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1.一般在原级后加er 构成比较级,加est构成最高级。

e.g. small smallersmallest

young younger youngest

2.以不发音的字母e 结尾的形容词,直接加r 或st 构成比较级和


e.g. nice nicernicest

late laterlatest

3.以辅音字母+y 结尾的形容词,变y为i ,再加er 或est, 构成


e.g. busy busierbusiest

heavy heavier heaviest



e.g. hot hotterhottest

big biggerbiggest


e.g. good betterbest

bad worseworst

many more most

littleless least

far fatherfarthest


Long _____ wide ______fat ____

heavy ______ slow ______few____

bright______ far ______ many_____

happy____ nice______ much ______


slow ____thin _____ clean_______

big ______ cold ______ young______


1. Bob is _________ than Ben.

2. Sally is not as ___________ as Ada.

3. Which is _________ , a hen or a chicken?

4. How _________ is Sally?

5. A dictionary is much ______________________ than

a story-book.

6. An orange is a little ______ than an apple, but much ________

than a watermelon.

7. My home is much ______ than his.

8. You look much ______than before.

9. This dish is _______________ than the cake.

10. My room is _________ than your room.


1.Bob is ___________ than Tom.

A tall

B taller

C talles

2.Which is ___________ a monkey or a zebra?

A heavy

B heavier

C heavyer

3.He is much ________ than Sally.

A good

B better

C best

4.Ben is ________than Peg.

A popular

B more popular

C popularer

5.This question is ________ than that one.

A easy

B easier

C easiest

6.The chair is _________ than the door.

A more expensive

B expensiver

C expensivest

7.The basketball is ________ than the football.

A big

B bigger

C biggest

8. Her dress is _______ than my dress.

A beautiful

B beautifuler

C more beautiful

9.She is __________ than my sister.

A old

B older

C oldest

10.My hair is _______ than your hair.

A long

B longer

C longest

11. The flower is ____ than the bees.

A many

B more

C most

12. My aunt drives much _____ than my mother.

A better

B much better

C best

13. Winter is ______ than autumn.

A cold

B colder

C colder

14. My brother is _____than my sister.

A busy

B busier

C busyer

15. The pig is ____than the bird.

A fat

B fatter

C fattest



old__________young________tall_______long________ short________strong________big________small_______ fat_________ thin__________heavy______light________ nice_________good_________beautiful________________ __ low__________high_________slow_______fast________
