-acting operator滑动阀杆sliding stem正齿轮传动spur gear operated伞齿轮传动bevel gear operated扳手操作wrench operated链轮chain wheel手轮hand wheel手柄hand lever(handle)气缸(或液压缸)操纵的cylinder operated链条操纵的chain operated等径孔道full bore;full port异径孔道reducing bore,reduced port,venturi port 短型short pattern紧凑型(小型)compact type笼式环lantern ring压盖gland阀杆填料stem packing阀盖垫片bonnet gasket升杆式(明杆)rising stem(RS)非升杆式(暗杆)non-rising stem (NRS)指示器/限位器indicator/stopper注油器grease injector可更换的阀座环renewable seat ring1.6.2 常用阀(1)闸阀gate valve平行双闸板double disc parallel seat开口楔形闸板split wedge挠性整体楔形闸扳flexible solid wedge。
石油化工专用术语汇总石油化工专业翻译术语汇总-E&FEthylene 乙烯Feed purification unit FPU 进料精制单元Feeding pump 进料泵Filler material 焊补材料Factory acceptance test FAT 工厂验收试验Engineering service ES 工程服务Erucamide 芥酸酰胺ethyl benzene/ styrene EB/SM 乙苯/苯乙烯Fire & gas detection F&GD 火灾气体检测Fire monitor 消防水炮Fire Retardant clothes FRC 防火服Firing/ignition/light off 点火Fractions /cut 馏分Functional design specification FDS 功能设计规范石油化工专业翻译术语汇总-G/H/IInstrument tapping 仪表接管In-tank pump 输入泵Intermediate reboiler 中间再沸器Intermediate stress relief ISR 中间应力消除Intermittent operation 间歇操作Isobutene 异丁烯Gasoline treating unit GTU 汽油加氢单元General purpose polystyrene GPPS 通用聚苯乙烯Girth baffle 围堰挡板Girth plate 圈板Hexane 己烷High impact polystyrene HIPS 耐冲击聚苯乙烯Homoplymer 均聚物Hydrated Talc Powder DHT-4A 水合滑石粉DHT-4AImpact copolymer ICP 抗冲共聚物Implosion 暴聚Incompleted project 未完工程Industrial water 工业水Inhibitor 抑制剂/缓蚀剂Isomers 异构体石油化工专业翻译术语汇总-J-LJob observation JO 作业观察Job safety assessment JSA 工作安全评估Ledger 台帐Letter of intent LOI 意向书light off 点火Light Stabilizer Chimassorb 944 光稳定剂Chimassorb 944Light Stabilizer Tinuvin 326 光稳定剂Tinuvin 326Lighting protection 防雷电保护Jacket 夹套管Job hazard analysis JHA 工作危险分析Key Performance Index KPI 关键绩效(性能)指标Lab information and management system LIMS 试验室信息管理系统Lack of fusion 未熔透Lack of penetration 未焊透Leak test 密封性试验Line manager 上级主管Local PI Local PILocksmith 钳工石油化工专业翻译术语汇总-M-NMeta- 间位Metallography 金相分析Methanol 甲醇Molecular Sieve for Water Removal 脱水用3A-PCG分子筛3A-PCG Multimode fibre optic 多模光纤Management of Change MOC 变更管理Material safety data sheet MSDS 材料安全数据表Membrane recovery unit MRU 膜回收装置Multiple pass welding 多道焊接/压道焊接Muster point 集合点Naphtha 石脑油Natural gas letdown station 天然气减压站Non destructive Test NDT 无损检验Normal water NW 普通水Nuclear magnetic resonance NMR 核磁共振石油化工专业翻译术语汇总-OOil scraper 刮油机Olefin 烯烃Olefin conversion unit OCU 烯烃转换单元One-time-filling Catalysts 一次性装填催化剂Operator training simulator OTS 操作员仿真培训系统Ortho- 邻位Outstation 仪表外站Oxygen deficient atmosphere 空气缺氧环境石油化工专业翻译术语汇总-PPara- 对位Passivation 钝化/预膜Pd Catalyst for Acetylene Removal (G-58) 脱乙炔用钯催化剂(G-58)Pelletizer 造粒机Pellets cooling water tank PCWT 切粒水槽Penetration test PT 渗透检验Pentane 戊烷Peroxides Carried on White Oil & Silicon Oxide 载于白油、氧化硅上的过氧化物Phosphate 磷酸盐Phosphate 磷酸盐Pilot gas 点燃气/长明灯的气体Pinch point 扭点Piperack 管廊Plant Information PI 装置信息Polybutadiene Rubber PBR 顺丁橡胶Polyethylene PE 聚乙烯Polyolefin PO 聚烯烃Polypropylene PP 聚丙烯Polystyrene PS 聚苯乙烯Potassium hydroxide 氢氧化钾Preblend 预混料Preblend system PBS 混料系统Pre-clean 预清洗Pre-film 预膜Preparation tank 配制槽Pressure relief valve PRV 泄压阀Pressure safety valve PSV 安全阀Pre-startup safety review PSSR 预开车安全检查Pre-sulfuration 预硫化Primary Antioxidant Irganax 1010 主抗氧剂Irganax 1010Primary Antioxidant Irganax 1076 主抗氧剂Irganax 1076Primary Catalysts 主催化剂Processing Additive dynamar FX5920A 加工助剂dynamar FX5920A Project change note PCN 项目变更单Project HSE review PHSER 项目HSE审查Project Management Contractor PMC 项目管理承包商Propylene recovery unit PRU 丙烯回收单元Purified terephthalic acid PTA 精对苯二甲酸Pyrolysis fuel oil PFO 裂解燃料油Pyrolysis gas oil PGO 裂解柴油石油化工专业翻译术语汇总-RQuantitative risk analysis QRA 定性风险分析Radiographic test RT 拍片检验Raffinate (oil) 残油液Random copolymer RCP 无规则共聚物Rebar binding 扎筋Reference gas 参比气体Repair welding 补焊Rigger 吊运工Riveter 铆工石油化工专业翻译术语汇总-SSettler 沉降槽Settler 沉降槽Share point policy Share point 原则Sign-in list 签字单Silt 淤泥Safety instrument system SIS 安全仪表系统Safety integrity level SIL 安全综合水平SDx催化剂SDx CatalystSecondary Antioxidant Irgafos 168 辅助抗氧剂Irgafos 168Secondary Antioxidant Irgafos P-EPQ 辅助抗氧剂Irgafos P-EPQSecondary Antioxidant Irganox PS802 辅助抗氧剂Irganox PS802Secondary Antioxidant Tris (nonylphenyl) phosphite (TnPP 辅助抗氧剂亚磷酸-三正壬基苯(TnPP)secondary Antioxidant Westing 619 辅助抗氧剂Westing 619Selective C4 hydrogenation unit SHU 碳四选择加氢单元Sendout pump 输出泵Site acceptance test SAT 现场验收试验Site wide system SWS 全场系统Software license agreement SLA 软件许可协议Solo test run 单机试车Spool 短管/旁路管Standard operation procedure SOP 标准操作程序Steam trap 疏水器Sulfolane 环丁砜Sulfuric acid 硫酸Swift up temperature 飞温swing SWING 切换生产线石油化工专业翻译术语汇总-TTag line 溜绳Tank farm 罐区Tax reimbursement 退税Technical service TS 技术服务Termination 端接Three-phase three-wire system 三相三线制Tie-in point 接入点Toolbox talks 交接会/班前会Transfer line exchanger TLE 废热锅炉/清焦锅炉Triethyl aluminum TEAL 三乙基铝Turbidity 浊度Turbidity 浊度石油化工专业翻译术语汇总-U-ZUltrasonic test UT 超声波检验Value-added tax VAT 增值税Valve positioner 阀门定位器Variation order VO 变更单Vendor databook VDB 厂商数据表Venturi tube 文丘里管Weep hole 泄水孔Welding Procedure Specification WPS 焊接工艺规程Welding repair procedure 补焊工艺weldolet 焊接管台Wind vane 风向标X-ray fluoroscopy XRF X射线荧光分析Zinc Oxide 氧化锌Zirconia ZrO 氧化锆Zinc Stearate 硬酯酸锌。
thermodynamics n. 热力学 system n. 体系 thermodynamic state 热力学状态 dimension 量纲 SI= International System of Units 国际单位制 强度(热力学)变量 广度(热力学)变量celsius scale 摄氏刻度 → fahrenheit scale 华氏刻度 kelvin scale 开尔文刻度 → Rankine scale dead-weight gauge 静压、压力表 mano meter (流体)压力计 product 乘积 kinetic energy 动能 221mu E k = potential energy 势能mgz E P =conservation守恒* Terms in chapter 2sublimation curve 升华线 fusion curve 熔融线vaporization curve (蒸发)汽化线single-phase region 单相区 triple point 三相点univariant 单变量 divariant 多变量critical point 临界点 critical pressure 临界压力critical temperature 临界温度dome-shaped curve 圆拱形曲线saturated vapors at their condensation temperatures 露点的饱和蒸汽 saturated liquids at their vaporization(boiling) temperatures 泡点的饱和液体vapor pressure 蒸汽压subcooled-liquid region 过冷液体区 superheated-vapor region 过热蒸汽区partial derivative 偏导数differentiate v . 求微分,求导 differentiation n. derivate n. 求导数 derivation 求导数,求解incompressible fluid 不可压缩流体 ideal-gas理想气体simple fluid简单流体 (argon 、krypton 、xenon )virial expansion维里展开式 virial coefficients 维里系数 virial equation维里方程equation of state状态方程compressibility factor 压缩因子 RTPVZ = volume expansivity体积膨胀系数PT V V ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂=1βisothermal compressibility 等温压缩系数 TP V V ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂∂=1κ acentric factor偏心因子isothermal process 等温过程 isobaric process 等压过程 isochoric process等容过程 adiabatic process 绝热过程 polytropic process 多变过程throttling process节流过程 0=∆Htruncate equation to two terms 截断方程前二项 cubic equation of state 立方型状态方程reduced pressure 对比压力 reduced temperature 对比温度 reduced density对比密度corresponding-state parameters 对应态参数 generalized correlations 普遍化关联nonpolar非极性的 slightly polar 弱极性的 highly polar高极性的volumetric properties 容积性质 realistic 现实主义的,逼真的dashed line虚线dotted line 点线 straight line 实线Terms in chapter 3internal energy 内能 transport across kinetic energy 动能 221mu E t =potential energy 势能 m g z E p = conservation 守恒operator 算符,运算符 (such as “Δ”) system 体系 surroundings 环境 closed system 封闭体系 open system 开放体系finite change 有限的变化 infinitesimal change 无限的变化 differential change 微分(小)的变化 intensive property 强度性质 extensive property 广度性质specific or molar property 单位(比)性质或摩尔性质 property — variable — functionthermodynamics state of the system 体系热力学状态 thermodynamics properties 热力学性质 state function(s) 状态函数equilibrium 平衡 (the) phase rule 相率reversible process 可逆过程irreversible process 不可逆过程mechanically reversible 机械可逆thermostate 恒温箱constant—temperature bath 恒温浴efficiency 效率,(有效)系数enthalpy 焓heat capacity 热容constant—volume heat capacity 恒容热容constant—pressure heat capacity 恒压热容vector quantity 矢量scalar magnitude 数量,纯量continuity equation 连续方程steady state (flow process) 移去(流动过程)datum level 基准面shaft work 体积功stirring work 搅拌功work associated with moving the flow streams 流动功expansion work 膨胀功surface work 表面功electricity work 电功calorimeter 量热计(测定焓)intensive property 强度性质extensive property 广度性质shaft work 轴功enthalpy 焓entropy 熵heat-capacity 热容Gibbs energy (G) 吉布斯自由能Helmholtz energy (A) 亥姆霍茨自由能internal energy 内能system 系统,体系close system 封闭体系equilibrium state 平衡态total differential of F F的全微分exact differential expression 全微分表达式Maxwell equations 麦克斯威尔方程homogeneous fluid 均相流体residual property 剩余性质real gas 真实气体actual gasideal gas 理想气体explicit function 显函数volume explicit 体积显函数pressure explicit 压力显函数isentropic process 等熵过程reversible adiabatic process 绝热可逆过程pseudocritical parameter 虚拟临界参数path variables 过程变量state variables 状态变量constant pressure heat capacity CP 等压热容constant volume heat capacity C V 等容热容residual property 剩余性质reference state 参比态reference conditionpartial derivative 偏导数total derivative 全导数β volume expansivity 体积膨胀系数κ isothermal compressibility 等温压缩系数quality 干度fugacity 逸度fugacity coefficient 逸度系数*Terms in Chapter 4chemical potential 化学势,化学位partial property 偏性质partial molar property 偏摩尔性质ideal solution 理想溶液real solution 真实溶液excess property 超额/过量性质excess Gibbs energy 超额/过量自由焓partial excess property 偏摩尔超额/过量性质activity 活度activity coefficient 活度系数standard state 标准态property change of mixing 混合性质regular solution 正规溶液atherpical solution 无热溶液local-composition 局部组成local molar fraction 局部摩尔分数*Terms in Chapter 5First Law of thermodynamics(energy conservation law)热力学第一定律steady-state flow processes 稳定状态流动过程control volume 控制体heat Engines 热机Carnot engine 卡诺热机thermal efficiency 热效率thermodynamic efficiency 热力学效率isentropic efficiency 等熵效率ideal work and lost work 理想功和损耗功exergy 火用available Energy, availability, utilizable Energy 有效能*Terms in Chapter 6steam Power cycle 蒸汽动力循环Carnot-engine cycle 卡诺循环cycle with feed water heaters 抽气回热循环heat-power cycle 热电循环exhaust steam 乏气heat reservoir 热源working substance of the engine 工质specific steam consumption 汽耗率SSCrefrigeration Cycle 制冷循环vapor-compression cycle 蒸汽压缩(制冷)循环absorption refrigeration 吸收式制冷Carnot refrigeration 卡诺冷机reversed heat-engine cycle 逆热机循环multi-stage compression refrigeration多级压缩制冷heat pump 热泵throttling expansion process 节流膨胀过程reversible adiabatic expansion process 可逆绝热膨胀过程inversion curve and inversion point 转变曲线和转变点condenser 冷凝器expander 膨胀机compressor 压缩机evaporator 蒸发器supheater 过热器turbine 透平机boiler 锅炉pump 泵*Statements of the second lawstatement1: No apparatus can operate in such a way that its only effect (in system and surrounings) is to convert heat absorbed by a system completely into work done by the system。
式 BET f ormula 理 论 D LV O t h eo r y hydrophil e-lipophile balance method质 pV T property zeta potenti al德 罗 常 数Av o g adr o 'num b er 德 罗 定 律Av o g adr o law 乌 斯 电 离 理 论A r rh en iu s io n iz at i on t heo ry 乌 斯 方 程 A rrhenius equati on乌 斯 活 化 能 Arrheni us activation energy 定 律 A mag at law 程 Eryi ng equation坦 光 化 当 量 定 律 Einstei n'slaw of phot ochemical equi v alence 坦 - 斯 托 克 斯 方 程 Ei nstein-St okes equation 常 数 A nt oine co n stant 方 程 A nt oine equati on电 导理 论 Onsager'stheory of conductance hal f cel l hal f ti me peri od体 saturated l iquids气 saturated v apor附 量 saturated ex tent of adsorpt ion气 压 satur ated vap or pressu r e限 explosion limi ts功 specif i c surf ace work吉 布 斯 函 数 specif i c surface Gibbs funct ion度 reduced viscosi ty动 势 standar d electromotiv e force极 电 势 standard electr ode potential尔 反 应 焓 standard molar reaction enthal py 尔 反 应 吉 布 斯 函 数 standard Gibbsf unction o lar reactio n entropy olar enthalpy functi onstandard molar Gibbs fr ee energy function olar combustion enthal py ent ro py olarformation enthal py尔 生 成 吉 布 斯 函 数 standar d molar formationGibbs function 衡 常 数 standard equilibri um constant电 极 stand ar d hy dr o gen electr od e st andard state standard en tr op y 力 standar d pr essure况 standard condi tionB ET 公 DLV O HL B法 pV T性 Z 电势 阿伏加 阿伏加 阿累尼 阿累尼 阿累尼 阿马格 艾林方 爱因斯 爱因斯 安托万 安托万 盎萨格 半 电 池半衰期饱和液饱和蒸饱和吸饱和蒸爆炸界比表面比表面比浓粘标准电标准电标准摩 标准摩 标准摩标准摩 标准摩 标准摩 标准摩 标准摩 标准摩 标准平 标准氢 标准态 标准熵 标准压 标准状尔 反 应 熵 st an d ar dm尔 焓 函 数 st an d ar dm 尔 吉布 斯 自由能函数尔 燃 烧 焓st an d ar dm尔 熵stand ar d mo la r尔 生 成 焓st an d ar dm表 观 活 化 能 apparent acti vation energy 表 观 摩 尔 质 量 apparent molecular wei ght 表 观 迁 移 数 apparent transf erence number 表 面 surf aces 表 面 过 程 控 制 surface process contr ol泊 Po ise 不 可 逆 过 程irreversi ble process不 可 逆 过 程 热 力 学 thermodynamics of irreversi ble processes 不 可 逆 相 变 化 i rrev ersible phase change 布 朗 运 动 brow ni an mov ement查 理 定 律 Char le'slaw产 率 yiel d敞 开 系 统 op en syst em 超 电 势 over potenti al 沉 降 sedi mentation沉 降 电 势 sedi mentation potential 沉 降 平 衡 sedi mentation equilibrium 触 变 thixotr opy粗 分 散 系 统 thick disp er se system 催 化 剂 c at al y s t单 分 子 层 吸 附 理 论 mono molecule l ayer adsorpti on 单分子反应 单链反应 un i mol ecu lar react io n straight chai n reactions弹式量热计 bomb calorimet er道尔顿定律 D al ton l aw道 尔 顿 分 压 定 律 Dalton parti al pressure law德 拜 和 法 尔 肯 哈 根 效 应 D ebye and Falkenhagen eff ect 德 拜 立 方 公 式 D ebye cubi c formul a德 拜 - 休 克 尔 极 限 公 式 Debye-Huckel'slimiting equation 等 焓 过 程i senth alpic p ro cess等 焓 线 isenthal pic line等 几 率 定 理 theor em of equal probability表面活性剂 表面吸附量 表面张力 表面质量作用定律波义尔定律 波义尔温度 波 义 尔 点 B oyl 玻尔兹曼常数 玻尔兹曼分布 玻尔兹曼公式 玻尔兹曼熵定 玻色-爱因斯坦统计sur f act ant s sur face ex cess surf ace tension surface mass acti on law Boyle lawBoyle p o i n ttemper atureBol tzmann Bol tzmann Bol tzmannconstant distribution for mulaBol tzmann entropy theorem Bose-Einstein stati st ics电 解 池 electrolyt ic cell 电 流 效 率 current eff iciency 电 迁 移 electro mi grati on 电 迁 移 率electromobil ity电 渗 electroosmosi s电 渗 析 electrodialy sis 电 泳 el ectrophoresi ski net ics con tr ol independent particle syst em reduced mole v olume对 比 体 积 reduced vol ume对 比 温 度 r educed t emp eratur e丁达尔效应 D yndall eff ect定容摩尔热容 molar heat capaci ty under constant v olume 定容温度计 Constant v oI ume t hermometer定压摩尔热容 molar heat capaci ty under constant pressure 定压温度计constant pressure ther mom eter定域子系统localized particle sy stem等温等容位 等温等压位 H el m hol tz f r ee ener gy Gibbs fr ee en er gy等温方程 低共熔点equati on at constant temperature eutecti c point低 共 熔 混 合 物 eutecti c mixture 低熔冰盐合晶 第二类永动机 第三定律熵 第一类永动机 缔合化学吸附cryohydri cperpetual machine of the second ki nd third-l aw entropyperpetual machine of the fir st kind association chemical adsorpti on电池电动势 electromotive force of cell s电 池 反 应 cell react io n电 导co nd u c tanc e电 导 率 conducti vit y电 动 势 的 温 度 系 数 temperature coeffi cient of electromoti ve force 电 动 电 势zeta p o tent ial电 功 el ectr ic wo r k 电 化 学 electrochemi stry 电化学极化 electrochemi cal polarizat ion电 极 电 势 electr ode potential电极反应reacti ons on the electrode电极种类 t ype o f electrod es 电量计 coulometer动力学方程 kinet ic equat ions 动力学控制 独立子系统 对比摩尔体积低 会 溶 点 l ow er consol ute point 电 池 常 数 cell c on st ant对 比 压 力 r educed p r essur e 对 称 数 symmetr y number对 行 反 应 reversi bl e reactions对 应 状 态 原 理 pri ncipl e of correspondi ng state 多 方 过 程 poly tropic process多分子层吸附 理论 adsorption theory of multi-molecular layers 二 级 反 应 second order reaction二 级 相 变 seco nd order p h ase change 法 拉 第 常 数 farad ay constant 法 拉 第 定 律Far aday'slaw反 电 动 势 b a c k E. M. F. 反 渗 透 rever se osmosis mol ecul arity reacti on orders extent of r eaction反 应 热 heat of react i o n 反 应 速 率 r at e o f r eact i o nconstant of reacti on rate van der Wa als constant van der Waals equationv a n d e r Wa al s f or c evan 't Hoff equation of osmot ic pressure非 基 元 反 应 non-elementary reacti ons非 体 积 功 non-vol ume work非 依 时 计 量 学 反 应 time independent stoichiometric reacti ons 菲 克 扩 散 第 一 定 律 Fick'sf irst law of diffusion沸 点boili ng point沸 点 升 高 elev ati on of boiling point 费 米 - 狄 拉 克 统 计 Fermi-D irac statistics 分 布 di st ri bution分 布 数 distribut ion numbers 分 解 电 压 decomposition volt age 分 配 定 律 distributi on law 分 散 系 统 disperse sy stem 分 散 相 disper sion phase 分 体 积 par ti al volume 分 体 积 定 律 partial vol ume law 分 压parti al pressure分 压 定 律 parti al pressure law分 子 反 应 力 学 mechanics of molecular reactions 分 子 间 力i nterm olecul ar f or ce反应分子数 反应级数 反应进度反应速率常数范德华常数范德华方程范德华力 范德华气体 van der Wa als gases 范特霍夫方程van 't H of f equat ion范特霍夫规则 v an 't H of f rul e范特霍夫渗透压公式格 罗 塞 斯 - 德 雷 珀 定 律 Grotthus-Draoer'slaw 隔 离 系 统 i sol ated syst em 根 均 方 速 率 root-mean-square speed 功wor k功 函 wo r k content共 轭 溶 液 conj ugate sol ution共 沸 温 度 azeotropic temperature 构 型 熵 configurational entropy 孤 立 系 统 i sol ated syst em 固 溶 胶 sol id so l固 态 混 合 物 sol i d sol u ti on 固 相 线 sol id phase l i ne 光 反 应 photoreacti on 光 化 学 第 二 定 律 the second l aw of acti nochemi stry 光 化 学 第 一 定 律the first law of actinochemistry光 敏 反 应 photosensi tized reactions 光 谱 熵 spectrum entropy广 度 性 质 ex tensiv e propert y 广 延 量 ext ensi ve quantity 广 延 性 质 ex tensiv e propert y 规 定 熵 stipulated entropy过 饱 和 溶 液 oversaturated sol ution 过 饱 和 蒸 气 ov ersaturated v apor 过 程 process 过 渡 状 态 理 论 t ransi ti on state theory过 冷 水 super-cooled water过 冷 液 体 overcooled l iquid 过 热 液 体overheated l iqui d亥 姆 霍 兹 函 数 Helmholtz function亥 姆 霍 兹 函 数 判 据 Helmholtz function criteri on分 子 蒸 馏 molecular di stil lati on 封 闭 系 统clo sed syst em附 加 压 力 excess pressu re弗 罗 因 德 利 希 吸 附 经 验 式 Freundlich empi ri cal formula 负 极 negative pol e负 吸 附 negati ve adsorption 复 合 反 应 composite reacti on of adsor pti on盖 •吕萨克定律 Gay-Lussac law 盖 斯 定 律 Hess l aw甘 汞 电 极 calomel el ectrode 感胶离子序 杠杆规则 ly otropic seri es l ever rul e高分子溶液 macromolecul ar sol ution 高会溶点u pper con sol u te p oint隔离法 the isolation method亥姆霍兹自由能H el m hol tz f r ee energ y亥氏函数Hel mholt z funct ion焓 e nt h al py亨利常数H enry constant亨利定律Henry l aw恒沸混合物const ant boi li ng mi x ture恒容摩尔热容molar heat capacity at constant v olume恒容热heat at constant v olume恒外压constant external pr essur e恒压摩尔热容molar heat capaci ty at constant pressure恒压热heat at con stant p ressur e化学动力学chemical ki netics化学反应计量式stoichiometr ic equation of chemical reaction化学反应计量系数stoichiometric coeffici ent of chemi cal reaction化学反应进度extent of chemical react ion化学亲合势chemical aff inity化学热力学chemical thermodynami cs化学势chemical potenti al化学势判据chemical potential cri teri on化学吸附chemi sorptions环境envi ro n ment环境熵变entropy change in envi ronment挥发度vol atil ity混合熵ent ropy of mix ing混合物mi x ture活度acti vity活化控制acti vation control活化络合物理论activated compl ex theory活化能activati on energy霍根-华森图Hougen-Wa tson Chart基态能级energy level at gr ound state基希霍夫公式K i rchhoff f ormula基元反应elementary reacti ons积分溶解热integrati on heat of dissolution吉布斯-杜亥姆方程Gibbs-Duhem equation 吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程Gibbs-Hel mhotz equation 吉布斯函数Gibbs funct ion吉布斯函数判据Gibbs function cr iter ion 吉布斯吸附公式Gibbs adsorption for mula 吉布斯自由能Gibbs free energy 敞开系统open system 超电势over potenti al 沉降sedi mentation沉降电势sedi mentat ion potential沉 降 平 衡 sedi mentation equilibrium触 变 thixotr opy粗 分 散 系 统 thick disperse system 催 化 剂catal yst单 分 子 层 吸 附 理 论 mono molecule l ayer adsorpti on 单分子反应 un i mol ecu lar react io n 单链反应 straight chai n reactions弹式量热计 bomb calorimet er 道尔顿定律 D al ton l aw道 尔 顿 分 压 定 律 Dalton parti al pressure law德 拜 和 法 尔 肯 哈 根 效 应 D ebye and Falkenhagen eff ect 德 拜 立 方 公 式 D ebye cubi c formul a 德 拜 - 休 克 尔 极 限 公 式Deby e-Huckel'slimit ing equation等焓过程 i senthal pic process 等 焓 线 isenthal pic line等几率定理 等温等容位 等温等压位 等温方程 低共熔点theor em of equal probability H el m hol tz f ree ener gy Gibbs fr ee en er gyequati on at constant temperature eutecti c point 低 共 熔 混 合 物 eutecti c mixturel ow er consol ute point cryohydri c perpetual machi ne of perpetual machi ne of associ at ion chemi cal cell c on st ant电 池 电 动 势 electromotiveforce of cell s电 池 反 应 cell react io n 电 导 co nd u c tanc e 电 导 率conducti vit y电 动 势 的 温 度 系 数 temperature coeffi cient of electromoti ve force 电 动 电 势 zeta po tent ial电 功 el ectr ic wo r k 电化学electrochemi stry电 化 学 极 化 electrochemi cal polarizat ion 电极电势 electr ode potential 电极反应 reacti ons on the electrode 电极种类 t ype o f electrod es 电解池 electrolyt ic cell 电量计 coulometer电流效率 current eff iciency 电迁移 electro mi grati on电迁移率electromobility低会溶点 低熔冰盐合晶 第二类永动机 第三定律熵 第一类永动机 缔合化学吸附 电池常数third-l aw entropyt h e seco n d ki nd the fir st kind adsorpti on范 特 霍 夫 渗 透 压 公 式 van 't Hoff equation of osmot ic pressure非 基 元 反 应 non-elementary reacti ons非 依 时 计 量 学 反 应 time independent stoichiometric reacti ons菲 克 扩 散 第 一 定 律 Fick'sf irst law of diffusion非体积功non-vol ume work 电 渗 electroosmosi s电 渗 析 electrodialy sis电 泳 el ectrophoresi s丁达尔效应 D yndall eff ect定容摩尔热容 molar heat capaci ty under constant定容温度计 Constant v oI ume t hermometer 定压摩尔热容 molar heat capaci ty under con stant 定压温度计 constant pressure ther mom eter 定域子系统 localized particle sy stem动力学方程 kinet ic equat ions动力学控制 ki net ics con tr ol独立子系统 independent particle syst em对比摩尔体积 reduced mole v olume对 对 对 对 比体积 比温度 比压力 称数r educed t emp eratur e r educed p r essur e symmetr y number行反应 应状态原理 方过程分子层 级反应reversi bl e reactions pri ncipl e of correspondi ng state polytropic process 吸附理论secondadsorption theory of mul ti-molecular layers order reacti on级相变 拉第常数 拉第定律 电 动 势 back E.M. F.secondorder p h ase changefarad ay constant Far aday'slaw反 反渗透 rever se osmosis反应分子数 反应级数 反应进度mol ecul arity reacti on orders ex tent of reacti on反 应 热 heat of react i o n 反 应 速 率 r at e o f r eact i o n 反应速率常数 constan t o f r eacti on r ate 范德华常数 van der Wa als constant 范德华方程 van der Wa alsequat ion范德华力 v a n d e r Wa al s f or c e范德华气体 van der Wa als gases 范特霍夫方程 van 't H of f equat ion范特霍夫规则 v an 't H of f ru lereduced vol umevolumep r essu re沸 点 boili ng point沸 点 升 高 elevation of boiling point 费 米 - 狄 拉 克 统 计 Fermi-Dirac stati sti cs 分 布 di st ri bution分 布 数 distribut ion numbers 分 解 电 压 decomposition volt age 分 配 定 律 distributi on law 分 散 系 统 disperse sy stem 分 散 相 disper sion phase 分 体 积 par ti al volume 分 体 积 定 律 partial vol ume law 分 压parti al pressure分 压 定 律 parti al pressure law分 子 反 应 力 学 mechani cs of molecular reactions分 子 蒸 馏 molecular di stil lati on 封 闭 系 统clo sed syst em附 加 压 力 excess pressu re弗 罗 因 德 利 希 吸 附 经 验 式 Freundlich empi rical formula of adsorption 负 极 negativepol e负 吸 附 negati ve adsorption 复 合 反 应 composite reacti on 盖 •吕萨克定律 Gay-Lussac law H ess l aw calomel electrodelyotropic seri es lever ruleu pper con sol u te p oint格 罗 塞 斯 -德 雷 珀 定 律 Grotthus-Draoer'slaw隔 离 系 统 i sol ated syst em 根 均 方 速 率 root-mean-square speed 功wor k功 函 wo r k content共 轭 溶 液 conjugate solution共 沸 温 度 azeotropic temperature 构 型 熵 configurational entropy 孤 立 系 统 i sol ated syst em 固 溶 胶 sol id so l固 态 混 合 物 sol i d sol u ti on 固 相 线 sol id phase l i ne 光 反 应 photoreacti on光 化 学 第 二定 律 the second law of actinochemistry 光 化 学 第 一 定 律 the first law ofact inochemistry光 敏 反 应 photosensi tized reactions 光 谱 熵 spect ru m entr opy 广 度 性 质ex tensiv e propert y高分子溶液macromolecular solution 隔离法the isolation method 分子间力 i ntermolecul ar force盖斯定律 甘汞电极感胶离子序 杠杆规则 高会溶点广延量ext ensi ve quanti ty广延性质ex tensiv e propert y规定熵stip ulated entrop y过饱和溶液oversaturated sol ution过饱和蒸气ov ersaturated v apor过程pr ocess过渡状态理论t ransi ti on state theory过冷水super-cooled w ater过冷液体overcooled l iquid过热液体overheated l iquid亥姆霍兹函数Helmholt z funct ion亥姆霍兹函数判据Helmholtz function criteri on亥姆霍兹自由能H el m hol tz f r ee energ y亥氏函数Hel mholt z funct ion焓 e nt h al py亨利常数H enry constant亨利定律Henry l aw恒沸混合物const ant boi li ng mi x ture恒容摩尔热容molar heat capacity at constant v olume恒容热heat at constant v olume恒外压constant external pr essur e恒压摩尔热容molar heat capaci ty at constant pressure恒压热heat at con stant p ressur e化学动力学chemical ki netics化学反应计量式stoichiometr ic equation of chemical reaction化学反应计量系数stoichiometric coeffici ent of chemi cal reaction 化学反应进度extent of chemical react ion化学亲合势chemical aff inity化学热力学chemical thermodynami cs化学势chemical potenti al化学势判据chemical potential cri teri on化学吸附chemi sorptions环境envi ro n ment环境熵变entropy change in envi ronment挥发度vol atil ity混合熵ent ropy of mix ing混合物mi x ture活度acti vity活化控制acti vation control活化络合物理论activated compl ex theory活化能activati on energy霍根-华森图Hougen-Wa tson Chart基态能级energy level at gr ound state 基希霍夫公式K i rchhoff f ormula 基元反应elementary reacti ons积分溶解热integrati on heat of dissolution吉布斯-杜亥姆方程Gi bbs-Duhem equation吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程Gibbs-Helmhotz equation 吉布斯函数f uncti on吉布斯函数判据Gibbs function cr iter ionGibbs adsorption for mula焦耳定律Joul e's law接触电势cont act potential接触角contact ang le节流过程throttli ng process节流膨胀throttli ng expansioncoeffici ent of throttling expansion 结线t ie l ine结晶热heat of crystallizati on Gibbs吉布斯吸附公式吉布斯自由能Gi bbs free energy吉氏函数Gibbs functi on极化电极电势polari zation potential of electrode 极化曲线polarizat ion curves极化作用polarizat ion极限摩尔电导率limiting molar conducti vi ty几率因子steric f actor计量式stoichiometri c equation计量系数stoi chiometric coeffici ent价数规则r ul e of val ence简并度degener acy键焓bond en thalpy胶冻broth jel ly胶核coll oi dal nucleus胶凝作用demul sifi cation 胶束m i c e l l e胶体coll oi d胶体分散系统dispersi on system of colloid 胶体化学collochemi stry胶体粒子coll oi dal particl es胶团micel le焦耳Jo u l e焦耳-汤姆生实验焦耳-汤姆生系数焦耳-汤姆生效应Joule-T homsonJoule-T homsonex per im entcoeffi cient Joule-T homson effect节流膨胀系数解 离 化 学 吸 附 dissociation chemical adsor ption 界 面 i nterf aces界 面 张 力 surf ace tension浸 湿 i mmersion wetti ng浸 湿 功 immer sion wetting work精 馏 rect if y聚 ( 合 ) 电 解 质 pol yelectrol yte聚 沉 coagulati on聚 沉 值 coagul ati on v alue绝 对 反 应 速 率 理 论 absolute reacti on rate theoryKohlrausch'sL aw of Independent M igration of I o n s 可 能 的 电 解 质 potential electrol yte可 逆 电 池 reversibl e cell可 逆 过 程 rever sible process可 逆 过 程 方 程 reversibl e process equat ion可 逆 体 积 功 rever sible volume work可 逆 相 变 reversibl e phase change克 拉 佩 龙 方 程 Clapey ron equation克 劳 修 斯 不 等 式 Cl ausius i nequali ty克 劳 修 斯 - 克 拉 佩 龙 方 程 Clausius- Clapeyron equation控 制 步 骤 contro l step库 仑 计 coulom eter扩 散 控 制 diffusion controll ed拉 普 拉 斯 方 程 L apl ace'sequati o n拉 乌 尔 定 律 Raoul t law兰格缪尔-欣谢尔伍德机 理 Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism 兰 格 缪 尔 吸 附 等 温 式 Langmuir adsorption i sotherm formul a 雷 利 公 式 Rayleigh equati on冷 冻 系 数 coefficient of refri geration冷 却 曲 线 cooling cur ve离 解 热 heat of di ssoci at io n绝对熵 abso lu te entr op y 绝对温标absolute temperature scal e 绝热过程 绝热量热计 绝热指数 adiabati c process adi abati c calori meter adiabatic i ndex卡诺定理 Car not theo r em卡诺循环 开尔文公式 Carnot cy cleK el vi n f or m ula 柯诺瓦洛夫-吉布斯定律 K onovalov -Gibbs law科尔劳施离子独立运动定律离 解 压 力 dissociat ion pressure离 域 子 系 统 non-locali zed particle systems离 子 的 标 准 摩 尔 生 成 焓 standard molar f ormation of ion离 子 的 电 迁 移 率 mobilit y of i ons离 子 的 迁 移 数 t ransport number of i ons离 子 独 立 运 动 定 律 law of the independent migr ation of ions离 子 氛 ionic atmosphere离 子 强 度 ioni c strength理 想 混 合 物 per fect mi xture理 想 气 体 i deal gas理 想 气 体 的 绝 热 指 数 adi abat ic i ndex of i deal gases理 想 气 体 的 微 观 模 型 mi cro-model of ideal gas理 想 气 体 反 应 的 等 温方 程 isothermal equation ofideal gaseous reactions 理 想 气 体 绝 热 可 逆 过 程 方 程 adiabatic reversible process equation of i deal gase 理 想 气 体 状 态 方 程 state equati on of ideal gas 理 想 稀 溶 液 ideal dil ute sol ution 理 想 液 态 混 合 物 perfect liquid mi xture粒 子 parti cles粒 子 的 配 分 函 数 partition f uncti on of particles连 串 反 应 consecut iv e react ionschai n reacti ons cal or imetr ic entropy quant um statistics quantum yiel d cri ti cal paramet er crit ical constant 临 界 点 crit ical poi nt临 界 胶 束 浓 度 cri ti cal micell e concentration 临 界 摩 尔 体 积 cri tical molar vol ume临 界 温 度cri ti cal temperature 临 界 压 力 cri ti cal pressure临 界 状 态cri ti cal state 零 级 反 应 zero order reacti on流 动 电 势 streami ng potenti al流 动 功 fl ow work笼 罩 效 应 cage eff ect路 易 斯 - 兰 德 尔 逸 度 规 则 Lewis-Randall rul e of fugacity 露 点 dew poi nt 露 点 线 dew point l ine 链 反 应量热 八熵量 子 统 计 量 子 效 率 临 界 参 数 临 界 常 数 链的传递物 chain carr ier内 压 力 inter nal pressu re 能 级 energy level s能 级 分 布 energy level di stri bution pr inciple of the equipar tition of energy N ernst equati on N e r n st he at t h eo r em 凝 固 点 freezing poi nt 麦 克 斯 韦 速 率 分 布 M axwel l distributi on of speeds 麦 克 斯 韦 能 量 分 布 MaxwelIdi stri bution of energy 毛细管凝结 condensation in capi llary 毛 细 现 象 capi llary phenomena 米 凯 利 斯 常 数M i chael is constant 摩尔电导率 摩尔反应焓 摩尔混合熵 摩尔气体常数 mol ar conductivi ty mol ar reacti on enthalpy mol e ent ropy of mix ing m o lar g as constan t 摩尔热容 摩尔溶解焓 摩尔稀释焓molar heat capaci ty mol e di ssoluti on enthal py mol e dilution enthal py 内扩散控制internal diff usions control 内能 i nternal en er gy 能量均分原理能斯特方程 能斯特热定理。
B E T公式B E T f o r m u l aD L V O理论D L V O t h e o r yH L B法h y d r o p h i l e-l i p o p h i l e b a l a n c e m e t h o dp V T性质p V T p r o p e r t yζ电势z e t a p o t e n t i a l阿伏加德罗常数A v o g a d r o’n u m b e r阿伏加德罗定律A v o g a d r o l a w阿累尼乌斯电离理论A r r h e n i u s i o n i z a t i o n t h e o r y阿累尼乌斯方程A r r h e n i u s e q u a t i o n阿累尼乌斯活化能A r r h e n i u s a c t i v a t i o n e n e r g y阿马格定律A m a g a t l a w艾林方程E r y i n g e q u a t i o n爱因斯坦光化当量定律E i n s t e i n’s l a w o f p h o t o c h e m i c a l e q u i v a l e n c e爱因斯坦-斯托克斯方程E i n s t e i n-S t o k e s e q u a t i o n安托万常数A n t o i n e c o n s t a n t安托万方程A n t o i n e e q u a t i o n盎萨格电导理论O n s a g e r’s t h e o r y o f c o n d u c t a n c e半电池h a l f c e l l半衰期h a l f t i m e p e r i o d饱和液体s a t u r a t e d l i q u i d s饱和蒸气s a t u r a t e d v a p o r饱和吸附量s a t u r a t e d e x t e n t o f a d s o r p t i o n饱和蒸气压s a t u r a t e d v a p o r p r e s s u r e爆炸界限e x p l o s i o n l i m i t s比外表功s p e c i f i c s u r f a c e w o r k比外表吉布斯函数s p e c i f i c s u r f a c e G i b b s f u n c t i o n比浓粘度r e d u c e d v i s c o s i t y标准电动势s t a n d a r d e l e c t r o m o t i v e f o r c e标准电极电势s t a n d a r d e l e c t r o d e p o t e n t i a l标准摩尔反响焓s t a n d a r d m o l a r r e a c t i o n e n t h a l p y标准摩尔反响吉布斯函数s t a n d a r d G i b b s f u n c t i o n o f m o l a r r e a c t i o n 标准摩尔反响熵s t a n d a r d m o l a r r e a c t i o n e n t r o p y标准摩尔焓函数s t a n d a r d m o l a r e n t h a l p y f u n c t i o n标准摩尔吉布斯自由能函数s t a n d a r d m o l a r G i b b s f r e e e n e r g y f u n c t i o n标准摩尔燃烧焓s t a n d a r d m o l a r b u s t i o n e n t h a l p y标准摩尔熵s t a n d a r d m o l a r e n t r o p y标准摩尔生成焓s t a n d a r d m o l a r f o r m a t i o n e n t h a l p y标准摩尔生成吉布斯函数s t a n d a r d m o l a r f o r m a t i o n G i b b s f u n c t i o n 标准平衡常数s t a n d a r d e q u i l i b r i u m c o n s t a n t标准氢电极s t a n d a r d h y d r o g e n e l e c t r o d e标准态s t a n d a r d s t a t e标准熵s t a n d a r d e n t r o p y标准压力s t a n d a r d p r e s s u r e标准状况s t a n d a r d c o n d i t i o n表观活化能a p p a r e n t a c t i v a t i o n e n e r g y表观摩尔质量a p p a r e n t m o l e c u l a r w e i g h t表观迁移数a p p a r e n t t r a n s f e r e n c e n u m b e r外表s u r f a c e s外表过程控制s u r f a c e p r o c e s s c o n t r o l外表活性剂s u r f a c t a n t s外表吸附量s u r f a c e e x c e s s外表X力s u r f a c e t e n s i o n外表质量作用定律s u r f a c e m a s s a c t i o n l a w波义尔定律B o y l e l a w波义尔温度B o y l e t e m p e r a t u r e波义尔点B o y l e p o i n t玻尔兹曼常数B o l t z m a n n c o n s t a n t玻尔兹曼分布B o l t z m a n n d i s t r i b u t i o n玻尔兹曼公式B o l t z m a n n f o r m u l a玻尔兹曼熵定理B o l t z m a n n e n t r o p y t h e o r e m玻色-爱因斯坦统计B o s e-E i n s t e i n s t a t i s t i c s泊P o i s e不可逆过程i r r e v e r s i b l e p r o c e s s不可逆过程热力学t h e r m o d y n a m i c s o f i r r e v e r s i b l e p r o c e s s e s不可逆相变化i r r e v e r s i b l e p h a s e c h a n g e布朗运动b r o w n i a n m o v e m e n t查理定律C h a r l e’s l a w产率y i e l d敞开系统o p e n s y s t e m超电势o v e r p o t e n t i a l沉降s e d i m e n t a t i o n沉降电势s e d i m e n t a t i o n p o t e n t i a l沉降平衡s e d i m e n t a t i o n e q u i l i b r i u m触变t h i x o t r o p y粗分散系统t h i c k d i s p e r s e s y s t e m催化剂c a t a l y s t单分子层吸附理论m o n o m o l e c u l e l a y e r a d s o r p t i o n单分子反响u n i m o l e c u l a r r e a c t i o n单链反响s t r a i g h t c h a i n r e a c t i o n s弹式量热计b o m b c a l o r i m e t e r道尔顿定律D a l t o n l a w道尔顿分压定律D a l t o n p a r t i a l p r e s s u r e l a w德拜和法尔肯哈根效应D e b y e a n d F a l k e n h a g e n e f f e c t德拜立方公式D e b y e c u b i c f o r m u l a德拜-休克尔极限公式D e b y e-H u c k e l’s l i m i t i n g e q u a t i o n等焓过程i s e n t h a l p i c p r o c e s s等焓线i s e n t h a l p i c l i n e等几率定理t h e o r e m o f e q u a l p r o b a b i l i t y等温等容位H e l m h o l t z f r e e e n e r g y等温等压位G i b b s f r e e e n e r g y等温方程e q u a t i o n a t c o n s t a n t t e m p e r a t u r e低共熔点e u t e c t i c p o i n t低共熔混合物e u t e c t i c m i x t u r e低会溶点l o w e r c o n s o l u t e p o i n t低熔冰盐合晶c r y o h y d r i c第二类永动机p e r p e t u a l m a c h i n e o f t h e s e c o n d k i n d第三定律熵t h i r d-l a w e n t r o p y第一类永动机p e r p e t u a l m a c h i n e o f t h e f i r s t k i n d缔合化学吸附a s s o c i a t i o n c h e m i c a l a d s o r p t i o n电池常数c e l l c o n s t a n t电池电动势e l e c t r o m o t i v e f o r c e o f c e l l s电池反响c e l l r e a c t i o n电导c o n d u c t a n c e电导率c o n d u c t i v i t y电动势的温度系数t e m p e r a t u r e c o e f f i c i e n t o f e l e c t r o m o t i v e f o r c e 电动电势z e t a p o t e n t i a l电功e l e c t r i c w o r k电化学e l e c t r o c h e m i s t r y电化学极化e l e c t r o c h e m i c a l p o l a r i z a t i o n电极电势e l e c t r o d e p o t e n t i a l电极反响r e a c t i o n s o n t h e e l e c t r o d e电极种类t y p e o f e l e c t r o d e s电解池e l e c t r o l y t i c c e l l电量计c o u l o m e t e r电流效率c u r r e n t e f f i c i e n c y电迁移e l e c t r o m i g r a t i o n电迁移率e l e c t r o m o b i l i t y电渗e l e c t r o o s m o s i s电渗析e l e c t r o d i a l y s i s电泳e l e c t r o p h o r e s i s丁达尔效应D y n d a l l e f f e c t定容摩尔热容m o l a r h e a t c a p a c i t y u n d e r c o n s t a n t v o l u m e定容温度计C o n s t a n t v o I u m e t h e r m o m e t e r定压摩尔热容m o l a r h e a t c a p a c i t y u n d e r c o n s t a n t p r e s s u r e定压温度计c o n s t a n t p r e s s u r e t h e r m o m e t e r定域子系统l o c a l i z e d p a r t i c l e s y s t e m动力学方程k i n e t i c e q u a t i o n s动力学控制k i n e t i c s c o n t r o l独立子系统i n d e p e n d e n t p a r t i c l e s y s t e m比照摩尔体积r e d u c e d m o l e v o l u m e比照体积r e d u c e d v o l u m e比照温度r e d u c e d t e m p e r a t u r e比照压力r e d u c e d p r e s s u r e对称数s y m m e t r y n u m b e r对行反响r e v e r s i b l e r e a c t i o n s对应状态原理p r i n c i p l e o f c o r r e s p o n d i n g s t a t e多方过程p o l y t r o p i c p r o c e s s多分子层吸附理论a d s o r p t i o n t h e o r y o f m u l t i-m o l e c u l a r l a y e r s 二级反响s e c o n d o r d e r r e a c t i o n二级相变s e c o n d o r d e r p h a s e c h a n g e法拉第常数f a r a d a y c o n s t a n t法拉第定律F a r a d a y’s l a w反电动势b a c k E.M.F.反渗透r e v e r s e o s m o s i s反响分子数m o l e c u l a r i t y反响级数r e a c t i o n o r d e r s反响进度e x t e n t o f r e a c t i o n反响热h e a t o f r e a c t i o n反响速率r a t e o f r e a c t i o n反响速率常数c o n s t a n t o f r e a c t i o n r a t eX德华常数v a n d e r W a a l s c o n s t a n tX德华方程v a n d e r W a a l s e q u a t i o nX德华力v a n d e r W a a l s f o r c eX德华气体v a n d e r W a a l s g a s e sX特霍夫方程v a n’t H o f f e q u a t i o nX特霍夫规那么v a n’t H o f f r u l eX特霍夫渗透压公式v a n’t H o f f e q u a t i o n o f o s m o t i c p r e s s u r e 非基元反响n o n-e l e m e n t a r y r e a c t i o n s非体积功n o n-v o l u m e w o r k非依时计量学反响t i m e i n d e p e n d e n t s t o i c h i o m e t r i c r e a c t i o n s菲克扩散第一定律F i c k’s f i r s t l a w o f d i f f u s i o n沸点b o i l i n g p o i n t沸点升高e l e v a t i o n o f b o i l i n g p o i n t费米-狄拉克统计F e r m i-D i r a c s t a t i s t i c s分布d i s t r i b u t i o n分布数d i s t r i b u t i o n n u m b e r s分解电压d e p o s i t i o n v o l t a g e分配定律d i s t r i b u t i o n l a w分散系统d i s p e r s e s y s t e m分散相d i s p e r s i o n p h a s e分体积p a r t i a l v o l u m e分体积定律p a r t i a l v o l u m e l a w分压p a r t i a l p r e s s u r e分压定律p a r t i a l p r e s s u r e l a w分子反响力学m e c h a n i c s o f m o l e c u l a r r e a c t i o n s分子间力i n t e r m o l e c u l a r f o r c e分子蒸馏m o l e c u l a r d i s t i l l a t i o n封闭系统c l o s e d s y s t e m附加压力e x c e s s p r e s s u r e弗罗因德利希吸附经验式F r e u n d l i c h e m p i r i c a l f o r m u l a o f a d s o r p t i o n负极n e g a t i v e p o l e负吸附n e g a t i v e a d s o r p t i o n复合反响p o s i t e r e a c t i o n盖·吕萨克定律G a y-L u s s a c l a w盖斯定律H e s s l a w甘汞电极c a l o m e l e l e c t r o d e感胶离子序l y o t r o p i c s e r i e s杠杆规那么l e v e r r u l e高分子溶液m a c r o m o l e c u l a r s o l u t i o n高会溶点u p p e r c o n s o l u t e p o i n t隔离法t h e i s o l a t i o n m e t h o d格罗塞斯-德雷珀定律G r o t t h u s-D r a o e r’s l a w隔离系统i s o l a t e d s y s t e m根均方速率r o o t-m e a n-s q u a r e s p e e d功w o r k功函w o r k c o n t e n t共轭溶液c o n j u g a t e s o l u t i o n共沸温度a z e o t r o p i c t e m p e r a t u r e构型熵c o n f i g u r a t i o n a l e n t r o p y孤立系统i s o l a t e d s y s t e m固溶胶s o l i d s o l固态混合物s o l i d s o l u t i o n固相线s o l i d p h a s e l i n e光反响p h o t o r e a c t i o n光化学第二定律t h e s e c o n d l a w o f a c t i n o c h e m i s t r y光化学第一定律t h e f i r s t l a w o f a c t i n o c h e m i s t r y光敏反响p h o t o s e n s i t i z e d r e a c t i o n s光谱熵s p e c t r u m e n t r o p y广度性质e x t e n s i v e p r o p e r t y广延量e x t e n s i v e q u a n t i t y广延性质e x t e n s i v e p r o p e r t y规定熵s t i p u l a t e d e n t r o p y过饱和溶液o v e r s a t u r a t e d s o l u t i o n过饱和蒸气o v e r s a t u r a t e d v a p o r过程p r o c e s s过渡状态理论t r a n s i t i o n s t a t e t h e o r y过冷水s u p e r-c o o l e d w a t e r过冷液体o v e r c o o l e d l i q u i d过热液体o v e r h e a t e d l i q u i d亥姆霍兹函数H e l m h o l t z f u n c t i o n亥姆霍兹函数判据H e l m h o l t z f u n c t i o n c r i t e r i o n亥姆霍兹自由能H e l m h o l t z f r e e e n e r g y亥氏函数H e l m h o l t z f u n c t i o n焓e n t h a l p y亨利常数H e n r y c o n s t a n t亨利定律H e n r y l a w恒沸混合物c o n s t a n t b o i l i n g m i x t u r e恒容摩尔热容m o l a r h e a t c a p a c i t y a t c o n s t a n t v o l u m e恒容热h e a t a t c o n s t a n t v o l u m e恒外压c o n s t a n t e x t e r n a l p r e s s u r e恒压摩尔热容m o l a r h e a t c a p a c i t y a t c o n s t a n t p r e s s u r e恒压热h e a t a t c o n s t a n t p r e s s u r e化学动力学c h e m i c a l k i n e t i c s化学反响计量式s t o i c h i o m e t r i c e q u a t i o n o f c h e m i c a l r e a c t i o n化学反响计量系数s t o i c h i o m e t r i c c o e f f i c i e n t o f c h e m i c a l r e a c t i o n化学反响进度e x t e n t o f c h e m i c a l r e a c t i o n化学亲合势c h e m i c a l a f f i n i t y化学热力学c h e m i c a l t h e r m o d y n a m i c s化学势c h e m i c a l p o t e n t i a l化学势判据c h e m i c a l p o t e n t i a l c r i t e r i o n化学吸附c h e m i s o r p t i o n s环境e n v i r o n m e n t环境熵变e n t r o p y c h a n g e i n e n v i r o n m e n t挥发度v o l a t i l i t y混合熵e n t r o p y o f m i x i n g混合物m i x t u r e活度a c t i v i t y活化控制a c t i v a t i o n c o n t r o l活化络合物理论a c t i v a t e d p l e x t h e o r y活化能a c t i v a t i o n e n e r g y霍根-华森图H o u g e n-W a t s o n C h a r t基态能级e n e r g y l e v e l a t g r o u n d s t a t e基希霍夫公式K i r c h h o f f f o r m u l a基元反响e l e m e n t a r y r e a c t i o n s积分溶解热i n t e g r a t i o n h e a t o f d i s s o l u t i o n吉布斯-杜亥姆方程G i b b s-D u h e m e q u a t i o n吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程G i b b s-H e l m h o t z e q u a t i o n吉布斯函数G i b b s f u n c t i o n吉布斯函数判据G i b b s f u n c t i o n c r i t e r i o n吉布斯吸附公式G i b b s a d s o r p t i o n f o r m u l a吉布斯自由能G i b b s f r e e e n e r g y敞开系统o p e n s y s t e m超电势o v e r p o t e n t i a l沉降s e d i m e n t a t i o n沉降电势s e d i m e n t a t i o n p o t e n t i a l沉降平衡s e d i m e n t a t i o n e q u i l i b r i u m触变t h i x o t r o p y粗分散系统t h i c k d i s p e r s e s y s t e m催化剂c a t a l y s t单分子层吸附理论m o n o m o l e c u l e l a y e r a d s o r p t i o n单分子反响u n i m o l e c u l a r r e a c t i o n单链反响s t r a i g h t c h a i n r e a c t i o n s弹式量热计b o m b c a l o r i m e t e r道尔顿定律D a l t o n l a w道尔顿分压定律D a l t o n p a r t i a l p r e s s u r e l a w德拜和法尔肯哈根效应D e b y e a n d F a l k e n h a g e n e f f e c t德拜立方公式D e b y e c u b i c f o r m u l a德拜-休克尔极限公式D e b y e-H u c k e l’s l i m i t i n g e q u a t i o n等焓过程i s e n t h a l p i c p r o c e s s等焓线i s e n t h a l p i c l i n e等几率定理t h e o r e m o f e q u a l p r o b a b i l i t y等温等容位H e l m h o l t z f r e e e n e r g y等温等压位G i b b s f r e e e n e r g y等温方程e q u a t i o n a t c o n s t a n t t e m p e r a t u r e低共熔点e u t e c t i c p o i n t低共熔混合物e u t e c t i c m i x t u r e低会溶点l o w e r c o n s o l u t e p o i n t低熔冰盐合晶c r y o h y d r i c第二类永动机p e r p e t u a l m a c h i n e o f t h e s e c o n d k i n d第三定律熵t h i r d-l a w e n t r o p y第一类永动机p e r p e t u a l m a c h i n e o f t h e f i r s t k i n d缔合化学吸附a s s o c i a t i o n c h e m i c a l a d s o r p t i o n电池常数c e l l c o n s t a n t电池电动势e l e c t r o m o t i v e f o r c e o f c e l l s电池反响c e l l r e a c t i o n电导c o n d u c t a n c e电导率c o n d u c t i v i t y电动势的温度系数t e m p e r a t u r e c o e f f i c i e n t o f e l e c t r o m o t i v e f o r c e 电动电势z e t a p o t e n t i a l电功e l e c t r i c w o r k电化学e l e c t r o c h e m i s t r y电化学极化e l e c t r o c h e m i c a l p o l a r i z a t i o n电极电势e l e c t r o d e p o t e n t i a l电极反响r e a c t i o n s o n t h e e l e c t r o d e电极种类t y p e o f e l e c t r o d e s电解池e l e c t r o l y t i c c e l l电量计c o u l o m e t e r电流效率c u r r e n t e f f i c i e n c y电迁移e l e c t r o m i g r a t i o n电迁移率e l e c t r o m o b i l i t y电渗e l e c t r o o s m o s i s电渗析e l e c t r o d i a l y s i s电泳e l e c t r o p h o r e s i s丁达尔效应D y n d a l l e f f e c t定容摩尔热容m o l a r h e a t c a p a c i t y u n d e r c o n s t a n t v o l u m e定容温度计C o n s t a n t v o I u m e t h e r m o m e t e r定压摩尔热容m o l a r h e a t c a p a c i t y u n d e r c o n s t a n t p r e s s u r e定压温度计c o n s t a n t p r e s s u r e t h e r m o m e t e r定域子系统l o c a l i z e d p a r t i c l e s y s t e m动力学方程k i n e t i c e q u a t i o n s动力学控制k i n e t i c s c o n t r o l独立子系统i n d e p e n d e n t p a r t i c l e s y s t e m比照摩尔体积r e d u c e d m o l e v o l u m e比照体积r e d u c e d v o l u m e比照温度r e d u c e d t e m p e r a t u r e比照压力r e d u c e d p r e s s u r e对称数s y m m e t r y n u m b e r对行反响r e v e r s i b l e r e a c t i o n s对应状态原理p r i n c i p l e o f c o r r e s p o n d i n g s t a t e多方过程p o l y t r o p i c p r o c e s s多分子层吸附理论a d s o r p t i o n t h e o r y o f m u l t i-m o l e c u l a r l a y e r s 二级反响s e c o n d o r d e r r e a c t i o n二级相变s e c o n d o r d e r p h a s e c h a n g e法拉第常数f a r a d a y c o n s t a n t法拉第定律F a r a d a y’s l a w反电动势b a c k E.M.F.反渗透r e v e r s e o s m o s i s反响分子数m o l e c u l a r i t y反响级数r e a c t i o n o r d e r s反响进度e x t e n t o f r e a c t i o n反响热h e a t o f r e a c t i o n反响速率r a t e o f r e a c t i o n反响速率常数c o n s t a n t o f r e a c t i o n r a t eX德华常数v a n d e r W a a l s c o n s t a n tX德华方程v a n d e r W a a l s e q u a t i o nX德华力v a n d e r W a a l s f o r c eX德华气体v a n d e r W a a l s g a s e sX特霍夫方程v a n’t H o f f e q u a t i o nX特霍夫规那么v a n’t H o f f r u l eX特霍夫渗透压公式v a n’t H o f f e q u a t i o n o f o s m o t i c p r e s s u r e非基元反响n o n-e l e m e n t a r y r e a c t i o n s非体积功n o n-v o l u m e w o r k非依时计量学反响t i m e i n d e p e n d e n t s t o i c h i o m e t r i c r e a c t i o n s菲克扩散第一定律F i c k’s f i r s t l a w o f d i f f u s i o n沸点b o i l i n g p o i n t沸点升高e l e v a t i o n o f b o i l i n g p o i n t费米-狄拉克统计F e r m i-D i r a c s t a t i s t i c s分布d i s t r i b u t i o n分布数d i s t r i b u t i o n n u m b e r s分解电压d e p o s i t i o n v o l t a g e分配定律d i s t r i b u t i o n l a w分散系统d i s p e r s e s y s t e m分散相d i s p e r s i o n p h a s e分体积p a r t i a l v o l u m e分体积定律p a r t i a l v o l u m e l a w分压p a r t i a l p r e s s u r e分压定律p a r t i a l p r e s s u r e l a w分子反响力学m e c h a n i c s o f m o l e c u l a r r e a c t i o n s分子间力i n t e r m o l e c u l a r f o r c e分子蒸馏m o l e c u l a r d i s t i l l a t i o n封闭系统c l o s e d s y s t e m附加压力e x c e s s p r e s s u r e弗罗因德利希吸附经验式F r e u n d l i c h e m p i r i c a l f o r m u l a o f a d s o r p t i o n负极n e g a t i v e p o l e负吸附n e g a t i v e a d s o r p t i o n复合反响p o s i t e r e a c t i o n盖·吕萨克定律G a y-L u s s a c l a w盖斯定律H e s s l a w甘汞电极c a l o m e l e l e c t r o d e感胶离子序l y o t r o p i c s e r i e s杠杆规那么l e v e r r u l e高分子溶液m a c r o m o l e c u l a r s o l u t i o n高会溶点u p p e r c o n s o l u t e p o i n t隔离法t h e i s o l a t i o n m e t h o d格罗塞斯-德雷珀定律G r o t t h u s-D r a o e r’s l a w隔离系统i s o l a t e d s y s t e m根均方速率r o o t-m e a n-s q u a r e s p e e d功w o r k功函w o r k c o n t e n t共轭溶液c o n j u g a t e s o l u t i o n共沸温度a z e o t r o p i c t e m p e r a t u r e构型熵c o n f i g u r a t i o n a l e n t r o p y孤立系统i s o l a t e d s y s t e m固溶胶s o l i d s o l固态混合物s o l i d s o l u t i o n固相线s o l i d p h a s e l i n e光反响p h o t o r e a c t i o n光化学第二定律t h e s e c o n d l a w o f a c t i n o c h e m i s t r y光化学第一定律t h e f i r s t l a w o f a c t i n o c h e m i s t r y光敏反响p h o t o s e n s i t i z e d r e a c t i o n s光谱熵s p e c t r u m e n t r o p y广度性质e x t e n s i v e p r o p e r t y广延量e x t e n s i v e q u a n t i t y广延性质e x t e n s i v e p r o p e r t y规定熵s t i p u l a t e d e n t r o p y过饱和溶液o v e r s a t u r a t e d s o l u t i o n过饱和蒸气o v e r s a t u r a t e d v a p o r过程p r o c e s s过渡状态理论t r a n s i t i o n s t a t e t h e o r y过冷水s u p e r-c o o l e d w a t e r过冷液体o v e r c o o l e d l i q u i d过热液体o v e r h e a t e d l i q u i d亥姆霍兹函数H e l m h o l t z f u n c t i o n亥姆霍兹函数判据H e l m h o l t z f u n c t i o n c r i t e r i o n亥姆霍兹自由能H e l m h o l t z f r e e e n e r g y亥氏函数H e l m h o l t z f u n c t i o n焓e n t h a l p y亨利常数H e n r y c o n s t a n t亨利定律H e n r y l a w恒沸混合物c o n s t a n t b o i l i n g m i x t u r e恒容摩尔热容m o l a r h e a t c a p a c i t y a t c o n s t a n t v o l u m e恒容热h e a t a t c o n s t a n t v o l u m e恒外压c o n s t a n t e x t e r n a l p r e s s u r e恒压摩尔热容m o l a r h e a t c a p a c i t y a t c o n s t a n t p r e s s u r e恒压热h e a t a t c o n s t a n t p r e s s u r e化学动力学c h e m i c a l k i n e t i c s化学反响计量式s t o i c h i o m e t r i c e q u a t i o n o f c h e m i c a l r e a c t i o n化学反响计量系数s t o i c h i o m e t r i c c o e f f i c i e n t o f c h e m i c a l r e a c t i o n化学反响进度e x t e n t o f c h e m i c a l r e a c t i o n化学亲合势c h e m i c a l a f f i n i t y化学热力学c h e m i c a l t h e r m o d y n a m i c s化学势c h e m i c a l p o t e n t i a l化学势判据c h e m i c a l p o t e n t i a l c r i t e r i o n化学吸附c h e m i s o r p t i o n s环境e n v i r o n m e n t环境熵变e n t r o p y c h a n g e i n e n v i r o n m e n t挥发度v o l a t i l i t y混合熵e n t r o p y o f m i x i n g混合物m i x t u r e活度a c t i v i t y活化控制a c t i v a t i o n c o n t r o l活化络合物理论a c t i v a t e d p l e x t h e o r y活化能a c t i v a t i o n e n e r g y霍根-华森图H o u g e n-W a t s o n C h a r t基态能级e n e r g y l e v e l a t g r o u n d s t a t e基希霍夫公式K i r c h h o f f f o r m u l a基元反响e l e m e n t a r y r e a c t i o n s积分溶解热i n t e g r a t i o n h e a t o f d i s s o l u t i o n吉布斯-杜亥姆方程G i b b s-D u h e m e q u a t i o n吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程G i b b s-H e l m h o t z e q u a t i o n吉布斯函数G i b b s f u n c t i o n吉布斯函数判据G i b b s f u n c t i o n c r i t e r i o n吉布斯吸附公式G i b b s a d s o r p t i o n f o r m u l a吉布斯自由能G i b b s f r e e e n e r g y吉氏函数G i b b s f u n c t i o n极化电极电势p o l a r i z a t i o n p o t e n t i a l o f e l e c t r o d e极化曲线p o l a r i z a t i o n c u r v e s极化作用p o l a r i z a t i o n极限摩尔电导率l i m i t i n g m o l a r c o n d u c t i v i t y几率因子s t e r i c f a c t o r计量式s t o i c h i o m e t r i c e q u a t i o n计量系数s t o i c h i o m e t r i c c o e f f i c i e n t价数规那么r u l e o f v a l e n c e简并度d e g e n e r a c y键焓b o n d e n t h a l p y胶冻b r o t h j e l l y胶核c o l l o i d a l n u c l e u s胶凝作用d e m u l s i f i c a t i o n胶束m i c e l l e胶体c o l l o i d胶体分散系统d i s p e r s i o n s y s t e m o f c o l l o i d胶体化学c o l l o c h e m i s t r y胶体粒子c o l l o i d a l p a r t i c l e s胶团m i c e l l e焦耳J o u l e焦耳-汤姆生实验J o u l e-T h o m s o n e x p e r i m e n t焦耳-汤姆生系数J o u l e-T h o m s o n c o e f f i c i e n t焦耳-汤姆生效应J o u l e-T h o m s o n e f f e c t焦耳定律J o u l e's l a w接触电势c o n t a c t p o t e n t i a l接触角c o n t a c t a n g l e节流过程t h r o t t l i n g p r o c e s s节流膨胀t h r o t t l i n g e x p a n s i o n节流膨胀系数c o e f f i c i e n t o f t h r o t t l i n g e x p a n s i o n结线t i e l i n e结晶热h e a t o f c r y s t a l l i z a t i o n解离化学吸附d i s s o c i a t i o n c h e m i c a l a d s o r p t i o n界面i n t e r f a c e s界面X力s u r f a c e t e n s i o n浸湿i m m e r s i o n w e t t i n g浸湿功i m m e r s i o n w e t t i n g w o r k精馏r e c t i f y聚〔合〕电解质p o l y e l e c t r o l y t e聚沉c o a g u l a t i o n聚沉值c o a g u l a t i o n v a l u e绝对反响速率理论a b s o l u t e r e a c t i o n r a t e t h e o r y绝对熵a b s o l u t e e n t r o p y绝对温标a b s o l u t e t e m p e r a t u r e s c a l e绝热过程a d i a b a t i c p r o c e s s绝热量热计a d i a b a t i c c a l o r i m e t e r绝热指数a d i a b a t i c i n d e x卡诺定理C a r n o t t h e o r e m卡诺循环C a r n o t c y c l e开尔文公式K e l v i n f o r m u l a柯诺瓦洛夫-吉布斯定律K o n o v a l o v-G i b b s l a w科尔劳施离子独立运动定律K o h l r a u s c h’s L a w o f I n d e p e n d e n t M i g r a t i o n o fI o n s可能的电解质p o t e n t i a l e l e c t r o l y t e可逆电池r e v e r s i b l e c e l l可逆过程r e v e r s i b l e p r o c e s s可逆过程方程r e v e r s i b l e p r o c e s s e q u a t i o n可逆体积功r e v e r s i b l e v o l u m e w o r k可逆相变r e v e r s i b l e p h a s e c h a n g e克拉佩龙方程C l a p e y r o n e q u a t i o n克劳修斯不等式C l a u s i u s i n e q u a l i t y克劳修斯-克拉佩龙方程C l a u s i u s-C l a p e y r o n e q u a t i o n控制步骤c o n t r o l s t e p库仑计c o u l o m e t e r扩散控制d i f f u s i o n c o n t r o l l e d拉普拉斯方程L a p l a c e’s e q u a t i o n拉乌尔定律R a o u l t l a w兰格缪尔-欣谢尔伍德机理L a n g m u i r-H i n s h e l w o o d m e c h a n i s m兰格缪尔吸附等温式L a n g m u i r a d s o r p t i o n i s o t h e r m f o r m u l a雷利公式R a y l e i g h e q u a t i o n冷冻系数c o e f f i c i e n t o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n冷却曲线c o o l i n g c u r v e离解热h e a t o f d i s s o c i a t i o n离解压力d i s s o c i a t i o n p r e s s u r e离域子系统n o n-l o c a l i z e d p a r t i c l e s y s t e m s离子的标准摩尔生成焓s t a n d a r d m o l a r f o r m a t i o n o f i o n离子的电迁移率m o b i l i t y o f i o n s离子的迁移数t r a n s p o r t n u m b e r o f i o n s离子独立运动定律l a w o f t h e i n d e p e n d e n t m i g r a t i o n o f i o n s离子氛i o n i c a t m o s p h e r e离子强度i o n i c s t r e n g t h理想混合物p e r f e c t m i x t u r e理想气体i d e a l g a s理想气体的绝热指数a d i a b a t i c i n d e x o f i d e a l g a s e s理想气体的微观模型m i c r o-m o d e l o f i d e a l g a s理想气体反响的等温方程i s o t h e r m a l e q u a t i o n o f i d e a l g a s e o u s r e a c t i o n s理想气体绝热可逆过程方程a d i a b a t i c r e v e r s i b l e p r o c e s s e q u a t i o n o f i d e a l g a s es理想气体状态方程s t a t e e q u a t i o n o f i d e a l g a s理想稀溶液i d e a l d i l u t e s o l u t i o n理想液态混合物p e r f e c t l i q u i d m i x t u r e粒子p a r t i c l e s粒子的配分函数p a r t i t i o n f u n c t i o n o f p a r t i c l e s连串反响c o n s e c u t i v e r e a c t i o n s链的传递物c h a i n c a r r i e r链反响c h a i n r e a c t i o n s量热熵c a l o r i m e t r i c e n t r o p y量子统计q u a n t u m s t a t i s t i c s量子效率q u a n t u m y i e l d临界参数c r i t i c a l p a r a m e t e r临界常数c r i t i c a l c o n s t a n t临界点c r i t i c a l p o i n t临界胶束浓度c r i t i c a l m i c e l l e c o n c e n t r a t i o n临界摩尔体积c r i t i c a l m o l a r v o l u m e临界温度c r i t i c a l t e m p e r a t u r e临界压力c r i t i c a l p r e s s u r e临界状态c r i t i c a l s t a t e零级反响z e r o o r d e r r e a c t i o n流动电势s t r e a m i n g p o t e n t i a l流动功f l o w w o r k笼罩效应c a g e e f f e c t路易斯-兰德尔逸度规那么L e w i s-R a n d a l l r u l e o f f u g a c i t y 露点d e w p o i n t露点线d e w p o i n t l i n e麦克斯韦关系式M a x w e l l r e l a t i o n s麦克斯韦速率分布M a x w e l l d i s t r i b u t i o n o f s p e e d s麦克斯韦能量分布M a x w e l I d i s t r i b u t i o n o f e n e r g y毛细管凝结c o n d e n s a t i o n i n c a p i l l a r y毛细现象c a p i l l a r y p h e n o m e n a米凯利斯常数M i c h a e l i s c o n s t a n t摩尔电导率m o l a r c o n d u c t i v i t y摩尔反响焓m o l a r r e a c t i o n e n t h a l p y摩尔混合熵m o l e e n t r o p y o f m i x i n g摩尔气体常数m o l a r g a s c o n s t a n t摩尔热容m o l a r h e a t c a p a c i t y摩尔溶解焓m o l e d i s s o l u t i o n e n t h a l p y摩尔稀释焓m o l e d i l u t i o n e n t h a l p y内扩散控制i n t e r n a l d i f f u s i o n s c o n t r o l内能i n t e r n a l e n e r g y内压力i n t e r n a l p r e s s u r e能级e n e r g y l e v e l s能级分布e n e r g y l e v e l d i s t r i b u t i o n能量均分原理p r i n c i p l e o f t h e e q u i p a r t i t i o n o f e n e r g y能斯特方程N e r n s t e q u a t i o n能斯特热定理N e r n s t h e a t t h e o r e m凝固点f r e e z i n g p o i n t。
术语列表以下是常用化工术语的中英文对照列表:1.聚合物 - Polymer2.离子 - Ion3.反应器 - Reactor4.温度 - Temperature5.压力 - Pressure6.流体 - Fluid7.溶液 - Solution8.摩尔质量 - Molar mass9.等压过程 - Isothermal process10.等温过程 - Isobaric process11.等容过程 - Isochoric process12.间歇反应 - Batch reaction13.持续反应 - Continuous reaction14.催化剂 - Catalyst15.化学平衡 - Chemical equilibrium16.离子交换 - Ion exchange17.液相萃取 - Liquid-liquid extraction18.气相色谱 - Gas chromatography19.液相色谱 - Liquid chromatography20.气相质谱 - Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry21.电泳 - Electrophoresis22.光谱学 - Spectroscopy23.吸收 - Absorption24.反应速率 - Reaction rate25.反应动力学 - Reaction kinetics26.化学工程 - Chemical engineering27.材料科学 - Materials science28.环境工程 - Environmental engineering29.工艺优化 - Process optimization30.安全工程 - Safety engineering使用示例为了更好地理解这些术语的用法,以下是一些使用示例:1.。
Chapter 1enthalpy 焓entropy 熵conservation of energy principle 能量守恒原理first law of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律zeroth law of thermodynamics 热力学第零定律classical thermodynamics 经典热力学statistical thermodynamics 统计热力学surroundings 环境boundary 边界closed system 闭口系统control mass 控制质量isolated system 孤立系统open system 开口系统control volume 控制体积property 参数,性质intensive properties 强度参数extensive properties 广延参数specific properties 比参数specific volume/weight/heat/enthalpy 比容/比重/比热/比焓thermal equilibrium 热平衡mechanical equilibrium机械平衡phase equilibrium 相平衡chemical equilibrium 化学平衡state postulate 状态假设simple compressible system 简单可压缩系统independent 独立的process 过程path 路径quasi-static/quasi-equilibrium process 准平衡过程work-producing devices 输出功设备isothermal process 等温过程isobaric process 等压过程isochoric/isometric process 等容过程adiabatic process 绝热过程steady-flow process 稳流过程Celsius scale 百分温度标Fahrenheit scale 华氏温标thermodynamic temperature scale 热力学温标absolute temperature 绝对温度Kelvin scale 开尔文温标Rankine scale 兰金温度标ideal-gas temperature scale 理想气体温标constant-volume gas thermometer 定容气体温度计Chapter 2macroscopic 宏观的microscopic 微观的internal energy 内能kinetic energy 动能potential energy 势能stationary system 静止系统mass flow rate 质量流率volume flow rate 体积流率sensible energy 显能latent energy 潜能chemical energy 化学能nuclear energy 核能mechanical energy 机械能heat transfer 传热量caloric 卡/热质conduction convection radiation 导热对流辐射path function 过程函数point function 状态函数exact differentials 全微分inexact differentials 不完全微分ordinary differentials 常微分surface tension 外表张力mass flow 质量流动rate form 比率形式per unit mass/volume/time 单位质量/体积/时间PM 〔particular matter〕颗粒物质thermal conductivity 导热率Fourier’s law 傅立叶定律forced convection 强制对流free/natural convection 自然对流Newton’s law of cooling 牛顿冷却定律convection heat transfer coefficient 对流传热系数blackbody 黑体blackbody radiation 黑体辐射Stefan-Boltzmann constant 斯蒂芬-波尔兹曼常数emissivity 发射率absorptivity 吸收率reflectivity 反射率Kirchhoff’s law 基尔霍夫定律Chapter 3pure substance 纯物质compressed/subcooled liquid 过冷液体saturated vapor 饱和蒸汽superheated vapor 过热蒸汽saturated liquid-vapor mixture 饱和气液混合物saturation temperature 饱和温度/露点温度saturation pressure 饱和压力sensible heat 显热latent heat 潜热latent heat of fusion 熔化潜热latent heat of vaporization/enthalpy of vaporization 气化潜热critical 临界的vacuum cooling 真空冷却vacuum freezing 真空冷冻package icing 包装冷藏gas constant 气体常数ideal-gas equation of state / ideal-gas relation 理想气体关系式universal gas constant 通用气体常数Rmolar mass 摩尔质量Mevaporative cooler 蒸发冷却器piston-cylinder system 活塞-气缸系统crankshaft 曲轴Chapter 4moving boundary work / boundary work 边界功polytropic process 多变过程specific heat at constant volume/pressure 定容比热/定压比热a fixed mass 一定质量polynomial 多项式specific heat ratio 比热比incompressible substance 不可压缩物质Chapter 5electrolysis process 电解过程conserved property 守恒参数average velocity 平均速度conservation of mass principle 质量守恒原理mass balance / energy balance 质量平衡/ 能量平衡steady-flow process 稳流过程incompressible flow不可压缩流动flow work/energy 流动功nozzle 喷管diffuser扩压器mixing chamber混合室heat exchanger 热交换器/换热器uniform-flow process 均匀流动过程nitrogen 氮气hydrogen 氢气oxygen 氧气carbon dioxide 二氧化碳sulfur dioxide 二氧化硫Chapter 6thermal energy reservoir / heat reservoir / reservoir 蓄热器source 热源sink 热汇heat engine 热机air conditioner 空调heat pump 热泵refrigerator 制冷机refrigerant 制冷剂working fluid 工作流体COP〔coefficient of performance〕性能系数COP制冷系数RCOP制热系数HPEER (energy efficiency rating / energy efficiency ratio) 能效比thermal efficiency 热效率microprocessor 微处理机reciprocating variable-speed compressor 往复式变速压缩机perpetual-motion machine 永动机PMM1 ( perpetual-motion machine of the first kind ) 第一类永动机reversible/irreversible process 可逆/不可逆过程spark-ignition automobile engine 火花点火的汽车发动机Carnot cycle 卡诺循环Carnot engine 卡诺热机Carnot efficiency 卡诺热效率。
常见化工词汇中英文对照工艺流程连续过程 continuous process 间歇过程 batch process 工艺表达 process description 工艺特点 process feature 操作operation 反响 reaction 副反响 side reaction 絮凝floulation 浮洗 flotation 倾析 decantation 催化反响catalytical reaction 萃取 extraction 中和 neutralization 水解 hydrolysis 过滤 filtration 枯燥 drying 复原 reduction 氧化 oxidation 氢化 hydrogenation 分解 deposition 离解dissociation 合成 synthetics 吸收 absorption 吸附adsorption 解吸 desorption 结晶 crystallization 溶解solution 调节 modulate 控制 control 悬浮 suspension 循环circulation 再生 regeneration 再活化 reactivation 沥取leaching 破碎 crushing 煅烧 caloination 沉降 sedimentation 沉淀 precipitation 气化 gasification 冷冻 refrigeration 固化、结晶 solidification 包装 package 升华 sublimation 燃烧bustion 引烧 ignition 蒸馏 distillation 碳化 carbonization 压缩 pression 化学物质及特性固体 solid 液体 liquid 气体gas 化合物 pound 混合物 mixture 粉 powder 片状粉未 flake 小粒 granule 结晶 crystal 乳化物 emulsion 氧化物 oxidizing agent 复原剂 reducing agent 有机物 organic material 真空vacuum 母液 master liquor 富液 rich liquor 贫液 lean liquor 萃出物 extract 萃余物 raffinate 絮凝剂 floulants 冷冻盐水brine 酸度 acidity 浓度 concentration 碱度 alkalinity 溶解度 solubility 凝固点 solidificalion point 沸点 boiling point 熔点 melting point 蒸发率 evaporation rate 粘度viscosity 吸水的 water absorbent(a) 无水的 anhydrous(a) 外观 appearance 无色的 colorless(a) 透明的 transparent(a) 半透明的 translucent 密度 density 比重 specific gravity 催化剂 catalyst 燃烧 bustion 引燃 ignition 自然点 self-ignition temperature 可燃气体 bustible gas 可燃液体 inflammable liquid 易燃液体 volatile liquid 爆炸混合物 explosive mixture 爆炸性环境 explosive atmosphere(environment) 爆炸极限 explosive concentration limit 废水 waste water 废液waste liquid 废气 off-gas 噪声 noise pollution 成分position 挠度 deflection 力和力矩 force and moment 弯矩bending moment 应力-应变曲线 stress-strain diagram 百分比percentage 环境温度 ambient temperature 工作温度 operating 设计温度 design temperature(pressure) 相对湿度 RH=relative humidity 油渣、淤泥 sludge 杂质 impurity 化工设备泵 pump 轴流泵 axial flow pump 真空泵 vacuum pump 屏蔽泵 canned pump 柱塞泵 plunger pump 涡轮泵 turbine pump 涡流泵 vortex pump 离心泵 centrifugal pump 喷射泵 jet pump 转子泵 rotary pump 管道泵 inline pump 双作用往复泵 double action reciprocating pump 计量泵 metering pump 深井泵 deep well pump 齿轮泵 gear pump 手摇泵 hand(wobble) pump 螺杆泵 screw (spiral) pump 潜水泵 submersible pump 斜转子泵 inclined rotor pump 封闭式电磁泵 hermetically sealed magic drive pump 气升泵 air-lift-pump 轴承 bearing 叶轮 impeller 虹吸管siphon 高压容器 high pressure vessel 焚化炉 incinerator 火焰去除器 flame arrester 工业炉 furnace 烧嘴 burner 锅炉boiler 回转窑 rotary kiln 加热器 heater 电加热器 electric heater 冷却器 cooler 冷凝器 condenser 换热器 heat exchanger 反响器 reactor 蒸馏釜 still 搅拌器 agitator 混合器 mixer 静态混合器 static mixers 管道混合器 line mixers 混合槽 mixing tanks 破碎机 crusher 磨碎机 grinder 研磨机 pulverizer 球磨机 ballmill 过滤器 filter 别离器 separator 枯燥器 drier 翅片 fins 烟囱 stack 火炬 flare 筛子 screen 煅烧窑 calciner 倾析器 decanter 蒸发器 evaporator 再沸器 reboiler 萃取器extractor 离心机 centrifuger 吸附(收)器 adsorber 结晶器crystallizer 电解槽 electrolyzer 电除尘器 electric precipitator 洗涤器 scrubber 消石灰器 slaker 料仓 bin 料斗hopper 加料器 feeder 增稠器 thickener 澄清器 clarifier 分级器 classifier 浮洗器 floulator 废液池 sump 喷射器 ejector 喷头 sprayer 成套设备 package unit 仪器设备 apparatus 附属设备 aessory 旋转式压缩机 rotary pressor 往复式压缩机reciprocating pressor 水环式压缩机 nash pressor 螺杆式压缩机 helical screw pressor 离心式压缩机 centrifugal pressor 多级压缩机 mutiple stages pressor 固定床反响器 fixed bed reactor 流化床反响器 fluidized bed reactor 管式反响器tubular reactor 列管式换热器 tubular heat exchanger 螺旋板式换热器 spiral plate heat exchanger 萃取塔 extraction column 板式塔 plate column 填料塔 packed column 洗涤塔scrubber 吸收塔 absorber 冷却塔 cooling tower 精馏塔fractionating tower 汽提塔 stripper 再生塔 regenerator 造粒塔 prill tower 塔附件 tower aessories 液体分配(布)器liquid distributor 填料支持板 support plate 定距管 spacer 降液管 downer 升气管 chimney 顶(底)层塔盘 top (bottom) tray 挡板 baffle 抽出口 draw nozzle 溢流堰 weir 泡罩 bubble cap 筛板 sieve plate 浮阀 float valve 除沫器 demister pad 塔裙座 skirt 椭圆封头 elliptical head 高位槽 head tank 中间槽intermediate tank 加料槽 feed tank 补给槽 make-up tank 计量槽 measuring tank 电解槽 cell 溜槽 chute 收集槽 collecting tank 液滴别离器 knockout drum 稀释罐 thinning tank 缓冲罐surge drum 回流罐 reflux drum 闪蒸罐 flash drum 浮顶罐floating roof tank 内浮顶罐 covered floating roof tank 球罐spheroid 气柜 gas holder 湿式气柜 wet gas-holder 干式气柜dry gas-holder 螺旋式气柜 helical gas-holder 星型放料器,旋转阀 rotary valve 抽滤器 mutche filter 压滤器 filter press 压滤机 pressure filter 板框压滤器 plate-and-fram filter press 转鼓过滤器 rotary drum filter 带式过滤器 belt filter 翻盘式过滤器袋滤器 bag filter 旋风别离器 cyclone separator 盘式枯燥箱 partment tray drier 真空枯燥器 vacuum drier 隧道式枯燥器 tunnel drier 回转枯燥器 rotary drier 穿流循环枯燥器 through circulation drier 喷雾枯燥器 spray drier 气流枯燥器 pneumatic conveyor drier 圆盘式加料器 dish feeder 螺旋式加料器 screw feeder 颚式破碎机 jaw crusher 回转破碎机gyratory crusher 滚洞破碎机 roll crusher 锤式破碎机 hammer crusher 冲击破碎机 rotor impact breaker 气流喷射粉碎机 jet pulverizer 棍磨机 rod mill 雷蒙机 raymond mill 锤磨机hammer mill 辊磨机 roller mill 振动筛 vibrating screen 回转筛 rotary screen 风机 fan 罗茨鼓风机 root's blower 起重机crane 桥式起重机 bridge crane 电动葫芦 motor hoist 发电机generator 电动机 motor 汽轮机 steam turbine 管道工程 piping engineering 1 阀门 valve 阀杆 stem 内螺纹阀杆 inside screw 阀座 valve seat (body seat) 阀座环、密封圈 sealing ring 阀芯(包括密封圈,杆等) trim 阀盘 disc 阀体 body 阀盖 bon 手轮hand wheel 手柄 hand level (handle) 压盖 gland 闸阀 gate valve 平行双闸板 double disc parallel seat 楔形单闸板 split wedge 截止阀 globe valve 节流阀 throttle valve 针阀 needle valve 角阀(角式截止阀) angle valve Y型阀(截止阀) Y-valve(Y-body globe valve) 球阀 ball valve 三通球阀 3-way ball valve 蝶阀 butterfly valve 对夹式(薄片型) wafer type 偏心阀板蝶阀 offset disc (eentric) butterfly valve 斜阀盘蝶阀 canted disc butterfly valve 连杆式蝶阀 link butterfly valve 止回式蝶阀 bined non-return butterfly valve 柱塞阀piston type valve 旋塞阀 plug valve 三通旋塞阀 three-way plug valve 四通旋塞阀 four-way plug valve 旋塞 cock 衬套旋塞 sleeve cock 隔膜阀 diaphragm valve 橡胶衬里隔膜阀 rubber lined diaphragm valve 直通式隔膜阀 straight way diaphragm valve 夹紧式胶管阀 pinch valve 止回阀 check valve 升降式止回阀 lift check valve 旋启式止回阀 swing check valve 落球式止回阀 ball check valve 弹簧球式止回阀 spring ball check valve 底阀 foot valve 切断式止回阀 stop check valve 活塞式止回阀 piston check valve 翻板止回阀 flap check valve 蝶式止回阀 butterfly check valve 平安泄气阀 safety[SV] 平安泄放阀 relief valve[RV] 平安泄压阀 safety relief valve 杠杆重锤式 lever and weight type 罐底排污阀 flush-bottom tank valve 波纹管密封阀 bellow sealed valve 电磁阀 solenoid (operated) valve 电动阀 electrically(electric-motor)operated valve 气动阀 pneumatic operated valve 低温用阀 cryogenic service valve 蒸汽疏水阀 steam trap 机械式疏水阀 mechanical trap 浮桶式疏水阀 open (top) bucket trap 浮球式疏水阀 float trap 倒吊桶式疏水阀 inverted bucket trap 自由浮球式疏水阀 loose float trap 恒温式疏水阀 thermostatic trap 压力平衡式恒温疏水阀 balanced pressure thermostatic trap 热动力式疏水阀thermodynamic trap 脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀 impulse steam trap 放汽阀(自动放汽阀) (automatic) air vent valve 换向阀 diverting (reversing) valve 呼吸阀 breather valve 减压阀 pressure reducing valve 控制阀 control valve 执行机构 actuator 差压调节阀 differential pressure regulating valve 切断阀 block (shut-off, stop) valve 调节阀 regulating valve 快开阀 quick opening valve 快闭阀 quick closing valve 隔断阀 isolating valve 三通阀 three way valve 夹套阀 jacketed valve 非旋转式阀 non-rotary valve 2管子,管件,法兰管子 pipe(按标准制造的配管用管) tube(不按标准规格制造的其它用管) 钢管 steel pipe 铸铁管 cast iron pipe 衬里管 lined pipe 复合管 clad pipe 碳钢管 carbon steel[C.S.]pipe 合金钢管 alloy steel pipe 不锈钢管 stainless steel[S.S.]pipe 奥氏体不锈钢管 austenitic stainless steel pipe 铁合金钢管 ferritic alloy steel pipe 轧制钢管 wrought-steel pipe 锻铁管 wrought-iron pipe 无缝钢管 seamless[SMLS] steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe 电阻焊钢管 electric-resistance-welded steel pipe 电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管 electric-fusion(arc)-welded steel-plate pipe 螺旋焊接钢管 spiral welded steel pipe 镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 排污阀 blowdown valve 集液排放阀 drip valve 排液阀drain valve 放空阀 vent valve 卸载阀 unloading valve 排出阀discharge valve 吸入阀 suction valve 取样阀 sampling valve手动阀 hand operated(manually-operated) valve (水)龙头bibb;bib;faucet 抽出液阀(小阀) bleed valve 旁路阀 by-pass valve 软管阀 hose valve 混合阀 mixing valve 破真空阀 vacuum breaker 冲洗阀 flush valve 根部阀 root (primary, header) valve 水煤气钢管 water-gas steel pipe 塑料管 plastic pipe玻璃管 glass tube 橡胶管 rubber tube 壁厚 wall thickness[WT] 壁厚系列号 schedule number[SCH.NO.] 加厚的,加强的 extra heavy (strong) 双倍加厚的,双倍加强的 double extra heavy (strong) 弯头 elbow 异径弯头 reducing elbow 长半径弯头 long radius elbow 短半径弯头 short radius elbow 长半径180°弯头long radius return 短半径180°弯头 short radius return 三通 tee 异径三通 reducing tee 等径三通 straight tee 带支座三通base tee 45°斜三通45°lateral Y型三通true“Y“ 四通cross 异径管 reducer 同心异径管 concentric reducer 偏心异径管 eentric reducer 管接头 coupling;full coupling 活接头union 短管 nipple 预制弯管 fabricated pipe bend U型弯管“U“bend 法兰端 flanged end 万向接头 universal joint 对焊的 butt welded[BW] 螺纹的 threaded[THD] 承插焊的 socketwelded[SW] 法兰 flange[FLG] 整体管法兰 integral pipe flange 钢管法兰 steel pipe flange 螺纹法兰 threaded flange 滑套法兰 slip-on flange 平焊法兰 slip-on-welding flange 承插焊法兰 socket welding flange 松套法兰 lap joint flange[LJF] 对焊法兰 weld neck flange[WNF] 法兰盖 blind flange;blind 异径法兰 reducing flange 压力级 pressure rating(class) 突面raised face[RF] 凸面 male face 凹面 female face 全平面;满平面 flat face;full face[FF] 3.管道特殊件 piping speciality 粗滤器 strainer 过滤器 filter 临时过滤器 temporarystrainer(cone type) Y型过滤器 Y-type strainer T型过滤器 T-type strainer 永久过滤器 permanent filter 洗眼器及淋浴器eye washer and shower 视镜 sight glass 阻火器 flamearrester 喷咀;喷头 spray nozzle 喷射器 ejector 取样冷却器sample cooler 消音器 silencer 膨胀节 expansion joint 波纹膨胀节 bellow 补偿器 pensator 软管接头 hose connection[HC] 快速接头 quick coupling 金属软管 metal hose 橡胶管 rubber hose 挠性管 flexible tube 特殊法兰 special flange 漏斗funnel 8字盲板 spectacle (figure 8) blind 爆破板 rupture disk 4,其它材料碳素钢 carbon steel [C.S.] 不锈钢 stainless steel[S.S.] 铸铁 cast iron[C.I.] 铝 aluminum 铜,紫铜 copper 钛 titanium 抗拉强度 tensile strength 非金属材料 non-metallic material 塑料 plastic 陶瓷 ceramic 搪瓷 porcelain enamel 玻璃 glass 橡胶 rubber 垫片 gasket[GSKT] 平垫片 flat gasket 填料 packing 型钢 shaped steel 角钢 angle steel 槽钢channel 工字钢 I-beam 宽缘工字钢或H钢 wide flanged beam 扁钢 flat bar 圆钢 round steel; rod 钢带 strap steel 网络钢板checkered plate 材料表 bill of material[BOM] 材料统计material take-off[MTO] 散装材料 bulk material 综合管道材料表 consolidated piping material summary sheet[CPMSS] 汇总表summary sheet 5.设备布置及管道设计中心线 center line 装置边界 boundary limit[BL] 区界 area limit 设备布置 equipment arrangement (layout);plot plan 标高,立面 elevation[EL] 支撑点 point of support[POS] 工厂北向 plant north 方位orientation 危险区 hazardous area classification 净正吸入压头 positive suction head 绝对标高 absolute elevation 坐标coordinate 管道研究 piping study 管道布置平面 piping arrangement plan[PAP] 管道布置 piping assembly; layout 详图detail “X“视图view “X“ “A-A“ 剖视section “A-A“ 轴测图 isometric drawing 索引图 key plan 管道及仪表流程图piping and instrument diagram[P&ID] 管口表 list of nozzles 地上管道 above ground piping 地下管道 under ground piping 管线号 line number 总管 header; manifold 旁路 by pass 常开normally open 常闭 normally closed 取样接口 sampling connection 伴热管 tracing pipe 蒸汽伴热 steam tracing 热水伴热 hot-water tracing 电伴热 electrical tracing 夹套管jacketed line 全夹套管 full jacketed 比例 scale 图 figure 草图 sketch 图例 legend 符号 symbol 件号 part n上一篇:下一篇:。
化学及化工专业词汇英语翻译(A-C)4- -p;碳化carbonmonoxyhemoglobin 一氧化碳血红蛋白carbonyl bromide 碳酰溴carbonyl chloride 碳酰氯carbonyl compound 羰基化合物carbonyl group 羰基carbonyl reagent 羰基试剂carbonyl sulfide 硫化羰carbonylation 羰基化carborundum 金刚砂carborundum brick 金刚砂砖carborundum paper 砂纸carboxyl group 羧基carboxylase 羧基酶carboxylation 羧化carboxylic 类羧酸的carboxylic acid 羧酸carboxymethyl cellulose 羧甲基纤维素carboxypeptidase 羧肽酶carboy 酸瓶carboy tilter 酸坛倾架carburan 铀铅沥青carburation 增热carburetor 增热器carburetted water gas 增烃水煤气carburization 渗碳carbylamine 胩carcass 构架carcinogens 致癌物cardamon 小豆蔻cardamon oil 小豆蔻油cardboard 纸板cardiac glycoside 强心苷cardiolipin 心脂质cardiotonic drug 强心剂carene 蒈烯carmine 胭脂红carmine lake 胭脂红色料carminic acid 胭脂红酸carnallite 光卤石carnauba wax 加洛巴蜡carnaubic acid 廿四酸carnitine 肉毒碱carnosine 肌肽carnot's cycle 卡诺循环carnot's theorem 卡诺定理carotene 胡萝卜素carotenoid 类胡萝卜素carotin 胡萝卜素carotinoid 类胡萝卜素carrier 载体carrier distillation 载体蒸馏carrier gas 载气carry over 携带carthamin 红花黄carton 纸板cartridge 弹药筒carvacrol 香芹酚carvone 香芹酮caryophyllene 丁子香烯caryophyllin 丁子香素cascade 级联阶式蒸发器cascade refrigerating system 级联冷冻系统cascade shower 级联簇射case hardening 表面硬化casein 酪朊casein glue 酪蛋白胶casein paint 酪朊涂料casein plastic 酪朊塑料caseinogen 酪朊原casing 外壳casing head gasoline 天然汽油casing of a boiler 锅炉围壁cassel brown 颜料棕casserole 勺皿cassia oil 肉桂油cassiopeium 镥cast resin 铸型尸castable refractories 耐火浆料castings 铸造物castor oil 蓖麻油catabolism 异化酌catabolite 降解产物catalase 过氧化氢酶catalysis 催化catalyst 催化剂catalyst carrier 催化剂载体catalyst selectivity 催化剂选择性catalyst surface area 催化剂表面积catalytic action 催化酌catalytic activity sequence 催化活性序列catalytic analysis 催化分析catalytic aromatization 催化芳化catalytic combustion 催化燃烧catalytic cracking 催化分解catalytic hydrogenation 催化氢化catalytic oxidation 催化氧化catalytic poison 催化毒catalytic polymerization 催化聚合catalytic reaction 催化反应catalytic reduction 催化还原catalytic reforming 催化改质catalyzer 催化剂cataphoresis 电泳catastrophe theory 突变理论catcher 捕集器catechin 八茶酸catechol 八茶酚catecholamine 八茶酚胺catenane 套环烷catgut 肠线catharometer 气体分析仪catharometry 气体分析法cathepsin 组织蛋白酶cathetometer 测高计cathode 阴极cathode drop 阴极电势降cathode efficiency 阴极效率cathode fall 阴极电势降cathode layer 阴极层cathode luminescence 阴极发光cathode ray 阴极射线cathode ray luminescence 阴极射线发光cathode ray oscillograph 阴极线示波器cathodic inhibitor 阴极抑制剂cathodic polarization 阴极极化cathodic protection 阴极防蚀cathodic reaction 阴极反应cathodic reduction 阴极还原catholyte 阴极电解液cation 阳离子cation exchange 阳离子交换cation exchange membrane 阳离子交换膜cation exchange resin 阳离子交换尸cation soap 阳离子皂cationic detergent 阳离子型洗涤剂cationic dye 阳离子染料cationic heteroatom 阳异原子cationic polymerization_ 阳离子聚合cationic surface active agent 阳离子表面活性剂cationic surfactant 阳离子表面活性剂cationoid reagent 阳离子试剂cationotropy 阳离子移变caulking compound 嵌缝填料causality 因果律caustic alkali 苛性碱caustic baryta 氢氧化钡caustic lime 苛性石灰caustic potash 氢氧化钾caustic soda 苛性苏打caustic wash 碱洗causticity 苛性度caustification 苛化cavitation 空穴现象cedar oil 雪松油cedrene 雪松烯ceiling temperature 顶棚温度celestine 天青石celestite 天青石celite c 盐cell 电池;细胞cell constant 电池常数cellobiase 纤维二糖酶cellobiose 纤维二糖cellophane 玻璃纸cellosolve 溶纤剂cellular constituent 细胞成分cellular plastics 泡沫塑料cellular rubber 海绵橡胶cellular structure 细胞状结构cellulase 纤维酶celluloid 赛珞璐cellulose 纤维素cellulose acetate 乙酰纤维素cellulose acetate butyrate 醋酸丁酸纤维素cellulose acetate fiber 醋酸纤维素纤维cellulose acetate rayon 醋酸纤维素人造丝cellulose ester 纤维素酯cellulose ether 纤维素醚cellulose filler 纤维填料cellulose glycolate 羧甲基纤维素cellulose hydrate 纤维素水合物cellulose micell 纤维素微胞cellulose nitrate 硝酸纤维素cellulose nitrate acetate 硝基乙酸纤维素cellulose plastics 纤维素塑料cellulose propionate 丙酸纤维素cellulose triacetate 三醋酸纤维素cellulose xanthate 黄原酸纤维素celsius scale 摄氏温标celsius thermometer 摄氏温度计cement 水泥cement clinker 水泥烧块cement copper 淀积铜cement mortar 水泥灰奖cement paste 水泥浆cementation 渗碳cementing material 粘合剂cementite 渗碳体center of mass 质量中心center of symmetry 对称中心centinormal 1%当量浓度的centipoise 厘泊centistoke 厘司central force 中心力central force field 中心力场central limit theorem 中心极限定理centrifugal analysis 离心分析centrifugal casting 离心铸造centrifugal compressor 离心压缩机centrifugal dehydrator 离心脱水机centrifugal extractor 离心萃取器centrifugal fan 离心通风机centrifugal force 离心力centrifugal governor 离心蒂器centrifugal pump 离心泵centrifugal sedimentation 离心沉降centrifugal separator 离心分离器centrifugal washer 离心洗涤器centrifugation 离心分离centrifuge refining 离心精制centripetal force 向心力cephaeline 吐根酚碱cephaline 脑磷脂ceramic industry 陶瓷工业ceramic membrane 陶瓷膜ceramics 陶瓷ceramography 陶瓷相学ceramoplastics 陶瓷塑料cerargyrite 角银矿cerate 蜡剂cereal 谷物cerebronic acid 脑酮酸cerebroside 脑甘脂ceresin 木炭ceresine 地蜡ceria 二氧化铈ceric oxide 二氧化铈ceric sulfate 硫酸高铈cerimetric titration 铈滴定cerimetry 铈滴定cerium 铈cerium chloride 氯化铈cerium hydroxide 氢氧化铈cerium nitrate 硝酸铈cerium oxalate 草酸铈cermet 金属陶瓷cerosin 木炭cerotic acid 蜡酸cerous compounds 三氯化铈cerous hydroxide 氢氧化铈cerous nitrate 硝酸铈cerous oxalate 草酸铈cerous salt 三价铈盐cerous sulfate 硫酸铈ceruse 碳酸铅白cerussite 白铅矿ceryl alcohol 蜡醇cesium 铯cesium alum 铯矾cesium chloride 氯化铯cesium sulfate 硫酸铯cessation reaction 终止反应cetane 鲸蜡烷cetane number 十六烷值cetene 鲸蜡烯cetin 鲸蜡素cetyl alcohol 鲸蜡醇cetylic acid 棕榈酸chadacryst 捕获晶chain 链chain carrier 链载体chain compound 链化合物chain initiation reaction 链引发反应chain isomerism 链异构chain molecule 链型分子chain polymer 链型聚合物chain polymerization 链锁聚合chain propagation reaction 链增长反应chain reaction 链锁反应chain scission 断链chain structure 链结构chain termination 链终止反应chain transfer agent 链转移剂chain transfer reaction 链转移反应chair conformation 椅式构象chair form 椅型chalcanthite 胆矾chalcedony 玉髓chalcocite 辉铜矿chalcogen 氧族chalcogenide 氧族化合物chalcone 查耳酮chalcophile element 亲铜元素chalcopyrite 黄铜矿chalcosine 辉铜矿chalcostibite 硫铜锑矿chalk 白垩chalking 垩化chalybite 菱铁矿chamber acid 铅室酸chamber crystals 铅室晶格chamber dryer 箱式干燥机chamber kiln 房式炉chamber process 铅室法chameleon solution 哈美龙溶液chamotte 熟耐火粘土chamotte brick 耐火砖channel 通道channel black 槽法炭黑characteristic curve 特性曲线characteristic equation 特性方程characteristic radiation 特性辐射characteristic x rays 特性x 射线characterization 表征表示特性characterization factor 特性系数charcoal 木炭charcoal blast furnace 木炭鼓风炉charcoal filter 木炭过滤器charcoal gas 木炭气charcoal iron 木炭铁charcoal power 木炭粉charge 电荷;填充;充电charge cloud 电荷云charge conjugation 电荷共轭charge transfer complex 电荷转移络合物charged particle 带电粒子charged species 带电粒种charger 装料机charging 装料charging apparatus 装料设备charging current 充电电流charging hopper 装料斗charging pump 供给泵charpy impact test 单梁式冲辉验charring 碳化chaulmoogra oil 大枫子油check 检查;裂纹check analysis 检验分析check test 检查试验cheese 干酪chelate 螯合chelate compound 螯形化合物chelate effect 螯合效应chelate resin 螯合型尸chelate ring 螯形环chelating agent 螯合剂chelating ion exchange resin 螯合离子交换尸chelating ligand 螯形配合基chelation 螯合chelatometric titration 螯合滴定chelatometry 螯合滴定法chelerythrine 白屈菜季铵碱chelidonic acid 白屈菜酸chemical actinometer 化学光量计chemical action 化学酌chemical activity 化学活性chemical affinity 化学亲和力chemical analysis 化学分析chemical apparatus 化学仪器chemical atomic weight 化学原子量chemical balance 化学天平chemical bleaching 化学漂白chemical bond 化学键chemical change 化学变化chemical cleaning 化学脱垢chemical composition 化学组成chemical compound 化合物chemical constitution 化学结构chemical corrosion 化学腐蚀chemical creep 化学蠕变chemical decomposition 化学分解chemical dosimeter 化学剂量计chemical dosimetry 化学剂量测定chemical element 化学元素chemical energy 化学能chemical engineer 化学工程师chemical engineering 化学工程chemical equation 化学方程式chemical equilibrium 化学平衡chemical equivalent 化学当量chemical erosion 化学侵蚀chemical evolution 化学进化chemical fertilizer 化学肥料chemical formula 化学式chemical glass 化学玻璃chemical indicator 化学指示剂chemical industry 化学工业chemical ion pump 化学离子泵chemical kinetics 化学动力学chemical laser 化学激光器chemical mechanism 化学机理chemical modification 化学改质chemical nomenclature 化学命名法chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量chemical physics 化学物理学chemical plant 化工厂chemical polarization 化学极化chemical polishing 化学抛光chemical porcelain 化学瓷器chemical potential 化学势chemical process 化学过程chemical property 化学性质chemical pulp 化学纸浆chemical rays 化学射线chemical reaction 化学反应chemical reactor 化学反应器chemical relaxation method 化学松弛法chemical resistance 耐化学性chemical ripening 化学熟成chemical seasoning 化学刀剂chemical sensitization 化学增感chemical sensor 化学传感剂chemical shift 化学位移chemical shift anisotropy 化学位移异向性chemical simulation 化学模拟法chemical stoneware 耐酸陶器chemical stress relaxation 化学应力松弛chemical structure 化学结构chemical symbol 化学符号chemical synthesis 化学合成chemical technology 化学工艺学chemical thermodynamics 化学热力学chemical treatment 化学处理chemical weapon 化学武器chemically pure 化学纯chemicals 化学药品chemichromatography 化学色谱法chemicophysics 化学物理学chemiground wood pulp 化学磨木浆chemiluminescence 化学发光chemism 化学机理chemisorption 化学吸着chemist 化学家chemistry 化学chemization 化学化chemoautotrophy 化学自养chemobiodynamics 化学生物动力学chemofossils 化学化石chemography 化学成分图解法chemomagnetization 化学磁化chemometrics 化学计量学chemometry 化学计量chemonite 亚砷铜铵chemorheology 化学龄学chemosensitivity 化学敏感性chemosmosis 化学渗透chemosynthesis 化学合成chemotherapeutic 化学治疗剂chemotherapy 化学疗法chemotoxic zone 化学毒性带chenopodium oil 土荆芥油chi square distribution 卡方分布chi square test 卡方检验chicle 糖胶屎chile nitre 智利硝石chiller 激冷器冷冻机chilling machine 激冷器冷冻机chimyl alcohol 鲛肝醇china clay 瓷土china wood oil 桐油chinese ink 中国墨chip 碎片chiral molecules 手性分子chirality 手赵称性chitin 甲壳质chitinase 壳质酶chitosamine 壳糖胺chitosan 壳聚糖chloral 氯醛chloral formamide 氯醛甲酰胺chloral hydrate 水合氯醛chloralose 氯醛糖chloramine 氯胺chloramphenicol 氯胺苯醇chloranil 氯醌chlorate 氯酸盐chlorazide 叠氮化氯chlordane 氯丹chlorhydrination 氯配位水分子chloric acid 氯酸chloride 氯化物chloridometry 氯测量法chlorinated biphenyl 氯化联苯chlorinated lime 漂白粉chlorinated rubber 氯化橡胶chlorination 氯化酌;氯化chlorine 氯chlorine bleaching 氯漂白chlorine consumption 耗氯量chlorine detonating gas 氯爆鸣气chlorine gas 氯气chlorine peroxide 二氧化氯chlorine water 氯水chlorite 亚氯酸盐chloro bromide paper 氯溴化银纸chloroacetate 氯醋酸盐chloroacetic acid 氯醋酸chloroauric acid 氯金酸chloroazotic acid 王水chlorobenzene 氯苯chlorobutanol 氯代丁醇chloroethylene 氯乙烯chloroform 氯仿chlorogold acid 氯金酸chlorohydrin 氯代醇chlorohydrine 氯醇chloromethane 甲基氯chloromethylation 氯甲基化酌chlorometry 氯量滴定法chloronaphthalene 氯萘chlorophyll 叶绿素chloropicrin 氯化苦chloroplatinate 氯铂酸盐chloroplatinic acid 氯铂酸chloroplatinite 氯亚铂酸盐chloroplatinous acid 氯亚铂酸chloroprene 氯丁二烯chloroprene rubber 氯丁二烯橡胶chloropropylene oxide 氯丙撑氧chlorosulfonic acid 氯磺酸chlorotetracycline 氯四环素chlorotrifluoroethylene 氯三氟乙烯chlorphenol red 氯酚红choke damp 窒息气cholesteric state 胆甾醇状态cholesterine 胆甾醇cholesterol 胆甾醇cholic acid 胆酸choline 胆碱choline esterase 胆碱酯酶chondrite 球粒陨石chondroitin 软骨碱chondromucoid 软骨粘蛋白chondrosamine 软骨糖胺chop type feeder 断续式给料器chorda chirurgicalis 肠线chroma 色度感chromate 铬酸盐chromatic aberration 色象差chromatic color 彩色chromaticity 色度chromaticity diagram 色度图chromatogram 色谱图chromatographic adsorption 色层吸附chromatographic analysis 色层分析法chromatography 色层法chrome alum 铬矾chrome brick 铬砖chrome dye 铬染料chrome green 铬绿chrome iron ore 铬铁矿chrome leather 铬革chrome magnesite brick 铬镁砖chrome mordant 铬媒染剂chrome orange 铬橙chrome plating 镀铬chrome red 铬红chrome tanning 铬chrome yellow 铬黄chromic acid 铬酸chromic acid mixture 铬酸混和液chromic anhydride 铬酸酐chromic chloride 氯化铬chromic oxide 铬绿chromic salt 三价铬盐chromite brick 铬砖chromium 铬chromium acetate 醋酸铬chromium chloride 氯化铬chromium compound 铬化合物chromium hydroxide 氢氧化铬chromium oxide 铬绿chromium plating 镀铬chromium sulfate 硫酸铬chromium trioxide 三氧化铬chromogen 色原chromoisomerism 异色异构chromone 色酮chromophore 发色团chromoprotein 色素蛋白chromoscope 色度计chromosome 染色体chromotropic acid 铬变酸chromous salt 亚铬盐chromyl chloride 铬酰氯chronoamperometry 计时安培分析法chronopotentiometry 计时电位滴定法chrysene 屈chrysin 白杨黄素chrysoberyl 金绿宝石chrysoidine 柯衣汀chrysolite 橄榄石chrysophenine 直接菊黄chymosin 凝乳酶chymotrypsin 胰凝乳蛋白酶chymotrypsinogen 胰凝乳蛋白酶原cigarette burning 端面燃烧ciguatoxin 雪卡毒素cinchona alkaloid 金鸡纳生物碱cinchona bark 金鸡纳胜cinchonine 辛可宁cinder 煤渣;熔渣cineole 桉试cinnabar 朱砂cinnamate 肉桂酸盐cinnamic acid 肉桂酸cinnamic alcohol 肉桂醇cinnamic aldehyde 肉桂醛cinnamon oil 肉桂油cinnoline 噌啉circuit element 线路元件circular chromatography 环形色谱法circular deoxyribonucleic acid 环状脱氧核糖核酸circular dichroism 圆二色性circular motion 圆运动circulating pump 循环泵cis 顺式cis form 顺式cis isomer 顺式异构体cis isomerism 顺式异构cis position 顺位cis trans isomerism 顺反异构citral 柠檬醛citrate 柠檬酸盐citric acid 柠檬酸citric acid fermentation 柠檬酸发酵citronella oil 香茅油citronellal 香茅醛citronellol 香茅醇citrulline 瓜氨酸city gas 城市气civetone 香猫酮claisen condensation 克莱森缩合claisen flask 克莱森瓶clamp 钳clarain 亮煤clarification 澄清clarifier 澄清剂clarifying agent 澄清剂clarite 硫砷铜矿clarity 透萌clark cell 克拉克电池clarke number 克拉克数classical quantum theory 经典量子论classification 分类classifier 分级器分粒器clathrate compound 包含化合物clathrate polymerization 笼形包合clay 粘土clay mineral 粘土矿物clay refining 白土精制clay regeneration 白土再生clean surface 清洁表面cleaner 净化器cleaning agent 净化剂cleanser 净化剂clear lacquer 清喷漆clearity 透萌cleavage 劈开cleveite 钇铀矿cleveland tester 克利夫兰试验器clinker 熔块clinker brick 炼砖clinker mineral 烧结矿物clinograph 孔斜计clip 夹cloisonne 景泰蓝closed cup flash test 闭杯闪点试验closed cycle 闭路closed shell 闭壳clot 凝固cloud chamber 云室cloud point 浊点clove oil 丁香油cluster compound 簇状化合物cluster expansion 集团展开cluster ion 离子群coacervate 凝聚层coacervation 凝聚coadsorption 共吸附coagel 凝聚胶coagulant 凝聚剂coagulase 凝洁酶coagulating bath 凝固浴coagulation 凝结coagulation of blood 血液凝结coagulation value 凝结值coagulative power 凝结力coal 煤coal carbonization 焦化coal dressing 选煤coal dust 煤粉coal gas 煤气coal gasification 煤气化coal preparation 选煤coal property 煤质coal sludge 煤淤泥coal tar 煤焦油coal tar dyes 煤焦油染料coal tar oil 煤焦油coal tar pitch 煤焦油沥青coalification 煤化酌coarse crushing 粗碎coarse grained 粗颗粒的coated fabric 涂层织物coating material 涂料cobalt 钴cobalt bloom 钴华cobalt blue 钴蓝cobalt carbide 碳化钴cobalt chloride 氯化钴cobalt compound 钴化合物cobalt glass 钴玻璃cobalt green 钴绿cobalt hydroxide 氢氧化钴cobaltic chloride 氯化高钴cobaltite 辉钴矿cobaltous chloride 氯化亚钴cocaine 可卡因cocarboxylase 辅羧酶cocatalyst 助催化剂cochineal 胭脂虫红cochineal solution 胭脂红溶液cock 栓coconut oil 椰子油cod liver oil 鱼肝油codeine 可待因codimer 共二聚体codon 码字>coefficient 系数coefficient of cubic expansion 体积膨胀系数coefficient of friction 摩擦系数coefficient of linear expansion 线膨胀系数coefficient of mass transfer 质量传递系数coefficient of thermal conductivity 导热系数coefficient of variation 变异系数coefficient of viscosity 粘度系数coenzyme 辅酶coffeine 咖啡因coherence 相干性coherent scattering 相干散射cohesion 内聚cohesive energy 内聚能cohesive energy density 内聚能密度cohesive force 内聚力coil condenser 旋管冷凝器coil pipe 蛇管coincidence boundary 重合边界coincidence method 符合法cokability 成焦性coke 焦炭coke breeze 焦炭屑coke oven 炼焦炉coke oven gas 焦炉煤气coke oven plant 炼焦炉设备coke oven tar 焦炉焦油coking 炼焦coking coal 炼焦用煤coking property 成焦性colchicine 秋水仙碱colcothar 褐红色铁氧化物cold bath 冷浴cold calendering 冷轧光cold cream 冷膏cold crushing strength 低温压碎强度cold drawing 冷拔cold flow 冷流cold lime soda process 冷石灰苏打法cold molding 冷压cold mordanting 冷媒染cold polymerization 冷聚合cold press 冷压cold resistance 冷态电阻cold rubber 冷聚合橡胶cold setting adhesive 冷固胶cold setting glue 冷固胶cold storage 冷藏cold stretch 冷拉伸cold test 冷试验cold vulcanization 冷硫化cold work 冷加工collagen 骨胶原collargol 胶体银collection trap 收集阱collective model 集体模型collector 捕集剂collidine 可力丁colligative properties 依数性collision 碰撞collision distance 碰撞距离collision theory 碰撞理论collodion 火胶collodion cotton 胶棉collodion emulsion 火胶乳液collodion wool 胶棉colloid 胶体colloid chemistry 胶体化学colloid mill 胶体磨colloidal catalyst 胶质催化剂colloidal electrolyte 胶态电解质colloidal fuel 胶态燃料colloidal graphite 胶体石墨colloidal particle 胶粒colloidal silver 胶体银colloidal solution 胶体溶液colloidal state 胶态colloidal structure 胶状结构colloidal substance 胶质colloidal sulphur 胶态硫colloidal system 胶态物系colloidal titration 胶体滴定collotype 珂罗版colloxylin 胶棉colophony 松香color acid 色酸color center 彩色中心color change interval 变色间隔color combination 配色color comparator 比色仪color comparison tube 比色管color coupler 彩色偶合剂color development 彩色显影color disk 色盘color fastness 染色坚牢度color filler 彩色填充剂color filter 滤色片color index 比色指数color matching 配色color material 色材color mill 颜料研磨机color photography 彩色照相color pyrometer 色测高温计color reaction 显色反应color saturation 色饱和度color scale 比色刻度尺color sensation 彩色感觉color sensitizer 彩色感光剂color sensitizing 彩色增感color sensitizing dye 彩色增感染料color separation 彩色分离color stability 彩色稳定性color standard 色标准color tone 色调colorant 着色剂coloration 着色colored glass 有色玻璃colored glaze 色彩釉colored plating 有色镀金colored portland cement 有色波特兰水泥colorimeter 比色计colorimetric analysis 比色分析colorimetric determination 比色法colorimetric titration 比色滴定colorimetry 比色法coloring 着色coloring agent 着色剂coloring matter for food 食用色素coloring metal 着色金属coloring power 着色力columbin 咖伦宾columbium 钶column 塔column chromatography 柱状色谱分离法column development chromatography 柱展开色谱column plate 塔板column still 分馏柱column tower 孔板塔colza oil 菜籽油comb structure 梳状结构combination 化合combination principle 并合原理combined carbon 结合碳combined chlorine content 化合氯量combined sulfur 化合硫combined water 结合水combining weight 化合量combustibility 可燃性combustible 可燃物combustible gas 可燃气体combustion 燃烧combustion analysis 燃烧分析combustion apparatus 燃烧装置combustion boat 燃烧舟combustion chamber 燃烧室combustion efficiency 燃烧效率combustion furnace 燃烧炉combustion gas 燃烧气体combustion heat 燃烧热combustion method 燃烧方法combustion pipet 燃烧球管combustion product 燃烧产物combustion reaction 燃烧反应combustion temperature 燃烧温度combustion test 燃烧试验combustion tube 燃烧管combustion velocity 燃烧速度combustion zone 燃烧区commercial fertilizer 商品肥料common glass 普通玻璃common ion effect 共同离子效应common salt 食盐communicating vessels 连通器commutation relation 交换关系commutative group 可换群commutator 对易子comonomer 共聚用单体comparative method 比较法comparator 比较器comparison liquid 比较液compartment dryer 箱式干燥机compatibility 相容性compensating lead 补偿导线compensation method 补偿法competitive inhibition 竞争性抑制compiler 自动编码器complementary color 互补色complete analysis 完全分析complete combustion 完全燃烧complete differential 恰当微分complete gasification 完全气化complete manure 完全肥料complete saturation 完全饱和complete treatment of nepheline 霞石完全处理complex 络合物complex catalyst 络合催化剂complex chromatography 络合物色谱法complex compound 络合物complex ion 络离子complex number 复数complex radical 复基complex reaction 复合反应complex salt 复盐complex treatment of sea water 海水综合处理complexing agent 络化剂complexometric titration 络合滴定法complexometry 络合滴定法component 组分composite material 复合材料composite particle 复合粒子composite yeast 复合酵母composition 组成compost 堆肥compound 化合物compound fertilizer 复合肥料compound lipid 复合脂质compound microscope 复式显微镜compound protein 复合蛋白compressed air 压缩空气compressed gas 压缩气体compressed petroleum gas 液化石油气体compressed yeast 压缩酵母compressibility 压缩性compressible fluid 可压缩性铃compression 压缩compression ignition 压缩点火compression molding 压缩模compression ratio 压缩率compression set 压缩永久变形compression stroke 压缩行程compressive strength 耐压强度compressor 压缩机compressor oil 压缩机油computed tomography 计算断层照相法computer 电子计算机computer chemistry 计算机化学computer control 计算机控制conalbumin 伴白朊concentrate 浓缩物concentrated acid 浓酸concentrated latex 浓缩胶乳concentrated nitric acid 浓硝酸concentrated solution 浓溶液concentrated sulfuric acid 浓硫酸concentration 浓度;浓缩concentration cell 浓差电池concentration gradient 浓度梯度concentration limit 极限浓度concentration overvoltage 浓差超电势concentration polarization 浓差极化concentration potential 浓差电势concentratometer 浓度计concentrator 浓缩器concrete 混凝土concrete mixer 混凝土机condensate 冷凝物condensation 冷凝condensation chamber 冷凝室condensation curve 冷凝曲线condensation polymerization 缩合聚合condensation product 缩合物condensation reaction 缩合反应condensation resin 缩合尸condensed borate 聚合硼酸盐condensed film 凝聚膜condensed phosphate 多聚磷酸酯condensed ring 稠环condensed water 冷凝水condenser 冷凝器condenser lens 聚光透镜condenser paper 电容平condenser spark 电容火花condensing agent 缩合剂condensing mirror 聚光镜condensing tower 冷凝塔conditionof equilibrium 平衡条件conditional stability constant 条件稳定常数conditioning 第conductance 传导性conductance water 电导水conducting paint 电导性涂料conducting polymer 导电聚合物conduction electron 传导电子conductive rubber 导电橡胶conductivity 传导性conductivity measuring apparatus 电导率测量装置conductivity watrer 电导水conductometer 电导计conductometric analysis 电导分析法conductometric titration 电导滴定法conductor 导体cone 锥cone classifier 锥形分级机cone crusher 锥形压碎机configuration 构型configuration interaction 构型相互酌confining liquid 封闭液confirmation 证实confirmatory reaction 验证反应conformation 构象conformational analysis 构象分析congelation 凝固congestin 海葵毒素conglomerate 砾岩congo red 刚果红congo red test paper 刚果红试纸conhydrine 毒芹羟碱conical ball mill 锥形球磨机conical beaker 锥形瓶conical quartering 锥形四分法coniferol 松柏醇coniferyl alcohol 松柏醇coniine hydrobromide 氢溴酸欧毒芹硷conjugate acid 共轭酸conjugate acid base pair 共轭酸碱偶conjugate addition 共轭加成conjugate base 共轭碱conjugate fiber 双组分纤维conjugate point 共轭点conjugated diene 共轭二烯conjugated double bond 共轭双键conjugated lipid 结合脂质conjugated polyene 共轭聚烯conjugated polymers 共轭聚合物conjugated protein 结合蛋白质conjugated system 共轭系conjugation 共轭conjugation effect 共轭效应consecutive reaction 连锁反应conservative system 保守系consistency 稠度consistometer 稠度计consolute temperature 混溶温度constant 常数constant boiling mixture 恒沸点混合物constant current electrolysis 恒电羚解constant error 固定误差constant moistened sample 恒湿样品constant potential electrolysis 恒电压电解constant pressure gas thermometer 定压气体温度计constant rate drying 恒速干燥constant temperature 定温constant weight 恒重constantan 康铜constituent 构成constitution 结构constitution water 化合水constitutional formula 结构式constitutional isomer 结构异构体constitutive enzyme 组成酶constitutive property 结构性contact acid 接触酸contact action 接触酌contact adhesive 压合式粘合剂contact catalyst 接触催化剂contact corrosion 接触腐蚀contact electricity 接触电contact electrode 接触电极contact filtration 接触过滤contact percolation 接触过滤contact poison 接触毒物contact potential 接触电势contact print 接触印刷contact process 接触法contact reactor 接触反应器contact resin 触压尸contact surface 接触表面contact thermometer 接触式温度计contact time 接触时间contact twin 接触双晶contamination 沾污content 含量content of starch 淀粉含量continuity 连续性continuous centrifuge 连续离心机continuous distillation 连续蒸馏continuous flow conveyor 连续了输机continuous ion exchange operation 连续离子交换操作continuous molding 连续成形continuous operation 连续操作continuous phase 连续相continuous polymerization 连续聚合continuous process 连续法continuous rectification 连续精馏continuous spectrum 连续光谱continuous variation method 连续变化法continuous x rays 连续x 射线contraction 收缩contrast developer 对照显影剂contrast test 对比试验control 控制control equipment 控制设备control test 对照试验controller 控制器convection 对流convection tube 对淋convection zone 对零convergence pressure 会聚压力convergent lens 会聚透镜conversion 转化conversion factor 换算因数converter 转炉conveyor 输送机cooler 冷却器cooling 冷却cooling action 冷却酌cooling bath 冷却浴cooling curve 冷却曲线cooling medium 冷却介质cooling pipe 冷却管cooling pond 冷却池cooling roll 冷却辊cooling surface 冷却面cooling test 冷却试验cooling tower 冷却塔cooling water 冷却水cooperative phenomenon 合字象coordinate bond 配位键coordinated water 配位水coordination 配位coordination chemistry 配位化学coordination compound 配位化合物coordination formula 配价式coordination isomer 配位异构物coordination isomerism 配位异构coordination lattice 配位晶格coordination number 配位数coordination polymer 配位高聚物coordination theory 配位理论cop dyeing 管纱染色copaiba balsam 苦配巴香膏copal 骨湃脂copal oil 骨湃油copal varnish 骨湃脂清漆copel 考佩尔铜镍合金copolyamide 共缩聚酰胺copolycondensation 共缩聚copolyester 共聚多酯copolymer 共聚物copolymerization 共聚合copolymerized oil 共聚油copper 铜copper acetate 醋酸铜copper acetylide 乙炔亚铜copper arsenite 亚砷酸铜copper chloride 氯化铜copper cyanide 氰化铜copper dish method 铜皿法copper formate 甲酸铜copper glance 辉铜矿copper hydroxide 氢氧化铜copper nitrate 硝酸铜copper number 铜值copper oxide 氧化铜copper plating 镀铜copper powder 铜粉copper stencil printing 铜版印花copper sulfate 硫酸铜copper sweetening 铜脱硫法copra 干椰子核coprecipitation 共沉淀coprecipitation method 共沉淀法copro yeast 粪甾酵母coprosterol 粪甾醇copy printing 复写印染coramine 可拉明可地阿明cordierite porcelain 堇青石瓷cordite 柯达无烟药core binder 型心粘合剂cork 软木cork acid 辛二酸cork borer 木塞穿孔器cork plate 软木板cork stopper 软木塞corn oil 玉米油corn starch 玉米淀粉corona treatment 电晕处理coronary vasodilator 冠血管扩张药corpus luteum hormone 黄体激素corpuscle 微粒corrected retention volume 校正保留体积correction 修正correction value 改正值correlation analysis 相关分析correlation coefficient 相关系数correspondence principle 对应原理corresponding state 对应状态corrodent 腐蚀剂corroding agent 腐蚀剂corrosion 腐蚀corrosion fatigue 腐蚀疲劳corrosion inhibitor 腐蚀阻抑剂corrosion resistance 耐蚀性corrosion test 腐蚀试验corrosive sublimate 升汞corrosive wear 腐蚀损耗corrosiveness 腐蚀性cortine 皮质素cortisone 皮质酮corundum 刚玉cosmetic 化妆品cosmetic industry 化妆品工业cosmic rays 宇宙线cosmochemistry 宇宙化学cosmochronology 宇宙年代学cotton 棉花cotton cellulose 棉纤维素cotton effect 科顿效应cotton fiber 棉纤维cotton flock 棉屑cotton linter 棉籽绒cotton spinning 棉纺纱cottonseed oil 棉籽油cottrell precipitator 科特雷耳静电除尘器coulomb 库仑coulomb barrier 库仑位垒coulometer 电量计coulometric analysis 电量分析coulometry 电量分析coulostatic analysis 静电分析coumarane 香豆满coumarin 香豆素coumarone 库玛隆coumarone indene resin 苯并呋喃茚尸coumarone resin 苯并呋喃尸counter 计数管counter ion 抗衡离子countercurrent 逆流countercurrent cascade 逆炼联countercurrent condenser 逆龄凝器countercurrent cooler 逆龄却器countercurrent distribution 逆林布countercurrent extraction 逆灵提countercurrent heat exchanger 逆粱热器countercurrent leaching 逆窿提counterflow 逆流couple of forces 力偶coupling 耦合coupling constant 耦合常数coupling development 彩色显影coupling dye 偶合染料coupling reaction 偶联反应covalence 共价covalent bond 共价键covalent crystal 共价晶体covalent radius 共价键半径cover glass 复盖玻璃covering power 遮盖力cozymase 辅酶cracked 裂化的cracked gas 裂化气cracked gasoline 裂化汽油cracked residue 裂化渣油cracking 裂开cracking coil 裂化蛇形管cracking process 裂化法cracking still 裂化炉crazing 裂开cream 乳油cream of tartar 酒石酸氢钾creatine 肌酸creatinine 肌酸酐creep 蠕变creosol 甲氧甲酚creosote 杂酚creosote oil 杂酚油cresol 甲酚cresol red 甲酚红cresol resin 甲酚尸cresylate 甲酚盐cresylic acid 甲苯基酸critical condensation temperature 临界冷凝温度critical constant 临界常数critical exponent 临界指数critical mass 临界质量critical micelle concentration cmc 临界胶束浓度critical moisture content 临界含湿量critical phenomenon 临界现象critical point 临界点critical pressure 临界压力。
一、常用化工词汇中英对照下面是一些常用的化工词汇中英对照:1.化学(Chemistry)2.化学工程(Chemical engineering)3.反应器(Reactor)4.催化剂(Catalyst)5.有机化学(Organic chemistry)6.无机化学(Inorganic chemistry)7.分析化学(Analytical chemistry)8.物理化学(Physical chemistry)9.热力学(Thermodynamics)10.流体力学(Fluid mechanics)11.质量传递(Mass transfer)12.热传递(Heat transfer)13.分离技术(Separation technology)14.离心机(Centrifuge)15.反应动力学(Reaction kinetics)16.蒸馏(Distillation)17.萃取(Extraction)18.吸附(Adsorption)19.冷凝器(Condenser)20.塔式反应器(Tower reactor)二、化学元素中英对照化学领域中,化学元素也是非常重要的概念。
1. 化学过程术语1.1 氧化(Oxidation)•中文:氧化•英文:Oxidation1.2 还原(Reduction)•中文:还原•英文:Reduction1.3 反应(Reaction)•中文:反应•英文:Reaction1.4 反应速率(Reaction Rate)•中文:反应速率•英文:Reaction Rate1.5 氧化反应(Oxidation Reaction)•中文:氧化反应•英文:Oxidation Reaction1.6 还原反应(Reduction Reaction)•中文:还原反应•英文:Reduction Reaction1.7 酸碱中和反应(Neutralization Reaction)•中文:酸碱中和反应•英文:Neutralization Reaction 2. 化学物质术语2.1 水(Water)•中文:水•英文:Water2.2 盐(Salt)•中文:盐•英文:Salt2.3 酸(Acid)•中文:酸•英文:Acid 2.4 碱(Alkali)•中文:碱•英文:Alkali 2.5 溶液(Solution)•中文:溶液•英文:Solution2.6 离子(Ion)•中文:离子•英文:Ion2.7 分子(Molecule)•中文:分子•英文:Molecule 2.8 化合物(Compound)•中文:化合物•英文:Compound3. 实验设备术语3.1 烧杯(Beaker)•中文:烧杯•英文:Beaker3.2 镊子(Tweezers)•中文:镊子•英文:Tweezers3.3 温度计(Thermometer)•中文:温度计•英文:Thermometer 3.4 试管(Test Tube)•中文:试管•英文:Test Tube3.5 漏斗(Funnel)•中文:漏斗•英文:Funnel3.6 量筒(Graduated Cylinder)•中文:量筒•英文:Graduated Cylinder 3.7 手套(Gloves)•中文:手套•英文:Gloves3.8 磁力搅拌器(Magnetic Stirrer)•中文:磁力搅拌器•英文:Magnetic Stirrer结论掌握化工术语的中英文对照对于理解化工过程、交流和学习非常重要。
1. 元素(Elements)•Hydrogen(氢)•Carbon(碳)•Oxygen(氧)•Nitrogen(氮)•Phosphorus(磷)•Sulfur(硫)2. 化合物(Compounds)•Water(水)•Methane(甲烷)•Ethanol(乙醇)•Sodium chloride(氯化钠)•Calcium carbonate(碳酸钙)•Ammonia(氨)3. 反应(Reactions)•Synthesis(合成)•Decomposition(分解)•Oxidation(氧化)•Reduction(还原)•Acid-base reaction(酸碱反应)•Polymerization(聚合)4. 催化剂(Catalysts)•Platinum(铂)•Palladium(钯)•Enzyme(酶)•Zeolite(沸石)•Homogeneous catalyst(均相催化剂)•Heterogeneous catalyst(非均相催化剂)5. 离子(Ions)•Cation(阳离子)•Anion(阴离子)•Sodium ion(钠离子)•Chloride ion(氯离子)•Hydroxide ion(氢氧根离子)•Nitrate ion(硝酸根离子)6. 溶液(Solutions)•Solvent(溶剂)•Solute(溶质)•Concentration(浓度)•Dilution(稀释)•Dissolve(溶解)•Precipitate(沉淀)7. 实验设备(Laboratory Apparatus)•Beaker(烧杯)•Flask(烧瓶)•Test tube(试管)•Burette(分析管)•Pipette(移液管)•Funnel(漏斗)8. 测量单位(Units of Measurement)•Gram(克)•Liter(升)•Celsius(摄氏度)•Kelvin(开尔文)•Mole(摩尔)•Milliliter(毫升)9. 聚合物(Polymers)•Polyethylene(聚乙烯)•Polypropylene(聚丙烯)•Polyvinyl chloride(聚氯乙烯)•Polystyrene(聚苯乙烯)•Polyethylene terephthalate(聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯)•Polyacrylonitrile(聚丙烯腈)10. 有机化合物(Organic Compounds)•Benzene(苯)•Ethanol(乙醇)•Acetone(丙酮)•Methanol(甲醇)•Formaldehyde(甲醛)•Acetic acid(乙酸)结论在化学及化工领域,掌握英语词汇的翻译对于学习和研究具有重要意义。
工艺流程连续过程continuous process 间歇过程batch process工艺叙述process description 工艺特点process feature操作operation反应reaction副反应side reaction絮凝flocculation浮洗flotation倾析decantation催化反应catalytical reaction 萃取extraction中和neutralization水解hydrolysis过滤filtration干燥drying还原reduction氧化oxidation氢化hydrogenation分解decomposition离解dissociation合成synthetics吸收absorption吸附adsorption解吸desorption结晶crystallization溶解solution调节modulate控制control悬浮suspension循环circulation再生regeneration再活化reactivation沥取leaching破碎crushing煅烧caloination沉降sedimentation沉淀precipitation气化gasification冷冻refrigeration固化、结晶solidification包装package升华sublimation 燃烧combustion引烧ignition蒸馏distillation碳化carbonization压缩compression化学物质及特性固体solid液体liquid气体gas化合物compound混合物mixture粉powder片状粉未flake小粒granule结晶crystal乳化物emulsion氧化物oxidizing agent还原剂reducing agent有机物organic material真空vacuum母液master liquor富液rich liquor贫液lean liquor萃出物extract萃余物raffinate絮凝剂flocculants冷冻盐水brine酸度acidity浓度concentration碱度alkalinity溶解度solubility凝固点solidificalion point 沸点boiling point熔点melting point蒸发率evaporation rate粘度viscosity吸水的water absorbent(a) 无水的anhydrous(a)外观appearance无色的colorless(a)透明的transparent(a)半透明的translucent密度density比重specific gravity催化剂catalyst燃烧combustion引燃ignition自然点self-ignition temperature可燃气体combustible gas可燃液体inflammable liquid易燃液体volatile liquid爆炸混合物explosive mixture爆炸性环境explosive atmosphere(environment) 爆炸极限explosive concentration limit废水waste water废液waste liquid废气off-gas噪声noise pollution成分composition挠度deflection力和力矩force and moment弯矩bending moment应力-应变曲线stress-strain diagram百分比percentage环境温度ambient temperature工作温度operating设计温度design temperature(pressure)相对湿度RH=relative humidity油渣、淤泥sludge杂质impurity化工设备泵pump轴流泵axial flow pump真空泵vacuum pump屏蔽泵canned pump柱塞泵plunger pump涡轮泵turbine pump涡流泵vortex pump离心泵centrifugal pump喷射泵jet pump转子泵rotary pump管道泵inline pump双作用往复泵double action reciprocating pump 计量泵metering pump深井泵deep well pump齿轮泵gear pump 手摇泵hand(wobble) pump螺杆泵screw (spiral) pump潜水泵submersible pump斜转子泵inclined rotor pump封闭式电磁泵hermetically sealed magnetic drive pump气升泵air-lift-pump轴承bearing叶轮impeller虹吸管siphon高压容器high pressure vessel焚化炉incinerator火焰清除器flame arrester工业炉furnace烧嘴burner锅炉boiler回转窑rotary kiln加热器heater电加热器electric heater冷却器cooler冷凝器condenser换热器heat exchanger反应器reactor蒸馏釜still搅拌器agitator混合器mixer静态混合器static mixers管道混合器line mixers混合槽mixing tanks破碎机crusher磨碎机grinder研磨机pulverizer球磨机ballmill过滤器filter分离器separator干燥器drier翅片fins烟囱stack火炬flare筛子screen煅烧窑calciner倾析器decanter蒸发器evaporator再沸器reboiler萃取器extractor离心机centrifuger吸附(收)器adsorber结晶器crystallizer电解槽electrolyzer电除尘器electric precipitator洗涤器scrubber消石灰器slaker料仓bin料斗hopper加料器feeder增稠器thickener澄清器clarifier分级器classifier浮洗器flocculator废液池sump喷射器ejector喷头sprayer成套设备package unit仪器设备apparatus附属设备accessory旋转式压缩机rotary compressor往复式压缩机reciprocating compressor水环式压缩机nash compressor螺杆式压缩机helical screw compressor离心式压缩机centrifugal compressor多级压缩机mutiple stages compressor固定床反应器fixed bed reactor流化床反应器fluidized bed reactor管式反应器tubular reactor列管式换热器tubular heat exchanger螺旋板式换热器spiral plate heat exchanger 萃取塔extraction column板式塔plate column填料塔packed column洗涤塔scrubber吸收塔absorber冷却塔cooling tower精馏塔fractionating tower汽提塔stripper再生塔regenerator造粒塔prill tower塔附件tower accessories液体分配(布)器liquid distributor 填料支持板support plate定距管spacer降液管downcomer升气管chimney顶(底)层塔盘top (bottom) tray挡板baffle抽出口draw nozzle溢流堰weir泡罩bubble cap筛板sieve plate浮阀float valve除沫器demister pad塔裙座skirt椭圆封头elliptical head高位槽head tank中间槽intermediate tank加料槽feed tank补给槽make-up tank计量槽measuring tank电解槽cell溜槽chute收集槽collecting tank液滴分离器knockout drum稀释罐thinning tank缓冲罐surge drum回流罐reflux drum闪蒸罐flash drum浮顶罐floating roof tank内浮顶罐covered floating roof tank球罐spheroid气柜gas holder湿式气柜wet gas-holder干式气柜dry gas-holder螺旋式气柜helical gas-holder星型放料器,旋转阀rotary valve抽滤器mutche filter压滤器filter press压滤机pressure filter板框压滤器plate-and-fram filter press 转鼓过滤器rotary drum filter带式过滤器belt filter翻盘式过滤器袋滤器bag filter旋风分离器cyclone separator盘式干燥箱compartment tray drier真空干燥器vacuum drier隧道式干燥器tunnel drier回转干燥器rotary drier穿流循环干燥器through circulation drier 喷雾干燥器spray drier气流干燥器pneumatic conveyor drier圆盘式加料器dish feeder螺旋式加料器screw feeder颚式破碎机jaw crusher回转破碎机gyratory crusher滚洞破碎机roll crusher锤式破碎机hammer crusher冲击破碎机rotor impact breaker气流喷射粉碎机jet pulverizer棍磨机rod mill雷蒙机raymond mill锤磨机hammer mill辊磨机roller mill振动筛vibrating screen回转筛rotary screen风机fan罗茨鼓风机root's blower起重机crane桥式起重机bridge crane电动葫芦motor hoist发电机generator电动机motor汽轮机steam turbine管道工程piping engineering1 阀门valve阀杆stem内螺纹阀杆inside screw阀座valve seat (body seat)阀座环、密封圈sealing ring阀芯(包括密封圈,杆等) trim阀盘disc阀体body阀盖bonnet手轮hand wheel手柄hand level (handle)压盖gland 闸阀gate valve平行双闸板double disc parallel seat楔形单闸板split wedge截止阀globe valve节流阀throttle valve针阀needle valve角阀(角式截止阀) angle valveY型阀(截止阀) Y-valve(Y-body globe valve)球阀ball valve三通球阀3-way ball valve蝶阀butterfly valve对夹式(薄片型) wafer type偏心阀板蝶阀offset disc (eccentric) butterfly valve 斜阀盘蝶阀canted disc butterfly valve连杆式蝶阀link butterfly valve止回式蝶阀combined non-return butterfly valve柱塞阀piston type valve旋塞阀plug valve三通旋塞阀three-way plug valve四通旋塞阀four-way plug valve旋塞cock衬套旋塞sleeve cock隔膜阀diaphragm valve橡胶衬里隔膜阀rubber lined diaphragm valve直通式隔膜阀straight way diaphragm valve夹紧式胶管阀pinch valve止回阀check valve升降式止回阀lift check valve旋启式止回阀swing check valve落球式止回阀ball check valve弹簧球式止回阀spring ball check valve底阀foot valve切断式止回阀stop check valve活塞式止回阀piston check valve翻板止回阀flap check valve蝶式止回阀butterfly check valve安全泄气阀safety[SV]安全泄放阀relief valve[RV]安全泄压阀safety relief valve杠杆重锤式lever and weight type罐底排污阀flush-bottom tank valve波纹管密封阀bellow sealed valve电磁阀solenoid (operated) valve电动阀electrically(electric-motor)operated valve气动阀pneumatic operated valve低温用阀cryogenic service valve蒸汽疏水阀steam trap机械式疏水阀mechanical trap浮桶式疏水阀open (top) bucket trap浮球式疏水阀float trap倒吊桶式疏水阀inverted bucket trap自由浮球式疏水阀loose float trap恒温式疏水阀thermostatic trap压力平衡式恒温疏水阀balanced pressure thermostatic trap热动力式疏水阀thermodynamic trap脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀impulse steam trap放汽阀(自动放汽阀) (automatic) air vent valve换向阀diverting (reversing) valve呼吸阀breather valve减压阀pressure reducing valve控制阀control valve执行机构actuator差压调节阀differential pressure regulating valve切断阀block (shut-off, stop) valve调节阀regulating valve快开阀quick opening valve快闭阀quick closing valve隔断阀isolating valve三通阀three way valve夹套阀jacketed valve非旋转式阀non-rotary valve2管子,管件,法兰管子pipe(按标准制造的配管用管)tube(不按标准规格制造的其它用管)钢管steel pipe铸铁管cast iron pipe衬里管lined pipe复合管clad pipe碳钢管carbon steel[C.S.]pipe合金钢管alloy steel pipe不锈钢管stainless steel[S.S.]pipe奥氏体不锈钢管austenitic stainless steel pipe铁合金钢管ferritic alloy steel pipe轧制钢管wrought-steel pipe锻铁管wrought-iron pipe无缝钢管seamless[SMLS] steel pipe焊接钢管welded steel pipe 电阻焊钢管electric-resistance-welded steel pipe电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管electric-fusion(arc)-welded steel-plate pipe螺旋焊接钢管spiral welded steel pipe镀锌钢管galvanized steel pipe排污阀blowdown valve集液排放阀drip valve排液阀drain valve放空阀vent valve卸载阀unloading valve排出阀discharge valve吸入阀suction valve取样阀sampling valve手动阀hand operated(manually-operated) valve(水)龙头bibb;bib;faucet抽出液阀(小阀) bleed valve旁路阀by-pass valve软管阀hose valve混合阀mixing valve破真空阀vacuum breaker冲洗阀flush valve根部阀root (primary, header) valve水煤气钢管water-gas steel pipe塑料管plastic pipe玻璃管glass tube橡胶管rubber tube壁厚wall thickness[WT]壁厚系列号schedule number[SCH.NO.]加厚的,加强的extra heavy (strong)双倍加厚的,双倍加强的double extra heavy (strong) 弯头elbow异径弯头reducing elbow长半径弯头long radius elbow短半径弯头short radius elbow长半径180°弯头long radius return短半径180°弯头short radius return三通tee异径三通reducing tee等径三通straight tee带支座三通base tee45°斜三通45°lateralY型三通true"Y"四通cross异径管reducer同心异径管concentric reducer偏心异径管eccentric reducer管接头coupling;full coupling活接头union短管nipple预制弯管fabricated pipe bendU型弯管"U"bend法兰端flanged end万向接头universal joint对焊的butt welded[BW]螺纹的threaded[THD]承插焊的socket welded[SW]法兰flange[FLG]整体管法兰integral pipe flange钢管法兰steel pipe flange螺纹法兰threaded flange滑套法兰slip-on flange平焊法兰slip-on-welding flange承插焊法兰socket welding flange松套法兰lap joint flange[LJF]对焊法兰weld neck flange[WNF]法兰盖blind flange;blind异径法兰reducing flange压力级pressure rating(class)突面raised face[RF]凸面male face凹面female face全平面;满平面flat face;full face[FF]3.管道特殊件piping speciality粗滤器strainer过滤器filter临时过滤器temporary strainer(cone type) Y型过滤器Y-type strainerT型过滤器T-type strainer永久过滤器permanent filter洗眼器及淋浴器eye washer and shower 视镜sight glass阻火器flame arrester喷咀;喷头spray nozzle喷射器ejector取样冷却器sample cooler 消音器silencer膨胀节expansion joint波纹膨胀节bellow补偿器compensator软管接头hose connection[HC]快速接头quick coupling金属软管metal hose橡胶管rubber hose挠性管flexible tube特殊法兰special flange漏斗funnel8字盲板spectacle (figure 8) blind爆破板rupture disk4,其它材料碳素钢carbon steel [C.S.]不锈钢stainless steel[S.S.]铸铁cast iron[C.I.]铝aluminum铜,紫铜copper钛titanium抗拉强度tensile strength非金属材料non-metallic material塑料plastic陶瓷ceramic搪瓷porcelain enamel玻璃glass橡胶rubber垫片gasket[GSKT]平垫片flat gasket填料packing型钢shaped steel角钢angle steel槽钢channel工字钢I-beam宽缘工字钢或H钢wide flanged beam扁钢flat bar圆钢round steel; rod钢带strap steel网络钢板checkered plate材料表bill of material[BOM]材料统计material take-off[MTO]散装材料bulk material综合管道材料表consolidated piping materialsummarysheet[CPMSS]汇总表summary sheet5.设备布置及管道设计中心线center line装置边界boundary limit[BL]区界area limit设备布置equipment arrangement (layout);plot plan标高,立面elevation[EL]支撑点point of support[POS]工厂北向plant north方位orientation危险区hazardous area classification净正吸入压头net positive suction head绝对标高absolute elevation坐标coordinate管道研究piping study管道布置平面piping arrangement plan[PAP]管道布置piping assembly; layout详图detail"X"视图view "X""A-A" 剖视section "A-A"轴测图isometric drawing索引图key plan管道及仪表流程图piping and instrument diagram[P&ID]管口表list of nozzles地上管道above ground piping地下管道under ground piping管线号line number总管header; manifold旁路by pass常开normally open常闭normally closed取样接口sampling connection伴热管tracing pipe蒸汽伴热steam tracing热水伴热hot-water tracing电伴热electrical tracing夹套管jacketed line全夹套管full jacketed比例scale 图figure草图sketch 图例legend 符号symbol 件号part n。
化工专业英语词汇reaction kinetics 反应动力学reactant 反应物purify 精制提纯recycle 循环回收unconverted reactant未转化的反应物chemical reactortransfer of heat,evaporation,crystallization结晶drying干燥screening筛选,浮选chemical reaction化学反应cracking of petroleum石油裂解catalyst催化剂,reaction zone反应区conservation of mass and energy能量与质量守衡定律technical advance 技术进步efficiency improvement 效率提高reaction 反应separation 分离heat exchange 热交换reactive distillation 反应精馏capital expenditure 基建投资setup 装置capital outlay 费用,成本,基建投资yield 产率,收率reaction byproduct 反应副产物equilibrium constant 平衡常数waste 废物feedstock 进料,原料product 产物,产品percent conversion百分比转化率ether 乙醚gasoline汽油oxygenate content 氧含量catalyst 催化剂reactant 反应物inert 惰性物,不参加反应的物质reactive distillation 反应精馏energy saving 节约能量energy efficiency 能量效率heat-sensitive material 热敏性物质pharmaceutical 制药foodstuff 食品gas diffusivity气体扩散性,气体扩散系数gas adsorption 吸收;absorption:吸附specialty chemical特殊化学品,特种化学品batch间歇的;continuous:连续的micro-reactor 微型反应器hydrogen and methane oxidation 氢气和甲烷氧化反应ethylene epoxidation 乙烯环氧化反应phosgene synthesis 光气合成.commercial proportions 商业规模replication 复制sensor 传感器,探头separation of solids 固体分离suspension 悬浮液porous medium 多孔介质filtration 过滤medium 介质filter 过滤器trap 收集,捕集Buchner funnel 布氏漏斗Vacuum 真空conical funnel 锥形漏斗filter paper 滤纸area 面积filter cake 滤饼factor 因数,因子,系数,比例viscosity 黏度density 密度corrosive property 腐蚀性particle size 颗粒尺寸shape 形状size distribution 粒度分布packing characteristics填充性质concentration 浓度filtrate 滤液feed liquor 进料液pretreatment 预处理latent heat 潜热resistance 阻力surface layer 表面层filtering medium 过滤介质drop in pressure 压降filtering surface 过滤表面filter cake 滤饼cake filtration 饼层过滤deep bed filtration 深层过滤depth 深度law 定律net flow 净流量conduction 传导convection 对流radiation 辐射temperature gradient 温度梯度metallic solid 金属固体thermal conduction 热传导motion of unbound electrons 自由电子的运动electrical conductivity 导电性thermal conductivity 导热性poor conductor of electricity 不良导电体transport of momentum 动量传递the random motion of molecules 分子无规则运动brick wall 墙壁furnace 火炉,燃烧器metal wall of a tube 金属管壁macroscopic particle 宏观的粒子control volume 控制体enthalpy 焓macroscopic phenomenon 宏观现象forces of friction 摩擦力fluid mechanics 流体力学flux(通量,流通量)of enthalpy 焓通量eddy 尾流,涡流turbulent flow 湍流natural and forced convection 自然对流和强制对流buoyancy force 浮力temperature gradient 温度梯度electromagnetic wave 电磁波fused quartz 熔化的石英reflect 反射,inflection:折射matte无光泽的,无光的temperature level 温度高低inter-phase mass transfer界相际间质量传递rate of diffusion扩散速率acetone 丙酮dissolve 溶解ammonia 氨ammonia-air mixture 氨气-水混合物physical process 物理过程oxides of nitrogen 氮氧化物nitric acid 硝酸carbon dioxide 二氧化碳sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠actualrate of absorption 实际吸收速率two-film theory 双膜理论concentration difference 浓度差in the vicinity of 在…附近,靠近..,大约…,在…左右molecular diffusion 分子扩散laminar sub-layer 层流底层resistance 阻力,阻止boundary layer 边界层Fick’s Law费克定律is proportional to 与…成比例concentration gradient 浓度梯度plate tower 板式塔installation 装置feed 进料bottom 底部,塔底solvent 溶剂top 顶部,塔顶partial vaporization 部分汽化boiling point 沸点equimolecular counter-diffusion 等分子反向扩散ideal system 理想系统ratio of A to B A与B的比值with the result that:由于的缘故,鉴于的结果tray 塔板packed tower 填料塔bubble-cap tower 泡罩塔spray chamber 喷淋室maintenance expense 维修费foundation 基础tower shell 塔体packing material 填料pump 泵blower 风机accessory heater 附属加热器cooler 冷却器heat exchanger 换热器solvent-recovery system 溶剂回收系统operating cost 操作费用power 动力circulating gas 循环气labor 劳动力steam蒸汽regenerate再生cooling water 冷却水solvent make-up 补充溶剂optimum 最优的unabsorbed component未吸收组分purity纯度volatility挥发性vapor pressure蒸汽压liquid mixture 液体混合物condense凝缩,冷凝binary distillation双组分精馏multi-component distillation多组分精馏stage-type distillation column级板式精馏塔mount 安装,固定conduit导流管),downcomer 降液管gravity重力weir溢流堰vapor-liquid contacting device汽液接触装置valve tray浮阀塔板reboiler再沸器vaporization汽化condensate冷凝液,凝缩液overhead vapor塔顶汽体condenser冷凝器ifeed tray进料板base塔底,基础bottoms product塔底产品condensation冷凝stripping section汽提段,提馏段distillate section精馏段total condense全凝器distillate product塔顶馏出产品reflux回流thermodynamic equilibrium 热力学平衡solution溶液fractional crystallization分步结晶solubility,溶解度,溶解性soluble可溶解的solvent溶剂employ采纳,利用miscible可混合的,可溶的,可搅拌的mechanical separation 机械分离)liquid-liquid extraction 液液萃取aromatic 芳香烃的paraffin石蜡,链烷烃lubricating oil润滑油decompose分解,离解,还原,腐烂penicillin青霉素streptomycin(链霉素)precipitation沉淀,沉析ethyl alcohol乙醇)extract萃取液heat requirement热负荷solute溶质extract phase萃取相baffle-plate折流挡板,缓冲挡板settling tank沉降槽centrifuge离心.离心机,离心分离emulsifying agent乳化剂density difference密度差raffinate萃余液extract 萃取液drying of Solids 固体干燥process material过程物料(相对最终产品而言的) organic有机的,有机物的benzene苯humidity湿度moisture content湿含量drying rate干燥速率critical moisture content临界湿湿含量falling-rate降速concave (凸的,凸面)or convex(凹的,凹面)approximate to:接近,趋近straight line:直线constant-rate drying period恒速干燥阶段convection drying对流干燥drying gas干燥气体falling-rate period降速干燥阶段mean value平均值vacuum drying真空干燥discolor变色,脱色sublime升华freeze drying冷冻干燥adiabatic绝热的,不传热的pressure gradientperpendicular to:与----垂直counter-current逆流per unit area单位面积water-cooling tower水冷塔sensible heat(sensible heat:显热)water droplet水珠,水滴quantitative relation定量关系thermal diffusion热扩散at right angles to 与…成直角,与…垂直by virtue of 由于,根据,凭借于molecular transfer分子传递balance 抵消,平衡drag forces曳力a function of …的函数of the same order具有同一数量级eddy diffusion涡流扩散is almost inversely proportional to 几乎与…成反比Reynolds number雷诺准数fully developed turbulent flow充分发展湍流coefficient系数In principle从原理而言exothermic(放热的,endothermic吸热的,adiabatic绝热的)triple bond三健,三价nitrogen oxides氮氧化物compound化合物conversion转化,转化率protein蛋白质compress压缩reaction yield反应产率reaction speed反应速度one-pass(单程) reactorenergy input能量输入maximum最大的near toequilibrium接近平衡output产出,输出,产量fertilizer化肥urea尿素ammonium nitrate硝酸铵ammonium phosphate磷酸铵ammonium sulfate硫酸铵diammonium hydrogen phosphate磷酸二氢铵 ash纯碱pyridine砒啶polymers聚合物nylon尼龙acrylics丙烯酸树脂via经,由,通过,借助于hydrogen cyanide氰化氢nitric acid硝酸bulk explosive集装炸药crude oil原油natural gas天然气bitumen沥青fossil fuel化石燃料seepage渗出物asphalt沥青oil drilling采油gasoline汽油paint涂料plastic塑料synthetic rubber合成橡胶fiber纤维soap肥皂cleansing agent清洗剂wax石蜡explosive炸药oil shale油页岩deposit沉积物aquatic plant 水生植物sedimentary rock沉积岩sandstone砂岩siltstone泥岩tar sand沥青石chain-shaped链状的methane甲烷paraffin石蜡,烷烃ring-shaped(环状的)hydrocarbon naphthene环烷烃naphtha石脑油tarry柏油的,焦油的,焦油状的asphaltene沥青油impurity杂质pollutant 污染物combustion燃烧capillarity毛细现象,毛细管力viscous resistance粘性阻力barrel桶(国际原油计量单位)tanker油轮kerosene煤油heavy gas oil重瓦斯油reforming重整cracking裂化octane number of gasoline汽油辛烷值branched-chain(带支链的)materials science材料科学mechanical, thermal, chemical, electric, magnetic, and optical behavior. (机械性能、热学性能、化学性能、电学性能、磁性能、光学性能)Amalgam 汞齐,水银;混合物,交叉solid state physics固体物理学metallurgy 冶金学,冶金术magnet 磁铁,有吸引力的人或物insulation 绝缘catalytic cracking 催化裂化structural steels 结构钢computer microchip 计算机芯片Aerospace 航空Telecommunication 电信information processing 信息处理nuclear power 核能energy conversion 能量转化internal structure 内部结构defect structure 结构缺陷crystal flaw 晶体瑕疵vacant atomic site 原子空位dislocation 错位precipitate 沉淀物semiconductor 半导体mechanical disturbance 机械扰动ductility 延展性brittleness 脆性spinning electrons 旋转电子amorphous 非定型的,非晶型的,非结晶的,玻璃状的;无一定目的的,乱七八糟chemical process safety 化工过程安全exotic chemistry 奇异化学hydrodynamic model水力学模型two-phase flow两相流dispersion model分散模型toxic有毒的release释放,排放probability of failure失效概率accident prevention事故预防hard hat 安全帽safety shoe防护鞋rules and regulations 规章制度loss prevention损失预防hazard identification 危害辩识,technical evaluation技术评估safety management support安全管理基础知识safety experience安全经验technical competence技术能力safety knowledge安全知识design engineer设计师cost engineer造价师process engineering过程工程plant layout工厂布局general service facilities公用工程plant location工厂选址close teamwork紧密的团队协作specialized group专业组storage仓库waste disposal废物处理terminology术语,词汇accountant会计师,会计,出纳final-proposal决议tangible return有形回报Empirical model 经验模型process control(过程控制)first-principles基本原理,基本规则regression model回归模型.operating condition操作条件nonlinear-equation-solving technique非线性方程求解技术process-simulation software packages过程模拟软件包least-squares-regression最小二乘法statistical technique 统计技术intensity强度,程度phenomenological model 现象模型model identification模式识别neural network神经网络a priori:先验的,既定的,不根据经验的,由原因推出结果的,演绎的,直觉的process data historian:过程数据历史编撰师qualitative定性的quantitative precision定量的精确high-fidelity高保真的computationally intensive计算量大的mathematical expressionsteady-state model稳态模型bioengineering生物工程artificial人工的hearing aid助听器artificial limb假肢supportive or substitute organ辅助或替代器官biosynthesis生物合成life scientist生命科学家agricultural engineer农艺师fermentation发酵civil engineer土木工程师sanitation卫生physiologists生理学criteria 指标human medicine人体医学medical electronics医疗电子medical instrumentation医疗器械blood-flow dynamics血液流动动力学prosthetics假肢器官学biomechanics生物力学surgeon外科医生replacement organ器官移植physiologist生理学家counterpart对应物,配对物psychology心理学self-taught自学barrier障碍物medical engineering医学工程,医疗工程health care保健diagnostic application of computers计算机诊断agricultural engineering农业工程biological production生物制品生产bionics(仿生学)human-factors engineering人类与环境工程environmental health engineering环境健康工程environmentally benign processing环境友好加工commodity or specialty通用商品或特殊化学品styrene苯乙烯ibuprofen异丁苯丙酸the Chemical Manufacturers Association化工生产协会as a whole整体而言emission释放物,排放物voluntary自愿的,无偿的,义务的;有意的,随意的;民办的in the absence of无---存在deactivate失活bulk chemical 大宗化工产品Fine chemical 精细化工Pharmaceutical制药segment段,片,区间,部门,部分;弓形,圆缺;分割,切断tonnage吨位,吨数,吨产量inorganic salt无机盐hydroquinone 对苯二酚demonstrate论证,证明,证实;说明,表明,显示forefront最前线,最前沿Lewis acid不可再生的路易斯酸anhydrous无水的phaseout消除HF alkylation氰氟酸烷基化catalytic oxidation催化氧化governmental regulation政府规定pharmaceutical intermediate药物中间体stereoselective立体选择性的ketone酮functional group官能团detrimental有害的chlorofluorocarbon二氯二氟化碳,氟里昂carbon tetrachloride四氯化碳straightforward简单明了的coordinating ligand配合体,向心配合体kilogram千克thermal stability热稳定性devastate破坏,蹂躏outline描绘,勾勒membrane technology膜技术production line生产线dairy牛奶water purification水净化lifetime寿命membrane module膜组件durability 耐久性,寿命,使用期限,强度chemical additive添加剂end-of-pipe solution 最终方案closed system封闭系统substitute取代,替代technical challenge技术挑战,技术困难wastewater treatment污水处理fouling污垢,发泡surface treatment表面处理applied Chemistry应用化学nomenclature of chemical compound化学化合物的命名法descriptive 描述性的prefix前缀alkane烷烃family族carbon skeleton碳骨架chain链Latin or Greek stem 拉丁或者希腊词根suffix后缀constitute取代物,取代基homologous series同系物branched chain支链烷烃parent母链,主链derivative衍生物substituent取代基locant位次,位标replicating prefix重复前缀词Gas and Liquid Chromatography气相色谱与液相色谱analytical chemistry分析化学moving gas stream移动的气流heats of solution and vaporization溶解热和汽化热activity coefficient活度系数counteract抵消milliliter毫升essential oil香精油test mixture测试混合物sample样品helium氦argon氩carrier载体injection注射stationary nonvolatile phase静止的不挥发相detector检测器fraction collector馏分收集器columnar liquid chromatography柱状液相色谱仪retention volume保留体积retention times保留时间high-performance高性能mobile phase移动相high-efficiency高效的analyte分析物plane chromatography薄层色谱capillary action毛细管作用assay分析化验fluorescence 荧光色,荧光retardation factor保留因子,延迟因子。
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英文 中文
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics化工热力学
Engineering Thermodynamics 工程热力学
Chemical Thermodynamics 化学热力学
Classical Thermodynamics 经典热力学
Statistical Thermodynamics 统计热力学
the first law of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律
the third law of thermodynamics 热力学第三定律
generalized compressibility factor method 普遍化压缩因子法
generalized second virial coefficient method 普遍化第二维里系数
specific heat at constant pressure 恒压比热
specific heat at constant volume 恒容比热
the second virial coefficient 第二维里系数
free enthalpy (Gibbs free energy) 自由焓(Gibbs自由能)
free energy (Helmholtz free energy) 自由能(Helmholtz自由能)
negative deviation with lower azeotropic pressure负偏差,最低恒沸压力
general positive deviation 一般正偏差
general negative deviation 一般负偏差
upper azeotropic pressure 最高恒沸压力
lower azeotropic temperature 最低恒沸温度
constant boiling mixture 恒沸物
vapor-liquid two-phase region 汽液两相区
single component of pure matter 纯物质
thermodynamic temperature 绝对温度
corresponding state principle 对应态原理
specific steam consumption 汽耗率
reversible adiabatic expansion 绝热可逆膨胀
steady flow system 稳定流动体系
thermodynamic efficiency 热力学效率
principle of entropy increase 熵增原理
coefficient of performance 制冷系数
compression refrigerating system 压缩式制冷系统
Joule-Thomson effect 焦耳-汤姆森效应
Maxwell relations 麦克斯韦关系式
corresponding temperature 对比温度
critical state property 临界状态性质
compressibility factor 压缩因子
英文 中文 英文 中文 英文 中文 dimensional analysis 量纲分析Thermodynamics热力学energy 能量activity coefficient 活度系数surroundings 环境heat 热excess property 超额性质mixing rule 混合规则work 功local composition 局部组成ideal work 理想功exergy 㶲
phase equilibrium 相平衡 actual
work 实际功process 过程flash evaporation 闪蒸phase diagram 相图cycle 循环
system 孤立体系path 路径degrees centigrade 摄氏温度 isolated
azeotropic point 恒沸点throttle valve 节流阀compression 压缩irreversible process 不可逆过程Carnot Cycle 卡诺循环refrigeration 制冷heating heat pump 供热热泵open system 开放体系heat pump 热泵forward circulation 正向循环function of state 状态函数pressure 压力throttling expansion 节流膨胀reverse cycle 逆向循环property 性质supercritical fluid 超临界流体Rankine Cycle 朗肯循环fugacity 逸度superheated steam 过热蒸汽supercritical 超临界entropy 熵reversible process 可逆过程heat pump cycle 热泵循环triple point 三相点regenerative cycle 回热循环closed system 封闭体系system 体系equilibrium constant 平衡常数booster pump 增压泵 dryness 干度degree of freedom 自由度partial pressure 分压enthalpy 焓equation of state 状态方程concentration 浓度gas 气体equilibrium state 平衡状态mole fraction 摩尔分数steam 汽体intensive property 强度性质working medium工质temperature 温度extensive property 广度性质air-conditioner 空调机expansion 膨胀relative volatility 相对挥发度eccentric factor 偏心因子valume 体积process parameter 过程变量gas constant 气体常数phase rule 相律inversion temperature 转变温度internal energy 内能liquid 液体overcooled liquid 过冷液体inversion curve 转变曲线refrigerator 冰箱
cycle 再热循环turbine 透平机isothermal process 等温过程 reheated
chemical potential 化学势reduced pressure对比压力interface 分界面partial molar property 偏摩尔性质regular solution 正规溶液mixture 混合物criteria for equilibrium 平衡判据athermal solution无热溶液dew point 露点nonideal solution非理想溶液evaporator 蒸发器critical point 临界点ideal dilute solution 理想稀溶液refrigerator 制冷机bubble point 泡点vapor-liquid equilibrium汽液平衡reversible-work 可逆功condenser冷凝器spontaneous process 自发过程isobaric process 等压过程shaft work 轴功isentropic process 等熵过程isometric process等容过程flow work 流动功isenthalpic process 等焓过程residual property剩余性质lost work 损失功。