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The translation of scenic-spot introductions ——景点介绍的翻译
苏堤春晓 Spring Dawn at Su Causeway
曲院风荷 Breeze-ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden
断桥残雪 Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge 平湖秋月 Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake
3.Culture default and Nonequivalence of Culture
(SL):(白马寺)创建于东汉明帝永平十一年 ( TL ) : It was built in the eleventh year of Yongping of the Eastern Han Dynasty.
• 例如在翻译乐山睡佛时“心中有佛 , 佛在心中”这八个字很值得玩味 , 从 含义上看 , 前后可互为条件或互为结 果。即“因为心中有佛 , 所以佛在我 心”或“所以心中有佛 , 是因为佛在 我 心 ” , 因 此 可 将 其 翻 译 成 “ My heart clings to Buddha, Buddha is in my heart.”
2.Give unnecessary details and humdrum
• 一块介绍三亚蜈支洲岛概况的信息牌上有一句中 文是“海水清澈透明,最高能见度达27米。”被译 作“The water of the sea of Wuzhizhou Island is limpid and transparent with the visibility down to 27 meters deep.” • 正确的译文应该是:The water is limpid and transparent with the visibility down to 27 meters.
• 一、翻译时适当变通
• 二、复杂句子简单化 • 三、运用解释或对比的方法简化翻译内容
• 四、分清主干、突出重点
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
• Tourism translation is a messenger of culture. Having a good translation, we can introduce our culture to the foreigners in an even better fashion. Based on the existing problems and errors in the English translation of Chinese scenic-spot introductions, I just put forward some suggestions for improvement from the linguistic and cultural factors and I hope it will be helpful for the translation of scenic-spot introduction.
• “羊城”被译为“City of goats” 很可能会引起文化错 位,让外国游客对广州市有不好的印象。因此“ goat” 应该替换为“ram” ,正确的译文应该是:City of Rams
4. Uninterrupted sentences
• 例如:(SL):普陀山属亚热带海洋性季风气候, 夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,温和湿润,四季宜人。岛 上植被丰茂,种类繁多,有“海岛植物园”之称 。 (TL):Mount Putuo belongs to the subtropical marine monsoon climate. It is cool in summer and warm in winter, mild and damp, and pleasing in four seasons. It is known as a “botanical garden on the sea island”, for various kinds of vegetation on the island are plentiful and luxuriant.
• 传说很久很久以前,广州全城大饥荒,民不聊生,突然 有一天从天上飞来五位神仙, 分别坐在五只仙羊上, 仙羊口衔稻穗,神仙把稻穗赠与当地老百姓并教他们如 何种植 ,从此广州便成了一片富饶的土地。于是广州就 有了“羊城”的由来。
• 从字面上来看,“ goat” 就是汉语中“羊”的相关词。 在汉语中“羊”意味着温顺和善良的含义,而在英语中 却有不好的含义,指一个不正经的老人,甚至可以说是 一个色鬼。
1. Mechanical interpretation • 久负胜名的大东海水如碧、沙如脂、景如画。 Dadonghai is a famous scenic spot and a gift given by nature, the sea like jade, the sand like rouge, the scenery like picture. Dadonghai is well-known for its clear water, white sand and picturesque scenery.
• 考虑到英文不同的表达方式,正确的译文 应该如下: Mount Putuo has long been known as a “botanical garden on the sea island” for its variety of plentiful and luxuriant vegetation, as its climate is mild and damp in all four seasons due to its location in the subtropical marine monsoon region.
正确的译文是:It was built in the eleventh year of Yongping of the Eastern Han Dynasty. (68A.D)
• 由于不同的思维方式和文化背景,同样的词可能在源语 言和目标语言中具有不同的内涵。例如:“羊城”被错 误地译成“City of goats” ,
二、复杂句子简单化 • 以下是从景德镇的介绍中抽出的一个例子 (SL):感悟人生,感悟泥性,感悟瓷韵悠悠 (TL):Feel the life, feel the porcelain, and feel the history 正确的译文应该是:Touch the clay, know the history, and feel the life.
花港观鱼 Viewing Fish at Flower Pond
柳浪闻莺 Orioles Singing in the Willows
Three Pools Mirroring the Moon
Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill
Tourism is one of the most prosperous industry, China, as a big country, not only boasts a long history of civilization but also demonstrates a great deal of modern vitality. It attracts a lot of tourists from all over the world. However, Due to the culture difference between the West and China, the translation about tourism appears a variety of problems.