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And fare you theewell weel, my only luve, And fare thee weel a while; And I will come again, my luve, Tho’ it were ten thousand mile! Though
一朵红红的玫瑰 啊,我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰 在六月里含苞绽开; 啊,我的爱人像一首乐曲 演奏得甜美而合拍! 你是那么美丽,我的好姑娘, 我爱你那么深切: 我会永远爱你,亲爱的, 直到四海枯竭:
Scanning Focusing on para 5
Name of the movement Romantic Movement
John Keats; William Wordsworth; Representative poets Robert Burns
The poetry of the Romantic Movement often focuses on concepts like_________ freedom Features of the and_________, and tends to beauty Romantic themes use______________ and imagination touch on________________ strong feelings
Preview: something about Robert Burns Year of birth 1759 Birthplace Alloway, Scotland Personality funny and pleasant to be around Year of death 1796
Family status a poor family with many debts (状况) School(流派) The Romantic poets Main works (作品)
Robert Burns, Scotland's supreme literary hero, was born in Alloway, Sctoland in 1759. Burns had a reputation for being funny and pleasant to be around. However, he came from a family with many debts and did not ever make a lot of money.
1. Place 2. encouraged 3. Romantic 4. poets 5. Features 6. focuses 7. touch 8. mourned 9. monument 10. where
Can you understand the poem A Red, Red Rose? 土豆
风趣幽默,邻里关系好,赢得了好名声。然而,他却来自于一个背负很 多债务的家庭并且他赚钱不多。
live up to one’s reputation 不负盛名 have a reputation for以…而出名 树立…的名声 earn/establish a reputation as ruin one’s reputation
Part3. The poem ‘A Red, Red Rose’
O my Luve love is like a red, red rose, That That’s has newly sprung in June;
luve is like the melody O my love melodie
played in tune! That's sweetly playe’d .
As fair art girl , arethou you , my beautiful bonnie lass So deep in luve am I; luve you thee still, my dear, And I will love a' the seas go Till all gang dry.
Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear, wi' the sun; And the rocks melt with And I will luve thee still , my dear,
o' life shall run. While the sands of
What is Robert Burns famous for? A. He had a lot of good poetries. B. He was born in Scotland. C. He did not make a lot of money. D. He was fuuny and pleasant to be around. Robert Burns 是苏格兰的一个文学巨匠。他出生在苏格兰的阿洛韦。他
His first love
To a Mouse; The Holy Fair ; A Red, Red Rose Nelly Kirkpatrick name effect Encouraged him to on him start writing poetry
Scanning Focusing on para1-4 his death 1. All of Scotland mourned ____________, and afterwards many people ______________ donated money to support his The widow and children. way monument to him was 2. The __________ people first shown to the public in 1877 memo and about 30,000 people rize ___________________________. came out to watch him 3. The house in Alloway, where Burns was born, is now________________________. a museum of his life and work
Unit 1 Project
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot And days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We'll take a cup of kindness yet For auld lang syne.
要是你花的钱比我们的收入还多的话,我们 就要欠债了。 他有很多旧债要还。 欠债(状态) be in debt 欠债(动作) fall/run/get into debt 负债累累 be heavily/deeply in debt 还清债 pay off / repay debts 不欠债(状态) be out of debt He tried to pay off his debts, but in vain. = He tried in vain to pay off…
Robert Burns and his poetry
Do you like reading or writing poems? Why or why not? Which poem is your favourite? Why do you like it? Could you recite it for us? Which poet’s work do you enjoy reading most?
He has a reputation for his contribution to the charity.
3. The store had an excellent reputation for fair dealing. 这个商店以公平交易而出名。 4. 史密斯先生因为他的风趣幽默而出名。 Mr. Smith has a reputation for being funny and humorous.
Try to say some related words.
poetry poet rhythm rhyme topic image style emotion imagination
There are many reasons why people
write poems.
to create certain feelings or images in readers to share a feeling or experience to express a point of view to tell a story to create a mood …
When this monument in honour of him was first shown to the public in 1877 , the day was declared a holiday and about 30,000 people came out to watch. From this we can see how much the Scottish people adored Burns. The house in Alloway where Burns was born is now a museum of his life and work. Which one is not true about Burns? A. All the Scottish people adored Burns. B. There is a monument in honour of him. C. There is a museum to memorize him. D. There is a holiday in honour of him
Robert Burns(1759-1796) A supreme Scottish poet and lyricist(抒情诗人,抒 情歌曲作者) [ˈlɪrɪsɪst]
a pioneer(先驱)of the Romantic movement
Main works: To a Mouse; The Holy Fair; A Red,Red Rose
Paragraphs 1—4 Introduction ________________to Robert Burns Paragraphs 5 Some information about a movement of poets called the __________________ Romantic Movement Paragraphs 6—7 Red, Red Rose’ The poem ‘A _________________with its introduction and explanation
直到四海枯竭,亲爱的, 岩石被太阳溶解; 亲爱的,我会永远爱你, 只要生命永不停歇。 再见吧,我惟一的爱人, 我和你暂时别离! 我会回来的,我的爱人, 即使相隔万里。
have a reputation for 因...有名声 a poor family with many debts 背负债务的穷家庭 earn one’s income 赚工资 mourn one’s death 悼念...死亡 donate... to 把...捐赠给... focus on concepts 专注一些概念 touch on strong feelings 触及到强烈的感情 be intended to be 打算 divide... into... 把...分成 compare a girl to a red rose 把一个女孩比喻成 红玫瑰
败坏了某人的名誉 had the distinction of
百度文库 1.伦敦地铁因历史悠久而享誉全球。 2.他因对对慈善做出的贡献而出名。
London underground has the distinction of its long history all over the world.